Parents-teachers |
The settlement "Kovcheg" is a settlement based on the idea of Kin's Domains that was founded in 2001 in the Kaluga Region (140 km from Moscow)
In 2007, a school was organized in the settlement as an association of several families with the aim of educating their own children.
Today, most of the inhabitants of the settlement are engaged in the educational project; children attending school are of grades 1-11.
What we have today is undoubtedly the result of what was done yesterday. Once we thought of it as a dream, today it is our everyday life.
Besides studying general subjects, under "educational project" we mean everything related to the development of child abilities. That includes a theater studio, music classes, a craft studio, sports classes, joint trips, camps, and etc.
Our school is a family non-profit project. Parents and teachers teach in it. To improve pedagogical skills, we periodically arrange courses in the settlement to familiarize ourselves with various alternative educational methods.
We have a tradition to get together with students at the end of the week and take stock. Prior to this, all issues were resolved at weekly meetings of parents and teachers. Now, children themselves participate and they offer various innovations concerning their school life. Often, their decisions are very extraordinary, and in their own way, beautiful!
Our teachers have gone through many seminars and workshops to learn various educational methods. This gives us the opportunity to apply the individual elements of the methods in combination, or to take some methodology as a basis.
In our baggage:
1. Montessori system
2. The Waldorf pedagogy system
3. The system of V. Zhokhov
4. The system of O. Soboleva
5. Noosphere education
6. Methods of training in pairs
7. Methods of effective learning
8. Methodology of N. Zaitsev
We also cooperate with alternative and other settlements' schools: Orion, "School on Havskaya", pedagogical communities of the Kin's Settlements "Blagodat", "Milenki", "Smaglinka", "Rodnoe", and etc.
Almost constantly there are various craft projects, some of which produce products for sale.
The school folk ensemble and other musical groups have become the hallmark of our settlement. Our musical bands are invited to perform at festivals of a district and regional scale. The folk ensemble has repeatedly become the finalist of various All-Russian and International competitions.
Our theater studio is known outside of the Kaluga region! Our performances were played on the Moscow and Kaluga stages, took part in the All-Russian competitions, taking first places and the Grand Prix!
The undoubted value is our relationship with children! We are very happy to see in them not only allies, but also in many matters, real helpers on whom we can rely!
by Kin's Settlement "Kovcheg"
In the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow |
In the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow |
Read more about Kin's Settlement "Kovcheg" at Kin's Settlement "Kovcheg" - news