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Kin's Domains of Belgorod Oblast
Watch Video:
Kin's Domains in Belgorod Oblast, Public Russian Television, First Channel
Potential country dwellers are people who are often well-to-do and young. This is the portrait, drawn by sociologists, of the city dweller who is prepared to move to a rural locality to run his or her own farm. And even though this group is smaller in number than those who categorically do not want even to touch the land, it nevertheless turns out that one person out of four is not opposed to betraying city landscapes.
Another question: how do you do it? Save up for your own house - is the most popular answer among Muscovites. And, roughly in equal parts, they look for various ways to purchase land on instalments, or are prepared to sell their real estate in the capital for the sake of their dream.
But now the inhabitants of Belgorod Oblast have an opportunity not available in other regions. It is possible to receive a hectare of land, not as property, but on a long-term lease and free-of-charge. For a kin's estate. But you can't resell the land - you must live and work in the village.
Andrey Kurakin: "This is an opportunity to change your lifestyle. To live in harmony with nature, for your children to grow."
Parcels one hectare in size will be leased out for 49 years. You must write to the local administration about your desire to become a landowner. For those who have lived in the oblast for less than three years, it is not even worth asking - they will be refused. Everyone else is warned about the conditions.
Anatoly Popkov, the General Director of the Individual Residential Construction Support Fund State Unitary Enterprise: "The parcel may not be sold, divided into smaller sections in order to engage in business. That is, there will be an encumbrance. This parcel may only be transferred by inheritance."
Almost all the land consists of abandoned farmsteads and villages, but electricity, wells, and springs are already there. The parcels themselves will cost the new proprietors nothing. They will be required to pay only for their registration, approximately 60 thousand rubles. Plus land tax-it ranges from one to five thousand rubles in various regions of the oblast.
Right now here this is an empty field, but in several months a kin's estate will appear on this spot. The new proprietors will probably want to build a large house and plant trees nearby to create a grove. Then an orchard and a vegetable garden. And all this behind a hedge.
Igor and Tatiana Anikayev moved here 9 years ago. Igor Anikayev: "We did everything ourselves, with our own hands. Including the house - we brought the boards - and did both the panelling and the frames ourselves."
Now they have a real farm on their two hectares. The Anikayevs make butter and cheese. As well as furniture and building materials. Some they sell, some they keep for themselves. Behind them, to the village of Vasilyev, are scattered other families. They started to develop their farmsteads, and an almost desolate village was revived. Apart from the allocation of land, as part of the project, people will be given assistance to bring in water and gas, build roads, and given financing for new houses.
There are already 80 families on the waiting list for parcels for kin's estates. They are being promised land in the next few months - 200 hectares are already prepared for transfer. And in the future this will be 16 thousand. If everything goes according to plan, over time no abandoned villages will remain in Belgorod Oblast.
Photos from Belgorod Oblast Kin's Domains
Public Russian Television, First Channel http://www.ltv.ru/news/social/168915
Images Copyright: http://rodniki.bel.ru/; http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Members of the Belgorod Duma have given legal status to Kin's Domains
Evgeny Savchenko,
Governor of Belgorod Oblast
Today, as part of the 43rd sitting of the Belgorod Oblast Duma, the members adopted the law previously announced as the bill, Respecting kin's domains in Belgorod Oblast. The name of the draft legislation was changed in the end, but the legislators voted in favour of the law as a whole. Only the communists spoke out against the innovation.
Valery Shamaev, the Head of the Oblast Department of Property and Land Relations, who defended the draft legislation today in the Duma, noted that it was decided to change the name "domain" to "estates" in view of the poor perception of landowners in society. Thus, in the end, the law acquired the name Respecting kin's estates in Belgorod Oblast.
It will be remembered that the initiative called for providing legal status to the concept of "kin's estates" on the regional level. Now, by analogy with obtaining a parcel according to the plan worked out in the Individual Residential Construction programme, estates will also be created in deserted villages and farmsteads.
"By adopting this law, are we already able to invite people to create these estates?" asked Anatoly Zelikov, the Speaker of the regional assembly. Valery Shamaev answered in the affirmative.
Doubts about the feasibility of the law were expressed by only the communists. In particular, Sergey Demchenko, the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction, noted that the owners of estates will not be able to work their large tracts of land by themselves, and will exploit the labour of other persons. In addition, Demchenko expressed his incomprehension about how communication lines would be brought to the deserted lands and how support would be provided at the expense of funds from the budget. Valery Shamaev emphasized that kin's estates would entirely fit in to the Individual Residential Construction support programme existing in the oblast. The arguments, however, did not make any impression on the communists. By a majority of votes, the Duma adopted the law in its entirety. Only three of the four members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction voted against it. Of the communists, only Vasily Altukhov supported the law.
By the way, Evgeny Savchenko, the Governor of Belgorod Oblast, today also called for the development of kin's estates. The desire to create their own estates by entire families made up of several generations, in the opinion of the Governor, "is the natural reaction of the Russian people to excessive urbanization."
Sergey Shevchenko
* * * * *
Megre on the events in Belgorod
A meeting took place on February 28 between Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre and the residents of Kin's domains in the settlements of Rodnoe, Ladnoe, Zavetnoe, Solnechnoe, and Mirnoe, where Vladimir Nikolaevich shared the latest news.
Namely, a law respecting Kin's Estates was adopted in Belgorod Oblast.
Megre announced that he had been following and observing this process for a long time; he was very happy at the passing of this legislation. The initiator of the legislation was Evgeny Savchenko, the Governor of Belgorod Oblast. Before the law was adopted, the governor had to overcome definite opposition.
In the adopted legislation, land of no less than one hectare in size is given out free of charge, without the right of sale, but with the right to transfer by inheritance. In addition, in the populated areas where the Kin's Estates will be constructed, the state, at its own cost, is planning to build roads and install lights, and the construction of schools is planned in the future. Also being considered is the issue of the possibility of granting financing to the builders of Kin's Estates at a rate of 1% for 15 years.
Megre made a request to everyone present:
"During this process, Governor Evgeny Savchenko ran up against difficulties and was able to overcome them, let us thank him and send telegrams of congratulations to the Governor of Belgorod Oblast."
I think that we definitely must say "thank you" to the governor, and in the near future I plan to send him a congratulatory telegram.
Just imagine how wonderful it is that, at the level of the governor, questions of the construction of Kin's Domains are being openly discussed, and not just simply discussed, but laws are passed as well. At the end of the meeting, Megre added that Governor Savchenko, at one of the meetings with his opponents, announced: "The conversion of Russia into estates will happen nonetheless!"
Pavel Kashin
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to Kin's Settlement Zhivaya Kartina
We invite readers of the books of Vladimir Megre to Zhivaya Kartina, a Vedruss settlement of the Kin's Domains of Russia, located on the border of Moscow Oblast near the settlement of Slavnoe, in Yasnogorsk District of Tula Oblast. The distance from Moscow is 115 km (from the Moscow Ring Road along the Simferopol Highway) or 125 km (along the Kashirskoe Highway).
For three years we prepared for the opening of the settlement, which took place at the end of April 2009. All the necessary work has been done related to the search for land suitable for the creation of an eco-settlement, its acquisition, division of the tracts of land into individual parcels - future Kin's domains. The surveying has been completed (boundary pegs have been placed), as has placement on the land register and registration of all land parcels. We have succeeded in doing everything possible to ensure that matters related to bureaucratic procedures do not impede the development of the settlement.
Land registered in full for each domain taken individually and the absence of a trial period permits the members immediately to begin the development of their own Kin's Domains. By autumn 2009, several site huts and wells had already appeared in the settlement, and one family had managed to erect a home.
The general area of the settlement comes to more than 300 ha of agricultural purpose land, with the permitted use "to run a peasant (farmer's) farmstead" (there is no necessity to become a farmer, the most important thing is that the construction of residential structures in any number is not prohibited, in contrast to lands that have the purpose "for gardening"). The territory of the kin's settlement consists of 125 domains located on both sides of the spring-fed Vosma River in the area of the villages of Lyubizhi and Kartino, which consist of a dozen houses.
The absence of through roads and nearby villages creates an atmosphere of solitude and one that blends in with nature. The locality no longer resembles the plains of the taiga of the Moscow region and neighboring oblasts with their dense forests and swarms of mosquitoes, but, at the same time, it has not become like a steppe or deserted wilderness, as in the southern parts of Tula Oblast or more southern oblasts. The views from the hills are bewitching and panoramic. Between fields that have long gone unplowed are a multitude of brooks and groves. The depth of subsoil waters is about 6 - 9 metres (in October, with wells 10 metres deep, water fills up from 2 to 4 rings).
On the "Becoming a member" page, you will find information about acquiring land for a kin's domain and how to get on a tour.
Practical experience has shown that the interests of holiday dwellers and settlers is substantially different, especially in the initial phase. Taking this difference into account, it was decided to offer them different territories, which is yet another distinguishing feature of our settlement. You can read the details on the "Why a lease?" page. In addition, on the page in question, you will become acquainted with the conditions for joining and registering documents.
The settlement is accepting people who want to create their own Kin's Domains inspired by the ideas set out in the books of Vladimir Megre, and who have signed the rules of good neighborliness and land-tenure.
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Settlement of Ladnoe (Grodno District, Grodno Oblast);
To the north-west of Grodno, on the border of the Grodno Forest, near the bend of the Neman River, is an excellent little area that we have selected for a settlement. We are already nine families strong. We are building, and we invite all good people to become our neighbors.
Contact Numbers:
Maxim 8 0299 839 996
Sergei 8 0291 988 333
Inna 8 0298 858 278
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!
Sixth Issue is out!
Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.
At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.
We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.
We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.
Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.
* * * * *
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.
Click here to go to our online store

Ringing Cedars Of Russia's New Facebook Community
Ringing Cedars of Russia has recently created Official Facebook community, which will allow Ringing Cedars' friends to share knowledge and ideas, instantly interact with other members, and receive occasional news and updates.
Please fill free to engage in social discussion or leave feedback on our "Wall". The "Wall" section will be periodically updated to include the latest news on variety of health related topics.
For those who have already joined, we appreciate your show of support and interest in our work. Help us spread the word and expand our community further; by recommending our Facebook page to your family and friends.
Warmest Holiday Wishes to all and We hope to see you joining us soon!
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Art by Maria Ignatieva
"Love is Endless"
"Grandfather and Granddaughter"

A Vedruss Dream
Radomir, my beloved, you have awakened me and I have been freed!
O' Mother, my love, what have men done to you with their greed?
Worry not sweet Mother Earth for all will flourish once again,
In the wake of the Vedruss awakening lies the lion in his den.
And with a mighty roar of love for land, unfulfilled dreams, and divine co-creation,
With you, my Radomir, I once again stand on our Space of Love in Joy-full contemplation.
We knew, back then my love, the power of the Father's Love,
And how no Man can be whole without His guidance from above.
O' eternal love of mine, rest inspired eyes upon this Space,
With strength of Spirit and Light of Love we co-create in His grace.
Rise again my children, in womb prepared by dreams of Love's deed,
As a pristine garden I Am wont to sprout our dream's seed.
Our dreams are mighty, as sure as the Flame of Love is eternal,
Take heed, awakened Vedruss, of Man's deformed thinking and fire infernal.
Alas, we love again! We dream again! We beckon the Universe to our aspirations,
In firm stance I pray in gratitude and praise of Father's created perfections.
And as the sun rises this fine morn' placing warmth upon every heart and soul,
I take back from thieves' hands my dream to keep apace with my destiny's role.
For you see, darkness cannot kill a Vedruss dream, it has Life Eternal, on Love's Ray it feeds,
Yet, be frightened not dark thinkers for in His Love all can be transformed to Light deeds.
From ringingcedarsforum.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
Let's get to know each other - A section in which you can create your personal profile for people to see as well as your personal page if you have something to share.
Health - Share your experiences.
Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
Visit the Forum.
Forum Talk
Posted by 'pleasant' in a topic 'old life to new life transition'. Join the discussion of this topic here:
Greetings everyone, this is Robert........It is inspiring to read about those of you half my age who have been led
to The Books and have begun to act on them, those years of my life were boged down with ignorance and mis-
direction, and I had a great deal to learn about the workings of relationships.
After a few years of Ashram life and a couple decades of meditation I was given a copy of the first book by someone
I trust, and before the book was finished I ordered the complete set. For awhile now I have been rereading them
and taking vast amounts of notes, adding questions, formulating some answers and asking for guidance.
I have worked outside most of my life and much of that has been with plants and animals and this movement
is someting I have been looking for a half century now.
Many seeds have been collected from surrounding neighborhoods, especially those that will take the longest
to grow, so when I step out the front door of my apartment there is just enough room to squeak by the plants.
every obstacle is a challenge and strengthens our volition.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Watch Video:
HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method.

