This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
The Risks of Rewards
By Alfie Kohn
Many educators are acutely aware that punishment and threats are counterproductive. Making children suffer in order to alter their future behavior can often elicit temporary compliance, but this strategy is unlikely to help children become ethical, compassionate decision makers. Punishment, even if referred to euphemistically as "consequences," tends to generate anger, defiance, and a desire for revenge. Moreover, it models the use of power rather than reason and ruptures the important relationship between adult and child.
Of those teachers and parents who make a point of not punishing children, a significant proportion turn instead to the use of rewards. The ways in which rewards are used, as well as the values that are considered important, differ among (and within) cultures. This digest, however, deals with typical practices in classrooms in the United States, where stickers and stars, A's and praise, awards and privileges, are routinely used to induce children to learn or comply with an adult's demands (Fantuzzo et al., 1991). As with punishments, the offer of rewards can elicit temporary compliance in many cases. Unfortunately, carrots turn out to be no more effective than sticks at helping children to become caring, responsible people or lifelong, self-directed learners.
Studies over many years have found that behavior modification programs are rarely successful at producing lasting changes in attitudes or even behavior. When the rewards stop, people usually return to the way they acted before the program began. More disturbingly, researchers have recently discovered that children whose parents make frequent use of rewards tend to be less generous than their peers (Fabes et al., 1989; Grusec, 1991; Kohn 1990).
Indeed, extrinsic motivators do not alter the emotional or cognitive commitments that underlie behavior--at least not in a desirable direction. A child promised a treat for learning or acting responsibly has been given every reason to stop doing so when there is no longer a reward to be gained.
Research and logic suggest that punishment and rewards are not really opposites, but two sides of the same coin. Both strategies amount to ways of trying to manipulate someone's behavior - in one case, prompting the question, "What do they want me to do, and what happens to me if I don't do it?", and in the other instance, leading a child to ask, "What do they want me to do, and what do I get for doing it?" Neither strategy helps children to grapple with the question, "What kind of person do I want to be?"
Rewards are no more helpful at enhancing achievement than they are at fostering good values. At least two dozen studies have shown that people expecting to receive a reward for completing a task (or for doing it successfully) simply do not perform as well as those who expect nothing (Kohn, 1993). This effect is robust for young children, older children, and adults; for males and females; for rewards of all kinds; and for tasks ranging from memorizing facts to designing collages to solving problems. In general, the more cognitive sophistication and open-ended thinking that is required for a task, the worse people tend to do when they have been led to perform that task for a reward.
There are several plausible explanations for this puzzling but remarkably consistent finding. The most compelling of these is that rewards cause people to lose interest in whatever they were rewarded for doing. This phenomenon, which has been demonstrated in scores of studies (Kohn, 1993), makes sense given that "motivation" is not a single characteristic that an individual possesses to a greater or lesser degree. Rather, intrinsic motivation (an interest in the task for its own sake) is qualitatively different from extrinsic motivation (in which completion of the task is seen chiefly as a prerequisite for obtaining something else) (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Therefore, the question educators need to ask is not how motivated their students are, but how their students are motivated.
In one representative study, young children were introduced to an unfamiliar beverage called kefir. Some were just asked to drink it; others were praised lavishly for doing so; a third group was promised treats if they drank enough. Those children who received either verbal or tangible rewards consumed more of the beverage than other children, as one might predict. But a week later these children found it significantly less appealing than they did before, whereas children who were offered no rewards liked it just as much as, if not more than, they had earlier (Birch et al., 1984). If we substitute reading or doing math or acting generously for drinking kefir, we begin to glimpse the destructive power of rewards. The data suggest that the more we want children to want to do something, the more counterproductive it will be to reward them for doing it.
Deci and Ryan (1985) describe the use of rewards as "control through seduction." Control, whether by threats or bribes, amounts to doing things to children rather than working with them. This ultimately frays relationships, both among students (leading to reduced interest in working with peers) and between students and adults (insofar as asking for help may reduce the probability of receiving a reward).
Moreover, students who are encouraged to think about grades, stickers, or other "goodies" become less inclined to explore ideas, think creatively, and take chances. At least ten studies have shown that people offered a reward generally choose the easiest possible task (Kohn, 1993). In the absence of rewards, by contrast, children are inclined to pick tasks that are just beyond their current level of ability.
The implications of this analysis and these data are troubling. If the question is "Do rewards motivate students?", the answer is, "Absolutely: they motivate students to get rewards." Unfortunately, that sort of motivation often comes at the expense of interest in, and excellence at, whatever they are doing. What is required, then, is nothing short of a transformation of our schools.
First, classroom management programs that rely on rewards and consequences ought to be avoided by any educator who wants students to take responsibility for their own (and others') behavior- - and by any educator who places internalization of positive values ahead of mindless obedience. The alternative to bribes and threats is to work toward creating a caring community whose members solve problems collaboratively and decide together how they want their classroom to be (DeVries & Zan, 1994; Solomon et al., 1992).
Second, grades in particular have been found to have a detrimental effect on creative thinking, long-term retention, interest in learning, and preference for challenging tasks (Butler & Nisan, 1986; Grolnick & Ryan, 1987). These detrimental effects are not the result of too many bad grades, too many good grades, or the wrong formula for calculating grades. Rather, they result from the practice of grading itself, and the extrinsic orientation it promotes. Parental use of rewards or consequences to induce children to do well in school has a similarly negative effect on enjoyment of learning and, ultimately, on achievement (Gottfried et al., 1994). Avoiding these effects requires assessment practices geared toward helping students experience success and failure not as reward and punishment, but as information.
Finally, this distinction between reward and information might be applied to positive feedback as well. While it can be useful to hear about one's successes, and highly desirable to receive support and encouragement from adults, most praise is tantamount to verbal reward. Rather than helping children to develop their own criteria for successful learning or desirable behavior, praise can create a growing dependence on securing someone else's approval. Rather than offering unconditional support, praise makes a positive response conditional on doing what the adult demands. Rather than heightening interest in a task, the learning is devalued insofar as it comes to be seen as a prerequisite for receiving the teacher's approval (Kohn, 1993).
In short, good values have to be grown from the inside out. Attempts to short-circuit this process by dangling rewards in front of children are at best ineffective, and at worst counterproductive. Children are likely to become enthusiastic, lifelong learners as a result of being provided with an engaging curriculum; a safe, caring community in which to discover and create; and a significant degree of choice about what (and how and why) they are learning. Rewards - like punishments - are unnecessary when these things are present, and are ultimately destructive in any case.

Birch, L.L., D.W. Marlin, and J. Rotter. (1984). Eating as the 'Means' Activity in a Contingency: Effects on Young Children's Food Preference. CHILD DEVELOPMENT 55(2, Apr): 431-439. EJ 303 231.
Butler, R., and M. Nisan. (1986). Effects of No Feedback, Task-Related Comments, and Grades on Intrinsic Motivation and Performance. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 78(3, June): 210-216. EJ 336 917.
Fabes, R.A., J. Fultz, N. Eisenberg, T. May-Plumlee, and F.S. Christopher. (1989). Effects of Rewards on Children's Prosocial Motivation: A Socialization Study. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 25(4, Jul): 509-515. EJ 396 958.
Fantuzzo, J.W., C.A. Rohrbeck, A.D. Hightower, and W.C. Work. (1991). Teachers' Use and Children's Preferences of Rewards in Elementary School. PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS 28(2, Apr): 175-181. EJ 430 936.
Gottfried, A.E., J.S. Fleming, and A.W. Gottfried. (1994). Role of Parental Motivational Practices in Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 86(1): 104-113.
Grolnick, W.S., and R.M. Ryan. (1987). Autonomy in Children's Learning: An Experimental and Individual Difference Investigation. JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 52: 890-898.
Grusec, J.E. (1991). Socializing Concern for Others in the Home. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 27(2, Mar): 338-342. EJ 431 672.
