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THE EARTH - Online Monthly Newspaper of the
"Ringing Cedars" movement.

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This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.


Eco-village KOVCHEG [The Arc]

on the 1st Channel of Russian Television

Kin’s domains and a new life in Russia on Channel 1

More and more Russians are preferring an existence out in the middle of nowhere to city life.

The city is the undoing of people.  The advocates of a new movement, and more accurately—a movement from the metropolis to the countryside—are convinced of this.  As a rule, these people choose deserted land and begin to build a new life there from literally nothing.

And, what is the most interesting, the majority of these settlers were in the past successful businessmen, actors, and white-collar employees.

A report by Ekaterina Kachur:

If you ask anyone whose home is the most beautiful here, without batting an eyelid they will answer: Oleg Malakhov’s.  This very same Malakhov who is applauded by opera goers when, as Lensky, he falls on the stage, slain by Eugene Onegin’s bullet.  By the way, it is difficult to recognize the timid Lensky in this young peasant who built his log house with his own hands.  And not so long ago even the actor himself would not have been able to imagine that he would exchange city life for the backwoods, and his cozy apartment in Moscow for a hectare of land demarcated by a line of pegs.

Oleg Malakhov, the settler: “When we arrived here, we still had nothing: only a small tent.  That is how our construction began.”

Six years ago Oleg came to this land with his wife as one of the first settlers.  Today already 80 families have settled in this open field of Kaluga Province.

It would seem that it is only 140 kilometres from Moscow.  But after a strong rain not a single car is able to drive in here.  You can get here only by foot and find yourself in an absolutely different life, where people do not swear, do not smoke, and do not lock their doors when they leave the house.

So, after collecting the harvest and not locking her door, Oleg’s wife Lena— in the past also an actress—heads off for the communal building, the first dwelling that appeared on this land.  The settlers built it together with the same enthusiasm as though they were building the Baikal-Amur railway (the great Soviet construction project) or opening the virgin lands.

In the settlement there are also former businessmen, high-ranking officials, musicians, and models.  The inspired tenor Aleksey holds the title of Master of Sport in wrestling.  In the settlement he is also responsible for the physical training of the young boys.  The onus for the musical education of the girls rests on the shoulders of the teacher Natalya.  After their common classes, all forty children scatter to different homes.  In each home the educational programme continues.  Fedor and Elena Lazutin give a class in “mathematical gymnastics.”  In the past, Elena was an economist, Fedor was an entrepreneur.  They are the ones that everyone considers to be the pioneers.  They are the ones who gave a course on the new society—people who love the land and each other.

Fedor raises bees and teaches the new settlers how to build simple but solid houses.  Only the Internet links him to the city, just as it does for the family of physicians Maksim and Olga Sidorov, whose third child was even born in this house.

All of them have passed through the tumultuous life of the city, and they insist that the metropolis robs a person of his freedom.  And only here—on the land—can one leisurely and with pleasure watch the fruit ripen and the children grow.  For that reason they believe that the number of people fleeing the countryside will become much smaller than those who are returning to their roots.



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