Why Choose Hypnobirthing the Mongan Method?
HypnoBirthing The Mongan Method was founded by Marie Mongan in 1989 and is inspired by the work of the English obstetrician Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, the father of natural childbirth. Marie Mongan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with an active practice in New Hampshire in America.
There is no pathological reason for pain in childbirth. Fear and interventions cause the body to malfunction, then there is pain. HypnoBirthing teaches women to actually relax their body to work the way it was designed to work, based on the belief that childbirth is a natural healthy event, not a medical emergency. HypnoBirthing teaches women to use self-hypnosis, massage, relaxation and special slow breathing techniques to keep discomfort from occurring in the first place.
HypnoBirthing is returning birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience nature intended. Using this method you can learn techniques for safer, easier and more comfortable birthing through guided imagery, visualisation and special breathing.
Around 65-70% of HypnoBirthing mothers don't need any form of pain relief. Nearly all the mothers in this category simply don't experience any pain - just pressure. Around a further 20-25% only require something mild, like gas and air.
The remaining 5-10% usually fall into what we call 'special circumstances', where medical intervention is required. However, the HypnoBirthing mothers still tell us that HypnoBirthing really helped - even if they were induced, or ended up with caesarean.
Here are some of the things you'll learn at HypnoBirthing classes that are not covered in most antenatal classes.
- Breathing techniques that actually help
- How to massively reduce the need for any medication at all
- How to reduce your risk of needing an episiotomy during birth with a stunningly simple massage technique
- How to be confident and informed when dealing with the medical staff - when to question, what to ask...and when it's time to let them take charge
- How to release any fears you might have about childbirth, regardless of where they come from
- How to bring about your own easy start of labour with simple, natural techniques, if you go beyond your "estimated due date"
- Most importantly, you'll know how to relax and stay calm and in control - regardless of what's happening around you
Additional benefits that have been reported by mothers include:
- Considerably shorter labour and birthing
- Significantly fewer surgical births
- High number of comfortable, natural births with no technological assistance
- A high rate of success in assisting breech-presented babies to turn into appropriate birthing position with the use of posture and hypnosis (in a study done at the University of Vermont of 100 women at 37 to 40 weeks, there was a 81% success rate with hypnosis)
- Highly energized mothers in good spirits following births that are calm and gentle
Does it help the baby too?
Yes. We find that babies born using HypnoBirthing tend to be calmer, feed better, sleep better and experience less trauma, because they are gently and calmly breathed into the world at their own pace.
Scientific research has also shown that the babies usually have higher Agpar scores as well (a measure of how well your baby is doing immediately after the birth, and then five minutes later).
Finally - something useful for the father to do!
Instead of your husband or partner being a helpless onlooker, they become a central part of the birthing process helping you to stay calm and focused on the techniques you've been taught. As a result, the fathers feel proud to have been able to help, and to be an active part of the birth. Imagine how close that makes them feel to you and the baby!
Image Copyright: http://foto.mail.ru/
HypnoBirthing is a registered trademark

Choices that can affect breastfeeding
by Andrea Eastman, MA, CCE
As I was preparing for a meeting last month, I decided that I wanted to focus on childbirth and breastfeeding. My goal was to list as many obstetric interventions as possible and then discuss how each and every one could directly or indirectly influence the initiation and duration of breastfeeding.
At the top of the list was MIDWIFE or DOCTOR. We discussed how important it is for the caregiver's philosophy of birth to match our own. We also talked about the difference between seeing birth and breastfeeding as normal life events, and seeing birth as an illness, and breastfeeding as fraught with complications.
PREP, SHAVE, and ENEMA were next on my list. The important one here is the enema. An enema taken during labor stimulates the bowels. In addition, it may also make the contractions during labor stronger. Stronger contractions may make a mother choose medication to deal with the pain, and every type of maternal medication gets to the baby, and can affect the baby's ability to stay awake and suck properly.
Next on my list was LABORING IN BED. Women who labor in bed often experience more pain and a slower labor. More pain means that she may ask for drugs. A slower labor means that she is at risk for "failure to progress", which may mean pitocin augmentation, the accompanying IV drip, etc. Pitocin will mean stronger, more painful contractions. Laboring in bed, possibly flat on her back, the woman's uterus is compressing the blood vessels that supply the placenta and the baby with oxygen. Too little oxygen and stronger contractions may mean that the electronic monitor could show fetal distress. Failure to progress, incoordinate uterine contractions, and fetal distress are all reasons to have the doctors do cesarean surgery. Cesareans and the accompanying medications can affect breastfeeding.
Next was FASTING (NO FOOD OR DRINK) except for the occasional ice chips. Studies have shown that allowing women to eat and drink during labor can reduce the length of the labor by as much as 90 minutes. Labor is hard work, and the body needs the energy to work effectively. Dehydration means more painful contractions and slower labor. Fatigue combined with a slower labor may make a woman feel that she needs medications. And we all know that medications get to the baby and can affect breastfeeding.
INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS (IV) given to women in labor (such as glucose) can keep the glucose levels in mom's and baby's blood abnormally high. The body compensates by making extra insulin. Suddenly the baby is born, it's glucose supply is cut off, and it has all that extra insulin. This could lead to neonatal hypoglycemia, which may mean a trip to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), which means separation from mom. Dr. Righard's studies have shown that separation from mother after the birth can have almost as dramatic effect on the baby's ability to latch on as maternal medications. Some women on IVs experience fluid overload. Extra fluids in the woman's body means perhaps worse engorgement, which can affect a baby's ability to latch on properly. Engorgement can lead to the death of the cells responsible for secreting milk, thus having an impact upon the mother's milk supply.
PITOCIN, in addition to causing stronger, more painful contractions, is also an anti-diuretic, which means that it makes the body retain more fluids which means more engorgement, which can have a negative effect on breastfeeding. Pitocin use also increased the likelihood of jaundice in the baby.
ANAGLESIA - demerol, stadol, nisentil, nubain - affects the perception of pain. Some women experience relief, some women hallucinate. All of these drugs cross the placenta and can affect the baby. Narcotics such as these can lead to what nurses call "blue baby syndrome". Lower APGAR scores can affect the care required by the baby, and thus may mean separation from mother to monitor its breathing, etc. These drugs can also affect the baby's desire and ability to breastfeed. A sleepy baby combined with fluid-overload engorgement is a serious threat to breastfeeding. If the sleepy baby gets jaundiced, then the pediatrician may order supplements, etc. And we all know what supplementation can do to the mother's confidence and her milk supply.
ANESTHESIA - epidural, spinal, intrathecal - removes the sensation of pain, as well as stop the production of endorphins in the mother's body (the natural painkillers). Yes, epidurals can affect the baby. The degree to which the baby is affected depends upon the particular "cocktail" used by the anesthesiologist. There are many studies that show the effects of this type of medication can be longer lasting. Epidurals mean that the mother will have to have the whole host of accompanying interventions: IV; internal electronic fetal monitor; urinary catheter; automatic blood pressure cuff; possibly pitocin augmentation, etc. Her labor may slow down, her uterus may contract ineffectively. She won't be able to feel the contractions to push her baby out, which may mean forceps or vacuum extraction, and an episiotomy. It may affect her labor so dramatically that the doctor orders a cesarean. If they let the medication wear off so she can push, she will be deprived of the endorphins that would have helped her deal with the intense sensations, and will be left to deal with the fresh, new pain of transition on her own. This may make her request a "top-off", which can mean a prolonged second stage. Doctors rarely let a woman push for more than two hours, which may mean a cesarean, even if she has dilated to 10 cms. And cesareans can affect breastfeeding. Epidural use, whether for vaginal birth or cesarean birth, can increase the likelihood of jaundice in the baby. All drugs must be broken down by the infant's immature liver. The liver is also responsible for processing the bilirubin (making it water soluble) so that it can be excreted by the baby.
ARTIFICIAL RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES (AROM) means that the cushioning forewaters are gone. This can dramatically increase the pain felt with each contraction. The baby's head is suddenly compressed more with each contraction, which may cause the normal dip in the fetal heart tones to dip a little farther. The doctor may interpret this as fetal distress and order a cesarean.
EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ELECTRONIC FETAL MONITORING (EFM) was developed by physicians determined to detect fetal distress early and therefore lower the incidence of cerebral palsy. However, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year showed that routine EFM has not lowered the incidence of cerebral palsy, and questioned its value in predicting cerebral palsy. In fact, some doctors have argued that routine EFM has increased the cesarean rate. Thus, EFM can indirectly have a negative effect on breastfeeding because of the medications used for the cesarean surgery, separation from mother, etc.
VAGINAL EXAMS are painful, require a woman to be flat on her back, can lead to premature rupture of membranes, increased risk of infection, and can be misleading if they are overdone, and if they are done by different people. Imagine laboring for hours, and you hit a plateau. You have continued hard labor, but the vaginal exam done to check your dilation every 30 minutes shows no progress. You will probably feel very discouraged. They may put you on pitocin, if you aren't already on it. You may run out of time, according to the doctor. He will come in, check you, declare that there is no way THIS baby is coming through THIS pelvis, and order a cesarean for failure to progress, or cephalopelvic disproportion, or incoordinate uterine function. We have already discussed the negative effects that pitocin and cesareans can have on breastfeeding.
DIRECTED, SUSTAINED PUSHING - you know, the circle of people standing around the woman flat on her back or propped up so she is sitting on her tailbone, with her elbows in the air, holding her legs apart, everyone shouting PUSH, PUSH, PUSH, and counting to 10 over and over again! Holding your breath while closing your glottis raises the pressure in your abdomen, which has a negative effect on the blood going back to your heart and then to the lungs. This means that the baby is getting no new oxygenated blood as long as you are pushing this way. Granted, the baby is not getting any new oxygen when the uterus is contracting, but many women push much longer than the actual contraction. This lack of oxygen can negatively affect the baby. The EFM may show fetal distress, and an emergency cesarean may be preformed. Interestingly, this type of pushing actually causes the condition - fetal hypoxia - that it was intended to prevent! So you see how this can have an indirect effect on breastfeeding. In addition, fetal hypoxia is one of three general categories of pathological jaundice.
LITHOTOMY POSITION - flat on your back - in addition to what we discussed above, pushing your baby uphill, against gravity can lead to a prolonged second stage. This can lead to fatigue, which may mean the woman is unable to push her baby out. The doctor may diagnose this as shoulder dystocia, remove the baby with forceps after doing a huge episiotomy. Next time, she may be convinced that she can't push out her babies, that her pelvis is inadequate, and she may be talked into a scheduled cesarean.
EPISIOTOMY - yes, this can affect breastfeeding! If your bottom is sore, you sit back farther on your tailbone. This can affect your ability to properly position your baby, which may lead to sore, cracked, bleeding nipples - as well as a slow growing baby who cries all the time.
WASHING THE BABY, EYE TREATMENT, SEPARATION FOR OBSERVATION, USE OF A WARMER - all of these things may mean separation from mom, which can dramatically affect the newborn's ability and willingness to latch on and suck effectively.
GLUCOSE WATER AND PACIFIERS - can satiate a baby with empty calories, and cause infrequent stooling in the newborn, and thus increase the likelihood of jaundice. This can also lead to nipple confusion, which means sore nipples for mom, a baby that cries alot, and grows slowly. Mom may be convinced she doesn't have enough milk and may decide to supplement with formula, which can reduce the mother's milk supply and lead to a vicious cycle that ends with the baby refusing the breast and the end of breastfeeding for this baby.
CIRCUMCISION can affect the baby's ability and desire to breastfeed. Pain disorganizes babies. Newborns feel pain more exquisitely. For babies who are already having trouble latching on and nursing, it may be wise to postpone until the baby is nursing better. I do mention that it can have an effect on breastfeeding, since pain disorganizes babies and their sucking.
As you can guess, this was a highly charged meeting. The mothers seemed to NEED to talk about what happened to them. We discussed the fact that it is still possible to successfully breastfeed if you have every intervention on this list (and many of them had). I ended the meeting by telling them that they each need to give birth where they feel most safe and to choose a birth attendant with a philosophy of birth similar to their own. I also told them that if they listen to their bodies and trust their intuition, they already KNOW how to birth their babies!
Copyright (c) 1997 Andrea Eastman
Image copyrights: http://kormlenie-grudyu.ru/
Protein in the Vegan Diet
by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.
It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein, as long as calorie intake is adequate. Strict protein combining is not necessary; it is more important to eat a varied diet throughout the day.
Some Americans are obsessed with protein. Vegans are bombarded with questions about where they get their protein. Athletes used to eat thick steaks before competition because they thought it would improve their performance. Protein supplements are sold at health food stores. This concern about protein is misplaced. Although protein is certainly an essential nutrient which plays many key roles in the way our bodies function, we do not need huge quantities of it. In reality, we need small amounts of protein. Only one calorie out of every ten we take in needs to come from protein 1. Athletes do not need much more protein than the general public. Protein supplements are expensive, unnecessary, and even harmful for some people.
How much protein do we need? The RDA recommends that we take in 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram that we weigh (or about 0.36 grams of protein per pound that we weigh). This recommendation includes a generous safety factor for most people. When we make a few adjustments to account for some plant proteins being digested somewhat differently from animal proteins and for the amino acid mix in some plant proteins, we arrive at a level of 1 gram of protein per kilogram body weight (0.45 grams of protein per pound that we weigh). Since vegans eat a variety of plant protein sources, somewhere between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram would be a protein recommendation for vegans. If we do a few calculations we see that the protein recommendation for vegans amounts to close to 10% of calories coming from protein. [For example, a 79 kg vegan male aged 25 to 50 years could have an estimated calorie requirement of 2900 calories per day. His protein needs might be as high as 79 kg x 1 gram/kg = 79 grams of protein. 79 grams of protein x 4 calories/gram of protein = 316 calories from protein per day. 316 calories from protein divided by 2900 calories = 10.1% of calories from protein.] If we look at what vegans are eating, we find that between 10-12% of calories come from protein. This contrasts with the protein intake of non-vegetarians, which is close to 14-18% of calories.
So, in the United States it appears that vegan diets are commonly lower in protein than standard American diets. Remember, though, with protein, more (than the RDA) is not necessarily better. There do not appear to be health advantages to consuming a high protein diet. Diets that are high in protein may even increase the risk of osteoporosis and kidney disease.
Table 1: Sample Menus Showing How Easy It Is To Meet Protein Needs
Protein (grams)
Breakfast: |
1 cup Oatmeal |
6 |
1 cup Soymilk |
7 |
1 Bagel |
9 |
Lunch: |
2 slices Whole Wheat Bread |
5 |
1 cup Vegetarian Baked Beans |
12 |
Dinner: |
5 oz firm Tofu |
11 |
1 cup cooked Broccoli |
4 |
1 cup cooked Brown Rice |
5 |
2 Tbsp Almonds |
4 |
Snack: |
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter |
8 |
6 Crackers |
2 |
73 grams |
Protein Recommendation for Male Vegan [based on 0.8-1 gram of protein per kilogram body weight for 70 kilogram (154 pound) male] |
56-70 grams |
Breakfast: |
2 slices Whole Wheat Toast |
5 |
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter |
8 |
Lunch: |
6 oz. Soy Yogurt |
6 |
2 Tbsp Almonds |
4 |
1 Baked Potato |
4 |
Dinner: |
1 cup cooked Lentils |
18 |
1 cup cooked Bulgur |
6 |
Snack: |
1 cup Soymilk |
7 |
58 grams |
Protein Recommendation for Female Vegan [based on 0.8-1 gram of protein per kilogram body weight for 57.5 kilogram (126 pound) female] |
46-58 grams |
Additional food should be added to these menus to provide adequate calories and to meet requirements for nutrients besides protein.
Table 2 shows the amount of protein in various vegan foods and also the number of grams of protein per 100 calories. To meet protein recommendations, the typical adult male vegan needs only 2.5 to 2.9 grams of protein per 100 calories and the typical adult female vegan needs only 2.1 to 2.4 grams of protein per 100 calories. These recommendations can be easily met from vegan sources.
Table 2: Protein Content of Selected Vegan Foods
PROTEIN(gm/100 cal) |
Tempeh |
1 cup |
41 |
9.3 |
Seitan |
3 ounces |
31 |
22.1 |
Soybeans, cooked |
1 cup |
29 |
9.6 |
Lentils, cooked |
1 cup |
18 |
7.8 |
Black beans, cooked |
1 cup |
15 |
6.7 |
Kidney beans, cooked |
1 cup |
13 |
6.4 |
Veggie burger |
1 patty |
13 |
13.0 |
Chickpeas, cooked |
1 cup |
12 |
4.2 |
Veggie baked beans |
1 cup |
12 |
5.0 |
Pinto beans, cooked |
1 cup |
12 |
5.7 |
Black-eyed peas, cooked |
1 cup |
11 |
6.2 |
Tofu, firm |
4 ounces |
11 |
11.7 |
Lima beans, cooked |
1 cup |
10 |
5.7 |
Quinoa, cooked |
1 cup |
9 |
3.5 |
Tofu, regular |
4 ounces |
9 |
10.6 |
Bagel |
1 med.
(3 oz) |
9 |
3.9 |
Peas, cooked |
1 cup |
9 |
6.4 |
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), cooked |
1/2 cup |
8 |
8.4 |
Peanut butter |
2 Tbsp |
8 |
4.3 |
Veggie dog |
1 link |
8 |
13.3 |
Spaghetti, cooked |
1 cup |
8 |
3.7 |
Almonds |
1/4 cup |
8 |
3.7 |
Soy milk, commercial, plain |
1 cup |
7 |
7.0 |
Soy yogurt, plain |
6 ounces |
6 |
4.0 |
Bulgur, cooked |
1 cup |
6 |
3.7 |
Sunflower seeds |
1/4 cup |
6 |
3.3 |
Whole wheat bread |
2 slices |
5 |
3.9 |
Cashews |
1/4 cup |
5 |
2.7 |
Almond butter |
2 Tbsp |
5 |
2.4 |
Brown rice, cooked |
1 cup |
5 |
2.1 |
Spinach, cooked |
1 cup |
5 |
13.0 |
Broccoli, cooked |
1 cup |
4 |
6.8 |
Potato |
1 med.
(6 oz) |
4 |
2.7 |
Sources: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18, 2005 and manufacturers' information.
The recommendation for protein for adult males vegans is around 56-70 grams per day; for adult female vegans it is around 46-58 grams per day (see text).
It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein. Fruits, sugars, fats, and alcohol do not provide much protein, so a diet based only on these foods would have a good chance of being too low in protein. However, not many vegans we know live on only bananas, hard candy, margarine, and beer. Vegans eating varied diets containing vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds rarely have any difficulty getting enough protein as long as their diet contains enough energy (calories) to maintain weight.
What about combining or complementing protein? Doesn't that make the protein issue much more complex? Let's look at a little background on the myth of complementing proteins. Protein is made up of amino acids, often described as its building blocks. We actually have a biological requirement for amino acids, not for protein. Humans cannot make nine of the twenty common amino acids, so these amino acids are considered to be essential. In other words, we must get these amino acids from our diets. We need all nine of these amino acids for our body to make protein.
Some people say that eggs, cow's milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids, but the amounts of one or two of these amino acids may be low. For example, grains are lower in lysine (an essential amino acid) and legumes are lower in methionine (another essential amino acid) than those protein sources designated as high quality protein.
Frances Moore Lappe, in her book Diet for a Small Planet advocated the combining of a food low in one amino acid with another food containing large amounts of that amino acid. This got to be a very complicated process, with each meal having specific amounts of certain foods in order to be certain of getting a favorable amino acid mix. Many people got discouraged with the complexity of this approach. Actually, Lappe was being overly conservative to avoid criticism from the "Nutrition Establishment." She has since repudiated strict protein combining, saying, "In combating the myth that meat is the only way to get high quality protein, I reinforced another myth. I gave the impression that in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care was needed in choosing foods. Actually it is much easier than I thought".
Table 3: Amounts of Foods Providing Recommended
Amounts of Essential Amino Acids
12-1/3 cups of cooked corn OR 6-1/2 large potatoes OR 2-1/2 cups of tofu OR 15-1/2 cups of cooked brown rice
Any one of the above foods, eaten in the amount specified, would provide the recommended ammounts of all essential amino acids for an adult male. Women would need about 20% less of each food due to lower recommendations. This concept is illustrated below:
Food |
Try |
Thr |
Iso |
Leu |
Lys |
Met+Cys |
Phe+Tyr |
Val |
Adult RDA,154 lb male 1 |
350 |
1400 |
1330 |
2940 |
2660 |
1330 |
2310 |
1680 |
12-1/3 cups corn |
443 |
2521 |
2521 |
6777 |
2660 |
1820 |
5326 |
3616 |
6-1/2 large potatoes |
760 |
1768 |
1963 |
2940 |
2951 |
1365 |
3946 |
2743 |
2-1/2 cups tofu |
780 |
2045 |
2480 |
3808 |
3298 |
1333 |
4112 |
2530 |
15-1/2 cups cooked rice |
899 |
2573 |
2960 |
5766 |
2666 |
2418 |
6231 |
4108 |
Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 18, 2005.
Notes: Amounts of amino acids are in milligrams.
We recommend eating a variety of unrefined grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, and vegetables throughout the day, so that if one food is low in a particular essential amino acid, another food will make up this deficit.
Even if you ate only one food and not the variety of foods typical of a vegan diet, you would probably get enough protein and essential amino acids. Remember, almost all protein sources of non-animal origin contain all of the essential amino acids. You would have to eat a lot of the protein source (if there was only one source of protein in your diet) to meet essential amino acid needs. Table 3 shows the amounts of various foods an adult male would have to eat if he relied on a single food source for his protein needs. Females would need about 20% less of each food due to the lower protein recommendation for women.
1. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002.
2. Nutrition and athletic performance - Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine. J Am Diet Assoc 2000;100:1543-56.
3. Messina V, Mangels R, Messina M. The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets, 2nd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004.
4. Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Sebastian A, et al. A high ratio of dietary animal to vegetable protein increases the rate of bone loss and the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:118-22.
5. Knight EL, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE, et al. The impact of protein intake on renal function decline in women with normal renal function or mild insufficiency. Ann Intern Med 2003;138:460-7.
6. Lappe FM. Diet for a Small Planet. New York: Ballantine Books, 1971.
7. Lappe FM. Diet for a Small Planet, 10th anniversary edition. New York: Ballantine Books, 1982.
8. Young VR, Pellett PL. Plant proteins in relation to human protein and amino acid nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;59 (suppl):1203S-1212S.
9. Mangels AR, Messina V, Melina V. Position of The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103:748-65
This article originally appeared in the book Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals by Debra Wasserman. Nutrition section by Reed Mangels Ph.D., R.D. (ISBN 0-931411-30-0)
Image Copyrights: http://www.worldprints.com/

