Christmas Gift Ideas!
Holiday Season is creeping upon us, the feeling of joy, laughter, and happiness is already felt in the air!
May this Holiday Season surround you and your family with love, pleasant surprises, and
treasures of Christmas moments, which will turn into a delightful memories remembered with a smile throughout the year.
We are inviting you to celebrate this Holiday with us, and spread the warm energy of Siberian Cedars through below carefully selected Gift Ideas:
Cedar Nut Oil with Sea Buckthorn berries is also known as Sea Buckthorn oil is an infusion of Ses Buckthorn berries on the base of Cedar nut oil. As Sea Buckthorn is known to be a strong skin repair product, it is widely used in luxurious hair and facial cremes, as when it is applied externally it can assist in: fighting dermatological diseases, improve skins complexion, reduce wrinkles and calms an irritated skin. Simply, massage your body and face in circular motion to allow the Extract to penetrate deeply into your skin and then wash out in 10-15 minutes.
As you may have heard that everything starts from within our body; therefore it is also essential to intake the Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Sea Buckthorn internally. When taken internally, Sea buckthorn infusion can assist with various stomach conditions such as ulcers, gastritis, acidity, constipation, and irritated bladder and intestines.
When you begin to drink the infusion, your immunity will increase. All the glands and organs of your body will begin to function more intensively and more effectively, improving your overall immune system.
Buy This Christmas Combo for $137.40:
Cedars emit essential oils and phytoncids, which kill dangerous bacteria, therefore the air in the Cedar woods is pleasant and excellent for health. The antibacterial properties of the Cedar Wood are transferred to all products made from it.
However, the most surprising salutary effect of the Cedar, as noted by people, is that the presence of Cedar Wood positively impacts human health. The explanation behind this is that it possesses special bio-energy. Cedar's energy simultaneously provides strength and relaxation to the body.
Cedar spoons are not only beautiful, but they are also made from ecologically friendly material. It is not only safe to use the Cedar Spoons, but it is also beneficial for health. By consuming food using Cedar Spoons, one's organizm also absorbs the phytoncids and healthy resins present in the Cedar Wood. Cedar Spoon, unlike metal one, does not oxidize food or saliva. Therefore, it promotes optimal digestion and settling of the food in the stomach.
The Cedar Pendant with bark would go wonderfully as a Gift with the Cedar Spoons. It is believed that those who wear one will be connected to the universe and experience greater concentration and mental alertness.
The great addition to any Christmas gift will be Cedar Cone. Beside being a great addition to Christmas spirit cedar cone is a meaningful gift. It contains upto 80 viable cedar seeds which can be planted to make our planet greener.
Buy Christmas Combo: Cedar pendant with bark + Cedar Cone + Set of Cedar Spoons for $37.08:
GIFT 3 (available in USA and Canada)
When placed in a room, the Cedar Pillow will not only disinfect the air, but also provide comfortable support, which will result in restful, deep and healthy sleep.
The wonderful aroma of the Essential Oils emitted by the Cedar Film from which the Pillows are made; will provide the feeling of deep relaxation, and the sensation of being surrounded by the purifying nature of Cedar Forest.
The Cedar Film is rich in Essential Oils, which have a tendency of getting absorbed into the blood steam with every breath you take, and expend your arteries; which allows for a much quicker blood circulation;, and therefore is wonderful for prophylactics of various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
The bioenergy healers claim that Cedar Pillow creates natural energetic shell of 1 meter radius that can protect your family from the harmful emissions of computer and electric appliances.
We all dream of natural, deep and restful sleep, which makes this Gift of nature perfect for anyone!
Buy Thsi Christmas Combo for $202.50:
GIFT 4 (available in USA and Canada)
Our Cedar Power – cedar nut flakes - is appetizing delicatessen that can improve any holiday meal.
The protein in the flakes made from the kernel of the cedar nut surpasses an ideal protein in its content of histidine, methionine, cysteine, and tryptophan, and has a well balanced composition.
The lecithin contained in cedar nut flakes is a basic chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the healthy activity of brain cells. Lecithin is essential for the organism as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. Lecithin is also the basic transport substance for the delivery of nutrients to the cells.
