
Родовое поселение «Заповедное»
Поселение "Заповедное" создано в 2010 г. Сейчас строят свои Родовые поместья около 10 семей.
Места очень тихие и спокойные, отсюда и название поселения. Часто можно встретить диких животных.
Со стороны шоссе и магистралей растёт лесной массив. По краю поля с одной стороны граничит лес, с другой берёт начало река Сежа.
Недалеко от деревни находится чистый родник с вкусной водой.
Взору открываются живописные просторы нашей земли. Наша земля уже даёт плоды в виде грибов и диких яблонь, калины.
Мы организовываем выезды на землю.
Контактная информация: 8-910-700-45-66 - Женя.
http://www.poselenia.ru/poselenie/1192; http://zapowednoe.ru/

Закон о Родовых усадьбах Брянской области" окончательно принят во втором и третьем чтениях
На состоявшемся в четверг, 30 июня, тридцатом заседании Брянской областной Думы местные депутаты в числе всего прочего приняли Закон "О Родовых усадьбах".
Теперь у жителей Брянской области появилась возможность совершенно законно создавать свои родовые поместья.
Напомним, что идея эта рассматривалась брянскими законотворцами в течение более чем полугода. По мнению властей, законопроект будет способствовать привлечению людей на землю, возрождению традиции трудового воспитания в семье.
Основная цель его - подстегнуть развитие сельских территорий, дать "вторую жизнь" вымирающим деревням и исчезающим с лица земли посёлкам, количество жителей в которых порой не превышает 10 человек.
Один из главных разработчиков нового закона - председатель аграрного комитета Брянской областной Думы Иван Медведь - уточнил, что принятый документ позволит землевладельцам заниматься не только сельхозпроизводством. На землях сельхозназначения со статусом Родовой усадьбы можно будет сажать сады, благоустраивать пруды, строить здания.
"В Брянской области не обрабатывается 195 тыс. га пашни. Принятый закон предоставляет возможность получить безвозмездно до 10 га землю не только селянам, но и горожанам для создания родовой усадьбы, для строительства одного или нескольких домов, для разведения сада, огорода", - пояснил по этому поводу губернатор Николай Денин.

Родовое поселение «Казацкий хутор»
Поселение строится на базе села Чмеривка. Раньше было 250 дворов. Сейчас живет 30-40 человек. Свободной земли много. Земля вместе с домами покупается у сельских жителей.
Село электрифицировано. В каждом дворе колодец. Дома разные, от полностью развалившихся до кирпичных в хорошем состоянии. Хозяйство тоже может находится в разном состоянии.
Село полностью окружено лесом. Между лесом и селом луга. Полей вокруг села нет, разве что за лесом. Ширина леса 2-5 км. Местность в основном холмистая, хотя можно найти и ровный участок.
Рядом (5км) есть речка и пруд (1 км). В самом селе можно почистить бывшие пруды и сделать действительно большие центральные пруды для купания и рыбной ловли.
Село не проезжее, без достопримечательностей, тихое и спокойное.
Стоимость земли в расчете за 1 гектар: 50000 руб.
Дороги внутри поселения без асфальта, но с твердым покрытием почти по всему поселению.
Контактная информация: +38 093 521 1726 Иван
Почта: eve@i.com.ua
Images Copiright: http://blog.malyshev.com.ua/
Посетите форум "Звенящие Кедры", где вы можете поделиться своим мнением о книгах Владимира Мегре, обсудить идеи изложенные в них, поделитесь своими впечатлениями.
Вашему вниманию предоставлены следующие темы:
Opinions - идеи Анастасии в книгах Владимира Мегре. Поделитесь своими мыслями.
Let's get to know each other - Отдел где вы можете создать свою анкету с информацией о себе и вашу личную страничку, если вам есть чем поделиться.
Health - Поделитесь своим опытом в теме "Здоровье".

