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Use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products for prophylaxis and improving the health of the population

E. L. Poteryaeva, PhD, Head of the Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases, Professor.
N. G. Nikiforova, PhD, Professor in the Department of Human Ecology and occupational Diseases.

Novosibirsk State Medical Academy
Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases


At the present, environmental pollution has reached a critical level. The increased content of various toxic substances and heavy metals in the atmosphere, water reservoirs, and soil facilitates their entry and accumulation in the human organism.

The intensive and prolonged effects of ecologically unfavourable environmental factors can lead to an overload of adaptational systems and the development of premorbid and morbid conditions. In addition, when many modern food products undergo industrial processing, they lose a large number of valuable nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements, and are supplemented by various additives in the form of preservatives, bleaches, fillers, etc., which increases the load on the basic defensive systems of the organism.

In conditions of modern pressures that are not only technogenic but also medicinal, the search for preparations of natural origin for the "gentle" correction of the conditions in question is especially topical. Cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name may be included in these preparations.

Environmental situation in the world

Health of Population

In the past few years, the environmental situation has essentially not improved, in spite of the fact that, as a whole, the international community has assumed the obligation to reduce the emission of hazardous substances into the atmosphere and the discharge of polluted sewage into surface water sites. For the absolute majority of large, medium, and even small cities, typical problems include air pollution, the neutralization and recycling of toxic industrial waste products, and radiation protection.

In many cities, the pressing issues are those of the pollution of surface waters, and the pollution and exhaustion of subterranean waters, while the problems of preserving the fertility of soils and lands are topical for all countries.

In a number of regions, anthropogenic loads have long ago exceeded the established norms, and a critical situation has arisen in which significant changes in the landscape are occurring, the exhaustion and loss of natural resources is taking place, and the conditions of life for the population are becoming significantly worse. These regions include the largest cities of the world and industrial centres. They exert a negative influence on the environmental state of neighboring regions.

In this regard, more than 60% of the world's population lives in cities where specific indices of environmental pollution to a unit of area are too high. Thus, for a unit of area in a large metropolis, approximately 114.04 tons of hazardous substances per square kilometre are emitted into the atmosphere, and 1480.15 thousand cubic metres of polluted sewage per square kilometre are discharged into surface water reservoirs.

The atmospheric route for the entry of toxic substances into the human organism is the leading one, since, in a twenty-four hour period, a person consumes approximately 15 kg of air, 2.5 kg of water, and roughly 1.5 kg of food, and in addition, when inhaling, chemical elements are absorbed by the organism the most intensively.

Health of Population

On the basis of data respecting levels of atmospheric pollution by various chemical substances, data obtained using a method of expert evaluations, it has been determined that the largest group of the population is subjected to the influence of suspended matter, among which first place is occupied, according to the extent of its influence, by benzopyrene, followed by nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, carbon disulfide, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and styrene.

For a number of regions, typically present in the air are substances specific for the emissions of individual industries (asbestos, vinyl chloride, heavy metal salts, lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel, copper).

The basic polluting substances contained in the air of almost all cities include suspended matter, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and phenol.

Expert evaluations of environmental risk as the probability of a negative influence of polluting substances on the health of the population have shown that the general annual number of cases of death from atmospheric pollution by suspended matter is equal to roughly 16,000 cases for a population of 15 million persons, which comes to 5% of the annual cases of death.

The most dangerous for the health of the population are increased concentrations of suspended matter, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, benzopyrene, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and vinyl chloride.

The basic source of the pollution of the atmosphere of cities by lead is automobile transport that uses leaded gasoline. The percentage of samples exceeding the maximum allowable concentration increases in proximity to motorways.

In addition, in the past few years, almost all surface water-supply sources have become exposed to pollution. The quality of subterranean water used for the water supply corresponds on the whole to the standard requirements, however their pollution is also increasing.

The quality of potable water in countries is not improving, every third person who uses central water-supply systems receives water that does not meet sanitary requirements according to a number of indices.

Investigations show that only 1% of water samples from surface water-supply sources correspond to Class I (the water does not require special processing), while 17% of the samples cannot be assigned even to Class III.

The presence in centralized water-supply sources of highly toxic organic compounds, heavy metal salts, petroleum products, phenols, chloroorganic compounds, and other polluting substances in concentrations that exceed sanitary standards in the face of the insufficient "blocking" capability of operating water-treatment plants creates a serious danger for the health of the population, and leads to bodily diseases.

