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Let's get to know each other
From Book 3 – The Space of Love, Chapter 22 The Anastasia Centres.
Anastasia: “But I shall tell you this for now: you go show people like these the ways to make better contact with each other. You can do your part by noting their addresses in your book. Let all the letters, like bright rays, help them warm each other's hearts. The St. Petersburg poet Korotynsky gave you a hint a long time ago when he wrote:
This ray of love from heart to heart
With thread Divine will gleam and glisten,
Make every soul from dust depart And thirsting mind with heaven freshen. ”
* * * * *
We have created this section for every one who wants to introduse themselves deeper, share thoughts, feelings and the view of the world. Also here you will be able to find friends with similar interests and easily communicate with each other.
Staring now to Sept 15 we are offering a Special Promotion on Siberian Cedar Nuts 500g! Read more... |
Let's get to know each other
From Book 3 – The Space of Love, Chapter 22 The Anastasia Centres.
Anastasia: “But I shall tell you this for now: you go show people like these the ways to make better contact with each other. You can do your part by noting their addresses in your book. Let all the letters, like bright rays, help them warm each other's hearts. The St. Petersburg poet Korotynsky gave you a hint a long time ago when he wrote:
This ray of love from heart to heart
With thread Divine will gleam and glisten,
Make every soul from dust depart
And thirsting mind with heaven freshen. ”
Vladimir : “Okay, I've got it,” I said. “I myself was going to publish both the letters and the poems readers have sent in. I wanted to keep them and release in a volume of their own. I myself felt there was something deeper than usual in them. And I can make their addresses known through the Moscow centre, so that people may end up helping each other. My daughter Polina can also participate – she has been very good about taking care of the letters to date.”
Vladimir : “You know, Anastasia, it might not be a bad idea if people from all over the world could carry on communication with each other. They will find people of like spirit and like mind, they can marry or at least become friends, they can start new common trends or spend their vacation together. Right, That's it! That's great! I'll get a selection of letters together and put them out as a collection. You know how our newspapers now offer a dating service – people place advertisements, let's say they are looking to meet a potential marriage partner, and they give their height, their age and the color of their eyes, as though they were selecting a prize cow for breeding. But here, I wager, it will be much better, when people meet in spirit and start helping each other.”
Anastasia: “Of course a union of spirit is better, more solid indeed.”
* * * * *
We have created this section for every one who wants to introduse themselves deeper, share thoughts, feelings and the view of the world. Also here you will be able to find friends with similar interests and easily communicate with each other.
"Let's Get to Know Each Other" consists of the following subjects:
A fragment From Book 3 – The Space of Love, Chapter 22 The Anastasia Centres
by Vladimir Megre.
Translated by John Woodsworth
Edited by Leonid Sharashkin
Copyright © 2006 Vladimir Megre
Copyright © 2006 Leonid Sharashkin
"Ringing Cedars" World Wide Movement.
Vladimir Megre adresses his readers.
On the first of August Vladimir Megre encouraged his readers to be more thoughtful and considerate toward the Russian government's attempt to improve on the quality of life in the country. Mr. Megre outlined the key points and ideas brought forth by a new political party known as “Edinaya Rossia” (lit. “United Russia ”) which falls in line with the ideas of “Kin's Domains” and “Kin's Settlements” described in the “The Ringing Cedars of Russia” series.
Currently, in almost every city in Russia there is at least one spearhead group of associates who have come together to co-create their Kin's Domains in a sincere effort to live better and healthier lives. The reaction of local governments toward this movement differs from region to region. Witness the favourable treatment shown to the group in the Lugansk region of Russia on the part of a local official, who to everybody's surprise turned out to be a reader of Vladimir Megre's books. He was very positive in his response to the request for vacant land put forward by his visitors, and generously provided some prime lands in the region for the development of a Kin's Settlement.
Mr. Megre analysed the initiatives taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin set forth in four government papers focusing on education, public health, agriculture and housing, as well as the role of the Edinaya Rossia Party in these projects. He arrived at the following conclusions, which he shared in an address to his readers.
 " Right now in Russia there is an extraordinarily favourable situation and events may take place which will attract the whole world community with a positive example. Indeed, they may be the stuff of world headlines for many years to come. They will counter the streams of negative information on incessant conflicts in the world's hot spots, social and natural cataclysms, and in the near future will considerably reduce negative processes taking place in the world. These events in Russia will not only bring inspiration — they will lead human society to a new and marvellous way of life.
