NEW: Sea Buckthorn Oil for Hemorrhoids: A Gentle Treatment
According to the data from medical statistics, no less than 70% of people encounter the problem of hemorrhoids. Only for some does it occasionally get worse, while for others it is a regular problem. To restore the integrity of the rectum, a number of remedies have been invented, but, in cases of hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil not only has an effective action, but also a gentle one. For this reason, interest in this remedy continues unabated.
Young people happen to suffer from hemorrhoids much less frequently than those who are in the "over forty" age group. Traditionally, the causes of this disease include heavy physical work, a sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced and irregular nutrition, chronic constipation in adults, whose treatment is not always successful, or the opposite phenomenon—loose stools over a lengthy period.
Hemorrhoids are nothing more than the varicosity of the veins that pass through the rectum. It is usually diagnosed on the basis of symptoms such as a burning and itching sensation in the area of the anus, and an enlargement and prolapse of the hemorrhoids from the rectum, painful sensations, which make themselves felt not only during defecation, but also at those times when a person is just sitting, standing, or walking. In any case, you should not make the diagnosis yourself—similar symptoms are common to certain other diseases of the large intestine. It is best to make a visit to a proctologist and receive some clear explanations regarding the changes in your health. After that, you can get advice on the subject of treating hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil.
Action of sea buckthorn oil
First of all, it is worth taking note of sea buckthorn oil as a remedy for treating hemorrhoids in women in an interesting situation. During pregnancy, almost every second woman suffers from hemorrhoids, but in this situation severe restrictions are imposed on the use of standard anti-hemorrhoidal drugs.
The main advantage of sea buckthorn oil is recognized to be its rich "palette" of vitamins. In addition, it contains quite a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic acid. In a complex, all these substances produce the anti-inflammatory and reparative (that is, restorative) action of sea buckthorn oil. It is not by chance that only the best reviews are associated with the use of sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers, and it can provide real benefit in dealing with hemorrhoids in exactly the same way.
How is sea buckthorn oil used in cases of hemorrhoids?
The most efficient course of treatment appears to be one in which the external application of sea buckthorn oil is combined with an internal application. As an additional measure, one can begin a constipation diet for adults, the necessary components of which are bread made from coarse-grain flour, dried fruits, and also raw vegetables and fruits.
In the morning, a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil must be taken on an empty stomach. Breakfast can be begun in exactly half an hour.
Washes can also be done with sea buckthorn oil by applying oil-soaked cotton tampons to the anal area. They must be changed 3–4 times a day. Bed rest appears to be the ideal, but if this cannot be implemented because of any circumstances, , then any unnecessary movements should at least be restricted. An oil-soaked tampon must also be applied for the night. The course of treatment continues until the functions of the rectum return to normal and the hemorrhoids themselves subside. Subsequently, for the prevention of constipation and, consequently, new problems with the intestines, it is sufficient to include vegetable oils having a marked therapeutic effect regularly in one's diet—not only sea-buckthorn oil, but also simple cedar nut oil and cedar nut oil enriched with resin.
Sea buckthorn tampons are so eco-friendly and safe that they can be used in small children without any fear of side effects. Not only do they begin the processes that restore the mucous membranes and skin, but they also stimulate them and, thanks to this miracle-oil, they have a general strengthening effect on the tissue.
Prudent people always have a supply of sea buckthorn oil at home: after all, hemorrhoids is an unfortunate condition that appears suddenly, and does not need an invitation. The oil is usually stored in the refrigerator.
There is only one contraindication to sea buckthorn rectal tampons for hemorrhoids: individual intolerance.
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Christmas Gift Ideas!
Holiday Season is creeping upon us, the feeling of joy, laughter, and happiness is already felt in the air!
May this Holiday Season surround you and your family with love, pleasant surprises, and
treasures of Christmas moments, which will turn into a delightful memories remembered with a smile throughout the year.
We are inviting you to celebrate this Holiday with us, and spread the warm energy of Siberian Cedars through below carefully selected Gift Ideas:
Cedar Nut Oil with Cedar Resin is also known as Resin Extract. As Resin is known to be a strong disinfectant and antiseptic, it is widely used in luxurious hair and facial cremes, as when it is applied externally it can assist in: fighting cellulite, improve skins complexion, reduce wrinkles and calms an irritated skin. Simply, massage your body and face in circular motion to allow the Extract to penetrate deeply into your skin.
As you may have heard that everything starts from within our body; therefore it is also essential to intake the Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Cedar Resin internally. When taken internally, Resin Extract can assist with various stomach conditions such as ulcers, gastritis, acidity, constipation, and irritated bladder and intestines.
When you begin to drink the Extract, your immunity will increase. The Oil increases the content of phagocytes in the blood, which destroy viruses, parasites, and foreign pathogens. All the glands and organs of your body will begin to function more intensively and more effectively, improving your overall immune system.
