

This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Children's Upbringing and Education:
Meaning of Food in Our Lives
Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

Ecological Farming, Permaculture
Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies


Exclusive interview with Vladimir Megre
for THE EARTH Newspaper.
by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.
Regina Jensen: Vladimir Nikolaevich, I would first like to ask you a philosophical question: You are a well-known person and writer with world-wide acclaim. Your books are sold in great numbers throughout the world; yet you live modestly, not surrounded with luxuries as is often the case with world-renowned celebrities. Can you explain why you differ from others in that respect?
Vladimir Megre: I consider it senseless and even unethical to own large apartments filled with a multitude of objects if you yourself cannot be constantly in contact with them, fill them with your aura.
I sometimes visit my acquaintances, who have houses with twelve rooms and more. They have a servant, cook, gardener, but in their home one does not feel that invisible warmth that the surrounding space may give a person if the person is in direct contact and personal communication with this space. A hired gardener is involved with the garden not with love, but for money. A cleaning woman will hardly clean furniture and vacuum the floors with love, but they are the main persons responsible for that living-space, not the owners. Even a highly qualified cook is not able to prepare the type of food that can be made by one's own grandmother, mother, or beloved woman. Food made by a stranger will not have the same energy or force as food made by people close to you, who truly love you. That is why I live in a small apartment on the edge of the city. Twenty metres from the loggia of the apartment is a pine forest. I feel that the best place in my dwelling is my office, where there is a portrait of Anastasia, a picture portraying her parents, and other pictures. There is a carved desk and chair of Siberian cedar, brought from the taiga, made by talented Siberian craftsmen (photograph of the table, chair, statuette). I work at this desk. I sleep on a couch in the same office.
I believe that a person should have the type of dwelling that he himself can fill with his aura, and with which he can be in a kindly relationship. Then it will return to him its love. If strangers work in a person's dwelling, they can leave behind their energy, which is not always wholesome for the owner. Understanding this, I do not strive to have a luxurious apartment with a lot of rooms.
R.J.: That is a very touching and unusual way to consider and describe personal space, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Thank You!
Regarding money, I know also that you send your personal funds to finance social projects, you even gave up your country home to establish an art gallery. I understand all too well that for a person like you, money cannot be an end in itself. Even though, I am interested in your personal thoughts about money.
V.M.: In actuality, no one really needs money. But in the conditions of the virtual world in which modern society finds itself, the virtual value of banknotes provides for real everyday necessities. These are, of course, different for everyone.
The royalties I receive personally are completely sufficient for my everyday needs. But when I accumulate more money, I will direct it for the creation of feature films which, I hope, will help me and many others to define our destiny in space and time as we conceive it. In general, I have a balanced attitude toward money. I certainly don't worship it.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich, currently, many people are discussing the "Megre" phenomenon. You became involved in business as an ordinary photographer, without any initial capital or education in economics, and in a short time you became the chairman of the Siberian businessmen's association, a businessman known throughout Russia. You suddenly give up business, all your savings, and begin to write books, while having no specialized education, no money to publish the first edition. And again in a relatively short period of time you have become a well-known writer in modern Russia and all the former countries of the Soviet Union. The ideas contained in your books are discussed at the highest levels of power, and the name Vladimir Megre is frequently at the center of social and political conversations.
Moreover, correct me if I am wrong, your books have been translated into 20 languages of the world and their total circulation is more than 11 million copies. The ideas described in your books have found a response in the souls of people living in the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, England, and many other countries. Your creative work is compared to the work of the "later" Tolstoy, and John Woodsworth, a Canadian researcher and poet, has written an interesting paper in this regard. I remember reading it on the Ringing Cedars of Russia website. (Ed. Note: see reference below.)
Tell me, how do you yourself explain the "Megre" phenomenon? I would imagine that so much fame can be quite a burden.
V.M.: Fame is not a burden. It does, after all, have a life of its own, beyond the walls of my office. When I walk along the street, I in no way draw attention to the fact that I am a writer, which allows me to observe life around me. I do not consider myself a phenomenon or special in any way. I was the most ordinary businessman, made trade expeditions on ships down rivers into the heart of Siberia, did not have any spiritual or moral goals before me. It was simply thanks to fate that I ended up at the right place at the right time.
