This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Prenatal Parenting: Bonding with Your Unborn Child
by Karen Melton
Become the parent you already are before your child is born. Take the time to connect with your baby every day in the womb, both parents together, and mom regularly throughout her day. Prenate's (from here on I shall call them Little One's) are conscious, sentient and vulnerable in the womb, and they benefit greatly from gentle, loving connection regularly from their parents. This kind of connecting communicates: "We know you are there", "We know that you are having your own experience," and "We know that you are affected by how we feel, and by your 'environment', and we are listening to you, including and protecting you.
As the parents you are your Little One's immediate environment. The most influential part of the Little Ones 'environment' is his/her mother. Everything mom feels, her Little One will be feeling too. This is why it is important for mom to feel supported, relaxed and happy during pregnancy as much as possible. However, in the real world, there are stresses, traumatic and even shocking events, emotional upheavals, etc. that happen routinely and that we don't necessarily have any control over. At these times it is important to connect with your Little One and tell him/her about what is happening and that "it is nothing to do with them." This is where having prenatally bonded with your Little One really supports their development in the womb, neurologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Within this bonded connection you have already established you can help your Little One to negotiate his 'environment' as he grows.
The next important thing to tell your Little One during a stressful/traumatic event is that they did not cause it, it is not their fault, neither is it about them (if this is true). For example, if mom was having some feelings about herself or about something that had happened to her, she could connect with her Little One and say "Hi, honey, mommy is processing some feelings right now and they are not about you." Or, of mom and dad were having an argument, they could take a moment to connect with Little One and say to him "we are having an argument and it is not about you, nor is it caused by you, we are needing to work some stuff out together." Even if you have a very painful emotional upset during pregnancy, keep the channels open to your Little One so you can bond, she cannot bond without you, and this bond will help to offset any emotional upsets and disturbances during pregnancy (Verney). In addition, you are showing your Little One in actions and words that she has parents who take care of their issues, and who care about her experience of them. We all take on our parents issues as Little Ones and children, and often needed to be told that when our parents split up or something catastrophic appeared to be happening in our family, that it was not our fault, nor was it about or because of us. This is also true for prenates.
Mom is the closest person to the Little One since she carries him/her inside her, and dads are extremely important too. Babies need their dad's and after birth will respond to dad's voice in a way that there is no doubt that they know who he is. Dr. Wirth has a way of discovering from a baby if they have been exposed to their dad's voice in utero, he holds the infant between himself and the dad and they compete for the baby's attention by calling the child's name. If the dad has been actively communicating with his baby, it will turn toward him, looking for the source of the sound (see Dad's role in supporting and protecting mom and baby during the pregnancy, and in connecting with his child in the womb, will create a wonderful holding space for the whole family. This bonding will strongly contribute to a wonderful birth for you all.
Prenatal bonding is really about not waiting! Why wait until your precious baby is born in order to bond with him/her, when you can enjoy the fun now. I taught my son and my daughter-in-low how to bond with my granddaughter when she was in the womb. Since I live a long way away from them, I had a really fun time making a tape for them to play to her when she was in the womb. I put songs on, spoke to her, told her stories, and read to her. I also made up a story about her journey into life, and when her 10 year old sister listened to it she was moved to tears. Perhaps it touched her into her own Little One's journey into life.
My daughter-in-low had not bond prenatally with her first child, and she said that she felt completely different about her second child when she was born. "I loved her before I ever saw her, and after birth simply felt like a continuation of the relationship already established, except that I was very excited to see what she looked like." With her first child she had not felt this bond until after birth, because she had not thought of her daughter as a person until she was born. Often this prenatal bonding can deeply affect birthing choices.
I have had so many experiences myself, and witnessed others, in both regressions and somatic work which have left me in no doubt as to the profound impact that our prenatal experiences and environment have upon us. Because of these experiences I do not need scientific proof to verify this fact. Some of you may feel more comfortable with more research/scientifically oriented information, and may wish to know that the brain, nervous system and sensory apparatus all begin developing in the 1st month. "By the end of the 2nd month the one inch long fetus is astonishingly well equipped with a beating heart, a circulatory system, a digestive tract, graceful arms and legs, facial features, ears, fingers, toes, and-the crucial center of all fetal nutrition and breathing – a pulsing umbilicus."
"By the end of the 1st trimester (the first 3 months), the nervous system and sensory apparatus is so well developed that the fetus responds to the stroking of its palm by a light hair by grasping, of its lips by sucking and of its eyelids by squinting. Doctors who perform amniocentesis at this stage can sometimes see the fetus jump and show an increased heart rate if the needle should touch it." (De-Mause). They will also startle and move away from the incoming needle.
I call the scientific/medical model of viewing the Little One 'Brainist' because it is a scientific, neurological and physiological approach to fetal awareness that relies upon whether or not we have a nervous system or a developed enough brain. Another way of approaching our unborn child's reality is what I call the 'Prenatal Consciousness' model, which speaks more to the conscious being that we are when we come in to our life. In this model it does not matter if we have a brain or a nervous system because consciousness does not require a body, nor eyes to see, in order to be affected and to know what is going on. A good example of this kind of consciousness is the many people now documented as having had near death experiences in which they 'died', left their body on the operating table, and then came back in. They 'saw' and were aware of everything that was happening both in the operating theater, and to their own body, and accurately recounted these details on their return from death, including what was said. They were able to see without their eyes, and this is the consciousness that we all have right from the beginning.
In working with my own early imprints I have been back as far as my preconception journey, before I even got into my body. I am fascinated by how and where our pre-body experiences come to land in our body once we have one. As energy fuses with matter in conception those energetic experiences imprint upon our physicality. Each cell holds the imprints and as it divides and makes its way to the various areas of the body that it is destined for, it carries those imprints with it. Once we are in a body we store all of our experiences in our cells first, then in our fascia, organs, etc.
There are many ways you can connect and bond with your Little One in the womb. Patting your stomach, singing, telling or reading stories, telling baby what you are doing or where you are going in your daily life, and dancing. Baby may respond by moving and kicking, and you can come to know what your baby's different kinds of kicking mean, e.g. are they angry kicks, or excited kicks? "Babies pick up on the emotional charge carried by spoken language as well as unspoken attitudes and affects... the baby senses that she is loved and that makes her feel good." (Verney). In his book Nurturing The Unborn Child, Verney uses a whole variety of methods for communicating with baby, some of which are journaling, dream work, visualization, tactile stimulation and many more. This book is a good resource for any preparing or already pregnant parents, as it's never to late to start prenatal bonding.
One of the wonderful activities you can enjoy with your Little One is listening to music together. Studies have shown that they love classical music, particularly Baroque. Again De-Mause tells us there was " experiment in which Debussy was played to four fetuses in utero during times when the mother and fetus were tranquil, with the result that after birth these four infants (and not others) responded to Debussy played in the nursery as a tranquilizer or pacifier – only one of many experiments in the literature which clearly demonstrates prenatal memory and in utero learning."

1. DeMause, Lloyd, Foundations of Psychohistory, published Creative Roots Inc 1982
2. Verney, Thomas, M.D. & Weintraub, Pamela, Nurturing The Unborn Child: A Nine-Month Program for Soothing, Stimulating, and Communicating with Your Baby, published Olmstead Press, Chicago 2000
3. Wirth, Frederick, M.D., Prenatal Parenting, published Harper Collins 2001
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The Importance of Prenatal Sound and Music
Column Editor: Giselle E. Whitwell, R.M.T.
Overview of the Field
Music has played an important role in different cultures since time immemorial. It has profoundly affected human beings in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. But only in this century has music begun to attract scientific attention. The research at the University of California in Irvine has provided some information about the effect of Mozart on the spatial and mathematical intelligence of children. Recently, an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper (11/9/98) reported neurobiological research to the effect that "undeniably, there is a biology of music." Music is destined to play a more active role in the future of medicine. The following ideas illustrate how music affects our early development.
The importance of prenatal music was born in my awareness over twenty years ago when I was expecting my youngest son. Through my communication with him telepathically and through his delay in arrival I was able to attend a music conference that was very important to me at that time. The doctor thought it would be dangerous for me to participate in something very active aside from the fact that he was due that week, and being the second child, he surely would arrive early if not on time. Well, our son was born the day after I attended this stimulating week of singing and gentle movement.
Already at that time I observed that lullabies were relegated to the past: young mothers no longer knew this folk song tradition. Michel Odent, M.D., believes that women have a profound need to sing to their babies but that the medicalization of birth has upset this process. In the past, women all over the world have sung lullabies to their babies. These were very important because as we now know the fetus is having first language lessons in the womb. The inflections of the mother tongue are conveyed not only through speech but most importantly through song. The singing voice has a richer frequency range than speech. In fact, studies in other disciplines such as linguistics and musicology (e.g., David Whitwell, 1993) point out that there was a time when speech was song and therefore singing is the older of the two. Babies born of deaf mothers miss these important first lessons in language development. French pioneer Dr. Alfred Tomatis mentions being intrigued by the fact that song birds hatched by silent foster mothers can't sing. What the baby learns in utero are the intonational patterns of sound and the frequencies of a language in his/her particular culture. Frequency is the level of pitch measured in Hertz (Hz.) This range varies between 16 to 20,000 Hz. There is very little distortion of the mother's voice as heard by the fetus whereas other external voices sound more muffled, especially in the higher frequencies. According to Rubel (1984), the fetus is responsive first to lower frequencies and then to higher ones.
