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   This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains. 1. Children's Upbringing and Education: 2. Meaning of Food in Our Lives 3. Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement
4. Ecological Farming, Permaculture 5. Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies |  |  | Incredible discounts on Siberian Cedar Nut Oil!  
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Kin's Settlement "Chistoe Nebo"
Chistoe Nebo [Clear sky] is located in Sebezh District in the south of Pskov Oblast. It is 30 km to the nearest city, Sebezh, 500 km to St. Petersburg, and 600 km to Moscow.
The history of Chistoe Nebo began in the fall of 2002, when Svetlana Aleksandrovna and her son Misha settled in a hamlet on the banks of the Osyno River. Since 2009, the number of residents of Chistoe Nebo has been growing, while not quickly, but steadily.
A place for our future neighbours
If one tries to describe the spirit of our settlement, the first word that comes to mind is free. Without freedom, how can you love, how can you be friends, how can you know yourself or become better? Even nature itself is encouraging, offering to each person his or her own space; simply glance at a map and you will understand everything. The organization of the settlement is built on natural human relations, this permits us to be ourselves, develops each of us intensively, and, the main thing, creates a warm atmosphere of openness and trust. The settlement is located far from large cities, for that reason the people who decide to settle in Chistoe Nebo have a clear understanding of their goals in life and a manifest intention to bring them to life. In our group of strong spirited people, special value is assigned to the ability to understand another, to accept, and sometimes, to forgive. As well as a sense of humour, of course.
In Chistoe Nebo, everything is done in accordance with the wishes and initiative of concrete people. The common cause is when one person has proposed and initiated, and involved persons have supported him, and the more persons who are involved, the more common becomes the cause. Meetings are held informally around a campfire or over tea, whoever wants can come, and this appeals to us very much.
We are so varied that sometimes you ask yourself, "Just what brings us together?" Perhaps, common aspirations and values:
- We came to live on the land with an understanding of its significance. We came to stay, we shall pass it on to our children, and on this basis we appreciate the reasonableness of our actions.
- The greatest value is the family. We shall raise happy and capable children, and are prepared to take responsibility for their upbringing and education.
- We are interested in self-knowledge and knowing the world. Each person has his or her own path and has something to share.
- We attempt natural farming and ecological construction in practice.
- We are mastering various creative occupations and trades.
Sebezh District is a land of lakes and forests. The settlement is growing on low hilly clearings on the bank of the Bolshoe Olbito River. Each clearing is surrounded by a hedge of small birch trees, aspens, alder trees, willows, and rowan trees. In places you come across abandoned orchards, small islands of pines, spruce, and juniper.
There is an abundance of water in our area. Large lakes, a multitude of subterranean streams and even rivers, in some places ponds have been dug out, you come across marshes. The settlement is located on a hilly bank, so the land is dry, there is standing water in the spring and part of the summer in the ravines.
The road from the highway to the settlement is gravel, it is repaired and cleaned by the district authorities and by the efforts of the Sebezh college. Any road to the parcels of land must be laid independently.
Electricity has been brought in, the village transformer is rated for 25 kW, which, of course, is not very much, but for the time being it is enough. Connection to the network costs 10 thousand rubles when the cable is installed independently. Gas may be purchased in tanks, filling a 50-litre tank costs 400 rubles, this last for three months.
Not far away is a quarry with sand and crushed stone, sawmills, and Sebezh has several building supply stores. The majority of necessities can be obtained in the area, and what cannot be obtained, you can find in Velikie Luki, Pskov, or Polotska.
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Vedruss Wedding Ceremony!
The wedding ceremony was planned by the book, word for word! On the parcel for the future domain, a small cabin had already been erected, and the young couple were waiting for us in it by 10 o'clock in the morning.
It took a long time for us to gather, and we tried to rehearse the songs. Everyone brought seedlings! Not just one seedling each, but several! Some even brought pots with flowers—ready-made flowerbeds! There were about 60 people. The day was overcast, but warm for the end of September.
Standing at the future entrance to the domain, everyone together sang the song "We wish you happiness." To the accompaniment of this song, the young lovers came out to us from their cabin, aglow with joy and happiness!
Then Volodya, the groom, began to outline the plan for the domain. We were standing in one place, but a hectare is large, even the marker pegs in the far corner were not very visible because of the grass, and there were a lot of plans for planting - not everything was concretely understood. The "forest" parcel was not marked out with pegs, there were almost no pegs to indicate the place for the seedlings... In general, many times again and again, then even when planting, we repeatedly asked what should be planted where. Even in the book it was suggested to the people whose seedlings were not named to plant them in the hedge. But! Everything for the hedge had been thought out, and there was no place for the unnamed seedlings! One side was completely cherry trees. Along another, in a fixed order, alternated rowan-trees, bird cherries, and guelder rose, along the other sides were pines, spruce, and rowan-trees. So the "unnamed" seedlings all went into the forest!
Lyuba, the bride, had completely planned a part of the domain herself, and spoke about her plan after Volodya, in no less detail.
Towards the end of the outline of the plan, the young couple asked which of the unnamed were brought by the guests, and it was immediately determined where all of this was to be placed. It was probably necessary in general to leave some land where, in the future, it would be possible to finish the planting with something new and unknown now or as some unexpected gifts. Of the seedlings people brought, some were personally unfamiliar to me and, if I were planning a domain, I would deliberately not include these plants. But I looked at them - and liked them!
Then the wedding ceremony itself took place... Word for word according to the book.
Everyone was overwhelmed by strong feelings that couldn't be put into words! We could sense that something solemn and great was happening!
Lyuba's mother, reciting the words of the ceremony, burst into tears and unintentionally inserted into the phrase "you see the future of the land you have chosen" the words "we live in another reality!" And in so doing, in bewilderment, showed, as if enveloping with her arms, what could be considered to be the modern concept of a bare field. Many then said that, at this moment, in addition to the excitement, even tears came to their eyes and their bodies seem to tremble!
But Lyuba, as if not at all excited, answered confidently, "Yes, mom!"
And then we leisurely and joyfully planted the seedlings, pestering sometimes Lyuba, sometimes Volodya, "So where should this go?" Since we listened to the description of the domain while standing in one place, the problem then arose when we began to walk on the grass through the parcel, where, strictly speaking, does the forest area begin? Where are what trees?
It was better to ask the owners one more time.
And if we attempted to do the wedding ceremony exactly according to the book - for a person to stand with a seedling immediately on the indicated place during the process of outlining the plan, it would have happened that, by the end of the account, probably none of the listeners would have remained - we would all have been standing far away from each other on the parcel. And then the audibility would have been poor, and, in general, what would have happened to those who brought several seedlings? Apparently, the "according to the book" version is not suitable for our time. When about 500 people gather for a wedding. and each has a seedling.
Animals were not given as gifts on this wedding ceremony - for now the young couple will not be living on the domain permanently. Toward the end of the planting, a light, warm shower began to fall - as if the sky was shedding tears of tender emotion at the sight of all that had been done.
Then, no longer on the domain, but on the clearing belonging to the settlement, the table was set. The foods on this table were completely unlike anything served in restaurants or cafes at usual weddings, everything seemed simple, but it was delicious and filling. There were very delicious traditional ancient beverages - sbiten (a warm spicy honey drink), mead, and surya.
Alexandre Musin, Chelyabinsk Oblast
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

"Zaronovo" Kin's Settlement
This cozy little area for a Kin's Settlement is located in the Republic of Belarus, 27 km from Vitebsk, in the direction of Shumilino, on the shore of Lake Zaronovo.
The calm surface of the lake stretches for 7.5 km. The lake provides the pure waters of a small, picturesque river. A pine forest stretches from where the river flows from the lake.
Our hamlet is hidden from prying eyes.
Only the chirping of birds disturbs the silence and peace: in the spring nightingales fill the air, storks announce their arrival with screeches, and swallows and swifts chirp overhead in good weather. Industrious beavers work hard in the small river: they all try to build a dam for themselves. In cold spells, hares and roe deer come "to visit."
Alongside, not far away, there is a large habitable village and operating state farm. The roads in the area are good, they are cleaned in the winter. There are connections with the city - a regular bus and personal vehicles. The village has telephone service and the possibility of a mobile connection.
The local residents are good-natured and friendly.
So, this is the wonderful little corner created by the loving hand of the Father Creator. Young families who have taken a liking to it are already laying the foundations for their Kin's Domains.
Come join us! We will be happy to have good neighbors!
Vasily: 518-32-25
Anastasia: 718-01-84
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!
Sixth Issue is out!
Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.
At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.
We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.
We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.
Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.
* * * * *
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.
Click here to go to our online store

Ringing Cedars Of Russia's New Facebook Community
Ringing Cedars of Russia has recently created Official Facebook community, which will allow Ringing Cedars' friends to share knowledge and ideas, instantly interact with other members, and receive occasional news and updates.
Please fill free to engage in social discussion or leave feedback on our "Wall". The "Wall" section will be periodically updated to include the latest news on variety of health related topics.
For those who have already joined, we appreciate your show of support and interest in our work. Help us spread the word and expand our community further; by recommending our Facebook page to your family and friends.
Warmest Holiday Wishes to all and We hope to see you joining us soon!
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Art by Maria Ignatieva

God's Fountain of Love
I came upon a fountain and I asked, "What is in these waters?"
"God's Love," came the reply "for all of His sons and daughters."
I was instructed to drink and as I did
Love poured throughout my body
and all was quenched with His Love.
I drank again and I cried
and as I tasted my salty tears
I tasted Love and knew that it was Good.
I motioned to others to come drink of this fountain and witness its miracle.
But to them it was just plain water.
"God, my Beloved," I asked "do you not have love for them? Surely this can't be so."
And He said, "Like you they have drank of My Love.
Their experience is different because unlike you they know not that I reside within them,
that they have been created in my image and likeness,
that we are One, and, therefore, they too are God.
They too are AllThatIs and AllThatWillEverBe.
When you rest your weary head on my bosom you will know it is just as your bosom.
When I say, "Drink from my fountain, the 'my' is you too for I do not end where you begin.
We have always been."
From ringingcedarsforum.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
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Forum Talk
Posted by 'keshav' in a topic 'The return to presiousness'. Join the discussion of this topic here:
In a world of so much degradation, abuse, pollution and garbage it is time to return to preciousness. Our earth is precious, our water and oceans are precious, our bodies are precious, and we are precious to each other for the diversity of experience and the inspiration we give each other directly or indirectly. Our children are precious, and our sexuality also is precious.
The books by Vladimir Megre, in diffusing the ideas of Anastasia, are a wonderful call to return to preciousness: through kin's domains, through a new approach to children's birthing and education, through a new perspective on human history etc. The creation of a Space of Love is the process of extending preciousness to our immediate environment, but it starts within ourselves...