Imagine a deserted bank of the Siberian Ob River, thousands of kilometers from our so-called civilization. On the bank stands a woman in an old jacket, long skirt, wearing rubber galoshes, and so wrapped up in a shawl that only her eyes are visible. I was looking for a guide who could show me the path leading to the place in the taiga where the ringing cedar grew. So I approached her. She answered that you had to walk twenty-five kilometers across the taiga to get there, and she agreed to take me. This woman's name, as it later turned out, was Anastasia. She, just as many researchers now consider, is indeed the most unusual phenomenon of our time. And not only because she was born and lives in the heart of the Siberian taiga. Recluses are also found in other places on earth. But Anastasia possesses some mysterious abilities and knowledge of the primogenitors. She considers the basic science to be the science of imagery, knowledge that was partially possessed by the priests of ancient Egypt. The curing of all kinds of diseases and teleportation are not at all the most important of her abilities. As shown by later events, she is able to design the future and, following her thoughts, this future begins to materialize in the real circumstances of our lives. In doing so, she asserts that every person living on earth possesses these same abilities. They begin to manifest themselves in people in a certain way of life. During the first hours of our meeting, Anastasia did not in any way differ from the ordinary dwellers of the Siberian backwoods. More probably she very skillfully disguised herself as one of them. And I had a feeling of superiority over the ordinary woman walking in front of me along the path through the taiga. After all, at that time I was a well-known businessman, traveling in a comfortable boat, and who was she?
But at a stop, when I decided to have a rest and quench my thirst, the first startling event occurred. The woman refused to share my meal, went off by herself, took off her shawl and outer clothing, down to a short summer dress, lay down on the grass under the rays of the weak sun.
When I tore myself away from my meal and glanced at her, I was struck by what I saw. On the grass was lying an uncommonly beautiful woman, about twenty-three, with long, golden hair. The features of her face were regular, her well-tended skin did not at all resemble the weather-beaten faces of the dwellers of the Siberian backwoods. She had large, kind, grey-blue eyes, and lips that smiled slightly. An unusual energy emanated from her lithe body, which could be felt even at a distance of several metres. And it felt as if the sun's rays, touching her body, were transformed into some kind of bewitching energy that caressed the space around her. She was wearing a short, light dress, somewhat resembling a nightshirt, but one had the impression that her body was not cold.
I spent three days in the taiga together with Anastasia, but had the sensation that I had passed through several lifetimes, and moreover in different dimensions. At the beginning, to a greater extent I was struck by the mode of life of this recluse of the taiga. At her gesture, squirrels place dried mushrooms and cedar nuts at her feet. She sometimes plays with a she-wolf as with a pet dog. Not all animals of the taiga serve Anastasia devotedly, only those that live on her territory. But this did not turn out to be the main thing. The phenomenon of Anastasia lies in the fact that she is able to reproduce pictures of her family's life beginning with the creation of the earth. I did not accidentally use the word "reproduce." When she speaks of the life of her distant forefathers of tens of thousands of years in the past, then vivid pictures of these distant events arise. These pictures are more perfect than those on a television screen. It is as if holograms appear in space and the scents and sounds of the distant past are experienced. Researchers suppose that, in theory, pictures of the past of one's family can be seen by each person, through genetic memory. However, the hustle and bustle of modern life does not allow a person to do this, and perhaps these abilities for most people have been lost, as have, by the way, many other abilities.
R.J.: To me, Vladimir Nikolaevich, it all rang true right away, but my husband said wistfully "It all sounds too good to be true - if only that could be our reality." How do readers really know, unless they have a deep inner response themselves?
V.M.: It is difficult to verify the authenticity of Anastasia's stories about the past. However, the logic in her stories is greater than the logic in official historical works, and Anastasia's construction of the pictures of people's lives in the future is beginning to come true, even in detail.
According to Anastasia, the future of humanity is seen as amazingly beautiful. However, this future is based not on so-called scientific and technological progress, but on a profound knowledge of the natural world.
She considers the modern method of conquering outer space using space ships to be primitive, irrational and impossible on a sufficiently serious scale.
Mankind can settle distant planets and create life on them only by using its psychotelepathic abilities, which will develop in proportion to the construction of a more perfect way of life for people on the planet Earth.