When added to baths the Essential Oils can assist in eliminating fatigue/stress, nourishing skin, calming inflammation, increasing mental and physical alertness, relaxing muscles tension and soreness.
Since the Cedar possesses disinfecting properties, the Essential Oils can be placed in a diffuser for purifying the air, as opposed to using conventional air fresheners which can cause allergies and pollute the air with harmful chemicals.
Many also favor using the Essential Oils for massages, as they get easily absorbed into skin, leaving it well moisturized, while assisting in improving its texture and tone.
The Essential Oils are available in the following aromas: Cedar Needle, Cedar Wood, Cedar Cone, Fir, and Cedar Resin. All the essential oils have the same properties and are equally great; therefore simply choose an aroma that you think you or your loved one would favor most.
Since the ancient times, Siberian Cedar Nut Oil was used by adults as well as children as an effective natural remedy for various diseases, and as a natural substitute for daily vitamins. The Cedar Oil is loaded with vitamins D, B, C, E and is highly rich in fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6 which are essential for an optimal functioning of our organism, and the development of a child's brain/bone structure. The oil is not diluted nor it is infused with additives, and is 100% pure; therefore it can be used by pregnant or nursing women.
The Cedar Nut Oil can assist in fighting off various gastrointestinal diseases. It also possesses excellent wound-healing properties, and can help with treating: burns, frostbite, ulcers, and various other skin diseases. It rejuvenates the skin and makes it supple and smooth. Furthermore, it helps to eliminate dandruff, combat brittleness and hair loss. Interesting to note, that Cedar Nut Oil is not contraindicated for people with oily skin, it nourishes it well, and as strange as it may seem, assists in the reduction of the oiliness.
The Cedar Pendants, which are available in Oval and Circular shapes, would go wonderfully as a Gift with the Cedar Nut Oil. They are now made from the barrel of the trees, which is the core of the Cedar tree, where the most of the bioenergy is concentrated. It is believed that those who wear one will be connected to the universe and experience greater concentration and mental alertness.
When placed in a room, the Cedar Pillow will not only disinfect the air, but also provide comfortable support, which will result in restful, deep and healthy sleep.
The wonderful aroma of the Essential Oils emitted by the Cedar Film from which the Pillows are made; will provide the feeling of deep relaxation, and the sensation of being surrounded by the purifying nature of Cedar Forest.
The Cedar Film is rich in Essential Oils, which have a tendency of getting absorbed into the blood steam with every breath you take, and expend your arteries; which allows for a much quicker blood circulation;, and therefore is wonderful for prophylactics of various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
The bioenergy healers claim that Cedar Pillow creates natural energetic shell of 1 meter radius that can protect your family from the harmful emissions of computer and electric appliances.
We all dream of natural, deep and restful sleep, which makes this Gift of nature perfect for anyone!
Our Pine Power – cedar nut flakes - is appetizing delicatessen that can improve any holiday meal.
The protein in the flakes made from the kernel of the cedar nut surpasses an ideal protein in its content of histidine, methionine, cysteine, and tryptophan, and has a well balanced composition.
The lecithin contained in cedar nut flakes is a basic chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the healthy activity of brain cells. Lecithin is essential for the organism as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. Lecithin is also the basic transport substance for the delivery of nutrients to the cells.
The Pine Power will be a perfect gift for pregnant women, children, and breastfeeding mothers.
The beautiful packaging of Pine Power and it healing power will add elegance and meaning to your gift.
Wishing you all a wonderful time with family and friends,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
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The Siberian Sleeping Beauty
For the followers of a healthy life style and admirers of mountain fresh air, the cedar bedding will become a real treasure.
Made from a thoroughly purified film of cedar nuts, the cedar bedding products have remarkable orthopedic properties. They are flexible enough to provide firm yet comfortable support to the neck and spine, which results in a deep, restful and healthy sleep.
The cedar nut film delicate aroma is able to create a virgin vastness of Altai Mountains and Siberian Taiga in your bedroom immersing your body and soul into atmosphere of comfort and coziness giving you refreshing rest.
Cedar nut film is a perfect temperature isolator, and because of this fact, the cedar bedding products keep thermal balance of the body protecting you from hypothermia at cool times and hyperthermia in heat.
The high hydroscopic properties of cedar nut film enable the cedar bedding products to absorb and remove extra moisture from your body. This property and the healthy thermal effect prevent accumulation of extra body fat.
The health benefits of cedar bedding are immense:
- Antimicrobial properties of the cedar nut film purify the air in your bedroom
- The cedar film is rich in essential oils and phytoncides. The essential oils in the cedar nut film, get absorbed into the blood steam with every breath you take and expend your arteries, which allows for a much quicker blood circulation; and therefore is wonderful for prophylactics of various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
- Cedar bedding helps to eliminate depression, stress, and improves performance capabilities
- It lowers fatigue, normalizes arterial blood pressure and eases the symptoms of asthma and allergies.