Verny and others have noted that babies have a preference for stories, rhymes, and poems first heard in the womb. When the mother reads out loud, the sound is received by her baby in part via bone conduction. Dr. Henry Truby, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Linguistics at the University of Miami, points out that after the sixth month, the fetus moves in rhythm to the mother's speech and that spectrographs of the first cry of an abortus at 28 weeks could be matched with his mother's. The elements of music, namely tonal pitch, timbre, intensity and rhythm, are also elements used in speaking a language. For this reason, music prepares the ear, body and brain to listen to, integrate and produce language sounds. Music can thus be considered a pre-linguistic language which is nourishing and stimulating to the whole human being, affecting body, emotions, intellect, and developing an internal sense of beauty, sustaining and awakening the qualities in us that are wordless and otherwise inexpressible.
The research of Polverini-Rey (1992) seems to indicate that prenates exposed to lullabies in utero were calmed by the stimulus. The famous British violinist Yehudi Menuhin believes that his own musical talent was partly due to the fact that his parents were always singing and playing music before he was born.
The Sound Environment of the Womb
The sound environment of the womb is very rich. There are various interpretations as to the noise level, ranging between 30 to 96 dB. (decibel being a measure of sound intensity or loudness). A whisper can register 30 dB., a normal conversation is about 60 dB. and rush hour traffic can average about 70 dB. On the other hand, shouted conversations and motorcycles reach about 100 dB. Rock music has been measured as 115 dB. and the pain threshold begins at 125 dB. Yet, recent research with hydrophones have revealed that the womb is a "relatively quiet place" (Deliege & Sloboda, 1996), something comparable to what we experience in our environment between 50 and 60 dB.
Uterine sounds form a "sound carpet" over which the mother's voice in particular appears very distinct and which the prenate gives special attention because it is so different from its own amniotic environment. These sounds are of major importance because they establishes the first patterns of communication and bonding. Some researchers have discovered that newborns become calmer and more self-regulated when exposed to intrauterine sound (Murooka et. al 1976; DeCasper 1983; Rossner 1979). The soothing sounds of the ocean and water are probably reminiscent of the fluid environment in which we began life. Tomatis suggests that the maternal heart beat, respiration and intestinal gurgling, all form the source for our collective attraction to the sound of surf and may have to do with our inborn sense of rhythm. Prenatal sounds form an important developmental component in prenatal life because they provide a foundation for later learning and behavior. With fetal sound stimulation the brain functions at a higher level of organization.
The ear first appears in the 3rd week of gestation and it becomes functional by the 16th week. The fetus begins active listening by the 24th week. We know from ultrasound observations that the fetus hears and responds to a sound pulse starting about 16 weeks of age (Shahidullah & Hepper, 1992); this is even before the ear construction is complete. The cochlear structures of the ear appear to function by the 20th week and mature synapses have been found between the 24th and 28th weeks (Pujol et al. 1991). For this reason most formal programs of prenatal stimulation are usually designed to begin during the third trimester. The sense of hearing is probably the most developed of all the senses before birth.
Four-month-old fetuses can respond in very specific ways to sound; if exposed to loud music, and their heart beat will accelerate. A Japanese study of pregnant women living near the Osaka airport had smaller babies and an inflated incidence of prematurity-arguably related to the environment of incessant loud noise. Chronic noise can also be associated with birth defects (Szmeja et al. 1979). I recently received a report from a mother who was in her 7th month of pregnancy when she visited the zoo. In the lion's enclosure, the animals were in process of being fed. The roar of one lion would set off another lion and the sound was so intense she had to leave the scene as the fetus reacted with a strong kick and left her feeling ill. Many years later, when the child was 7 years of age, it was found that he had a hearing deficiency in the lower-middle range. This child also reacts with fear when viewing TV programs of lions and related animals. There are numerous reports about mothers having to leave war movies and concerts because the auditory stimulus caused the fetus to become hyperactive.
Alfred Tomatis notes that the ear is "the Rome of the body" because almost all cranial nerves lead to it and therefore it is considered our most primary sense organ. Embryonically, according to him, the skin is differentiated ear, and we listen with our whole body.
In order to better understand the role of music in its elements of rhythm and melody, we must briefly clarify the two parts of the inner ear. These are the vestibular system and the cochlea. The vestibular system controls balance and body movements, including the integration of movements which make up the rhythm of music-making the vestibular system the more archaic. And according to Paul Madaule (1984) "it is in fact because of the vestibular system that music seems to have an impact on the body." At around 4 1/2 to 6 weeks gestational age the vestibular and the cochlear systems become differentiated, at 7 1/2 the auditory ossicles start to grow, and at 4 1/2 months the ear of the fetus is already adult-like in shape and size.
The cochlear system enables the transformation of acoustic vibrations into nervous influx, thus allowing the perception of melodies which carry higher frequencies. Knowing this, one can have a better understanding of the intimate relationship and unity of rhythm and melody. George Gershwin expressed this nicely: "Music sets up a certain vibration which unquestionably results in a physical reaction." With this in mind, we should choose for early music stimulation melodies and rhythms that are simple.
Tomatis has a unique view of the function of the human ear going beyond what is traditionally assumed. He regards it as neither an instrument solely for hearing and listening, nor an organ for the maintenance of equilibrium and verticality. For him the ear is primarily a generator of energy for the brain, intended to give a cortical charge which is then distributed throughout the body "with the view to toning up the whole system and imparting greater dynamism to the human being" (Gilmor and Madaule, 1984, p. 6). Hence the importance of right sound stimulation which will lead to vocal expression, listening, and thinking. Sound, music and human development are intricately interwoven.
Clearly, the vestibular system progresses rapidly as seen by the active movement of the fetus in utero. As early as the first trimester, regular exercise patterns have been observed with ultra-sound: rolling, flexing, turning, etc. (Van Dongen and Goudie, 1980). The movements appear as graceful somersaults, flexing of the back and neck, turning the head, waving arms, kicking legs-- all self initiated and expressive in nature. When the baby moves in utero, the heartbeat accelerates. DeMause (1982) summarizes reactions of the second trimester as follows: "The fetus now floats peacefully, kicks, turns, sighs, grabs its umbilicus, gets excited at sudden noises, calms down when the mother talks quietly, and gets rocked back to sleep as she walks about."
The fetal heart is fully developed by the second trimester and its pulse rate oscillates between 120 to 160 beats per minute. Some think the distinctive rhythm of the mother's heart beat in utero is the basis and our attraction to drumming, rock rhythms, and the African tribal beat. Salk (1960), Murooka (1976), and De Casper (1983) provided evidence that newborns learned and remembered their mother's heart beat in utero. Ashley Montagu (1962) suggested that the universal appeal of music and the soothing effect of rhythmical sounds may be related to the feeling of well being assumed to exist in utero in relation to the mother's heartbeat. Salk (1960) showed that newborns in hospitals listening to heartbeat sounds gained weight at a faster rate. Likewise, breathing was deeper and more regular among these babies. According to W. Ernest Freud "rhythm itself provides a most reassuring 'cradle' because of its promise of repetition and continuity."
Sound and Learning in Utero
The powerful connection between sound/music and prenatal memory/learning have been revealed in formal experiments, parental observations, clinical records, and first person reports. Chamberlain (1998) using Howard Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences, has presented evidence for musical intelligence before birth. Peter Hepper (1991) discovered that prenates exposed to TV soap opera music during pregnancy responded with focused and rapt attention to this music after birth--evidence of long-term memory. On hearing the music after birth, these newborns had a significant decrease in heart rate and movements, and shifted into a more alert state. Likewise, Shetler (1989) reported that 33% of fetal subjects in his study demonstrated contrasting reactions to tempo variations between faster and slower selections of music. This may be the earliest and most primitive musical response in utero.
The pioneering New Zealand fetologist, William Liley, found that from at least 25 weeks on, the unborn child would jump in rhythm with the timpanist's contribution to an orchestral performance. The research of Michele Clements (1977) in a London maternity hospital found that four to five month fetuses were soothed by Vivaldi and Mozart but disturbed by loud passages of Beethoven, Brahms and Rock. Newborns have shown a preference for a melody their mother sang in utero rather than a new song sung by their mother (Satt, 1987). Babies during the third trimester in utero respond to vibroacoustic as well as air-coupled acoustic sounds, indicative of functional hearing. A study by Gelman et al. (1982) determined that a 2000 Hz. stimulus elicited a significant increase in fetal movements, a finding which supported the earlier study by Johnsson et al. (1964). From 26 weeks to term, fetuses have shown fetal heart accelerations in response to vibroacoustic stimuli. Consistent startle responses to vibroacoustic stimuli were also recorded during this period of development. Behavioral reactions included arm movements, leg extensions, and head aversions (Birnholz and Benacerraf, 1983). Yawning activity was observed after the conclusion of stimuli. Research by Luz et al. (1980 and 1985) has found that the normal fetus responds to external acoustic stimulation during labor in childbirth. These included startle responses to the onset of a brief stimulus.
New evidence of cognitive development in the prenatal era is presented by William Sallenbach (1994) who made in-depth and systematic observations of his own daughter's behavior from weeks 32 to 34 in utero. (The full report of his findings is available on this website in Life Before Birth/Early Parenting) Until recently, most research on early learning processes has been in the area of habituation (Querleu et al., 1981), conditioning (Van de Carr, 1988) or imprinting sequences (Salk, 1962). However, Sallenbach observed that in the last trimester of pregnancy, the prenate's learning state shows movement from abstraction and generalization to one of increased specificity and differentiation. During a bonding session using music, the prenate was observed moving her hands gently. In a special musical arrangement, where dissonance was included, the subject's reactions were more rhythmic with rolling movements. Similarly, in prenatal music classes, Sister Lorna Zemke has found that the fetus will respond rhythmically to rhythms tapped on the mother's belly.