Anastasia has an unusually rapid speed of thought. She may exceed the speed of the most modern computers many times over.
For example, in response to the question, "What is the main source of air pollution in large cities?" she gazed for several minutes in her own individual way, analyzed the situation in the cities of the entire world, and answered: "Smoke coming from the tailpipes of the cars moving in the city and leaving on the roads tiny particles of their wheels." Of course, information about cars as the main source of air pollution in large cities is widely known, but attention has not been drawn to the tiny particles of rubber from rubbing the tires on the asphalt. But further, in only several minutes, Anastasia had analyzed the vast number of alternative ways of cleaning the harmful dust from the air of large cities and offered, in her words, the most rational solution. She suggested placing beneath the bottom of each car a small box, which would collect the harmful particles when the car was moving. This method has not been referred to anywhere, but using it, it would be possible to collect tens of tons of the harmful substance from the streets of modern large metropolises. I would be happy if it were used in America.
R.J.: Anastasia's philosophy, her descriptions of our reality today, her story, and more precisely the image she creates of the wonderful future of Russia and the entire world, have given rise to an unbelievable phenomenon in society. I understand that hundreds of thousands of people, not waiting for instructions from above or government financing, have, on their own initiative, embarked on making this created image a reality. Is that true?
V.M.: Yes, Anastasia believes that every family should have its own parcel of land with an area of no less than a hectare. This parcel, which the recluse from the taiga calls a Kin's domain, should be transformed by the family into a living, heavenly oasis, that answers all a person's needs. A person's level of spiritual development is represented by the appearance of his living creation and the person's way of life in it.
She considers it totally unacceptable to bury members of a family in cemeteries. They should be buried only on Kin's domains. Then the spirits of the deceased relatives will not suffer from the fact that their bodies have been discarded, as into waste pits far from their relations, in a cemetery. But on the contrary, buried in Kin's domains, their soul will help and protect the people living in the domains.
Analogous to our modern ones, cemeteries existed in antiquity as well, but they were intended for animals that had died of diseases and criminals without families.
Anastasia spoke about how to lay out and develop one's Kin's domain so that, using it, it would be possible to rid oneself of physical ailments.
She spoke about the ancient and very beautiful wedding ceremony in a fair bit of detail, a ceremony through which the young couple, by the force of their thoughts, created the plan for their future Kin's domain, and at the very moment of the marriage, with the participation of their parents, relatives, and friends, that which they had thought about materialized in several minutes.
Anastasia also asserts that, for young couples who create their Kin's domains in this manner, love will never pass away. Moreover, it will become stronger with the years, and she explains why this occurs:
"When a husband looks at his wife, he subconsciously identifies her both with his wonderful domain and with his child, who, this is also essential, should be born on the domain." This is something to believe in. After all, for each person the very best place in the world remains his or her own small homeland. The most beautiful and best of the children of the entire world will always be his or her child.
Anastasia also asserts that, if all people or the majority of them begin consciously to create their Kin's domain, turning them into heavenly oases, then the entire world will be transformed. Natural cataclysms and wars will not occur on earth. When the inner, spiritual world of a person changes, new knowledge and abilities will be opened to him or her. A person may create wonderful worlds analogous to our earthly world on other planets.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich, this all sounds so very amazing and encouraging. But we have many people, especially many authorities, who would not want people to have this information and criticize not only you but anyone who would believe Anastasia's philosophies.
V.M.: The official critics may approach the subjects of the books and pronouncements of the recluse from the taiga in various ways, but their opinions are not really that important now. The most important critics - the people - have expressed their positive opinion in tens of thousands of letters, and hundreds of thousands of e-mails. They have expressed themselves not only with words, but also with concrete actions. The hundreds of large and small settlements that have sprung up and continue to spring up all across Russia are confirmation of that.
R.J.: Is that incredibly positive response all over the world not somewhat of a miracle in itself?
