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Kin's Settlement "Blagodarnoe"
Our settlement was founded by people who love the land and want to live on it. Each family in our settlement creates not only an ecologically friendly personal farm on its own parcel, but a Space of Love for itself and its children, a Space where our children grow with an understanding of Nature and respect for it, and where we ourselves learn to listen to it and understand it.
In 2016, 13 families spent the winter here! Electricity has been brought in to all the parcels. Here, within the settlement, 3 kilometres of roads have been constructed out of the 4.5 we need. We have a children's playground and are planning a school!
In our life in the settlement, we strive to realize the following principles and plans:
1. Jointly-made decisions about general issues, mutual help and assistance.
2. The main administrative authority is the general meeting. A decision is made by voting, with 75% of the votes.
3. The reduction of a negative influence on the environment. Refusal to use chemical fertilizers and plant protection agents.
4. Natural parenting, conscious approach to raising and educating children.
5. Humane treatment of animals.
6. Healthy nutrition.
In BlagoDarnoe there are 28 unoccupied parcels left, and we would be happy to see new neighbors, families who share our principles, ideas and interests, and who will here find land to their liking.
Our Contacts:
Sergey Sarafanov:
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Free Far Eastern hectare
The "Far Eastern hectare" is now available to residents of all regions of Russia.
Since the beginning of February, all citizens of Russia may, free of charge, become the owners of land in the Far East. We are speaking about the so-called "Far Eastern hectare." Previously, only local inhabitants could apply.
Today, a Far Eastern hectare may be acquired by any citizen of Russia. According to information from the Russian Public Opinion Research Centre, approximately 6% of Russians firmly intend to obtain parcels for themselves. Another 7% are thinking about it. All in all, this is more than ten million people.
Until now, only local residents were entitled to obtain a parcel free of charge. An application for the so-called Far Eastern hectare may be filled out in any area of Russia without even leaving the house. There are no restrictions on the landowners - they can engage in residential construction, farming, or tourism. The main thing is to begin developing the hectare within five years.
The first to take advantage of this right beginning in June 2016 were inhabitants of the Far East. More than 42 thousand applications were received, 9 thousand in Primorsky Krai. On the whole, land is being acquired for the construction of a residence, the creation of subsidiary farming and various forms of business - from eco-farms to tourist centres.
"From 12:00 midnight, in the first several hours of February 1, approximately 750 applications came in from citizens of other regions of Russia. In the Far East, there is a total of 610 million hectares. The area that we have cleared and are able to offer to citizens comes to 180 million hectares. We will increase this area. Even starting with today's 180 million hectares, if every citizen of the Russian Federation receives one hectare each, there will be enough land," assures Yuriy Trutnev, the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.
The southern part of Primorsky Krai, its picturesque coast and sea teeming with fish, has always attracted people. The first Russian settlers in the 19th century settled on the shores of the bays and straits for good reason. And now, many of the persons wanting to receive a "Far Eastern hectare" have selected precisely these areas—25% of all applications to obtain land in Primorsky Krai are received for Khasansky District. The application for land may be filled out and a parcel may be selected on the site надальнийвосток.рф. Many inhabitants of the Far East have already taken advantage of this resource.
The rapid development of the new lands should also be facilitated by the preferential terms for obtaining mortgage loans by the landholders. The state is allowing five years to develop the land. If the owner will not be using it, the parcel must be returned. The "Far Eastern Hectare" federal program will be in operation until 2035.
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Change in the Perception of the Anastasia Books Over Time
I read the first books when I was 20 years old. They made a great impression, and I told all my relatives about everything I was reading. The question of the truth of the information and its authorship did not interest me, either then or now. I accepted it and believed immediately. Under pressure from me, even my parents began to read them, and they managed a couple of the books. They regarded them with skepticism. They had many questions about the unreality of what was described: mosquitoes in the taiga, life without a house, and other things. But nothing bothered me, all this even amazed me. What was important was the information. We discussed it, argued about it. How can someone live in the forest when it is cold, slushy, without light, without people, without anything? There was no answer, because we were looking for it in the everyday urban world. Would I be able to live without all that? Well, not at that time, that was that.