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Natural Childbirth
by Maria Zadoroznyj
The term natural childbirth refers to a group of approaches to managing childbirth that share the common aim of facilitating childbirth without medical intervention. A variety of techniques may be used to achieve this aim. Although there have been, and there still are, wide variations in cultural practices surrounding childbirth, the dominant trend in Western industrialized societies has been to medicalize birth. This means that birth has become increasingly attended and managed by medical professionals in medical settings such as hospitals. Natural childbirth approaches stand in contrast to the medicalization of childbirth, and indeed developed in response to it. From early in the twentieth century there was concern amongst obstetricians that Western civilization had impeded women's ability to labor with the brevity and ease of their less "civilized" sisters. One response was to treat childbirth as a risky, pathological process requiring medical intervention and management: in particular, to anesthetize the birthing woman and to use episiotomy and operative delivery such as with forceps. Hence the popularity in the United States from 1914, when the New England Twilight Sleep Association was formed, into the 1940s of administering scopolamine and morphine to induce "twilight sleep," which meant that women were barely conscious through their deliveries, and had no memory of the event. Proponents of natural childbirth took the opposite view, arguing that obstetrics was becoming too mechanistic, indeed "veterinary," and that its orientation needed to broaden to include psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of childbirth as well as the biomechanical. One means of achieving this was to involve women in antenatal physiotherapy and exercises to prepare for childbirth. The most influential response, however, came from Dr. Grantly Dick-Read in his 1933 analysis of labor pain, Natural Childbirth. In it he argued that fear of childbirth in Western society had produced physiological responses in birthing women that prolong labor and make it more painful. He developed an approach to foster the active involvement and conscious cooperation of birthing women that empowers them and makes them less fearful of birthing. The potential advantages of minimizing medical intervention and maximizing women's control over their bodies in natural childbirth included shorter labor, less pain, a more satisfying birth experience, and a more alert (and hence healthier) baby because of lack of exposure to morphine and other drugs in utero. As a result of both mother and baby being conscious and alert at delivery, affective bonds between mother and child could also develop immediately and naturally from the moment of birth. Opponents of natural childbirth cite the risks associated with birthing, including maternal and neonatal mortality, as justification for using medical interventions preventatively or in immediate response to potential problems.
A number of different techniques for natural childbirth have evolved in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere. They are associated with practitioners such as Fernand Lamaze, Frederick Leboyer, Michel Odent, and Frances Vaughan, who stress different aspects of childbirth such as the setting (e.g., quiet, dark, water births) or positions that facilitate natural childbirth (e.g., squatting). In the United States, Robert A. Bradley developed Dick-Read's approach and expanded it from the 1960s to include fathers in the antenatal preparation and the coaching of their partners through childbirth (the "Bradley method"). In more recent years this has been further expanded to include other support persons for the birthing woman; these may include friends or family members, or a paid "doula." In most Western societies birth attendants must be licensed to practice and generally include only doctors and midwives. The practice of most midwifery, particularly for autonomous or independent midwives, is premised on the understanding of birth as a normal, holistic, physiological, emotional, and social process, and hence encourages natural childbirth approaches. Many women's and consumer groups are also supportive of natural childbirth approaches.

Dick-Read, Grantly. 1933. Natural Childbirth. London: William Heinemann.
Leavitt, Judith Walzer. 1986. Brought to Bed: Childbearing in America, 1850-1950. New York: Oxford University Press.
Moscucci, Ornella. 2003. Holistic Obstetrics: The Origins of "Natural Childbirth" in Britain. Postgraduate Medical Journal 79: 168-173.
Reiger, Kerreen. 2001. Our Bodies, Our Babies. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences | COPYRIGHT 2008 Thomson Gale.
Image Copyright: http://tipslife.ru/

Benefits of Growing Up in a Large Family
by Debby Mayne
Wealthier families tend to have smaller families, notes Rabbi Shmuley in an article on Oprah.com. He claims that in the U.S., some people place more value on money than children. Although most families grow one child at a time, reality TV and the news have brought some large families into the public eye.
Sense of Being Needed
Children of large families are needed at home. They have chores and other family responsibilities that help them develop a sense of worth and value. Large families generally rely on everyone pitching in, so when you grow up in a large family, you see how important every job can be for the well-being of the entire family unit. If someone doesn't fulfill her responsibility to the family, others will suffer.
Companionship and Social Skills
Companionship is one of the advantages of growing up in a large family. There is always someone else to play with, to argue with and to be there when needed. In a large family, you'll probably see quite a bit of playful interaction and constant conversation. According to the Lubbock-Avalanche Journal Online, children with more siblings have better social skills than those from smaller families because they are more experienced with interaction.
The more people a family has, the more creative many of the children have to be, since most families are on a limited budget. Toys must be shared, and some children may have to wear hand-me-downs. According to Debbie Hegeman on MegaFamilies.com, children in large families don't need as many toys to stay occupied because they have each other, which often leads to more creativity during play. When children have to wear clothes passed down from older siblings, they learn to accept them the way they are, or they can express creativity and personal taste by wearing them differently or accessorizing to make them their own.
In most large families, budgeting is essential. Being a member of a large family exposes children to the concept of living within a budget and the importance of planning ahead. Instead of having to spend money going out to expensive meals and movies, larger families are more likely to find opportunities that are free or inexpensive. They learn the differences between needs and wants. If the family budget doesn't provide for things they want, they either wait or find a way to earn it, teaching them to be self-reliant and industrious.
Large families provide a wider range of people to learn from than those with fewer children. Each child is different, so the children learn to accept differences and to work with a variety of temperaments and personalities. They are often challenged in a wide variety of stimulating conversation, and they learn to present their thoughts, debate and back up their opinions with facts when challenged.

Lubbock-Avalanche Journal Online: Growing Up in Large Family Has Advantages for Kids, Parents
Lots of Kids: Advantages of Having a Large Family
MegaFamilies.com: The Big Bad Budget
Oprah.com: Big Families
Image copyrights: http://novostimo.ru/

Watch Video:
5 Browns on Homeschooling
Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutrition
by Mayo Clinic staff
A well-planned vegetarian diet is a healthy way to meet your nutritional needs. Find out what you need to know about a plant-based diet.
You may follow a vegetarian diet for cultural, religious or ethical reasons. Or you may eat a vegetarian diet to stay healthy and prevent health problems, such as cardiovascular disease. Whatever your reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet, this guide will help you make smart choices to ensure that you meet your daily nutritional needs.
Indeed, a well-planned vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women. The key is to be aware of your nutritional needs so that you plan a diet that meets them. If you aren't sure how to create a vegetarian diet that's right for you, talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian.
Types of vegetarian diets
When people think about a vegetarian diet, they typically think about a diet that doesn't include meat, poultry or fish. But vegetarian diets can be further categorized into three types:
- VEGAN DIETS exclude meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products - and foods that contain these products.
- LACTO-VEGETARIAN diets exclude meat, fish, poultry and eggs, as well as foods that contain them. Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and butter, are allowed in a lacto-vegetarian diet.
- LACTO-OVO VEGETARIAN DIETS exclude meat, fish and poultry, but allow eggs and dairy products.
Some people follow a semivegetarian diet - also called a flexitarian diet - which is primarily a plant-based diet but includes meat, dairy, eggs, poultry and fish on occasion or in small quantities.
Vegetarian diet pyramid
A healthy diet takes planning, and a food pyramid can be a helpful tool. The vegetarian pyramid outlines food groups and food choices that, if eaten in the right quantities, form the foundation of a healthy vegetarian diet.
Getting adequate nutrition
The key to a healthy vegetarian diet - like any diet - is to enjoy a variety of foods. No single food can provide all the nutrients your body needs. The more restrictive a diet is, the more challenging it is to get all the nutrients you need. A vegan diet, for example, eliminates food sources of vitamin B-12, as well as milk products, which are good sources of calcium. Therefore, you may need to make an extra effort to ensure that your vegetarian diet includes sufficient quantities of the following nutrients:
- CALCIUM helps build and maintain strong teeth and bones. Milk and low-fat dairy foods are highest in calcium. Dark green vegetables, such as turnip and collard greens, kale and broccoli, are good plant sources when eaten in sufficient quantities. Calcium-enriched and fortified products, including juices, cereals, soy milk, soy yogurt and tofu, are other options.
- IODINE is a component in thyroid hormones, which help regulate metabolism, growth and function of many key organs, such as the brain, heart, kidney and thyroid. Vegans may not consume enough iodine and be at risk of iodine deficiency and possibly goiter. In addition, foods such as soybeans, cruciferous vegetables and sweet potatoes may promote goiter. Because food manufacturers may not use iodized salt in processed foods, vegans may want to ensure that they use salt with iodine at the table or in cooking. Just 1/4 teaspoon provides a significant amount of iodine.
- IRON is a crucial component of red blood cells. Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables and dried fruit are good sources of iron. Because iron isn't as easily absorbed from plant sources, the recommended intake of iron for vegetarians is almost double that recommended for nonvegetarians. To help your body absorb iron, eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli, at the same time as you're eating iron-containing foods.
- OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS are important for cardiovascular health as well as eye and brain development. Vegetarian diets that do not include fish and eggs are generally low in active forms of omega-3 fats. Because conversion of the plant-based omega-3 to the types used by humans is inefficient, you may want to consider fortified products or supplements or both.
- PROTEIN helps maintain healthy skin, bones, muscles and organs. Eggs and dairy products are good sources, and you don't need to eat large amounts to meet your protein needs. You can also get sufficient protein from plant-based foods if you eat a variety of them throughout the day. Plant sources include soy products and meat substitutes, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
- VITAMIN B-12 is necessary to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. This vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products, so it can be difficult to get enough B-12 on a vegan diet. Vitamin B-12 deficiency may go undetected in people who eat a vegan diet. This is because the vegan diet is rich in a vitamin called folate, which may mask deficiency in vitamin B-12 until severe problems occur. For this reason, it's important for vegans to consider vitamin supplements, vitamin-enriched cereals and fortified soy products.
- VITAMIN D plays an important role in bone health. Vitamin D is added to cow's milk, some brands of soy and rice milk (be sure to check the label), and some cereals and margarines. However, if you don't eat enough fortified foods and have limited sun exposure, you may need supplementation with vitamin D-2 (derived from plants).
- ZINC is an essential component of many enzymes and plays a role in cell division and in formation of proteins. Like iron, zinc is not as easily absorbed from plant sources as it is from animal products. Cheese is a good option if you eat dairy products. Plant sources of zinc include whole grains, soy products, legumes, nuts and wheat germ.
Getting started
If you're not following a vegetarian diet but you're thinking of trying it, here are some ideas to help you get started:
- RAMP UP. Each week increase the number of meatless meals you already enjoy, such as spaghetti with tomato sauce or vegetable stir-fry.
- LEARN TO SUBSTITUTE. Take favorite recipes and try them without meat. For example, make vegetarian chili by leaving out the ground beef and adding an extra can of black beans. Or make fajitas using extra-firm tofu rather than chicken. You may be surprised to find that many dishes require only simple substitutions.
- BRANCH OUT. Scan the Internet for vegetarian menus. Buy or borrow vegetarian cookbooks. Check out ethnic restaurants to sample new vegetarian cuisines. The more variety you bring to your vegetarian diet, the more likely you'll be to meet all your nutritional needs.
Image Copyrights: http://imageholder.ru/

