«Rosy» is a developed kin’s domain settlement in Belarus. It was founded in 2003. Currently the settlement has over 100 residents. «Rosy» is a great example of how unifying activities can be organized for all residents. In addition, guest events are regularly held there. Thanks to these events more and more people get to know the lifestyle of kin’s domains.
In «Rosy» there is always a reason for a feast. Residents gather together to celebrate the spring and fall Equinoxes, Kupala Day (solstice), the Harvest festival, and the New Year. There are always a lot of dances and active games at such events. Residents jump over the fire, play tug-of-war, football, volleyball, dance and sing. Of course, every such holiday is full of laughter and delicious treats made by all the inhabitants of the settlement!
Sports are a huge part of life in our settlement. In addition to the usual matches between residents, there is also a larger-scale event - the "Highland Games". Guests from other kin’s settlements of Belarus and other countries come for it. Every year the event takes place in different settlements: in 2022, “Rosy” will welcome like-minded people once again.
Besides entertainment, people also gather for joint work. Each family cultivates its own piece of land, but public areas are the concern of everyone who lives in the settlement. There the settlers regularly work to keep the territory in perfect order. Residents of "Rosy" are also happy to help their neighbors - the residents of ordinary villages. For example, they can come to the rescue in the fight against weeds.
Anyone can come to visit our settlement. Guest days are held twice a month, on Saturdays. Each guest day has a rich program. All visitors are offered to taste the products made at the Domains. Guests are taught how to construct eco-houses, develop self-sustaining gardens, and build great relationships with neighbours. Any questions about kin’s domains and settlements are always welcome and are discussed together.
Our contacts:
Alexander Matruhovich +375(29)7076642
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