Solomon, D., M. Watson, V. Battistich, E. Schaps, and K. Delucchi. (1992). Creating a Caring Community: Educational Practices That Promote Children's Prosocial Development. In F.K. Oser, A. Dick, and J.L. Patry (Eds.), EFFECTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE TEACHING: THE NEW SYNTHESIS. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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What you praise and criticize is what you get. So be careful!
by Sarah Chana Radcliffe, M.Ed., C.Psych.Assoc.
Warm fuzzies, also known in the 1960s as "positive strokes," is something that parents who want to raise emotionally healthy children cannot do without.
Warm fuzzies come in verbal and non-verbal forms. Verbal warm fuzzies are words that feel good to children; non-verbal warm fuzzies are good-feeling actions.
As we saw previously, smiles, tender touches, gifts and friendly play are some of the non-verbal good stuff that children appreciate.The verbal fuzzies are praise, positive programming and emotional coaching.
Praise is a most important parenting tool. It's better than punishment any day because it has more consistent, predictable positive results without any significant negative side-effects.Punishment, on the other hand, sometimes works and sometimes doesn't and it almost always involves a heavy cost (which we'll examine in detail later).
Most importantly, kids love praise. They like to hear when they're on track, doing the right thing.They like to know you're pleased and proud. Your praise keeps them coming back for more -- which is why they behave so much better when you reinforce their behavior with praise. What you praise is what you get.
Unfortunately, what you criticize is also what you get, so be careful!
The rule is: whatever you attend to is what you get. If you reinforce good behavior (whatever is desirable in your eyes) by giving praise and other kinds of positive attention, children will deliver more good behavior. Find the good behavior and comment on it constantly!A typical morning conversation could sound like this:
"Oh look how quickly you've gotten out of bed! Good for you! And I see you've got your clothes on already - amazing! Nice job of making the bed today. Keep up the good work - I'll see you in the kitchen in a few minutes ... Whoah - how did you get down here so fast? You're really moving this morning! I bet you'll be ready long before that bus comes! I see you got your bowl all ready ... here, let me help you with the milk."
Keep praise specific - tell your child exactly what you like. Avoid global statements like "you're a good boy/girl." These are not only useless (because they don't give the child enough information about what he/she needs to do) but they can also be dangerous, leading the child to fear that mistakes and human failings equate with "badness."
Keep praise pure - don't mix it in with negative statements. Avoid using "but" as in: "I like the way you're using a fork but I don't like the way you're eating with your mouth open."
The word "but" is an eraser, wiping out the praise part of your statement. If absolutely necessary, make several separate statements, perhaps, "I like the way you're using a fork!That's the way to eat!If you also chew with your mouth closed, you'll be Mr. Good Manners himself!"
Remember - our most powerful parenting tool is specific praise.Use it liberally.It doesn't cause swelled heads or any other infirmities.It does cause children to do more of what you want them to do!
Warning: Although you can use as much praise as you want, always use an equal amount of unconditional positive attention. If the only positive attention a child receives is conditional (he earned it because of his good behavior), he'll actually feel unloved!
Make sure at least half of his positive attention is given freely, no strings attached, no qualifying conditions required.
In other words, tell him and show him that you love him for no reason at all!Half of your hugs, kisses, gifts and kind words can be given because he deserves them (he did something right) and half of this stuff must be given as he walks by or otherwise "exists" in your presence.
When praising a child, we can go just one step further in order to exponentially increase our parenting power.That step is "positive programming."
You're a hypnotist. During your children's first 10 or 15 years, they are in a sort of a trance and are extremely impressionable. You hypnotize your children.Tell them they're stupid and they'll think they are.Tell them they're selfish, and they'll absorb it completely.
Whatever you say goes. Deep into their little unconscious minds. Deep, deep down, where it will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
Of course, we can use our power to hypnotize in a positive way as well. We can help our children leave childhood believing that they're clever, responsible, helpful, kind, courageous, considerate, prompt, strong, determined, patient, organized and otherwise wonderful. It all depends on what we say.
Make a list of the words you'd like to be able to use to describe your child when she's grown. Now, be sure to use those words daily in the time that you are raising her! This is "positive programming."
There is only one trick: the words must be attached to specific praise.Otherwise, they just aren't believable.When attached to praise for a behavior which the child knows he is doing, the character label becomes believable and therefore becomes absorbed into the child's self-concept. And positive self-concept leads to positive behavior.
Here is a half a dozen examples of what positive programming might sound like:
"Thank you for taking out the garbage.That was very helpful of you. "Wow!You figured out how to fix the vacuum yourself? That was really clever of you! "You're ready for school already? You're really organized this morning!" "I see you gave your sister the doll. That was very kind of you." "You children have waited a long time for the doctor this morning. You've been very patient." "I like the way you listened right away. That was very cooperative."
Once absorbed into the self-concept, positive programming informs future behavior:
"I'm a helpful person, so I'll help clear the table." "I'm a smart guy, so I can figure out this math problem." "I'm a good dresser, so I can put together a great outfit." "I'm an organized girl, so I'll be able to straighten out this mess in no time."
P.S.Positive programming works on spouses too!
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Parenting Tips for Healthy Kids : Positive Affirmations for Kids
Excessive Heat Denatures Nutrients
By Arthur M. Baker MA, NHE
Burn your finger and skin tissue dies. Overly apply heat to food and nutrients are progressively destroyed. Fresh food prior to wilting or rotting sustains life to a high degree of wellness. Harvested food from field and orchard provides raw materials to replenish your cells and tissues. Overly cooking food destroys live plant and animal tissue whose nutrients no longer bear any relationship to your living body. A diet containing an abundance of raw, unfired food maximizes well being.
The chemical changes that take place to individual nutrients, as excessive heat is applied will now be examined. It is well understood and recognized in scientific literature that heat breaks down vitamins, amino acids and produces undesirable cross-linkages in proteins, particularly in meat.
When food is cooked above 117 degrees F for three minutes or longer, the following deleterious changes begin, and progressively cause increased nutritional damage as higher temperatures are applied over prolonged periods of time:
- proteins coagulate, high temperatures denature protein molecular structure, leading to deficiency of some essential amino acids
- carbohydrates caramelize, overly heated fats generate numerous carcinogens including acrolein, nitrosamines, hydrocarbons, and benzopyrene (one of the most potent cancer-causing agents known)
- natural fibers break down, cellulose is completely changed from its natural condition: it loses its ability to sweep the alimentary canal clean
- 30% to 50% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed
- 100% of enzymes are damaged
- the bodys enzyme potential is depleted which drains energy needed to maintain and repair tissue and organ systems, thereby shortening our life span
- pesticides are restructured into even more toxic compounds
- valuable oxygen is lost
- free radicals are produced
- cooked food pathogens enervate the immune system
- heat degenerates nucleic acids and chlorophyll
- cooking causes inorganic mineral elements to enter the blood and circulate through the system, which settle in the arteries and veins, causing arteries to lose their pliability
- the body prematurely ages as this inorganic matter is deposited in various joints or accumulates within internal organs, including the heart valves.
As temperature rises, each of these damaging events reduces the availability of individual nutrients. Modern food processing not only strips away natural anti-cancer agents, but searing heat forms potent cancer-producing chemicals in the process. Alien food substances are created that the body cannot metabolize.
For example, according to research performed by cancerologist Dr. Bruce Ames, professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of California, Berkeley various groups of chemicals from cooked food causes tumors:
- Nitrosamines are created from fish, poultry or meat cooked in gas ovens and barbecues, as nitrogen oxides within gas flames interact with fat residues
- Hetrocyclic amines form from heating proteins and amino acids
- Polycyclic hydrocarbons are created by charring meat
- Mucoid plaque, a thick tar-like substance builds up in the intestines on a diet of cooked foods. Mucoid plaque is caused by uneliminated, partically digested, putrefying cooked fatty and starch foods eaten in association with protein flesh foods
- Lipofuscin is another toxin: an accumulation of waste materials throughout the body and within cells of the skin, manifesting as age-spots, in the liver as liver-spots, and in the nervous system including the brain, possibly contributing to ossification of gray matter and senility.
