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M.F. Soloshchenko, E. N. Tulubaeva, 2009
A. V. Dyadigurov, Yuriy Vasilevich Ten, P. L. Meshalkina, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

D. Fedorov
Ph. D., Novosibirsk Russia, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

V. Rezin Ph. D., Institute of Climatic and Ecological Systems Monitoring, Novosibirsk, Russia

M. M. Ignatenko, 1981

Associate Professor T. G. Petrova, Instructor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry T. V. Zvereva.

Taiga Magasine, 2006.

- Z. M. L., NSCA-CPT

- by Regina Jensen.

- Regina Jensen.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

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What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

Kovcheg is an active kin's settlement, which currently houses about 100 people, including 40 children, and about the same number of people who are preparing to move in and develop their plots.

In 2024 the kin's settlement settlement turned 23 years old. This is quite a long period of time in which a lot of work has been done to develop all spheres of the kin's settlement's development. One of the key pillars that have shaped the Kovcheg settlement is the attitude to the Earth.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

"We treat the Earth with care and respect, as we do all the living things that inhabit it! The settlers turn their thoughts away from their petty interests and create a collective thought capable of solving problems worthy of human beings" - share the residents of the kin's settlement.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

The Kovcheg settlement continues to work and develop existing projects that are known outside the kin's settlement. For example, the family school, which has existed for more than 10 years. Once it appeared as a project of just a few families. Today, almost all families of the kin's settlement are involved in the educational process.

"Our school is an educational project in the broad sense of the word. We put the whole educational process into this notion. This includes subjects that are necessary for certification, but in addition to them, it also includes creative, musical, craft projects, sports activities and tourist trips" - say the settlers.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

And also, this year there were new interesting and useful for the kin's settlement projects - "Subbotniks and labor hours", "Joint purchase", "Workshops", and "Bathhouse".

Children continue to practice music, dance, perform, and take prizes. In addition, the first village drama theater, Malachite, underwent renovations this year and is now back on track.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

In Kovcheg settlement 2024, the year was rich in the harvest of gardens, orchards, and greenhouses.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

Also, there is a women's circle, where women from the whole kin's settlement come and do various spiritual and bodily practices, contemplate nature, make jewelry and communicate about everyday life, child rearing and much more. Moreover, guests are always welcome in Kovcheg settlement and this year was a record-breaking year in terms of the number of guest days. People come to the kin's settlement as a family, interested in the lifestyle of the settlers. And this is not surprising, because the program of the guest days is very rich - a story about the 20-year history of Kovcheg settlement with answers to questions, a tour of the kin's settlement, communication with local residents, a fair of ecological and souvenir products.

What are the results of the year 2024 summarized in the kin's settlement Kovcheg?

The kin's settlement Kovcheg is growing and developing more and more every year. And it is not surprising, because here live people interested in the prosperity of their place of residence! The settlers are happy to live each day to the benefit of themselves, others and nature. And they are already making big plans for the new year 2025!


What is Kolyada and why is it celebrated in the kin's settlements?

The kin's settlement Dobryanka

Published by
Ringing Cedars of Russia
4300 Portsmouth Blvd 174
Chesapeake, VA, 23321, United States

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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