Environmental dependence of diseases

At the present time, the increase in the frequency of the following chronic pathological processes is considered to be directly or indirectly related to the growing influence of the unfavourable factors of an industrial society:

  • Chronic illnesses of the respiratory organs
  • Genetic and congenital defects
  • Chronic poisonings and drug complications
  • Malignant tumours and blood diseases
  • Chronic diffuse diseases of the liver
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, and ischemic disease of the heart
  • Neuroses, neurasthenia, and vegetative vascular dystonia
  • Caries and atrophy of the gums
  • Disturbances of vision and hearing
  • Increase in the mortality rate from cirrhosis of the liver of toxic and chemical etiology and tumour processes
Health of Population

Changes in the structure and nature of the pathology of modern people in many respects is related to global technogenic transformations and environmental pollution. The human organism, exposed to the influence of harmful factors, is constantly required to mobilize its compensatory-adaptive mechanisms, whose reserves are limited and with time may become exhausted. In the end, the intense and prolonged influence of ecologically unfavourable factors of the environment may cause an overstrain and breakdown of the organism's adaptational processes, and thereby facilitate the development of premorbid and various pathological conditions of a person, which bear more and more pronounced features of environmental dependency (A).

By analogy with natural focal diseases, one can speak about a relatively new and little studied phenomenon - the focal nature of the ecological pathology of a person. An epicentre is distinguished, where the basic sources of continual environmental pollution are located. Further, several zones (a minimum of two) are located around the epicentre. In the zones beyond the epicentre, the harmful influence of production factors is indirect, more delayed and altered.

With regard to the origin and prevalence of the focal point of socio-environmental stress in one zone or another, the following classification of environmentally significant diseases may be distinguished (A):

  • Indicated environmental pathology - reflects a high degree of dependence of a health condition on environmental pollution (occupational diseases, oncological diseases, perinatal mortality, congenital pathology, genetic defects, allergic diseases and reactions, toxicological injuries);
  • Environmentally dependent pathology - reflects an average degree of dependence on environmental pollution (infantile mortality, mortality of young children, general child mortality, secondary immunodeficiencies, neonatal mortality, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia in children, chronic parenchymatous lesions of the liver and bile ducts, aggravation of basic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems on days of an abrupt worsening in the meteorological situation in cities);
  • Environmentally conditioned pathology - reflects a moderate dependence on an environmental state (spontaneous miscarriages, pathology of pregnancy, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia in adults, morbidity with a temporary loss of the ability to work, anemia in children, basic diseases of the cardiovascular system, increase in the prenosological indices of the measure of the risk of leading systemic diseases).
Human health

Environmentally significant pathology includes microelementosis. Microelementosis is the name given to pathological conditions caused by a deficiency, surplus, or imbalance of macroelements and trace elements. Despite the fact that diseases of this nature have long been familiar to clinical medicine (endemic goiter, iron-deficiency anemias, poisoning by some metals, etc.), they were not, however, distinguished by a unifying name. The overwhelming majority of diseases and syndromes of this class were almost not recorded, since clinically they passed under other "masks" (Skalnyy, 2000).

An extremely widespread and perhaps, in modern conditions, the most important group of microelementoses are the technogenic ones. Among them, especially well studied are the industrial, mainly, occupational diseases. Comparatively recently they were the object of the close attention of epidemiologists, who distinguished proximal microelementoses, i.e., diseases of people who do not participate in production itself, but who live in the vicinity.

In recent decades, the attention of not only scientists, but also the general public has been drawn to transgressive microelementoses. This term is used to define diseases that occur at a significant distance from the production zone as a result of the atmospheric or aqueous transfer of chemical hazards, in particular, microelementoses. Acid rain is a typical example of transgression.

Environmental pollution by toxic metals affects children first and foremost, since an intensive accumulation of various harmful elements occurs even in the placenta. This leads to the appearance of congenital deformities, a reduction in immunity, the development of many diseases, often with a synchronization of the pathological process, and a delay of mental and physical development. A generation of weakened people grows up susceptible to infection with a high risk of developing ischemic heart disease and cancerous pathologies.

Thus, environmental pollution makes a very substantial contribution to the development of premorbid and pathological conditions. The universal mechanisms of a disturbance in homeostasis play a role in the development of these conditions: the activation of free-radical oxidation together with a reduction in the reserve of endogenous antioxidants, a reduction in immunity, a deficit of essential trace elements, etc.

