Cedar Nut Oil with Cedar Resin: Resin Extract
Mixing cedar resin and cedar nut oil gives resin extract in various concentrations, which possesses a more powerful medicinal effect than each of its components individually. Do you remember how Russian fairy tales describe the miraculous properties of dead and living water? This is what Alexander Pushkin writes in the fairy tale Ruslan and Ludmila:
And the old man stood above the knight
And sprinkled him with dead water,
And his wounds began to shine in an instant,
And the corpse radiated
with wonderful beauty; then the old man
Sprinkled the hero with living water,
And hale and hearty, full of new strength,
Quivering with young life,
Ruslan arises, gazing at the bright day
With avid eyes...
If the dead water was responsible for the reconstitution (regeneration) of the body's structure (the cells), then the living water directly revived that body (the cells). From this point of view, cedar nut oil fulfills a regenerative function, providing the body with all necessary building materials. While resin (in Russian zhivitsa, from the root zhiv-, "life, vital") plays the role of a powerful catalyst, increasing the rate of metabolism at the cellular level tenth full! So, it turns out that the fairy tale of dead and living water is not a fairy tale at all, because it finds corroboration in our lives in the form of resin extract.
Yes, resin extract promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. It allows heavy metal salts to be removed from the body. It is very wholesome for children because it provides for the most fully realized development of their growing bodies. It is used internally, applied for drips, massage, liniment, rubs, etc.
Resin extract is an effective natural antioxidant. It has a liver-protecting, antiulcerous, antiseptic, and antisclerotic effect, and also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, hastens healing, decreases the intoxication (poisoning) of the body in the event of the ingestion of chemical compounds. It has a general strengthening effect, reduces chronic fatigue syndrome, and increases the intellectual and physical capacity to work.
The regular use of cedar nut oil, and especially resin extract from RingingCedarsofRussia.org, restores the protective function of the cells on the molecular level(!), leads to the improvement of cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. It promotes the oxygen saturation of the organs and tissues, and activates the mechanism for the generation of new cells (linolenic acid), reduces or eliminates disruptions of lipometabolism, protects the skin from the harmful effect of water, and makes it supple (linoleic acid).
The inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals have for a very long time used resin extract for the treatment of purulent wounds, cuts, and burns. During the Great Fatherland War, turpentine was successfully used in military hospitals for the treatment of wounded fighters. The most serious and chronic injuries to the skin, including gangrene, were treated with extract. Pieces of skin impregnated with turpentine were placed on abscesses as a softening, stretching, and healing agent.
The use of resin extract from RingingCedarsofRussia.org protects the skin from aging and fading, makes it youthful, supple, and elastic. It is especially healthy for people who suffer from skin diseases, increased brittleness of the hair and nails, people who live and work in unfavourable climactic and ecological conditions, who are engaged in work that involves an elevated expenditure of energy and increased psychological and emotional stress.
In the preventive treatment of diseases, cedar nut oil may be used. One teaspoonful (non-metallic spoon) is taken internally on an empty stomach, 30 to 60 minutes before eating. If so desired and needed, the oil may be taken three to four times a day. There is no strict dosage, since cedar nut oil is a natural food product for people.
Resin extract is also used in those circumstances when a disease has already settled in our delicate organism and it needs help. Turpentines with a concentration of resin that is more than 50% are used externally!
When using cedar products internally, one obligatory condition should be met: ingestion takes place only during daylight hours. This is related to the fact that cedar nut oil, cedar resin, and other derived products are considered to be "alive" and, when they interact with the living, active human organism, make it possible to eliminate various diseases in a most effective manner.
At the present, a large number of statistics have been collected about diseases that are susceptible to treatment using resin extract:
- all types of catarrhal diseases;
- bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;
- skin and stomatological diseases;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- diseases of the locomotor system, etc.
Resin extract of the Siberian cedar is a unique product, whose spectrum and strength of action on the human organism is difficult to overestimate.
General skin care
In spite of its outstanding protective qualities and ability to regenerate, the skin is the most delicate and vulnerable organ of our body. After all, the skin works day and night without rest, frequently being exposed to excessive loads. However, by no means does it always have enough of its own forces to cope with these problems. For that reason, the skin undeniably requires regular and diligent care.