V.M.: Yes, it is here that a riddle arises, a riddle that for the time being remains unsolvable and mysterious: if this mass movement has been provoked by only the pronouncements of this recluse from the taiga quoted in books, what force is hidden behind her phrases? It is possible that they are constructed in such a way that the letters form a certain code. It is possible that a certain rhythm of her phrases has significance. Anastasia usually tries to attune herself to the manner of speech of her interlocutor, using his vocabulary, way of constructing phrases, but at certain moments she suddenly begins to speak another language, categorically smooth and rhythmic. She very precisely articulates each letter of the phrases she pronounces, and an unusual energy is felt after each sound. And then what she has said is remembered word for word, as if a tape recorder is operating in one's mind. And moreover, vivid pictures arise before the listener, and the meaning of what was said is assimilated by the subconscious. As an example, I quote an excerpt of God's conversation with the first man in Anastasia's re-telling:
"Where is the edge of the Universe? What will I do when I come to it? When I myself fill everything, and have created everything I have conceived?" the first of the primogenitors asks God, and receives this answer:
"My son. The Universe itself is a thought, a thought from which was born a dream, which is partially visible as matter. When you approach the edge of all creation, your thought will reveal a new beginning and continuation. From obscurity will arise the new and resplendent birth of you, and it will reflect in itself your soul, your dreams, your whole aspirations. My son, you are infinite, you are eternal, within you are your dreams of creation."
The future of the earth as designed by Anastasia appears fabulously wonderful. People who are transforming it into reality are for the time being living it in their dreams, but I believe that their dreams will definitely materialize.
R.J.: In your creative work, you touch on the most painful social problems. In many respects you uncover the causes giving rise to these problems, and also for whom they are profitable. Of course for a person like you, there exist people who envy you and wish you ill, who try in every way possible to slander you, spread scandals and dream up the most absurd stories about you.
So, in English-speaking countries, among your readers, the rumor has spread, and is being maintained, that you abandoned Anastasia, periodically drink heavily, and have found a young lover!
Would you please comment on these allegations? Also, Vladimir Nikolaevich, should that happen again, might you have some helpful suggestions for your readers, so that they might know how to protect themselves from these types of hurtful rumors?
V.M.: Negative rumors have been circulating about me for as long as ten years. In all this, the mass media have been exploited in the most active manner. I live in Russia. Once, when I was sitting in my garden beneath an apple tree and working on my next book, a neighbor comes up to me in the garden with a newspaper in his hands and says, "Vladimir, you're sitting here, but the newspaper writes that you live in an Egyptian palace surrounded by Mafia gunmen and that you operate a totalitarian sect, and the readers of your books are going out of their minds."
I didn't have to explain anything to my neighbor, he saw with his own eyes that the newspaper was printing a lie. But after only several days, this same article was reprinted by a number of newspapers, including one Canadian newspaper. The Russian District Court told my lawyers that the newspaper had said nothing insulting, the journalist had simply expressed his opinion, and he had the right to do so. But this journalist had not even met with me. The editor of the Canadian newspaper, after Canadian readers appealed to him, and without the intervention of a court, made public apologies.
Regarding the sharing of this special material, there seems to be an overt, concerted effort not to permit society to discuss the ideas and suggestions set out in the books regarding modern man's urgent need to improve their way of living. The libelous publications never earnestly discuss the issues raised in the books, but speak in uninformed generalities and degrading terms about me and my readers.
Even the priests of ancient Egypt understood all too well that images rule the world. An image is a great energy that is capable of having an influence on a slave and a pharaoh in equal measure - through all time and space. We have much scientific research which confirms all this now. Anastasia, the recluse from the taiga, to all appearances, has a brilliant command of the science of imagery, and modern priests are not succeeding and will not succeed in overcoming her powerful, positive and living images.
R.J.: Yes, as we said earlier, someone like Anastasia, and you along with her, must be like big thorns in the sides of many individuals of power who prefer that we remain the blind and dull-witted masses, and not come into the God-given powers of which you and Anastasia remind us so powerfully.
V.M.: I myself think that the point is not only the ideas, but most likely their exposition in Anastasia's language, judge for yourself. All of us have known for a long time that drinking and smoking is not good, that breathing fresh air is more wholesome, more pleasant, and that pure water is more beneficial for our health. However we continued to live in ecologically unhealthy and destructive large metropolises, and the heroes of the majority of the most popular television series, social models for many people, spend their leisure time in bars and discotheques. But all of a sudden people did hear truths that have long been known, and the truths are inspiring them at last to concrete, real actions. So some kind of great power must have been concealed in the spiritual impulses of Anastasia, and this power seemingly overcomes the darkness that has conquered the world.
