The intake of heavy metal salts into the body concerns not only those who live in smoky industrial cities, but also those who live in environmentally favorable areas. Heavy metal salts[1] are constantly circulating with water and air, and are found in food.
According to SCOOP projects set up in the EU to assess the intake of contaminants from food, people in more than 15 countries are exposed to heavy metal salts through food. For example, mercury can enter the body through consumption of seafood - it is fish, algae, crustaceans, and shellfish that accumulate it.
Constant exposure to heavy metals can lead to various diseases, including cancer, so it is important to regularly cleanse the body with natural and safe methods.
Cedar nut oil is a natural and safe way to cleanse the body of heavy metal salts that can accumulate in tissues and organs due to environmental pollution, food or other factors. It has antioxidant and detoxifying properties and can activate metabolic processes, cleanse the body, and stimulate the liver, which helps to eliminate heavy metal salts from the body.
What components of cedar nut oil contribute to the excretion of heavy metal salts?
Linoleic acid - a component of cedar nut oil, which promotes the excretion of heavy metal salts from the body. Linoleic acid has pronounced detoxifying properties, helping the body get rid of excess toxins, toxins and heavy metal salts. Linoleic acid stimulates the production of enzymes involved in metabolic processes, which helps accelerate the process of cleansing the body.
Cedar nut oil helps the liver to eliminate heavy metal salts such as lead, mercury, cadmium from the body. This is due to the high content of antioxidants (Vitamin E[2], C), which help to improve the liver and activate its function to cleanse the blood. In addition, cedar nut oil contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and selenium, which also have antioxidant properties
Importance of regular consumption of cedar nut oil for the elimination of heavy metal salts
To maximize the effectiveness of the process of detoxifying the body from heavy metal salts, regular consumption of cedar nut oil in food is recommended. Adding the cedar nut oil to various dishes or consuming it on an empty stomach can help improve the metabolic processes in the body, which in turn helps the body detoxify more effectively.