My Ringing Cedars Conference
by John Kovacs
From the left: John Kovacs, Vladimir Megre,
John Haberfield |
I have just returned from The Ringing Cedars Conference held in Belek, Turkey and thought I could share my experiences for those who may be interested.
I was going as a participant but also to document proceedings by way of video, which I organised earlier with event staff. Television/documentary camerawork and editing is my usual occupation in Australia.
John Haberfield, my good friend/colleague and I flew in with two camera kits for the shoot.
In my experience, the camera crew usually has access to otherwise out of bounds areas, so I felt quite privileged and in a position, as it turned out to view proceedings from afar as well as up close with the author.
On the 10th of Oct we arrived in Belek at the Belconti Resort and we met the organizational committee of Ringing Cedars. Many people were registered from countries around the globe. Most were of Russian origin but Ukraine, USA, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Iraq, UK, Hungary, Cypress, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, and of course Australia were also represented.
A conference with such diverse cultures is bound to have some initial challenges however navigation, accommodation, and communication issues were soon resolved.
My hope, like most was to meet with the author himself and this happened on just the second day. We shot an interview with Vladimir Megre with questions prepared and asked by Regina Jensen, Ph. D., editor of the magazine "Space of Love". Mr. Megre was extremely accommodating however time didn't allow for all her questions.
Conference Day of October 12. |
On the 12th and third day I went swimming at the beach, which is always so refreshing for me. I had a thought that I would see the Author there and as coincidences corresponding with the books occur, we greeted one another, in true Aussie style with somewhat more subdued surf in the background.
The conference proper began that same day at 10 am and Mr Megre confidently walked in and began to speak. Anton Kadantsev and Peteris Spels form Latvia translated for the English speakers.
I had given my questions to the organising committee previously and after his brief introductory speech Mr. Megre began answering all these, one after the other. I felt quite honoured and fortunately have the camera tapes to look back on.
Many other questions were also asked or written down and translated and the author seemed to be filled with energy and conviction answering most of the questions in a four-hour stint without a break. I leave it to your own thought as to where his energy and enthusiasm originates.
I was also very fortunate to have the opportunity to interview participants about themselves, their experiences, Kins Domains, and eco villages. Most were at some stage of building their dreams and I believe the sharing of these ideas will prove incredibly valuable on an international scale.
One of the agendas at conference was to prepare a document for the governments of the world proposing the concepts Anastasia sets out throughout the series.
I got the feeling on the fourth day that Vladimir Megre in his address was leaving this responsibility to the group, as if to hand over the reigns to us. Mr. Megre called this conference "the first meeting of the United Nations" which felt very appropriate.
Antalyan Seashore at dawn. |
There are ways to regain energy very quickly and the resort offered a beneficial area to us, the ocean. On this particular occasion Mr. Megre suggested we all go swimming and specifically asked for the video cameras to be taken. I believe this was so rejuvenating and cleansing for all, in such playful surrounds.
The 15th of October was again a special day indeed. I had prepared questions earlier but these were misplaced so I frantically thought up new ones, which perhaps Anastasia had a hand in. The author asked for these especially so again I was in a privileged position.
Anastasia talks about negative energies and dark forces on numerous occasions. I believe the participants and I witnessed a manifestation of this at one particular group session. It was as if these forces entered certain participants who were so lovely just prior to the moment. I don't believe there is a need to dwell on the negative actions just to say we need to realize when this occurs and learn how to counteract it. In our situation we joined hands, stood in a circle and filled the space with love until calm returned.
During final interview with V. Megre. |
Our 3rd and final filming of an interview with Mr. Megre was perhaps the most comfortable and the questions weren't from me directly however upon conclusion he asked me for a question out of the blue. I was taken aback and for a moment went blank. I finally thought of the patriotic question "Has Anastasia been to Australia and does Mr. Megre have any plans to visit?" After all the intelligent questions I'd heard from participants throughout the previous days, I thought what sort of a question is that, but for some reason Mr. Megre spent a long time answering. I haven't had the answer translated yet but I can tell all the readers, expect the author in the near future and to the question regarding Anastasia; I can confidently say Australians have been blessed, as do all the readers who feel her presence.
I recall entering the conference for the first time feel a little alone and in a foreign environment, but then I remembered something a wise man once said when he experienced the same sensation. He thought, "Here are a bunch of friends I haven't met yet". I would like to thank all my friends of The United Nations who were so kind and sincere. I also pay my respects to the Latvian team, in particular the Camera crew of Andris and Tatjana who were a sheer delight to shoot along side and were so inspiring.
The DVD is currently being prepared in various languages and should be completed within 2 months. It will be available through the Ringing Cedars web site.
I plan to write another article in the coming weeks, containing the questions and answers given in Turkey. Mr Megre had some amazing insights and explanations for us all.
Blessings to all,
John Kovacs
Candlelight Pictures
Canberra Australia
To Be Continued...
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