Due to its unique composition, cedar nut oil has a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs, an effective prophylactic agent for many diseases.
The effect of regular use of cedar nut oil is cumulative and manifests itself gradually. With each week of intake, positive changes will occur in your body.
After 10 days
1. Sleep improves
Cedar nut oil contains B vitamins that help regulate the intake of tryptophan. Tryptophan helps produce melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone. It is a central part of the body's sleep-wake cycle.
2. Increases the ability to concentrate and work capacity
Magnesium that is found in cedar nut oil increases the number of brain synapses. Therefore, when taking cedar oil, learning ability and efficiency gradually increase.
3.The work of the digestive tract is getting better
Cedar nut oil contains folic acid that affects cell renewal, therefore it has the ability to heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, cedar nut oil is rich in zinc that has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora.
A month later
1. Blood pressure is normalized
Cedar nut oil is a source of Omega-3. A study published in The American Journal of Hypertension shows that omega-3 fatty acids lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This study analyzed the results of 70 randomized controlled trials. [1]
2. Increases immunity
Cedar nut oil contains tannins - substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating properties. [2]
3. Taking cedar nut oil has a beneficial effect on the appearance
Shiny hair, strong nails and an even skintone - you will notice this effect after a few weeks of regular use of cedar nut oil. The most important "beauty vitamin" is α-Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E). The content of this vitamin in cedar nut oil is several times higher than olive, sunflower and coconut oil.
Six months later
1. The hormonal background is stabilized
Cedar nut oil contains iodine, an essential trace element for the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland ensures normal metabolism and hormonal balance in the body. Also, regular intake of oil ensures the normal functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands due to the high content of zinc, selenium and pantothenic acid.
2. Reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system
The oleic acid contained in cedar nut oil has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system. This effect is achieved due to the fact that oleic acid is able to normalize cholesterol levels. Cedar nut oil also contains vitamins E and A. These vitamins prevent damage to small blood vessels and the heart.
Cedar nut oil has a complex effect on the body, having a beneficial effect on all organs. Regular intake of it is an effective prevention of many diseases.
Mohova I.G., PhD
Center for Clinical Dietetics and Weight Correction, Novosibirsk