But the thought about the way of life revealed to me took firm hold. First, I wanted to start a family, and then, together, start thinking in that direction. I worried about finding an understanding person, who would not just brush the idea aside. I was lucky, and the ideas me and my husband shared were the same.
There was a great deal in the books that was simply incomprehensible: this included Anastasia's abilities and her stories about our society's lifestyle... yes, a great deal, and it really seemed to be fantastic. And our explanations whirled around in circles.
After reading the books, our feelings were very powerful, but there was no distinct understanding... We realized that it was necessary to do the things Anastasia spoke about, and then perhaps there would be clarity.
A few years ago, we began to build our domain, and now we have re-read the books, probably every year, attentively, with due regard for the details, as a genuine handbook for action, and not just a fairy tale.
During the first year, we were bewildered. We came up against the complexities of life outside the city. And what had looked easy in our mind while still in the city, in reality looked completely different. You have to work a lot on the land, there were no miracles - we came to our first conclusion then - we had to make a miracle. Well, fine: work, plant, build. But just where was the abundance, the paradise? In what?
We started to re-read the books yet again. And the first glimmers of understanding began to appear that it was not the place or the idea itself that got things done. You could even live your entire life in a domain and not feel any changes. I can honestly say that the thought was frightening. It seemed that the change of our place of residence would resolve all our questions. But we needed to change our lifestyle itself, our thoughts, our actions, and not just the place. That became clear, but what did we need to do specifically? Broaden our comfort zone.
By this time, our comfort zone had more or less been determined. We had gradually transitioned into eating raw food. That was not discussed straightforwardly in the books; they very discreetly talked around the topic of nutrition. But Anastasia's manner of nutrition itself openly spoke of eating raw food. And from that moment, we re-examined a great deal. We found answers to many questions.
Each time you re-read the books, you find minutia and finer details that were previously not noticed. Forward motion is like that: until you have passed one level, you will not get to the next. If you get bogged down in understanding something somewhere, then the next thing will not be revealed. So, there is still a great deal ahead.
The very image of Anastasia changed in our conception of her. If previously the image was unattainable, wonderful, soft and tender, now a more vital image had formed: a living person, fairly solid, sometimes even tough, who had really thought through everything very precisely, practically, and logically, on her own level of feelings and thoughts and at her own speed, to which all of us were very far away, but closer than before.
An idea must simply be brought to fruition, as Anastasia noted so precisely. Sometimes you happen to come upon a thought that this idea has become obsolete, that everything about it is clear, or it is not complete enough. From my own feelings, I am able to say that the idea's full revelation is still distant. And the meaning of the phrase, "we will not get to the truth by crawling," becomes clear. So, we must run. The more of us there are, the faster we will understand the fullness of Anastasia's idea.
Ksenia Sakharlenko, Tsvetushchy Sad Kin's Domain, Krasnoyarsk Krai
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Kin's Settlement "Veselaya Slobodka"
The Veselaya Slobodka Settlement of Kin's Domains is accepting new settlers. We have unoccupied parcels for your Kin's Domain.
Our group already numbers about fifty families. We are young at heart and young in spirit. There are many young families and children, and we will try to increase this number even more.
More than 80 hectares have been purchased for private ownership, and we have a great opportunity to increase this amount to the limits determined only by our spirit and our strength.
We invite motivated people with fire in their hearts and questing in their souls to join us, people, who hold dear the ideas described in the books of Vladimir Megré from the Ringing Cedars of Russia series.
If you are seeking your own little piece of the Homeland and want to join a happy, young, friendly, and energetically developing group - we are waiting for you! Welcome!
Our Contacts:
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Ringing Cedars Of Russia's Facebook Community
Ringing Cedars of Russia has created Official Facebook community, which allows Ringing Cedars' friends to share knowledge and ideas, instantly interact with other members, and receive occasional news and updates.
Please fill free to engage in social discussion or leave feedback on our "Wall". The "Wall" section will be periodically updated to include the latest news on variety of health related topics.
For those who have already joined, we appreciate your show of support and interest in our work. Help us spread the word and expand our community further; by recommending our Facebook page to your family and friends.