The Cedar Power will be a perfect gift for pregnant women, children, and breastfeeding mothers.
This combo comes with a free gift of larch rhomb pendant. Beside displaying beautiful wood pattern of Siberian larch the pendant also emits essetial oil of larch which has pleasant coniferous aroma and anti-bacterial properties.
The beautiful packaging of Cedar Power and the healing power of it and a larch pendant will add elegance and meaning to your gift.
Buy 2 "Cedar Power" cedar nut flakes (no dry fruits) and get larch Rhomb pendant FREE! This combo is priced at $55.90:
Wishing you all a wonderful time with family and friends,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
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NEW: Dendrotherapy and the Energy of the Siberian Cedar
The plants that surround us are not merely a green background. The healing properties of trees are used for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. Since ancient times, it has been thought that flowers, bushes, and trees absorb information they receive from the environment, information that is remembered and preserved. Plants possess positive and strong energy. Their energy is the force of life, continual growth and renewal. But many people, even those with medical training, have no idea that certain trees are valuable not only for their leaves, buds, or bark, but are also able to treat a person directly with their biofield, replenishing the person’s energy - this method of treatment is called dendrotherapy.
Dendrotherapy is a method of treatment and prevention that uses the healing energy-and-information properties of trees and articles made from them. Its name came from the Greek words dendron “tree” and therapia “treatment.”
Just like a person, each tree is surrounded by a biofield and its own aura, and is capable of transforming negative human energy into good and active energy that carries only a positive charge. However, each tree absorbs and transforms only specific forms of vibrations. Some process the negativity of anguish, mental collapse, depression, and grief; others transform the energy of vanity and chaos; still others clear away aggression, hate, and anger.
Dendrotherapy divides all trees into vampire trees (trees that draw out energy) and donor trees (trees that give energy). Prominent among donor trees are oak, pine, chestnut, birch, acacia, and the lime-tree. The Siberian cedar, in turn, is considered to be a universal donor, and is suitable for the majority of people.
The Siberian cedar, one of the oldest trees in the cedar family (approximately 100 million years old), reaches the age of 400 years, although more widespread are Siberian cedar forests that are 200 to 250 years old. In favourable conditions, a Siberian cedar lives up to 800 years.
Since ancient times the Siberian cedar has amazed people with its natural potency, tenaciousness, and healing power. It has by rights been called the healer tree, the mystery tree, the longeval tree, the benefactor tree, the Siberian giant.
Among the Slavs, the tree has always been an object of worship. In written sources from the 11th to the 17th centuries, there is reference to pagans worshipping plants and trees, and praying beneath them. Chroniclers mention sacred groves existing among the Slavs in ancient times. Judging from this, these were, as a rule, forest areas enclosed by a fence. In these places, the worship of the trees was combined with elements of the cult of Christianity.
Belonging to the category of revered and sacred trees were also individual trees, especially old trees, growing alone in a field or close to healing springs. People came to these trees in order to rid themselves of diseases, the evil eye, or infertility, and brought gifts and sacrifices (towels, clothing, ribbons were hung on the trees), prayed, brushed up against the trees. Sick persons climbed through the hollows and cracks of these trees, as if to leave their illnesses behind.
Energy of the Siberian cedar
Since ancient times, Siberian cedar forests have been considered to be a source of vital energy, which clears the thoughts, cleanses the soul, and awakens a person’s spiritual origin. Not in vain have Siberians said, “In a fir grove, you work; in a birch grove, you make merry; but in a Siberian cedar grove, you pray to God.”
The Siberian cedar possesses a very great capability for the self-healing of its wounds. According to the reports of Siberian cedar researchers, when a tree is tapped, the wound grows over with wood beginning in the first year of tapping. Over time, the wounds and their entire periphery grow over completely, and the trees do not differ externally from those that have not been tapped.
During scientific research conducted in Siberian cedar forests, it was determined that the Siberian cedar possesses the ability to attract and accumulate cosmic energy. Possibly this explains those miracles of healing that often occur with people who love to go for walks in Siberian cedar groves.
