Several years ago we published an article about kin’s settlement «Bogatyrskoye». At that time, 15 families lived in the settlement, the construction of some domains was still in the process.
It is always interesting to see changes over time, to know how settlements grow and develop. We are glad to tell you about the successes of the «Bogatyrskoye» residents.
Today, almost 50 families live on the territory of the settlement. «Bogatyrskoye» has a large farm with cows, chickens, sheep, and geese. Several families have their own apiaries. Honey and beekeeping products are sold at fairs and in nearby villages.

Most of the residents of «Bogatyrskoye» have switched to alternative energy sources: solar panels can be seen over many houses. An educational and leisure center was opened here, and named «The House of Friendship». It regularly hosts classes for children and adults. The list of topics is extensive: from the visual arts to astronomy.
The infrastructure is actively developing in the settlement. For example, in 2020, residents built a huge playground for children. In the spring of 2021, the «Fairy Garden» was planted in «Bogatyrskoye». There are several dozen fruit trees and bushes, as well as deciduous and coniferous trees.
Among like-minded people from other settlements and residents of nearby towns, Bogatyrskoe is known for its bright holidays and music festivals. Traditional holidays are held every year: the spring and autumn equinox, the holiday of the Earth, round dance and musical holidays. Every year for the New Year, residents of «Bogatyrskoye» stage performances according to their own scripts.

Living in harmony with nature is always a powerful motivation for creativity. Many of people from «Bogatyrskoe» discovered new talents in themselves. Sophia - the settler - released a book of her own poems, the Budnikov sisters successfully perform as a duet with songs and music of their own composition. They have already recorded 4 albums.
A spirit of cooperation and love reigns here: neighbors have become not just neighbors for each other, but family members. New settlers are always very welcome here: the settlement grows every year.
Life at «Bogatyrskoye» is full of love, mutual assistance, and creativity.

You can read the previous article about Bogatyrskoye here