- The antioxidants found in cedar nuts and cedar nut film, neutralize the toxins produced by your organism. At the body temperature of 36-37 C the antioxidants are easily absorbed by the skin leaving it younger.
- The folk healers believe that the cedar bedding products have fantastic healing properties, and when a cedar pillow or a comforter is placed against a painful bodily area it has the ability to minimize the pain syndrome.
- The bioenergy healers claim that cedar bedding products create natural energetic shell of 1 meter radius that can protect your family from the harmful emissions of computer and home electric appliances.
Produced from a natural material, the pillow and comforter do not have any contraindications and prevent accumulation of static electricity.
Qualities: Cedar pillows and comforters under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" have a distinct cedar nut smell, possess antiseptic qualities, and are of a medium softness.
Uses: For the full benefit of a healthy sleep.
Consist of: Fabric - 100% flax. Content: dried, extremely thin layer that exists between the nut and the shell of a cedar nut. Fully natural and ecologically clean components.
Cedar bedding has a great history in ancient folk medicine. Healers believed that Cedar has a variety of different benefits:
- Relieves nervous tension.
- Assists in deep relaxation.
- Assists in deep healthy sleep and rest.
- Assists in stress relief.
- Gives a feeling of morning freshness.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes blood and inner cranial pressure.
- Decreases pain in both head and neck areas.
- Cedar ethers mobilize spiritual aspects of a Human being.
Cedar pillows and comforters under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" are unique products which carry the purity and power of the cedar forest. They are made in consistence with ancient technologies.
By Victor Rod and
Nataly Nosova, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist
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Beauty Sleep Tips:
If you walk into any high-street chemist, visit any beauty website or read any women's magazine, you will be faced with an endless choice of anti-aging, skin-brightening products that promised to give you gorgeous glowing, radiant skin.
However, there is an easier, cheaper way to get beautiful skin: a good night's best sleep. Here's our top ten tips for getting your best night's sleep ever - and looking fabulous!
1. Cut out caffeine and other stimulants before bedtime
Tea, coffee, some soft drinks and even chocolate all contain a certain amount of caffeine so try not to consume any of these food stuffs in the latter part of the day.
2. Eat and drink for relaxation
Bananas, milk and turkey all contain ingredients which can induce best sleep. Contrary to what most people think, drinking alcohol will not make for a good night's best sleep.
3. Turn off the TV, laptop and mobile phone an hour before bedtime
This will allow you to wind down without any distractions or stimulation, leaving you relaxed and ready for bed.
4. Don't exercise too late at night
Exercise - Although it may tire you out - releases endorphins and adrenalin and will increase your energy levels, which will not help you to relax. If you want to exercise before bed, try a calming yoga routine or 'Body Balance' gym class.
5. Get the temperature just right
A room that is too hot or too cold will leave you feeling uncomfortable. Regulate the temperature a couple of hours before bed, so it's just right for you.
6. Don't make your bedroom too quiet
A little white noise, a whirring fan, the sound of cars passing or a best sleep inducing, relaxing CD can actually help you to sleep better.
7. Forget your troubles
Try to clear your mind and leave your worries outside of the bedroom. Talking to someone or writing down any problems in a small notepad to deal with in the morning can help.
8. Create a night time routine
Take a relaxing bath with cedar essential oils, remove your make-up: cleanse, tone and moisturise, perhaps add a night time masque to help achieve that gorgeous glow the following morning.
9. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time every morning
Even at the weekend. Your body will get into a routine, will recognise sleep cues, start to realise it's almost bedtime and will wind down ready for sleep. Make sure your room is dark at night too as this will help you to relax.
10. Be comfortable!
Wear beautifully comfortable pyjamas (or sleep naked if you prefer), splash out on luxury "Ringing Cedars of Russia" bedding and a quality mattress to make sure you are wonderfully comfortable when you settle down to sleep every night.
So, there they are. Our best hints for a great night's best sleep and wonderful, glowing radiant skin. And, unlike creams, lotions and potions, it won't cost you a penny!
Used by permission
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Customer Reviews:
Amazing stuff, I just lie down on this pillow and feel myself somewhere in a forest, so peaceful, nice smell, I just don't want to take of my head from it. Wonderful, thank you very much!!!
Anna Boruk, Toronto, Canada
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I am so happy with all the products I have received from Ringing Cedars of Russia over the years... I have been sleeping with a cedar pillow for a couple of years now and can definitely feel a difference in my sleep and in things like menstrual cramps. I am ordering pendants for my family and also the cedar comforters now for my new family. Thank you for doing what you do! Love, Veronika :)
Veronika Belkiewitz, AZ, USA
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I have recently bought a cedar pillow for my mother. She is 74 years old and has suffered for many years of sleep disorders. She was complaining of sweating a lot during the night, having a hard time to go back to sleep and, quite often, getting up in the morning with very bad headaches.