The use of resin extract from RingingCedarsofRussia.org is recommended for people with various types of skin. In the case of surface application, the extract is absorbed extremely well into the skin and has the following effects:
- it does an excellent job of softening the skin, making it more elastic and resilient, and preserves its natural moisture;
- it promotes the healing of wounds and erosions on the skin and mucous membranes following injuries, burns, and inflammations;
- it soothes and eliminates itching, redness, and swelling after allergic manifestations on the skin;
- it provides an excellent contact surface for massage;
- it gently removes surface pollutants (dust, cosmetics), and may be used to remove make-up, especially from the areas around the eyes.
Never put off caring for your skin until later, justifying it by a lack of time and money. It is much simpler and less expensive to halt the process of fading than to struggle with it later. Resin extract and cedar nut oil from RingingCedarsofRussia.org are wonderful gifts for your skin from Siberian nature. And if, for the time being, you are not immediately able to give up your favourite cream, tonic, shampoo, or facial mask, then add three to five drops of 5% resin extract to your product. Better yet: try the extract on your hands, rubbing them before sleep for a week. Once you are convinced of its effectiveness in practice, you will be able to put your complete trust in it.
N. Filimonova Ph. D.
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Novosibirsk, Russia
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Customer Reviews:
I have been using the Siberian Cedar Nut Oil with Resin as a facial moisturizer twice daily and the ravages of the sun are slowly disappearing. I use the oil without resin as a body moisturizer and use very little to get magnificent results...
Betty Lenora
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Been taking it[Resin Extract 10%] for about a week and a half and I have to say I feel amazing. I have been in a really really good mood and my stomach already is so much better.
Thanks for your help.
Mark Hawes, UK
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I have been using this for an ulcer which was not responding to other treatment. I have finally gotten blessed relief with cedar oil with resin. Shipping was fast too!!
Marleen Bolster, Laurie, MO, USA
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I just received my first order of your cedar nut oil w 5% resin. I have already finished my first bottle (I ordered the special order 3 and get the 4th for free) - and am already through the 2nd. I LOVE THIS OIL!!! The aroma and flavor are outstanding....I keep it on my kitchen counter and have been "taking a shot" of it right out of the bottle!! Thank you for making such a unique and spectacular product available for us all. I look forward to exhibiting even better health and clarity with it. (I have only been using for a week).
Debbie, Calgary, AB, Canada
Buy combo "Buy 3 get 1 FREE" for cedar nut oil enriched with resin 20% for $149.85:

The history conceals as to where and how the spoon was invented. Beyond all doubt, it has the same ancient age as the one of the first tool - a knife. During prehistoric times, large shells of nuts served as spoons. Later, spoons were made from bone material. Ancient Egyptians used bronze spoons, whereas Greeks preferred spoons that were made from silver.
In ancient Russia, the wooden spoon has already become quite a habitual tool; which is evident from annals "Tale of Bygone Years" (XII century). In the old days, people used to carry their personal spoons and knives everywhere. They used to say: "Provident guest does not come without his own spoon".
Wooden spoons were also widespread in Mexico and in medieval Europe.
Russian wooden spoons were made from an aspen, birch, maple and Cedar.
The tradition of using Cedar Spoons has been carried into our modern times.
Cedar spoons are not only beautiful, but they are also made from ecologically friendly material. It is not only safe to use the Cedar Spoons, but it is also beneficial for health. For a reason, since the dawn of time Russian people used Cedar tableware and flatware and were very healthy till their old age.
Cedars emit essential oils and phytoncids, which kill dangerous bacteria, therefore the air in the Cedar woods is pleasant and excellent for health. The antibacterial properties of the Cedar Wood are transferred to all products made from it.
However, the most surprising salutary effect of the Cedar, as noted by people, is that the presence of Cedar Wood positively impacts human health. The explanation behind this is that it possesses special bio-energy. Cedar's energy simultaneously provides strength and relaxation to the body.
