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Internet Conference with the Writer Vladimir Megre has come to an end!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Online Conference with Vladimir Megre, the author of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series is now finished. The questions submited will now be sorted, translated and passed on to Vladimir Megre. The answers will be posted on the "Source of Life" forums and in the newsletter as soon as they become avaialble. Because Mr. Megre is finishing his last book he asked for three week's period to complete the answers. Thank you for your understanding.
“Source of Life Association”
Bright Tidings DVD is now released!

The new film of the Shetinin's School called "Bright Tidings " reveals many alterative poins of view on the subjects of education, spirituality, health, human interaction, and more! Read more...
"Ringing Cedars" World Wide Movement.
"At the beginning of the new millennium, at the initiative of the Russian President, a decree was signed granting free and unconditionally to each willing family one hectare of land whereon to establish a Kin's Domain."
Who are we? - 2001
Chapter 7 "Anastasia's Russia"
The executive council under the President of the Russian Federation on
realization of the Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy
Online conference with Dmitriy Medvedev,
First Deputy Chairman of the Government
March 5, 2007
The website www.rost.ru, newspaper Izvestiya and Internet portal Yandex have organized an online conference with the First Deputy Chairman of the Government Dmitriy Medvedev.
This online conference took place in real time. It was broadcasted by TV channel “Vesti-24”.
This is an abridged version of the online conference.
HOST: And what if people would like to spend this money like this. Rather a mysterious question about kin's domains here, one of the most popular. It has been asked by about 5000 Internet users in different forms. Maybe they have some sneaky way of doing it, but anyways, lots of people voted for this question. We have chosen the question of Alexander from Rostov. The housing problem will keep on growing, as you have put it. There is an alternative though – one storied Russia and the law, allowing each family to have 1 ha for living and construction. Are you familiar with such projects and what do you think about them? I am sure you know them.
D. MEDVEDEV: Of course, I know them. Moreover, if you do not take into account some elements, related to how those questions take shape and what first, second and third level of sense they have, the whole idea of kin's domains as it has been worded here is positive in general. It is related to our idea of low-rise or one-storied Russia, which we are currently actively handling within the scope of the housing project. It was in the middle of the last year that we specifically took up this issue. It is obvious that in such a huge country as ours, with such huge territories, it does not make sense to concentrate only on small plots of land, even in megacities. It's much more useful both for health and the state to disperse on the territory of our large country.
The thing is that within the scope of this program, we have already prepared a draft of a special bill with our colleagues from the State Duma. These are the changes to the Housing Code. There must be a chapter there that will stimulate building low-rise housing. This kind of housing can be build, of course, near cities or in villages. The most important thing here is to create a set of motivations so that such building projects become interesting. And the national project has such motivations. In particular, there are certain amounts of money allotted for infrastructure and communication lines to those houses. There is also a special guarantee provided for that. Besides, the amount of about 3.5 bln roubles has been allotted to create a road network to such houses in order to develop such settlements.
Thus the idea of Kin's Domains in this regard is absolutely positive and it is related to the idea of low-rise construction. By the way, those processes are going quite well in some regions. Let's take, for example, the Belgorod oblast. I happened to drop by into one of the offices with the Governor. This office is in charge of registration of paperwork for the land and I was surprised in a good way by the price for land. Not too much, not one hectar yet. However, enough for building projects. They offered about 2500 sq.m, if I'm not mistaken. And the price for this land in today's Russia sounds almost “funny” – something around 10-15 thousand roubles ($300-$400 USD). So one can get such piece of land but on certain terms and conditions: within 5 years there must be a house build there. And for three years this house can't be sold not to allow any profiteering.
I think this is a good project worth a more careful examination. All the more so, all houses build in the Belgorod oblast are low-rises. These are not some kind superb huge and awesome cottages. These are just regular good solid houses made from different materials – brick, some new materials, wood. So I think we have certain experience and we must expand it. This is good for the state. And by the way, it is more pleasant to live out in the country than in a huge city.
