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M.F. Soloshchenko, E. N. Tulubaeva, 2009
A. V. Dyadigurov, Yuriy Vasilevich Ten, P. L. Meshalkina, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

D. Fedorov
Ph. D., Novosibirsk Russia, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

V. Rezin Ph. D., Institute of Climatic and Ecological Systems Monitoring, Novosibirsk, Russia

M. M. Ignatenko, 1981

Associate Professor T. G. Petrova, Instructor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry T. V. Zvereva.

Taiga Magasine, 2006.

- Z. M. L., NSCA-CPT

- by Regina Jensen.

- Regina Jensen.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

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Links Across Space and Time.

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Feed back:
On the Siberian cedar products under trade mark "The Ringing Cedars of Russia"

Cedar resin extract: an effective remedy for bedsores and diaper sores

Cedar resin extract: an effective remedy for bedsores and diaper sores

When it comes to bedsores and diaper sores, especially in infants, it is important to find an effective and safe remedy for their treatment. One such natural product that has antiseptic properties and promotes rapid skin regeneration is cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin.

Cedar resin extract has powerful antiseptic properties, promotes wound healing, accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells. Due to its natural origin, cedar resin extract does not cause irritation and allergic reactions, so it can be used even in infants.

The benefits of cedar oil with oleoresin for bedsores and diaper rash.

Bedsores are sores on the skin that form when you stay in one position for a long time, such as lying in bed or sitting in one place[1]. They can bring a lot of discomfort and pain to a person, so it is important to know how to treat them properly. The use of cedar resin extract for bedsores has many benefits.

First, resin extract has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, which helps to quickly heal wounds and reduce inflammation.

In addition, resin extract has antibacterial properties, which helps prevent the development of infection and speed up the healing process.

Another important advantage of cedar resin extract is its ability to stimulate tissue regeneration, which accelerates the healing process and helps prevent the formation of ulcers.

In diaper rash cedar oil with oleoresin is no less effective and has the same properties as for bedsores.

Diaper rash is an irritation and redness of the skin that occurs as a result of friction or moisture. Resin extract helps to eliminate inflammation, relieves pain, itching and heals the skin. Due to its natural composition, it is well tolerated even by sensitive infant skin[2].

Resin extract helps to relieve redness and swelling in the area of diaper rash, soothes and moisturizes the skin and helps to activate tissue regeneration, and accelerate the healing process.

How to apply?

To treat bedsores and diaper rashes using cedar resin extract, apply a small amount of the product to clean, dry skin in the area of the lesion. Resin extract should be applied in a thin layer, so that the product evenly covers the surface of the skin. Repeat the procedure is recommended several times a day until full recovery.

And also remember that cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin can be used internally for general health maintenance.

Regular use of cedar resin extract will help to get rid of health problems and return your skin to a healthy and well-groomed look!


Cedar nut oil for liver dysfunction

Throat gargle with cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn for flu


[1] Risk assessment tools for the prevention of pressure ulcers. Zena EH Moore, Declan Patton, Cochrane Wounds Group

[2] Prevention, Treatment and Parent Education for Diaper Dermatitis Lisa Merrill

Published by
Ringing Cedars of Russia
217 Country Club Park, Birmingham, CA 35213, United States

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