www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org - official web-site of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia".
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The official representative of "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" is www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org - including forums, latest news on the "Ringing Cedars" movement world wide, monthly news letter, weekly updates and all type of products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name.

International Reader's Conference with Vladimir Megre, Author of the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series - www.ringingcedarsconference.com

"Source of Life Association" - www.sourceoflife.ca - Association of Co-creators. Main forum for the readers of books by Vladimir Megre in English.

Official site about the author Vladimir Megre: www.vladimirmegre.com. The site is collecting informationss about the author and his works.


www.RingingCedarsofRussia.eu - The official representative of "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" in Europa (English).

Belarus Bulgaria Canada
  • www.Anastasia.ca - Website about Ringing Cedars book series in English. Join our forum for discussions with the existing community of readers.

  • www.EnergyofLife.ca - Authorized distributor of Siberian Cedar products in Toronto.





  • www.kedrovka.ru - E-mail list Kedrovka archive, includes links to eco-villages and readers' clubs Russia-wide.
Ukraine U.S.A.

Worldwide projects

  • The Earth - worldwide online newspaper of the Ringing Cedars movement in English.

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