HOST : And psychology is changing too.
MEDVEDEV: Yes, and psychology is changing too. People feel themselves in a completely different way. The thing is that no matter how comfortable and large your apartment in the city is, there is much more space in the country than in the city. So we'll work on it.
www.rost.ru, www.yandex.ru, www.izvestia.ru
Eco-settlement "Teremki".
Dear Friends! A new ecological settlement Teremki has been set up near the city of Ryazan . There are more than one hundred families residing there already with 320 ha of land (registration of the first 180 ha is almost done). It is located about 14 km southwest of Ryazan along Mikhailovskoye Shosse by villages Rozhek and Dediukhino – environmentally friendly place. For details, please visit ekoposelenie.ru (site in Russian). There are already four ecological settlements in our region within the radius of 3 km. Hurry, while there are some vacant plots still available 1 ha each (you can take several). All land is registered as a private property for each family – this is the law! In spring we will start to build. There will be a large chain of ponds with quays and beaches, well-developed infrastructure (of course, not immediately); a large cultural center with summer theater, a school with a kindergarden, sports center, arts and crafts studios, central square, alleys, etc. We have people from Ryazan , Moscow , Irkutsk , Angarsk , who are architects, musicians, teachers, clerks, businessmen, and owners of private companies. The average income of residents is rather high, which is also very important. We invite all associates.
yi-gorohov@yandex.ru or 8-910-562-8470 (cell),
8-4912-337-878 (home), 8-4912-255-476 (bus)
Eco-settlement "Blagorodnoye".
Dear Friends!!!
I would like to share my joy with you – we have finalized all formalities and received all registration documents!!!
Eco-settlement Blagorodnoye is waiting for new friends and neighbors. We are waiting for those who have been dreaming about living in the central part of Russia with its clear little rivers, light airy birch woods, strawberry fields, sweet raspberry bushes, full buckets of mushrooms, blooming meadows – all what we call our Mother Earth. It is waiting for us – waiting for our hearts, our tenderness, our kind hands, our love…
Eco-settlement Blagorodnoye is 108 ha of land located on the bank of a little river Uzhat, two former kolkhoz fields, which turned into green meadows with small and medium size trees surrounded by mixed forests. It is about 3 km from neighboring villages. There are buses coming from Moscow (320 km) and Kaluga (200 km) to the district center Kirov of Kaluga oblast (more detailed information is to follow soon) as well as trains to the station Fayansovaya.
We have no common house yet but anyone can come and there is always accommodation as there 7 people living in the village now (we only ask you to bring your own bedding). There is mobile phone service in the village. To find us is really easy: there is a good soil road available for all cars and if you walk, it'll take less than an hour.
Wishing you love and joy!
Sincerely, Alena
Forums of www.Anastasia.ru
Non-Commercial Partnership Kovcheg
Kovcheg's Birthday - Holiday Dance |
Everybody Dance! |
Our goal is to set up ecological settlements and develop Kin's Domains based on the present legal framework. Who are we? People of various ages, income and occupations. Almost all of us have families and children; we are all well established in the city.
What unites us? Eagerness for land, feeling of instability and dead-end way of life in the city, eagerness to build a different life, the one in harmony with nature, favorable for our children and based on love and creativeness. We do not consider our plots as summer cottages (dachas) but instead intend to move there in the near future as soon as there are material resources for that.
In the grass |
140 km from Moscow, Kaluga Oblast, Maloyaroslavetsky District. The location was chosen collectively and deliberately from several options offered by the District Administration. It is a field of about 250 ha (100 ha belongs to us with an option to expand) pretty far from the main roadway (14 km) surrounded by large woodland. The silence is absolute here.
Winter twilight |
When we see a car on the horizon, we know it's coming to us, as there is no other place to go – only woods. A little spring is running close by and there is also a tumbledown church about 2 km away standing as a witness of the past of this formerly crowded place. Ground water is deep, loamy soil is good for gardening. Lots of animals live in the surrounding woods – hogs, deer, elks, foxes, hares, of course. There are beaver dams on the river.
