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Shetinin's new film!
The new upcoming film of the Shetinin's School called "Enlightning Message" reveals many alterative poins of view on the subjects of education, spirituality, health, human interaction, and more!.. The movie is currently being translated into English and subtitled. More details will be revealed soon on our website.
A wild bird refuses to leave
Michail Petrovich's hand. |
See more pictures from the film here.
We are happy to announce that Siberian cedar products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name and amazing series of books by Vladimir Megre in English is now available in Europe. Now you can enjoy fast shipping, no shipping surcharge, low shipping rates for orders made from Europe, professional attention for you! Read more... |
What is today's sport elite thinking about?
My name is Vasily Jirov. I was born and grew up in Kazakhstan. Currently I live in the USA.
I am a professional boxer, and have devoted my whole professional life up to now to the martial arts. I know how to train myself, and how to refresh myself after challenging work-outs. I have studied the best methods and tested them on myself. I've gone through fight schools with some of the most famous coaches and have made a thorough study of the structure of the human body. I am acquainted with most modern sporting methods used to develop athletes to the highest possible performance level.
I've spent twenty years in boxing — the last seven in a professional league. Over the years I've managed to attain a considerably high level. I've been Champion of Kazakstan more than once, Champion of the USSR as well as of Europe and Asia, World Champion, and Olympic Champion at the Atlanta Games in 1996. I hold the world title among professionals of both the International Boxing Federation (IBF) and the North American Boxing Organization (NABO).
This message is aimed at anyone who may be interested in my career. I would like to draw public attention to our modern lifestyle and the question of how reliable our generally accepted dietary theories are. Do we have our priorities straight in the minds of our children? What goals are we striving for in life? Everyone has to find an answer to such questions.
My sporting experience has taught me that my body — and therefore my success in sports — is largely dependent on my mental condition. In addition, I have come to realise more and more the dependence of both body and mind on food and my life goals. In reaching out for new heights, I can't afford to stop, even for a moment.
It is against this background of accumlated knowledge and experience that three years ago I became acquainted with a book called Anastasia, written by the Russian author Vladimir Megre. Its reason and logic greatly appealed to me. The book sets out in a simple and accessible manner some fundamental and yet at the same time very basic truths about how to restore and increase one's health, how to raise children, how to choose one's path of life on the Earth in order to achieve happiness.
I thought a good deal about what I was reading, and what it meant. The more I got into the reading, the more I discovered how deeply the words were resonating inside me, and I felt a whole new sense of conscious awareness take over me. I began asking myself questions which required immediate answers: What is going on around us? Why is mankind heading for an abyss? Why do we eat the way we do, and then suffer so much afterward from disease? All these questions I asked myself over and over again…
Today I have been able to answer many of these questions, and each passing day serves to confirm my conclusions, namely that the majority of human ills stem from an unnatural, destructive lifestyle and a wrong path that is leading people to self-annihilation.
The answers that came to me required an immediate course correction in my lifestyle. Since I could find no justification for continuing my old way of life, and feeling this new direction to be right, I decided to change. I decided to start living my life afresh! And that is exactly how it has turned out — no sooner said than done!
First things first: my eating habits gradually shifted to a regimen more natural to human beings. But this did not come about without incident. My family, my coach, my team, couldn't understand what I had got myself into. A boxer not eating meat? How could I perform in the ring without the energy provided by meat?
I could only prove the validity of my actions through practical results, and these proved greater than I could have expected. I feel better and better with each fight. Clarity of thinking, lightning-fast reaction, a strong tireless body came to my assistance. In 2003 I became the NABO World Champion. Once they saw this, they realised what I was doing. Thanks to God! Now both my family and my team are behind me 100%. Sure, there are a few unhappy people — like the doctors and my ring opponents! The doctors lost a prospective client, and the fees he brought in. My opponents feel the effect of my achievements against their own skin!