Watch Video:
Nutrition : How to Be a Vegetarian

Barley - Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
Botanical Name: Hordeum vulgars
Indian Name: Jau
Barley is the fourth important cereal crop in the world and sixth in India. It is very nutritious and an excellent body builder. Barley resembles wheat in composition although it is less palatable. The Barely grain, also called pearl barley, is prepared by removal of the outer husk.
Origin and Distribution of Barley
Barely was the first cereal to be domesticated in the Middle. East at least 9,000 years and was probably the most important of the early cereals. Hulled Barley was grown by the ancient Egyptians. It is now widely grown in Europe, arid regions near the Sahara and the high plateau of Tibet. The world's largest producers are the Soviet Union, Germany, China and the United States.
Food Value of Barley
Barley is very nutritious and a rich source of protein and B complex vitamins. Its protein quality is superior to the protein of corn and beans.
Most of the world's barley crop is converted into malt. It is most important grain used in the brewing of beer. Barley cannot be used for leavened bread because of low gluten content. It is much used in soups. Barley is also widely used as feed for live stock.
Food Value |
Minerals and Vitamins |
Moisture - 12.5% |
Calcium - 26 mg |
Protein - 11.5% |
Phosphorus - 215 mg |
Fat - 1.3% |
Iron - 3 mg |
Fibre - 1.2% |
Vitamin C - 5 mg |
Minerals - 3.9% |
Small amount of Vitamin B Complex |
Carbohydrates - 69.6% |
Calorific Value - 336 |
* Values per 100 gm's edible portion |
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties of Barley
Barley has many medicinal virtues. Pearled barley, which is the form the grain is largely eaten and consumed as a food by invalids. The malt prepared from barley is used in the preparation of malt extract for the incorporation in the diet of the infant and the invalid.
The partially germinated and dried grain is the source of malt extract which is more nutritious than the un malted barley. Malt extract consists chiefly of dextrin and malt sugar and contains the ferment diastase enzyme which is developed during the malting process. This ferment diastase possesses the power of converting starch into dextrin and sugar, thus assisting in the digestive of starchy or farinaceous foods.
- DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DISORDERS - The pearl barley has always been used by orient traditional physicians for the healing and the rejuvenation of the digestive system. A simple, yet effective folk remedy was to make a barley
brew and sip throughout the day, while restricting intake of other foods. This folk remedy has helped many people even to this day.
The barely brew is prepared by boiling one-quarter cup of all natural pearled barley in about 2.5 litres of water. When the water has boiled down to about 1.25 litres, it should be strained carefully. This all natural barley brew helps digestive rejuvenation in two ways. It has a demulcent or soothing
response and relieves the burning digestive actions. It has also a mucilaginous response and introduces a natural oily substance which helps to protect the abraded mucous membrane of the digestive system. Once the digestive system is thus soothed and healed, it can promote better assimilation of foods.
- FEVER - Barley is also useful in fever and all inflammatory conditions on account of its soothing properties.
- URINARY DISORDERS - Barley gruel with butter milk and lime juice is an excellent diuretic carbohydrate food. It is highly beneficial in thetreatment of urinarv disorders like nepthritis and cystitis.
Image Copyrights: http://stylemania.km.ru/ http://artofcare.ru/
The increase in noise pollution: what are the health effects? - The Harmful Effects of Noise
by Arlene L. Bronzaft
Our World Is Growing Noisier
Air and water pollution are two major environmental problems, but so is noise pollution as our surroundings grow noisier. More people are complaining about the noise from automobile traffic, overhead airplanes and helicopters, leaf blowers, pneumatic drills, and neighbors who play their televisions and stereos much too loudly. Large urban areas and small towns alike are being inundated by unwanted sounds. These sounds or noises are disturbing, disrupting ongoing activities and peaceful interludes. One cannot concentrate on a work project if there is constant drilling at a nearby construction site. It is virtually impossible to enjoy a television program when overhead jets frequently drown out its sound. It is difficult to fall asleep if your upstairs neighbor's stereo system is blasting away.
Defining Noise
Noises are sounds that are not only unwanted but also unpredictable and uncontrollable. Airplanes are especially bothersome to residents who can never predict when the planes will be flying above and most certainly have no control over flight paths. The listener's attitude toward the source of the noise also contributes to the annoyance factor. Since airport managers are often insensitive to the plight of individuals who complain about the noise, residents see these employees as the enemy and, as a result, are more disturbed by the airplanes. It is bad enough that noise interferes with ongoing activities, but when people believe that nothing can be done to correct the noise problem, as is often the case with aircraft noise, they may adopt a feeling of helplessness that only serves to intensify the unhappiness and distress caused by the noise.
The Effects of Noise on the Body
Although the direct physical consequence of listening to loud sounds, especially over a period of time, can be hearing loss, sounds or, rather, noises at even lower volumes can have an indirect impact on our physiological and psychological systems. In other words, it is not only the ear that can be harmed by noise. Noise must be considered a hazard to our overall health and well-being.
How do people react physiologically to these unwanted sounds or noises? They react with a complex set of bodily responses known as stress, or arousal. Such changes may include an increase in blood pressure, a change in heart rate, a rise in blood cholesterol, or an excessive secretion of hormones. Should these stress reactions be sustained over time because the noises continue, they can cause actual damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems or, for that matter, any other vulnerable bodily system.
There is growing evidence to support the relationship between noise and adverse health effects. Studies explaining nonauditory health impacts have generally looked at individuals living near airports, highways, and railroads. A review of community responses and attitudes toward noise demonstrates that large numbers of community residents living near these noisy airports and highways are disturbed by the noise. It would then follow that they would be stressed by the noises and, in turn, experience physiological problems. When the existing data are examined, it appears that the findings reporting cardiovascular problems are most consistent.
Contrary to the often-heard statement that people adapt to airplane noise, nearly 70 percent of the subjects in a soon-to-be-published study answered that they were bothered by the jet noise. These residents also stated that the noises interfered with activities such as talking, watching television, and opening a window for fresh air. They also perceived themselves to be in poorer health. Their responses were compared with another group living in a non-flight area, and both groups were unaware of the researchers' interest in the effects of noise on health.
Noise has also been found to affect the physical health of children. One study found high systemic and diastolic blood pressure among schoolchildren living near the Los Angeles airport, and a 1995 study reported a relationship between chronic noise exposure and elevated neuroendocrine and cardiovascular levels for a group of children living near the Munich International Airport. These two studies should be taken seriously, since many children are exposed to similar noise levels. Despite some weak methodology in a number of the investigations and the need for further research, I would conclude that the findings in the literature strongly suggest the harmful health effects of noise. At the least, the present data certainly justify warning people about the possible health effects of noise. We need not connect every link in a relationship before issuing such warnings!
Noise Disturbs Sleep
In the study just cited, in which the subjects perceived themselves to be in poorer health, they also described more sleep difficulties. Although the long-term health consequences of noise are inconclusive, noise-induced sleep loss has been found to impair task performance the next day. One could use these findings to hypothesize that loss of sleep, because of noise, might make it more difficult for people to pay attention or concentrate the next day, thus putting them at greater risk for accidents.
Many stories in the media describe arguments among neighbors because of noisy stereos and television sets. Some of these disputes have resulted in aggressive acts, even killings. Laboratory studies support a relationship between noise and aggression. Noise is also likely to make one less helpful. People in noisy metropolitan areas often do not stop to help people requesting assistance but often instead continue to walk straight ahead. In such noisy environments, people tend to want to get to their destinations as fast as possible ignoring others in their paths.
Although some data indicate that people living near airports are more likely to be treated for mental problems, this finding has, to be replicated by other experiments. However, the studies discussed earlier leave no doubt that people are bothered by noise. As a member of New York's Council on the Environment, I get many calls related to noise and most assuredly these people are very much troubled by the noises, whether from a loud, noisy neighborhood bar or a neighbor who refuses to keep the stereo low. The anguish these people express clearly speaks to a "poorer state of mind."
Noise Poses a Danger to Children's Development
The U.S. National Research Council in 1982 issued a warning that pregnant mothers should not work in noisy industrial plants, but have pregnant women living near airports received the same caution? I believe not! There is some evidence to support a relationship between noise and low birth weights and fetal defects, such as cleft palate. The pregnant woman irritated by overhead planes may take medications that might affect the developing fetus, or her annoyance may release hormones harmful to the fetus. Here again, more thorough investigations are called for before definitive statements can be made, but future parents should be educated about the potential dangers of noisy surroundings.
What about the mental development of children? According to some researchers, noisy homes impede cognitive and language development. Children attending pre-school near noisy elevated train tracks performed more poorly on psychomotor tasks. There are sufficient studies demonstrating that children living and attending schools near airports, elevated trains, and highways have lower reading scores.
To do well academically, children need quiet places in which to learn and study. In my recent book, Top of the Class (Ablex Publishing), I studied the lives of older individuals who had been high achievers in school. In asking about their childhoods, I learned that their parents provided them with quiet places to do their homework, to read, and to think. Today many homes are very noisy, and parents should be urged to lower the decibel level. Parents should also be encouraged to talk with their children with more moderate voices and should try to avoid shouting and screaming, as did the parents of the high achievers in my book. Even toys purchased for children's play may be too loud, and parents need to listen to the sounds of toys before purchasing them.
Lowering the Decibel Level Around Us: Everyone's Responsibility
It is hoped that the readers of this article are convinced that it is in our best interest to do something to lessen the noise around us. Now that you have some idea that noise is indeed hazardous to our health, you should take some steps to quiet your home and learn how to protect yourself from noise. Keeping stereos, radios, and televisions turned down and purchasing quieter equipment are some of the things you can do now. Avoid very noisy places for long periods of time. Children should limit their attendance at noisy video arcades and should set headsets at lower volumes. To assist you in your anti-noise activities, you can write for a brochure on noise to the Council on the Environment, 51 Chambers Street, New York City, New York 10007.
Noise Exposure Guidelines
Noise is a leading cause of hearing loss. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established guidelines for noise exposure. The chart below illustrates permissible levels and their duration.
Little-Known Facts on Hearing
1. Hearing loss is the nation's largest handicapping disability.
2. Most people with a hearing loss have never had a hearing test.
3. Most hearing losses are painless and come over a period of time.
4. Leading causes of hearing loss are exposure to noise, age, and hereditary factors.
5. 95% of all hearing loss can be treated with medication, surgery or hearing aids.
6. Hearing loss affects people of all ages.
7. People with hearing loss generally talk louder than others.
8. People with hearing loss frequently ask you to repeat yourself. 9. 33% of the population has a significant hearing impairment by the age of 65.
10. Noise-induced hearing losses are preventable.
COPYRIGHT 1996 Vegetus Publications
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
Images Copyrights: http://www.buzzle.com/; http://indiacurrentaffairs.org/