R.J.: No wonder that there is a struggle against Anastasia's tangible, inspiring ideas and philosophy.
V.M.: Yes, in this instance, the spreading of all sorts of rumors about me are ultimately futile subterfuges to distract people away from the main issues at hand. Moreover even in the first book I disclosed about myself that I am not a saint, that I drank, smoked, flirted with women, and was involved in business. But now I don't. Yes, the blood of the businessman can still begin to rush, only now it is not like before. I am very proud that, with the help of my daughter and son-in-law, I have been able to set up the production of cedar oil according to Anastasia's technology. And I think there are not many products in the world equal to it. For a long time I was unable to bring it up to the quality of Anastasia's oil, even though the modern technology of a medicinal compounds plant was used. But it soon became clear that it was impossible to obtain the required quality in the city, and it then became necessary to transfer the production to a village in the taiga 100 km from the city...and it worked out. With regard to Anastasia, she is always with me, in my heart, in my soul.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich, readers will never forgive me if I do not ask you some questions about your new book.
Could you tell us about some of the topics you touch on in the new book?
V.M.: In the new book I shall be speaking about the power of human thought as the most powerful energy in the universe.
R.J.: What are your favorite parts of the book?
V.M.: I always like to write about something good, even vitality and mood improve, aches and pains disappear when you write about something good, about the victory of good. In the new book I also talk about my children, about the ice age, when people left their familiar areas and, like a little girl, attempted to stop the glacier.
R.J.: Vladimir, has Anastasia discussed things that were completely new for you?
V.M.:Yes, she has, but they are not always comprehensible or seem insignificant. For example, she says that humanity has not yet determined the purpose and meaning of its existence, and claims that human existence lies in the perfection of the natural living environment. She had said that a long time ago, but I did not write it because I supposed that the living environment included, for example, an apartment or domain, and that this did not involve spirituality. However, in further conversations it became clear that by living environment she understands not only a Kin's domain, even a very perfect one, but the entire universe, and she says how can a person, in perfecting his or her living environment, protect the earth even from meteorites, and make the universe a more comfortable place to live. By perfecting his or her living environment, a person perfects himself or herself, as well as his or her own body and spirit.
R.J.: That does sound fascinating. Has she given you any other information that has appeared very strange to you?
V.M.: Rather than strange, it was not completely understandable. For example, she has several times tried to tell how a person, when dying, may not die, or to put in another way, when falling asleep, may wake up in a new body. She tells it in a more detailed way than I do. But sometimes in doing so she uses words that are not found in our vocabulary. As a result I cannot set this out in comprehensible language, so we speak about this topic again. I sometimes ask Anastasia, "Translate the words you are saying into a more understandable language." She answers, "They cannot be translated into your modern language, I am probably illiterate in translations," and laughs. But I know that she is extremely literate.
R.J.: Sometimes Anastasia has a very serious attitude toward certain scenes that she wants you to write. Did something similar happen in this book?
V.M.:Yes, it did. But in general when she speaks about something significant, that she herself believes deeply, then she adopts an especially unusual construction for her phrases. For example in the book Co-creation, when she spoke about the interrelationships of the energy of Love with God, everything she said sounded like pure verse, and one can remember the entire book not simply word for word, but one sees pictures depicting what was said.
R.J.: What is Anastasia's basic goal in this book for the readers?
V.M.: I did not specifically ask what her goal was. Intuitively, I myself feel that she desperately wants to do something good for people. To remind humanity of some forgotten knowledge or feelings. She is prepared to call down fire on herself, and for that reason she says, "Woe unto you Nostradamus! The dates of the fearful cataclysms upon the Earth were not so much your divinations as the creations of your thought. You made millions of people persuade themselves of these by what you taught and thereby aim their thoughts at the implementation of the same. Your thought still hovers up there, hiding in the blue, still frightening people with your prophecies of despair, but now they will no longer come true. Let your thought join in fray with mine. Of course you knew all this ahead of time, and that is why you are so eager to flee away." Or another: "Prepare yourself, all wickedness and evil-mindedness, to leave the Earth behind and fall upon me!"