I have proved by example that much more effective results can be attained using natural food products — either growing in the ground or occasionally from animals (eggs and milk). I've been on this regimen for six months now. I've gradually been eliminating from my menu: first, red meat, then white (chicken and turkey), and have finally dispensed with fish products too. In the meantime I have been renewing and even expanding my menu with fresh fruits and vegetables, various nuts and dried fruits, chicken eggs and cereal grains: barley, semolina, oatmeal and rice.
I'd like to say a special word about the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” company and its cedar products. (I'm talking about the Siberian cedar, which is more commonly known in North America as the Siberian pine.)
Cedar nut oil is extremely nutritious, furnishing a good supply of energy for the day, and serves to quickly restore one's strength after a training work-out. Cedar nuts help build muscles. Cedar flour contains useful substances that can replace any protein. The benefit is magnified through the concomitant consumption of fresh bee pollen and good honey.
I put a lot of stock in contact with Nature. I love feeling the earth beneath my feet and have very warm feelings toward it. Mother Earth, in return, has been taking good care of us, supplying heroic strength and sound health. Now I know why it happens this way, but even when I was going by my feelings I had pretty good results. Every day I get to know myself a little better, I strive to reach new heights, but now with a greater understanding of the process involved!
My son has not eaten meat right from infancy, and already I can see positive results: he is developing more quickly and is keener of mind.
I want to establish a family domain where my children will live for generations, where I shall be happy and make friends with everything around me. I have chosen a path of creativity, and feel happy with my choice. I am a student of life, and want to thank all my friends, old and new — from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Germany, America and Canada — who have helped me in this! Thank you for your understanding and support! Bon voyage, my friends!
Vasily Jirov
"Ringing Cedars" World Wide Movement.
June 24 - August 2/2006 - Academy of Kin Domains
Dear friends!
Every one who is aspiring to live on Earth a happy, interesting, joyfull life,
Those who are not indifferent to fate of Man and our civillization,
Those who are creating their "Space of Love",
All are invited to "Academy of Kin Domains" for an upcomming course of education.
In the Educational Program:
Prospects of development of the new civilization. Full understanding.
New understanding of Family. Socially-psychological aspects of Kin Domains.
Technologies of development for Kin Domains. Implimentation of newest technologies in KD.
Creative agriculture.
Water - a living, intellegent being. Natural bioresonating technologies.
The Study of Imagery. Ancient Vedic culture.
Ecology of Man and Spiritual Midwifery. Newest methods in education and raising of children.
Culture of the new civilization.
The academy is located in beautifull forest surroundings near Kirov City, Russia.
Everyone interested in attending please e-mail info@sourceoflife.ca for more info.
June 22 - June 29/2006 - Bridal Gathering in the city of Gelendzhik
The Gathering is held for those, who is looking for a loved one.
Place of meeting: Russia, Krasnodar region, city-resourt Gelendzhik, tourist centre "Parus" (trans: "Sail").
The week long program includes a variety of recreational activities, games, excursions and trips to sacred places.
Everyone interested in attending please e-mail info@sourceoflife.ca for more info.
Do you have any news related to "Ringing Cedars"? Is there an event being organized in your area? Make an announcement in our next newsletter! Send us an e-mail to events@sourceoflife.ca.
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
Get Together People! - Searching for friends in your community
Forgotten Knowledge of Our Ancestors - All new, well forgotten old...
Health - Share your experiences.
About Our Children - Forum that is dedicated to our children, from birth to education.
Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
Visit the Forum.

In the next newsletter:
The dawn of the 21st century finds health and healthcare in a remarkable dichotomy. On the one hand we have exponential growth in medical technology, cutting edge surgery, new and improved wonder drugs and scientific breakthroughs in medical research every day. On the other hand we are seeing epidemics of new modern-day diseases like diabetes, ADHD, obesity, anxiety disorders, and countless others. We see alarming proportions of the population dependent on anti-depressants, blood thinners, insulin, ad infinitum. There's a drug for every complaint—do it yourself over-the-counter meds and big gun prescription drugs.
Yet in spite of all these major advances on the medical frontier, more and more people are seeking out alternative medicine in the pursuit of health. Herbal medicine is enjoying a modern-day renaissance as people are rejecting the onslaught of drug therapies with their questionable results. And rightly so.