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Noise Induced Hearing Loss

How To Reduce Noise Pollution and Its Negative Effects
By Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Noise pollution can negatively impact the body in significant ways, including elevated blood pressure, impaired cognitive functioning, and other effects of chronic stress. (This article explains it in more detail.) The following are effective strategies you can use to limit the negative impact of noise pollution and safeguard your health and happiness.
Limit The Noise
Your first line of defense against noise pollution is to do what you can to control your environment, and limit the noise that enters your space. The following are ways that you can limit environmental noise and blunt the effects of noise pollution:
- DOUBLE-PANED WINDOWS AND WEATHER STRIPPING: If you live in a noisy city or near an airport, you can reduce noise in your home considerably by installing dual-paned windows, weather stripping, and even added insulation. As a bonus, these changes can also reduce your heating and cooling bills, and help the environment!
- REDUCE WORKPLACE NOISE: If you work in a noisy office, you may want to talk to your employer about taking steps to reduce office noise, which has been found to affect the health and productivity of workers.
- TURN OFF THE T.V.: When you're at home, a constant backdrop of television can have an effect on you as a distraction and potential stressor.
- MAKE BIGGER CHANGES: You may even consider moving or changing jobs if you experience significant levels of noise that you can't reduce in other ways. It sounds like a drastic step, but considering the toll that a noisy environment can take on your health, it may be an option to consider.
If you can't eliminate noise from your environment, you can actually create a healthier environment by replacing stress-inducing environmental sounds with more pleasing ones. For example, you can reduce the impact of airport or city noise with a white noise machine or 'sound spa'. They play sounds ranging from waterfalls to rain to babbling brooks to basic static, and these sounds mask the more jarring environmental noises that can distract you or negatively affect your sleep. They can also make it easier to meditate or practice visualization techniques.
Additionally, you can drown out distracting sounds from a noisy office environment or neighborhood with music from your iPod or stereo and enjoy the stress management and health benefits of music while lessening the impact of the other noise. This can also improve your mood, boost your immunity, calm your physiology, or energize you. While you're really trading some sounds for others, the sounds of nature or music can be more soothing and better for your health.
Because part of the toll of noise pollution is due to the activation of the body's stress response, it stands to reason that you can counteract some of these ill effects by regularly using techniques that can reverse your body's physiological changes that come with chronic stress. The following are some of the most effective techniques you can use:
- BREATHING EXERCISES: Deep breathing and other breathing exercises work well because they can be done anywhere and are effective in calming the body's physiology in minutes. (Take a deep breath... don't you feel better already?)
- MEDITATION: Meditation is also an extremely effective stress reliever because it calms the physiology and even helps alter brain chemistry so that, over time, you are less reactive to stress as it happens. (For more in meditation, read these articles on the benefits of meditation and different types of meditation that can be helpful to you.)
- YOGA: The practice of yoga is a great stress reliever because it combines breathing and meditation, and adds an element of exercise to be a stress reliever that acts on several different levels to benefit your health. It also provides a simple way to ease into meditation, for those who find it to be a bit of a challenge at first.
Image Copyrights: http://www.tapconet.com/; http://www.clubmango.ru/
Making Compost
After years of making compost, I am still bedazzled by the sheer and almost magic beauty of this process. It is still a wonder to me how yucky kitchen scraps - like coffee grounds, eggshells, burnt toast, meat and vegetable trimmings, and all the other assorted kitchen leftovers - can turn into the incredibly beautiful texture, and heavenly earthy aroma of fresh, well finished compost? It's a miracle; a miracle of the first order.
But there it is; heavenly earthy stuff made from scraps. And although we now know all about it scientifically - about the decay bacteria, carbon and nitrogen ratios, aerobic and anaerobic decay, 'cooking' temperature, asf. asf. - it's still a miracle when one knows the yucky mess that went into it, and holds the incredible loveliness that comes out of it, in one's hands.
In a well made compost pile, this takes about 3 months in the summer, and a bit longer in winter. What we need is either a 3 x 3 foot, or 4 x 4 feet square and high enclosure which admits air on all sides, and can be opened from the front. These enclosures can be made of boards (cedar) with spaces between the boards, or from metal wire fencing material. The latter can simply be stood up in a circle, and have hooks in front to open and close it when necessary.
Two of these are best - one abuilding with our kitchen scraps and gardening refuse, the other full and 'cooking'. Everything eventually decays, but it may take a year or so. So, in order to have a fast and efficient compost pile, we need to pay some attention to the carbon/nitrogen balance in a rough ratio of 3 to one, for best results. Generally speaking, all 'stiff' and 'brittle' materials, such as leaves straw, hay asf., are high in carbon, whereas all soft and mushy stuff, such as kitchen wastes, coffee grounds, fresh cut grass clippings, manure, asf., is high in nitrogen.
Start with a six inch layer of carbon-rich material, and follow with a two inch layer of nitrogen-rich material. Cover lightly with soil. Toss in plenty of seaweed, kelp meal or drench with fish fertilizer - for the cruciacially vital complete range of the 72+ trace elements, which will keep your gardens, and you in supreme health. They are also excellent rotting agents, and will accelerate the decay process. Repeat until your enclosure is full, and let 'cook'. Sprinkle it occasionally to keep it moist in the summer, and cover with clear plastic in winter to keep it from getting too soggy from the rain. The pile will quickly reach a temperature of 160 degrees F. in the interior, generated by an active decay process, which by the way, does not smell at all. If the pile gets smelly, it has switched to anaerobic decay, due to lack of oxygen (aerate with a pitch fork), and most likely, also not enough nitrogen (add a nitrogen fertilizer), When the pile cools down to ambient air temperature, it is done. And you'll have a truly wonderful pile of finished compost, with bits of eggshells in it. These take much longer to decay. Just toss them into the other, growing compost pile, or bury them in the soil.
Use this compost both as a wonderful fertilizer and soil conditioner in your gardens by raking it into the soil - and well mixed with the surrounding soil, under your transplants, as well in the propagating soil for your seedlings, and also for your all houseplants, hanging basket, and what have you.
Making compost sounds like more work than it really is. Other than building the enclosures, which will last for many, many years, it just takes a few minutes every day or two to take out the kitchen scraps and toss them into the pile. That's about it.
For those folks who just don't have the time for a compost pile, here are a couple of other quick and easy methods. The "ditch method" consists of digging a two feet deep and a shovel wide ditch at the edge of your garden. Mound the excavated soil up beside it. Toss your kitchen and garden wastes into this ditch as they occur, and cover the tossings with a bit of soil. When it comes to near the top, cover with a four inch layer of soil. In this manner, the ditch is slowly filled up and closed again. Repeat beside it with a new ditch.
The "hole method" is very similar. Just dig a two feet deep hole anywhere in the garden, and fill it up with kitchen and garden wastes as in the ditch method. Dig a new hole when the first is full, and repeat. Both methods will convert your garden into incredibly rich loam over time. What you loose with these methods is the use of compost for your seedlings and crops, and savouring the incredibly beautiful earthy smell of well finished compost.
Once the soil of your vegetable and flower gardens is in optimum condition, composting and using it in your gardens is all the fertilizers and soil amendments you'll ever need, and you'll never need to buy these again. Never, ever. After all, compost is the decay product of what once were plants - or plant-fed animal products - and therefore, contain everything - absolutely everything - any plant will ever need. It is the "perfect" and only "complete" fertilizer and soil conditioner.
It is also exactly the same process which Nature has used - only very slowly and much more haphazardly - to transform a once lifeless and utterly barren primeval Earth into the incredibly rich, beautiful and teeming biosphere that it is now, and which has spawned and nurtured our kind and selves for untold eons. And therein lies the greatest and deepest personal satisfaction. To know that one is working hand-in-hand with the fundamental forces of Nature, and indeed, of the cosmos itself. 'Tis powerful and heady stuff, indeed. Next, we'll get into growing bunches of asparagus.
Image Copyright: http://www.treehugger.com/

Watch Video:
How to make compost - Making your own compost

Compost Pile Hazards
By Nick Gromicko and Rob London
Compost is an accumulation of degrading food scraps, plants and other nutrient-rich organic matter. It is an easy and environmentally responsible way to dispose of biodegradable kitchen waste, which can then be returned to the soil as fertilizer for vegetable and flower gardens.
Composting is Good
- Composting helps to reduce the volume of material in landfills.
- Compost is used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients for growing plants.
So, what's wrong with composting? The benefits of the practice are generally well-known, but few people are actually aware of the potential hazards and dangers composting can pose.
Diseases Contracted From Handling Compost
Compost can be a breeding ground for dangerous pathogens, some of which have killed or seriously harmed unsuspecting gardeners. Inspectors should familiarize themselves with these illnesses, some of which can be contracted in other parts of the house. Listed below are some of the more common physical ailments that can result from unprotected contact with compost:
- ASPERGILLOSIS is a fungal infection of the lungs that is caused after the inhalation of a fungus commonly found in rotting plant matter. While normally not life-threatening, aspergillosis can be extremely dangerous if enough spores are inhaled. The disease killed a 47-year-old British man after he was engulfed in clouds of dust from the compost he had intended to use in his garden.
- The symptoms of FARMER'S LUNG resemble pneumonia, and may result from respiratory exposure to certain fungal and bacterial pathogens present in rotting organic materials, such as mushrooms, hay and sugar cane. Beware of dusty white patches, as they are a sign that dangerous spores are present. Farmer's Lung can usually be treated with antibiotics.
- HISTOPLASMOSIS is caused by fungus that grows in guano and bird droppings. Healthy immune systems can usually fight off histoplasmosis, although infections can become serious if large amounts of the toxin are inhaled, or if the infected person has a weakened immune system.
- LEGIONNAIRE'S DISEASE is a respiratory infection that's caused by the inhalation of L. Longbeachae.
- PARONYCHIA is a local infection that occurs in the tissue around the fingernails and toenails. Prolonged moisture and the abrasive effects of soil can create openings in the skin that allow the infection to occur, producing pain and throbbing.
- TETANUS is a disease of the central nervous system that's caused by bacteria that is very common in soil. While even a minor cut can allow the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, immunizations against tetanus are quite common.
How to Avoid Potential Hazards of Composting
The following general safety precautions should be followed in order to avoid transmission of dangerous fungi, bacteria and other pathogens found in compost:
- Always wear dry, breathable gloves to avoid direct contact with the skin, and to protect yourself from injury while using gardening tools and implements.
- Wear protective footwear that covers your skin adequately to avoid direct contact with compost. Do not wear them anywhere except outdoors.
- When stirring and tilling the compost, which is required on a regular basis in order for it to process and break down, always wear a nose and mouth guard or dust mask to avoid inhaling the various spores that will become airborne during tilling and turning.
- Avoid tilling on windy days.
- Do not store compost in fully closed or airtight containers. Without any air, it can actually become combustible.
- Wash your hands after dealing with compost. While this suggestion may sound obvious, many garden enthusiasts get so absorbed with their activities that they forget the potential dangers from poisoning.
- If you develop a severe cough or infection of the skin (especially if there is an open sore or puncture wound), seek medical attention immediately. You may require antibiotics or a tetanus shot.
Compost Fires
Surprisingly, a great deal of heat is created by the microbial activity, which is occasionally enough to cause a fire. In August 2009, aThis compost fire self-ignited compost pile spontaneously combusted at the Saginaw Compost Facility in Saginaw, Michigan. However, these fires are extremely rare, as they occur only under a limited set of circumstances that would ordinarily be avoided using common sense.
According to the Alberta, Canada's Department of Agriculture, the following key conditions must be met in order for a compost pile to light itself on fire:
- dry materials that go unattended;
- biological activity;
- dry pockets of debris among a non-uniform mix of materials;
- large, well-insulated piles;
- limited air flow;
- poor moisture distribution due to neglect or oversight in monitoring; and
- unknown temperature within the pile, and time for the temperature to build up.
WARNING: While self-incineration of compost is possible, compost piles probably catch fire more often from ordinary sources, such as lit cigarettes or electrical mishaps. Also, gardeners who use ash from incinerated trash or the fireplace sometimes neglect to make sure that the ash has cooled sufficiently before adding it to the compost pile.
Inspectors can offer their clients the following tips to help avoid compost fires:
- Assure adequate ventilation of the pile to release heat. Turn the pile or use a mechanical aeration system to ensure ventilation. Narrow, short piles generally have adequate ventilation.
- Do not turn a pile that is smoldering, as the sudden infusion of oxygen can cause the pile to erupt into flames.
- Do not let the pile get too dry. The University of Missouri states, "Organic material can ignite spontaneously due to biological activity at moisture contents between 26 to 46% moisture, if the temperature exceeds 200 degrees by F."
- Monitor the pile's temperature, focusing on the hottest spot in the pile. Use a thermometer long enough to reach the center of the pile. Do not let the pile get too hot. If the temperature of the pile exceeds 160 degrees by F, reduce the temperature through the following methods:
- reduce the size of the pile;
- add water to 55% moisture;
- mix in coarse, bulky material, such as wood chips; and
- do not pile compost next to buildings or any flammable structures, as fire can spread easily.
Compost-Friendly Pests
Worms are often added to compost piles to aid in the breakdown of organic matter. But if the compost piles are not constructed and maintained properly, they have the tendency to attract unwanted pests. Flies, termites and beetles are attracted to the smell of decay, and they, in turn, will attract larger predatory critters to the pile. Use the following pest-control tips:
- Do not compost eggs, meat, oils, bones, cheese or fats. Compost piles should be "vegetarian."
- Bury the compost with soil or leaves to contain the smell and to aid with the biodegrading process.
- If using a portable composter, make sure it has a cover that will discourage the entry of pests and animals.
- Beware that enclosed compost piles can overheat and create high levels of dangerous gasses, such as methane, so be sure to rotate the container or till the pile daily.
- Do not place compost near a building. In addition to the fire concerns, compost placed adjacent to buildings can promote infestation.
NOTE: These practices can also mitigate the foul smells that can plague compost piles.
In summary, the benefits of compost piles can be quickly eclipsed by health hazards and nuisances if they are not designed correctly and maintained properly.
Cob Costruction
by Michael G. Smith
What is Cob Construction?
When I tell people I build cob houses, they often imagine structures made of corn cobs. In fact, cob is an ancient earthen building technique passed down through the millennia and known by many names in many cultures. Hssentnilly, cob is building with mud.
Clay soil, coarse sand, straw and water are thoroughly combined and beaten together. This stiff mud is then built up into walls while still wet, without the use of form work or mechanical ramming. The mixture is applied in courses, each of which is "sewn" into the one below while both are still pliable. As the bottom of the wall becomes firm and dry, more cob is added on top until the desired height is reached, with doors, windows, plumbing, electrical conduits, wooden anchors for cabinets, etc, being built in along the way. The result is a very hard, strong, monolithic earthen wall, reinforced by a continuous interwoven matrix of high tensile-strength straw fibers.
Cob buildings have proven themselves durable, comfortable and weather resistant, even in the harsh climate of coastal Britain. Due to its lack of mortar joints, cob seems to be more resistant to earthquakes than its close relative, adobe, and other kinds of unreinforced masonry. Cob walls don't burn, rot or get eaten by insects. Like other masonry materials, cob has enormous thermal storage capacity, making it ideally suited to passive solar designs. One of its most attractive attributes is the extreme fluidity of its form, making it useful in the creation of unique building shapes and decorative sculptural elements. Cob can be made with a wide range of soil types and without any heavy machinery or specialized equipment, making it highly affordable, especially for owner-builders and in less developed parts of the world. Using locally available soil and plenty of human labor brings the embodied energy and environmental impact of cob building down to a tiny fraction of conventional building practices-One of the drawbacks of cob construction, from the standpoint of many conventional builders, is that it is time-consuming. To support the weight of new cob on top, the walls must be allowed to dry as they are built, making it impractical in most cases to add more than a foot (305 mm) or so of height per day. Another challenge, from the perspective of engineering and regulating cob buildings, is the extreme variability of applicable soil types, each of which requires a slightly different ratio of mix ingredients. Like all earthen materials, cob is susceptible to water damage. In rainy climates, it must be well protected from dampness by a good foundation and generous roof eaves, and should never be constructed in flood plains.
Unbaked earth may be the oldest building material known to humans. It was used to construct the first permanent human settlements 10,000 years ago. Because of its wide availability, it has been used on every continent and in every age. Even today, it is estimated that 40 percent of the world's population lives in earthen dwellings.
The most common earth-building techniques are adobe (sun-dried mud bricks), rammed earth, wattle-and-daub (mud smeared over a lath of woven sticks), and cob. The word "cob," meaning "a lump or loaf" in Old English, refers to the mud building system common in Britain and former English colonies like Australia and New Zealand, which uses no forms, no bricks and no wooden structure. Similar techniques are indigenous throughout Northern Europe, the Ukraine, the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula, parts of East Asia, the Sahei and Equatorial Africa, and the American Southwest (where it is known as "coursed adobe").
Exactly when and how cob building first arose in England remains uncertain, but it is known that cob houses were being constructed there by the 11th Century. Cob houses became the norm in many parts of Britain by the 15th Century, particularly in Southwestern England and Wales, where the subsoil is a sandy clay and other building materials are scarce. An estimated 20,000 cob homes and as many more outbuildings remain in use in the county of Devon alone-English cob was made of subsoil mixed with straw, water and sometimes sand or gravel. The percentage of clay in the mix ranged from three percent to 20 percent, with the average around six percent. It was mixed either by people, shoveling and stomping, or by heavy animals like oxen trampling it. The stiff mud mixture was then shoveled onto a stone foundation and trodden into place by workmen on the walls. As the walls dried, they were trimmed back substantially to leave them straight and plumb, and between 20 inches (508 mm) and 36 inches (889 mm) thick. Using this method, cob walls were built as high as 30 feet tall (9144 mm), but were usually much shorter.
The advent of industrialization and cheap transportation made fired brick available throughout England in the mid-1800's. By late last century, cob building was declining in popularity. There was virtually no new cob construction in England between World War I and the 1980's, and its traditional builders took much of their specialized knowledge with them to the grave. Fortunately, enough information survived to allow a cob building revival in the 1990's, fueled largely by historical interest and the high real estate value of ancient cob homes.
Images Copyright: http://tinyhouseblog.com/ http://www.wildcoast.co.za/