From the book Diet, Nutrition and Cancer published by the Nutritional Research Council of the American Academy of Sciences (1982) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Office of Toxicological Sciences, additional carcinogens in heated foods include:
- Hydroperoxide, alkoxy, endoperoxides and epoxides from heated meat, eggs, fish and pasteurized milk
- Ally aldehyde (acrolein), butyric acid, nitropyrene, nitrobenzene and nitrosamines from heated fats and oils
- Methyglyoxal and chlorogenic atractyosides in coffee
- Indole, skatole, nitropyrene, ptomatropine, ptomaines, leukomaines, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, cadaverine, muscarine, putecine, nervine, and mercaptins in cheese.
It is no coincidence since 1950 as processed food proliferated that cancer rates in the United States have steadily increased and are now at the highest point in history. The effect from consuming overly cooked food is minimal nutrition. The body is forced to raid its dwindling supply of nutrient reserves and remains hungry for quality nutrients after a typical meal on the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). This leads to further hunger even though the stomach is full. The result is chronic overeating and rampant obesity seen nationwide.
Scientific Research: Denaturation: What Cooking Does to Protein
Cooking denatures protein. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, denaturation is a modification of the molecular structure of protein by heat or by an acid, an alkali, or ultraviolet radiation that destroys or diminishes its original properties and biological activity.
Denaturation alters protein and makes it unusable or less usable. According to Britannica, protein molecules are readily altered by heat. Unlike simple organic molecules, the physical and chemical properties of protein are markedly altered when the substance is boiled in water. Further all of the agents able to cause denaturation, are able to break the secondary bonds that hold the chains in place. Once these weak bonds are broken, the molecule falls into a disorganized tangle devoid of biological function
According to Britannica the most significant effect of protein denaturation is the loss of its biological function. For example, enzymes lose their catalytic powers and hemoglobin loses its capacity to carry oxygen. The changes that accom-pany denaturation have been shown to result from destruction of the specific pattern in which the amino acid chains are folded in the native protein.
This is why the term dead food referring to cooked food is often stated. A result of denaturation is lowered solubility. In the case of egg white, a gel or coagulum is formed when heat is applied, thereby forming enzyme resistant linkages that inhibit the separation of constituent amino acids.
Proteins Coagulate
You can see coagulation of protein take place on a macroscopic level when you fry an egg. The clear protein gel surrounding the yolk whitens, thickens, and coagulates into a glue-like consistency. Digestive enzymes (peptones and proteases) cannot readily break down coagulated protein molecules once they fuse together. Not only are heated proteins unavailable to your body, worse yet: the indigestible, coagulated protein molecules tend to putrefy as bacteria in the body feed upon this dead organic matter. Bacterial enzymatic by-products are carcinogenic. Coagulation occurs on a microscopic level in all cooked protein molecules whether witnessed or not.
In Britannica is the acknowledgement that cooking destroys protein to make it practically useless. Utilize raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as your source of protein (amino acids). By eating The Fresh Produce Diet, you are assured of maximum biological value of protein and other consumed nutrients. (For further detail, see: The Truth About Protein and The China Project: Avoid Animal Protein).
As you consume more fresh produce as a staple, the body progressively requires less food. As you eat more nutrient rich raw food, the body steadily becomes healthier, and its metabolic efficiency increases. So does its ability to absorb and assimilate more nutriment. Only about one-half the amount of protein if eaten raw from protein plant food is necessary (via nuts and seeds) rather than from cooked animal protein.
The Difference Between Heat from Cooking and Digestive Chemistry
Physiologists claim that cooking and human digestion are virtually the same: that cooking is a form of predigestion where heat is used to hydrolyze nutrients that would otherwise be hydrolyzed at body temperature through digestion.
There are two ways to denature the proteins: chemically using digestive enzymes, or through the use of heat. Via heat, the body does not have the recombinant ability to utilize damaged denatured protein components (amino acids) and rebuild them once again into viable protein molecules.
This due to the enormous heat exposure during cooking, that denatures the protein molecule past a point of being bioactive, whereas body heat is too low to effect the protein molecule so adversely. The body does not require heat to reduce proteins to amino acids. It does a fine job of this chemically through enzymes. Chemically digested protein can be reused, whereas most of the heat denatured protein molecules cannot.
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What happens when we cook food – understanding acrylamide formation
For many thousands of years, people have used heat to cook foods. However, along with the formation of the desired flavour, odour and colour compounds, the process of heating can also lead to the formation of less favourable substances. One such compound that has received much scientific and media interest over recent years is acrylamide.
Discovery of acrylamide in food
Initially, acrylamide was only known for its uses in industrial processes such as in the production of plastics, glues, paper and cosmetics. Accidental exposure of workers to high levels of acrylamide led to the identification of the substance as a neurotoxin. This means that acrylamide at high doses has the ability to cause damage to the nervous tissue. In animals, high doses of the compound are known to cause cancer and affect reproduction.
In 2002, researchers from Stockholm University, Sweden, made the surprising finding of acrylamide formation in foods, and since then, acrylamide has been found in a range of foods processed at high temperatures. Acrylamide can be formed in foods during heating processes that reach temperatures of 120°C or higher e.g., frying, baking and roasting. French fries, potato crisps, biscuits and crackers, crispbreads, breakfast cereals, roast potatoes, bakery products and coffee were originally found to contain acrylamide. Further investigations have identified acrylamide in dried fruits, in baked vegetables, in black olives and some roasted nuts.
How is acrylamide formed in foods?
The formation of acrylamide in foods occurs as the result of a reaction known as the Maillard reaction, which is a chemical reaction between an amino acid (the building block of protein) and a sugar such as glucose, fructose or lactose.
Heat is required to start the cooking reaction that causes a cascade of chemical changes which ultimately result in the “browning” of the food and the formation of a range of odour and flavour compounds. Together these compounds give the characteristic appearance and flavour of cooked food. One of the most common examples of the Maillard reaction is the heating of white bread to give brown toast.
The formation of acrylamide itself is only partly understood as the Maillard reaction is one of the most complicated chemical reactions that occur in food. However, the formation and concentration of acrylamide in foods appears to be dependant on the type of food, the temperature and the length of time the food is heated. Generally, starchy foods (e.g., bread, potatoes) that have been cooked at higher temperatures and for longer periods of time contain increased levels of acrylamide.
As well as the cooking time and the cooking temperature, research has shown that levels of an amino acid known as asparagine are also linked to the formation of acrylamide. This particular amino acid has a chemical structure that is very similar to the chemical structure of acrylamide, which suggests that during the Maillard reaction, asparagine may be being converted into the acrylamide compound.
What levels of acrylamide are found in foods?
Scientists generally agree that the foods containing the highest levels of acrylamide are those that are fried, deep-fried or oven-baked, such as cake, bread and French fries. The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) reports that the major contributing foods to total acrylamide intake for most countries are potato chips (16-30%), potato crisps (6-46%), coffee (13-39%), pastry and sweet biscuits (10-20%) and bread and rolls/toasts (10-30%).
Other food items contribute less than 10% of the total. Intake of acrylamide within the EU varies between 0.3-1.4 micrograms per kg body weight per day, and contributions from individual types of food vary with national diets.
No levels of acrylamide have been found to date in foods which have been boiled, poached or steamed. This may be explained by the maximum temperature of these techniques, which does not exceed 100°C, and by the absence of a browning reaction.
Is acrylamide in foods harmful to human health?
Shortly after the Swedish study, the former Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) issued an opinion on the potential human health concerns associated with acrylamide in food.4 The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that "acrylamide belongs to the group of chemicals thought to have no reliably identifiable ‘threshold’ of effects, meaning that very low concentrations will also result in very low risks, but not in zero risk".