R.J.: Thank you very much, Vladimir Nikolaevich, for the time you have given to your English readers. We are all impatiently waiting to hear more!
Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D.
(c) 2008 Regina B. Jensen
(c) 2008 Vladimir Megre
(c) 2008 RingingCedarsofRussia.org
* John Woodsworth: (http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/newsletter/07_07_06.htm#12)
* Dr. Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for over 35 years. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment "to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet." fullyalivewellnesscenter.com
*NOTE: This concludes the first part of the interview. Watch for the second part in the upcoming issue.

Language Selection:
English | Russian | Deutsch | Turkce
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Anastasia Foundation for Culture and Creative Support of the City of Vladimir along with "Ringing Cedars Ltd." announces that, from 10th of October to 17th of October 2008, it will hold an international readers' conference with the participation of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre, author of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books.
The conference is planned to be held for 7 days.
Day 1: 10 October 2008. Arrival, assigning accommodations, registration of arrivals, familiarization with the detailed schedule of events, familiarization with additional information and the grounds of the hotel. Viewing of a television programme on closed-circuit television entitled "Allow me to introduce myself," which talks about the participants in the conference and about villages under construction and in operation.
Day 2: 11 October 2008. Arrival, assigning accommodations, registration of arrivals, familiarization with the detailed schedule of events, collection of additional information, announcements, beginning of the operation of the internal mail service, operation of the close-circuit television system, programme "Allow me to introduce myself." Get-acquainted party.
Day 3: 12 October 2008. Meeting of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre, the author of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books, with readers.
From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - beginning of the international conference and answers to questions from readers.
Day 4: 13 October 2008.
Presentations by scientists, economists, on the idea of creation of Kin's Domains.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Day 5: 14 October 2008.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Day 6: 15 October 2008.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Also: "The readers who came to the conferences had a noble goal, identical for women and men. Their advantage consists in the fact that the men and women created their own image of their life and future family in their dreams. When they came together, they had a topic of conversation interesting for both." Rites of Love, Book 8, Part 2.
Day 7: 16 October 2008. Free interaction day, farewell party. Amateur talent concert by the conference participants.
Day 8: 17 October 2008. Free interaction day, farewell party.
For those who wish to participate in the "Allow me to introduce myself" programme and talk about their eco-village and its residents to the participants of the conference and to clubs in various countries, we ask that, prior to 1st of September 2008, to fill out the form by the address: https://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/conference/allow-me-to-introduce-myself.php, or send us a short video on a DVD about your settlement, with a duration of no longer than 15 minutes (if a group presentation), to one of the addresses listed below. It is advisable to show a general view of the area and individual details of the landscape design and, of course, the people. Each member of the settlement may also be presented on in the film; the duration of each individual presentation should be no more than 3 or 4 minutes. Conference participants who do not live on a kin's domain may also send their presentation. Recommendations: film using a tripod, pay special attention to the sound, choose a house or a festival as the background for an individual shot. If problems arise in hiring a qualified video operator, you can produce a photo report, but be sure to put it on a disk with accompanying text.
The organizing committee of the conference will invite professional interpreters to Turkish, English, German and Russian for a synchronized translation of Vladimir Megre's presentation. However, we cannot guarantee that we can provide interpreters for individual personal interactions, so we suggest that groups consisting of individual settlements should select an interpreter from among their participants.
During the entire period, a mail service and information-inquiry service will be operating, through which you will be able to contact any conference participant of interest.
In the event you wish to submit your hand-made articles for exhibit, you must inform us prior to 15September 2008 by e-mail which is listed below.
The schedule of events has been considered put together by us based on financial resources. If you have any suggestions or comments that are within our means, we are prepared to listen to and discuss them.
1. You must have a passport for foreign travel whose validity should not end two months prior to your departure for Turkey (if you do not have one, you have time to obtain one at the passport office of the district where you reside). You must purchase the tour by filling out the following form: https://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/conference/apply-to-ringing-cedars-conference.php
2. The cost of the tour starts at $__ USD per person. The cost includes transportation (airport-hotel-airport), insurance, and residence two person suite in a five star hotel. Three meals per day, all inclusive. Single suites and luxury suites are available for additional cost. Travel by air from the closest international airport from your location is not included. In 24 hours a qualified specialist will contact you providing full information regarding booking of tickets. You can get an idea regarding the price of air tickets by the address http://www.kayak.com of the lead tour operator.