Contemporary concepts regarding the methods of prophylaxis, rehabilitation, and treatment in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors

The basic consequences of environmentally caused disturbances may be separated into three basic blocks (B):

  • An environmentally caused increase in the frequency of complications in pregnancy and childbirth, spontaneous miscarriages, congenital anomalies in development and genetic defects, prenatal, perinatal and infantile mortality;
  • An environmentally caused increase of immunodeficient states and the morbidity of children because of chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, oncological and allergic diseases, and diseases of the blood, liver. and kidneys;
  • An environmentally caused increase among the adult population of the frequency of oncological processes, occupational diseases, chemical hypersensitivity, and latent chronic poisoning, secondary immunodeficiencies, chronic diseases of the systems of the respiratory and circulatory organs, diseases of the liver and blood, and dystrophic processes.

At the present, it is well known that, in conditions of environmental danger, the most widespread diseases are those of the organs and systems that function as barriers on the border of the two environments - the internal and the external.

Three basic lines of defence may be distinguished (B):

  • The skin, blood, and lymph, lungs and mucosa of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract;
  • The liver and immune system;
  • The excretory system (kidneys, bile ducts, stomach, bowels, the skin, lymph flow).

The basic goal in the prophylaxis of premorbid and morbid conditions is the synchronous control of the basic metabolic, detoxifying, and protective functions of the liver, the immune system, and the excretory organs.

Grounds for the use of cedar nut products for population health care in the conditions of an unfavorable environmental situation.

Composition and properties of cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark

Cedar nut oil is obtained from the cleaned nut by the method of cold pressing by wooden presses, which makes it possible to preserve the entire complex of its useful components.

The oil of the cedar nut contains: 95% lipids; 5% nitrogen compounds, of which 90% are made up of amino acids; vitamins: fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D), the water-soluble group B vitamins; macroelements and trace elements.

Lipids in cedar nut oil

Table 1. Content of unsaturated fatty acids in cedar nut oil

The tables present data from studies carried out in the laboratories of the Siberian Academy of Technology and the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy.

It is evident from the table that the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 2:1. A necessary condition is also the sufficient intake with the food of tocopherols, natural antioxidants, since the excess consumption of only polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to the activation of the processes of lipid peroxide oxidation. Cedar nut oil contains 55 mg of alpha-tocopherol.

Cedar nut oil contains a large number of complex lipids-phospholipids and glycolipids-which exceeds their content in all nut and oil crops. A distinctive feature of their fractional composition is the presence of cerebrosides that are nonspecific for vegetable substances. In contrast to simple lipids (fats and fatty acids), used as an energy material, complex lipids perform building functions and are used mainly as structural components of biological membranes.

Thus, the value of the lipid composition of cedar nut oil is determined by the high content and close to optimum relationship of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as by the presence of other factors of a lipid nature that possess a high physiological activity.

Vitamins and mineral substances in Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil

Cedar nut oil is a rich source of vitamins and mineral substances.

Table 2. Composition of vitamins in cedar nut oil

  • Vitamin A - the vitamin for growth and development;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - which regulates the oxidation of carbohydrate metabolism products, and participates in the metabolism of amino acids, the formation of fatty acids and influences cardiovascular, digestive, glandular functions as well as the function of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - which helps the organism in the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy and is essential to the formation and sustenance of the fabric of the organism; it increases sensitivity of vision to light and colour, has a positive influence on the condition of the nervous system, skin and mucous membranes, the functioning of the liver and blood formation;
  • Vitamin B3 (PP) (niacin) - participates in the processes of tissue respiration, improves carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the cholesterol level, normalizes the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a vasodilator action. Which is important for fat synthesis, protein metabolism and food-energy conversion; it acts to regulate the higher nervous activity, the cardiovascular system, the functioning of the digestive organs, cholestorol metabolism and blood formation;
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol), which influences the functions of the sex and other vascular glands, stimulates the action of the muscles, participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, facilitates the digestion of fats, Vitamins A and O, and also protects cell membranes from injury.
  • Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, ensures the absorption of these substances in the bowels and their deposit in growing bone, thus ensuring the strength of bones and teeth, and influences the permeability of cellular and subcellular membranes to calcium ions.

Cedar nut oil contains a complex of the most important macroelements and trace elements necessary for the normal vital activity of the organism (D).