Legal aspects
The non-commercial partnership Kovcheg has been registered in Maloyaroslavets with the main goal – to set up an ecological settlement. We have already got the resolution of the district Administration regarding allotment of land (100 ha) for the ecological settlement (Resolution dated 12.11.2001), As of today, the land use planning aspect has already been finalized, the project of the settlement has been prepared, all approvals have been obtained on the District and Regional levels. In the next stage, the governor will come up with a decision changing the status of this land from agricultural to community, after which each hectare may be leased or owned by any partnership participant as a personal subsidiary plot. Those lands will be taxable at the same rate as agricultural.
Why have we chosen this plan of registration? First, the land is given away free of charge (on condition we will live there), the funds are spent for registration purposes only; second, a settlement may be built right away, that is people can build the houses on their own plots and register there; third, the whole territory has the status of an ecological settlement and must be developed according to certain rules specified in the Partnership.
The road - completed
the difficult part |
The land is given by Administration free of charge but we need money to build roads (access and internal), public buildings and etc. All decision involving expenses are made collectively.
Political situation
Understanding and support from local district Administration and other officials.
Contact information
E-mail: kovcheg@eco-kovcheg.ru
Bees entering their new home |
The bee hive |
Kovcheg's Bread Loaf |
Outskirts |
Visit our seminar
“Our Building Experience in Kin's Domain”
Date: 16-18 February 2007.
Kovcheg's group of associates |
Anyone involved in establishing a Kin's Domain, faces construction issues. What should you begin with? Some shed, a banya (sauna) or a substantial house? It's up to the owners to decide. However, before the final decision is made, it's always good to see as much as possible, to touch everything with your own hands and, of course, to talk to those who already have some experience.
We have organized this seminar for all those wishing to develop their Domains and combined all the past practical experience. We offer examples of more than 40 houses – all very different and built by the owners under very tight financial conditions. Half of the owners already spent winter in their houses having experienced pros and cons of the construction projects they had picked.
This seminar is more like an immersion where we provide detailed information about five main (and less popular) construction technologies based on the examples of specific houses where the owners, who are the builders at the same time, will tell you about advantages and drawbacks of each particular project and details you should pay attention to.
Preparing the winter dwelling |
You'll also learn about the approximate costs of houses, characteristics of various materials and insulations, how to make your house comfortable, warm and functional as well as many other useful things.
The participants of the seminar will stay in settlers' houses (keep in mind those are not 5-star hotels) with meals (vegetarian) at the Common House. The lectures will take place partially at the same place and partially on the sites of the houses that have already been built or still building.
Fedor Lazutin (Domain ? 8) is in charge of the seminar.
Cost of the 3-day seminar (including accommodations, meals and transportation from Maloyaroslavets) is 3,000 rubles (approx. $115 USD).
Topics of the Seminar
Introduction to Ecological Settlement Kovcheg. History, people, structure.
General principles of building inexpensive houses designed for year-round living. Ecological and power saving houses and what makes them different from modern cottages or village houses.
Physical processes in the house and construction principles based on these processes. Planning of the house. Traditional engineering designs in various climatic zones.
Log constructions: long-standing technology used by some of our settlers to build their houses. Special tools, practical training.
Square log homes – the correct technology and tips.
Wood-frame houses and sheds. Designs, engineering and various insulations.
Frame construction. Frame houses with synthetic insulation.
Frame houses with straw brick insulation.
Foundations, engineering and ways of their construction. Floors – traditional modern design and solid floors on the ground.
Conveniences: how to make a village home as convenient as a city home: water supply, sewage, washroom.
Fireplaces and heating systems: wood stove, etc. – our operations experience.
Preparation of heat insulation for the walls |
The seminar will be held on a regular basis conforming to the abilities of organizers and residents of the settlement. Number of participants is about 1-12 people.