The Siberian cedar is one of the most energetically powerful trees. It spreads concentrated pure energy and for that reason is one of the favourite trees of hermits and healers.
This tree itself unerringly identifies a tired, weakened, and anxious person. It vigorously envelops the person with its own biofield, and the person is penetrated by the tree’s stern charm and is able to sit beneath the crown of the tree for hours, feeling all his or her sorrows drifting away. From the point of view of those who practise dendrotherapy, the Siberian cedar, using its own strength, reveals the human interrelationship with the solar system, acting as an intermediary between it as a source of cosmic energy and the person.
In order to give to people the light energy it has accumulated over the many decades of its life, a Siberian cedar must directly come into contact with a person. If this does not happen, the Siberian cedar makes a ringing sound. Usually this happens over the course of three years, after which, not having the ability to give its energy through the cosmos, the Siberian cedar is not able to give it to a person either, and it gradually dies.
In the opinion of authoritative researchers, the healing properties of the Siberian cedar increase the closer they grow to the north.
Rules for recharging yourself from the Siberian cedar’s biofields
1. You can recharge yourself only from adult trees (trunk diameter more than 30 cm) that are well proportioned and standing alone (neighboring trees should be no closer than 6–10 metres).
2. It is best to charge yourself with the Siberian cedar’s energy in the early evening, long before sunset.
3. It is especially beneficial to be near trees planted by you or your ancestors, trees that feel the care and warmth of your hands, and they will repay you a hundredfold. One or several Siberian cedar trees on a plot of land harmonizes the tree’s energy and creates an atmosphere of love and goodness.
4. Since the integrated frequency of the Siberian cedar, as a rule, is higher than the individual vibration frequency of a person (650–700 biohertz—according to the data of O. A. Khasyanov, even up to 800 biohertz—which is higher than the average individual vibration frequency of a person of 500–600 biohertz), you must prepare to be charged: if you are agitated, are in an unbalanced mental state, are experiencing negative feelings associated with, for example, illness or stress, the high healing energies of the tree will not be accessible to you; so, before beginning to recharge yourself, you must cast off negative emotions and bring yourself into a state of calmness.
5. Next, you must approach the tree from the west and, hugging it, stand like that for one to two minutes to start, observing your feelings.
6. Standing near the tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the Earth's energy from the roots through the trunk upwards to the crown of the tree. Then feel how the energy of the Cosmos is received through the leaves and moves through the trunk downwards, reaching the roots. Become one with the tree, in your mind flow together with it, feel the movement of the energy moving upwards and then down.
7. Try to relax and to think of nothing. Then begin to breathe rhythmically: inhale - hold your breath - exhale. Inhalation and exhalation should have the same duration - 4, 6, 8 seconds—while the breath should be held for approximately 4 seconds. When taking a breath, you should imagine the energy of the tree rising through your legs and body to the solar plexus. Even better, see the energy in colour: silver, light blue, violet. When holding your breath, imagine the energy accumulating in the area of your solar plexus. During the first half of the exhalation, the energy rises from the solar plexus upwards, and during the second half, it moves to the lower part of the body.
8. Absorb the energy, imagining it flowing through you, and let it pass through every cell of your body until you have a feeling of special inner purity and complete peace, relaxation, and a sense of absolute harmony with all existence.
9. When you feel a slight, pleasant dizziness, end your exposure to the tree: you have received what you needed.
10. Be sure to thank the tree when leaving it.
A. N. Sukhorukov
1. Geoactive areas: Ecology and research methods. Kh. Kh. Makoev, O. A. Khasyanov
2. Dendrotherapy: The healing power and magic of trees. E. N. Esseeva
3. The use of the biolocation method in dendrotherapy. Yu. A. Lukashevich, A. M. Gorelov
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Customer Reviews:
I ordered the pendants and have been sleeping so much better with them under my pillow.