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Art by Kumar Al'zhanov
"Aliens and Anastasia"
"Over the Domains of Russia"

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please send us your poetry and art inspired by Anastasia ideas. The best will be published in our monthly online Newsletter and Facebook. We accept your artworks at
Cedar Nut Oil in The Treatment of Heartburn
One of the indisputable virtues of cedar nut oil is its successful use for the treatment of heartburn.
In itself, heartburn is not a disease. Not always, but fairly often, it is a symptom of serious illnesses of the gastrointestinal tract, or can lead to such illnesses if it is continually ignored and the person thinks that "it will go away on its own." In any case, the sensations from heartburn are extremely unpleasant and annoying. A burning sensation in the area of the solar plexus or behind the breastbone wears us out, does not let us work normally or relax peacefully. Heartburn prevents us from thinking about anything else but the heartburn itself.
Of course it is essential to get rid of heartburn - to be in a good mood and have better health. But how? With the help of the natural remedy - cedar nut oil.
Why does heartburn occur?
It occurs most often because of high (increased) acidity of the stomach contents. Our mucosa is irritated by corrosive hydrochloric acid, which causes the unpleasant burning sensations.
Heartburn may also be experienced by people with low stomach acidity because they have an extremely sensitive stomach and esophagus. As already mentioned, heartburn may be a symptom of more serious disorders - gastritis, and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. For this reason, if you have been "tormented" by heartburn, you should see a doctor to exclude any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
A separate topic is heartburn during pregnancy. Most often, this occurs in the second and third trimester and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. This type of heartburn occurs because the baby is actively growing, squeezing its mother's organs and making it easier for gastric juice to enter the esophagus.
Finally, a cause of heartburn may be an improper diet, with an excess of fatty, fried, and spicy food. This type of insult to the body leads to a weakening of the tonus of the esophageal sphincter, which stops holding back acid. The acid is discharged and - hello, heartburn! Even the healthiest person will certainly experience heartburn with a regular unhealthy diet.
How can heartburn be cured at home using cedar nut oil?
Begin your treatment of heartburn with your diet. Cedar nut oil will definitely help you with treatment if you help yourself a bit as well. Watch yourself, and eliminate products that cause you heartburn. For someone that may be coffee, for someone else, whole milk, for yet another person, smoked sausage or citrus fruits. If you are bothered by heartburn after every instance of consuming food (irrespective of the presence of a specific food product), prepare yourself for a stricter diet. Gastroenterologists recommend:
1) to abstain from fatty, fried, sour, salty, spicy, and smoked foods;
2) to abstain (even temporarily) from coffee, chocolate, strong tea, and alcohol;
3) not to overeat, but consume food often but in small portions;
4) not to eat foods at very high temperatures;
5) not to lie down immediately after eating;
6) not to do strenuous physical exercises, not to jump and not to run at least a half-hour after eating.
How should cedar nut oil be taken to treat heartburn?
Take one tablespoon of cedar nut oil 15-30 minutes before eating. The duration of the treatment is one month, although severe heartburn will diminish after several days.
After a month, a strict diet need not be observed, but the general recommendations of physician nutrition specialists are nevertheless worth following. For preventive treatment, it is sufficient to take one tablespoon of cedar nut oil a day - for example, one half-hour before breakfast. An excellent option is to add cedar nut oil according to taste to salads and other dishes.
It is very important to note that, since it is, at the same time, a natural medicine and food product, cedar nut oil does not have any contraindications for its use both as a food as well as for preventive medical purposes. The secret of treating heartburn using cedar nut oil lies not only in the fact that the gentle oily substance coats the walls of the stomach and esophagus, but also in the unique composition of cedar nut oil, which is impossible to synthesize.
Cedar nut oil makes the entire body more healthy, namely:
- it strengthens the immune system;
- it has a beneficial influence on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
- it demonstrates an anti-inflammatory effect;
- it stimulates the release of hormones that assist in absorbing nutrients and suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid;
- it restores the body's nutritional balance.
And finally, we had a good reason to dwell on the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy separately. Cedar nut oil is a completely natural product without any contraindications (except for extremely rare cases of individual intolerance), which is extremely important during pregnancy, when synthetic pills and preparations are not advisable and are prescribed by physicians with more caution than usual. Cedar nut oil will assist not only in coping with the bother of heartburn, but will also have a general strengthening effect on the body of the future mother and her child.