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HATV Elite Vegan Athlete: Brendan Brazier

Quinoa: An Incredible, Complete Protein
By Chris Ann Brunsmann
Native to South America, quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) used to be called "the Gold of the Incas." They understood its protein value in increasing their warriors' stamina. Two Americans in the 1980s discovered the nutrition potential of quinoa, and began cultivating it in Colorado. Since then, the awareness of quinoa has grown, and its incredible value is becoming more known.
Quinoa is a grain-like crop that is grown essentially for its edible seeds. It is called a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, or grain, because it is not a member of the grass family. As a chenopod, quinoa is closely related to species such as beets and spinach.
Not only is quinoa high in protein, but it is a complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. They are essential because the body cannot synthesize them, and they must be obtained from food and other sources of nutrition, such as supplements. We need them from our daily diet, and guess what, quinoa has them all.
Quinoa is a good source of phosphorus, and is high in magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese. Quinoa is gluten-free and easy to digest. Therefore it's a great meat alternative and option for those with food intolerance and allergies, like me!
Quinoa is so beneficial, it is slated to possibly be a crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights. How cool is that?
Quinoa has even more incredible benefits:
- Reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
- Cleanses the digestive tract, and keeps it healthy, due to its high fiber content helping to prevent colon cancer.
- Provides a high source of dietary protein helping to build and sustain muscles.
- Contains five times more calcium than animal protein and nine times more iron than in a single serving of meat.
- Is a great source of lysine, which is important for tissue repair. It also helps in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage.
- Contains phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that affect blood cholesterol levels, blood vessel elasticity, bone metabolism, and many other cellular metabolic processes.
- Is delicious, quick and easy to prepare!
Prone to migranes? Because quinoa is a good source of magnesium, a mineral which helps in relaxing blood vessels, the grain prevents the constriction and rebound dilation characteristic of migraines and has been known to reduce headache episodes by those suffering from migranes.
The benefits of this amazing seed go on and on. Try some with your next meal today and start reaping the benefits.
Note that 1 cup of quinoa contains 12 grams of fiber and 24 grams of protein.
Image Copyrights: http://www.womensnutritiontips.com/
Serious Health Conditions Caused by Fluoride (Flouride)
Osteoporosis and Arthritis:
Scientists at EPA in Washington have declared that there is every reason to believe that the increasing numbers of people with carpal-tunnel syndrome and arthritis-like pains are due to the mass fluoridation of drinking water. On July 9, 1998 the Manchester Guardian reported news of fluoride poisoned water in Central India, from untested wells drilled in the 1980s, causing severe arthritic damage to tens of millions of people -- a national disaster. Fluoride is the most bone seeking element known to mankind. The US Public Health Service has stated that fluoride makes the bones more brittle and dental enamel more porous.
Hip fractures:
Drinking fluoridated water will double the number of hip fractures for both older men and women. Extremely low levels of water fluoridation 0.1 ppm still produced statistically significant increased hip fractures. (Bordeaux Study JAMA 1994). According to Dr. J. William Hirzy (vice-president of the NFFE LOCAL 2050, the union representing all scientists at the EPA, Washington, D.C.) there have been 5 epidemiological studies done since 1990, in three different countries, all showing a higher increase in hip fractures in fluoridated communities. Some studies have indicated a 87% higher risk of hip fractures to the elderly in areas where water fluoridation was even below 1.5 ppm.
Fluoride was found to be an equivocal carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute Toxicological Program. Further studies by the New Jersey Department of Health have now confirmed a 6.9 fold increase in bone cancer in young males. Earlier studies had found a 5% increase in all types of cancers in fluoridated communities. In 1981, Dean Burk, for many decades Chief Chemist at the US National Cancer Institute, testified at congressional hearings, reporting that at least 40,000 cancer deaths in 1981 were attributable to fluoride. 40,000 cases that could have been prevented simply by NOT putting industry waste into the public water supply. Burk stated that fluoride causes more cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.
Infertilityin women was found to increase with water fluoridation. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists reported a close correlation between decreasing total fertility rates in women between ages of 10 and 49, and increasing fluoride levels. They also reported that a review of all of the animal studies done to date shows that fluoride adversely affects fertility in most animal species.
Alzheimer Disease:
There are also several studies linking aluminum with fluoride, showing that the bioavailability of aluminum is increased in the presence of fluorides, causing aluminum in the brain to double in treated animals. According to an October 28, 1992 Wall Street Journal Article about a study conducted by Varnier JA, et al.: "Rats fed the highest doses developed irregular mincing steps characteristic of senile animals.... Post mortem examination of the rat brains disclosed 'substantial cell loss in structures associated with dementia -- the neo-cortex and hippocampus'." (Note: Alzheimer's Disease, first diagnosed by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907, is now the #4 killer for every person over 60 in the US. Every 2nd person over 70 will develop Alzheimer's.) Environmental fluoride is implicated in this.
Brain damage:
Fluorides lower the intelligence capacity of humans, with children, again, especially susceptible to early fluoride toxicity. IQ levels were significantly lower than children not exposed to fluorides in all age groups listed. (Li,X.S.,Zhi,J.L.,Gao,R.O.,"Effects of Fluoride Exposure on the Intelligence of Children", Fluoride;28:182-189, 1995) Further studies proving the neurotoxicity of fluoride in rats have also been conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullinex. In 1995 Mullenix and co-workers showed that rats given fluoride in drinking water at levels that give rise to plasma levels fluoride concentrations in humans, suffer neurotoxic effects that vary according to when the rats were given the fluoiride - as adult animals, as young animals, or thorugh the placenta before birth. Those exposed before birth were born hyperactive and remained so throughout their lives. Thoses exposed as young animals displayed depressed activity. In 1998 Guan et al. gave similar doses as used by the Mullenix group and found that several key chemicals in the brain - those that form the membrane of brain cells, were substantially depleted in rats given fluoride, as compared to those who did not receive fluoride. Partly based on these findings, the union representing all EPA scientists in Washington have now filed a grievance demanding fluoride-free bottled water for their offices. (Note: this also explains a recent University of South Florida study relating fluoride intake during pregnancy to the yearly 1% increase in learning disabilities found in children...) Studies proving that fluorides transfer through the placenta are well known. (Meanwhile, Dr.Weil, Internet's Health Guru, advocates fluoride supplements for pregnant woman in his book "8 Weeks To Optimum Health"...)
Images Copyrights: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/; http://topnews.net.nz/