Table 3. Composition of macroelements and trace elements in cedar nut oil

  • Sodium has an influence on the activity of practically all systems of the organism.
  • copper - which is involved in the functioning of the brain and is essential for the formation of red corpuscles;
  • magnesium - which is required for the formation of correct bone structure, and is also an important component of soft tissue;
  • manganese - which is essential for the tendrons and hormones and helps the organism take in glucose; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes in the reproductive process, as well as growth and fat metabolism;
  • silicon - which facilitates the formation and elasticity of the organism's connective tissue, and also participates in the calcification of the bones;
  • vanadium - which retards the formation of cholestorol in the blood vessels; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes, in the metabolism of glucose and fat, and in the development of bones and teeth;
  • potassium - which regulates the organism's water balance; it also assists in the normalisation of cardiac contractions and supplying nutrition to the muscle system;
  • phosphorous - which is involved in the formation and maintenance of teeth and bones and plays an important role in the activity of the muscles and nerve cells and in quick energy release;
  • calcium - which is the main component of bones and teeth and is essential for blood coagulation, cell integrity and heart action; it is also important for normal muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • molybdenum - which assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and facilities prevention of blood deficiency;
  • nickel - a deficiency of which influences blood formation and retrads growth, along with changes in the content of iron, copper and zinc in the liver;
  • iodine - which is part of the hormones of the thyroid gland and is essential for full metabolism processes;
  • tin - a deficiency of which in the organism may lead to retardation of growth;
  • boron - a deficiency of which can weaken mental alertness and the capacity to bear physical burdens;
  • zinc - which plays a vital role in the restoration of tissue, normal skeletal growth and muscle contraction, and also helps in healing wounds and contributes to the normal functioning of the prostate gland;
  • iron - which is the most important component in hemoglobin and protein.

Apart from the micronutrients listed above, cedar nut oil also contain barium, titanium, silver, aluminium, iodide, cobalt and sodium.

Health-improvement potential of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil in conditions involving the influence of harmful environmental factors

Siberian Pine Nut Oil enriched with resin

Because of the richness of its chemical composition, cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand has wide latitude of beneficial action on the organism.

The regular use of cedar nut oil enriches the diet with many indispensable nutritional factors - polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, macroelements and trace elements.

The oil of the cedar nut has a beneficial influence on metabolic processes in all tissue structures of the human organism.

The fatty acid composition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil is characterized by a high content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The necessity to observe a balance between the different classes of fatty acids is well known. The World Health Organization recommends adhering to a ratio of from 4:1 to 10:1, in this case one should strive to increase the portion of omega-3 fatty acids, since an excess of omega-6 fatty acids does have worse consequences for health.

In Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil, the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids comes to approximately 2:1. Regular use of unsaturated fats makes it possible to reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. An increase in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the lipid spectrum of the blood plasma impedes the further formation of atherosclerotic platelets and can contribute to their reverse development.

The high content of vitamins A and E in cedar nut oil gives it the properties of a natural antioxidant. In recent years, the problem of lipid peroxide oxidation and formation of free radicals has been attracting considerable attention in population health care fields. In normal conditions of vital activities, many important metabolic and physiological processes occur with the formation of free radicals. They are involved in the accumulation and biotransformation of energy, ensure the detoxification of some foreign compounds, participate in the work of the nonspecific immunological protection system of the organism. Within a standard, the intensity of the processes of free-radical oxidation is supported at a specific level by a complex antioxidant defence system.

Siberian Cedar Nut Oil

The contamination of the external and internal environment of the organism by toxic substances, constant psychological and emotional stress, significant physical loads, the use of a large quantity of refined carbohydrates and animal fats in food all lead to the exhaustion of the natural antioxidant defence systems and the excessive activation of free-radical oxidation.

When free radicals enter into chemical reactions, they damage fermentation systems, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, and lead to disturbances in cell function, they are considered to be the culprits in many acute and chronic illnesses as well as the premature aging of the organism.

Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil is an effective natural antioxidant, and may be used for the prophylaxis of any illness whose onset and development is related to the activation of the processes of free-radical oxidation.

Cedar nut oil is traditionally used in the treatment of catarrhal diseases as a general fortifying remedy and one that increases the nonspecific immune defence. It is used in the form of oil irrigations or it is taken internally. Vitamins A, E, B, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and trace elements, which form part of cedar nut oil, exert a softening and antipyretic action on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and strengthen the processes of regeneration in them.

