Chronic fatigue syndrome is expressed in increased fatigue and apathy. With it, fatigue does not go away even after rest, which, of course, greatly affects the quality of life. The syndrome has two main causes:
- regular stress and heavy emotional stress, as well as constant sleep disturbances
- immunity disorders, including those occurring after serious illnesses.[1]
In addition, there is evidence that chronic fatigue syndrome can develop due to disturbances in the hormonal system, namely dysfunction of the adrenal glands. [2]
Since the syndrome has been little studied, protocols for its treatment have not been fully developed. However, all doctors and scientists agree that vitamin and mineral therapy plays a huge role. Resin extract is a complex remedy for chronic fatigue syndrome, since it affects several causes of its occurrence at once. It helps cope with stress and improves sleep, strengthens the immune system, and is beneficial for the hormonal system.
Stress management
Resin extract helps with stress because it:
- Supports the health of the nervous system that is responsible for the normal response to stress. Amino acids from cedar nut oil are involved in neuronal function, and some are neurotransmitters.
- Increases the overall resistance of the body at the physical and psychological level, is an adaptogen.
- Normalizes sleep and helps get rid of insomnia.
Strengthening the immune system
Phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamins A and E, amino acids, and unsaturated fatty acids are components of cedar nut oil that improve immunity. In cedar resin, terpenes, succinic acid, and vitamins C and D are responsible for maintaining immunity. All these nutrients affect the immune system in a complex manner, at different levels. For example:
- thanks to vitamin A, the health of the mucous membranes is maintained, due to which pathogenic microflora (viruses, bacteria) do not multiply on them,
- terpenes destroy microbes, making them more vulnerable and their shells more permeable,
- unsaturated fatty acids strengthen the cell membranes of immune cells. [3]
Benefits for the adrenal glands
Recent studies have shown that chronic fatigue syndrome may be associated with disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), and especially in the adrenal glands. [4] [5] For adrenal health, it is necessary that the body receives enough B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and tocopherol. All these microelements are contained in sufficient quantities in resin extract.
Take resin extract regularly, be active and happy!