From what research is telling us, we may presume that prenates would prefer to hear lullabies sung by their mothers, or selected slow passages of Baroque music such as Vivaldi, Telemann, and Handel which have a tempo resembling our own heart beat at rest. Recent research has shown that four month old infants demonstrate an innate preference for music that is consonant rather than dissonant (Zentner and Kagan, 1998). However, this allows great latitude in the selection of music which babies and their mothers might like to hear. Our ultimate objective, of course is to help create not a musical genius but a person well integrated in his physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self.
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Woman Sings While In Labor
Synthetic Antioxidants Can Harm Your Health
By Sepp Hasslberger
Antioxidants are part of many plants and a myriad of foods we eat every day. Their health promoting effects have been well documented. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to a molecule that has been compromised by oxidation, bringing it back into a state of proper function. Having been "used up" in this way, the antioxidant molecule is then either re-charged by accepting an electron from another type of antioxidant or it is re-cycled into building material such as - in the case of vitamin C - collagen for purposes of tissue repair.
According to this Wikipedia entry,
"Antioxidants are widely used as ingredients in dietary supplements, which are used in the hope of maintaining health and preventing diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease. Although some studies have suggested antioxidant supplements have health benefits, other large clinical trials did not detect any benefit for the formulations tested, and excess supplementation may even be harmful."
Vitamins 'could shorten lifespan' and Antioxidants Don't Mean Longer Life are the titles of some typical articles discussing the findings of a recent Cochrane review of clinical trials involving beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E. The results - a slight increase in mortality in those taking the pills - seem to contradict experience and good sense. They are opposed to the results of a large number of epidemiological studies, which have found positive effects of higher levels of intake of the natural antioxidants in fruits and vegetables.
The doubt being thrown on the healthful properties of antioxidants, says Beldeu Singh, is due to the fact that many studies designed to clinically test the effects of antioxidants do not take into account nutrient synergy - they are designed around the use of only one single substance. But what's even more important - they are not even using the real thing! Most pharmaceutical studies rely on synthetic versions or artificial analogs of these natural biomolecules.
The difference seems to be that, contrary to the natural variety, the synthetic analogs cannot be recycled and re-used by the organism, once they have donated their electron. When they are "spent", they tend to turn into harmful metabolic byproducts that increase, rather than decreasing, the total load of oxidative stress on the organism. That may, according to Beldeu Singh, explain the apparently contradictory results.
There is another 'confounding' factor: The ease with which a meta analysis - a study that examines only the results of previous studies and re-interprets them - can be manipulated to say almost anything and the contrary of it. Meta analyses have previously been used by pharmaceutical interests to show how wonderful their products are, or how bad the (competing) non-patentable natural substances are.
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Beldeu Singh
Oxidative stress is implicated in most human diseases because the superoxide can oxidatively damage molecules in the mammalian biological system. These oxidatively damaged molecules can initiate disease states. For instance, oxidatively damaged glucose and protein molecules form glycated proteins that can lead to cataracts etc. Oxidatively damaged glucose molecules cannot form conjugates to enter cell walls and pass into the cell where they can be used to produce ATP. Also, oxidatively damaged cell membranes lose their functional integrity that can lead to disease states. And there is a bigger problem with excess superoxide. Excess superoxide is the amount of superoxide that cannot be scavenged by the antioxidants or the antioxidant system in the cells and it can react with other useful molecules such as nitric oxide (NO) to produce the highly reactive secondary radical called the peroxynitrite radical that can damage cell membranes and lead to disease conditions such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, ED etc. It is also well established that if the glutathione-catalase system cannot effectively convert hydrogen peroxide formed during cell metabolism, it can react with the excess superoxide to form the very deleterious hydroxyl radicals that can damage cell membranes, protein molecules, hormone molecules, enzyme molecules and even mDNA and DNA molecules and lead to the development of a host of disease states and cancers.
The biochemical mechanisms that point to the role of free radicals in the development of disease states and cancers and degenerative conditions as well as in the progress of aging became clear over the last two decades of research and are now well understood. From an implication, free radicals and free radical reactions and free radical-induced reactions are now understood as the cause of many diseases pointing to the biochemical origin of disease other than caused by pathogens. The biochemically harmful effects of free radicals are real and measurable and are not “alleged harmful effects” as stated in a recent report in JAMA (Goran Bjelakovic et al, Mortality in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplements for Primary and Secondary Prevention Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA, February 28, 2007—Vol 297, No. 8 847-857).
Only natural antioxidants can effectively scavenge free radicals in the mammalian biological system and do it safely
The antioxidants in mammalian biological systems work in an integrated network system. L-ascorbic acid can donate electrons to all the water-soluble antioxidant molecules in the system directly, a process that recharges or recycles them and it can also donate electrons to alpha-lipoic acid that can then donate electrons to both the water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidant molecules of the mammalian biological system and any other natural antioxidant molecules (from food or edible sources) that can work within the natural antioxidant system of mammals. This is a critical factor in the antioxidant defense mechanism. Populations that consume a diet that offers natural antioxidant molecules from a variety of sources tend to have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and cancers. Hence, antioxidants from fruits, green leafy vegetables and fish oils and natural olive oil or sesame seed oil or coconut oil would prove to be better for health.
The mammalian biological system operates on the L-form antioxidants. These are antioxidants found in natural sources, excepting olive oil which occurs in the D-form in nature. Free radical biochemistry is harmful and can produce deleterious and lethal effects over time whereas natural antioxidants scavenge free radicals and prevent or minimize the harmful effects of free radical biochemistry in the body. That is not difficult to understand but there is another interesting point about antioxidants.
The healthy biochemical pathways of the mammalian biological system operating on L-form antioxidants involve the production and utilization of ATP molecules, production of antibodies, collagen, melatonin, hormones and other useful biomolecules - all of them dependent on antioxidant-driven biochemical processes that can be disrupted by excess free radicals. In such a system, the antioxidant molecules that donate electrons during the scavenging activity become "spent" but remain stable and may either be recharged and recycled for further scavenging activity or may be broken down and utilized in the synthesis of other useful biomolecules. For instance, L-ascorbic acid may be converted into collagen with the help of colloidal copper or colloidal gold after it is "spent".
Natural antioxidants, therefore, actually prevent the development of disease states by preventing oxidative stress by excess free radicals and by preventing the development of secondary radicals. Otherwise, they decrease or diminish oxidative damage and its harmful effects. Now there is interest in tapping the potential of natural antioxidants from food or edible sources for inducing and promoting rapid free radical scavenging activity to study the antioxidant-driven effects for reversing the cellular and biochemical damage of excess.
Many people are taking antioxidant supplements to supplement the natural antioxidant intake from their diet to improve the free radical scavenging activity in their bodies as a way to prevent health problems and prevent the development of disease states or otherwise to slow down the aging process or slow down the progression of disease conditions that are free-radical induced. Yet, the authors of the report in JAMA titled "Mortality in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplements for Primary and Secondary Prevention Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" are not sure when they state "whether antioxidant supplements are beneficial or harmful is uncertain."
Many primary or secondary prevention trials of antioxidant supplements have been conducted to prevent several diseases. They conclude that "antioxidant supplements, with the potential exception of selenium, were without significant effects on gastrointestinal cancers and increased all-cause mortality."
"The methodological quality of some of the trials was assessed using the published reports, which may not reflect the actual design and bias risk of the trials. Some authors responded to our requests for further information. All available nonenzymatic antioxidants work differently in the human body and most of them exert effects that are nonantioxidant. We are not able to point to the specific biochemical mechanisms behind the detrimental effects" (Goran Bjelakovic et al, Mortality in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplements for Primary and Secondary Prevention Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA, February 28, 2007—Vol 297, No. 8 847-857).
They performed adjusted-rank vitamin C; vitamin A and vitamin C; vitamin C and vitamin E; vitamin E and selenium; selenium and zinc; beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E; beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium; beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc; vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc; vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, methionine, and ubiquinone. In 11 trials, participants were supplemented with different mixtures of antioxidants as well as with vitamins and minerals without antioxidant properties.
The fact is that most antioxidants in the mammalian biological system also work in a synergistic fashion. For instance, L-ascorbic acid recycles melatonin and enhances its effects three fold. Melatonin is a brain-body antioxidant that has anti-cancer effects, primarily due to its ability to donate electrons to both the lipid and non-lipid part of the cell wall. This biochemical repair restores cell wall integrity and that in turn promotes aerobic respiration and consequently prevents the cell wall from acquiring a strong positive charge {positive cell membrane potential (CMP)} a key factor in the transformation to from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration which initiates the formation of cancer cells.
It has been suggested that antioxidant supplements may show interdependency and may have effects only if given in combination (Hercberg et al, The potential role of antioxidant vitamins in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancers, Nutrition. 1998;14:513-520). That is clearly a logical suggestion within the working of the mammalian biological system and the fact that the natural antioxidant molecules work in an integrated fashion in a network and also in synergistic roles. Most of the studies on vitamins are designed around the administration of one vitamin and many of these studies use analogues or synthetics instead of the L-form molecules from food sources.