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The Dangers of Fluoride

Water Filters That Remove Fluoride
By Tyler Lacoma
Fluoride is added to most public water systems in the United States as a way to improve dental health. However, like chlorine, fluoride can be poisonous in concentrated qualities, and many people feel safer if there is no fluoride present in their water. Normal water filters cannot easily remove fluoride from water systems, but there is a selection of filters that can remove large amounts of fluoride if used correctly.
Activated Alumina Cartridges
Activated alumina is not actually aluminum, but is instead a form of aluminum oxide made into small granules. As water passes through the alumina grains, the grains draw out the chlorine and allow the water to pass on. These filters have a very narrow field of application, and remove only certain compounds likes fluoride and arsenic. They also need to be replaced frequently and cost more than most other filters, but can remove up to 90 percent of fluoride.
RO Systems
RO stands for reverse osmosis, a popular type of filter that can also remove large amounts of fluoride, as long as a good membrane is used. Reverse-osmosis membranes have microscopic holes that only allow water molecules to pass through, while stopping many other particles, including fluoride compounds. RO systems are effective, but they lower water pressure.
Carbon Systems
Synthetic carbon systems can remove some fluoride by drawing it out and trapping it in carbon structures. However, the most popular type of carbon system for removing fluoride is the bone char carbon system. This system uses bones that have been burned and ground in a pressured compartment. The porous structure of the bone bits acts like synthetic carbon, but is more effective at removing fluoride.
Distillation is the simple process of heating water to the point that chemicals like fluoride either precipitate or evaporate, leaving only clean water behind. While distillation is useful for dealing with some chemicals and microorganisms (killed by the heat), it will not remove all the fluoride.
Image Copyrights: http://www.womansday.com/; http://www.2buypcs.com/
Organic Fertilizer - Mother Nature's Best
By Charles LaRose
Organic fertilizer is a far superior alternative to the synthetic chemicals that are in widespread use today. An organic fertilizer is one that occurs naturally as opposed to being created in a laboratory. The scientific meaning of organic is a substance that contains carbon, which is an essential element in every living thing on Earth. Whether plant or animal, carbon is part of it's composition. The plants in your garden need nitrogen and other nutrients as well, and these can all be found in organic fertilizers despite the narrow technical definition of the word. Nature provides the perfect balance of these elements and nutrients that your garden needs for vigorous growth.
There are definite benefits to using organic fertilizers over their more ubiquitous commercial counterparts. Mother nature's plant food does not harm the environment; there is no toxic run-off from chemicals and therefore, does not poison wildlife or foul the rivers and streams. Also the soil is not depleted of it's necessary nutrients as quickly and the ground remains better aerated, because worms and other micro-organisms are able to better survive in the non-toxic environment. Perhaps the most important benefit is the healthier produce resulting from the use of mother nature's best ingredients.
There are many sources of organic fertilizer. Probably the most obvious is decaying vegetation where the plant recycles itself into the ground to feed the next years crop. This decaying vegetation contains a lot of nitrogen when it is green and more carbon as it turns brown. Manure from birds and animals is also a nutrient- rich organic supplement. This manure would occur automatically in nature as the wildlife feeds on the plants and the cycle of life continues. The richest organic fertilizer in the world is deposited in your garden without even being seen; worms eat the dirt and produce worm castings. This worm manure is the essential component of the humus, containing the proper balance of nitrogen, carbon, and other nutrients that plants require for energetic growth. The absorption of these nutrients is also facilitated by the worm's burrows, which allow the oxygen and important elements to more easily reach the plant's roots. There are other substances in nature such as seaweed that make a prefect addition to your organic garden.
Pest control is a concern for the farmer as well as the weekend gardener. The owner of your local hardware store will gladly offer you a huge variety of chemical sprays and powders to remedy your problem; but, these have no place in your organic garden. Mother nature prefers letting certain beneficial creatures such as ladybugs, spiders and birds take care of your insect infestation instead.
Image Copyright: http://www.thedailygreen.com/

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DIY Worms Vermi Compost

Growing Better Plants With Vermicastings
Worm castings are one of the few available resources today that offer numerous proven benefits while offering no bad side effects.
Contrasting to pesticides and fertilizers with special risky handling directions, worm castings promote plants and root development without the side effects of ingesting poisonous chemicals.
Decomposed organic matter and vermicast are not one in the same.. Rather they are a biological process that takes place within the worm's digestive system. Composted organic matter is what is actually fed to the worms on some farms.
In order to create premium worm castings, the worms should be cultivated in a controlled setting with minimum temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't get me wrong, just about all fresh worm castings are good for your garden with a stress on the word fresh which I will account for later in this article. Being some beneficial bacteria which assist worms and digestion only endure in a temperature range of seventy to one hundred degress Fahrenheit.
Increased root and plant growth, increases in blooms and colors as well as increased yeilds of fruit and vegetables are just a a small number of of the proven benefits by a number of particular Universitiy studies. Studies have also publicized that plants together with vermicast were notably more resistant to diseases and carcinogens while it is still not known exactly why. Some reason that it is survival of the fittest since worm castings produce healthier plants in general.
There are good nematodes that eat malicious fungi and others for instance that are root eating nematodes. Tests have revealed that worm castings only exhibit the beneficial nematodes!
Worm castings are beneficial also as the bacteria, fungi and other assorted by products are readily accessible by plants as plant food as well as assist to recondition the surrounding soil so as to help take care of a healthy level of minerals which most other fertilizers strip away.
Items to keep in mind when you go to buy worm castings:
First numerous worm farmers will take their worm castings and stock them in a pile outside. One of the main issues here is the reality that seeds are air born and settle in the piles. When you add them to your garden or potted plants, you start to produce undesirable weeds!
The second problem with storing them outside is the chilly weather. As I mentioned before, there are numerous bacteria and fungi living within the worm castings and temperature is a issue in producing premium castings. Once they become too cold or even freeze, many of the benefits of the worm castings can and will be killed off. The preeminent way to store worm castings is in the same restricted environment in which they were generated.
Thirdly, many places selling what they call worm castings is actually vermicompost or worm compost. Worm compost or vermicompost is a mixture of decomposed or decomposing matter mixed with vermicast.
Fourth many worm farmers maintain their worm bins real wet resultant in their worm castings being water logged, hence you are buying a lot of water. The best wetness content for worm castings is approximately 30 percent giving you more bang for your buck!
This brings me to my final point of what to keep away from which is worm castings sold in plastic sealed bags and or containers. One of the benefits of worm castings is the detail they are laden with aerobic microbes. By definition the word aerobic means requires oxygen to stay alive. This would be the same as winning a gold fish at the county fair and leaving it in the bag for a week. By then the fish will be floating belly up. Whenever ordering worm castings you want them in a breathable bag and freshly packed not sitting on the shelf for a month. The reason being is that when in a breathable bag, worm castings will dry out over time once again losing the benefits normally associated with them.
Image Copyright: http://www.surrey-arg.org.uk/

Vermicomposting & Red Worms, Worm Castings - a Valuable Organic Fertilizer
The Importance of Red Worms in Organic Gardens
Every organic gardening enthusiast knows how important red worm castings and vermicomposting are for their garden. That is why worm composting is well-known among home-garden farmers. Raising healthy compost worms is a very important task for m any home garden-farmers because of the numerous benefits these wriggly little things provide to their gardens.
Red worms excrete rich castings which are considered one of the richest natural fertilizers known to man, therefore making red worms one of the most (if not the most) sought after worms in the commercial market and worm composting one of the most replicated activities amongst garden farmers. But what are red worm castings exactly? How do they help plants? Why are they considered one of the most effective organic fertilizers? That is what we are about to find out!
Organic Gardening Fact: What are Worm Castings?
Organic fertilizers are mostly provided for by the ecological system. Aside from red worm castings, manure, slurry, seaweed, peat, guano and sewage are also considered organic. These are naturally provided by the environment and are abundant in nature. There are lots of nutrients found in these worm castings that are beneficial to plants.
Many nitrogen supplying fertilizers contain insoluble nitrogen. This 'insoluble nitrogen' can serve as a slow-release fertilizer for plants. Red worm castings in particular, hold an extremely vigorous mixture of bacteria, enzymes, plant matter and animal manure which are very beneficial to plants.
How do They Help Plants?
The composition of castings from red worms is rich in nutritious minerals which are very important to plant growth such as concentrated nitrates, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Other than that, other minerals found in the worm castings are as follows: copper, zinc, borax, iron, carbon, nitrogen and manganese. When added to the soil as organic fertilizers, these minerals act as very important supplements to the plants.
Red Worms Castings as an Efficient Organic Fertilizer
When added to soil, red worm castings acts as a fertilizer and also increases the complexity and multiplicity of organisms in the 'root zone' thus we help prevent plant disease and pest infestations. Red worm castings also retain all the nutrients in the soil for the plants to absorb and it also aids in the cycling process of the ecological system of the garden. Water conservation and retention is another advantage put forth by red worm castings. Worm castings can form into aggregates - mineral clusters - which can come together to prevent soil erosion and compaction, thus aiding in the water retention process.
Advantages of Using Red Worm Castings as Fertilizer
Organic fertilizers are also perfect for those practical farmers who want to save money on their garden maintenance. They need not be applied on a constant and increasing basis to maintain fertility, unlike artificial fertilizers which are the opposite. Thus this would save you from having to buy more and more artificial fertilizers for your organic gardening farm. Worm castings are also a lot cheaper than artificial fertilizers if they are bought locally, making it the perfect alternative to artificial fertilizers when it comes to providing supplements to the soil.
Overall, using organic fertilizers such as red worm castings are far more beneficial as compared to artificial fertilizers. It would also be very beneficial to the pocket of the gardener, being able to save for other organic garden supplies that they need. This being the case, it would not be a bad idea to use red worms for vermicomposting over artificial fertilizers.
Photocredits: "red wiggler worms" (C) [net_efekt / Flickr]
Modern Dutch House Built From Salvaged Billboards and Umbrellas
by Andrew Michler
At first glance this may appear to be just another nice-looking modern home - until you realize that it is constructed almost entirely from salvaged materials sourced within a nine mile radius of the building site. Dwell's recent profile of this Dutch home by 2012architects explores the uncommon lengths that the project undertook to make a refined architectural statement with discarded materials. The architects claim 60% of the exterior and nearly 90% of the interior is salvaged through a process they dub recyclicity - read on to find out how they did it.
Unlike most projects that start with a design, Villa Welpeloo started with a heap of scrap materials sourced locally at factories and warehouses. The team also used Google Earth to find abandoned buildings and lots near the building plot in Enschede, The Netherlands that may contain useful materials. As a result, the home's framing comes courtesy of steel taken from abandoned machinery in a textile mill. The exterior is clad with boards salvaged from 600 cable reels that were first heat-treated by a process called Plato to weatherize them. The cladding's clean lines do not betray the humble origins of these materials.
Inside is a treasure trove of interesting reuse - advertising signs are transformed into cabinets that reveal their origin when a drawer is opened. The architects asked for people in the town to drop off their broken umbrellas, whose spokes were transformed into low-voltage lighting. The design was careful not to give away all of its material origin - instead it take a classic modernist approach and features simple refined spaces with delicate touches throughout. Lots of daylight, white spaces with built-ins, and walkout decks make the house very livable. Head over to Dwell for more photos and info, and check out the architect's slide show, which has a wealth of images of the house and the materials used to make it.
Reusing building materials significantly reduces landfill waste and pressure on natural resources. Novel and dynamic designs often result from incorporating salvaged materials into a building - they add personality.