The ability of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil to accelerate the processes of the regeneration (restoration) of mucous membranes is also made use of in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil may be used externally for the cleansing, nourishment, and protection of the skin on all parts of the body. Cedar nut oil dissolves readily and removes all impurities, and provides valuable nourishment to the cleansed skin. In this case, it is good to combine the external application of cedar nut oil with its use in food in order to act on the skin "from the inside."

The use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil thus creates the conditions for an improvement in the functional condition of the skin, and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract - the organs of the first line of the organism's defence in conditions of ecological danger.


Modern studies of the food allowance have revealed substantial deviations in the structure of the diet of the population from the formula of a balanced diet: a deficiency has been noted in micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and an entire series of organic compounds of plant origin; with regard to macronutrients, the food allowance is deficient in proteins and dietary fibers, and has an excess of animal fats.

The existing deficient structure of the diet exerts an unfavorable effect, first of all on the defensive strength of the organism - there is an increase in the risk of the development of different environmentally caused diseases.

Modern science possesses persuasive data to attest that, with the use of functional nutrition, it is possible to support an optimum level of vital activity and avoid many illnesses.

Siberian Cedar Nut Oil

Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement are manufactured according to modern conserving technologies, which make it possible to preserve all biologically active natural components in their primary form.

The series of health-improvement products based on Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil includes Cedar nut oil and Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin (Turpentine Balsam)

Thus, functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products - cedar nut oil and cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin - are composed of a harmoniously balanced complex of biologically active substances, which exert a combined versatile action on organs and systems that are critical for the maintenance of the cleanliness of the internal environment of the human organism.

Functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia products - cedar nut oil and cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin - consist of natural components, they do not contain preservatives or toxic substances; and therefore, there are no contraindications to their use, with the exception of any individual intolerance to separate components.

The high biological activity of the natural components of cedar products under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name and the complex action of balanced nutrients are responsible for the health-improvement properties of these products in conditions of the influence of harmful environmental factors.

The use of Ringing Cedars cedar products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement is recommended for the inhabitants of large cities and environmentally unfavorable regions for prophylaxis and rehabilitation in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors by maintaining the function of the liver and the immune system, as well as the organs of the excretory system.


(A) Gichev, Yu, P. Human health as a basic bioindicator in an environmental monitoring system. Novosibirsk, 1994.
(B) Gichev, Yu, P. Environmental pollution and human health. Moscow-Novosibirsk, 2002.
(C) The influence of environmental pollution on human health -Materials of the First All - Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation. Edited by Professor Yu. P. Gichev. Novosibirsk, 2002.
(D) Obukhova, L. A. Products intended for health improvement and prophylaxis. Novosibirsk, 2003.

Updated and revised version.

Novosibirsk State Medical Academy
Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases
Novosibirsk 2004

Image Copyrights:

Translation Copyright (c) RingingCeadrsofRussia.org

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What People Say About This Product:

I have just placed my second order for Siberian cedar nut oil because it is a miracle product. I ordered the product a month ago after doing research on the net for my father who lost 21 pounds from massive gastrointestinal problems. I pre-diagnosed him before his endoscopy, and he started taking the oil a week before his endoscopy.

He was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and gastritis. Remarkably, after only taking cedar nut oil for one week, they also found a healing ulcer. The doctor couldn't believe it. I am so happy to have found this product because my father was unable to eat due to extreme nausea, chronic belching, stomach pain and lightheadedness. He is now on the road to almost a full recovery and is eating again.

I want to thank Siberian for this miracle product and for answering our prayers. You saved his life! I am now spreading the word and want to share my story with everyone who is in need of a product that will answer their prayers as well.

Thank you,
Alicia H., Orange County, CA

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I have taken the cedar nut oil. I had 3 superficial stomach ulcers and gastritis. I took the CNO 2 tsp. 3x a day w/out taking Nexum prescribed by dr. I went to get my Endoscopic procedure on Dec. 19 and I was told no more ulcers and no gastritis. I told the dr. what I was taking and he was amazed by the results. Walked away shaking his head and saying to "There wasn't an even a trace of ulcer".

Regina Iannuzzi Sprague

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I have been suffering with chronic stomach distress and digestive issues for several years. Over the counter remedies were not addressing the issues, the pain was so severe I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with having gastritis. I was given a course of antibiotics for 10 days, but the pain, nausea and severe bloating had not subsided.