In 2005, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on contaminants supported the conclusions of the JECFA report that efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the substance.
In order to understand better the risks posed by cooking foods at high temperatures, the European Commission funded the HEATOX (Heat-generated Food Toxicants – Identification, Characterisation and Risk Minimalisation) project.3 The aims of HEATOX were to identify, characterise and minimise the risks posed by unfavourable compounds produced during the cooking process. In particular, it focused on acrylamide and in 2007 released four main findings based on laboratory experiments; 1) acrylamide in food might be a cancer risk factor; 2) it is possible to reduce levels of acrylamide formation in food, but not to eliminate it; 3) analytical methods to detect acrylamide in foods are available; and 4) cooking food may produce other compounds relevant to human health.
What is being done to reduce levels of acrylamide in foods?
Food manufacturers have taken measures to reduce acrylamide formation in foods such as crispbread, baked goods/biscuits, and potato crisps by re-focussing quality controls, and changing recipes and cooking processes. It is important to note however that such processes cannot take into account the element of seasonality, which has a significant impact upon the content of acrylamide precursors in agricultural raw materials.
To collate the knowledge generated by the food industry, the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the European Union (CIAA) has published an 'Acrylamide Toolbox', which provides steps that can be implemented by food manufacturers as well as by consumers at home to reduce acrylamide levels in their foods.7 Findings from the HEATOX research have been considered and included where feasible in the updated 'Acrylamide Toolbox' document.
Researchers are now looking at the possibility of reducing acrylamide levels in foods through blocking the reaction during cooking, through biotechnology and the adaptation of current farming techniques. For example, increasing the sulphur levels in soil and decreasing the levels of nitrogen have been shown to reduce the levels of acrylamide in some food crops. Furthermore, through the use of genetic modification, researchers have produced a new variety of potato altogether, which contains lower levels of sugar than standard potatoes.8 Decreasing the level of reducing sugars (e.g., glucose) in potatoes is likely to reduce the concentration of acrylamide as this type of sugar is a key component of the Maillard reaction, through which the unfavourable compound is formed. Similarly, genes are targeted within the plant that are responsible for controlling the levels of asparagine formation. As asparagine is another key component required for the formation of acrylamide, reducing the levels of the compound in the plant is likely to have a knock-on effect in reducing the formation of acrylamide during the Maillard reaction.
Benefits of cooking
In general, there are many benefits to cooking foods which must not be forgotten. In addition to increasing palatability and sensory appeal, thorough cooking reduces the risk of food poisoning. Furthermore, the process of cooking makes a number of essential nutrients more readily available so that it is easier for our bodies to use them.
What you can do
As research continues to identify ways to reduce the formation of acrylamide during the heating of some foods, consumers should avoid overcooking (excessive browning) of such foods. Following the cooking instructions on food packs and cooking equipment can help achieve this goal. In addition, consumers should aim to vary their cooking techniques to include more boiling, steaming and similar methods that help keep acrylamide formation to a minimum. As some of the products that can be high in acrylamide are also energy-dense, they should be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy balanced diet.

1. Tareke E, Rydberg P, Karlsson P, Eriksson S, Törnqvist M. (2002) Analysis of acrylamide, a carcinogen formed in heated foodstuffs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 50(17):4998-5006. doi: 10.1021/jf020302f S0021-8561(02)00302-3
2. JECFA Report TRS 930-JECFA 64/8.
3. The HEATOX Project, Final Project Leaflet.
4. Scientific Committee on Food (2002) Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on new findings regarding the presence of acrylamide in food.
5. World Health Organisation (WHO). Food Safety section: Frequently asked questions - acrylamide in food.
6. European Food Safety Authority, Key Topics section: Acrylamide in food.
7. The CIAA Acrylamide ‘Toolbox’.
8. Rommens CM, Ye J, Richael C, Swords K. (2006) Improving Potato Storage and Processing Characteristics through All-Native DNA Transformation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(26):9882-9887. doi: 10.1021/jf062477l S0021-8561(06)02477-0
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Acrylamide Q & A
Sunbeds, tanning and UV exposure
The desire to acquire a tan for fashion or cosmetic purposes has led to a large increase in the use of artificial tanning sunbeds in, mostly, developed countries. Use of sunbeds for tanning continues to increase in popularity, especially among young women.
Sunbeds used in solariums, and sun tanning lamps, are artificial tanning devices that claim to offer an effective, quick and harmless alternative to natural sunlight. However, there is growing evidence that the ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by the lamps used in solariums may damage the skin and increase the risk of developing skin cancer.
Some 132 000 cases of malignant melanoma (the most fatal kind of skin cancer) and over two million cases of other skin cancers occur worldwide each year. One in every three cancers diagnosed worldwide is a skin cancer. Most skin cancers are attributable to over-exposure to natural UV radiation. A fact sheet indicating the adverse health consequences from natural (i.e., sun) UV exposure issued by the World Health Organization.
This fact sheet is the complement of the above, providing information on artificial sources of UV. Primary among these artificial sources is sunbeds, and this fact sheet looks at the health consequences of sunbed usage and how they can be managed. Information for this fact sheet comes from WHO sponsored meetings and workshops, recent scientific literature, reviews by WHO Member States and the recommendations of international NGOs.
Health consequences
Exposure to UV, either naturally from the sun or from artificial sources such as sunlamps, is a known risk factor for skin cancer. Short-wavelength UVB (280-315 nm) has been recognized for some time as carcinogenic in experimental animals, and there is increasing evidence that longer-wavelength UVA (315-400 nm) used in sunbeds, which penetrates more deeply into the skin, also contributes to the induction of cancer. A study conducted in Norway and Sweden showed a significant increase in the risk of malignant melanoma among women who had regularly used sunbeds.
Additional exposure to UV from sunbeds is likely to enhance the well-known detrimental consequences of excessive solar UV exposure. There is no evidence to suggest that UV exposure from any type of sunbed is less harmful than UV exposure from the sun. Pre-cancerous actinic keratoses and Bowen's disease have also been found in sunlight-protected but sunbed exposed skin in fair-skinned users after just two to three years of regular sunbed use.
Any excessive exposure to UV, not just from sunbeds, can result in structural damage to human skin. In the short term this damage can be due to burning, fragility and scarring and in the longer-term as photoageing. Photoageing, caused by the breakdown of collagen in the skin by UV, manifests itself as wrinkling and loss of elasticity.
The effects of UV on the eye include cataracts, pterygium (a white coloured growth over the cornea) and inflammation of the eye such as photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis. Furthermore, excessive UV exposure can suppress the immune system, possibly leading to a greater risk of infectious diseases.
Based on their susceptibility to sunburn, skin types are classified into six different classes (I – VI). People with skin type I have the lightest skin and may not have even a light tan after repeated exposure to a sunbed. Instead, their skin generally suffers sunburn reactions.
The ability of the consumer to recognize their skin type as not suitable for sunbed use is based on either self-diagnosis, or worst, a bad experience of sunburn. For this reason sunbed operator training is needed to ensure correct skin type diagnosis. While skin type II and higher can tan, skin damage can still occur following excessive exposure to UV.
Childhood exposure to UV and the number of times a child is burnt by UV, either from the sun or from sunbeds, are known to increase the risk of developing melanoma later in life. For this reason, particular attention is required to ensure children and adolescents do not use sunbeds. The United States Department of Health and Human Services has classified exposure to sunlamps or sunbeds as "known to be carcinogenic to humans" and states that the longer the exposure, the greater the risk, especially to people exposed before the age of 30 years.
About sunbeds
Sunbeds emit predominantly UVA and some UVB, both of which can damage the DNA in cells of the skin. However, in recent years, lamps of sunbeds have been manufactured that produce higher levels of UVB to mimic the solar spectrum and speed the tanning process. While UVB has well known carcinogenic properties and whose excessive exposure is known to lead to the development of skin cancers, recent scientific studies suggest that high exposures to the longer wavelength UVA could also have an impact on skin cancer occurrence.