Synthetic vitamins are like any other synthetic molecules but because of their antioxidant nature, they are able to donate one electron, after which they do not remain stable but are broken down in a metabolic process that yields hydrogen peroxide. Administering synthetic vitamins in persons with disease states can thus be counter-productive. These people already have a problem associated with or directly caused by excess free radicals, including hydroxyl radicals. Adding substances into their biological system that can lead to the formation or more hydroxyl radicals only exacerbates their free radical biochemistry. There are several studies that show that synthetic vitamins are harmful. For a therapeutic purpose, there is a need to enhance the free radical scavenging potential in patients with disease states that successfully converts all the hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen as soon as they are formed – something that occurs during the prime of youth.
The aim of the review in the JAMA study (Goran Bjelakovic et al, Mortality in Randomized Trials of Antioxidant Supplements for Primary and Secondary Prevention Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, JAMA, February 28, 2007—Vol 297, No. 8 847-857) was to analyze the effects of antioxidant supplements (beta carotene, vitamins A and E, vitamin C [ascorbic acid], and selenium) on all-cause mortality of adults included in primary and secondary prevention trials. The authors "found that antioxidant supplements, with the potential exception of selenium, were without significant effects on gastrointestinal cancers and increased all-cause mortality". That would be quite the natural expectation if synthetic antioxidants were used as supplements in patients with cancers. Cancer patients have high amounts of excess superoxide and a large number of hydroxyl radicals.
Several new review studies on nutrients, called meta-analysis, seem to contradict either what we know from previous research, or what our intelligence tells us should be true. You only have to scan the headlines and pay attention to the "newly found" dangers of this or that natural substance. From St. John's Wort to Kava Kava, from vitamin C to vitamin E, we hear that they are "not effective" or worse - that they may be dangerous.
We know one fundamental truth – and that is nutrition and nutritional intake through food is what makes us grow and is essential for health. And we also know that by increasing our natural antioxidant intake through supplements made from food substances, but not in undue excess, we increase the free radical scavenging potential in our bodies and tend to improve health. That is basic health science or food science. Yet a new field of study called meta-analysis may be used to discredit the role and function of natural supplements or does it prove one fact very bluntly – synthetic vitamins are harmful.
Fish oils "don't work"?
On 24 March 2006, The British Medical Journal published a meta-analysis (a study of other studies) on omega-3 fatty acids that prompted headlines around the world to the effect that "fish oils don't work". This is not the first time a meta-analysis has triggered headlines that discredit natural health supplements (see: Health Supreme, Meta-analyses Used To Discredit Supplements, April 24, 2006). These meta-analyses are a funny piece of work that is made out to look like sophisticated science, probably targeted at lay people. Dr Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health says, those studies are manipulated. This is a new kind of study that is highly regarded these days, but it is based on a choose-and-pick approach where older studies are reviewed and analyzed to combine their wisdom. The criteria of inclusion/exclusion of previous studies in the analysis, and the decision of how to give different weights to different results are so rubbery that almost any conclusion becomes possible. One of the more recent studies that attempts to trash nutrients takes on the health benefits of fish oils... and may be used to coincide with a launch of a synthetic ...making such studies more of a marketing gimmick rather than a real scientific study.
And such a coincidence has indeed happened. The fact that the meta-analysis throwing doubt on omega-3 fish oils coincides with the launch of a pharmaceutical version of the same type of fats made by chemical giant Solvay (see: Health Supreme, Meta-analyses Used To Discredit Supplements, April 24, 2006) and it reminds me of the tryptophan disaster of more than a decade ago (see: The FDA Ban of L-Tryptophan: Politics, Profits and Prozac, Life Extension Foundation, April 6 1998).
In meta-analyses there is a big catch, like a mathematical fallacy in which one tries to divide by zero. The "trick" lies in assessing "all-cause mortality." Take for instance, the study on vitamin E. The overall conclusion that high-dose vitamin E causes increased mortality could also have been a statistical artefact, with no biological relevance. Since the study assessed all-cause mortality, and not just cardiovascular mortality, any other cause of mortality is included. Other factors could easily have contributed to the greater death rate in the higher dose vitamin E group found when trials were pooled. The pooling of risks to mortality creates the desired warp and twisting. It is a strange science.
Meta-analysis can make a nutrient into a factor that increases mortality or it can "show" that beta-carotene, vitamin A and other antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E are harmful. It can make people doubt the benefits of omega-3 oils by making headlines like "fish oils don't work". On the other hand, it can be used to investigate the effect on heart disease risk of a Unilever margarine enriched with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an important short-chain omega-3 found to be rich in Mediterranean diets, well known for its health promoting properties, and conclude clearly the beneficial effects of ALA-enriched margarine on reducing heart disease risk! In one meta-analysis, scientists can decry a natural antioxidant that promotes heart health while in another, it can promote the same class of natural antioxidant in a hydrogenated oil that introduces trans-fatty acids into the bloodstream as circulating fatty acids that promote plaque formation and heart disease and damage cell walls. A fishy tool that can be well adapted as a basis for promotional literature and published in peer review journals for marketing synthetic products unless the consumer knows the real science of natural antioxidants and their biochemical function in free radical biochemistry. But it is the headlines that influence consumer behavior rather than the research in scientific journals. Few read the actual studies.
Antioxidant omega-3 oils in cardiovascular disease
Dr. Alexander Leaf, a professor and his team of scientists at Harvard, had done extensive work on omega-3 fish oils and documented the beneficial effects of this natural oil on health and cardiovascular disease, and an experiment was designed to prove its anti-arrythmic role. Leaf and other researchers cultured neonatal heart cells from rats. Under the microscope, these cells clumped together which as a clump of heart cells beat spontaneously and rhythmically just like the heart as an organ. Toxic agents known to produce fatal arrhythmias in humans were added to the medium bathing the cultured cells, and the effects of adding the omega-3 fatty acids were observed. Increased extracellular Ca2+, the cardiac glycoside ouabain, isoproterenol, lysophosphatidylcholine and acylcarnitine, thromboxane, and even the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 were tested. All of these agents induced tachyarrhythmias in the isolated myocytes (Leaf A Circulation. 2003;107:2646, 2003 American Heart Association, Inc.)
Of particular interest are the effects of elevated perfusate Ca2+ and ouabain on the myocytes. Both agents induced rapid contractions, contractures and fibrillation of the myocytes. When EPA was added to the superfusate, the beating rate slowed, and when the high Ca2+ or ouabain was added in the presence of the EPA, no arrhythmia was induced. Furthermore, after a violent fibrillation was induced in the cells by both elevated calcium and ouabain, addition of EPA stopped the arrhythmias, and the cells resumed their fairly regular contractions. The addition of the dilipidated BSA to remove the free fatty acid from the myocytes resulted in recurrence of the arrhythmia.
This indicated two important facts as outlined by Dr. Leaf. First, the EPA could be extracted from the cells in the continued presence of the toxins, and the arrhythmia would return, which indicated that the fatty acids were acting without strong ionic or covalent binding to any constituent in the cell membrane. If they had such binding, we would not have been able to extract the EPA from the cells with the albumin. It appears the free fatty acids act directly on the heart cells and need only partition (dissolve) into the hospitable hydrophobic interior of phospholipids of the plasma membranes of myocytes to elicit their antiarrhythmic actions. Second, when we tested the ethyl ester of the EPA, it had no prompt antiarrhythmic action; only the free fatty acid with its negative carboxyl charge was antiarrhythmic. Herein lies the key in understanding the role of omega-3 oil - its role as an antioxidant (see": WHY OMEGA-3 FISH OIL PROTECTS YOUR HEART AND BRAIN; Health Supreme).
Another study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that omega-3 fatty acids can slow the course of atherosclerosis and may reduce the risk of further heart disease. Many studies have come to a similar conclusion.
After several population studies that noted the positive effects of omega-3 fish oils and laboratory evidence, I explained their role as an antioxidant in an article. Now, it was within mainstream science and the growing understanding and popularity of natural biomolecules that are integrated into normal and healthy cellular function and at the same time more people have became aware of drug toxicities, I was expecting "studies" to contradict omega-3 fish oil studies, but I expected something subtle like casting a doubt at first and then discrediting it. I did not expected a foolhardy and blatant "fish oils don't work" in a British Medical Journal.
The fact remains that natural omega-3 fish oil, like many other natural oils are antioxidants that scavenge free radicals in the cell wall and biomembranes and provide an electron to the lipid part of the molecules in biomembranes, that was lost to a free radical and that restores stability and functional integrity to the biomembranes. That sums up, in a nutshell, the antioxidant role of such oils (and) fat soluble antioxidants in restoring healthy function of cells and tissues. These natural antioxidants are an integral part of our evolutionary history whereas synthetic molecules are not.
Please note the use of synthetic vitamin E in the Miller study, and this could have explained the negative results found by Miller et al (Ann Intern Med. 2005 Jan 4;142(1):37-46), as well as those found earlier by Dr Marc Penn and colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic, published in The Lancet. Again, note the negative results from a very small clutch of studies on synthetic vitamins like synthetic beta-carotene and vitamin E, which were administered to diseased or high risk subjects. These authors asserted that beta-carotene, vitamin A and other antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E were harmful. That conclusion in Lancet, by Dr Marc Penn and colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic is correct and wholly supports what we have been saying - that synthetic molecules are harmful and cannot be incorporated into therapies and diet. Synthetic biomolecules can suppress the immune system or disrupt the production of natural antioxidants in the body or disrupt normal biochemical pathways in the body, a problem mediated through the production of hydrogen peroxide during the cell metabolic breakdown of synthetics under oxidative stress leading to the formation of more hydroxyl radicals. So, while L-ascorbic acid intake improves collagen formation in the body and improves elasticity of blood vessels, the D-form may produce bleeding in patients.
