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In practice, the creation of a settlement begins with an initiative group. This project is always non-profit. The process of creating a settlement and determining its nature largely depend on the initiators - the main team, the backbone of the settlement - and their cohesion and ability to negotiate.
If you decided to create a new Kin's settlement on your own, it is best to study the experience of other settlements: travel, talk with their administration. Next, choose the option of creating the most suitable type of settlement for you and begin to act.
Further, we offer an example of creating a Kin's settlement from the initiator, one of the main organizers of the settlement "Bolshaya Medveditsa", Vitaliy Kiyatkin:
How to create a Kin's settlement from scratch (project).
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1. The general plan of the Settlement is drawn (of a general nature).
2. The course of social policy is determined.
3. A financial plan is being written (of a general nature).
4. A land is chosen for the settlement.
5. The land is being acquired.
6. An updated general plan of the settlement is drawn.
7. An updated Financial Plan is written.
1. The General Plan of Settlement of a general nature
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The general plan of the settlement in the first turn determines the size of the settlement, which, in turn, determines the course of social policy, financial plan, choice of location, and etc. The general plan is drawn by hand, or on a computer.
For example, you decided to draw a plan of a settlement in the size of 150 hectares. Draw a square (optional - draw a circle, oval, etc.), indicating the size of 150 hectares. And you can immediately draw your Kin's Domain in it.
If you nevertheless drew something else, for example, a settlement in the shape of a circle, then 99% that you will change it soon. In practice, such forms are not implemented, moreover, even constriction companies with multi-million dollar turnover prefer simpler forms.
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As a rule, in practice, the size of 150 hectares is roughly divided into 100 hectares + 50 hectares. Where 100 hectares is the land dedicated to the Domains, and 50 hectares is the land set for general infrastructure. 100 ha is 100 plots of 1 ha each, i.e. potentially we can count on 100 participants in our Settlement, i.e. 100 families. 50 ha of infrastructure will contain roads, alleys, parks, and etc.
For the total area of the Settlement - the total length of the roads, taking into account minimization during planning, will be about 7 km. This includes the access road to the settlement's entrance from some existing one - up to 1 km.
At the same time, internal roads must be planned with a minimum width of 3.5 m, and the access road is about 6 m. The perimeter of the settlement - will be about 5km.
The lengths of the central alleys are about 2 km. The central area is about 10 hectares. And there will still be walking paths - about 8 km.
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By area, this will be:
- Roads with curbs and pedestrian spaces - 10m wide x 14km = 14ha.
It should be borne in mind that there will be a hedge on both sides of the road, which can spread greenery by 3 meters wide and then only 4 meters remain from the 10-meter road.
- The perimeter of the settlement with a width of 30m = 15ha.
The perimeter includes a protective moat (from cars, fire, cows, etc.), a green living fence around the Settlement with a width of 6-10 m and a walking alley along the inner side of the perimeter. Alleys with a width of 40m = 8ha. In the alleys you can break flower beds, alporka, garden glades. In a central place there could be a common pond, an amphitheater, various grounds, a school, a community house, a house for tea parties; you can place a nursery of seedlings, etc.
3ha - leave it on the common territories, for example, on the stable. Total: 14 + 15 + 8 + 10 + 100 + 3 = 150 ha.
2. Determining the course of social policy
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90% of the questions when creating a Kin's Settlement revolve around money or the level of self-involvement. The remaining 10% could also be indirectly attributed to money, but this would not be entirely accurate. Rather, these 10% determine the level of responsibility in approaching the solution of tasks.
In other words, the more self-responsibility and self-involvement is manifested, the cheaper the realization of the Settlement is. It would seem that these issues could be thrown into the finance section, but here we determine the very approach to resolving issues. And the approaches can be (conditionally):
1. Questions are resolved and decisions implemented independently.
2. Questions are resolved independently, and someone implement the decisions.
3. Someone decides questions, and someone implement the decisions.
Let's start with the last one.
There are people who want to create an estate, but do not take the land, because consider that there was no decision made on its creation, i.e. someone else has not decided that you need to create an estate. This someone - can be anyone, for example - the President.
And such people can say: "the President will make a decree - and then I will take the estate for free" (again - a question of money). That is, supposedly, it will not be necessary to pay for land surveying, for registration, and roads will be made by municipality, and etc.
In the second approach, people understand that it is possible to wait for a Decree (from above ?!) for a long time, especially if you do not participate in its promotion. Therefore, they begin to acquire a land - they invest money in registration, etc.
But then in the questions of developing settlement they can begin to slow down. For example, people can think that buy acquiring the land they've already done anough and the rest should be done by someone else - for example, a some kind of local "municipality", like provide electricity to people, build roads, provide them with local work, and etc.
Therefore, upon entering the new Settlement, it is necessary to clarify on the shore, do you plan to do everything by yourselves, or you are waiting for state and other subsidies.
And the third approach is when people resolve issues and implement tasks on their own. Even with a small budget, but when the questions are thought through enough, then there will be no social conflicts or revolutions in your settlement.