As with sun exposure, recent studies indicate a relationship between the use of sunbeds and malignant melanoma as well as non-melanoma skin cancers such as squamous and basal cell carcinomas. Thus, the consequences of regular sunbed use may include disfigurement from removal of skin cancers, early death if the cancer is a malignant melanoma, as well as substantial costs to national health systems for screening, treating and monitoring skin cancer patients.
Health benefits
Aside from tanning, many people claim that use of sunbeds helps them to be more relaxed and have a feeling of wellbeing. It is difficult to quantify such claims.
While sunbed use may increase vitamin D synthesis, predominantly from the UVB component, for the majority of the population, incidental exposure to the sun, combined with normal dietary intake of vitamin D, provides adequate vitamin D for a healthy body throughout the year. If people require more vitamin D than the sun can provide (for example, because of living in polar regions) this should be supplemented through diet rather than sunbed use.
Only in very rare and specific cases should the medically-supervised use of sunbeds be considered. Medical UV devices successfully treat certain skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. These treatments should only be conducted under qualified medical supervision in an approved medical clinic and not unsupervised either in commercial tanning premises or at home using a domestic sunbed.
There is a widespread false belief that a tan acquired using a sunbed will offer good skin protection against sunburn for a holiday in a sunny location. In reality, a tan acquired using a sunbed offers only limited protection against sunburn from solar UV. It has been estimated that a sunbed tan offers the same protective effect as using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of only 2-3.

Further information
Agar NS, Halliday GM, Barnetson RS, et al. (2004) The basal layer in human squamous tumors harbors more UVA than UVB fingerprint mutations: a role for UVA in human skin carcinogenesis, Proc Natl Acad Sci 101(14):4954-9.
AGNIR (2002) Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation Health. Effects from Ultraviolet Radiation. Documents of the NRPB 13 (1).
ICNIRP (2003) International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. Health Issues of Ultraviolet Tanning Appliances Used for Cosmetic Purposes. Health Physics 84: 119-127.
IEC (1995) International Electrotechnical Commission. Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Part 2: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Geneva:IEC 335-2-27.
McKinlay A and Repacholi MH (2000) Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure, Measurement and Protection. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 91( vols 1-3).
United States Department of Health and Human Services (2004) 11th Report of Carcinogens. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC. p III-266-267.
Veierod MB, Weiderpass E, Thorn M, et al. (2003) A prospective study of pigmentation, sun exposure, and risk of cutaneous malignant Melanoma in women. J Nat Cancer Inst 95:1530–1538.
WHO (1994) World Health Organization. Environmental Health Criteria 160. Ultraviolet Radiation Geneva.
WHO (2003) World Health Organization. Artificial tanning sunbeds - risks and guidance. Geneva
Young et al. (2003) UV-induced pigmentation in human skin. In: P.U. Giacomoni, ed. Sun Protection in Man. Amsterdam: Elsevier; pp. 357-375
Young A (2004) Tanning devices - Fast track to skin cancer?, Pigment Cell Res, 17: 2-9.
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Benefits of Sunlight
Benefits of sunlight? After hearing all the recent bad press about sunshine, you may be wondering how the sun could possibly be good for your health and well-being.
Report after report has warned us that even a small amount of exposure to the sun is bad for us.
It is good to be cautious when it comes to how much sun you are exposed to. After all, too much sunlight can put you at higher risk for skin cancer and cataracts. And it can make your skin wrinkle and age way too early in life.
But does being cautious mean that you should avoid the sun altogether?
No! Sunlight happens to be one of the greatest healing remedies that you can find in nature. The sun provides the energy that all living things need in order to exist on this earth.
When you take it in moderation, there are lots of health benefits of sunshine. If you hide away from the sun, you will not get those benefits.
So, what are the benefits of sunlight? Check out this long list!
- One of the major benefits of sunlight is that it helps fruits, vegetables, and grains to grow and be healthy. It also helps animals and us humans to grow and develop as well.
- A definite plus of sunshine is that it gives you a healthy looking complexion. It will make your skin smooth with an irresistible healthy glow.
- If you get regular exposure to sunlight, it will help protect your skin in the long run. That is because your body will build up a natural resistance to the harmful effects of ultraviolet light.
- If you allow your skin to get moderately tanned, it will be more resistant to infections and sunburns than if your skin is not tanned.
- The ultraviolet rays in sunshine act as a natural antiseptic. These rays can kill viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, fungi, and mites in air, water, and on different surfaces including your skin.
- Getting some sun tends to help clear up different skin diseases such as acne, boils, athletes foot, diaper rash, psoriasis, and eczema.
- Another of the main benefits of sunlight is that it stimulates your appetite and improves your digestion, elimination, and metabolism.
- Getting your daily dose of sunshine will enhance your immune system. It increases the number of white blood cells in your blood. It also helps them to be better fighters in their mission to destroy germs.
- Sunshine encourages healthy circulation. It also stimulates the production of more red blood cells which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood.
- Sunlight is one of the most effective healing agents that exists.
- Feeling down? One of the major benefits of sunlight is that it will soothe your nerves and boost your mood leaving you with a renewed sense of well-being. Sunlight increases the production of endorphins and serotonin in your brain which will definitely leave you feeling much better.
- Getting enough sunlight during the day can help you sleep better at night. If you are exposed to natural light during the day, it will increase your melatonin output at night. Melatonin is a natural hormone made by our bodies. It enhances sleep and slows down the aging process.
- The healing properties of the sun are excellent for people who are suffering from various diseases and ailments.
- Sunlight helps to balance out your hormones. It may even help to relieve certain symptoms of PMS.
- Sunlight improves the function of your liver and helps it to break down toxins and wastes that could lead to cancer and other diseases.
- If you've got swollen, arthritic joints, sunlight may help lower your pain levels.
- Sunlight is an effective treatment for jaundice.
- According to some studies on the benefits of sunlight, exposure to the sun may decrease your risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
- Sunlight helps your body convert a form of cholesterol that is present in your skin into vitamin D. This results in lower blood cholesterol levels.
- Other benefits of sunlight include the life-giving energy it gives to your organs and the way it helps to strengthen and vitalize your body.
What If I Don't Get Enough Sunlight?
Not getting enough direct sunlight on your skin can have a negative effect on your health.
Lack of sunlight can worsen feelings of depression in some people.
According to one study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition your chances of getting cancer could increase by as much as 70% if you don't get enough direct sunlight.
If you do not get enough sunlight your body may not make enough vitamin D. Having a vitamin D deficiency may put you at increased risk for bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Low vitamin D levels can also cause weak hearts, poor metabolism, and slow healing of bones and cuts.
How Much Sunshine Is Enough?
After reading about the benefits of sunlight you can see that the sun's rays are good for your health. Just how much sunshine is the right amount for you depends on a number of factors including how fair or dark your skin is, the time of the day you go out into the sun, and where you live in the world.
The general rule is this: The darker your skin, the more sunlight you will need to activate the synthesis of vitamin D in your skin. If you don't spend enough time in the sun, you may become deficient in vitamin D. And you could miss out on the many benefits of sunlight.
The fairer your skin, the less time it will take to activate the synthesis of vitamin D in your skin. If you are very fair skinned, a very brief amount of time in the sun should be enough to meet your needs.
An average of 10 minutes of sunlight per day all year round will make sure that you reap the benefits of sunlight and make enough vitamin D. Remember that artificial light can never substitute for the real thing.
