Kin's Settlement "Korenskie Rodniki"
The settlement of Korenskie Rodniki, village of Gremyachiy, Belgorod Oblast.
An arable field of 40 hectares has been acquired for the settlement in a picturesque area of Shebekino District, near the village of Gremyachiy.
Our settlement is located in one of the best areas from the point of view of ecology, and is close to the largest forest tract (oak-maple-ash forest) of Belgorod Oblast. The settlement has two springs, which, as they flow, form two small lakes. The Koren River flows through the forest two kilometres from the settlement. The village has wells.
In 2005, we conducted a geodetic survey and divided the field into 24 individual parcels of one or two hectares.
Since 2006, more than ten thousand woody plants have been planted, the foundations have been laid or houses have been erected on twelve parcels, the Korenskoy spring has been developed, and the reservoir has been cleaned in the adjacent ravine.
The following nature-friendly measures are being taken: control is being implemented over illegal cutting in the forest and poaching in neighboring forests.
We invite everyone to come visit us!
Our contacts:
Valery Popv: popovvv.rb@gmail.com
Vladimir Lobachev: LobachevV@mail.ru
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org
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Scent of the Dolmens - Impression from an Encounter
Dolmens are stone structures of ancient times that resemble small houses with no windows or doors, only a small opening on the front wall. According to one theory, with which I agree, they were created by sages several millennia ago for the purpose of preserving and passing on to their descendants the knowledge of the primary sources. Modern people are these descendants, ready to receive and use this valuable information to transform life on Earth.
Preparing to encounter the dolmens
I love everything secret and unexplored. Inspired by the thought of receiving sacred knowledge, I had a burning desire to visit the dolmens. I first learned of their existence and purpose from the books of Vladimir Megré about the Siberian recluse Anastasia. But at that time I was not able to visit the land of the dolmens.
Now there is more and more information about dolmens. A month before my vacation, I began to study the Internet for the information I needed. I learned everything that I came across on this subject. From the theory of scientists to the experience of eye-witnesses and even people's direct conversations with the sages who were in the dolmens. Having learned the purpose of specific dolmens, I set myself the goal of visiting them in whatever circumstances. During this period of preparation, I had the feeling that the dolmens themselves were helping me to organize my encounter with them.
Impression of the dolmens
I will omit the details of my trip. I will say only that I spent time at all the dolmens that I intended to. The sensations were varied:
- Warmth in my palms and my back.
- In some places, I sensed distinct prickly feelings over my body, rising up from the ground.
- Slight headaches, that often passed after I lifted my hands, palms upward. The point of this action is the unimpeded passing of information to a person.
- But what amazed me most of all was the fact that the dolmens give off an odor. I would never have thought that stone could have a scent. This was a miracle for me. Among other things, this scent was painfully familiar from my childhood. The countryside at my grandmother's had this scent: a mixture of grass, milk, wood, and the stove. I felt as if I had come home, to my native place, where you find spiritual peace.
Unfortunately, there was little time to commune. My visit to the dolmens was part of an excursion. Therefore, communing with the sages, in the usual sense of the word, did not happen. Still, it is necessary to visit the dolmens in a peaceful, unhurried atmosphere. Nevertheless, on returning home, I started to have unusual thoughts associated with the setting up of a kin's domain. And even life began to take a new course.
Dolmens - life changers
Since the time of my first visit to the dolmens, I have been there another two times. And each time the encounter with them has brought changes to my life. I heard somewhere the theory that the name "dolmen" means "to change fate." That is the purpose of the dolmens - to change a person's fate, to correct his or her life. From my own experience, I became convinced that this is exactly their purpose.
After my first visit, I began to write this blog and share my experience and thoughts. A period of growth began in me. I began to come across people, one after another, who had a strong influence on my spiritual development and accordingly, on my life. My second encounter helped me make a very important, critical decision at a complicated time. Everything worked out in the best manner possible. And I acquired new inner knowledge.
The consequences of my third trip to the dolmens influenced the quality of my life in a material sense.
Visit the dolmens. But be pure in your thoughts. Approach the sacred places with respect. And you will see how your life will change for the better.
By: Natalya Chipura
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

140 Types of Activities in an Kin's Settlement
In our days, the advantages of the crowded city over the countryside are, in many respects, disappearing and, on the other hand, an open field for activities has many advantages. Old industries in cities do not meet the requirements of these new times, there is no space available for new ideas. In the majority of eco-settlements, the most critical question is what to do here and how to make a living here. We put together 15 sections and 140 basic types of activities.