Cob and the Building Code
by John Fordice
Ample historic precedent exists for the use of cob. Traditional buildings have been constructed of cob and successfully occupied for centuries in England, Europe, New Zealand and other parts of the world. Properly built and maintained, cob structures have proven to be safe, durable and sanitary. Cob has long provided the people of these cultures with a means of creating low cost housing out of the simplest of materials.
There is currently a resurgence of the popularity and use of cob in the US, and Canada. Present day cob builders are attracted to the beauty, economy, low environmental impact and sustainability offered by cob. There can be no question that the means, method, desire and need for cob building exist in this country. So then why is it not more common? The answer is simple - the Building Code-In my work as an architect, instructor, builder and devotee of cob, I have spoken with many people who wish to build with cob. Time and again I have to give the same reply: "Yes, you can build with cob, but there are currently only three options open to you." Those follow¬ing options are:
- to build illegally without a permit,
- to build in one of the few rural areas that allow exceptions to the normal permit process, or
- to obtain a permit via the alternate materials and methods process.
Clearly, the first two options are neither possible for, nor acceptable to the majority of people. That leaves the third: the alternate materials and methods process.
In my opinion, this option has two serious flaws. Anyone wishing to obtain a "normal" permit for a cob building must prove to his or her local building official that cob is a safe and viable alternative. Therefore, the building official must decide into which part of the code the alternate way of building best fits - a difficult task at best, particularly if the official has limited experience with cob upon which to base such judgement. In addition, the code places the burden of proof on the potential cob builder. Such proof is something that few people are equipped to provide or able to afford. The result is that hopeful cob builders become frustrated, and the majority of plans to build with cob are stopped before they really start.
The solution to this problem is simple - change the code.
A new section of the code relating specifically to cob building needs to be written and adopted. That would provide both builder and building official guidance in and a mutual understanding of the permitting and construction of cob buildings. Once a realistic set of cob construction standards are developed, codified and adopted, securing permits for cob building will be as easy and straightforward as for any other method. Once this is accomplished, cob will be able to take its place alongside other accepted methods of building, and the growing need for the advantages of building with cob will be able to be fulfilled. Cob will be an option available to all who desire it.
Fortunately, a way of adding such a section exists in the model code process. One simply proposes the necessary changes in the code to ICBO and if the proposal can withstand evaluation, it will be adopted. It is to the credit of the framers of the code that they had the foresight to make it open and accessible to change, but the process is costly. To write code section for cob that is able to withstand the rigors of scrutiny is a major undertaking. It will require a thorough and extensive program of laboratory - level research and testing, since the empirical data now available is neither thorough nor quantifiable enough to produce accurate and realistic code provisions for cob. Proprietary building materials industries have the capital and resources to test and develop standards for their products. Compared to these giant industrial forces, cob is a marginal church mouse. There is little money to be gained from manufacturing cob, no commercial cob association and presently too little impetus to do the work needed to bring cob into code acceptance.
What cob has to offer is not the thing that fortunes are made of. If a cob code is to become reality, a source of funding for the needed work must be found. For the gifts and benefits of cob to be returned to our world, the door to code acceptance needs to be opened. The only question remaining is how this is to be done.
Image Copyright: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/

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Cob Building, earth building course with Edwards Eco Building

Cost of Building with Cob
Michael G. Smith has a background in environmental engineering, ecology, and sustainable resource management. In 1993, along with Ianto Evans and Linda Smiley, he started the Cob Cottage Company, a research and teaching group focused on reviving and improving traditional forms of earthen construction. He is the author of "The Cobber's Companion: How to Build Your Own Earthen Home" (Cob Cottage Co., 1998) and co-author of "The Art of Natural Building: Design, Construction, Resources" (New Society, 2002) and "The Hand-Sculpted House: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage" (Chelsea Green, 2002). He teaches practical workshops and provides consultation to owner-builders on a wide variety of natural building techniques, site selection, and design. He lives in an intentional community in Northern California.
Q: I would love to build and live in a Cob house. I can't afford to buy a house and I hear the Cob house is cheap to build. Can anyone help me with information on how to get started? I live in Fort Worth, TX and I think these houses are just adorable. If you know of anyone who will help build a cob house or help someone get one that can't afford to buy one that would be great too!
A: The materials needed to build the walls of a cob home - clay, sand, and straw - can indeed be very inexpensive. However, remember that the walls are only a small part of the work and materials that go into a house. In a conventional house, the walls usually cost less than 25% of the total price of the building. With a cob home that proportion may be far lower. The most expensive parts of the house are the roof, windows and doors, finishes, appliances and fixtures. None of those expenses are reduced by building your home out of cob, except possibly the finishes.
Another thing to remember is that when building a conventional house, the cost of materials is generally lower than the cost of labor. In the case of a cob home, the materials can be very inexpensive but there is a great deal of labor required. Because of high labor costs, many professionally built contracted cob homes end up at about the same price per square foot as a conventional custom-built home. I would say that the value is far higher in that a cob home will probably be more beautiful, more durable, and more efficient than a conventional house, but cob homes are not necessarily cheap.
The best way to keep any house cheap is to do as much as possible of the labor yourself, or to find a work force that you don't need to pay, such as your friends, family, and neighbors. One of the great qualities of cob is that you can easily learn to do it yourself. Then you can teach your friends and family in exchange for their help on your project. To learn more, I'd recommend first reading "The Hand-Sculpted House" (Evans, Smith and Smiley, Chelsea Green 2002) and then taking a hands-on cob workshop. See www.cobworkshops.org for a listing of cob workshops all around the country.
Q: I'd like to ask if cob house building is cheaper than buying a manufactured home.
A: Cob building can be extremely inexpensive if you do it yourself. The materials for the walls are very cheap. However, keep in mind that walls are only a small cost of any building: foundations, roofs, windows, doors, floors, finishes, cabinetry and so on are typically a much higher portion of the cost. Also, if you a hire a professional crew to build your cob house, you will end up paying a lot for labor. The best way to keep costs down is to build for yourself (or using non-paid labor sources like workshops and work parties) and use as many salvaged materials as possible.
Q: I am from the Philippines and I would like to learn to apply natural building techniques such as cobbing and use of earthbags to our farm. I would like to apply these to buildings we would put up in our farm such as storage facilities for equipments and crops, livestock shelter and a farmhouse. For now, the immediate need is to apply natural building techniques to housing designed for livestock raising, specifically hog fattener production. I know that given proper construction tools and techniques, cob houses and earthbag buildings are superior than conventional ones in terms of cost efficiency and how these structures can withstand stress. So I would like to ask for your advice on which is more viable and cheaper for our immediate concern, that is housing for livestock raising: cob building or earthbag building?
A: Either cob or earthbag building could be good options for you. It is hard to say which would be appropriate without knowing a lot more about your site, climate, soils, and other conditions. Both can also be very inexpensive, again depending on local availability of materials.
Q: Recently I stayed in a cob house (see picture-skymeadowretreat.org). The owner mentioned it was built by people who were doing a project in learning so it was free. I have an acre of land in the Adirondacks in Upstate NY. Since loosing my job, home, etc. in CA, I'm living in my car with a paralyzed dog and trying to get creative about how to get shelter. How much is a small cob house with a wood stove? Are their programs where I can have one built? Are there payment plans? Any suggestions?
A: A cob house can be very inexpensive if you build it yourself or have a source of unpaid labor. Some tiny houses have been built for as little as a few hundred dollars (with virtually all of the materials found or salvaged); several thousand dollars is more typical for the materials cost of a tiny, un-permitted cob house. A good way to get some of the work done for free is to sponsor a cob workshop to work on your home. You will have to find an experienced teacher willing to work in your area. Usually the best way to do that is to take a cob workshop yourself, to establish a relationship with the instructor and to educate yourself about what is involved. You could do an internet search for cob workshops or go to cobworkshops.org or nbnetwork.org. Be aware that even if you partner with a cob teacher or school, there will still most likely be plenty of work for you to do beforehand and afterwards. I have yet to see any building get finished in a workshop.
Q: I stopped by your cozy little cob house and would like to know roughly how much money you have spent building it.
A: (Benjamin) I would say that the house alone was $4K to $5K. That was mostly because I had to by all the sand and clay. Also the solar power was expensive. In Oregon, Yanto Evens built a house for $500, which was quite amazing and comfortable.
Image Copyrights: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/ http://www.groundhouse.com/