Judi Scaliatine, USA
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I was working in smoggy Sydney when I first got my pendant and after only one night of wearing it I felt all my anxieties about being stuck in traffic, dealing with sad depressed/worn out city dwellers and breathing toxic fumes/nano-particles just vanished away and I was able to generate love at will, it was like something turned my switch on. Each day I take 1 tablespoon of the oil I feel love grow in my heart and my mind is much clearer. Thank you
Levi, Australia
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I purchased the beautiful cedar pendant and ever since I been wearing it I feel so much more happier within myself. I really feel connected to the ringing cedars I would like to thank your company for selling products inspired by the books and anastsia. I send much love and gratitude.
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I have been wearing my Cedar Pendant for a couple of years now and receive compliments and questions about it regularly. Everyone loves it.
Susan McCauley, USA
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I have been using the oils, wearing the male/female pendant and sleeping on the cedar pillows for over half a year now. The subtle yet powerful changes in all areas of my life are so supportive of what I consider to be a joyous human existence, and must be at its true core. I feel blessed by the Ringing Cedars Products loving assistance in my life. Thank You
Zanna Fidler, BC, Canada
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What a great post!!! Thanks for sharing ...I bought the cedar flakes a few weeks ago but only just made my morning "oatmeal " with them, OMG what was I waiting for it is delicious with warm milk and fresh berries!!! My new morning staple for sure and as an added bonus eating with my cedar spoon. happy healthy day everyone ,now to order more flakes
Kim Stanfield
Buy Christmas Combo: Cedar pendant with bark + Cedar Cone + Set of Cedar Spoons for $37.08:

Cedar Nut Flakes - Organic Health Solution
The flakes of the cedar nut are obtained by pressing the cedar nut oil from the kernel of the cedar nut. In contrast to the whole cedar nut, cedar nut flakes are distinguished by their increased proportional content of vitamins, trace elements, and plant proteins owing to the reduction of the fat content. In the processing of pressing the cedar nut oil, 10–16% of the cedar nut oil is retained in the flakes.
The protein in the flakes made from the kernel of the cedar nut surpasses an ideal protein in its content of histidine, methionine, cysteine, and tryptophan, and has a well balanced composition. The carbohydrate composition of the kernel of the cedar nut is represented by polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, pentosans, dextrins) and water-soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, and raffinose). According to the results of medical research, a similar protein facilitates the dissolving of harmful cholesterol in the blood, and also prevents the formation of cancer cells.
The lecithin contained in cedar nut flakes is a basic chemical substance for the formation of the intercellular space, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the healthy activity of brain cells. Lecithin is essential for the organism as a building material for the renewal of damaged cells. Lecithin is also the basic transport substance for the delivery of nutrients to the cells. Lecithin makes up 50% of the liver, 1/3 of the myelin insulating and protective tissues that surround the cerebrum and spinal cord. Lecithin is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the formation of highly toxic free radicals in the organism.
Flakes made from the kernel of the Siberian cedar contain a high quantity of mineral substances—up to 5%, which are represented by a specific set of macroelements and trace elements. There is a high content of phosphorus and magnesium. Only 100 g of cedar nut contains the human daily requirement of magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and cobalt. Of special interest is the cedar nut as a natural source of iodine. The daily requirement of iodine is 0.1–0.2 mg, and the cedar nut kernel contains on average 0.577 mg/kg of iodine.
The importance of the flakes with regard to vitamins is characterized by the presence of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, the most basic of which are vitamin F, the tocopherols, thiamine, and riboflavin.
The use of cedar nut flakes is recommended:
- for ulcerous conditions of the stomach and duodenum;
- in increased acidity and gastritis;
- in pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis;
- in nervous disorders;
- in diseases of the kidneys;
- in diseases of the thyroid gland related to an insufficiency of iodine;
- in blood and lymph diseases;
- in malnutrition and emaciation.
Cedar nut flakes should definitely be present in the food allowance of pregnant women, children, and breast-feeding mothers (for lactation). In olden times, when milk was completely absent, children were fed with a mixture prepared from cedar nut flour.
Cedar nut flakes are natural protein, and are extremely suitable for athletes to increase muscle mass.
The flakes have a pleasant nutty taste and aroma, are easily digested, and can include particles of the membrane of the cedar nut pericarp, which is rich in potassium.