We invite you to visit our
"Herbal plants" section of or Resource Library where we are compiling a series of articles on the subject of Herbal Medicine. Although this section is not yet complete, there are a couple of very usefull articles already available for your viewing pleasure.
Photos from the upcoming film of Shetinin's School - "Enlightning Message"
Siberian cedar products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name now in Europe!
We are happy to announce that Siberian Cedar products under "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand name and an amazing series of books by Vladimir Megre in English is now available in Europe. Now you can enjoy fast shipping, no shipping surcharge, low shipping rates for orders made from Europe, professional attention for you!
The "Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand brings you top-quality products from Siberian taiga - including "Cedar Nuts" and "Cedar Nut Oil" - helping to sustain forests, communities, and a healthy, Earth-Conscious Lifestyle.
Please Tell Your Friends:
Word of mouth is our best advertising. The world needs the Ringing Cedars to be widely available in English, please tell your friends and neighbors about us. Better yet, share our Web site, www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org, with them and help spread the word. It is wonderful if Anastasia's dream comes true in this country, too!
We adhere to the highest ethical principles of business as expressed in this book. Part of our revenue goes toward promotion of the ideals set forth in the "Ringing Cedars" series of books.
Our new harvest has arrived! All preorders will be shipped before April 30, 2006!
Special promotional discount for evrybody! Only one week from June 09, 2006 to June 16, 2006 we ofer you great discount of 30% for "Siberian Cedar Nuts" 100g. bag. Click here for more information .
Among the gifts of cedar forest cedar nuts are a true treasure.
Its nutrition characteristics and usefulness can somewhat be explained by the qualitative and chemical structure. High concentration of amino acids (with the prevalence of argenin – up to 20%), the easily digestible proteins, a whole complex of vitamins, including E, B – make this product one of the most valuable for human organism, especially so for children and pregnant women.
It has been approximated that 100g of cedar nuts is sufficient for adult's daily needs in amino acids and important microelements - copper, cobalt, manganese, and zinc. Overall the easiness of digestion and usefulness of the nuts are extremely high.
Special Offer on Products

Available until June 14th only!
A wonderful idea to make yourself and your family healthy, and save money! Order a combo, and receive a discount from 5% to 25%, plus get a free delivery after $150! Available from: www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/product_zkr_combo_001.php
Special Offer on Books
Good idea to save your money! Books for you relatives and friends! Make the perfect gift! Or you can buy the books together with your friends and save 15% to 20% plus a free delivery!
Flat shipping rate on books (only) - $4.95. Free shipping on books after $60! (rates are for USA, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia. Additional charges will apply to all other countries. Please check our shipping terms and conditions for full details)
Order from 5 to 11 copies - save 15% plus a free delivery! When you ordering, simply put in a Quantity field no less than 5.
Order from 12 or more copies - save 20% plus a free delivery! When you ordering, simply put in a Quantity field no less than 12.
Low shipping price for the books available in Europe after April 25! Now you can make a preorder.
Maybe you are interested in larger discounts and partnership with us? Visit our Wholesale page.
Mailing Address USA
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Recommend to your friend
Word of mouth is our best advertising. The world needs the Ringing Cedars to be widely available in English, please tell your friends and neighbors about us. Better yet, share our Web site, www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org , with them and help spread the word. It is wonderful if Anastasia's dream comes true in this country too. If you found this e-news useful to you please forward it to your friends.
Wishing you and your family health and prosperity,
Source of Life Association,
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The content of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia - Earth Conscious Lifestyle Newsletter" is copyrighted by www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org, and, occasionally, other rights holders. You may forward this Newsletter by e-mail an unlimited number of times, provided you do not alter the content in any way and that you include all applicable notices and disclaimers. You may print a single copy of each issue of E-News for your own personal, noncommercial use only, provided you include all applicable notices and disclaimers. Any other use of the content is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org, and any other applicable rights holders.
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