Ksenia S. Selezneva, PhD, Gastroenterologist, Dietitian and Nutritionist
Customer Reviews:
I once tried [company name removed] cedar nut oil and I was not satisfied. I started to buy Siberian cedar nut oil from your company for over 3 years. It is the best product on the market as it completely solved my H. pylori problem.
John Kuc, USA
* * *
I have taken the Siberian Cedar Nut Oil for one week. I stopped my Nexium the very first day I started the Cedar Nut Oil. This product is awesome. I have hardly any heartburn, nausea, GERD. I can hardly wait to see what I will feel like after a month. Thank God that a natural product works so well.
Kay Metzger, USA
* * *
For the first three weeks of taking 1 tablespoon/day cedar nut oil, everything tasted different. After the first three wks of use, I feel better, no longer have heartburn, many aches/pains have vanished and I have more energy. The flavor is mild too.
Connie Voss
Buy Genuine Siberian Cedar Nut Oil for $35.80:

Cedar Nut Oil - A Natural Weight-loss Supplement
Physician nutrition specialists and internists consider cedar nut oil to be an effective weight-loss supplement. The medicinal properties of this unique natural product in the treatment of various illnesses is well known, and the general fortifying qualities of this product are no secret. But not everyone is aware of the reasons why cedar nut oil assists in losing weight while preserving and even improving health. Let's have a look!
What happens to the body of a person who has set himself or herself the goal to lose weight and has gone on a diet? The body experiences stress! Its usual "daily routine" suddenly changes: instead of its familiar food products, it unexpectedly begins to receive completely different foods and in quantities that are not the same as before. One could say, "Well, what do you know - stress! We can take it," if there were not that single very important "but." When you go on a low-calorie diet, you and your calories begin to receive fewer unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and trace elements than you require. The stress that your body experiences from the change in its food ration begins to intensify from a lack of the macroelements and trace elements that are vitally essential for the normal functioning of your systems and organs. The reproductive, nervous, cardiovascular, and hormonal systems begin to suffer. It turns out that, in your striving to shed excess weight and improve your health, you, on the contrary, are damaging your health. Is there a way out of this paradoxical situation? Yes, and that way out is to use cedar nut oil as a natural and trusted weight-loss supplement, a supplement whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in practice by popular and conventional medicine.
How is cedar nut oil beneficial for losing weight?
First of all, there is the presence of arginine in the product - a conventionally essential amino acid. Arginine is well known to fitness enthusiasts, who use it as a food additive, since this amino acid facilitates the reduction of the fatty layer and the growth of muscle tissue. It should be immediately emphasized that cedar nut oil and the arginine it contains will not help to improve the shape of a person who sits on a chair all day and spends the evening lying on a couch. This must be understood!
Second, cedar nut oil contains vitamins A and E. Each of these separately, as well as together in a complex, these vitamins of beauty and youth are powerful antioxidants. In the process of losing weight, they will maintain the elasticity of the skin and will help to maintain its tonus. You must agree that a person who has lost weight but who has flabby skin looks very unpleasant. In addition, vitamins A and E are essential for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. It is not by chance that gynecologists and endocrinologists designate an excessively low percentage of body fat as one of the main risk factors influencing the level of reproductive hormones in women. The use of cedar nut oil will help you to lower these risks. And it goes without saying that you will have beautiful hair, for which vitamins A and E are essential!
Third, cedar nut oil is a source of linoleic acid, which, according to the data of some scientists, reduces the appetite. Its use ensures the production of a number of hormones that send the satiation signal to the brain. If you take a teaspoon of cedar nut oil before eating, you will suppress your appetite and so you will eat less. It is important to note that this method is especially good with fractional eating, while the "oil consumption" procedure will help you follow the diet prescribed by the nutritionist.
How exactly do you use cedar nut oil to lose weight?
1. Take one teaspoon of cedar nut oil one-half hour before eating. For a fat-free food portion, the dose is increased to one tablespoon. With these doses, the oil can be taken during a meal, but not with hot dishes, only cold.