Directions for use:
Cedar nut flakes are used as a complement to food (in porridge, salads), as part of flour-based confectionaries, as well as a separate food product. The consumption of 3–5 tablespoons of flakes a day fully provides the organism with essential components.
Cooking Instructions:
1. Fill the bowl with cedar nut flakes.
2. Add warm milk just to cover ingredients and stir. Add more milk if the mix seems too thick and stir again. Instead of milk you can add juice, maple syrup, kefir or yogurt.
3. Depending on the type of liquid you use, you may wish to leave cedar nut flakes for 10-15 minutes to mesh well with it.
Used by permission
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What People Say About This Product:
I am on an elimination diet to regain better health, having a damaged immune system and digestion. Since I cannot have any grains, Cedar Nut Flakes have been a godsend for breakfast (you can eat only so many greens in a day!). I make them with hot water, letting steep while I drink my tea, and love the nutty taste in the morning. Thanks! Looking forward to trying the recipes.
Debor Austin, TX, USA
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I am not the type who likes cedar nuts, but these flakes are delicious! These have a soft taste and are great in smoothies. Gives a wonderful consistency to them! I decided to try them since I am vegetarian and need variety with my proteins. Great option.
Pat Garcia, Montreal, Canada
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The cedar nut flakes are very nutritional! The first time I put a bowl of them with milk and felt full after eating just half of it. I add few table spoons in my other cereals and salads every day and I love their delicate taste.
Brian Rozine, Sydney, Australia
Buy 2 "Cedar Power" cedar nut flakes (no dry fruits) and get larch Rhomb pendant FREE! This combo is priced at $55.90 (available in USA and Canada):

- 1 large bunch rainbow Swiss chard, stemmed, leaves coarsely chopped
- 1/2 red onion, diced
- 6 tablespoons reduced-fat cream cheese
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
- salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons chopped toasted cedar nuts
Combine the Swiss chard, onions and 1/2 cup water in a large pot. Bring to a simmer over high heat, lower the heat to medium, cover and cook, stirring frequently, until the chard is very tender, about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine the cream cheese, nutmeg and 1/4 cup water in a medium saucepan. Place over medium heat and cook, whisking frequently, until the cheese melts and the mixture just bubbles around the edges. With a slotted spoon, transfer the chard to the pan with the cheese mixture (leave any excess liquid in the pot). Mix well and season with salt and pepper. Garnish with the cedar nuts.
Yield: 4 servings
- 1/4 cup golden raisins
- 1/4 cup cedar nuts, toasted
- 1/4 cup cedar nut oil
- 1/2 cup fresh, coarse breadcrumb
- 1 large clove garlic, minced
- salt
- 1 bunch (about 1 lb.) spinach, trimmed
In a large (12-inch) skillet over medium heat, heat the raisins and cedar nuts in 2 Tbs. oil for about 1 minute. With a slotted spoon, transfer the raisins and cedar nuts to a plate. Add the breadcrumbs and garlic to the pan, and sprinkle with 1/4 tsp. salt. Cook over medium-low heat until slightly brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Put the remaining 2 Tbs. oil in the pan with the spinach, and cook until the spinach just wilts. Transfer to a serving platter, toss with the raisins and cedar nuts, top with breadcrumbs, and serve.
This is a simple and healthy side dish that comes together in less than 15 minutes and requires only three ingredients!
- 1 lb. green beans, washed and ends trimmed
- 1 Tablespoon extra-virgin cedar nut oil
- 2 Tablespoons shallots, minced
- 2 Tablespoons cedar nuts, toasted
- Salt and Pepper
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the green beans and cook for 3 minutes. Immediately strain the green beans and rinse with cold water for about 1 minute (alternatively, place green beans in a bowl of ice water). Pat dry.
Turn a large pan to medium-high heat. Add the oil. Once the oil is hot, add the shallots and cook for 2 minutes until golden. Add the green beans to the pan and toss for about 1 minute to warm. Salt and pepper to taste. Place the green beans and shallots on a platter and sprinkle with the cedar nuts.
Serves 4;;
For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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