Synthetic antioxidants for smokers
The report of the study in Finland of Vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of cancer in male smokers is important because it drives home the message that vitamins may increase cancer (Heinonen OP et al, The effect of vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer and other cancers in male smokers, New England J of Med 330:1029-1035, 1994). Synthetic vitamins, that is. Synthetic vitamins are not food. They are synthetic chemicals. Only vitamins from dietary sources or edible plants can be considered nutrients for the body.
The first study in question was the 1994 Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study (ATBC) involving Finnish men who were heavy smokers and alcohol drinkers. The volunteers were either given 20 milligrams of synthetic beta carotene, vitamin E, a combination of the two, or a placebo. The expected outcome suggested that there was an 18 percent increase in lung cancer rates in the beta carotene-only group. Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 toxic chemicals, of which 40 are known carcinogens. The metabolic breakdown of synthetic chemicals and alcohol yields toxic metabolites that yield the superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, the breakdown of synthetic beta carotene and synthetic vitamin E also results in the same biochemical problem in the liver and that simply adds to creating excess free radicals and oxidative stress from hydroxyl radicals. Hydroxyl radicals can cause damage to membranes and DNA molecules and transform normal cells into cancer cells. In other words, synthetics accelerate free radical biochemistry.
The second trial was the 1996 Carotenoid and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET), which was a lung cancer prevention study involving a combination of 30 mg of synthetic beta carotene and 25,000 iu of retinol (synthetic formed vitamin A) versus placebo. The volunteers were either smokers or asbestos workers. This study was stopped early due to the fact that preliminary findings suggested that there was a 28 percent increase in cancer rates in the beta carotene/vitamin A group, compared to placebo. Asbestos in the human body can create biochemical problems. The findings in this study are consistent with the expectation of higher rates of cancers as would be with all other studies that test synthetics. The correct conclusion is that synthetic vitamins contribute to free radical biochemistry in the human biological system and in people who introduce other substances into the body that also generate free radicals, the risk of generating hydroxyl radicals increases while in some people it becomes excess, leading to the development of cancers. Much of the outcome depends on the intake of antioxidants from dietary sources.
The most critical fact that deserves special scrutiny in the Finnish studies is that the beta carotene and vitamins used in these studies are synthetic and not from dietary sources. It is interesting to note that dietary intake of various antioxidants such as carbonyl from broccoli or olive oil other carotenoids (such as lycopene and cryptoxanthin) is far more strongly associated with lower cancer risk while intake of synthetic antioxidants tend to raise that risk, especially in smokers and those who consume alcohol or those who are already have cancers in them.
Recycling vs. metabolic breakdown
People who have cancers and those who smoke and consume alcohol, in general, have lower levels of natural vitamin C. That by itself is a compromising factor for the immune function of white blood cells and T4 cells. These lower levels of natural vitamin C are insufficient to fully recycle other antioxidants directly or through alpha-lipoic acid. Recycling the fat-soluble antioxidants through alpha-lipoic acid becomes critical in cancer patients because of the greater amounts of fat-soluble antioxidants required to biochemically repair the cell membranes (by donating electrons and reducing their positive potential) in order to restore their functional integrity. And natural vitamin C cannot recycle synthetic vitamins. The synthetic vitamins are targeted for metabolic breakdown once they have donated their electron.
Natural molecules, such as natural oils, fat soluble antioxidants and natural vitamins have been part of the mammalian diet for 65 million years and primate diets for 15 million years of hominid evolution. We read in our primary schools how effective vitamin C was in curing scurvy in sailors. Research in free radical science has already contributed so much knowledge to mainstream science. Yet we have researchers who dare state that natural antioxidants "don't work" and are harmful while synthetic molecules work and are safer?
History of science is important
History of the use of oils is a part of that history as well as part of the history of marketing. A few decades ago, a particular association began lobbying and commenced a media campaign against natural tropical oils saying that these oils are highly saturated. Their campaign was designed to get people to switch to vegetable oils that they did not say were in fact, hydrogenated oils. In the body, these long chain fatty acids become converted to circulating lipoproteins and hence contribute to the artery-clogging factor. Their campaign succeeded, in spite of the fact that tropical oils are not long chain fatty acids but are medium chain fatty acids which are readily broken down in the liver to produce energy, do not become circulating fat molecules and do not contribute to artery-clogging. Other positive information on medium chain fatty acids was never brought to light, including their anti-inflammatory properties and that they are used by the body to produce antimicrobial and antiviral molecules and have cardio-protective function, as well as that they may be used to synthesize other molecules that have anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial properties.
The success of that campaign against tropical oils contributed to rising rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancers and created an expanded market for a wider range of drugs.
It can be speculated that, as a general rule, the synthetic oil starts as a prescripitory medication in order to gain a foothold in the market and that later it may be 'moved' into the supplement category to broaden its market. However, the war on natural fish oil is being fought differently. Meta-studies appear to be used as a tool to discredit the natural oil which is already part of the diet as well as other scientific works in reputable journals for purposes of possibly altering consumer buying behavior in favor of the synthetic oil.
People are more educated than before and too many people know how science is manipulated. These people will not put "prescripitory health" above natural health. Health is a result of nutrients from food sources and it cannot be an outcome of prescriptions that contain synthetics or analogues. Consumers should know the difference between the two. This points to the need to improve science literacy in Congress and Parliaments and the need to scrutinize the media that attempt to promote synthetic stuff as superior and better than natural biomolecules, while at the same time discrediting other scientific studies that prove or note the beneficial function of natural biomolecules in the human body. It also points to the need for a sound health education in primary and secondary schools and as a subsidiary subject in colleges and universities.
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Examining the Properties of Chocolate and Cacao for Health
by Teya Skae
Are you one of the rare individuals on this planet who does not like nor ever craves chocolate at some point in your life? But, if you are like most of the Western world, have you ever wondered why chocolate can be so addictive, apart from its rich sweet lingering taste? Well, it has to do with your brain chemistry and brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters.
What are neurotransmitters? They act like messengers or little power-brokers that run around in our brain telling the body what to do. They orchestrate our moods, influence our thought patterns, and affect our energy levels, states of alertness, concentration and drowsiness.
So what does chocolate and neurotransmitters have in common? Chocolate affects the brain by causing the release of certain neurotransmitters which can trigger emotions, one of which is euphoria; maybe that's why it is so desirable?
The health-benefits of chocolate have been known to us for some time now, but there is more to chocolate that we need to know. For instance, did you know that chocolate and cacao are not the same? True, there is a clear distinction between commercial chocolate which has no health benefits and organic dark chocolate, ideally with no added sugar. Yet if you're a chocolate lover, consider small amounts of raw cacao as a better option.
The reason why raw cacao is the best choice for healthy benefits is because raw cacao contains the very popular antioxidants (anti-aging guys) that make raw cacao a superfood. But there is more to know than just this.
Let's have a look at raw cacao:
Cacao is derived from Theobroma Cacao beans, which literally means "Food of the Gods". Cacao contains over 300 compounds including: protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. Magnesium helps to build strong bones and is a muscle relaxant associated with feelings of calmness. Cacao is also high in sulfur, which helps form strong nails and hair.
In addition, cacao also contains the chemicals phenylethylamine (PEA) and anandamide. PEA is an adrenal-related chemical that we create naturally when we're excited. It also plays a role in feeling focused and alert because it causes your pulse rate to quicken, resulting in a similar feeling to when we are excited or fall in love!
Another 'bliss' chemical found in chocolate is the lipid anandamide. It's there in our brain when we feel great. Anandamide is also called "chocolate amphetamine" as it causes changes in blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, leading to feelings of excitement and alertness.
Anandamide works like amphetamines to increase mood and decrease depression, but it is not addictive like caffeine or illegal with undesirable side-effects like amphetamines. Anandamide is quite unique in its resemblance to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a chemical found in marijuana.
The good news is that even though the anandamide in chocolate helps to create feelings of elation, the effect is not the same as the THC in marijuana. It would take approximately twenty five pounds of chocolate to achieve a 'high' similar to marijuana and the nausea would overpower any feelings of bliss at all.
Are there any controversial compounds in Cacao?
Yes, out of 300 plus compounds found in raw cacao there are at least two:
1. theobromine - affects our nervous system
2. oxalic acid - inhibits calcium absorption
Lets look at the most controversial – theobromine. Theobromine makes up between 1-2% of the cacao bean and it stimulates the central nervous system and dilates blood vessels. Theobromine has about 1/4 of the stimulating power of its sister molecule caffeine.
Theobromine is a mild diuretic (increases urination) and has been used as a medical drug to treat heart attacks that have resulted from an excessive accumulation of body fluid.
It's interesting to note that dogs should not eat cacao or chocolate because they lack the necessary enzymes to metabolize theobromine in excess of 100-150 mg per kilogram of the dog's body weight. If dogs eat this much cacao it can cause cardiac arrest.
Probably the most controversial of theobromine effects is that it can cause some people to feel hyper and then lethargic, in a very similar way to caffeine. Also, theobromine can cause headaches in some individuals. There has been some debate as to whether or not caffeine really exists in chocolate. Some scientists believe that it is the theobromine which is solely responsible for its caffeine-like effects.
Caffeine and Cacao:
- According to the Chocolate Information Center, sponsored by Mars Inc., a 50-gram piece of dark chocolate (about the size of your average chocolate bar) will yield between 10 and 60 milligrams of caffeine, while an average 150 ml cup of coffee can yield up to 175 milligrams.
- 40 grams of dark chocolate contains the same amount of caffeine as one cup of decaffeinated coffee, and yet it will stimulate sensitive individuals.
