PmWiki uses a number of directives to specify page titles, descriptions, page keywords, and control the display of various components.
(:attachlist NAME:)
shows a list of attachments of the group or page NAME. (:attachlist ext=xxx:)
specifies an extension for filtering by type of file.
(:description text:)
<meta name='description' content='...' />
element in the page output.)
(:keywords word1, word2, ...:)
<meta name='keywords' content='...' />
element in the output.)
, (:nolinebreaks:)
to cause text lines to automatically join again.
(:linkwikiwords:), (:nolinkwikiwords:)
(:markup:) ... (:markupend:)
is not required when using (:markup:)
(:markup class=horiz:)
and (:markup caption='...':)
(:noheader:), (:nofooter:)
(:noleft:), (:noright:), (:notitle:)
(:redirect PageName:)
(:redirect PageName status=301 from=name:)
option can be used to return a different HTTP status code as part of the redirect. The from=
option limits redirects to occuring only on pages matching the wildcarded name (helpful when (:redirect:)
is in another page).
(:spacewikiwords:), (:nospacewikiwords:)
(:title text:)
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Can I get (:redirect:)
to return a "moved permanently" (HTTP 301) status code?
Use (:redirect PageName status=301:)
Is there any way to prevent the "redirected from" message from showing at the top of the target page when I use (:redirect:)
If you want to suppress the message...
$PageRedirectFmt = '';
in your local/config.php
$PageRedirectFmt = '';
to a local/ or local/group.php file (see PmWiki.PerGroupCustomizations).
if (@$_GET['from']) { $group = PageVar($_GET['from'], '$Group'); if ($group == 'SomeGroup') $PageRedirectFmt = ''; }
Material with Vladimir Megre
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