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Building from Tires, Bottles, and Cans

EPA Study Eases Concern of Harmful Chemicals Being Found in Playground Surfaces
EPA, in a recent study, found that concentrations of chemicals in recycled tire material were below levels considered harmful. Recycled tire material, or "tire crumb", is commonly used in synthetic turf sports fields and children's playgrounds.
According to EPA, public concerns have been raised in the past several years over the use of tire crumb materials, especially after high levels of lead were reported in some artificial turf fields. In 2009, the Synthetic Turf Council reported that artificial (synthetic) turf has been installed in approximately 4,500 fields, tracks and playgrounds.
EPA identified a number of chemicals that may be found in tires, although not all are contained in each tire:
- acetone
- aniline
- arsenic
- barium
- benzene
- benzothiazole
- cadmium
- chloroethane
- chromium
- cobalt
- copper
- halogenated flame retardants
- isoprene
- latex
- lead
- manganese
- mercury
- methyl ethyl ketone
- methyl isobutyl ketone
- naphthalene
- nickel
- nylon
- phenol
- pigments
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- polyester
- rayon
- styrene butadiene
- toluene
- trichloroethylene
EPA formed a workgroup in 2008 to consider the threat of tire crumb health effects via inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Laboratory studies were conducted to consider the tire material content, off-gassing, and leaching characteristics. EPA then produced a 105-page document entitled "A Scoping-Level Field Monitoring Study of Synthetic Turf Fields and Playgrounds," released in November 2009.
Study findings
- Particulate matter, metals and volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations were measured in the air samples and compared with areas away from the turf fields (background levels). The levels found in air samples from the artificial turf were similar to background levels found in any local air samples. One VOC associated with tire crumb materials (methyl isobutyl ketone) was detected in the samples collected on one synthetic turf field but was not detected in the corresponding background sample.
- No tire-related fibers were observed in the air samples.
- All air concentrations of particulate matter and lead were well below levels of concern.
- More than 90 percent of the lead in the tire crumb material was tightly bound and unavailable for absorption by users of the turf fields.
- Zinc, which is a known additive in tires, was found in tire crumb samples. However, air and surface wipe monitoring levels of zinc were found to be below levels of concern.
- Total extractable metal concentrations from the infill, turf blade samples and tire crumb material varied widely in the samples collected both at a given site and between sites, so it could not be determined to be a function of the presence of crumb material.
- The average extractable lead concentrations for turf blade, tire crumb infill, and tire crumb rubber were low. Although there are no standards for lead in recycled tire material or synthetic turf, average concentrations were well below the EPA standard for lead in soil (400 part per million).
- Likewise, the average extractable lead concentrations for turf field wipe samples were low. Although there are no directly comparable standards, average concentrations were well below the EPA standard for lead in residential floor dust (40 micrograms per square foot).
The results from this study along with results from other studies conducted by Federal, State, and local organizations, such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, will be considered at an EPA meeting planned for Spring 2010. This meeting will help to identify steps to address public questions regarding the safety of tire crumb infill in ball fields and playgrounds.
For more information, visit EPA's website www.epa.gov/nerl/features/tire_crumbs.html
Image Copyrights: http://www.millbraenurserycoop.org/