These Promotions are available worldwide from the following warehouses: USA, Canada, Europe.
Only in January receive Free cedar pendant for orders $80.00 and over!!!
The free cedar pendant will not appear in your shopping cart, the circle cedar pendant will be added manually after you finalize your order and we receive it in our system. The revised invoice will be emailed to you. If you would like to receive an oval pendant instead, please write it in the comments part of shopping cart, call or e-mail to us.
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PREORDER: Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil Enriched with Cedar (Pine) Resin
and receive ADDITIONAL 5% OFF
Estimated arrival - February 2012
Additional 5% discount on the price of Turpentine Balsam is applied on top of quantity discounts on this product!!!
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil, 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Resin.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
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1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Siberian Cedar Resin. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Siberian Cedar Resin vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: The extract is made by inserting Cedar Resin in the Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil and is kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the Resin. Its another name is Turpentine balsam.
3. Q: What is Cedar Resin Extract beneficial for?
Cedar Resin Extract has a lot of energy, it is a perfect anticeptic, strengthens the immune system and it's great for skin. It promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. Resin Extract is great for infections, viral diseases, colds, soar throats.
The Cedar Resin Extract is also beneficial for:
- all types of catarrhal diseases
- bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases
- skin and stomatological diseases
- diseases of the nervous system
- diseases of the locomotor system
4. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of Cedar Resin Extract causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Estimated arrival - February 2012
Double/full, dimensions: 38 in x 76 in (99 cm x 191 cm).
King/Super King, dimensions: 76 in x 80 in (193 cm x 203 cm)) |
Your healthy sleep for the entire night.
For the followers of a healthy life style and admirers of mountain fresh air, the cedar comforter will become a real treasure.
Made from a thoroughly purified film of cedar nuts, the cedar bedding products have remarkable orthopedic properties. It is flexible enough to provide firm yet comfortable support to the neck and spine which results in a deep, restful and healthy sleep.
The cedar nut film delicate aroma is able to create a virgin vastness of Altai Mountains and Siberian Taiga in your bedroom immersing your body and soul into atmosphere of comfort and coziness giving you refreshing rest.
Cedar nut film is a perfect temperature isolator, and because of this fact, the cedar bedding products keep thermal balance of the body protecting you from hypothermia at cool times and hyperthermia in heat.
The high hydroscopic properties of cedar nut film enable the cedar bedding products to absorb and remove extra moisture from your body. This property and the healthy thermal effect prevent accumulation of extra body fat.
The health benefits of a cedar comforter are immense:
- Antimicrobial properties of the cedar nut film purify the air in your bedroom
- The cedar film is rich in essential oils and phytoncides. The essential oils in the cedar nut film, get absorbed into the blood steam with every breath you take and expend your arteries, which allows for a much quicker blood circulation; and therefore is wonderful for prophylactics of various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
- Cedar comforter helps to eliminate depression, stress, and improves performance capabilities
- It lowers fatigue, normalizes arterial blood pressure and eases the symptoms of asthma and allergies.
- The antioxidants found in cedar nuts and cedar nut film, neutralize the toxins produced by your organism. At the body temperature of 36-37 C the antioxidants are easily absorbed by the skin leaving it younger.
- The folk healers believe that the cedar comoforter has fantastic healing properties, and when it is placed against a painful bodily area it has the ability to minimize the pain syndrome.
- The bioenergy healers claim that cedar comforter creates natural energetic shell of 1 meter radius that can protect your family from the harmful emissions of computer and home electric appliances.
Produced from a natural material, this comforter does not have any contraindications and prevents accumulation of static electricity.
Qualities: Cedar comforter under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" has a distinct Cedar nut smell, possesses antiseptic qualities, and is of a medium softness.
Uses: For the full benefit of a healthy sleep.
Consists of: Fabric - 100% flax. Content: dried, extremely thin layer that exists between the nut and the shell of a Cedar nut. Fully natural and ecologically clean components.
Cedar Comforter has a great history in ancient folk medicine. Healers believed that Cedar has a variety of different benefits:
- Relieves nervous tension.
- Assists in deep relaxation.
- Assists in deep healthy sleep and rest.
- Assists in stress relief.
- Gives a feeling of morning freshness.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes blood pressure.
- Decreases pain in both spine and neck areas.
- Cedar ethers mobilize spiritual aspects of a Human being.
Cedar comforter under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" is a unique product which carries the purity and power of the Cedar forest. It is made in consistence with ancient technologies.
You can use one comforter as a mattress and cover yourself with another one. You will surround your body with a magic of cedar forest!
Supply is very limited.
Comforters sizes:
Double/full, dimensions: 38 in x 76 in (99 cm x 191 cm).
King/Super King, dimensions: 76 in x 80 in (193 cm x 203 cm)
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KEDRA TOOTHPASTE Gift Set (Buy 3 get 1 FREE)