- A cup of hot chocolate usually contains about 4 or 5 milligrams of caffeine, which is about 1/20 that of a cup of regular coffee.
So what is the story with Oxalic Acid found in cacao?
Although both cacao and chocolate are rich in calcium, they contain oxalic acid as one of their 300 plus compounds. Oxalic acid interferes with the body's absorption of calcium. Not only does oxalic acid prevent cacao products from being good sources of calcium but oxalic acid also interferes with calcium absorption. If you are consuming traditional chocolate with sugar then calcium loss is even greater as sugar excretes calcium reserves from our body even more so than oxalic acid.
Other foods that contain moderate amounts of oxalic acid are rhubarb stalks, star fruit, black pepper, parsley, poppy seed, amaranth, spinach, chard, beets, most nuts and beans.
Is Cacao the best antioxidant on the market?
That all depends on what kind of cacao, where it is grown and how it has been treated. If it is certified as Organic Raw Cacao then it is an excellent source of antioxidants and if it is not then you are consuming a whole lot of chemicals from irradiation and spraying of chemicals which are standard practice in growing cacao beans.
In the ORAC chart raw cocoa powder is at the top of the antioxidant list with almost four times the amount of antioxidants as Goji Berries.
The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to measure the effectiveness of antioxidants to absorb free radicals that cause cell and tissue damage. The higher the ORAC score, the higher the level of antioxidants present in the food.
Even though cacao is much higher in antioxidants than goji berries, it does not mean that it is better. Why? Because consuming 100 grams of goji berries is quite beneficial whereas consuming 100 grams of raw cacao is too much in one day in one go, and the benefits would turn into side-effects. Cacao is simply very powerful on your central nervous system and with this much cacao, the content of oxalic acid would interfere with calcium retention. Yet, consuming 40 grams of raw cacao at the most or a 50 gram organic, dark, sugar-free chocolate is beneficial and quite enjoyable.
ORAC scores for the Top 10 Antioxidants Foods (per 100 grams)
1. Raw cocoa powder 95,500
2. Raw cacao nibs 62,100
3. Roasted cocoa powder 26,000
4. Organic Goji Berries 25,300
5. Acai Berries 18,500
6. Dark Chocolate 13,120
7. Milk Chocolate 6,740
8. Prunes 5,770
9. Raisins 2,830
10. Blueberries 2,400
Source: US department of Agriculture/Journal of American Chemical Society
Finally, choosing raw organic cacao powder and having approximately 40 grams at most, equivalent to 4–6 heaped teaspoons, throughout the day is ok. Replacing your morning coffee with a raw cacao drink would be a much healthier alternative as it is loaded with antioxidants and bliss chemicals. An ideal and healthy way of having hot cacao is with some organic coconut milk and stevia with some cinnamon added on top, a recipe for a "pick me up and feel good" without the hype and jitters.
Please bear in mind that having too much cacao in one go can overstimulate your central nervous system, as well as your heart and your brain. This can cause you to feel quite hyper and then drowsy at some point after. That is the side-effects of having too much. Be aware that cacao nibs are quite potent and having 4-5 is probably enough, having a handful is overdoing it.
If you love chocolate as most of us do, pick a dark organic variety with no added sugar. Raw cacao might just perk up your mornings and elevate your moods in times when you want to stay productive.

Lead Contamination in Cocoa and Cocoa Products: Isotopic Evidence of Global Contamination (
Cousens, Gabriel, M.D. with Mark Mayell. Depression-Free for Life. New York: Harper Collins, 2001.
Jensen, Dr. Bernard. Dr. Jensen's Guide To Body Chemistry & Nutrition. Los Angeles, CA: Keats Publishing, 2000.
Holt RR, Lazarus SA, Sullards MC, et al. Procyanidin Dimer B2 [epicatechin-(4beta-8)-epicatechin] In Human Plasma After The Consumption of Flavanol-Rich Cocoa. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002; 76:1106-1110.
Richelle, M, Tavazzi I, Offord E, "Comparison of the Antioxidant Activity of Commonly Consumed Polyphenolic Beverages (Coffee, Cocoa, Tea) Prepared Per Cup Serving," J Agric Food Chem. 2001;49:3438-3442.
Rios LY, Bennett RN, Lazarus SA, et al. "Cocoa Procyanidins Are Stable During Gastric Transit In Humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002; 76:1106-1110.
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Raw Cacao and The Cacao Health Benefits
Allergies Can Begin In The Colon
Close to half of the world's population suffers from some type of allergies. You can be allergic to anything from the medications you take, food, insects, molds, pollens and pets. But, no matter what the cause, allergies have become a major medical problem.
The immune system is the body's army; it works to fight off infections, viruses, bacteria and other potential problems. When an allergen enters the body, the immune system sees it as a danger and attacks with antibodies. These antibodies result in sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion and other symptoms.
There are numerous types of medications to treat allergies, most of which are just quick fixes and do nothing to correct the cause. Modern medicine may help relieve the symptoms, but they generally only suppress the immune system so that the it can’t protect the body. The body is literally left defenseless against the allergens and toxins build up in the body.
The overload of toxins ends up in the colon. The colon is the bodies' waste eliminator; it cleanses the body of toxic chemicals and waste products to keep it healthy. However, since constipation is often a symptom of allergies, the toxic waste just sits in the colon stagnating.
The high accumulation of waste ferments and decays and much of it hardens and becomes permanently trapped. Toxins from the rotting matter are then absorbed back into the bloodstream and carried back to healthy cells, tissues and organs. This in turn aggravates the allergy symptoms even more and eventually causes serious damage to the entire body.
Recent scientific research has determined that over 50% of the bodies' immune system is located in the colon. Many of the serious and sometimes fatal health problems such as heart disease, liver and kidney disease often originate from an unhealthy colon!
Keeping your colon healthy is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain good health. When the colon is healthy it can easily eliminate the poisonous toxins that we come in contact with on a daily basis. But, when the colon becomes lined with toxic waste it’s no longer able to eliminate waste properly.
Most allergic reactions are triggered when the immune system has a weakness. It mistakenly sees any foreign object entering the body as harmful and retaliates. A healthy colon helps keep the immune system working correctly and can vanish or at the very least lessen allergic reactions.
Allergies can often just suddenly develop, you may suffer allergic reactions to something you've eaten or been in contact with all of your life. This sudden response from your immune system could be an indicator of its distressed state.
More and more research is being done that links colon health to over all body health. Colon cleansing is becoming a more popular way to not only get the body working properly again, but to lessen and even reduce some medical problems such as allergies.
While medication can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies, a healthy colon is the only way to attack the problem at its source. Although all allergies don't originate from the colon, a big majority of them do. For many, colon cleansing is the only way to achieve relief from allergies.
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Healthy Colon Diet: Foods That Keep Your Colon Clean
Following a healthy colon diet is one of the most important steps you can take in maintaining a clean, healthy colon - one free of harmful toxins and fecal waste materials.
In addition, a clean colon diet will provide you with some amazing and powerful benefits for all the systems of your body.
By following the nutritional guidelines below, you will not only help your colon function more effectively, but you will also improve your overall level of health and well-being.
Healthy Colon Diet Tips
A healthy colon diet should follow these guidelines...
1. Follow a High Fiber Diet
High fiber food has a clear impact on colon health. The right high fiber dietary supplement will improve every aspect of colon health and can be used during a cleanse.
- Fiber is found in plant foods, and is needed for healthy digestive functions.
- Eat whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta and rice.
- Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, peas and lentils.
- Increase your water intake when increasing fiber in your diet.
2. Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
- Fruits and vegetable are loaded with anti-cancer, immune-system-strengthening properties.
3. Consume Plenty of Pure Drinking Water
- Most people need at least 6 to 10 glasses of water per day - more if you exercise.
- If you have kidney disease or congestive heart failure, check with your doctor for the proper intake of fluids.
4. Calcium
- Calcium is proven to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.
- Calcium can be found in a wide variety of foods including dark green vegetables, low-fat dairy products, canned salmon and sardines, soy and tofu products, and fortified products such as orange juice.
- Almonds, cottage cheese, and yogurt make healthy high calcium snacks.
- Calcium supplements may also be needed to reach your daily intake level.
5. Vitamin D
- Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.
- It also plays a role in preventing colorectal cancer.
- Vitamin D is derived mainly from sunlight, but can also be found in cooked salmon, mackerel, sardines, fortified milk, and eggs.
- Taking vitamin D3 supplements is also an effective way of getting your daily intake - many calcium supplements also contain Vitamin D3.
6. Eat Non-Red, Non-Processed Lean Sources of Meat
- Poultry, fish, eggs, soy products, beans, and whole grains are your healthiest choices for protein.
- Limit your red meat intake.
7. Folic Acid
- Folic acid, or folate, is an essential B vitamin.
- It may reduce your risk of colorectal cancer.
- Folic acid is found in foods such as asparagus, broccoli, peas, collard greens, lentils, chickpeas, strawberries, oranges, and papaya.
Healthy Colon Diet and Colon Cleansing
By implementing the dietary suggestions listed above, you will be taking steps to help cleanse your colon and allow it to function more efficiently. This will have a tremendous impact on your digestive system, as well as the other systems of your body.
In essence, you will be utilizing a simple and effective colon cleanse diet. Following a healthy diet is one of the most important steps you can take to help maintain a clean colon - one free of harmful toxins and fecal waste materials.
These dietary suggestions are not drastic by any means. Rather, they are simple and effective changes you can make to your current nutritional habits that will have an enormous impact on your colon and overall health.