I decided to take an active role in finding alternative methods and came across Siberian Cedar Nut Oil and ordered the Cedar Nut Oil and the Cedar Nut Oil with Resin. I followed directions in dosage and within 3 days I had no more pain, nausea and bloating. My symptoms had totally disappeared. Cedar Nut Oil and Cedar Nut Oil with Resin is extremely powerful and they really work to restore balance in the digestive system.

I am absolutely pleased with the product and the results/benefits of taking Siberian Cedar Nut Oil and Cedar Nut Oil with Resin. Whenever I have a flare-up I take Cedar Nut Oil.

Thank you for such a wonderful product.

Patricia, Elkton, MD, USA

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V.P. Zhuravlev

People have been aware of the healing properties of cedar oil for a long time. Russian cedar nuts were exported to England and other countries as early as the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The price of cedar oil on the world market has always been high. Demand for cedar oil was never satisfied. So what gives this product its healing properties?

Cedar oil proteins contain 19 amino acids, of which 70% are vital. Vitamins in the oil help the human body to grow (vitamin A). They stabilize the central nervous system, improve blood composition and favorably affect skin tissue (vitamins B and D). The oil is very rich in vitamin E (tocopherol - from the Greek for "bearing offspring"). Studies have shown that sables are unable to reproduce if their ration does not include cedar nuts. The oil is very rich in vitamin P: it contains three times as much vitamin P as the product called "Vitamin P" made using fish oil. Vitamin P is made up of vital fatty acids, which help to reduce the level of cholesterol in your bloodstream and prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

However, the main "surprise" in cedar oil is that its chemical composition is similar to human citamins! Citamins are a new class of medication containing biologically active additives, which are a balanced set of biologically active substances with organotropic effects, extracted from animal tissue, which contain physiological concentrates of mineral substances, microelements and vitamins in an easily-digestible form.

As a result of 25 years (1971-1996) of scientific and clinical studies carried out by the St. Petersburg institute of bio-regulation and gerontology, a method for integrated prevention of age-related pathologies, slowing down ageing and increasing life expectancy, which includes homeostasis correction by using peptide bio-regulators, was developed.

Despite not being peptide bio-regulators, citamins nonetheless have a massive health-improvement capacity. An important aspect of citamin therapy is the fact that the body's recovery takes place at the DNA and RNA level. It should be noted that according to World Health Organization (WHO) assessments, peptide medications are considered to be the medication of the 21st century, and some popular science publications have labeled citamins "anti-ageing tablets".

The biological value of Siberian cedar nut oil is determined by the high content of the following in its composition:
- polyunsaturatedThus, the similar chemical composition of cedar oil and citamins leads us to the thought that the cedar is an equivalent of animals, including humans, in the world of plants. Cedar oil itself could be considered to be a plant citamin. Given these facts it's easy to see why the cedar has long been a symbol of health and longevity and why its healing properties are so strong.

Used by permission
Copyright http://www.CedarInfo.info/

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Customer Reviews:

The oil is just amazing a miracle the digestive problems I have experienced now for over 20 years has improved 100 percent in just two months of taking cedar nut oil daily, alternating between one teaspoon or one tablespoon. It is just brilliant for skin too.

Jean Grosvenor, London, U.K.

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Dayenne CA U.S.A.

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I bought 500 ml bottle of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil and had it in my refrigerator. One day my lower back was in such excruciating pain (probably from preparing my garden plot) that I was in tears; I have a fairly high pain threshold, so this was very painful. My son remembered the Cedar Nut Oil and rubbed some on my back.

Instantly (not a few minutes or hours later, but instantly) the pain vanished.
Truly amazing! Thank you.

Maureen, U.S.A.

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Our Unique Production Technique:

The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:

A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.

Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.

Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:

We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.

Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.

Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.

Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.

Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.


Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.

The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).

Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.

Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.

Copyright: http://www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org/


cedar nut recipe

At Delfina in San Francisco, Craig Stoll serves this delicate, fresh-tasting sauce over house-made nettle pasta. Nettles, which grow wild in many parts of the West, have small stinging hairs when raw, but once cooked, they're safe to touch.

1 pound stinging nettles* (or use 1 1/2 qts. coarsely chopped mustard greens with stems and ribs removed, plus 1 lb. baby spinach leaves)
12 ounces tagliatelle pasta
1/3 cup unsalted butter
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
About 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2/3 cup toasted cedar nuts


1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Meanwhile, fill the sink with water. Wearing rubber gloves, pull nettle leaves from stems into sink. Swish to rinse; drain. Add nettles to boiling water. Simmer until soft, 3 minutes. Drain, rinse with cool water, and squeeze out water. Whirl in a food processor until smooth.