Canada, British Columbia
"Phoenix Naturals", 211 Blaine Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 2L7, Canada
e-mail: candace@bewelldrink.com
Tel: 604-312-8147

Wangaratta, Australia
"Plant and Food Medicine", 26 Faithful st, Wangaratta VIC,3677, Australia
e-mail: info@plantandfoodmedicine.com
Tel: 613 5721 9139

Sherman Oaks, CA
"Lotus Consulting Service Inc.", Lilia Kilimnik, 5205 Buffalo Ave, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91401, USA
Tel: 818-905-0740

Canada, British Columbia
Nutrilife Health Food, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6C7
Tel: 778-285-3588

Canada, British Columbia
770 Spruce Ave., Victoria
Tel: 250-370-1818

Buena Vista, CO
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, 411 E MAIN ST, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211, USA
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, providing holistic healthcare from different practitioners. Karen Lacy the owner offers QNRT (Quantum Neurological Reset Therapy), Allergy Reduction Conductive Laser Therapy, Bio-Energetic Bodyscanning, Anti-gravity Field Balancing, Ionic Footbaths. We carry the Ringing Cedars of Russia products.
Call us at 719-239-2007

The books have touched my heart so much, that now I feel the need to spread the word. The message is strong in the books and it needs to be heard!
Don Rivers, Sydney, Australia
* * *
When I started reading these books a feeling of tranquility and peace came over my whole being. My life can be wonderful and it was meant to be! These images and stories that Anastasia invited me to be a part of showed me that long ago people were much more in tune with cosmic energies, nature and most importantly, themselves. I now strive to be like my ancestors, to look at life through the eyes of not just a human being but a grand creator. There are images and feelings instilled in these books that give one a sense of remembering and a comfort the there is a way to revive the ancient ways. She inspires us to once again connect with the Universe in all its beauty and splendor. I thank her for helping me want to change the world into a beautiful and loving paradise once again. Thank you Anastasia!
Kathryn McNain, AB, Canada
* * *
I cannot begin to tell you how reverent I feel towards Anastasia, the Ringing Cedars and all that are connected to it. Even as I type, my typing is different.. more gentle.
Alice Sutton, Merseyside, U.K.
Siberian pine nut oil keeps me energized through the day. Going through chemotherapy I was not able to get out of bed, my life was miserable until I discovered your product about 4 month ago. I feel like I was reborn.
Anna Fish, Canada
* * *
I absolutely love the logo on the pillow, and the aroma is so sweet. My sleep is now deeper than before and more calm. I wake up every morning feeling refreshed to start my day. I have also gotten many compliments on the pleasant aroma of my hair.
Cindy Hollow, OH, USA
* * *
The energy of the Pendant is felt as soon as you put it on. It is so powerful. I feel the unique connection to Anastasia and the Universe. Thank you Ringing Cedars for making a change!
Bob Gordon, B.C, Canada
Very organized and neat packaging. Been with ringing cedars of Russia for many years and satisfied.
Samantha Berver, Toronto, Canada
* * *
The quality of customer service is always outstanding. Reps are polite and helpful. They create pleasant experience with every call.
Timothy Evens, London, U.K.
* * *
My order arrived super quickly. I look forward to getting the Cedar Resin, I see that you are all sold out. Also, thank you for prompt responses when I email.
Peter Tyson, Forks, WA

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Эксклюзивный эко-журнал "Сотворение" (Санкт-Петербург)
Расскажите о себе, вашем экопоселении и РП на страницах журнала "СОТВОРЕНИЕ" в рубрике "Сотворение ЭКОПОСЕЛЕНИЯ" и «Сотворение ПОМЕСТЬЯ»: живая зелёная изгородь, какие и как деревья и кустарники можно и нужно в неё сажать, редкостные растения посадите на дачном участке и просто о том, что ВАМ интересно, заслуживает внимания большинства читателей этой целевой аудитории.
Выпущено 4 журнала (8 номеров), тираж 500 экземпляров объемом 104 стр. Цена 80 р. + стоимость пересылки до вашего города. Журналы высылаются после 100% предоплаты.
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Этот журнал награждён дипломом выставки "ЭкоЭкспо-2004".
Влада Москварцева.
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