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The readers of Ringing Cedars of Russia books know the important role of Dolmens for the contemporary people - that is to keep and share wisdom of Vedrus civilization to us. However, the study of Vladimir Kalinin showed additional aspects of Dolmens.
The study was conducted by Vladimir Kalinin, a doctor and the head of the paleomedicine laboratory of the Academy of Perception Development. He conducted his experiments independently of the information on Dolmens described in the series of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia".
In the study of the dolmens, we decided to discard all official theories of their origin and destination, as well as all possible myths and legends of both modern and ancient interpretations.
We developed a hypothesis that the dolmens have sufficient energy power to transform water into healing substance. In order to understand what properties the water that has been in the dolmen acquires, we conducted the studies below.
Our studies have shown: water that was exposed to dolmen's energies has a powerful effect on biological organisms. The essence of experiment was to sprout seeds in the water exposed to the Dolmens and regular water.
The experiment was carried out on accessible undamaged dolmens. We chose the grains of ordinary wheat, purchased in the local farm market. Water was purchased in a pharmacy - water for injection in glass sealed ampoules of 5 milliliters in each ampoule.
The sealed ampoules of water were exposed in a dolmen for 30 minutes. We carried out sprouting of grain in test tubes in water treated with a dolmen (group A: 5 samples) and for control we sprouted grain with untreated water (group B: 5 samples). The temperature at which the seed sprouting proceeded was +20 degrees. Lighting conditions were indoor, ambient light from the windows. Artificial lighting was not used.
The whole experiment lasted 18 days and was recorded on video camera equipment. Each day ended with analyzing of the results. Since the sprouting rate of all grains is slightly different, we began to fix a stable result in the development of wheat sprouts after 3 days.
Already at the initial stage of the experiment, we saw that the sprouts from group A gave active growth, they were better adapting and actively developing. After 14 days, the extinction of the sprouts from group B began. The sprouts in group A were actively developing. We also noticed that in the samples there is another living organism develops, namely, ordinary mold. Mold also developed on all samples, but in group A its development was much greater than in group B.
After 18 days, the sprouts in group A also began to fade and the experiment was completed. The experiment showed that the development of wheat sprout in water exposed in the dolmens is more vigorous and strong, and the plants have large and healthy green mass; and mold, as the living organism was more active in group A. We concluded that the quality and longevity of organisms in a water medium exposed in the dolmens is higher than that of organisms in a medium with simple water, which means the water that was exposed to Dolmens' energies can prolong life.
The next step was to conduct an experiment on taking water exhibited in a dolmen on ourselves (my wife and I). After treatment by a Dolmen energy, the ampoule was opened immediately before administration. This water, as a storage medium, was supposed to work as a mechanism for harmonizing a living organism.
I know all my ailments in detail, since I have a medical education. I can observe myself fairly objectively. To evaluate the result, I decided to take a course of 7 ampoules per day, 5 ml on an empty stomach. There were no any other changes in my lifestyle. After 7 days, I finished taking and tried to evaluate the effect. I did not feel either a positive or negative effect.
However, a month after completing the intake of exposed water, I began to lose weight a little. I must say that after 30 years I gained extra 20 kilograms. Weighing showed minus 2 kg. I noticed that the excitement for food somehow disappeared. Also I began to smoke less. Otherwise, everything remained the same.
After another month, I lost about 1.5 kg more and reduced smoking by half not trying to quit smoking on purpose. Lightness appeared in my legs. The numbness in the foot of the left leg (vertebral hernia) began to disappear. My complexion has improved; and skin became fresher. I looked younger.
My wife also had changes. She is constitutionally dry-built. Despite her appetite, she could not gain any weight. She also had problems with her stomach and appendages. Surprisingly, she began to gain weight proportionately. Her figure has improved greatly. The skin has become firm. She began to desire to work in the fresh air and grow a garden. Other diseases gradually declined as well. We've noticed a trend: recovery goes in time in the reverse order of the disease, everything happens in parallel with lifestyle changes. The desire for lifestyle change and strength come on their own. All health changes were recorded at the reception of the local doctor in the medical record.
Two years after the first course, I lost 15 kg. My weight is back to normal. The remaining health issues gradually receded. Somehow, imperceptibly, I quit smoking. My lifestyle changes to the best unintentionally.
Now me and my wife take 7 ampoules every year: 1 ampoule per day for 7 days. Our experience showed that it was enough. The body itself chooses the rate of change, and it does not depend on the dose. But fresh information on harmony must be periodically received. Most likely, it is simply lost r erased with time.
We also conducted an experiment on a group of 9 people - friends with an extensive bouquet of diseases. Previously, all participants underwent a medical examination so that we could evaluate the result in the future. The test group took a ten-day course of treated water.
The test group identified only one person who did not have any progress at all. And here the following is interesting: this person was skeptical about the possibility of recovery in this way.
The conclusion we made is this: the water exhibited in dolmen is not a cure. It is like a tuning fork of life force. If you agree to perceive it, then your body begins to tune its rhythms to its wave, gradually, influencing both your desire and lifestyle, since one is the consequence of another.
Vladimir Kalinin