Check in options:
- By car to the settlement. Map on the website at http :// eco - kovcheg . ru / karta . html
- By train Moscow-Kaluga leaves from Kievsky Station at 7:20 to Maloyaroslavets (arrival at 8:55). We meet at the entrance to the station building and move to the settlement. The seminar starts at 10:30. The nearest dates: 16-18 February and 9-11 March 2007.
We must receive your entry forms beforehand and only if you are sure you can attend.
Address for entry forms: nash _ seminar @ eco - kovcheg . ru (put subject "Want to Study").
Phone: 8-906-034-50-12, (preferably in the evening).
"Paradise in Bobrovo"
There is an unusual place on the Blue Planet. It is Kind and Light, Sweet and Dear, Tender and Heavenly, Wise and Everlasting, Eternal and Endless, it is…
This place have called us and we rushed to it. And we have met!!! Forever!!! Now we are writing a Kin's Book in Joyful, Kind, Eternal Letters of the Father. We dream that our neighbours will wake up and our Sole Mates will live near. This is the place where dreams come true and streams of thoughts are running fast.
This Sweet, Wonderful open for loving hearts Logoishina is waiting for Co-creators to say “May there be Paradise of everlasting Domains!”
Irina , phone 8-017-272-00-87
Forums of www.Anastasia.ru

Kin's Domains Academy Courses
The Kin's Domain Academy holds a course from 19 to 27 April. The topic of the course is: Folk holidays in the Kin's Settlement: Organization. The program of the course includes teaching various games, ceremonies, round and folk dances that can be danced during the celebration; peculiarities of various folk holidays, folk costumes and their use in modern life as well as holiday atmosphere and good spirits. To participate in the course, call 80963364682 (ask for Svetlana, Russian only), E-mail: reg@akademiya.org.ua Read more about course program and location in the next issue of the newspaper "Byt Dobru".
Organizing Committee of the Kin's Domains Academy (Ukraine)
Newspaper "Kin's Domain"
Green Meetings of the Academy of Kin 's Domains
The Academy of Kin 's Domains will set up a series of “green meetings”. The main goal of those meetings is to teach students of the Academy to live in harmony with wild nature, to understand its laws and processes, to blend it in with human activity, to learn and understand the specifics of lives of wild animals and plants. The first four meetings will take place in February-March 2007 on Saturday in the form of lectures accompanied with photos and audio materials in the corresponding topics. The location of the meetings is the office of information center Ringing Cedars of Ukraine in the city of Kiev . The following meetings will take place in May-June in the form of ecological excursions in the woods and meadows of the State Natural reserve Lesniki near Kiev . The topics and time of the first four meetings:
1) 17 February (Saturday) 11 am to 2 pm.
Topic: Wild Pollinators of Plants (bumble bees and single bees), their role in the nature, impact on land productivity, attraction to Domains and beekeeping.
2) 24 February (Saturday) 11 am to 2 pm.
Topic: Wild birds, their role in the life of woods, attraction of birds to gardens, woods, domains.
Birds' voices and their study.
3) 3 March (Saturday) 11 am to 2 pm.
Topic: Seasonal observation in nature. Spring . (Spring phenomena in the life of plants). Early blooming plants (Ephemeroids), specifics of their development. Spring phenomena in birds' lives. (Birds' coming, singing, pairing season, etc.) Spring phenomena in lives of animals, reptiles, amphibians, insects).
4) 10 March (Saturday) 11 am to 2 pm.
Topic: Wood as ecological system. (Types of woods growing in Ukraine and their general characteristics. Layering in the woods. Biological variety. Main food chains of the woods biogeocenose. Growing woods and restoration of damaged woods.
Cost of a seminar – 10 hryvnias (approx. $2 USD).
Contact information: 80509680209 Tatiana Shevchenko.
Current situation, plans of the Center for Information and Analysis, Ukraine.
Publishing house:
- Volume 1 of the Ancient Encyclopedia of Domain Household is being prepared for publication; - A new book on dolmens will be published within 2 months. New material is being collected.
Domain Encyclopedia:
- A database on plants (Internet and CD) will be launched in February.