But all this can only occur if a significant majority of people, from youth to senior citizens, have a proper appreciation of the positive initiatives our government is already taking. This involves not simply participating to the best of one's ability, but approaching the co-creating process with inspiration. Inspiration is a tremendous energy. And it is already within you, dear readers. Because of it even women on their own manage to build houses with their own hands and set up their own Kin's Domains.
Today's government initiatives still have not been met with a due appreciation. They simply have not been presented to the people through an appropriate image, and therefore have not proved a source of inspiration or even positive reaction.
We have got so accustomed to criticizing authority in general that we frequently lose sight of its positive initiatives, and thereby rob ourselves. We cast our own negative image on government authority, expecting to receive kindness and light in return. Of course governments make mistakes too, and these must not be overlooked, but we should take note of the positive aspects too. "
Furthermore Mr. Megre went on to support his views, citing as examples statements made by high-ranking officials of the President's team which, in sum, call upon people to “work on the collective image of the country's future”. In Megre's opinion such appeals are constructive and there is no point in opposing them.
In the end, Megre noted that the ideas put forth in his address were entirely his own. He emphasized that everyone is free to make their own individual decisions, though he sincerely hopes people make choices that will inspire mutual co-creation and hasten its implementation.
Some of the quotations in Vladimir Megre's address were provided by
www.Anastasia.ru – The Anastasia Fund
Sept 22 - 24/2006 - Annual Gelendjik Readers Conference
The annual reader's conference in Gelendzhik will take place in the Vozrozhdenie (Revival) Eco-Village
The basic focus of the forthcoming conference is bringing people together in special interest groups.
There will be one group for those interested in singing and listening to songs.
Another group will focus on learning and sharing information about construction technology and alternative energy sources.
Another group will focus on the League of Entrepreneurs.
People interested in self-development and bio-energy are invited to share their knowledge and experiences in a special group.
There will be master-classes and presentations offered by specialists in the various fields.
For inquiries please e-mail to events@sourceoflife.ca.
Academy of Development of Kin Domains - monthly enrollment
Curriculum: Technologies of construction; Application of latest technologies in development of Kin's Domains (hereinafter: KD); Socio-psychological aspects of KD; Prospects for the development of civilization; Ancient Vedic Culture; Art of Imagery; Ecology of Man and spiritual obstetrics; Latest methods of education and child-raising; Handicrafts in KD; Creative agriculture; Natural land tenure; Family matters; Alternative power engineering; and much more.
Upon completion of the course the Academy will issue an improvement course certificate on the subject of "Creation and Development of Kin's Domains"
The Academy for the Development of Kin's Domains invites everyone to participate in our programme. Monthly enrolment begins at 10am on the last Saturday of every month.
The cost of the course is 7,500 roubles. Children ages 9–14 may attend lectures with parents at no charge.
In September 2006 two additional courses are scheduled in the city of Gelendzhik . Participants will also attend a readers' conference and visit the Dolmens.
For the first time in August the Rodnoe Eco-Village is offering a summer camp for children and their parents of all ages. Cost: 3500 roubles per person
Schedule of Lectures for 2006:
Location: "Pure hearts of the Planet" Club, Moscow .
30 Sept—8 Oct
28 Oct—5 Nov
25 Nov—3 Dec
30 Dec 2006—7 Jan 2007
Location: City of Gelendzhik , Djanhot, Pshada, Zhane River , Krasnodar Region.
16–24 Sept
23 Sept—1 Oct 2006
Location: Rodnoe Eco-Village — summer camp for children and parents.
16–24 Sept
23 Sept—1 Oct 2006
Prior registration is nessessary for a study group.
For inquiries please e-mail to events@sourceoflife.ca.
Making Dreams Come True
In creating a dream which will most definitely come true in our Solnyshko (‘Sunshine') settlement, we were faced with a question: what is the purpose of our settlement in the universe, what goal can we set for ourselves which will unite us and not only contribute to our own development and perfection but will also promote the perfection of the world around us?
This is why we wish to create and build our future together with all mankind.
For this purpose we plan to establish an International Harmony Centre called FRIENDS OF THE WORLD, in which we can learn to live in harmony with the world around us, learn to understand the laws of its development and to work on improving them, together with our common Father.
The primary goal of the Centre is the formulation of a happier way of life for all the people of the Earth, where the desire to bring happiness to all underlies any activity, thoughts and words.