By consuming food using Cedar Spoons, one's organizm also absorbs the phytoncids and healthy resins present in the Cedar Wood. Cedar Spoon, unlike metal one, does not oxidize food or saliva. Therefore, it promotes optimal digestion and settling of the food in the stomach.
It is recommended for toddlers, whose teeth have just come out, to gain their first eating skills using Cedar Spoons. It was noticed, that children enjoy biting and scratching aromatic Cedar Spoon with their baby teeth, and by doing so absorbing healthy elements present in it.
However, the above mention benefits are not the only valuable qualities of the spoons made from Cedar. Even the simplest food becomes a hundred times tastier and full of aroma, when it is consumed using Cedar Spoon. Besides, eating hot meals with it would protect gentle mouth areas from getting burnt, since wood does not heat up like metal does.
By making Cedar Spoon as an every day eating companion, one takes care of their health!
Nadia Kern, Homeopath and Massagist
Toronto, Canada
Used by permission
Copyright RingingCedarsofRussia.org
Image copyright: http://www.24open.ru/
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Customer Reviews:
I received cedar spoons and a pendant today. They are all so beautiful and smell so pleasantly.
Thank you,
Serge Mane, CA, USA
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I love my cedar spoons. The smell is wonderful. Drinking cedar oil from them makes the oil more delicious.
Agnes Kanapas,
Partas, Greese
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I was given cedar spoons as a gift, and you know, they are great! I feel uplifted when I hold them in my hands, they are filled with warmth and love!
My gratitude to you all,
Anna Yankovska, Poland
Buy cedar spoons for $19.85:

Christmas Gift Ideas!
Holiday Season is creeping upon us, the feeling of joy, laughter, and happiness is already felt in the air!
May this Holiday Season surround you and your family with love, pleasant surprises, and
treasures of Christmas moments, which will turn into a delightful memories remembered with a smile throughout the year.
We are inviting you to celebrate this Holiday with us, and spread the warm energy of Siberian Cedars through below carefully selected Gift Ideas:
Cedar Nut Oil with Cedar Resin is also known as Resin Extract. As Resin is known to be a strong disinfectant and antiseptic, it is widely used in luxurious hair and facial cremes, as when it is applied externally it can assist in: fighting cellulite, improve skins complexion, reduce wrinkles and calms an irritated skin. Simply, massage your body and face in circular motion to allow the Extract to penetrate deeply into your skin.
As you may have heard that everything starts from within our body; therefore it is also essential to intake the Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Cedar Resin internally. When taken internally, Resin Extract can assist with various stomach conditions such as ulcers, gastritis, acidity, constipation, and irritated bladder and intestines.
When you begin to drink the Extract, your immunity will increase. The Oil increases the content of phagocytes in the blood, which destroy viruses, parasites, and foreign pathogens. All the glands and organs of your body will begin to function more intensively and more effectively, improving your overall immune system.
Since the ancient times, Siberian Cedar Nut Oil was used by adults as well as children as an effective natural remedy for various diseases, and as a natural substitute for daily vitamins. The Cedar Oil is loaded with vitamins D, B, C, E and is highly rich in fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6 which are essential for an optimal functioning of our organism, and the development of a child's brain/bone structure. The oil is not diluted nor it is infused with additives, and is 100% pure; therefore it can be used by pregnant or nursing women.
The Cedar Nut Oil can assist in fighting off various gastrointestinal diseases. It also possesses excellent wound-healing properties, and can help with treating: burns, frostbite, ulcers, and various other skin diseases. It rejuvenates the skin and makes it supple and smooth. Furthermore, it helps to eliminate dandruff, combat brittleness and hair loss. Interesting to note, that Cedar Nut Oil is not contraindicated for people with oily skin, it nourishes it well, and as strange as it may seem, assists in the reduction of the oiliness.
The Cedar Pendants, which are available in Oval and Circular shapes, would go wonderfully as a Gift with the Cedar Nut Oil. They are now made from the barrel of the trees, which is the core of the Cedar tree, where the most of the bioenergy is concentrated. It is believed that those who wear one will be connected to the universe and experience greater concentration and mental alertness.