- 2 disks will be released next week with the information from September courses of the Kin's Domains Academy near Kiev with the following topics:
V. Y. Medikov "Kin's Domain: Concept of Development"
Nadira Ilnitskaya "Practical Experience of Childbirth at Home"
- End of February – release of a CD “Presentation of the Krasinskys Family Kin's Domain Project” (sample of the plot design given the interrelations of plants).
Forums of www.Anastasia.ru
Janez Drnovsek
Janez Drnovsek is on friendly terms with a bear, embraces trees and calls the people for harmony.
‘This is the way to harmony with nature', says the President who from liberal technocrat turned into a supporter of the New Century. He fulfills his duties in Ljubljana and returns to the woods after that. He was a vegetarian and turned into a vegan not eating meat, dairy products and eggs, he plants and picks vegetables by himself, as well as fruits, greens from his plot about 1 ha large. He bakes his own bread from ecologically clean wheat, and feels best in his forest park and kitchen garden.
For 10 years Janez Drnovsek has been the Prime Minister implementing successful reformations in the country. It was under his presidency that Slovenia joined EU in 2002. Drnovsek started changing his character already being the Prime Minister, which means that even a politician can change for the better. We are all wishing the same to all world politicians because they are responsible for the fate of the human community. It turned out he had kidney cancer and had to be operated. At a certain point he understood that doctors do not treat people but rather get rid of the physical consequences of internal diseases. He decided he would not need doctors any more. Drnovsek started learning about the reasons of his diseases and became interested in folk medicine, which, in the first place, treats the seeds of diseases and then their consequences without any side effects. Such natural treatment brings back health and vital energy if, of course, it is not too late. Now he does not have cancer any more, he knows he is absolutely healthy and does not need any help.
Once every few days the president is publishing his virtual articles where he encourages his fellow citizens to live in harmony with Nature and comments on the current political situation.
He gave an interview for the magazines promoting ecologically clean food. The former liberal leader pays special attention to the EU subsidies into livestock breeding, which is extremely controversial in terms of nutritional value and ethics.
The President gained sincere sympathy as well as supporters among many Slovenians, especially young and hungry for knowledge, experience and wisdom. He can be a politician and a human being at the same time, providing an example of how to live in harmony with his inner world by living in harmony with the world around. He can be joyful, have fun and play pipe wearing an eastern hat and a green frockcoat. Slovenians are happy and glad to live with him because he loves Nature and he is different from other presidents.
We have a wonderful example of how a Man can combine understanding the core of life and modern politics and the same time; how a Man can combine fulfillment of his duties with love to people and the world, with political and human wisdom. May there be such politicians everywhere and especially in Poland .
Information from the Polish newspaper Jennik of 17.11.2006
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Forum Talk
Posted by Laus in the topic
[Part 3] Fact Book on Environment:
Gastric Brooding Frog swallows her fertilized eggs that then develop into frogs, who are then released through her mouth into the world (Tim Flannery, The Weather Make (Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2005) 119).
The difference between crocodile and alligator is: crocodile has a lighter color and even when his mouth is closed the teeth are still seen.
A bee feeds its offspring with what it can't digest but the offspring surprisingly can and saliva that the bee gets back from the offspring gives it enough energy to fly 60 miles a day at the speed of 25 miles per hour (http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/).
Some frogs can stay without food or water putting itself in comma for two years in underground chamber that it digs itself (http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/), although humans can live only 3 days without water.
Panda spends 14 hours a day eating bamboo or leaves and the rest… well sleeping. (http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/)
For the last 10000 years average surface temperature on earth was 14?c. (Tim Flannery, The Weather Make (Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2005) 287).
30% of all sunlight that reaches the Earth is reflected back into space by the ice and even more, 80 to 90%, by fresh snow however only 5 – 10% is reflected by the water (Tim Flannery, The Weather Maker (Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2005) 20).