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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Use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products for prophylaxis and improving the health of the population
E. L. Poteryaeva, PhD, Head of the Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases, Professor.
N. G. Nikiforova, PhD, Professor in the Department of Human Ecology and occupational Diseases.
Novosibirsk State Medical Academy
Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases
At the present, environmental pollution has reached a critical level. The increased content of various toxic substances and heavy metals in the atmosphere, water reservoirs, and soil facilitates their entry and accumulation in the human organism.
The intensive and prolonged effects of ecologically unfavourable environmental factors can lead to an overload of adaptational systems and the development of premorbid and morbid conditions. In addition, when many modern food products undergo industrial processing, they lose a large number of valuable nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements, and are supplemented by various additives in the form of preservatives, bleaches, fillers, etc., which increases the load on the basic defensive systems of the organism.
In conditions of modern pressures that are not only technogenic but also medicinal, the search for preparations of natural origin for the "gentle" correction of the conditions in question is especially topical. Cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name may be included in these preparations.
Environmental situation in the world
In the past few years, the environmental situation has essentially not improved, in spite of the fact that, as a whole, the international community has assumed the obligation to reduce the emission of hazardous substances into the atmosphere and the discharge of polluted sewage into surface water sites. For the absolute majority of large, medium, and even small cities, typical problems include air pollution, the neutralization and recycling of toxic industrial waste products, and radiation protection.
In many cities, the pressing issues are those of the pollution of surface waters, and the pollution and exhaustion of subterranean waters, while the problems of preserving the fertility of soils and lands are topical for all countries.
In a number of regions, anthropogenic loads have long ago exceeded the established norms, and a critical situation has arisen in which significant changes in the landscape are occurring, the exhaustion and loss of natural resources is taking place, and the conditions of life for the population are becoming significantly worse. These regions include the largest cities of the world and industrial centres. They exert a negative influence on the environmental state of neighboring regions.
In this regard, more than 60% of the world's population lives in cities where specific indices of environmental pollution to a unit of area are too high. Thus, for a unit of area in a large metropolis, approximately 114.04 tons of hazardous substances per square kilometre are emitted into the atmosphere, and 1480.15 thousand cubic metres of polluted sewage per square kilometre are discharged into surface water reservoirs.
The atmospheric route for the entry of toxic substances into the human organism is the leading one, since, in a twenty-four hour period, a person consumes approximately 15 kg of air, 2.5 kg of water, and roughly 1.5 kg of food, and in addition, when inhaling, chemical elements are absorbed by the organism the most intensively.
On the basis of data respecting levels of atmospheric pollution by various chemical substances, data obtained using a method of expert evaluations, it has been determined that the largest group of the population is subjected to the influence of suspended matter, among which first place is occupied, according to the extent of its influence, by benzopyrene, followed by nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, carbon disulfide, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and styrene.
For a number of regions, typically present in the air are substances specific for the emissions of individual industries (asbestos, vinyl chloride, heavy metal salts, lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel, copper).
The basic polluting substances contained in the air of almost all cities include suspended matter, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and phenol.
Expert evaluations of environmental risk as the probability of a negative influence of polluting substances on the health of the population have shown that the general annual number of cases of death from atmospheric pollution by suspended matter is equal to roughly 16,000 cases for a population of 15 million persons, which comes to 5% of the annual cases of death.
The most dangerous for the health of the population are increased concentrations of suspended matter, nitrogen dioxide, benzene, benzopyrene, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and vinyl chloride.
The basic source of the pollution of the atmosphere of cities by lead is automobile transport that uses leaded gasoline. The percentage of samples exceeding the maximum allowable concentration increases in proximity to motorways.
In addition, in the past few years, almost all surface water-supply sources have become exposed to pollution. The quality of subterranean water used for the water supply corresponds on the whole to the standard requirements, however their pollution is also increasing.
The quality of potable water in countries is not improving, every third person who uses central water-supply systems receives water that does not meet sanitary requirements according to a number of indices.
Investigations show that only 1% of water samples from surface water-supply sources correspond to Class I (the water does not require special processing), while 17% of the samples cannot be assigned even to Class III.
The presence in centralized water-supply sources of highly toxic organic compounds, heavy metal salts, petroleum products, phenols, chloroorganic compounds, and other polluting substances in concentrations that exceed sanitary standards in the face of the insufficient "blocking" capability of operating water-treatment plants creates a serious danger for the health of the population, and leads to bodily diseases.
Environmental dependence of diseases
At the present time, the increase in the frequency of the following chronic pathological processes is considered to be directly or indirectly related to the growing influence of the unfavourable factors of an industrial society:
- Chronic illnesses of the respiratory organs
- Genetic and congenital defects
- Chronic poisonings and drug complications
- Malignant tumours and blood diseases
- Chronic diffuse diseases of the liver
- Peptic ulcers
- Arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, and ischemic disease of the heart
- Neuroses, neurasthenia, and vegetative vascular dystonia
- Caries and atrophy of the gums
- Disturbances of vision and hearing
- Increase in the mortality rate from cirrhosis of the liver of toxic and chemical etiology and tumour processes
Changes in the structure and nature of the pathology of modern people in many respects is related to global technogenic transformations and environmental pollution. The human organism, exposed to the influence of harmful factors, is constantly required to mobilize its compensatory-adaptive mechanisms, whose reserves are limited and with time may become exhausted. In the end, the intense and prolonged influence of ecologically unfavourable factors of the environment may cause an overstrain and breakdown of the organism's adaptational processes, and thereby facilitate the development of premorbid and various pathological conditions of a person, which bear more and more pronounced features of environmental dependency (A).
By analogy with natural focal diseases, one can speak about a relatively new and little studied phenomenon - the focal nature of the ecological pathology of a person. An epicentre is distinguished, where the basic sources of continual environmental pollution are located. Further, several zones (a minimum of two) are located around the epicentre. In the zones beyond the epicentre, the harmful influence of production factors is indirect, more delayed and altered.
With regard to the origin and prevalence of the focal point of socio-environmental stress in one zone or another, the following classification of environmentally significant diseases may be distinguished (A):
- Indicated environmental pathology - reflects a high degree of dependence of a health condition on environmental pollution (occupational diseases, oncological diseases, perinatal mortality, congenital pathology, genetic defects, allergic diseases and reactions, toxicological injuries);
- Environmentally dependent pathology - reflects an average degree of dependence on environmental pollution (infantile mortality, mortality of young children, general child mortality, secondary immunodeficiencies, neonatal mortality, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia in children, chronic parenchymatous lesions of the liver and bile ducts, aggravation of basic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems on days of an abrupt worsening in the meteorological situation in cities);
- Environmentally conditioned pathology - reflects a moderate dependence on an environmental state (spontaneous miscarriages, pathology of pregnancy, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia in adults, morbidity with a temporary loss of the ability to work, anemia in children, basic diseases of the cardiovascular system, increase in the prenosological indices of the measure of the risk of leading systemic diseases).
Environmentally significant pathology includes microelementosis. Microelementosis is the name given to pathological conditions caused by a deficiency, surplus, or imbalance of macroelements and trace elements. Despite the fact that diseases of this nature have long been familiar to clinical medicine (endemic goiter, iron-deficiency anemias, poisoning by some metals, etc.), they were not, however, distinguished by a unifying name. The overwhelming majority of diseases and syndromes of this class were almost not recorded, since clinically they passed under other "masks" (Skalnyy, 2000).
An extremely widespread and perhaps, in modern conditions, the most important group of microelementoses are the technogenic ones. Among them, especially well studied are the industrial, mainly, occupational diseases. Comparatively recently they were the object of the close attention of epidemiologists, who distinguished proximal microelementoses, i.e., diseases of people who do not participate in production itself, but who live in the vicinity.
In recent decades, the attention of not only scientists, but also the general public has been drawn to transgressive microelementoses. This term is used to define diseases that occur at a significant distance from the production zone as a result of the atmospheric or aqueous transfer of chemical hazards, in particular, microelementoses. Acid rain is a typical example of transgression.
Environmental pollution by toxic metals affects children first and foremost, since an intensive accumulation of various harmful elements occurs even in the placenta. This leads to the appearance of congenital deformities, a reduction in immunity, the development of many diseases, often with a synchronization of the pathological process, and a delay of mental and physical development. A generation of weakened people grows up susceptible to infection with a high risk of developing ischemic heart disease and cancerous pathologies.
Thus, environmental pollution makes a very substantial contribution to the development of premorbid and pathological conditions. The universal mechanisms of a disturbance in homeostasis play a role in the development of these conditions: the activation of free-radical oxidation together with a reduction in the reserve of endogenous antioxidants, a reduction in immunity, a deficit of essential trace elements, etc.
Contemporary concepts regarding the methods of prophylaxis, rehabilitation, and treatment in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors
The basic consequences of environmentally caused disturbances may be separated into three basic blocks (B):
- An environmentally caused increase in the frequency of complications in pregnancy and childbirth, spontaneous miscarriages, congenital anomalies in development and genetic defects, prenatal, perinatal and infantile mortality;
- An environmentally caused increase of immunodeficient states and the morbidity of children because of chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, oncological and allergic diseases, and diseases of the blood, liver. and kidneys;
- An environmentally caused increase among the adult population of the frequency of oncological processes, occupational diseases, chemical hypersensitivity, and latent chronic poisoning, secondary immunodeficiencies, chronic diseases of the systems of the respiratory and circulatory organs, diseases of the liver and blood, and dystrophic processes.
At the present, it is well known that, in conditions of environmental danger, the most widespread diseases are those of the organs and systems that function as barriers on the border of the two environments - the internal and the external.
Three basic lines of defence may be distinguished (B):
- The skin, blood, and lymph, lungs and mucosa of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract;
- The liver and immune system;
- The excretory system (kidneys, bile ducts, stomach, bowels, the skin, lymph flow).
The basic goal in the prophylaxis of premorbid and morbid conditions is the synchronous control of the basic metabolic, detoxifying, and protective functions of the liver, the immune system, and the excretory organs.
Grounds for the use of cedar nut products for population health care in the conditions of an unfavorable environmental situation.
Composition and properties of cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia trade mark
Cedar nut oil is obtained from the cleaned nut by the method of cold pressing by wooden presses, which makes it possible to preserve the entire complex of its useful components.
The oil of the cedar nut contains: 95% lipids; 5% nitrogen compounds, of which 90% are made up of amino acids; vitamins: fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D), the water-soluble group B vitamins; macroelements and trace elements.
Lipids in cedar nut oil
Table 1. Content of unsaturated fatty acids in cedar nut oil
Acid name |
Content (%) of the total mass of fatty acids |
Oleic (omega-9) |
25 |
Linoleic (omega-6) |
44 |
Linoleic (omega-3) |
21 |
The tables present data from studies carried out in the laboratories of the Siberian Academy of Technology and the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy.
It is evident from the table that the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is approximately 2:1. A necessary condition is also the sufficient intake with the food of tocopherols, natural antioxidants, since the excess consumption of only polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to the activation of the processes of lipid peroxide oxidation. Cedar nut oil contains 55 mg of alpha-tocopherol.
Cedar nut oil contains a large number of complex lipids-phospholipids and glycolipids-which exceeds their content in all nut and oil crops. A distinctive feature of their fractional composition is the presence of cerebrosides that are nonspecific for vegetable substances. In contrast to simple lipids (fats and fatty acids), used as an energy material, complex lipids perform building functions and are used mainly as structural components of biological membranes.
Thus, the value of the lipid composition of cedar nut oil is determined by the high content and close to optimum relationship of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as by the presence of other factors of a lipid nature that possess a high physiological activity.
Vitamins and mineral substances in Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil
Cedar nut oil is a rich source of vitamins and mineral substances.
Table 2. Composition of vitamins in cedar nut oil
Name |
Content: mg per 100 grams of cedar nut oil |
Recommended consumption: mg/24 hours |
A |
31 |
0.8 - 1.0 |
E |
55 |
12-15 |
D |
0.07 |
0.01 |
B1 |
1.6 |
1.4 |
B2 |
1.7 |
1.5 |
B3 (PP) |
14 |
14 |
- Vitamin A - the vitamin for growth and development;
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - which regulates the oxidation of carbohydrate metabolism products, and participates in the metabolism of amino acids, the formation of fatty acids and influences cardiovascular, digestive, glandular functions as well as the function of the central and peripheral nervous system;
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - which helps the organism in the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy and is essential to the formation and sustenance of the fabric of the organism; it increases sensitivity of vision to light and colour, has a positive influence on the condition of the nervous system, skin and mucous membranes, the functioning of the liver and blood formation;
- Vitamin B3 (PP) (niacin) - participates in the processes of tissue respiration, improves carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the cholesterol level, normalizes the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a vasodilator action. Which is important for fat synthesis, protein metabolism and food-energy conversion; it acts to regulate the higher nervous activity, the cardiovascular system, the functioning of the digestive organs, cholestorol metabolism and blood formation;
- Vitamin E (tocopherol), which influences the functions of the sex and other vascular glands, stimulates the action of the muscles, participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, facilitates the digestion of fats, Vitamins A and O, and also protects cell membranes from injury.
- Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, ensures the absorption of these substances in the bowels and their deposit in growing bone, thus ensuring the strength of bones and teeth, and influences the permeability of cellular and subcellular membranes to calcium ions.
Cedar nut oil contains a complex of the most important macroelements and trace elements necessary for the normal vital activity of the organism (D).
Table 3. Composition of macroelements and trace elements in cedar nut oil
Name |
Content: mg per 100 grams of cedar nut oil |
Recommended consumption |
Potassium |
650 |
2-3 g |
Sodium |
195 |
3-6 g |
Calcium |
110 |
800-1000 mg |
Phosphorus |
840 |
1200-1600 mg |
Magnesium |
552 |
350-500 mg |
Iron |
19 |
10-15 mg |
Copper |
4 |
2-5 mg |
Manganese |
16 |
5-10 mg |
Zinc |
20 |
10-15 mg |
Iodine |
0.6 |
0.1-0.2 mg |
- Sodium has an influence on the activity of practically all systems of the organism.
- copper - which is involved in the functioning of the brain and is essential for the formation of red corpuscles;
- magnesium - which is required for the formation of correct bone structure, and is also an important component of soft tissue;
- manganese - which is essential for the tendrons and hormones and helps the organism take in glucose; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes in the reproductive process, as well as growth and fat metabolism;
- silicon - which facilitates the formation and elasticity of the organism's connective tissue, and also participates in the calcification of the bones;
- vanadium - which retards the formation of cholestorol in the blood vessels; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes, in the metabolism of glucose and fat, and in the development of bones and teeth;
- potassium - which regulates the organism's water balance; it also assists in the normalisation of cardiac contractions and supplying nutrition to the muscle system;
- phosphorous - which is involved in the formation and maintenance of teeth and bones and plays an important role in the activity of the muscles and nerve cells and in quick energy release;
- calcium - which is the main component of bones and teeth and is essential for blood coagulation, cell integrity and heart action; it is also important for normal muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system;
- molybdenum - which assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and facilities prevention of blood deficiency;
- nickel - a deficiency of which influences blood formation and retrads growth, along with changes in the content of iron, copper and zinc in the liver;
- iodine - which is part of the hormones of the thyroid gland and is essential for full metabolism processes;
- tin - a deficiency of which in the organism may lead to retardation of growth;
- boron - a deficiency of which can weaken mental alertness and the capacity to bear physical burdens;
- zinc - which plays a vital role in the restoration of tissue, normal skeletal growth and muscle contraction, and also helps in healing wounds and contributes to the normal functioning of the prostate gland;
- iron - which is the most important component in hemoglobin and protein.
Apart from the micronutrients listed above, cedar nut oil also contain barium, titanium, silver, aluminium, iodide, cobalt and sodium.
Health-improvement potential of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil in conditions involving the influence of harmful environmental factors
Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Rose Hip |
Because of the richness of its chemical composition, cedar nut oil under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand has wide latitude of beneficial action on the organism.
The regular use of cedar nut oil enriches the diet with many indispensable nutritional factors - polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, macroelements and trace elements.
The oil of the cedar nut has a beneficial influence on metabolic processes in all tissue structures of the human organism.
The fatty acid composition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil is characterized by a high content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The necessity to observe a balance between the different classes of fatty acids is well known. The World Health Organization recommends adhering to a ratio of from 4:1 to 10:1, in this case one should strive to increase the portion of omega-3 fatty acids, since an excess of omega-6 fatty acids does have worse consequences for health.
In Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil, the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids comes to approximately 2:1. Regular use of unsaturated fats makes it possible to reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. An increase in the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the lipid spectrum of the blood plasma impedes the further formation of atherosclerotic platelets and can contribute to their reverse development.
The high content of vitamins A and E in cedar nut oil gives it the properties of a natural antioxidant. In recent years, the problem of lipid peroxide oxidation and formation of free radicals has been attracting considerable attention in population health care fields. In normal conditions of vital activities, many important metabolic and physiological processes occur with the formation of free radicals. They are involved in the accumulation and biotransformation of energy, ensure the detoxification of some foreign compounds, participate in the work of the nonspecific immunological protection system of the organism. Within a standard, the intensity of the processes of free-radical oxidation is supported at a specific level by a complex antioxidant defence system.
The contamination of the external and internal environment of the organism by toxic substances, constant psychological and emotional stress, significant physical loads, the use of a large quantity of refined carbohydrates and animal fats in food all lead to the exhaustion of the natural antioxidant defence systems and the excessive activation of free-radical oxidation.
When free radicals enter into chemical reactions, they damage fermentation systems, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, and lead to disturbances in cell function, they are considered to be the culprits in many acute and chronic illnesses as well as the premature aging of the organism.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil is an effective natural antioxidant, and may be used for the prophylaxis of any illness whose onset and development is related to the activation of the processes of free-radical oxidation.
Cedar nut oil is traditionally used in the treatment of catarrhal diseases as a general fortifying remedy and one that increases the nonspecific immune defence. It is used in the form of oil irrigations or it is taken internally. Vitamins A, E, B, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and trace elements, which form part of cedar nut oil, exert a softening and antipyretic action on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and strengthen the processes of regeneration in them.
The ability of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil to accelerate the processes of the regeneration (restoration) of mucous membranes is also made use of in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil may be used externally for the cleansing, nourishment, and protection of the skin on all parts of the body. Cedar nut oil dissolves readily and removes all impurities, and provides valuable nourishment to the cleansed skin. In this case, it is good to combine the external application of cedar oil with its use in food in order to act on the skin "from the inside."
The use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil thus creates the conditions for an improvement in the functional condition of the skin, and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract - the organs of the first line of the organism's defence in conditions of ecological danger.
Modern studies of the food allowance have revealed substantial deviations in the structure of the diet of the population from the formula of a balanced diet: a deficiency has been noted in micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and an entire series of organic compounds of plant origin; with regard to macronutrients, the food allowance is deficient in proteins and dietary fibers, and has an excess of animal fats.
The existing deficient structure of the diet exerts an unfavorable effect, first of all on the defensive strength of the organism - there is an increase in the risk of the development of different environmentally caused diseases.
Modern science possesses persuasive data to attest that, with the use of functional nutrition, it is possible to support an optimum level of vital activity and avoid many illnesses.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement are manufactured according to modern conserving technologies, which make it possible to preserve all biologically active natural components in their primary form.
The series of health-improvement products based on Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil includes:
- Cedar nut oil;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip.
Thus, functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products - cedar nut oil, cedar oil with cedar resin, cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn, and cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip - are composed of a harmoniously balanced complex of biologically active substances, which exert a combined versatile action on organs and systems that are critical for the maintenance of the cleanliness of the internal environment of the human organism.
Functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia products - cedar nut oil, cedar nut oil with cedar resin, cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn, and cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip - consist of natural components, they do not contain preservatives or toxic substances; and therefore, there are no contraindications to their use, with the exception of any individual intolerance to separate components.
The high biological activity of the natural components of cedar products under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name and the complex action of balanced nutrients are responsible for the health-improvement properties of these products in conditions of the influence of harmful environmental factors.
The use of Ringing Cedars cedar products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement is recommended for the inhabitants of large cities and environmentally unfavorable regions for prophylaxis and rehabilitation in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors by maintaining the function of the liver and the immune system, as well as the organs of the excretory system.
(A) Gichev, Yu, P. Human health as a basic bioindicator in an environmental monitoring system. Novosibirsk, 1994.
(B) Gichev, Yu, P. Environmental pollution and human health. Moscow-Novosibirsk, 2002.
(C) The influence of environmental pollution on human health -Materials of the First All - Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation. Edited by Professor Yu. P. Gichev. Novosibirsk, 2002.
(D) Obukhova, L. A. Products intended for health improvement and prophylaxis. Novosibirsk, 2003.
Updated and revised version.
Novosibirsk State Medical Academy
Department of Human Ecology and Occupational Diseases
Novosibirsk 2004
Image Copyrights:
Translation Copyright (c) RingingCeadrsofRussia.org

Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil with Cedar (Pine) Resin:
Turpentine Balsam
N. Filimonova Ph. D.,
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Novosibirsk, Russia
Mixing cedar resin and cedar nut oil gives turpentine balsam in various concentrations, which possesses a more powerful medicinal effect than each of its components individually. Do you remember how Russian fairy tales describe the miraculous properties of dead and living water? This is what Alexander Pushkin writes in the fairy tale Ruslan and Ludmila:
And the old man stood above the knight
And sprinkled him with dead water,
And his wounds began to shine in an instant,
And the corpse radiated
with wonderful beauty; then the old man
Sprinkled the hero with living water,
And hale and hearty, full of new strength,
Quivering with young life,
Ruslan arises, gazing at the bright day
With avid eyes...
If the dead water was responsible for the reconstitution (regeneration) of the body's structure (the cells), then the living water directly revived that body (the cells). From this point of view, cedar nut oil fulfills a regenerative function, providing the body with all necessary building materials. While resin (in Russian zhivitsa, from the root zhiv-, "life, vital") plays the role of a powerful catalyst, increasing the rate of metabolism at the cellular level tenth full! So, it turns out that the fairy tale of dead and living water is not a fairy tale at all, because it finds corroboration in our lives in the form of turpentine balsam.
Yes, turpentine balsam promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. It allows heavy metal salts to be removed from the body. It is very wholesome for children because it provides for the most fully realized development of their growing bodies. It is used internally, applied for drips, massage, liniment, rubs, etc.
Turpentine balsam is an effective natural antioxidant. It has a liver-protecting, antiulcerous, antiseptic, and antisclerotic effect, and also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, hastens healing, decreases the intoxication (poisoning) of the body in the event of the ingestion of chemical compounds. It has a general strengthening effect, reduces chronic fatigue syndrome, and increases the intellectual and physical capacity to work.
The regular use of cedar nut oil, and especially turpentine balsam from PineNutOil.org, restores the protective function of the cells on the molecular level(!), leads to the improvement of cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. It promotes the oxygen saturation of the organs and tissues, and activates the mechanism for the generation of new cells (linolenic acid), reduces or eliminates disruptions of lipometabolism, protects the skin from the harmful effect of water, and makes it supple (linoleic acid).
The inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals have for a very long time used turpentine balsam for the treatment of purulent wounds, cuts, and burns. During the Great Fatherland War, turpentine was successfully used in military hospitals for the treatment of wounded fighters. The most serious and chronic injuries to the skin, including gangrene, were treated with balsam. Pieces of skin impregnated with turpentine were placed on abscesses as a softening, stretching, and healing agent.
Cedar Nut Oil Press
This equipment and method of pressing Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
The use of turpentine balsam from PineNutOil.org protects the skin from aging and fading, makes it youthful, supple, and elastic. It is especially healthy for people who suffer from skin diseases, increased brittleness of the hair and nails, people who live and work in unfavourable climactic and ecological conditions, who are engaged in work that involves an elevated expenditure of energy and increased psychological and emotional stress.
In the preventive treatment of diseases, cedar nut oil may be used. One teaspoonful (non-metallic spoon) is taken internally on an empty stomach, 30 to 60 minutes before eating. If so desired and needed, the oil may be taken three to four times a day. There is no strict dosage, since cedar nut oil is a natural food product for people.
Turpentine balsam is also used in those circumstances when a disease has already settled in our delicate organism and it needs help. Moreover, internally, one can take only 5% (or less) balsam. Turpentines with a concentration of resin that is more than 5% are used externally! The exception is "Siberian cleanse," in which 10% turpentine balsam is used according to a specially developed system.
When using pine products internally, one obligatory condition should be met: ingestion takes place only during daylight hours. This is related to the fact that cedar nut oil, cedar resin, and other derived products are considered to be "alive" and, when they interact with the living, active human organism, make it possible to eliminate various diseases in a most effective manner.
At the present, a large number of statistics have been collected about diseases that are susceptible to treatment using turpentine balsam:
- all types of catarrhal diseases;
- bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;
- skin and stomatological diseases;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- diseases of the locomotor system, etc.
Turpentine balsam (resin and oil) of the Siberian pine is a unique product, whose spectrum and strength of action on the human organism is difficult to overestimate.
General skin care
In spite of its outstanding protective qualities and ability to regenerate, the skin is the most delicate and vulnerable organ of our body. After all, the skin works day and night without rest, frequently being exposed to excessive loads. However, by no means does it always have enough of its own forces to cope with these problems. For that reason, the skin undeniably requires regular and diligent care.
The use of turpentine balsam from PineNutOil.org is recommended for people with various types of skin. In the case of surface application, the balsam is absorbed extremely well into the skin and has the following effects:
- it does an excellent job of softening the skin, making it more elastic and resilient, and preserves its natural moisture;
- it promotes the healing of wounds and erosions on the skin and mucous membranes following injuries, burns, and inflammations;
- it soothes and eliminates itching, redness, and swelling after allergic manifestations on the skin;
- it provides an excellent contact surface for massage;
- it gently removes surface pollutants (dust, cosmetics), and may be used to remove make-up, especially from the areas around the eyes.
Never put off caring for your skin until later, justifying it by a lack of time and money. It is much simpler and less expensive to halt the process of fading than to struggle with it later. Turpentine balsam and cedar nut oil from PineNutOil.org are wonderful gifts for your skin from Siberian nature. And if, for the time being, you are not immediately able to give up your favourite cream, tonic, shampoo, or facial mask, then add three to five drops of 5% turpentine balsam to your product. Better yet: try the balsam on your hands, rubbing them before sleep for a week. Once you are convinced of its effectiveness in practice, you will be able to put your complete trust in it.
N. Filimonova Ph. D.
Used by permission.
Copyright CedarInfo.info

INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with 100% natural whild harvested (not certified) Rose Hip Berries.
Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.
One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Rose Hip Oil. Wildly harvested, 100% natural Rose Hip berry is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.
Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian Cedar nut oil. Wild harvested Cedar nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian Cedar nut oil.
Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Rose Hip under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name.
The rose hip and rose haw, is the pomaceous fruit of the rose plant, that typically is red-to-orange, but might be dark purple-to-black in some species. Contrary to the fairly common myth, rosehips are not poisonous.
Rose hips of some species, especially Rosa canina (Dog Rose) and R. majalis, have been used as a source of Vitamin C. Rose hips are commonly used as an herbal tea, often blended with hibiscus and as rose hip oil. They can also be used to make jam, jelly, marmalade and wine. Rose hip soup, "nyponsoppa," is especially popular in Sweden. Rhodomel, a type of mead, is made with rose hips.
Some species of rose are sometimes referred to as rose hip, including Rosa canina (dog rose), R. rubiginosa, and R. moschata (Musk-rose).
Health benefits
- Particularly high in Vitamin C, with about 1700-2000 mg per 100 g in the dried product, one of the richest plant sources.
- RP-HPLC assays of fresh rose hips and several commercially available products revealed a wide range of L-ascorbic acid content, ranging from 0.03 to 1.3%.
- Rose hips contain vitamins C, D and E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids.
- Rose hip powder is a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
- Rose hips from the dog rose have antioxidant values that far exceed other berries such as blueberries
- As an herbal remedy, rose hips are attributed with the ability to prevent urinary bladder infections, and assist in treating dizziness and headaches. Rose hips are also commonly used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.
- Brewed into a decoction, can also be used to treat constipation.
- Rose hip oil contains a lot of iron, so some women brew rose hip tea during menstruation to make up for the iron that they lose with menses.
Rose hips are used for herbal tea, jam, jelly, syrup, beverages, pies, bread, marmalade, and rose hip oil.
A few rose species are sometimes grown for the ornamental value of their hips, such as Rosa moyesii, which has prominent large red bottle-shaped fruits.
Rose hips have recently become popular as a healthy treat for pet chinchillas. Chinchillas are unable to manufacture their own Vitamin C, but lack the proper internal organs to process many vitamin-C rich foods. Rose Hip Oil provides a sugarless, safe way to increase the Vitamin C intake of chinchillas and guinea pigs.
Rose hips are also fed to horses. The dried and powdered form can be fed at a maximum of 1 tablespoon per day to improve coat condition and new hoof growth.
The fine hairs found inside rose hips are used as itching powder.
Roses are propagated from hips by removing the seeds from the aril (the outer coating) and sowing just beneath the surface of the soil. Placed in a cold frame or a greenhouse, the seeds take at least three months to germinate.
In World War II, the people of England gathered wild-grown rose hips and made a Vitamin C syrup for children. This was because German submarines were sinking many commercial ships: citrus fruits from the tropics were very difficult to import.
By indigenous people
Rose hips were used in many food preparations by the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Rose hips are used for colds and influenza. The Latin binomial for this herb is Rosa laevigata.
Source: Wikipedia

Our Unique Production Technique:
Cedar Nut Sheller
This equipment and method of shelling Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedar Kernels and Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
Cedar Nut Oil Press
This equipment and method of pressing Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedare Nut Oil
The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:
A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.
Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.
Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:
We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.
Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.
Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.
Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.
Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.

Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.
The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).
Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.
Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.
Copyright: http://www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org/

Lemon is a Greek favorite with potatoes, and this quick and easy potato salad relies on lemon to give it a touch of sharpness that goes so well with many main dishes. With whatever else is on the table, have some feta cheese nearby since potatoes and feta are a taste treat.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
5-6 medium-large potatoes
3/4 cup of extra virgin cedar nut oil
1/3 cup of lemon juice
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 large white onion
sea salt
fresh ground pepper
1/4 cup of chopped fresh parsley
Cut the onion into thin slices, then cut slices in half.
Peel the potatoes, cut into large bite-sized chunks of approximately the same size, and rinse well. Add potatoes to a pot of cold water to cover by 1 1/2 inches, bring to a boil, and boil at medium-high heat. Test after 15 minutes for doneness - they should be easily pierced with a fork. Remove when done, drain, and place in a serving bowl or dish. Add onions and toss.
To make the dressing, in a small bowl, combine cedar nut oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper with a whisk.
Serve warm, at room temperature or chilled. When ready to serve, pour on the dressing, toss, and sprinkle with parsley.
Yield: serves 6
Prep Time: 10 minuts
Cook Time: 00 minutes
- 1 pack or 8 ounces of fresh button or brown mushrooms
- Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese (a couple ounces or so)
- Extra Virgin Cedar Nut Oil (Cedar Nut Oil) to taste
- Salt to taste
Preparation: Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth. Slice the mushrooms into thin slices and arrange in a shallow layer on a plate or platter. Drizzle with the oil and sprinkle on some salt, preferably sea salt. Then, using a vegetable peeler, peel off curls of fresh Parmigiano Reggiano (or at least a good Grana Padana) on top of the mushrooms. You're done. Eat.
Serves: 4
- 500 gr. of tiger shrimp
- 1 tomato
- 1/2 a yellow bell pepper
- 2 shallots or 1/2 a red onion
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- 1/2 a package of fresh coriander
- 4 green lemons or limes
- 2 carrots
- 4 tablespoons of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
- Salt and black pepper to taste
1. Peel the prawns and flash-boil them in chicken stock; cut into cubes.
2. Cut the peeled bell pepper, tomatoes (peeled and without pips), shallots and garlic (very fine).
3. Place the prawns and the vegetables in a bowl and add the limejuice, Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, salt and pepper. Let the ingredients marinate in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
4. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and slice them as thinly as you can, after which they are fried in avocado oil at a temperature not superior to 160� C. Once fried, season with salt and dry on kitchen paper.
5. Finish the cebiche to taste with coarsely cut coriander.

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/cedar_nuts_and_ringing_cedars_information.php

Limited Time Offer for retail orders.
Fixed low rate on any order! Free shipping after $147!
USA - Fixed $5 rate for USPS Priority mail (1 to 3 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Canada - Fixed $5.9 rate for Expedited service (3 to 6 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Europe - No handling fee, low fixed rates are available: up to 100g = 6.57$, 100g+ = 8.01$, 500g+ = 9.84$, 1kg+ = 19.63, 2 kg+ = 20.8, 5rg+ = 26.92, 10kg+ = 39.15$, free shipping for orders on amount of $200!
International orders (all other countries) - Low fixed rates are available: up to 0.5lb = 8.5$, 1lb+ = 8.7$, 1.5lb+ = $14.8, 2lb+ = $17.80, 2.5lb+ = $21, 3lb+ = $23.5. Maximum shipping charge for any order is $23.5!

Ladies and Gentelmen.
We are glad to announce that our European Warehouse now fully operates and is available for orders.

These Promotions are available worldwide from the following warehouses: USA, Canada, Europe.
Estimated arrival - March 2011
Your healthy sleep for the entire night.
Qualities: Cedar pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" has a distinct Cedar nut smell, possesses antiseptic qualities, and is of a medium softness.
Uses: For the full benefit of a healthy sleep.
Consists of: Fabric - 100% flax. Content: dried, extremely thin layer that exists between the nut and the shell of a Cedar nut. Fully natural and ecologically clean components.
Cedar Pillow has a great history in ancient folk medicine. Healers believed that Cedar has a variety of different benefits:
- Relieves nervous tension.
- Assists in deep relaxation.
- Assists in deep healthy sleep and rest.
- Assists in stress relief.
- Gives a feeling of morning freshness.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes blood and inner cranial pressure.
- Decreases pain in both head and neck areas.
- Cedar ethers mobilize spiritual aspects of a Human being.
Cedar pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" is a unique product which carries the purity and power of the Cedar forest. It is made in consistence with ancient technologies. Supply is very limited. Pillow dimensions: 18.5'' x 24.5'' (45 x 60 cm). Box dimensions: 12.25'' x 5'' x 17.5'' (31 x 12.7 x 45 cm).
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PREORDER: Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil Enriched with Cedar (Pine) Resin
Now it is stronger - 5% Turpentine Balsam
Estimated arrival - March 2011
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil, 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Resin.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
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1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Siberian Cedar Resin. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Siberian Cedar Resin vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: The extract is made by inserting Cedar Resin in the Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil and is kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the Resin. Its another name is Turpentine balsam.
3. Q: What is Cedar Resin Extract beneficial for?
Cedar Resin Extract has a lot of energy, it is a perfect anticeptic, strengthens the immune system and it's great for skin. It promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. Resin Extract is great for infections, viral diseases, colds, soar throats.
The Cedar Resin Extract is also beneficial for:
- all types of catarrhal diseases
- bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases
- skin and stomatological diseases
- diseases of the nervous system
- diseases of the locomotor system
4. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of Cedar Resin Extract causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Whole Rose Hip - "Buy 3 get 1 free!"
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Currently we are offering you a great promotional discount "Buy 3 get 1 free!" of "Siberian Cedar Nut Oil with Whole Rosehip" 100g. packaging. Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Rose Hip berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Rose Hip berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Rose Hip berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Rose Hip berries beneficial for?
A: Rose Hip is particularly high in Vitamine C, it also contains Vitamins D and E. It is powerful antioxidant and is great for bones and joints.
The Rose Hip berries are also beneficial for:
- urinary bladder infections
5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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KEDRA TOOTHPASTE Gift Set (Buy 3 get 1 FREE)

Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Sea Buckthorn
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Sea Buckthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Sea Buckthorn vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Sea Buckthorn berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Sea Buckthorn berries beneficial for?
A: Sea Buckthorn berry has a very pleasant mild taste, it is known to calm the nerves, and is very good for the skin if used topically and internally and is great antioxidant.
The Sea Buckthorn is also beneficial for:
- diseases of mucous membranes
- dermatological diseases and skin conditions
6. Q: Where were your Sea Buckthorn berries grown?
A: The Sea Buckthorn berries that we use for extract grow in Siberia - one of the pures and ecologically cleanest area in the world. They are wild harverted. The Sea Buckthorn berries of Russia contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in the world, becuase the plants were cultivated with the aim to increase vitamins and minerals in berries, as opposes to Chinese and Canadian Sea Buckthorn, which were cultivated to raise the quantity of berries.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Whole Rose Hip
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Rose Hip Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Rose Hip berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Rose Hip berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Rose Hip berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Rose Hip berries beneficial for?
A: Rose Hip is particularly high in Vitamine C, it also contains Vitamins D and E. It is powerful antioxidant and is great for bones and joints. Rose Hip berries are used to treat diseases of liver and bile passages. They facilitate liver and gall bladder functioning and trigger self-cleaning as they are strong bile-expelling agent. Rose Hip flowers are also consumed as a remedy for heartburn.
The Rose Hip berries are also beneficial for:
- urinary bladder infections
5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Hawthorn Berry
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Hawthorn Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Hawthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Hawthorm berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Hawthorn berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Hawthorn berries beneficial for?
A: Hawthorn Berry strengthens the heart, helps restore blood pressure to nominal levels, and is good for the blood. Hawthorn berry is also good for digestive problems.
5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Ebikon, Switzerland
Susanne Joller, Ebikon, Switzerland
Tel: +41 41 610 18 61

Sherman Oaks, CA
"Lotus Consulting Service Inc.", Lilia Kilimnik, 5205 Buffalo Ave, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91401, USA
Tel: 818-905-0740

Canada, British Columbia
Nutrilife Health Food, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6C7
Tel: 778-285-3588

Canada, Alberta
Tel: 403-938-0042

Canada, British Columbia
770 Spruce Ave., Victoria
Tel: 250-370-1818

Buena Vista, CO
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, 411 E MAIN ST, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211, USA
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Call us at 719-239-2007

Andrej Gjurec, Sveti Jurij 15b, Rogasovci, 9262, Slovenia
Tel: +368 41 817 339

Thunder Bay, ON
International House of Tea, 899 Fort William Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7B3A6, Canada
e-mail: info@internationalhouseoftea.com

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Dear whoever this may concern,
My name is Jason Clarke and I hope this letter sees you very well.
Without exactly knowing which methods to take to make contact with Vladimir himself I figured I would just send a email out there in the hope that even someone like minded might read what I feel I should say.
I live in beautiful Melbourne Australia and feel very privileged to feel so connected with this very special piece of our world.
Before I stumbled upon the Ringing Cedar series (which by the way was quite a strange situation) I was not sure where my life was headed.
I'm 27 years old and consider myself to be quite spiritual, in that I love meditation and reading texts about universal consciousness and living a life I thought might be in harmony to the way the creator would have intended. Having spent some time in an ashram to better understand myself I soon realised that there had to be a more earthy way to go about my life. Sure enough as soon as I started to walk a path towards devoting my energies into the idea that I'm in the likeness of God and and all his creations are for us, the series lets say became available to me.
I feel so connected to Anastasia and Vladimir and through their words a spark of hope which sat in my heart for so many years has begun to turn into an overwhelming light. So bright that I feel such a massive and motivating urge to take responsibility and do my part for our beautiful planet. I'm proud to say that I start a new job on Monday within a conservation company planting and growing native plants. I also have begun to grow beautiful fresh fruit and veggies even though a limited space I have at my wonderful parents.
Everyday I hold in my thought my beautiful domain that I will create with my beloved and cherish the reality the future will bring to this most splendid planet.
It is with most love that I hold the series close to my heart as not only a story but an encyclopedia of valuable and most piercing life knowledge.
It will take time for Australia to catch on so I figure I should be doing something to promote the idea of Kins Domains.
I'm half way through the last volume of 8.2 and just really felt the urge to write in and see what would happen.
I'd like to express my sincere love and appreciation towards the hearts of Anastasia and Vladimir and I would hope to let them know that my light shines on the same path they are so bravely re walking.
With the kindest regards and appreciation one could offer,
Jason Clarke
* * *
Hi Vladimir!
Just let me start by saying thank you, with all of heart. From one day to the next, or I should say from one moment to the next, I knew already how things would change and that life from now on would be just absolutely brilliant.
I'm thinking of building a little "Datcha" in the forest, and maybe never leaving. I would eventually like to buy a decent piece of land that could support a community of Earth lovers.. We'll see..
Enzo Mignot
* * *
I am so so delighted to have been lead down the path of The Ringing Cedar series :) I can't wait to read all of them and to purchase some cedar for my children and I to wear to! We are very much in need of some healing right now.
Tanya Eichel Massachusetts, USA
* * *
Please advise me of where I go to express my gratitude to the author and Anastasia for the wonderful books. I an now reading book 2 and want to read them all. It is a joy to have found the book in my library. I am looking forward to receiving my cedar pendant.
Love and Peace, Elizabeth
I have used this product and I am very impressed with the results. Thank you for your products.
I would like to market these products to the people who need them and make it available to all who seek its natural healing powers.Will you allow me to sell these products on a national level here in the US ? and if so I and alot of people who cannot afford to see doctors can use this as a tool to help them comfort their pain as I was able to. I did see a doctor before using the cedar nut oil and after 30 days of using the oil I had improved so much in my liver function testing that the doctor released me from care and told me to keep doing whatever it is that I am doing because it is working.
thank you
Richard Jacobson, USA
* * *
My dad has been hospitalized for 2 months and his legs and other muscles have been stiff and cramped; he would form himself in a fetal position. I ordered all the cedar essential oils. I mixed them with the cedar nut oil to use as massage oil. He was able to relax and straighten his legs. I also massage his face and make sure I leave some oil around his nose. This seems to relax him so much that he sleeps better. His skin also become smooth and it makes him looks younger too! The hospital staffs have been enjoying the nice smell whenever they walk into his room. A lot of them also inquire about your products.
Thank you!
Danee, Hayward, USA
* * *
I purchased the Siberian Cedar Nut Oil with Seabuckthorn berry and I was amazed at the amount of energy that overcame
me within the first three days of use!! I began to perform chores that I had been putting off for
weeks due to low energy and depression with ease and enthusiasm :) On the third day of taking the oil,
I cleaned my entire apartment and repotted all of my plants and I really surprised myself! I eventually
realized that the one thing I had done differently in the days prior was taking a few teaspoons of the oil.
I can't wait to order some more and really put more energy into living the life I want to live.
The energy boost from the oil is a great catalyst for making life altering changes.
Thank you so much for this truly effective product! I have every faith in all of the Ringing Cedars of Russia products!
Kathryn Slaughter, KY, USA
* * *
thank you very much for my order i received it on the 28 of january and am very glad .keep up the good work.
Bridget, Nigeria
* * *
Fantastic Service, fast delivery! Your representatives are very helpful and a pleasure to deal with! Thank you!
Susan S., USA
* * *
I am impressed with how quick my order got here! Thanks for the prompt delivery.
I look forward to telling all my friends about your company as well as purchasing more products in the future from you.
Thanks, Valorie Vogel |

History of Aromatherapy
For millenniums humanity has been discovering mysterious properties of plants. Knowledge obtained through experiments and researches and its systematization resulted in a new science - Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is an art of healing by means of plant aromas. Aromatherapy emerged long before it was thought as a science. Have you noticed how easily you breathe when you are walking in a forest? How nice it is to feel piny wood scent and redolence of green pine needles and resin! This is a natural aromatherapy.
According to the first manuscripts with fragrance recipes aromatherapy has been used for 6000 years! In Egypt the use of aromatherapy is confirmed by earthenware tablets that described embalming process by means of aromatics.
Ancient people perfectly understood aromatic and therapeutic properties of plants. Contemporary civilization just begins to uncover the value of aromatherapy hidden treasures.
In the ancient times aromatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties of essential-oil plants were known and widely used from Babylon and Persia to India and China. In the old medical texts of these countries, written around 3000 years ago, many herbs and their utilization were described. Plants whose aromas were able to impact on consciousness were burned during religious ceremonies.
The resins that were used for incense were highly therapeutic; they influenced on respiratory system and immersed priests into meditative state. Egyptians applied fragrances from perfumery and cosmetics to medicine and mummification. Some perfume jars still smell with fragrance that was kept there 3200 years ago. Also Egyptians used aromas for skin care, washing clothes, added them into vine and food. Frankincense oil used to be burned in honor of Egyptian God Ra, it also was a great component in skin care recipes. Cedar and Myrrh oils were used for embalming. As it turned out essential oils of cedar and myrrh contained elements with strong prophylactic and antiseptic properties, which allowed mummies be preserved for a very long time. Egyptians acquired a reputation of perfume experts; however, they were not familiar with essential oil extraction methods and used only infusions and ointments.
Greeks continued researches in aromatherapy. They found new uses for essential oils in medicine. Ancient thinker and pharmacologist Pedanius Dioscorides wrote a book about healing with herbs "De Materia Medica". This book had been very popular in Europe for 12 centuries. Many recipes offered in this book are still useful today. Another Greek physician Hippocrates - the founder of contemporary scientific medicine composed a work where 236 plants and their medical use were described. Reflecting Greek philosophy of his time, Hippocrates approached patient as a unified whole and as a part of nature. He believed that plants contain medical elements in optimal combination and thus they heal better when unprocessed or as natural juices.
Romans based their knowledge on Greeks' aromatherapy achievements. Their innovation was in bringing aromatic plants and ingredients from Aravia and Eastern India. With new plants more deceases could be cured. Romans paid a lot of attention to the aromatic properties of plants. In antique Rome and Greece perfumery with floral scents was booming, the essential oils were widely used in steam baths as a daily ritual. Many Greek doctors served in Roman army and carried their aromatherapy knowledge through different countries. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that essential oils were given to people by Olympus Gods as a means of supreme light, awakening love.
After the collapse of Roman Empire, Arabic perfumers improved aromatherapy knowledge. They were the first who applied steam distillation for extracting essential oil from rose petals. This invention is believed to belong to Avicenna, philosopher and a physician of Middle East. He described more than 800 medical means that were mostly of botanical origin. In his book "The Canon of Medicine" he described steam distillation method which is used nowadays as well.
European aromatherapy was developing in medieval times. During crusades Arabic fragrances were spread over entire Europe. Plant's medical properties were intensively studied at the times of pestilence spread. Branches of lavender and cypress were burned on the streets. It was the only protection against Black Death that people knew.
In the ninetieth century with the development of synthetic pharmacology the importance of aromatherapy began to decrease. However, when it was noticed that synthetic products caused multiple complications the interest in aromatherapy arose again.
In 1930, French scientist-chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse put into practice a term of Aromatherapy. His family owned a perfumery fabric, and, according to the legend, Maurice, working in a laboratory, burned his hand badly. By reflex, he dipped his hand into lavender oil that was standing by. Later he was so amazed watching mystical recovery and disappearance of scars on his hand. As a result he dedicated his live to researches about essential oil cosmetic and dermatological properties.
French physician Jean Valnet significantly expanded uses of aromatherapy. He was using essential oils for disinfection of wounds and for internal organs spasms relieving. In 1964 he published a book "Practice of Aromatherapy" triggering the aromatherapy practice in Europe. Homeopathic clinics, practicing aromatherapy were build in Paris, Sveden and England where obvious rejuvenation properties of essential oils were studied.
Contemporary aromatherapy is first of all a prophylactic and healthful method of maintaining good psycho-emotional and physical fitness. It is a therapy that relieves everyday stress and prevents development of infirmity. In Canada, US, Europe and Japan thousands of aromatherapy clinics operate, aromatherapy books are published and scientific laboratories are working, continuing the tradition of aromatherapy use.
With the growing popularity of aromatherapy many people get familiarized with therapeutic properties of essential oils and start using them at home on a daily basis.
On the current market the world leading Essential Oil company is Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living's line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and essential oil blends are sourced from the world's finest plants. They are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity. This commitment to purity makes Young Living products the world's highest-quality essential oil line.
Part of the proceeds go to the creation of an Eco-Village.
Used by permission
Copyright http://www.youngliving.pro/

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles
Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 83 Cassilis St Coonabarabran NSW Australia Phone number: 0268424778
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Vedruss Kins Oasis
User classifieds ad:
Calling Vedruss! A Kin's Village is called into being in Coonabarabran, Australia. If you feel called to participate, please email Radha or Chris for more details - capricorndancerlive.com.au

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near and far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

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