2. Cook pasta as package directs. Meanwhile, melt butter over medium heat in pot used for nettles. Whisk in nettle puree, salt, and 1 cup hot pasta water; keep warm over low heat.

3. Drain pasta, reserving about 2 cups water. Add pasta to pot of sauce and toss with 3/4 cup parmesan, half of cedar nuts, and some reserved water if needed so it's loose-textured. Transfer to a shallow bowl and sprinkle with remaining cedar nuts and a little more parmesan if you like.

*Find nettles at farmers' markets. (They grow wild in many areas too.)


1 1/2 pounds green beans, trimmed
2 tablespoons cedar nut oil
2 large cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/3 cup (about 2 ounces) cedar nuts
salt and pepper


1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the green beans and cook until just tender, 3 to 5 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the cedar nuts and cook until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Drain the green beans and transfer to the skillet. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and toss to coat. Transfer to a serving bowl.

Make-Ahead Note: This dish can be partially prepared up to 2 days in advance. Blanch the green beans by boiling until tender. Plunge them into an ice bath to stop the cooking. Drain and refrigerate, covered, until ready to sauté with the garlic and cedar nuts. Cook the green beans until heated through.


Beans, greens, and mango turn this healthy recipe into a 12-gram high-fiber fiesta. But the eclectic flavors--tropical mango, spicy Dijon, and buttery cedar nuts--will drive that healthy fact right out of your mind and make you re-think your idea of what a fruit salad can be.

2 c chopped fresh mango
1/3 c fresh orange juice
2 Tbsp cedar nut oil
2 tsp grainy Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
4 c shredded Romaine lettuce
1 c finely shredded red cabbage
1 c thinly sliced scallions
2 cans (15 oz) cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 c raw cedar nuts


1. In a mini chopper or a blender, puree 1/4 cup mango, OJ, oil, mustard, salt, and pepper.

2. In a large bowl, combine lettuce, cabbage, scallions, beans, remaining mango, and cedar nuts. Toss gently. Add vinaigrette and toss just before serving. Divide evenly into four salad bowls.

Servings: 4



For more recipes please click here

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This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/cedar_nuts_and_ringing_cedars_information.php



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I am so so delighted to have been lead down the path of The Ringing Cedar series :) I can't wait to read all of them and to purchase some cedar for my children and I to wear to! We are very much in need of some healing right now.

Tanya Eichel, Massachusetts, USA

* * *

The ringing cedars books are truly life changing! The true inner beauty of what Man is and can be is revealed...

Ken Burrows,UT, USA

* * *

I know about Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars books for more than 8 years and I resonate with everything she says. I love her and her work. I will recommend your website to many people and if it is possible connect it to my soon to be created web site.

Pavlina Gogueva, USA


When I did my first order I was simply delighted to receive and try out these products and they did not disappoint! I could feel the effects of the Cedar Nut Oil immediately. The experience was of an accelerated thought process, mind you I am very sensitive and this may have played a role in my experience.

I also got the Pine Power, simply delicious. My only regret is I went through them to quickly, so this time I'm ordering a larger amount. Enjoy and Be Well.

LeeJames Coles, Bondi, Australia

* * *

Siberian cedar nut oil keeps me energized through the day. Going through chemotherapy I was not able to get out of bed, my life was miserable until I discovered your product about 4 month ago. I feel like I was reborn.

Anna Fish, Canada

* * *

Dear Friends, since you have sent the ordered products to me, I want to let you know how happy I am with the Cedar Nut Oil, the Cedar Nuts and now the pillow. When I unpacked it, I was so touched ( I had tears in my eyes) because it's so beautifully made...I thank you and let you know how grateful I am. Best wishes and Godspeed.

Petra, Yelm, Washington, USA


* * *

...I will be placing another order right away and I appreciate the discount!
I also meant to tell you what outstanding customer service your company has!! Top notch!


* * *

I just received my products. Just wanted to say "thanks" and that I'm thrilled with your service. Good job guys!!!

John Bennett, USA

* * *

We just wanted to let you know that we are very impressed with the high degree of service that you and your team have given us.

Ben Johnson, UK

For more reviews please click here.

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