[ Natural light is self-generated and comes in a spectrum of colors - the visible colors of the rays we experience. The color spectrum contains light with shorter wavelengths near the violet on one end and light with higher wavelength near the red. Called ultraviolet and infrared rays respectively, these rays are not visible to us. The complete spectrum of light from the natural source is ideal for plant and animal life on earth... Artificial light uses another energy source to generate light that is not as versatile as natural light and has a detrimental effect on plant and animal life when exposed for prolonged periods. Moderate exposure to all aspects of natural light is ideal for most life on earth; the same does not apply to artificial light, which generally serves a purpose of illumination during darkness.(]
In the summertime try to avoid being out in the direct sunlight between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. The summer sun is too intense between those times. Catch some rays before 10 am or after 4 pm. If you need to stay out longer than 10 minutes use a natural, chemical-free sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Most quality health food stores carry a variety of brands.
If you live in the north and have a tendency to feel down during the long winter months, try to catch as many rays of sunshine as you can. In northern countries, it is ok to get some daytime sun. Twenty minutes of sun on your hands, neck, feet, and legs is ideal and should be sufficient for you to get the many benefits of sunlight.
Try to go outside if you can because UV light does not produce vitamin D through glass. Sitting in a bright spot in your home is nice and relaxing, but it will not help you get your daily dose of vitamin D.
Your Diet And Exposure To The Sun
When it comes to sun exposure, research shows that what you eat may matter more than you think.
Diets that are high in protein, animal fats, junk foods, soft drinks, vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, animal and vegetable shortenings, and dairy products are associated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Eating a high fat diet and spending lots of time in the sun is a bad combination.
Unhealthy oils are not just in food. You can also find them in skin care products such as suntan oils and skin lotions. Unhealthy oils in skin care products can also damage your skin and put you at risk.
The ultraviolet rays of the sun react with the fats in your body. The end result? Free radicals form. They damage your cells and can lead to cancer. Sunlight may play a role but the real culprit is a diet high in fat and low in antioxidants and nutrients.
If you eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you will be getting lots of nutrients, antioxidants, and other plant substances that will help prevent the formation of free radicals.
This has a protective effect. Fresh, plant foods are very important in helping your body be able to handle exposure to sunlight. Antioxidants protect your skin from burning too quickly. They also prevent premature aging.
Benefits of Sunlight For Your Home
Sunlight is not just good for your health. It's good for your home environment as well.
One of the major benefits of sunlight in your home is that it is an effective germ killer. You can clean and freshen up your blankets, quilts, and other items by hanging them out in the sunshine.
Sunlight can also prevent the rooms in your house from becoming damp and moldy. All you have to do is expose them to fresh air and sunlight on a regular basis. In one study published in the British Medical Journal, sunlight was able to kill the bacteria that was present in dust particles.
If you are worried about fading furniture and pictures, try rearranging your room so that your valuable items are out of the path of direct sunlight. But if your furniture does end up fading a little, I'm sure you'll agree with me that the benefits of sunlight are well worth it!
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Dr Bruce Katz on CBS TV Tanning Bed Dangers
Preparing Your Vegetable Garden for Winter
By Mary Lou Shaw
Every gardener probably has a different version of the "best" way to prepare a backyard garden forthe winter. Because our Ohio garden is large, and each year is different in climate and crops, I findthat our garden goes into each winter with a little different variation of preparedness. Winter preparations occur over several weeks, but perhaps the following suggestions will give you ideas that you can try now and in the years ahead.
One thing that most gardeners will agree upon is that it's worth the effort to clean out all the old annual plants. Some of the vines and climbing plants will die on their own and can be hauled to the compost by now. Others like tomatoes will wait for a hard frost to die. I’m in no rush to clean out crops if I can still get some green tomatoes or a sweet pepper or two. However, when the season is over, cleaning out the dead plants prevents the build-up of disease and harmful insects. The heat of composting will kill them.
The dead plants and weeds that you clean out from your garden in the autumn become valuable additions to your compost. Don't worry about knocking all the soil off the roots. Soil contains microbes that will boost the decomposition of your compost. The compost recipe is "two-parts brown and one-part green". Dried leaves, pine needles can be added to the dead plants to provide the "brown." Kitchen waste, grass and still-green plants will help provide the "green" component of your compost recipe.
If you don't have room for a compost pile outside your garden area, consider digging trenches in your garden where you can bury this debris along with the other compost ingredients. After one trench is filled and one area of your garden cleaned out, dig another trench for the next area. This will compost and enrich your soil for the next year.
There are lots more options for your garden before you say good-bye to it until next spring. For one thing, if you plan ahead, your garden can continue to provide food through much of the winter. Kale and collards can be planted in the heat of ABuckwheat and compost rows with straw pathsugust and then ignored until cold-sensitive plants have died. Carrots can be planted about late August or September and then covered with straw and not harvested until frost has sweetened them.
The garden is also a good place to create a "root cellar" of sorts. Plants don't have to be deep in the soil to be protected from the cold. If you have cabbage in the garden that you would like to save for the winter months, dig it up now with the roots attached. Next, dig a hole to put it in, head-first, with the root sticking out to mark the spot. (You might also want to mark the spot with a stake in case you have high snow). When you dig it up this winter, you can remove only the outside leaves and have a perfect cabbage. Potatoes and carrots can also be dug now and preserved with a mound of straw and dirt above them.
Depending on where you live, you might still have time to put in some plants for next year. Spinach is planted four to six weeks before frost and then covered with straw for a late winter or early springtime treat. It's time right here to plant garlic, rhubarb and shallots for next year's harvest.
Some people say that soil should not lay bare through the winter because top soil will be lost to erosion. The best solution for this is to plant a cover crop (see the photo for an example of a buckwheat cover crop as well as compost rows). Cover crops can do more than hold your soil in place. Some plants can also serve as "green manure" when tilled back into the soil next spring. You want crops that will break-down readily, and buckwheat and rye serve this purpose well. A good source of cover crop seeds is Johnny's Seeds.
Another purpose of cover crops can be to enrich the soil while they hold it in place. Legumes do this best because their roots have nitrogen-fixing nodules. Red clover is my favorite for this purpose because its stems don't contain silicone and therefore breakdown readily in the soil in the springtime. Other clovers are difficult to get rid of when you're ready to plant your crops.
The granddaddy of all cover crops is a mixture of buckwheat, red clover and turnips. The buckwheat feeds the bees, holds the soil in place, suppresses weed growth and breaks down readily after a frost. The red clover enriches the soil, suppresses weeds and also helps to hold the soil. And the turnips? After the buckwheat dies, you can protect them with a bit of straw and have turnips to eat throughout the winter!
I have one more way that I am getting our garden ready this fall, but it is next springtime that I have in mind. Last spring was so wet right up into June that it was difficult to get into the garden to plant seedlings. The only parts of the garden that I was able to plant were the rows that I had already laid out with compost and straw-paths the previous autumn. I am therefore getting my daily work-out now by hauling compost, cart-load by cart-load, from the compost pile in the meadow to the garden. Who knows what next spring will bring, but with every part of the garden in a different stage of preparation, some part might be "just right."
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Winter Mulching in Cold Climate Gardens
By Marie Iannotti
In areas that experience freezing temperatures, winter mulching differs from mulching during the growing season. We mulch our gardens in the spring to suppress weeds, retain moisture and feed and warm the soil. While we may spread a layer of soil conditioning compost or manure in the fall, the primary reason for winter mulching is to protect our plants from the harsh conditions of winter freezes, thaws and winds.
Why Mulch the Garden in Winter?
The main idea behind winter mulching is to keep the ground frozen by shielding it from the warmth of the sun. A steady temperature will keep the plant in dormancy and prevent it from triggering new growth during a brief warm spell. Tender, new growth too soon will just result in more winter die back. Mulching now will also help conserve whatever water is in the soil, so hopefully you’ve been keeping your garden beds watered right up until the hard frost.
What Can You Use to Mulch the Garden in Winter?
- Any loose, insulating material will do. Keep in mind that you'll need to remove the mulch in the spring, or at least rake it aside. So choose a material that’s easy to handle. Shredded mulch, straw, pine needles or shredded leaves are all easy to remove or easy to work into the soil.
- If your ground doesn’t freeze until after Christmas, you can use the cut boughs of your Christmas tree as a mulch covering. These are nice because they’re so easy to remove in the spring.