3. Organizational fee - $120. For the payment of the organizational fee please use one of the contact addresses listed below.
If you have any questions or suggestions please visit the websites listed below to receive all of the needed information, or contact us in a manner you are most comfortable with.
USA, South Africa, South America:
130 Church Street Suit 366
New York, NY
Customer service and orders
Tel: 646-429-1985
Tel: 1-877-TO-CEDAR (862-3327)
(Toll free within US)
Fax: 1-877-549-6902
(Toll free within US)
Outside USA:
Tel: +1-646-429-1985
Canada, Australia, New Zealand:
1057 Steeles Ave. W.
P.O. Box 81768
Toronto, ON
Customer service and orders
Tel: 416-628-8976
Tel: 1-888-994-6495
(Toll free within Canada)
Fax: 1-888-994-9495
(Toll free within Canada)
Outside Canada:
Tel: +1-416-628-8976
P.O. Box 10 14 18
Customer service and orders
Tel: +49-2361-499639 (German)
Tel: +44-(0)870-068-9694 (English)
sales-eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org (German, English)
customerservice-eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org (German, English)
Customer service in ENGLAND
Free Phone: 0800-027-0874
Tel: 0870-068-9694
Fax: 0870-068-9693
Outside UK:
Tel: +44-(0)870-068-9694
FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE VISIT http://www.ringingcedarsconference.com/

Welcome to the Eco-village "Veselovo" [Happiness]
Eco-village "Veselovo" was created as a voluntary community of people who wish to create their eternal Kin's Domains with a purpose of harmonic cooperation with Nature and the Universe, spiritual and physical development, revival of a healthy family lifestyle and traditions, creation of the Space of Love and raising a happy and responsible generation, who will act consciously for the benefit and prosperity of the Homeland, both large and small.
We are inviting all who loves the works of Vladimir Megre to join our eco-village. We are waiting for neighbours who want to create their Kin's Domains.
Our Land, 72 Hectares, is located in Yasnogor region in the northern part of Tulskaya Oblast. The place is fairly remote - fields are visited by wild boars, elks, deers (and sometimes hunters). For the most part these are large abandoned kolkhoz fields, which were left dormant for more then 10 years. The fields are surrounded with forest belts and ravines, some of which have running streams. On the west side there is a small river with a pond.
There are only 34 domains, from 1.2 to 2.5 Hectares. Current price of land - approx. $2500 USD per ha.
Domains are purchased from private property in accordance of conjunction of the new domains to the eco-village. Contribution for roads and electricity are mandatory.
For more information please visit: http://velesovo.narod.ru
E-mail: velesovo @ m a i l . r u
Tel.: 8 (905) 777-0177 - Viacheslav;
8 (903) 288-9752 - Vladimir (Sat-Sun 10am - 8pm);
8 (906) 045-7429 - Yulia.
View the full gallery here.
http://velesovo.narod.ru/ Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

News from Novosibirsk
On the 25th of April, regional administration has presented awards to 48 Novosibirsk residents, whose actions were honoured with awards, dignities, and gratitude of the head of the nation. For "substantial contribution in the development of agricultural science and many years of productive activity" with the order "For services to the Homeland" of the IV degree was awarded to Donchenko Alexander Semenovich, head of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, Director of General Scientific Establishment - Institute of experimental veterinary science of Siberia and Far East of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, academician or Rossselhozacademy. Edict for the awarding A. S. Donchenko was signed by the president of RF back on the 6th of February.
Besides the scientific achievements of the academician the decision to give him an award was certainly affected by his correct political position. A year ago he joined the "Edinaya Rossia" party. Accordingly, he went to becoming a Deputy of Regional Council from the list of Agrarian Party of Russia. Another achievement of the academitian was his active and energetic support of the idea plenipotentiary of Siberian Federal District A. Kvashin about the creation of Kin's Domains. Donchenko was able to start this for a small group of people near Krasnoobsk, on especially rich agricultural lands, taken from the scientific operation.
Translated in part.
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Gallery - Weddding of Igor and Nadezhda
Kin Settlement Ilskoe, Krasnodar region
View the full gallery.

