Khristina and Alexander Sokolov live in a beautiful kin's domain that is located in the settlement «Chistoe Nebo». They have four children: two daughters and two sons. Both daughters were born after moving to the kin’s domain. The eldest son recently turned 15 years old, the youngest daughter is only 2 years old. Parents educate their children on their own: by joining forces with their neighbors, they created a small home school where they teach all the disciplines from the standard school curriculum. They use the methods of the Waldorf school.
The family moved to the settlement in 2016. However, as Khristina says, the decision was made long before that: the family read books about the Ringing Cedars, regularly visited various kin’s settlements, built a vacation home for their parents in order to gain experience in building a house. Even the sons were homeschooled long before they left the city. Therefore, when the Sokolovs moved to the settlement 6 years ago, they were ready for any difficulties. They built a small house, which had to be rebuilt a few years ago to be large enough for the extended family.
After the move, Alexander continued to work as a programmer remotely, and Khristina took care of the garden, as well as most of the issues related to teaching children. In addition, Khristina is a certified coach and works with people from all over the world.
The desire to become more independent from working in the city prompted Alexander and Khristina to create two of their own projects. Firstly, they built a guest house on the domain. It is often visited by tourists. Secondly, they organize water trips (by kayaks and canoes) on beautiful lakes located near the settlement. The cost of each tour includes a personalized program, provision of equipment and kayaks, and meals. There is always a walking part in the program, when the group passes through interesting places, and Alexander and Khristina talk about these places. Water tourism is not just a job, but also a family hobby. Sokolovs often go on trips with their children, spend the night in tents in picturesque places and cook food on a fire.
The Sokolov family is the personification of harmony. Everyone here has their favorite thing to do. The wife is a true keeper of the hearth, who at the same time actively helps others, working as a coach. The husband is a jack-of-all-trades who can build his own house, and a guest house, and a huge playground for his children... And the children grow up free and happy, from an early age getting used to living in close contact with Nature, respecting and appreciating its gifts.