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Embarrassing Illnesses - Healthy Colon
Vegetable Gardening in a Small Space
You don't need a farm to grow fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. You don't really even need a garden. Plant breeders know that after taste, home gardeners want a high yield in a small space. So they've been developing more varieties that can grow in a small foot print or even live in containers all year long.
The Small Vegetable Plot
Vegetable gardening used to be the poor relation of home gardens. Perennial borders reigned, mixed borders were most gardeners reality and vegetable gardens were hidden in the back yard, usually the domain of the man of the house. Vegetable gardens were about producing and a man could still be a man and garden with vegetables.
Now that vegetables have taken a more prominent place on the table, they are gaining more respect in the gardening world. And with the increased interest from home gardeners, there has been a surge in the development of new varieties: colorful novelty vegetables, heirlooms, ethnic varieties and compact growers.
You don't need a large area to have a vegetable garden. You do need good soil, plenty of sunshine, a water source and probably a fence. If you think the deer love your Hostas, the entire woodland community is going to enjoy your vegetable garden. If you plant it, they will come.
Siting Considerations
Sun: Vegetables need a good 6 or more hours of sun each day. Without sun, the fruits will not ripen and the plants will be stressed. There are a few crops that can survive in light shade, lettuce and other greens, broccoli and cole crops, but if you can't provide sun, you might want to reconsider having a vegetable garden.
Water: Vegetables also require regular watering. Without regular water, vegetables will not fill out and some, like tomatoes, will crack open if suddenly plumped up with water after struggling without for awhile.
You can't always rely on rain. If you have the means, a drip irrigation system is a definite plus for a vegetable garden. The new component systems are really quite easy to install and cost a lot less than most people think. And you'll save money on water, because it goes directly to the plant's roots. Less is lost to evaporation.
If you don't want to opt for drip irrigation, try and site your vegetable garden near a water spigot. You'll be more likely to water if you don't have to drag the hose out.
Soil: The final consideration is essential. Vegetables need a soil rich in organic matter. Soil is important to the growth of all plants, but more so with vegetables, because even taste is affected by the quality of the soil. That's part of why wine from the same grape variety can vary from region to region and why some areas grow hotter peppers than others.
If you can provide these three basics: sun, water and great soil, you can vegetable garden.
How Much Space Does it Take
Granted, a small space vegetable garden may not be enough for subsistence farming, but it will be enough to grow great tasting tomatoes, some beautiful heirloom eggplants or an endless supply of cutting greens. If you have limited space, consider what vegetables you can purchase fresh in your area already and what vegetables you truly love and/or miss.
Compact Varieties: If you must have a beefsteak tomato or a row of sweet corn, the variety in your small space vegetable garden will be limited. But you can choose varieties that are bred to grow in small spaces. Anything with the words patio, pixie, tiny, baby or dwarf in their name is a good bet. Just because a plant is bred to be small doesn’t mean the fruits will be small or the yield will be less.
Most seeds and seedlings will tell you the mature size of the plants you are selecting. Knowing that, you can space things out and see how much you can fit into your space. More likely however, you will do what most gardeners do and squeeze in as many seedlings as you can fit into your garden and deal with the crowding later. That’s one way to get a large yield from a small space.
If you are truly short of space, interplant your vegetables with your flowers. There's no rule that says you can't mix the two. It can be a bit harder to harvest, but many vegetables are quite ornamental in their own right.
Growing Up: If you do opt for a variety of vegetables in your garden, I would recommend the compact varieties and also vining crops that can be trained up on supports. Pole beans take up less space than bush beans. Vining cucumbers and squash, as aggressive as they can be, actually take up less area than their bush cousins.
Companion Planting: Companion planting is often touted for the benefit of cutting down on pest infestations. It also serves well to conserve space. Shade tolerant plants will benefit from being planted next to taller crops. Basil likes a respite from hot sun and does well next to tomatoes. Lettuce will keep producing all summer if shaded by almost any taller plant. Early harvested crops, like spinach, radishes and peas, can be planted with slower growing crops like broccoli or peppers, which will take over once the spring crops are gone. Companion planting is an art and it can be one of the more fun challenges of gardening. Why limit it to the vegetable garden. Mix your vegetables and flowers.
Succession Planting: Succession planting is a great technique for any vegetable garden large or small. But it is all the more valuable when space is limited. Succession planting means reseeding quick growing crops every 2-3 weeks during the growing season. It is especially popular with crops like beans, zucchini and lettuce, that tend to exhaust themselves producing. By successively planting, you will have just enough produce for your family’s appetite, but you’ll have it all summer.
Crop Rotation: Rotating crops to different areas of the garden each year is an excellent way to cut down on diseases and insect pests that over winter in the soil. This really isn’t possible in small vegetable gardens. You’ll just have to be vigilant about not letting problems get out of hand. If a large scale problem should occur, such as squash beetles or septoria wilt on tomatoes, seriously consider not growing the crop for a year. It will be a sacrifice, but one year without is better than several years of a disappointing crop.
Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Containers
Virtually any fruit, vegetable or herb can be grown in a container, if the container is large enough. As with ornamental container gardening, this is a great way to control the soil, sun and growing conditions of your edible plants. It is also a great way to squeeze edible gardening into the smallest plots, even the patio garden.
Windowsill Gardens
Growing edibles indoors on a windowsill is an easy, low space option for plants that are frequently harvested, like herbs and lettuce. This idea isn't just for gardeners with limited space. Any gardener can extend their growing season by potting up some herbs for indoor growing.
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Watch Video:
Final Fall Planting on my Fire Escape Garden

No Yard? Here's How You Can Still Make and Use Compost
By Colleen Vanderlinden
Reducing food waste is simple for those of us with a yard - just toss any fruit and veggie scraps out on the compost pile, and repeat until, soon, there is enough rich, crumbly compost to toss onto our garden beds.
But what if you're an apartment dweller, with no yard, no balcony, no outdoor space to speak of to call your own?
Composting is still a great option for you apartment-dwellers out there. It will take a bit of creativity, but it's entirely possible that you can reduce your total food waste to nearly zero, depending on how many of these options you're willing to use and the size of your household.
Small Space Composting Option 1: Worm Bin
People are sometimes hesitant to get into vermicomposting because they worry about either A) the worms escaping and slithering all over their kitchen floor, or B) odors. Neither one are all that common, actually, and are unlikely to happen if you spend some time maintaining your worm bin. Worms will only try to escape if they're starving, too dry, drowning, or (rarely) if something nearby (such as a refrigerator or dishwasher) causes frequent vibrations, which can irritate them. If you keep them fed, and moist, you're unlikely to have any problems.
And worm bins don't have to be great big boxy affairs, either. You can vermicompost, right under your kitchen sink, in a five gallon bucket from the home center. Make sure you get one with a lid, and follow these tips for making a bucket worm bin.
Wondering what to add to your worm bin? Just about any non-meat, non-dairy, not-greasy food you have on hand. Fruit and vegetable peels, leftover cooked veggies, rice, or plain pasta, coffee grounds, tea bags - all of it can go into your worm bin. While there are some foods worms aren't fond of, in general, they're not too picky.
You can order worms online. How many you'll need depends on how much food waste you have. One pound of worms can handle 1/2 pound of food scraps per day.
Small Space Composting Option 2: Bokashi
There are many items you really shouldn't put in a worm bin: meat, dairy, cooked foods with sauces and dressings - but you can use Bokashi to compost these items. Bokashi is a popular composting method in Asia, and is seeing more popularity now in the U.S. and Canada. It is, essentially, a fermentation method. You add your food to a bucket (which fits perfectly under a sink or in a corner) cover it with Bokashi bran (a mix of grains and microbes that will cause the fermentation process) and repeat. Once your bucket is full, you set it aside for a few weeks, upon which it is fully fermented and no longer harbors any harmful pathogens. If you have a yard, you can simply add the fermented bucket contents to a compost pile, or bury it right in the garden. If you don't have a yard, see option 3, below.
Small Space Composting Option 3: Bokashi Plus a Worm Bin
If you're doing all of your composting indoors, there's good news: red wigglers (and other worms, but red wigglers are the most common vermicomposting worm) LOVE the fermented contents of Bokashi buckets. Once your Bokashi bucket is done sitting and fermenting, give your worms a bit of the mixture every day, and they will break it down in no time.
Using Finished Vermicompost
OK, so you've done all of this indoor vermicomposting, and now, you have rich, dark vermicompost and vermicastings. What do you do with it?
- Add a bit to the surface of your houseplants' potting soil. It is a very safe, natural fertilizer.
- Add vermicastings to potting soil or seed starting mixes.
- Add them to your community garden plot, if you have one.
- Donate them to a community garden, school garden, or garden club.
- Do some guerilla soil improvement -- add your vermicompost to public plantings to help them grow stronger.
- Offer them up on Craigslist. Chances are good that you won't have them for long.
- Sell them. Lots of people sell vermicompost on sites like eBay and Etsy.
If you're determined to reduce the amount of waste you produce, and turn food waste into something really useful, these ideas are definitely worth considering. Happy composting!
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Windows Placement and Sizing
This fact sheet contains information and recommendations on the sizing and placement of
windows to maximise winter sun penetration, while minimising excessive summer heat gain and winter heat loss.
Benefits of good window design
Windows are a vital part of any home — they allow
natural light into the home providing views and
fresh air. Well-planned and protected windows
improve comfort year-round and reduce the need
for heating in winter and cooling in summer.