And the third approach is when people resolve issues and implement tasks on their own. Even with a small budget, but when the questions are thought through enough, then there will be no social conflicts or revolutions in your settlement.
One is informed, if one is not aware, that he/she cannot kill animals at the Domain. This rule is usually respected, as everyone understands that his/her Domain - his/her Space of Love - will suffer under such actions.
An important social aspect in the creation of the Kin's Settlement is the allocation of 1 - 2 plots to one or two orphanages for free. The reason for this is well explained in the books of Vladimir Megre of the series "The Ringing Cedars of Russia".
3. General financial plan
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So, as it already has been mentioned, it is very important to correctly calculate the finances and / or your own resources involved. The collected finance can be conditionally divided into:
- initial necessary funds.
- subsequent important funds.
- funds for subsequent and / or ongoing operations.
Moreover, if the initial necessary funds are sufficient for the further development of the Settlement, then the main task will be solved and the only task would be left to determine how financing will be carried out:
- phased co-financing;
- loan/mortgage
Mostly Kin's Settlements are created on the principles of phased co-financing. The difference between co-financing and mortgage is in the cost of borrowing. So, you need to organize a Settlement, with a total area of 150 hectares, where 100 hectares is land for Domains and 50 hectares are allocated for common areas.
You need:
1. Acquire a land and divide it into plots.
2. Pave the roads.
3. Greening the Settlement.
4. Build infrastructure.
5. Arrange security.
6. Build public houses (tea, school, etc.).
In the new settlement there are 7 km of the roads, 10 hectares are reserved for a central place, 2km of alleys and 5km of green hedge. Based on these parameters the calculations are made. Land acquisition and land surveying on plots:
1.1. Surveying
1.2. Acquisition
1.3. Change of zoning
Laying roads.
2.1. Asphalt
2.2. Filling with crushed stone, with preliminary removal of the fertile layer, for every 100m - approx.
2.3. Another option. For example, compaction of the soil, or stabilization of the soil with lime, these options will be almost free.
Landscaping Settlement.
For every 10m of green hedges you will have allocate about 17 seedlings of different hight/tires. It will be 170 seedlings for every 100m or for 5 km of the fence - 8500 pcs. 2km of alley will need 3400pcs., and central park - another 1000pcs. Total: approx. 13000pcs.
In the common place you need a well, playgrounds, flower beds, an amphitheater for general meetings and a common pond, and you also need an organized summer vacation spot.
- Play and sports grounds
- Amphitheater
- Pond
- Flowerbeds
- Summer vacation spot
Security organization.
To organize security you need:
1. Dig a moat
2. Build a gatehouse at the entrance
3. Arrange security
4. Buy guard dogs
A moat is needed to protect against fire, walking animals (cows), and from the intruding of people and cars that do not resid in th settlement. For the security measures, the main question is: for what period it will be included in the initial plan of the Settlement. In other words, after what period it will either not be needed, or becomes part of maintainence fees.
The construction of public houses.
These include the guest house, the community house and the school. As a rule, a community house and a school will be needed later, i.e. their price may not be included in the initial estimate.
4. Choosing a land for the Kin's Settlement
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So, you have a general plan, a course of social policy and an economic calculation. Now all this remains to be implemented on some land. At fist you need to determine what kind of land you are looking for:
- flat field;
- forest;
- hills and mountains;
- the presence of ponds/rivers;
- a mix of all listed
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Then you need to set the possible distances from the place of your deployment. For example - no more than 70km from your city. Note: the distance depends on your locality and its features - the presence different of industries, etc. As a rule, the larger the locality and the more industries are concentrated around, the more expensive the land will be when you approach them.
Then you need to define additional search criteria. Additional criteria include:
- distance from the federal highway;
- The presence of nearby settlements
- either for the possible linking of additional amenities
- cleaning the roads, the presence of a store, etc.
- or, conversely, to isolate;
- The presence of a number of free sites for the organization of neighboring Kin's settlements; - The presence or absence of a number of large industries;
- The presence of special conditions for the development of the planned projects of the settlement participants - local attractions, legends, history, development prospects, and / or the possibility of creating legends and / or conditions for the implementation of projects.
6. The updated general plan of the Settlement
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In the specified general plan of the settlement, you can link the original general plan to the actual land. In addition to changing the general contour of the boundaries of the Settlement, changes can affect the direction of roads and alleys - depending on the terrain. For example, if you want to retain spring water when snow melts in the spring, you make roads across the water low, and alleys across the main rose of the winds.
7. Updated financial plan
The main clarifications from the previous rather complete planning may relate to the part of land acquisition/registration. Because the planned price for land and its design - may swing in one direction or another. It is advisable to plan this "swing" in the financial "fork" of the initial planning. Prices are also clarified according to the necessary possible price changes depending on the length of the access road, and the length of internal roads, the distance to the nearest building materials, and the general price level of the local area. And here it is desirable to prioritize the implementation of plans for the organization of the settlement. Say, land registration is the first priority, landscaping is the second, etc.
Prepared by Victor Rod