When placed in a room, the Cedar Pillow will not only disinfect the air, but also provide comfortable support, which will result in restful, deep and healthy sleep.
The wonderful aroma of the Essential Oils emitted by the Cedar Film from which the Pillows are made; will provide the feeling of deep relaxation, and the sensation of being surrounded by the purifying nature of Cedar Forest.
The Cedar Film is rich in Essential Oils, which have a tendency of getting absorbed into the blood steam with every breath you take, and expend your arteries; which allows for a much quicker blood circulation;, and therefore is wonderful for prophylactics of various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
The bioenergy healers claim that Cedar Pillow creates natural energetic shell of 1 meter radius that can protect your family from the harmful emissions of computer and electric appliances.
We all dream of natural, deep and restful sleep, which makes this Gift of nature perfect for anyone!
Our Cedar Power – cedar nut flakes - is appetizing delicatessen that can improve any holiday meal.
The protein in the flakes made from the kernel of the cedar nut surpasses an ideal protein in its content of histidine, methionine, cysteine, and tryptophan, and has a well balanced composition.
The lecithin contained in cedar nut flakes is a basic chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the healthy activity of brain cells. Lecithin is essential for the organism as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. Lecithin is also the basic transport substance for the delivery of nutrients to the cells.
The Cedar Power will be a perfect gift for pregnant women, children, and breastfeeding mothers.
The beautiful packaging of Cedar Power and it healing power will add elegance and meaning to your gift.
Wishing you all a wonderful time with family and friends,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

- 1/3 cup cedar nuts
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1/3 cup finely chopped shallots
- 1 1/2 cups (8 oz) Israeli couscous
- 1 small or 1/2 large cinnamon stick
- 1 dried bay leaf
- 1 3/4 cups low-salt vegetable broth
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 cup minced fresh Italian parsley
Preheat a small skillet over medium heat and add cedar nuts. Toast until the cedar nuts are golden brown, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Set aside.
Set a medium saucepan over medium heat and add butter. Add shallots to the saucepan. Sauté until the shallots are golden brown, 5-6 minutes. Add Israeli couscous, cinnamon stick, and dried bay leaf. Cook until the couscous is just beginning to brown, stirring frequently, about 5 minutes. Add vegetable broth and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cover and simmer until the couscous is tender and the liquid is absorbed, 10-12 minutes.
Remove the cinnamon stick and bay leaf. Stir in 1/4 cup minced fresh Italian parsley and the toasted cedar nuts. Serve.
- 3 1/2 tbs cedar nuts
- 3 ripe pomegranates
- 2 tbs orange blossom water
- 1 1/2 tbs thin honey
Place nuts in a bowl and cover with water. Let sit for 2 hours.
Cut pomegranate into quarters and transfer excess juice to a bowl. Extract seeds and place them in the juice bowl. Add drained cedar nuts to the bowl. Stir in blossom water and honey. Cover and chill. Serve.
Serves around 5
2 cups roughly chopped cauliflower florets
15-oz can cannellini or small white beans, drained and rinsed
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp Greek seasoning
1/4 cup cedar nut oil
1/2 cup feta, broken into chunks
2 Tbsp roughly chopped flat-leaf parsley
3 Tbsp cedar nuts
In a large mixing bowl, combine the cauliflower and white beans.
In a small measuring cup, whisk together the lemon juice, mustard and Greek seasoning. Slowly add the oil, and whisk until the dressing emulsifies. Pour it over the cauliflower and beans, and toss gently to make sure everything is coated. Set aside and allow the cauliflower to marinate for 15 minutes.
Set a small nonstick frying pan on the stove over low heat. Add the cedar nuts, and spread them into a single layer. Toast, stirring frequently, for 2-3 minutes, until the nuts are lightly browned and fragrant. Remove the pan from the heat.
Add the feta and parsley to the cauliflower mixture, and then stir in the nuts. Taste, and season with black pepper if needed.
Serve at room temperature or cold. Can be made a day ahead.
For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/cedar_nuts_and_ringing_cedars_information.php