2. A green salad may be simply seasoned with cedar nut oil. Especially since cedar nut oil is considered a delicacy, fairly tasty with a pronounced nutty aroma. It is excellent in combination with garlic, spicy herbs, and lemon.
3. This method is very original: take cedar nut oil with coffee. This will be suitable when using one of the intermittent fasting systems. In the morning, drink a cup of coffee (not hot), but prior to this take one tablespoon of oil. Eat nothing else before dinner. Count 8 hours from dinner time, and during this "window" eat your daily food ration. Then follow this with a 16-hour fasting "window" and in the morning, oil and coffee again.
4. To lose a few kilograms quickly, instead of eating, take one tablespoon of oil three times a day and drink two litres of water. Use this extreme method only when absolutely necessary!
So, let us sum up. With the help of cedar nut oil you will lose weight without experiencing stress. You will lose weight pleasurably and while benefiting your health. You will not only get rid of excess kilograms, you will become younger and better looking. The main thing to remember is that even a unique natural product such as cedar nut oil is not a panacea for excess weight. You will obtain the maximum effect from using this natural weight-loss supplement if you follow the diet selected for you and do not forget about physical activity!
Ksenia S. Selezneva, PhD, Gastroenterologist, Dietitian, Nutritinist
Customer Reviews:
Cedar nut oil is good. My doctor and I both use it with good success.
Dennis Hildebrandt, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
* * *
I love the pure cedar nut oil. I get nervous when I run low! I take it in the morning and at night, both internally and topically. It makes a world of difference!
Daniel Macintyre
* * *
I have just received the cedar nut oil. I must say the effect and the taste is amazing! This is the freshest oil I have tasted yet. Thank you very much for providing such wonderful product!
Anna, USA
Buy Genuine Siberian Cedar Nut Oil for $35.80:

- 1/4 teaspoon saffron threads
- pinch of salt
- 1 stick / 4 oz / 100 g butter
- 2 tablespoons cedar nut oil
- 6 medium shallots, chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- scant 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon red chile flakes
- 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
- 1/4 teaspoon+ fine grain sea salt
- black pepper
- 1/2 pound / 8 oz / 225 g dried pappardelle egg pasta
- 1/2 pound / 8 oz / 225 g asparagus, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds
- splash of cream
- 1/2 cup / 2 oz / 60 g cedar nuts, toasted and chopped
- 2 tablespoons roughly chopped mint
- 2 tablespoons roughly chopped parsley
Place a large pot of water over high heat and bring to a boil. In the meantime, use a mortar and pestle to crush the saffron and salt into a fine powder. Set aside.
To make the spiced butter: Place the butter and cedar nut oil in a frying pan and cook the shallots gently for about 10 minutes, or until they soften and the butter browns just a bit. Stir in all the spices, the salt, and a bit of freshly ground black pepper, remove from heat (but keep warm).
Salt the water generously and cook the pasta per the package instructions, or until al dente. Barely thirty seconds before the pasta has finished cooking, add the asparagus. Drain and return the pasta and asparagus to the pot. Stir in the saffron salt. Pour about half of the spiced butter over the pasta, add a small splash of cream, and toss well.
Serve the pasta in a large bowl, or divided across plates, sprinkle with cedar nuts and herbs.
Serves 4 - 6.
- 1 large head of broccoli (1 1/2 pounds), cut into 1 1/2-inch florets, stems peeled and sliced 1/4 inch thick
- 1/4 cup cedar nut oil
- salt
- Freshly ground pepper
- 1 1/2 tablespoons cedar nuts
- 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon minced shallot
Preheat the oven to 400°. On a large baking sheet, toss the broccoli florets and stems with 2 tablespoons of the cedar nut oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast the broccoli in the oven for about 30 minutes, tossing halfway through, until browned and tender.
Meanwhile, in a small skillet, toast the cedar nuts over moderate heat until light golden all over, about 4 minutes.
In a small bowl, whisk the lemon juice with the shallot and the remaining 2 tablespoons of cedar nut oil; season the dressing with salt and pepper. Scrape the broccoli into a serving bowl. Add the dressing and toasted cedar nuts, toss well and serve.