- The easiest mulch is snow cover. Snow is a great insulator and protector of plants.
- Some plants will simply collapse onto themselves and act as self-mulches. Chrysanthemums survive best if allowed to do this.
When Should You Apply Winter Mulch?
1. Protect Crowns & Surface Roots: (Especially newly planted plants) Mulching to protect most perennial plants is done after the first hard or killing frost. A hard frost is usually defined as temperature drop to below 25 degrees F., but you’ll know it when you see the last of the hardy annuals crumbled and brown in the morning. At this point, your perennials should be well into dormancy and mulching around them won’t encourage tender new growth. Go ahead and spread a 2-4" layer of mulch around the base of the plants.
Grafted plants, like hybrid tea roses, benefit from being mulched more heavily. These are usually mulched with compost or soil and are actually buried to just over the graft union. You can pile the soil up around the stems or you can use some wire fencing and fill with compost.
2. Prevent Dessication: Some shrubs that are evergreen or somewhat evergreen, like rhododendrons and viburnums, can become desiccated by harsh winds. You can protect the branches and buds by wrapping them with burlap or by spraying on an anti-desiccant, like Wilt-Pruf. (Anti-desiccants are handy to have around. You can prolong the life of your Christmas tree with a spray. They’re also good for coating carved pumpkins.) If you choose to wrap your shrubs, make certain there is space between the branches and the burlap or the burlap will freeze onto the branches and cause its own problem. You can also fill the space between the shrub and burlap with leaves, for additional insulation.
Woody plants don't require as much protection as herbaceous perennials. However, a 2 - 4" layer of shredded bark mulch or compost does help conserve the ground moisture. Just be sure not to pile it around the base of the plants. Keep it several inches from the stems or you'll invite rodents, like voles and mice, who like the cover of mulch while munching on bark. Mulching up against the stems also holds too much moisture against the plant, providing ideal conditions for diseases to take hold.
3. Prevent Heaving: When the ground repeatedly freezes and thaws, it expands and contracts. When a plant is sitting in ground that expands and contracts, its roots get loosened from where they are anchored under ground and the plant eventually gets pushed up through the surface of the soil, exposing its crown and roots to freezing temperatures and drying winds, which brings us right back to Reason to Winter Mulch #1. Again, you would wait until the top of the plant has died back and the ground has frozen, before applying a layer of mulch.
4. Prevent Erosion: (Especially important for fallow gardens, like vegetable gardens during winter.) Mulching unplanted garden beds can be done at any time in the fall. Ideally, you would plant a winter cover crop and let it sit until you till it under in the spring. If you choose not to plant a cover crop, it would still be beneficial to spread a layer of compost, manure or shredded leaves. I like to use my fenced in vegetable garden as a corral for my shredded leaves. They mulch the vegetable garden all winter and in the spring, I spread them as mulch in my flower beds.
Removing Winter Mulch
The rule of thumb is to remove winter mulch in the spring, when all danger of a hard frost is past. That's sometimes very hard to judge, as anyone who's experienced an Easter snowstorm can attest. However when the ground starts to thaw and the smell of mud is in the air, it's time to start raking and removing the mulch so that the ground can warm and new growth won't be inhibited.
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How To Prepare Garden For Winter The Eco Friendly Way
Root Cellars: Safe and Secure from the Corporate Food Train
by Cheryl Wixson
Root-cellaring is a saving technique for ordinary winter storage of fresh, raw, whole vegetables and fruits that have not been processed to increase their keeping quality. The root cellar is a way to hold these foods for several months after their normal harvest in a cold, rather moist environment that does not allow them to freeze or to complete their natural cycle to decomposition in the fall.
Many Advantages
Root-cellaring your fruits and vegetables has many advantages. First, having a winter’s supply of food put by provides an immense feeling of security. So what if they blow up the bridge in Kittery, you’ll still have enough to eat! Root cellars help conserve energy, as the food that you enjoy all winter has not traveled thousands of miles to get to your plate. Root cellars can save money: Crops that you grow or obtain locally at the peak of harvest are more economical than those purchased in December in the supermarket. Root-cellaring is also an alternative to investing in additional freezers or canning supplies.
Perhaps what my family enjoys most about the root cellar is the whole new system of eating that it fosters: Local, Seasonal, Organic (LSO), an age-old system based on the seasons. Research indicates that foods enjoyed in season have health benefits also. In the fall and winter, the beta-carotene, antioxidants and phytochemicals in squashes, carrots and other roots give our bodies extra defenses to fight colds, and the complex carbohydrates of root vegetables help us maintain high energy levels during the coldest months.
As spring becomes summer, we enjoy more leafy greens and salads, giving our bodies additional water and such minerals as iron, potassium and phosphorus. We look forward to our asparagus in May and peas in June, knowing that a full year will pass before we eat them again. The last winter apples are eaten just before the strawberries, raspberries and blueberries start to ripen. We feast on endless summer squash and zucchini baked in muffins and breads, grilled or stir-fried, and in salads. Our eating follows a pattern – what’s fresh, what’s local, what’s in season – a pattern complemented by root-cellaring.
The Right Space
Unfortunately, of all the time-tested ways of putting food by, root-cellaring is less satisfactory than it was a century or more ago due to technological advances in home construction. Traditionally, root cellars were underground in the cool, damp cellar of the farmhouse, with dirt floors and stone or brick walls. Today’s homes, with finished basements with concrete floors and centralized heating systems, do not provide optimum conditions for long-term storage of produce without some modifications. However, with a little research and understanding of the science of storing produce, almost any space can be adapted for root-cellaring.
The two basic requirements for successfully storing produce in root cellars are the proper temperature and humidity. In their excellent book Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits and Vegetables, Mike and Nancy Bubel detail construction of several types of cold storage, from trenches, “keeping closets” and bulkhead storage to specific rooms built in finished basements. Particular vegetables and fruits have specific temperature and humidity requirements.
Foods that like cold temperatures (32 to 40 degrees F.) and high humidity (90 to 95% relative humidity) include beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, celery, winter radishes (Daikon), leeks and Jerusalem artichokes. Potatoes, cabbage and apples also do best at 32 to 40 degrees F. but with less humidity (80 to 90% relative humidity). Garlic and onions keep best in cool temperatures, 32 to 50 degrees F., and dry conditions, 50 to 60% relative humidity. Pumpkins, winter squash and sweet potatoes store ideally with a moderately warm temperature (50 to 60 degrees F.) and dry conditions.
At first, this may seem complex, but with experience you will be able to locate a storage place for all. First, visit your local hardware store and invest in a good thermometer and hygrometer. Using your thermometer, find the coldest place in your house or basement that is most suitable for your root cellar. As the Bubels write, a good root cellar can both “borrow and store cold.” To borrow cold, you can dig deep into the earth, or during the fall and spring, you can allow colder, outside night air in to cool the cellar by opening a window, using a louvered vent or running a fan. Storing the cold usually requires some type of insulation.
In addition to a thermometer and hygrometer, you’ll need tubs with lids, crates, straw, sand or wood shavings. More sophisticated root cellars may have fans or ventilators.
Other resources that can help you construct a root cellar include Stocking Up (Rodale Press). Its excellent chapter on Underground Storage recommends constructing an 8- by 10-foot room in your finished basement, probably in the northeast corner, and farthest from the boiler. The book also has construction details for concrete storage rooms, soil pits, mound storage, hay bale storage, pit storage and even a truck body located underground.
Putting Food by Ruth Hertzberg et al. (Stephen Greene Press) also devotes a chapter to root-cellaring, as does Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning by the gardeners and farmers of Terre Vivante in France. The forward, The Poetry of Food, crafted by Eliot Coleman, inspires us to eat “real food.” These books are good additions to the home library, as they also have recipes and ideas on how to enjoy the fruits of your storage. The Cooperative Extension Services of many universities, including Purdue, Colorado State, the University of New Hampshire and University of Alaska, Fairbanks, have Web-based information about root-cellaring.