— Nature-based types of activities
Growing plants for food products is the most natural type of activity for a settler. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain products from the territory of a kin's domain for one's own self-sufficiency as well as for sale. Growing food products has a special significance for eco-settlers, even if they are able to provide themselves with some other work. Eco-friendly food products grown on one's own kin's domain are an essential component of the healthy way of life in the eco-settlement.
- Growing (including hothouse farming for year-round production):
1) vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and herbs
2) mushrooms
3) grain crops
4) medicinal herbs, teas and natural sugar substitutions
5) valuable microalgae (spirulina, chlorella)
6) flowers and decorative plants
7) aromatic plants for production of natural fragrances, perfumes and air fresheners
8) plants for production of threads and fabrics
9) nurseries
10) seed production
- Careful collection of the renewable gifts of the forest
11) forest nuts, berries, mushrooms, resins, birch juice, moss, medicinal plants and etc.
12) valuable minerals, medicinal clays, mud and decay ooze
13) stocking and cultivation of the wood
14) stocking of mineral water from natural sources
15) biohumus, bio-compost, and soil mixtures. Year-round production makes it possible to restore the fertility of the soils several times more quickly.
- Animal husbandry
16) house animals for wool, fighting infestation and etc.
17) elite breeds of horses, gods and other animals
18) possible fish farming
19) beekeeping
20) dairy farming
- Processing, conservation, and storage of food products
21) drying, pickling and preservation of fruit, berry and vegetable produce
22) production of juices and natural drinks
23) bakery
24) cheese factory
25) production of natural candies
26) pasta Production
27) quick freezing of berries, mushrooms, and other products. Storage of products (ice-houses, cellars, freezers)
28) production of fermented drinks – kvas, kulaga (sort of hasty pudding), apple cider and etc.
29) production of dry breakfasts, nut mixes, muesli and snacks
30) production of products on the base of germinated seeds
31) production of semi-processed products (mix for soups, perogies and etc.)
32) pressing vegetable oils from nuts and seeds
33) cafes, restaurants and tea houses
- Types of activities associated with information technologies
Humanity has entered the information age. And the style of life in eco-settlements is not inconsistent with the information age. Working on a computer is preferable to any industrial production, since it does not pollute the environment, does not expend materials, does not require significant material outlays for equipment or premises, and does not make any noise.
34) developing software for PCs
35) visual Art projects developed on personal computer
36) developing computer games, educational programs and encyclopedias
37) creating video/audio content (cartoons, music video clips and music products)
38) translation of technical texts and books from foreign languages
39) creating various electronic libraries (literature, poetry, art)
40) developing of architectural and designer projects of furniture, houses, cars and etc.
41) developing and marketing web-sites
42) 3D-modeling
43) editing photo and video content
44) managing Internet store
- Research and scientific activities
Because they provide themselves with their own food, settlers are able to engage in serious, protracted research and scientific projects, even given the small investments in science by the government. Many projects, especially in the area of arable farming, ecology, and alternative energy, may immediately be implemented using eco-settlements as a basis.
45) scientific research of arable farming, nature, ecology
46) developing biotechnologies
47) eco-friendly technologies
48) developing of alternative source of energy
49) spreading specialized knowledge, organizing/holding consultations and seminars
- Art
A peaceful life in the open air, being provided with material goods, the well-developed culture and spirituality of the settlers, healthy bioenergetics, and the esthetics of kin's domains are ideal conditions for the work of performers, artists, musicians, writers, philosophers, and others.
50) creative workshops, art studios
51) music studio
52) literature activity
53) organizing holidays, festivals and theatres
- Folk crafts
54) willow weaving
55) wood craft
56) clay/potter craft
57) making eco-friendly clothes and costumes
58) artistic painting of fabrics
59) joinery and carpenter's business
60) smithy
61) stamping and casting
62) stone dressing
63) weaving and loom
- Publishing activity
64) books, magazines, newspapers with the content of local poets, writers, artists and etc.
- Medicine
Medical research should be directed toward achieving a healthy way of life. The organization of health and wellness vacations for city dwellers will promote financial stability.
65) phytotherapy, phytoapiotherapy
66) bio-energetic , yoga and self-improvement practices
67) naturopathy
68) valueology, researches on maintaining a healthy lifestyle
69) medical gymnastics, massage
71) curative baths, dirts, waters, clays, etc.
72) treatment by means of insects – bees, ants and etc.
- Sport
73) sports sections, schools of various sport areas
74) swimming pools
75) sports courts and grounds, trampoline
76) equestrian sport
77) skiing lodge and skating rink
78) martial arts club
79) flight club
80) fitness center, sports bar
- Education
81) tutoring
82) preschool educational sections
83) participation in school functioning
84) organizing schools on the basis of different education methods, elite and family schools
85) organizing art and technical art schools
86) organizing remote education universities
87) organization of various courses, seminars, conferences in order to spread knowledge about ecological agrarian and construction technologies
- Construction
88) the development and construction of eco-houses, business premises, warehouses, infrastructure sites, sites for the organization of tourism and other types of activities
89) construction of roads and sport paths
90) building of water supply and accumulation facilities: wells, ponds and etc.