1. Creation of conditions enabling each individual to proceed with his own harmonious development and unfold his own abilities and talents through:
- understanding the laws of the Universe
- understanding the essence and purpose of Man (energy field structures of the individual and their formation, dependent on thought)
- Man's interrelationship with the world around him (information exchange and its laws)
- the perfection and development of Man on all planes of being
- Man's co-creativity in the development of the world (creation and development of Kin's Domains, access to the Earth's information field
2. Creation of conditions necessary for harmonious development of human society
- happiness in human relations (finding soul-mates)
- the desire for children, conditions necessary for its implementation, preparation of parents-to-be, education of children
- common goals derived from universal values defining and forming our attitudes toward each other
- the desire for self-improvement (understanding the science of imagery and the processes occurring on all planes of being aimed at world development)
3. Practical skills in working with the field structures of the individual and the surrounding world
- creating a Space of Love
- effect of bio-lasers
- work with energy centres
- work with the field structures of the individual
- discovery of the individual's innate abilities
- creation of collective thought-images
At all stages of its development, the programme of the FRIENDS OF THE WORLD International Harmony Centre is aligned with the dreams of our common Father, the dreams of the energy of Love and the dreams of Mother Earth.
In understanding the importance of the future Centre, it is important to take the step of granting a 650-hectare space on which to build the Centre, along with the Solnyshko Kin's Settlement, to ensure its functioning and development.
Located in immediate proximity to the International Harmony Centre, the Kin's Settlement and its residents will attest — not in words, but through their life and activity — to the validity of ideas on Man's harmonious development on the Earth. We are convinced that only a joining together of theory and practice, together with their implementation in an existing reality, can be truly attest to the validity of the information obtained at the International Harmony Centre.
In Russian the word TsENTR (CENTRE) serves as an acronym for “Goal: Unity of New Creations of Joy”. These images behind each letter serve to confirm that our goal indeed is the Unity of New Creations of Happiness in the world — through the dreams born and created for each and every one of us, where we can build a happier future for each individual and the world community as a whole. We build this on the foundation of our harmonious attitudes toward each other and to the world around us. And that includes our common Father, who dreams about our happiness. And our happiness, as we now know, lies in the desire to improve ourselves and bring joy to all, mindful of the dreams of the Creator, Love and Mother Earth.
Our thanks in advance to everyone who will be taking part in the implementation of our collective dream, which will certainly come true and bring joy to all.
Do you have any news related to "Ringing Cedars"? Is there an event being organized in your area? Make an announcement in our next newsletter! Send us an e-mail to events@sourceoflife.ca.
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
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Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
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Forum Talk
Posted by emil_c in the topic Entheogens:
Hi fellows,
I just want to say not to be afraid of eating mushrooms. I did read only the second book of Anastasia, but my parents and grandma were very close with nature, and one of our rambling purposes were mushrooms. So I started to learn and eat them. Then, after graduation (forestry) I even managed to break some family myths about some dangerous mushrooms
The truth is that there are much more "friendly"mushrooms that "dangerous" ones. Again - there are some deadly mushrooms, too. But playing with death is every time you step on the street,or get into the car...
So, I fully agree with Petr - do not experiment, handle them with care and love. Don't be afraid to pick up your mushrooms for meal (when I was student I used to go out in the morning for my mushrooms for breakfast), but only if you're 100% convinced about them.
Mushrooms are fascinating - you can read a lot about some about Psylocibe Mexicana in Carlos Castaneda's books. Here there is the Amanita Muscaria - with some similar effects they say. I didn't try them either, it is said they are means to explore new dimensions, but only for those who are able to handle them. I don't want to experiment on this side, but am very happy eating them. One more advice - pick them from the soil, trying to avoid destroying the micelium (roots) - (I almost said to cut them from the soil - but I don't know if they would appreciate more a cold metal blade than the gentle touch of your hands)
Love and Light
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Siberian cedar products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name now in Europe!
We are happy to announce that Siberian Cedar products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name and an amazing series of books by Vladimir Megre in English is now available in Europe. Now you can enjoy fast shipping, no shipping surcharge, low shipping rates for orders made from Europe, professional attention for you!
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Word of mouth is our best advertising. The world needs the Ringing Cedars to be widely available in English, please tell your friends and neighbors about us. Better yet, share our Web site, www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org, with them and help spread the word. It is wonderful if Anastasia's dream comes true in this country, too!
We adhere to the highest ethical principles of business as expressed in this book. Part of our revenue goes toward promotion of the ideals set forth in the "Ringing Cedars" series of books.
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Wishing you and your family health and prosperity,
Source of Life Association,
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