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#article
The use of Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oils for prophylaxis and improving the health of a population living in conditions of a polluted environment
In the past decade, the problem of the pathogenic "environment - health" connection has been reflected in scientific papers in environmental medicine and human ecology. In this regard it is noted that, at the present time, there is an ever greater prevalence of diseases of those organs and systems that perform barrier functions and participate in the preservation of the cleanliness of the organism's internal environment - organs of the respiratory, digestive, excretory, lymphatic, and immune systems, as well as the liver and skin.
The basic task of prophylaxis of premorbid and morbid conditions is the synchronic regulation of the basic metabolic, detoxification, and protective functions of the liver, immune system, and excretory organs.
For this purpose, N. A. Agadzhanyan and his co-authors developed a complex program of correction and cleansing of the internal environment, including the following basic blocks:
1. Preparations regulating the activity of the biotransformation mechanisms of the liver;
2. Preparations having antioxidant properties;
3. Preparations having an immunomodulating action;
4. Preparations stimulating the removal of toxic substances and the products of their metabolism (cholagogues, diuretics, and laxatives);
5. Preparations having a high sorption activity with respect to toxic substances (enterosorbents, fruit pectins).
The biologically active components of functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products have an effect on all the above enumerated mechanisms, which play an important role in carrying out defence in conditions of environmental pollution, displaying the following effects that correspond to a comprehensive program of detoxification (e):
- anti-oxidant and membrane-stabilizing effects (amino acids, lipids and tocopherols of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil, polyphenol compounds, vitamins C and P of cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip;
- anti-toxic sorption (amino acids, dietary fibre of all components of the product);
- immunomodulating (amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemical compounds of all components of the product);
- diuretics and laxative effect (phytochemical compounds of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil).
The comprehensive program of endoecological rehabilitation developed at the Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Scientific Research Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2002) includes Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil, Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin, Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn, and Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip. It has earned the worldwide recognition of medical specialists.
In conditions of environmental pollution, environmentally determined syndromes and diseases have achieved a wide distribution - exogenic intoxication syndrome, chemical hypersensitivity syndrome, environmental disadaptation syndrome, and chronic diseases of a polygenic nature with pathological manifestations in the form of a symptom complex of primary changes in specific organs and systems.
For the purpose of rehabilitation, it is possible to recommend methods using functional nutrition products for the maintenance of organs and systems that carry out barrier functions in the human organism.
It is advisable to match and combine Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar products intended for health improvement and prophylaxis in programs for the maintenance of organs and systems, having regard to individual peculiarities of functional stress and pathological disturbances in certain organs.
Gastrointestinal tract
Of great significance in providing for the cleanliness of the internal environment is the condition of the digestive organs, which play a paramount role in providing for the barrier functions of the organism in the presence of the influence of toxic substances.
The frequent involvement of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in the development of environmentally caused disturbances of the health of the population is confirmed by a reliable increase in the morbidity of the digestive organs in the most polluted settlements. It should be noted that the flow of artificial food additives (taste simulators, artificial flavourings, preservatives), as well as the ingestion of medicines enlarge the arsenal of toxic substances that have a harmful influence on health.
The morbidity of diseases of the digestive organs in children who reside permanently near chemical production is shown to be approximately three times higher than in other areas.
An observation of the dynamics of the morbidity of large population groups in the area that was subjected to the effect of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant recorded a distinct increase in the indices of the morbidity of the digestive organs.
The use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil as the safest natural means for the correction of complex specific disturbances of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in those working in the shut-down of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant showed its effectiveness in improving the processes of repairing the mucosa in the presence of erosive changes and scarring of deeper defects of the mucosa.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil increases the protective properties of the mucous membrane with respect to damaging factors, including bacterial, toxic, fungal, and radiation factors.
The natural Protein-Vitamin Complex - cedar nut oil has a balanced amino-acid, vitamin, and mineral composition, which provides the conditions for the synthesis of hormones, ferments, and other important compounds that ensure the physiological flow of the digestive processes.
Providing the organism with polyunsaturated fatty acids creates the conditions for the synthesis of metabolically active compounds - prostaglandins - that fulfill the functions of local hormones and regulate the tone of smooth musculature. This makes it possible to improve peristalsis in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the evacuation of intestinal contents, to regulate the motor activity of the gall bladder and bile ducts.
Thanks to its content of dietary fiber, the Protein-Vitamin Complex prevents disturbances in the motor activity of the digestive organs and the development of dyskinesia of the bile ducts and bowels.
Dietary fiber actively binds toxic substances and has the properties of being able to detoxify the organism.
Of vital importance is the enrichment of the food allowance by dietary fiber for the maintenance of the normal microflora of the bowels, which also participates in the detoxifying function of the bowels.
Program to maintain the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:
First month.
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Siberian cedar resin, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day.
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Siberian sea buckthorn, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day.
Second month.
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Siberian cedar resin, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day.
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil, 1 table spoon 1 time a day.
Third month.
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Siberian cedar resin, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day.
The use of the program presented exerts a comprehensive general influence on all organs and systems that protect the organism from harmful environmental effects.
The complex of natural Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products of functional nutrition displays a wide spectrum of health-improvement effects, which improve the metabolic, protective, and detoxifying functions of the organs that fulfill barrier functions.
Modern studies of the food allowance have revealed substantial deviations in the structure of the diet of the population from the formula of a balanced diet: a deficiency has been noted in micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and an entire series of organic compounds of plant origin; with regard to macronutrients, the food allowance is deficient in proteins and dietary fibers, and has an excess of animal fats.
The existing deficient structure of the diet exerts an unfavorable effect, first of all on the defensive strength of the organism - there is an increase in the risk of the development of different environmentally caused diseases.
Modern science possesses persuasive data to attest that, with the use of functional nutrition, it is possible to support an optimum level of vital activity and avoid many illnesses.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement are manufactured according to modern conserving technologies, which make it possible to preserve all biologically active natural components in their primary form.
The series of health-improvement products based on Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil includes:
- Cedar nut oil;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip
Thus, functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products - cedar nut oil, cedar oil with cedar resin, cedar nut oil enriched with sea buckthorn, and cedar nut oil enriched with rose hip - are composed of a harmoniously balanced complex of biologically active substances, which exert a combined versatile action on organs and systems that are critical for the maintenance of the cleanliness of the internal environment of the human organism. They do not contain preservatives or toxic substances; and therefore, there are no contraindications to their use, with the exception of any individual intolerance to separate components.
The high biological activity of the natural components of cedar products under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name and the complex action of balanced nutrients are responsible for the health improvement properties of these products in conditions of the influence of harmful environmental factors.
The use of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement is recommended for the inhabitants of large cities and environmentally unfavorable regions for prophylaxis and rehabilitation in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors by maintaining the function of the liver and the immune system, as well as the organs of the excretory system.
N. A. Agadzhanyan, PhD, Professor.
Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Scientific Research Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Copyright (c): http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/
Images Copyright: http://upload.wikimedia.org/

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant |
According to numerious sources the radiation from Japan has reached the West Coast of the United States. Protect yourself from the effects of radioactive contamination.
Danger to US West Coast if Japan Nuclear Meltdown
Reported from abc NEWS, Scientists said that even though the reactor had stopped producing energy, its fuel continues to generate heat and needs steady levels of coolant to prevent it from overheating and triggering a dangerous cascade of events.
They go on to say, "Up to 100 percent of the volatile radioactive Cesium-137 content of the pools could go up in flames and smoke, to blow downwind over large distances,"
"Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago." said Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist.
Fukushima I (there are two plant locations) is one of the 25 largest nuclear power stations in the world.
Why would the west coast USA be in danger?
The prevailing jet stream winds are blowing from Japan directly across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the United States. Any airborne radiation would make its way across with the jet stream, reaching the U.S. in approximately 36 hours, depending on the actual speed of the jet.
Japan weighs need to bury nuclear plant; tries to restore power
"An unprecedented huge earthquake and huge tsunami hit Japan. As a result, things that had not been anticipated in terms of the general disaster response took place," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told a news conference.
Japan also raised the severity rating of the nuclear crisis from Level 4 to Level 5 on the seven-level INES international scale, putting it on a par with America's Three Mile Island accident in 1979, although some experts say it is more serious.
Chernobyl was a 7 on the INES scale.

Therapeutic application of cedar nut oil in a group involved in the clean-up of the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station in 1986-1987
View at Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station from the fouth reactor's side |
Radiation is a form of beneficial energy which helps sustain life on our planet. But if it accumulates in a large quantity in one place, then it causes tremendous harm to Nature which takes decades to undo. Man is a part of Nature and shares in the consequences of any such catastrophe. In the case of exposure to intense radiation, serious harm results for all the body's life-sustaining mechanisms, and the body's defence system is significantly weakened.
This results in abnormalities and diseases. Up until recently medical theory held that the consequences of radiation exposure are incurable, which makes the following report all the more compelling.
In 1992 a experimental research was conducted into the therapeutic effect of cedar nut oil on a group of people who had taken part in the clean-up of the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station in 1986-1987. The group under observation consisted of 11 persons, including people with pronounced post-Chernobyl syndrome (stenisation, psychopathisation, pronounced irritability of the sympathetic nervous system). The most common complaints were: increased liability to fatigue, reduced working capacity in the latter part of the day (experienced by the whole group), sleeping disorders (8 subjects), frequent nervous breakdowns (7 subjects), recurring headaches (7 subjects). In addition, 4 persons suffered from chronic gastroduodenitis and 3 from chronic laryngotracheitis.
The treatment programme lasted 30-40 days and included a daily intake of cedar nut oil in a milk emulsion of 50%. The mixture was taken in two different doses: once every morning on an empty stomach, in the amount of 1 tablespoon (20 g approx.), and 3 times a day before meals in the amount of 1 teaspoon (7 g approx.).
All patients reported positive results from taking the cedar nut oil. All 11 subjects noticed an improvement in their overall well-being, increased working capacity, a significant stabilisation of the nervous system and a normalisation of sleep patterns. Headaches disappeared (4 subjects) or were less pronounced (3 subjects). A beneficial effect was also observed on the gastrointestinal tract - symptoms of gastritis were barely noticeable. Bowel functions normalised. The symptoms of laryngotracheitis completely disappeared in the three patients who were suffering from this disease.
A group of liquidators is preparing to clean-up the Reactor's roof. |
Radiation disactivation works in 30 km zone after the explosion. |
Radiation disactivation of apartment building in Chernobyl. |
It is interesting to note that during the whole time the mixture was being taken not one of the patients took ill with flu or any other acute respiratory disease.
It should be emphasised that no health improvement was achieved by members of this group through ordinary medical remedies. As a natural food product, cedar nut oil has practically no counter-indications to its application.
F. Saleev, Captain, First Class
Chairman of the Medical Commission of the Tomsk Division, Chernobyl Union
M.D., Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Military Epidemiology
A. Shardakov
Chairman, Tomsk Division, Chernobyl Union
Used by permission
© Copyright CedarInfo.info
Photos copyrights: http://www.inosmi.ru www.rian.ru http://vesti.kz/