91) drilling holes for enclosures, trees, wells
92) bringing in services: electrical power, computer networks, etc.
93) wooden house construction, felling trees for bath-houses, wells, summer-houses, etc.
- Small productions
In principle, any small production works that do not pollute or destroy the environment are possible. Small production plants may be placed at the edges of the settlement, with appropriate areas provided for them, and the wind direction and speed taken into account. Among these are a number of production works that are essential for the self-sufficiency of the settlement.
94) production of products, materials and building constructions for eco-houses and mobile buildings
95) woodworking: boards, beams, timber block, wall panelling, production of carpentry articles, furniture from natural wood, etc.
96) manufacture of solar, wind-powered, bioreactor, and other power installations. Their setting up, adjustment, and start-up on site.
97) production of instruments and articles for restorative land use
98) production of soap, washing biomeans, toothpastes, cosmetics on the basis of natural components and microorganisms without chemistry
99) production of boats for different activities including sports and sailing
100) production of fabrics on a natural basis from flax, nettle and other plants
101) sewing production, knitting of tapestries, carpets, tailoring of blankets, etc.
102) production of electronic products, automatic equipment for eco-houses, greenhouses, cellars, warehouses and etc.
103) maintenance of vehicles. Development of new, environmentally friendly means of transport
104) assembly of cycle mobiles, electric vehicles and trailers, etc.
105) eco-friendly car wash
106) ceramic production
107) production of eco-friendly package materials
108) production of products on 3-D printer
109) assembly of paraplanes and other light air devices
110) production of sport equipment and hot air balloons
111) production of natural paints and protective finishes for wood out of wax, pitch, natural minerals and biocomponents
112) production of medicinal goods from crude turpentine, oils, herbs, bee products, needle-foliage and etc.
113) production of fuel/fire briquettes, pellet from sawdust and other organic waste
114) production of products from peat, sawdust, straw and etc.
115) production of hand-blown glass
116) production of tableware and goods from ceramics, clays and artificial stones
117) production of products from artificial marble
118) production of eco-plywood and wood laminate with natural glues
119) production of natural wall-paper from green raw materials
120) production of a parquet, terrace board from wood and natural composites
121) furniture production
122) production of mattresses, pillows from natural materials
123) tailoring of author's models of clothes, linen, beautiful and useful to health, from a flax, and other plants
124) production of sports and tourist equipment, like tents, suits and other goods for tourism and recreation
125) production of doors, windows, frames, greenhouses from ready parts, wood and so on
126) Brickwork and masonry for stoves, chimneys, etc.
127) assembly of electro technical products
128) production of construction materials, blocks, dry mixes and etc.
129) production of roofing materials, tiles, shingles and etc.
130) production decorative stone, paving stone, tile and etc.
131) waste processing
- Tourism
Types of activities associated with eco-tourism may become a serious source of income. Tourists can be attracted by the healthy way of life, environmental cleanliness of the area, beautiful landscapes, nature, special features of the style of life, distance from industry, clean food, vacation on the water, in a forest, etc.
132) eco/health improving tourism
133) organization of eco tour packages, festivals and meetings
134) sports tourism: horse riding, kayak sailing, bicycle riding, scuba diving, hand gliding, paraplanerism, parachute jumps, kiting, a snowkiting, skis and etc.
- Transportation
135) transportation of residents and guests of kin's settlements
136) freight transportation
137) services of special transport for land and construction works, road snow cleanings and etc.
138) courier services, delivery from the cities
139) organization of eco-transport between kin's settlements
- Settlement administration
140) management of various types and accounting
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

Kin's Settlement "Gorodishche"
Gorodishche, a developing settlement of Kin's Domains, welcomes you!
The Gorodishche settlement of Kin's Domains is located in Vitebsk Oblast.
There are six houses, four are already inhabited, and two must be renovated. Electricity, a road, water, land—everything is here!
Orchards, vegetable gardens, a bath-house, goats, chickens, Vietnamese pigs! There are lakes to suit any taste within a five-kilometre radius. The forests are full of berries and mushrooms. We are waiting for fellow-dreamers to visit us and to stay permanently!!!
Our plans include planting a large park (one hectare), starting up a workshop (setting up a woodworking machine), planting coniferous trees (more than 100), and many other things. This is an ideal residence for 20 to 30 families, and gardening.
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

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