Window size, orientation, glazing treatment,
shading and internal coverings can have a
significant impact on energy efficiency and
comfort. Designing south windows for maximum
solar access can reduce winter heating bills by up
to 25%. External shading can block up to 80% of
summer heat gain through windows. Internal
window coverings and double glazing can reduce
winter heat losses by around 40%.
Window design and shading principles
The three main principles of energy smart window
design are listed below.
1. Maximise winter heat gain by orientating
windows to the south and sizing windows to suit
the amount of thermal mass in the dwelling.
2. Minimise winter heat loss through appropriate
window sizing, together with double glazing
and/or close-fitting internal coverings such as
drapes with pelmets.
3. Minimise summer heat gain by protecting
windows with external shading devices, and
through appropriate sizing and positioning of
The same principles apply to other types of
glazing, such as glass doors, roof windows and
skylights. Wherever the term 'window' is used in
this fact sheet, it encompasses all forms of glazing.
Heat flow through glass
The main heat gain through windows is due to
solar radiation. Windows receive this as both
diffuse radiation reflected from the sky and ground,
and direct radiation when the sun shines on the window. On average, between 30–40% of total
radiation to south windows is diffuse, depending on
weather conditions.
A greenhouse effect occurs when radiation from
the sun enters the home through the glass. As this
term is now commonly used to refer to the global
warming caused by the increase of certain gases
in the atmosphere, the term 'glasshouse effect' will
be used here to avoid confusion.
Figure 5.1 shows how the glasshouse effect
occurs. Radiation from the sun (shortwave
radiation) passes through glass to the interior
virtually unimpeded. This radiant heat is absorbed
by furniture and building elements, which then heat
up and re-radiate heat to the room air. This reradiated
heat (longwave radiation) does not pass
through glass as readily, resulting in convective heat build-up within the room.
Figure 5.1: The glasshouse effect |
The glasshouse effect can be used to advantage in
winter to keep a home warm. In summer, however,
it should be avoided by shading glass from the
direct rays of the sun.
Heat also passes through glass by conduction,
caused by heat flowing through glass from areas of
higher to lower air temperatures. A bare window
with a sheet of three-millimetre glass can gain (or
lose) up to ten times more heat than through an
insulated wall of the same size. On a winter night,
large amounts of heat can be lost through
unprotected glazing in a home. Glass is therefore
the potential weak link in building design.
The amount of heat transmitted through the glass
depends on a number of factors including window
orientation, size, amount of external shading, and
glass treatments such as tinting or reflective films.
Net heat gains depend on the balance between the
amount of direct and diffuse radiation received and
the amount of heat lost. It is vital to have a net heat
gain through windows in winter, and a net heat
loss in summer.
Window orientation
The amount of radiation received by a window
varies according to orientation and time of year.
During summer, all windows receive net heat
gains, but especially those facing east and west.
Most unshaded windows receive substantial heat gains.
In winter, the situation is different. Only windows
facing south, south-west and south-east have a net
heat gain over winter, with heat gains outweighing
heat losses. Although east and
west windows receive substantial solar radiation in the morning and afternoon, respectively, the
overall heat losses outweigh the gains over a 24-
hour period. Windows orientated to the north also
have net heat loss.
South-facing windows receive winter sun,
allowing light and warmth into the home. They can be easily shaded in summer to help keep the home
cool. If south-facing windows are too large, they will
suffer excessive heat loss in winter and heat gain
in summer. The optimum size of south-facing
windows will depend on solar access and the
building materials used.
East and west-facing windows receive little
winter, autumn and spring sunlight, but excessive
summer sunlight. They should therefore be kept
small, especially those facing west, and be
well shaded.
North-facing windows receive no direct sunlight
in winter and only receive early morning and late
afternoon sunlight in summer. They should be kept
small, however, with cooling breezes in summer
usually coming from the north, they are useful for
Optimum window size
The most appropriate size of windows for energy
smart design depends on building orientation and
the amount of thermal mass in the internal building
materials. The total glass area is best kept between
20–25% of the total floor area for brick veneer
houses and 22–30% for double-brick houses.
Three factors to consider in sizing windows are
listed below.
1. Window area must be kept within
acceptable limits.
2. Balancing different orientations of north,
south, east and west glass should be used.
3. Glass in individual rooms should be
correctly sized.
In addition, Victorian building regulations require
a minimum glass area of 10% of the room's floor
area for each habitable room.
The FirstRate House Energy Rating can be used
to assess the effect of variations to glass areas,
window orientations, shading, internal coverings or
double glazing on energy efficiency.
Thermal mass can be used to moderate temperature and balance
the area of glass.
Total window area
Table 5.1 gives recommended total window areas
expressed as a percentage of total floor area.
Larger areas of glass are better suited to homes
with higher levels of thermal mass and larger
south-facing windows.
Timber Floor |
- |
- |
Brick veneer and weatherboard walls |
20.0 |
22.5 |
Brick cavity walls |
22.5 |
27.5 |
Concrete slab floor |
- |
- |
Brick veneer and weatherboard walls |
22.5 |
25.0 |
Brick cavity walls |
25.0 |
30.0 |
Table 5.1: Maximum total glass area as percentage of total
floor area
Balancing different orientations
It is recommended that the majority of glass be
orientated towards the south. This provides
maximum winter benefits, and can be easily
shaded in summer. Smaller amounts should
face east and north, with even smaller amounts
facing west.
Between 30° east of true south and 20° west of true south.
Ideal sizes of south-facing windows depend on
solar access and the building materials used.
Additional thermal mass such as internal brick
walls can improve energy efficiency and allow the
use of more south-facing glass.
If solar access is good and the floors are
concrete slab:
- the area of south-facing windows should be
large: between 10–15% of the home's total floor
area; and
- the area of south-facing windows in individual
rooms can be up to 25% of the room's floor area.
If solar access is good and the floors are timber:
- the area of south-facing windows should be large:
around 10% of the home's total floor area; and
- the area of north-facing windows in individual
rooms can be up to 20% of the room's floor area.
If solar access is poor:
- the area of south-facing windows should be kept
reasonably small: less than 8% of the home's
total floor area; and
- keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 15% of the room's floor area.
Between 40° east of north and 40° west of north.
- Keep north-facing windows reasonably small:
total window area should be less than 5% of the
home's total floor area.
- Keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 15% of the roo's floor area.
- Place north-facing rooms and windows so that
cooling summer breezes can pass through the
rooms easily.
Between 30° east of true south and 40° east of
- Keep east-facing windows reasonably small:
total window area should be less than 5% of the
home's total floor area.
- Keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 15% of the room's floor area.
- Shade east-facing windows in summer.
Between 20° west of true south and 40° west of
- Keep west-facing windows small: total window
area should be less than 3% of the home's total
floor area.
- Keep the window area in individual rooms less
than 10% of the room’s floor area.
- Shade west-facing windows in summer.
Roof windows and skylights should:
- be kept as small as possible;
- be avoided in living and bedroom areas;
- provide summer shading and protection from
winter heat loss; and
- be doubled-glazed or have a ceiling
diffuser fitted.
The maximum window sizes apply to rooms that
have windows facing only one direction. If rooms
with east or west windows have windows facing
other directions as well, maximum sizes should be
adjusted as follows:
- reduce east glass by 1% for every 1.5% of
south window area and 2.8% of north window
area; and
- reduce west glass by 1% for every 2% of south
window area and 3.5% of north window area.
Sites with poor solar access
Innovative design can overcome problems of poor
solar access and overshadowing. This is often a
problem for renovations, infill development, higher
density and small lot developments. In situations
with little or no direct solar access (e.g. homes with
mainly north-facing windows or heavily shaded
sites), appropriate levels of insulation, window
protection and draught proofing are vital.
Conversely, thermal mass is of less importance.
To compensate for poor solar access, the total
window area of the home should be kept below
20% of the total floor area. Also, the following
window design strategies should be considered.
Raising sill heights can avoid 'wasted' areas of
glass which are permanently in shadow (see figure
5.2). They allow high solar gains to be achieved for
south windows with as little as four metres
separation between single-storey buildings.
Figure 5.2: Raise sill height to maximise winter heat gain |
Table 5.2 shows the recommended sill heights and
distance required from a southern obstruction to
maintain 90% of winter solar access.
Table 5.2: Distance between buildings needed to maintain 90% solar access |
South-facing clerestory windows should be
considered as they can be particularly useful
where there is a building obstructing solar access
to the south. A simple eave
overhang for a southern orientation can shade
clerestory windows. For east and west-facing
clerestory windows, internally-operated adjustable
louvres or blinds installed internally or externally,
or sandwiched between two panes of glazing, can
be used. Tinted glass could also be considered,
although this will reduce winter light and affect
heat gain.
A south-facing courtyard can be created with an
L-shaped or U-shaped house plan. Courtyard
windows need to be small in size, as
overshadowing by the side walls of the building
itself and adjacent structures will occur, reducing
solar access.
More overshadowing will occur on the lower part of
the wall than the upper, so minimise the use of fullheight
windows adjacent to side walls. Table 5.3
sets out a formula for identifying the preferred
glazing zone. This table allows the optimum area
of glazing both above and below 1200 mm in
height to be gauged.
Table 5.3: Preferred glazing zone for recessed northern walls |
Depending on the dimensions of the courtyard
and the height of adjacent obstructions, courtyard
windows may need summer shading (see table 5.3).
In the absence of southern solar access, windows
to the east and west can provide some winter heat
gains. As winter heat losses and summer heat
gains are greater for east and west windows than
for south windows, appropriate shading and
protection from heat loss is essential. Keep
window areas within the limits suggested.
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Watch Video:
Passive solar glass home: watching the sun move

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