Atmosphere of Mars and Venus is almost entirely consists of CO2 and temperature there is 477?c, every time we drive, heat out house, drill the well we create this CO2 and increase its concentration in out atmosphere (Tim Flannery, The Weather Maker (Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2005) 30).
The acreage, used for the wheat, is expected to grow tenfold in order to meet growing demand for ethanol and the more forests are cut, the only way to do this, the more greenhouse gases are released that have been stored in trees for centuries. In US ethanol is mainly produced from corn and in 10 years it is expected to that 35 billion gallons will be produced a year, in Brazil ethanol is made from sugar beets, in Japan from rice and in Saudi Arabia from dates.
United States asked Canada to increase the production of oil extracted from tar sands fivefold, that will have a negative effect on the environment, there is already shortage of drinking water because it is used for depletion of oil sands into liquid oil and emissions from Alberta's oil sands is one of the main reasons Canada won't reach its Kyoto targets.
The hotter it is the more animals want to drink and here comes more opportunities for crocodiles to feed (http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/).
Saudi Arabia developed a $50 dollar a barrel Oil strategy, the main aim of which is to prevent talks about renewable energy because as they think at $50 – oil is cheap enough for people to stop worrying about their pockets, are we going to prove them right?
40% of oil is used for gasoline and another 60% is for plastics and many other things.
45 thousands people die every year in United States because of the emissions from coal. It may seem as the cheapest source of energy however there are hidden costs for our land, health care costs, acid rain and many other emission related problems (http://video.nationalgeographic.com). 50% of electricity in the world is generated from burning of coal. There is a new technology called Clean Coal that captures emissions from the coal and stores them underground although nobody can guarantee that next big crack in the ground caused by earthquakes or any other underground activity won't release these deposits in the future.
400 GW (GIGO watts) of electricity is consumed every year and 12 million liters of water is needed just to generate $120 worth of electricity.
Emissions have risen by 15% in United States since 1990.
If we change all the bulbs in the world to the new energy efficient ones emissions will reduce by 5% and if we drive a hybrid car we reduce emissions by 70% compared to SUV and by 50% compared to the same gasoline model. (Tim Flannery, The Weather Maker (Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2005) 30). For example Google partially compensates to its employees if they buy a hybrid car.
Publishers of newsprint in US and Canada consume 10 million tons of water every year (7 million tons in USA and 3 million tons in Canada).
Join the discussion of this topic.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
Because of many requests we are
repeating an article on Cedar Nut Oil
The use of cedar nut oil in the treatment of gastritis,
erosive stomach and duodenal ulcers
(methodological recommendations)
These recommendations have been formulated by:
E.I. Filchenko, M.D.
S.V. Nizkodubova, D.M.S.
V.I. Karpitsky, M.D. and A.G. Petrenko, M.D.
Published reports attest to the high therapeutic effectiveness of various types of oils in various inflammatory processes. Cedar nut oil is distinguished from other well-known curative oils by its enriched content of various kinds of healing elements. It is a natural product used from ancient times in folk medicine. Cedar nut oil contains a large quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including a significant quantity of fat-dissolving vitamins E and F, which are known for their high level of physiological and anti-acidic properties. The oil contains phosphatidic phosphorous, very important to bodily health, besides being a rich source of vitally important micro-elements: phoshporous, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt and iodine. Cedar oil contains up to 5% nitrogenous substances, of which 90% are amino acids, 70% of them indispenable acids — all of which testifies to its high physiological value.
Clinical tests of cedar oil have been conducted on patients at the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy. The aims were: to demonstrate the healing effectiveness of a given drug in both internal and external applications through sonic phonophoresis, to determine the dynamics of subjective and objective indications, to study the influence of cedar oil on the nutritional, secretory and excretive functions of the stomach and liver, to study its anti-oxidant properties, to work out the methodology of application to treatment, to determine its level of tolerance by patients under various prescribed methodologies.
The following methodologies were used for this purpose:
1. General clinical blood research (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine-aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, antioxidant activity, methane-dicarbonic dialdehyde).