Bulkhead Bounty
My first root cellar was in the bulkhead of our 1929 bungalow in Bangor. Our home had an existing space that the former owners had used as a root cellar, complete with wooden storage bins and closets for canned goods, but the temperatures were rarely below 50 degrees. My husband converted that to a wine cellar, and we used the steps going from the cellar to the outside for a root cellar. My husband insulated the top of the bulkhead door with sheets of rigid insulation, and I tracked the temperature with a thermometer. When the forecast called for temperatures below zero, we could maintain the temperature around 32 degrees by cracking open the door from the bulkhead to the heated portion of the cellar.
I stored apples in tubs on the top steps. Of all my produce, apples could withstand the coldest temperatures and still be suitable for eating. Use caution when storing apples, however: They give off ethylene gas, which promotes ripening and maturation of other vegetables and, at some concentrations, can promote sprouting in potatoes. A farmer friend ruined his whole crop of carrots by storing them with apples. By using tubs with lids, the gas stays in the tubs, as does the condensation.
We hung mesh bags of onions and garlic from hooks in the front, closest to the heated part of the basement. Potatoes were stored in paper bags and leeks in sand in open plastic tubs. I must confess that I don’t harvest my leeks until the January thaw. Last winter the snow cover made finding them a bit more challenging!
Beets, carrots, turnips, celeriac and winter radishes like very humid conditions, and store best packed in moist sand or wood shavings. Last winter I was fortunate to find winter pears in early December, and stored them in a wooden crate toward the front, enjoying them into late January. I wrapped my cabbages in newspaper and set them on the steps. They can be quite odiferous, and some folks choose to store them in a separate location.
Pumpkins and winter squash prefer warmer and drier conditions. We store butternut and ‘Delicata’ squash in an unheated bedroom. My ‘Delicata’ usually keep until April, and I still (in late July) had one butternut that I was hoarding for a special occasion.
This arrangement served us well from November into early April. By then, most of our produce was depleted, and the remainder could be moved into a second refrigerator that we kept in the basement specifically for storing root crops.
Check Frequently!
Only fresh and sound produce should be root-cellared. The food should be free from cuts, cracks, bruises, insects and mechanical damage. When I prepare produce for winter storage, I inspect it carefully. Items with any damage are either eaten quickly or canned or frozen. Apples and pears can be made into sauce, squash roasted and frozen, and beets pickled.
Visit and inspect your root cellar frequently. The old adage that one bad apple rots the barrel is true! I visit my root cellar every few days, enjoying the satisfaction of having plenty to eat without traveling to the supermarket. Basket in hand, I carefully check my apples, selecting any that show the first signs of softening or rot. Some go into the nightly salad, some are eaten out of hand, and if there are enough, some are baked into a crisp or pie. I select potatoes, carrots and other vegetables for the next few meals, taking comfort in the thought that my food supply is safe and secure.
I highly recommend keeping a journal. I use my journal to track outside temperatures and compare them with root cellar temperatures. I also record the condition of my produce through the winter, what I prepare with the food, recipe ideas and storage tips. This information is invaluable for planning for the next season. Here are two examples from my journal:
January 9, 2008: another warm day, root cellar 45 degrees. Sorted apples and pears. Harvested leeks. Dug snow. Ground not frozen. Some pears had frozen (from minus 5 degrees cold snap earlier in the week). Made pear sauce. Apples fine, especially Belle de Boskeep! One delicata and 1 butternut with small spots of rot. Roasted for supper.
February 21, 2008: Red Cabbage Slaw: chopped red cabbage, red delicious apple, grated Daikon, wheat berries, pecans, dressing maple syrup, raspberry vinegar, olive oil, cranberry jelly. Excellent keeper!
Quantities and Varieties
Perhaps the biggest question regarding root-cellaring is how much food you’ll need. If your family is unaccustomed to the joys of the LSO diet, I recommend starting small – perhaps with a second refrigerator in the garage or basement. If your family is more adventurous and eager to commit to eating the way our great, great grandparents did, you might start with these quantities for a family of four:
Apples: 5 bushels
Carrots: 40 to 60 pounds
Cabbage: green, 20 heads; red, 10 heads
Beets: 20 pounds
Celeriac: (celery root, use instead of celery) 10 to 20 heads
Leeks: 40 plants
Potatoes: 100 pounds or more
Jerusalem artichoke: 10 pounds
Onions: 40 pounds
Garlic: 10 to 20 pounds
Winter radish: 10
Parsnip: 20 pounds
Squash: 40 ‘Delicata’ and 30 pounds butternut
Pumpkin: 5 to 10
Turnip and rutabaga: 10 or more
Certain varieties of vegetables keep better than others. ‘Bolero,’ ‘Purple Haze’ and ‘Chantenay’ carrots are good storage crops, while ‘Mokum’ and ‘Napoli’ are better harvested and eaten fresh. Seed catalogs such as Fedco and Johnny’s have variety information, and the Bubels devote a chapter to Good Keepers.
Local farmers are also excellent resources. They provide food for their families all winter and can give you storage tips, cooking suggestions, even recipe ideas. I am constantly amazed at the breadth of knowledge and common sense of our farmers. Many also offer root crops for purchase throughout the winter.
Accepting the challenge of storing your family’s food for the winter and getting off the corporate food train is not easy and requires diligence and commitment, but the opportunity to eat real food, to know where your food comes from, to be secure in knowing that you can provide for your family is a huge step toward food independence. I encourage you to nourish your bodies and your souls, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy eating!
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How to Build a Root Cellar for Food Storage
By Greg Roberts
You can build a root cellar that acts as a refrigerator in the spring and summer and a safe-from-freezing pantry in the fall and winter.
Learning how to build a root cellar will help your family preserve and store food during the winter season. Not long ago, just about every family in the world's colder climes had one of these harvest keepers for food storage — a root cellar. Nestled in the earth — and away from the heat of the kitchen — a root cellar maintained a temperature just above freezing and provided practical food storage for root crops, apples, meats and cabbages throughout a long winter.
Of course, the heyday of the homestead food storer ended a good while ago. When folks gained access to refrigerators and supermarkets, the root cellar was pretty much forgotten. In fact, by the time I was a lad, all the root cellars in our area had long since been abandoned. The deteriorating structures were used only by us youngsters as "secret" forts.
Nowadays, though, there's been a revival of interest in practical, inexpensive ways of preserving food. More and more people are rediscovering the wisdom of constructing a place to store unprocessed, homegrown edibles. And, even though building a root cellar requires a fair investment in labor and materials, the finished shelter uses absolutely no operating energy and demands no maintenance or upkeep.
The root cellar shown in the Image Gallery was built by my father, Ted Roberts, in Three Lakes, Wisconsin. Dad started the project by excavating an 8-by-8-by-20 foot cavern using a backhoe.
The bottom of the cellar was lined with sand for drainage purposes. When building the walls, though, Father laid a concrete base that had an upwardly protruding inner lip. The L-shaped foundation would both support the weight of the cedar log walls and brace the base of those rounds against the tons of sideways "cave-in" pressure the earth-banked structure would be exposed to.
Every cedar log was peeled and then cut square (on each of two opposing sides) in order to make sure that the vertically stacked timbers would all fit snugly in place. The ceiling cedars were notched where they rested atop the wall logs so that — like the concrete base lip - the horizontal beams could help brace the cellar's sides.
Father outfitted the front of the root cellar with double doors, which were separated by an air space to keep out the cold. (He used an acetylene torch to cut the rustic-looking hinges and hasp shown in the photos.) The storage house is also wired for electricity. When especially cold nights bring temperatures as low as 40 degrees below zero, the cellar's incandescent light warms up the inside temperature a few degrees to make absolutely sure that the put-back food doesn't freeze.

Watch Video:
Building Barrel Root Cellars

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