The Sea buckthorns (Hippophae L.) are deciduous shrubs in the genus Hippophae, family Elaeagnaceae. It is also referred to as "sea buckthorn", seabuckthorn, sandthorn or seaberry.
Description and distribution
There are 6 species and 12 subspecies native over a wide area of Europe and Asia, including China, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. More than 90 percent or about 1.5 million hectares of the world's sea buckthorn resources can be found in China where the plant is exploited for soil and water conservation purposes. The shrubs reach 0.5-6 m tall, rarely up to 10 m in central Asia, and typically occur in dry, sandy areas. They are tolerant of salt in the air and soil, but demand full sunlight for good growth and do not tolerate shady conditions near larger trees.
The common Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is by far the most widespread, with a range extending from the Atlantic coasts of Europe right across to northwestern China. In western Europe, it is largely confined to sea coasts where salt spray off the sea prevents other larger plants from out-competing it, but in central Asia it is more widespread in dry semi-desert sites where other plants cannot survive the dry conditions; in central Europe and Asia it also occurs as a subalpine shrub above tree line in mountains, and other sunny areas such as river banks.
Common Sea buckthorn has branches that are dense and stiff, and very thorny. The leaves are a distinct pale silvery-green, lanceolate, 3-8 cm long and less than 7 mm broad. It is dioecious, with separate male and female plants. The male produces brownish flowers which produce wind-distributed pollen.
Berries and leaves
The female plants produce orange berries 6-9 mm in diameter, soft, juicy and rich in oils. The berries are an important winter food resource for some birds, notably fieldfares.
Leaves are eaten by the larva of the coastal race of the ash pug moth and by larvae of other Lepidoptera including brown-tail, dun-bar, emperor moth, mottled umber and Coleophora elaeagnisella.
Hippophae salicifolia (willow-leaved Sea buckthorn) is restricted to the Himalaya, to the south of the common Sea buckthorn, growing at high altitudes in dry valleys; it differs from H. rhamnoides in broader (to 10 mm broad), greener (less silvery) leaves, and yellow berries. A wild variant occurs in the same area, but at even higher altitudes in the alpine zone. It is a low shrub not growing taller than 1 m with small leaves 1-3 cm long.
Harvesting and landscaping
Harvesting is difficult due to the dense thorn arrangement among the berries on each branch. A common harvesting technique is to remove an entire branch, though this is destructive to the shrub and reduces future harvests. A branch removed in this way is next frozen, allowing the berries to be easily shaken off. The branches are cut, deep frozen to -32C, then shaken or abraded for removal of the berries.
The worker then crushes the berries to remove up to 95% of the leaves and other debris. This causes the berries to melt slightly from the surface as the work takes place at ambient temperature (about 20C). Berries or the crushed pulp are later frozen for storage.
The most effective way to harvest berries and not damage branches is by using a berry-shaker. Mechanical harvesting leaves up to 50% in the field and the berries can be harvested only once in two years. They only get about 25% of the yield that could be harvested with this relatively new machinery.
During the Cold War, Russian and East German horticulturists developed new varieties with greater nutritional value, larger berries, different ripening months and a branch that is easier to harvest. Over the past 20 years, experimental crops have been grown in the United States, one in Nevada and one in Arizona, and in several provinces of Canada.
Sea buckthorn is also a popular garden and landscaping shrub, particularly making a good vandal-proof barrier hedge with an aggressive basal shoot system exploited in some parts of the world as wind breaks and to stabilize riverbanks and steep slopes. They have value in northern climates for their landscape qualities, as the colorful berry clusters are retained through winter. Branches may be used by florists for designing ornaments. The plant is the regional flora of the Finnish region of Satakunta.
Nutrients and potential health effects
Sea buckthorn berries are multipurposed, edible and nutritious, though very acidic and astringent, unpleasant to eat raw, unless 'bletted' (frosted to reduce the astringency) and/or mixed as a juice with sweeter substances such as apple or grape juice.
When the berries are pressed, the resulting Sea buckthorn oil separates into three layers: on top is a thick, orange cream; in the middle, a layer containing Sea buckthorn's characteristic high content of saturated and polyunsaturated fats; and the bottom layer is sediment and juice. Containing fat sources applicable for cosmetic purposes, the upper two layers can be processed for skin creams and liniments, whereas the bottom layer can be used for edible products like syrup.
One of the most beneficial products from these berries is Sea Buckthorn Oil.
Nutrient and phytochemical constituents of Sea buckthorn berries have potential value as antioxidants that may affect inflammatory disorders, cancer or other diseases.
The fruit of the plant has a high vitamin C content-in a range of 114 to 1550 mg per 100 grams with an average content (695 mg per 100 grams) about 12 times greater than Oranges - placing Sea buckthorn fruit among the most enriched plant sources of vitamin C. The fruit also contains dense contents of carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, B-sitosterol and polyphenolic acids.
Apart from being nourishing, the juice has a freezing point of -22 degrees Celsius allowing it to remain a liquid even in sub-zero temperatures.
Consumer products
Sea buckthorn Oil has been used as traditional therapy for diseases and great skin carer product. As no applications discussed in this section have been verified by Western science and sufficient clinical trial evidence, such knowledge remains mostly unreferenced outside of Asia and is communicated mainly from person to person.
Grown widely throughout its native China and other mainland regions of Asia, Sea buckthorn is an herbal medicine used over centuries to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. In Mongolia, extracts of Sea buckthorn branches and leaves are used to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.
Bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea and gastrointestinal and dermatologic disorders. Topical compressions are used for rheumatoid arthritis. Flowers may be used as a skin softener.
For its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, berry fruits are added to medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders in Indian, Chinese and Tibetan medicines. Sea buckthorn berry components have potential anticarcinogenic activity.
Fresh juice, syrup and berry or seed oils are used for colds, fever, exhaustion, as an analgesic or treatment for stomach ulcers, cancer, skin care and metabolic disorders.
Called 'Chharma' in some native languages, oil from fruits and seeds is used for liver diseases, inflammation, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, including peptic ulcers and gastritis, eczema, canker sores and other ulcerative disorders of mucosal tissues, wounds, inflammation, burns, frostbite, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus erythematosus, and chronic dermatoses. In ophthalmology, berry extracts have been used for keratosis, trachoma, eyelid injuries and conjunctivitis. The Sea buckthorn oil is also known to kill tiny parasitic mites called Demodex.
Sea Buckthorn Oil
Due to its unique botanical and nutritional properties, and there being no reported evidence of Sea buckthorn oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects, the oil is also used as a natural agent that may benefit diseases of mucous membranes, including Aphthous ulcers, esophagitis, acid reflux, and peptic ulcers, as well as dermatological diseases and skin conditions.
In Russia and China, pulp oil may also be used topically to treat skin burns from radiation. Due to its ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, pulp oil is purported to reduce risk of radiation burns for Russian astronauts working in space.
Currently, cosmetic companies are adding Sea Buckthorn Oil to anti-aging preparations for skin rejuvenation and accelerated healing properties. It is also being used topically as a natural treatment for eczema, acne rosacea, acne and acne scars, and as a lotion for minimizing stretch marks.
Source: Wikipedia

Our Unique Production Technique:
Cedar Nut Sheller
This equipment and method of shelling Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedar Kernels and Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
Cedar Nut Oil Press
This equipment and method of pressing Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedare Nut Oil
The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:
A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.
Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.
Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:
We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.
Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.
Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.
Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.
Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.

Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.
The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).
Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.
Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.
Copyright: http://www.RingingCedarsOfRussia.org/

Adapted slightly from "Good Tempered Food" by Tamasin Day-Lewis, this side dish tastes delicious hot, room temperature, or cold, making it perfect for summer picnics and potlucks. You'll enjoy the contrast of sweet raisins, crunchy cedar nuts, and the tang of lemon.
3 medium zucchini
1 Tbsp cedar nut oil
A handful of golden raisins
A handful of cedar nuts
1 large clove garlic, minced
Juice of half a lemon, or more to taste
Sea salt, to taste
Fresh black pepper, to taste
Slice the zucchini into 1/8-inch rounds (by hand or with a mandoline).
Heat the oil in a large nonstick frying pan, and add the zucchini. Cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, until the zucchini are becoming slightly translucent and just starting to brown.
Add the raisins and cedar nuts, and the garlic. Stir, and let cook for 2-3 minutes.
When the cedar nuts are just starting to brown, add the lemon juice and season to taste with sea salt and pepper.
Reduce heat to low, and cook 1 minute more, to allow the flavors to combine.
Serve hot, at room temperature, or cold.
Servings: 4
Adapted from Deborah Madison's "Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone"
2 tbsp cedar nut oil
1/2 medium onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
3/4 tsp ground coriander
3/4 tsp ground cumin
1 cup bulgur, rinsed
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 cups water
1/3 cup currants (raisins, dried cranberries, or dried cherries could be substituted)
2 green onions, sliced
1/2 can (4.25 ounce) chopped black olives
1/3 cup toasted cedar nuts
Heat cedar nut oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
Add onion, garlic clove, coriander and cumin. Cook, stirring frequently, until the onion begins to soften, 3 to 4 minutes.
Add bulgur and salt, and cook for an additional minute. Add water and bring to a boil.
Lower heat, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove from heat, stir in currants, and re-cover. Let stand for 5 minutes.
Fluff with a fork and stir in green onions and cedar nuts. Serve.
Serves 4
100g/4oz Cedar Nuts
300ml/10fl.oz. Fresh Vegetable Stock
240ml/8fl.oz. Single Cream
A pinch of Cayenne Pepper
A pinch of Nutmeg
A pinch of Powdered Saffron
Salt and Black Pepper
1. Place the cedar nuts, egg yolks and half the chicken stock in a food processor or blender and process until smooth.
2. Transfer to a saucepan, add the spices, cream and the remainder of the stock and heat gently over medium heat, stirring constantly until heated through. Do not boil.
3. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve immediately.
Servings: 4
http://www.theperfectpantry.com/ http://www.recipes4us.co.uk/

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/cedar_nuts_and_ringing_cedars_information.php

Limited Time Offer for retail orders.
Fixed low rate on any order! Free shipping after $147!
USA - Fixed $5 rate for USPS Priority mail (1 to 3 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Canada - Fixed $5.9 rate for Expedited service (3 to 6 business days to arrive), free shipping for orders on amount of $147!
Europe - No handling fee, low fixed rates are available: up to 100g = 6.57$, 100g+ = 8.01$, 500g+ = 9.84$, 1kg+ = 19.63, 2 kg+ = 20.8, 5rg+ = 26.92, 10kg+ = 39.15$, free shipping for orders on amount of $200!
International orders (all other countries) - Low fixed rates are available: up to 0.5lb = 8.5$, 1lb+ = 8.7$, 1.5lb+ = $14.8, 2lb+ = $17.80, 2.5lb+ = $21, 3lb+ = $23.5. Maximum shipping charge for any order is $23.5!

These Promotions are available worldwide from the following warehouses: USA, Canada, Europe.
Estimated arrival - March 2011
Your healthy sleep for the entire night.
Qualities: Cedar pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" has a distinct Cedar nut smell, possesses antiseptic qualities, and is of a medium softness.
Uses: For the full benefit of a healthy sleep.
Consists of: Fabric - 100% flax. Content: dried, extremely thin layer that exists between the nut and the shell of a Cedar nut. Fully natural and ecologically clean components.
Cedar Pillow has a great history in ancient folk medicine. Healers believed that Cedar has a variety of different benefits:
- Relieves nervous tension.
- Assists in deep relaxation.
- Assists in deep healthy sleep and rest.
- Assists in stress relief.
- Gives a feeling of morning freshness.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Normalizes blood and inner cranial pressure.
- Decreases pain in both head and neck areas.
- Cedar ethers mobilize spiritual aspects of a Human being.
Cedar pillow under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" is a unique product which carries the purity and power of the Cedar forest. It is made in consistence with ancient technologies. Supply is very limited. Pillow dimensions: 18.5'' x 24.5'' (45 x 60 cm). Box dimensions: 12.25'' x 5'' x 17.5'' (31 x 12.7 x 45 cm).
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PREORDER: Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil Enriched with Cedar (Pine) Resin
Now it is stronger - 5% Turpentine Balsam
Estimated arrival - March 2011
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil, 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Resin.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
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1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Siberian Cedar Resin. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Siberian Cedar Resin vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: The extract is made by inserting Cedar Resin in the Cedar (Pine) Nut Oil and is kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the Resin. Its another name is Turpentine balsam.
3. Q: What is Cedar Resin Extract beneficial for?
Cedar Resin Extract has a lot of energy, it is a perfect anticeptic, strengthens the immune system and it's great for skin. It promotes the renewal of the structure and functions of the cells of the liver and pancreas. Resin Extract is great for infections, viral diseases, colds, soar throats.
The Cedar Resin Extract is also beneficial for:
- all types of catarrhal diseases
- bronchopulmonary and ear, nose, and throat diseases
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- cardiovascular and endocrine diseases
- skin and stomatological diseases
- diseases of the nervous system
- diseases of the locomotor system
4. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of Cedar Resin Extract causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Sea Buckthorn - "Buy 3 get 1 free!"
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Currently we are offering you a great promotional discount "Buy 3 get 1 free!" of "Siberian Cedar Nut Oil with Sea Buckthorn" 100g. packaging. Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Sea Buckthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Sea Buckthorn vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Sea Buckthorn berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Sea Buckthorn berries beneficial for?
A: Sea Buckthorn berry has a very pleasant mild taste, it is known to calm the nerves, and is very good for the skin if used topically and internally and is great antioxidant.
The Sea Buckthorn is also beneficial for:
- diseases of mucous membranes
- dermatological diseases and skin conditions
6. Q: Where were your Sea Buckthorn berries grown?
A: The Sea Buckthorn berries that we use for extract grow in Siberia - one of the pures and ecologically cleanest area in the world. They are wild harverted. The Sea Buckthorn berries of Russia contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in the world, becuase the plants were cultivated with the aim to increase vitamins and minerals in berries, as opposes to Chinese and Canadian Sea Buckthorn, which were cultivated to raise the quantity of berries.
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KEDRA TOOTHPASTE Gift Set (Buy 3 get 1 FREE)

Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Sea Buckthorn
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Sea Buckthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Sea Buckthorn vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Sea Buckthorn berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Sea Buckthorn berries beneficial for?
A: Sea Buckthorn berry has a very pleasant mild taste, it is known to calm the nerves, and is very good for the skin if used topically and internally and is great antioxidant.
The Sea Buckthorn is also beneficial for:
- diseases of mucous membranes
- dermatological diseases and skin conditions
6. Q: Where were your Sea Buckthorn berries grown?
A: The Sea Buckthorn berries that we use for extract grow in Siberia - one of the pures and ecologically cleanest area in the world. They are wild harverted. The Sea Buckthorn berries of Russia contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals in the world, becuase the plants were cultivated with the aim to increase vitamins and minerals in berries, as opposes to Chinese and Canadian Sea Buckthorn, which were cultivated to raise the quantity of berries.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Whole Rose Hip
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Rose Hip Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Rose Hip berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Rose Hip berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Rose Hip berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Rose Hip berries beneficial for?
A: Rose Hip is particularly high in Vitamine C, it also contains Vitamins D and E. It is powerful antioxidant and is great for bones and joints. Rose Hip berries are used to treat diseases of liver and bile passages. They facilitate liver and gall bladder functioning and trigger self-cleaning as they are strong bile-expelling agent. Rose Hip flowers are also consumed as a remedy for heartburn.
The Rose Hip berries are also beneficial for:
- urinary bladder infections
5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Cedar Nut Oil Enriched with Hawthorn Berry
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, 100% natural Hawthorn Berry.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
1. Q: Is it Cedar Nut Oil?
A: This is 100% natural Cedar Nut Oil cold pressed from wild harvested, organic, not certified cedar nuts, but it also has all the benefits of Hawthorn berries. It was not blended with any other substance, it was enriched with Hawthorm berries vitamins and minerals by means of extraction.
2. Q: How the extract is made?
A: Hawthorn berries are inserted in the Cedar Nut Oil and are kept there under a vacuum for certain time, until Oil extracts all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins as well as natural color from the berries.
3. Q: What are Hawthorn berries beneficial for?
A: Hawthorn Berry strengthens the heart, helps restore blood pressure to nominal levels, and is good for the blood. Hawthorn berry is also good for digestive problems.
5. Q: Are there any negative side effects?
A: There was no reported evidence of this oil causing adverse reactions or negative side effects.
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Sherman Oaks, CA
"Lotus Consulting Service Inc.", Lilia Kilimnik, 5205 Buffalo Ave, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91401, USA
Tel: 818-905-0740

Canada, British Columbia
Nutrilife Health Food, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6C7
Tel: 778-285-3588

Canada, Alberta
Tel: 403-938-0042

Canada, British Columbia
770 Spruce Ave., Victoria
Tel: 250-370-1818

Buena Vista, CO
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, 411 E MAIN ST, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211, USA
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, providing holistic healthcare from different practitioners. Karen Lacy the owner offers QNRT (Quantum Neurological Reset Therapy), Allergy Reduction Conductive Laser Therapy, Bio-Energetic Bodyscanning, Anti-gravity Field Balancing, Ionic Footbaths. We carry the Ringing Cedars of Russia products.
Call us at 719-239-2007

Andrej Gjurec, Sveti Jurij 15b, Rogasovci, 9262, Slovenia
Tel: +368 41 817 339

Thunder Bay, ON
International House of Tea, 899 Fort William Rd, Thunder Bay, ON P7B3A6, Canada
e-mail: info@internationalhouseoftea.com

For a full list of our distributors please click here.

I know about Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars books for more than 8 years and I resonate with everything she says. I love her and her work. I will recommend your website to many people and if it is possible connect it to my soon to be created web site.
Pavlina Gogueva, USA
Love Kerri
* * *
I am so so delighted to have been lead down the path of The Ringing Cedar series :) I can't wait to read all of them and to purchase some cedar for my children and I to wear to! We are very much in need of some healing right now.
Bless you, thank you and deepest purest love-light hugs from my heart to Anastasia :))
Tanya Eichel, USA
* * *
I have begun reading the Ringing Cedar Series and I have purchased so far a couple of cedar pendants. As a man, I am very much intrigued by what I have read and felt so far.
Sandy Gregory Jr.
I must say that the Cedar Nut Oil has indeed healing powers! My friend told me that it helped him with his back pain just
by massaging it in, so I tried as well since I suffered from back pain for many months now. I must say it was like a miracle! after about 3 days of massaging my back with it, the pain was totally gone.
I cant thank you enough for this amazing product. Keep up the good work.
Truly Yours, Robert
* * *
Dear Ringing Cedars,
I received my order about a week ago,and I must say big THANK YOU to you.
The Pine Nut Oil has helped me so much with my stomach acidity. I used to have severe pains, but after 4 days of taking the oil I felt such relief!
I will definetely be ordering again.
Warmest Wishes from Felicia, USA
* * *
I am very interested in all your products,and especialy in a piece of the ringing cedar for a pendant.
thank you very much.love Anita Gonzalez, Canada
* * *
I am always confindant that I will get my order in a timely manner, the quality is always excellent!
Cris Golz, USA
* * *
Excellent cust service, always get warm people on the phone...the shipping was fast got my package in like 2 days. Very neatly packaged, Great Work!
Thank you, Rosalinda M
* * *
I am a repeat customer and like the selection of products and service . I always am satisfied with both the quality of the products and level of service offered.
Kate Thomson, USA

History of Aromatherapy
For millenniums humanity has been discovering mysterious properties of plants. Knowledge obtained through experiments and researches and its systematization resulted in a new science - Aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is an art of healing by means of plant aromas. Aromatherapy emerged long before it was thought as a science. Have you noticed how easily you breathe when you are walking in a forest? How nice it is to feel piny wood scent and redolence of green pine needles and resin! This is a natural aromatherapy.
According to the first manuscripts with fragrance recipes aromatherapy has been used for 6000 years! In Egypt the use of aromatherapy is confirmed by earthenware tablets that described embalming process by means of aromatics.
Ancient people perfectly understood aromatic and therapeutic properties of plants. Contemporary civilization just begins to uncover the value of aromatherapy hidden treasures.
In the ancient times aromatic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties of essential-oil plants were known and widely used from Babylon and Persia to India and China. In the old medical texts of these countries, written around 3000 years ago, many herbs and their utilization were described. Plants whose aromas were able to impact on consciousness were burned during religious ceremonies.
The resins that were used for incense were highly therapeutic; they influenced on respiratory system and immersed priests into meditative state. Egyptians applied fragrances from perfumery and cosmetics to medicine and mummification. Some perfume jars still smell with fragrance that was kept there 3200 years ago. Also Egyptians used aromas for skin care, washing clothes, added them into vine and food. Frankincense oil used to be burned in honor of Egyptian God Ra, it also was a great component in skin care recipes. Cedar and Myrrh oils were used for embalming. As it turned out essential oils of cedar and myrrh contained elements with strong prophylactic and antiseptic properties, which allowed mummies be preserved for a very long time. Egyptians acquired a reputation of perfume experts; however, they were not familiar with essential oil extraction methods and used only infusions and ointments.
Greeks continued researches in aromatherapy. They found new uses for essential oils in medicine. Ancient thinker and pharmacologist Pedanius Dioscorides wrote a book about healing with herbs "De Materia Medica". This book had been very popular in Europe for 12 centuries. Many recipes offered in this book are still useful today. Another Greek physician Hippocrates - the founder of contemporary scientific medicine composed a work where 236 plants and their medical use were described. Reflecting Greek philosophy of his time, Hippocrates approached patient as a unified whole and as a part of nature. He believed that plants contain medical elements in optimal combination and thus they heal better when unprocessed or as natural juices.
Romans based their knowledge on Greeks' aromatherapy achievements. Their innovation was in bringing aromatic plants and ingredients from Aravia and Eastern India. With new plants more deceases could be cured. Romans paid a lot of attention to the aromatic properties of plants. In antique Rome and Greece perfumery with floral scents was booming, the essential oils were widely used in steam baths as a daily ritual. Many Greek doctors served in Roman army and carried their aromatherapy knowledge through different countries. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that essential oils were given to people by Olympus Gods as a means of supreme light, awakening love.
After the collapse of Roman Empire, Arabic perfumers improved aromatherapy knowledge. They were the first who applied steam distillation for extracting essential oil from rose petals. This invention is believed to belong to Avicenna, philosopher and a physician of Middle East. He described more than 800 medical means that were mostly of botanical origin. In his book "The Canon of Medicine" he described steam distillation method which is used nowadays as well.
European aromatherapy was developing in medieval times. During crusades Arabic fragrances were spread over entire Europe. Plant's medical properties were intensively studied at the times of pestilence spread. Branches of lavender and cypress were burned on the streets. It was the only protection against Black Death that people knew.
In the ninetieth century with the development of synthetic pharmacology the importance of aromatherapy began to decrease. However, when it was noticed that synthetic products caused multiple complications the interest in aromatherapy arose again.
In 1930, French scientist-chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse put into practice a term of Aromatherapy. His family owned a perfumery fabric, and, according to the legend, Maurice, working in a laboratory, burned his hand badly. By reflex, he dipped his hand into lavender oil that was standing by. Later he was so amazed watching mystical recovery and disappearance of scars on his hand. As a result he dedicated his live to researches about essential oil cosmetic and dermatological properties.
French physician Jean Valnet significantly expanded uses of aromatherapy. He was using essential oils for disinfection of wounds and for internal organs spasms relieving. In 1964 he published a book "Practice of Aromatherapy" triggering the aromatherapy practice in Europe. Homeopathic clinics, practicing aromatherapy were build in Paris, Sveden and England where obvious rejuvenation properties of essential oils were studied.
Contemporary aromatherapy is first of all a prophylactic and healthful method of maintaining good psycho-emotional and physical fitness. It is a therapy that relieves everyday stress and prevents development of infirmity. In Canada, US, Europe and Japan thousands of aromatherapy clinics operate, aromatherapy books are published and scientific laboratories are working, continuing the tradition of aromatherapy use.
With the growing popularity of aromatherapy many people get familiarized with therapeutic properties of essential oils and start using them at home on a daily basis.
On the current market the world leading Essential Oil company is Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living's line of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and essential oil blends are sourced from the world's finest plants. They are not diluted with chemical and synthetic additives and are carefully prepared to maintain plant integrity. This commitment to purity makes Young Living products the world's highest-quality essential oil line.
Part of the proceeds go to the creation of an Eco-Village.
Used by permission
Copyright http://www.youngliving.pro/

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles
Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 83 Cassilis St Coonabarabran NSW Australia Phone number: 0268424778
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Vedruss Kins Oasis
User classifieds ad:
Calling Vedruss! A Kin's Village is called into being in Coonabarabran, Australia. If you feel called to participate, please email Radha or Chris for more details - capricorndancerlive.com.au

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near and far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

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