2. General blood and urinal analysis,
3. Follicle-stimulating hormone with targeted biopsy.
4. Duodenal intubation with research into the chemical properties of bile.
5. Determination of the secretory function of the stomach.
6. Ultrasonic examination of the bladder, kidneys and pancreas.
The study comprised 30 patients under observation. Of these 25 had chronic erosive ulcers of the gastric mucosa, duodenal ulcers with accompanying cholane giocholecystitis of opisthorchosis etiology; the remaining five had chronic cholecystitis with chronic gastritis with a reduced secretory stomach function.
Two of the thirty subjects had reactive pancreatitis, while four had chronic hepatitis outside active procedures. With all 30 subject s motor dyskinesia of the bowels was observed.
Subsequently the subjects were prescribed a programme of treatment: one teaspoon of cedar nut oil three times a day over a two-month period. As a result of this treatment stomach pains were completely eliminated in all patients. Symptoms of dyspeptic disorder (nausea, heartburn, regurgitation and vomiting) were not to be found in a single patient. In 28 of the subjects a normalisation of bowel functions took place. According to follicle-stimulating hormone tests conducted 20 days after the treatment, ten of the subjects had experienced full recovery from ulcers and gastritis along with a reduction in inflammation of gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcers, as well as a reduction in ulcer size for the remaining 15 patients with erosive mucous stomach ulcers. There was a 50% reduction in the number of cases of fixed duodenal reflexes, according to endoscopic and laboratory tests. In evaluating the laboratory tests there was an indication of some reduction of acidity in the stomach juices in subjects with previously high acidic levels. The quantity of bilious discharge from the gall bladder doubled.
Thus, on the basis of the results obtained, one may conclude that cedar nut oil has a healing effect, meets a favourable reaction with patients, and can be applied to the treatment of digestive disorders. It is especially effective in curing erosive stomach and duodenal ulcers. During the remission stage one can apply phonophoresis of cedar nut oil to the projection area of the pathological process for a full and lasting hearling effect. When diluted with milk, the cedar nut oil has an anti-inflammation effect in treating cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis.
1. Cedar oil is prescribed for 30 minutes or 1 hour before intake of food over a period of 21–24 days, with unhurried swallows of a teaspoon at a time three times a day. This is recommended for ulcerations located in the stomach or duodenum.
2. Cedar oil is prescribed for 1 hour before intake of food, diluted with milk (1 : 1) according to the method described above. This is recommended when ulceration is combined with chronic cholecystitis.
3. Cedar oil is prescribed internally according to variant Nº 2 with the following prescription of cedar oil phonophoresis. An ultrasound of the epigastrium is prescribed in a dosage of 0.2–0.6 Bt/cm2 in either pulse or continuous action over a period of 2–4 minutes, as well as of the paravertebral zone (intensity of 0.2 Bt/cm2 over a period of 2 minutes). Before the ultrasound the patient drinks 1 glass of boiled water. This is recommended when the ulceration is combined with chronic pancreatitis.
4. In the case of post-excision disorders on account of ulceration, the treatment method may also be applied to patients operated on for cancer of the stomach.
1. Patients with erosive ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
2. Patients with cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis.
3. Patients with endogastritis or bulbitis.
4. Patients with chronic pancreatitis.
5. Patients with post-excision discorders on account of ulceration.
There are no known counter-indications to application.
1 In this case, M.D. indicates the Russian degree ‘Candidate of Medical Sciences', while D.M.S. signifies the Russian degree ‘Doctor of Medical Sciences'.
Presented at the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of balneology and physiotherapy of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russian Federation, November 15, 1995. http://niikf.tomsk.ru.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles
Bright Tidings now available!

The new film of the Shetinin's School called "Bright Tidings " reveals many alterative poins of view on the subjects of education, spirituality, health, human interaction, and more!.. The movie has been translated into English and subtitled. You can order your copy of the film on our website. The film is now released. All of the preorders will be shipped before March 16/2007.
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Wishing you and your family health and prosperity,
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