I am very pleased to let you know that from the moment my mother started to use that pillow, she was able to sleep normally - for the first time in years! After one week of good sleep, she can't believe that this is truly happening to her. She says this is a miracle. It just might be so and, hopefully, it will last!
Sorina, Bucharest, Romania
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First time I slept on the cedar comforter (I use it as a mattress), I felt a wonderful warming sensation. I always knew that cedar trees possess strong energy, although you must get in touch with the product to really feel what cedars do. I feel that same feeling every time I sleep on it, it's like it's constantly emitting energy onto me.
Angela Helian, ON, Canada
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I love the cedar pillow. The instant my grand-daughter put her face on the pillow, she was able to breathe easily and fall right off to sleep. My grand-son used it when he was stuffy and slept through the night peacfully. The pillow has a claming effect.
Theresa Delafield, NY, USA
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Ringing cedars thank you for making such wonderful line of products available to us all. I want to point out in particularly the cedar pillow. It really does affect your sleep. Who would have known I can finally get a full nights rest! I just totally disconnect, I feel its warmth and its making me sleep like a baby. My wife is very jealous, little does she know I have one for her hidden for her birthday coming up. Thank you once again, continue in the same spirit.
Robert Young, Cork, Ireland
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Our Unique Production Technique:
Cedar Nut Sheller
This equipment and method of shelling Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedar Kernels and Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
Cedar Nut Oil Press
This equipment and method of pressing Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedare Nut Oil
The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:
A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.
Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.
Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:
We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.
Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.
Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.
Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.
Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.

Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.
The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).
Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.
Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.

Up to 4 cups of vegetable stock
1/2 cup cedar nuts
5 ounces shiitake, cremini, or button mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 Tbsp cedar nut oil
2 cups long grain white rice
1/2 cup chopped green onions or yellow onions
2 teaspoons salt, plus more to taste
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, plus more to taste
2 Tbsp butter
1 cup (loosely packed) chopped arugula, watercress, or 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
Measure out the stock according to the liquid requirements on your package of rice for 2 cups of rice. Place in a 2 quart sauce pan and bring to a simmer. While the stock is heating, prepare the cedar nuts, mushrooms, and rice in the next three steps.
Heat a large saute pan on medium high heat. Add the cedar nuts. Toast, stirring occasionally until lightly browned and fragrant. Remove the cedar nuts from the hot pan to a bowl, set aside.
Return the pan to the heat. Add the chopped mushrooms. Dry saute the mushrooms (using no fat), stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms give off much of their moisture and begin to brown slightly. Remove the mushrooms from the pan, set aside (can add to the same bowl as the cedar nuts.)
Add cedar nut oil to the pan and increase the heat to high. Add the white rice, spreading the rice out in the pan and stirring to coat with the oil. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally, until the rice begins to brown. Mix in the onions, and cook for a couple minutes more, until the onions soften and turn translucent. Add the cedar nuts and mushrooms to the rice and remove from heat.
Carefully add the rice mixture to the saucepan with the hot stock. Mix in the salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat, and cover the pan. Cook according the the rice package instructions, anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the type of rice. Remove from heat and let sit covered for 10 minutes.
Stir in the butter and and chopped arugula, watercress, or parsley. Fluff up with a fork. Add more salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 6 to 8.
1/4 c. cedar nut oil
1 lb. spinach, cleaned and chopped or 1 pkg. frozen leaf or chopped spinach, drained
1 to 2 cloves garlic, crushed
cedar nuts
water, if needed
Heal oil, add spinach, and cover. Water, if needed (2 or 3 tablespoons) so pan is not dry and spinach can steam. Cook 10 minutes. Add cedar nuts and serve.
2/3 c. currants, dried
2 tbsp. butter, unsalted
1/8 tsp. turmeric
1 1/2 c. vegetable stock
1 1/2 c. couscous
1 1/2 celery, diced
1/3 c. green onion, thinly sliced
1/3 c. cedar nuts, lightly toasted
1/4 c. parsley, fresh, minced
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 c. cedar nut oil
Plump currants in water to cover for 15 minutes. Drain and set aside. In large skillet, melt butter with turmeric, stirring over medium heat. Add stock and bring to a boil. Stir in couscous. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 4 minutes. Transfer couscous to glass bowl, fluffing with a fork. Add celery, currants, green onions, cedar nuts and parcley. Toss to mix well.
In a small bowl, whisk lemon juice and cinnamon. Add cedar nut oil in a slow, steady dizzle, whisking constantly. Dizzle dressing over salad. Toss to mix. Salt and pepper to taste. Chill thoroughly.
Serves 6.;
For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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