- 1/2 pound ricotta-stuffed ravioli
- 1 bunch thin asparagus, cut on deep bias (angle)
- 10 ounce bag organic peas, thawed overnight in refrigerator
- 3 - 4 big handfuls baby spinach, washed (any stems removed - optional)
- a couple splashes of cedar nut oil
- 1/2 cup cedar nuts, toasted
- fine grain sea salt
- Parmesan cheese, for garnish
Prep all of your ingredients ahead of time - cut asparaus, wash spinach, etc.
Into an extra-large pot of well-salted boiling water add the raviolis. After a few minutes, when a couple of the raviolis begin to float, add the asparagus and peas. Because the asparagus is thin and the peas aren't frozen, you'll need to cook them only for about a minute - really quick, just enough to brighten up the peas and give the asparagus a touch of tenderness.
Drain everything into a large colander. Immediately transfer to a large bowl, add the spinach and cedar nuts, and gently toss with a couple big splashes of cedar nut oil and a pinch or two of salt.
Serve in a big bowl or on a simple platter with a bit shaved Parmesan crumbled on top.
Serves 4 to 6
For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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Reading it and re-reading it, because it's that good. If you don't want to read all 9 books of this series, read at least the first one. Amazing info. So logically put, one wonders if we were living under a spell for so many years and why no one else came with these simple solutions that Anastasia explains and gives solutions to our modern problems.
Existing Customer, USA
* * *
On the opinion of a friend I read the first in this series. I must admit I did come away with a lightness, and smiles on my face. I am intrigued with many parts of the philosophy mixed in this unusual fairy tale like story. Actually it has caught me so much I have ordered the second book and I am currently reading it as I watch my sunflowers dance in the wind. Hope you enjoy it too and that you let its 'magic' of tantalizing your mind have some positive effect.
Ruth M. Schofield
* * *
This book was more than what I expected. It was strange at first what happened between Vladmir and Anastasia in the beginning, but if you look into the situation in a more spiritually profound way, you will see that logic and reason are not the decision makers in what falls into place. It is truly what is meant to happen for reasons that we may not understand. This book touches my soul and I will go back to it to use the techniques Anastasia suggests about gardening, spending time with little ones and more. These books are truly profound and amazing, thank you!
Virginia L. Caronna, USA
I tried this Cedar Nut Oil for GERD and was really surprised at how it helped with my GERD. Just place a tablespoon of Cedar Nut Oil in a small amount of milk I used Almond milk everyday 3 times a day for 2 weeks and it was amazing. There are many other uses but this one helped me.
Duane H., USA
* * *
Superior pure cedar nut oil. Helps to cure stomach ulcer issues in just days. Highly recommend this product to anyone. I'm a 110% believer now. No more Dr. pills - all natural cure!
Kim Cashwell-Murray, USA
* * *
I bought this cedar nut oil because I heard it was good for stomach and digestion issues. It arrived on time and was in good condition. I started using it that day and it's been really great. I either have a tsp of it with my meal or I use it as salad oil (great taste!!) I've even fried with it and it lent a great flavor to my dish . My stomach has not had any upsets from the meals that I ate and took/ate the cedar nut oil with it. Am very happy to have found this and will order again. Yes, it's a bit pricey, but I feel it's worth it! Healthy AND tasty: win-win!
Kev, USA
Really brilliant work you do in providing us access to such profound health support. In a world of human beware, that the bottom line is often the driver for all interaction, I feel blessed to connect with such honest decency.
Thank you,
Zanna Fidler, USA
* * *
I love this new article format [The Earth Newspaper], covering all subjects from diets, enzymes, how to make solar ovens, etc. I was reading for hours....I love that you are adding holistic information....just
Linda, CA, USA
* * *
Pleased to have found you. I heard about you from a friend that recommended your products for my ulcer. The quality of your oil is excellent and I enjoy talking to your representatives. Looking forward to my second package... should arrive soon. Thank you.
Richard Fleming, Paris, France
For more reviews please click here.

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The Earth online newspaper.

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Newsroom - Arthur Grom; Petr Kornev
Editor - Viktor Rod
Editorail Board - Igor Borodenko; Arthur Grom |
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