Ecovillage Rassvetnoe [Dawning]
Name of the ecovillage: |
"Rassvetnoe" Dawning |
Oblast: |
Gomelsky Oblast. |
Region: |
Rechitsky Region |
e-mail: |
azalan_a@hotmail.com |
Contact information: |
Alexey and Alesya, mobile 238-03-17 |
Description: |
Our ecovillage "Rassvetnoe" is located on a high, steep bank of Dnepr river, adorned by a venerable pine forest, with strawberry glades and mushroom filled spots, close to endless fragrant meadows. The ecovillage is developing in a small, neat, and secluded village "Hotetskoe", 1.5 km by a good unpaved road. |
Current population size: |
7 people. |
Nature |
Presence of water bodies: |
r. Dnepr |
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Creating a Kin Settlement - Rodnikovoe
We are creating a new settlement in Ukraine (in Chernigov oblast on the basis of an existing village). We really need mature associates who want to live on land and create a paradise, seed beauty on earth.
We are a family - father Sergei, mother Luba, son Maxim, and two daughters Anna and Anastasia.
We really want to reach the hearts of those who are ready to leave the daily vanity. We are compelled to say that there is a wonderful corner on Earth, which is ready even today to make a Man happy, self sufficient, like the Earth itself. Looking at the land now, reviving from our "management" - reviving and rejoicing. Rejoicing that once again it can gift a Man with a strawberry glade, rising birch, splashing fish in the river or a shout of a bird in the swamps. Rejoicing and waiting. Waiting to create this beauty along with the Man and rejoice with him from beauty's creation.
It's compelling to close your eyes and fly to the very close future of this place and see, how by people's hands river Strativa is filled with thick tangles of willows, bird cherry trees and alders, and on both it's sides people from the glorious settlement Rodnikovoe painted their works of art - kin's domains. And the land sang and whirled in dances-festivals, in nightingale's trills, in joy and happiness. And the land gave birth to poets, singers, musicians and artists, wise men and simply healthy and happy people, who found their Motherland. All this will come, but for now, the Land awaits, until those will come who will understand and be kind to her. It awaits along with village Oktyabrskoe, of Chernigov oblast, Semenovskiy region, where in short time Kin Settlement Rodnikovoe will be created.
Why Rodnikovoe? Because the springs [Rus: Rodniki] are still alive in the hearts of many. With them will begin the revival of this region. But today, by the opinion of many, it is "dying". But what is death? It is simply a new birth.
We are waiting for those who are ready to become creators today.
Although the lands here are sandy, they are very rich. Literally everything grows here. It is quite a pleasure to work on this land. The land can be leased according to existing bylaws or a house in the village can be bought with the adjacent territory.
As described above this is a village situated on the two banks of a river.
The village is situated 10km from a regional centre and a railroad, there is a school, club, store, phone connection. The village is surrounded by forests which have many mushrooms, berries, nuts, and... border patrol J (close to the border with Russia).
Ideal place to create an ecovillage.
Contact information - http://bajan5.narod.ru/
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Ryn: How does their garden grow? With spit
Sucking on seeds, watering their feet part of family's mystical approach
Tucson Citizen
Tucson is a place you can find an activity that's more fun than watching paint dry. You can watch the grass not grow.
I've been on the kick for nearly a month now, since the lawn area that came with my house didn't follow directions. Bermuda grass is known to die off in the winter and grow back in spring. Mine only got the first half right. Thus I've invested in grass seed, a chintzy yellow sprinkler and that nameless contraption with a crank that sprays seeds all over the sidewalk even though you're aiming for the dirt.
The seed package promised results in as little as 14 days. I've been watering dust for three weeks. Trying to grow grass in Tucson is somewhat inane to begin with, sort of like attempting to farm cactus in the rainy Northwest or bloom sunflowers in Siberia. But certain places - like banks, apartment complexes on Fort Lowell Road and houses that come with a lawn area - try it anyway.
Growing vegetables in the desert is another challenge, but one that is being met with blooming success by a Northwest Side family. That's because they suck on the seeds and pour water on their feet. It's doing wonders for their cucumbers. For real, the Harman clan is having excellent results with mystic gardening. They picked up the tips in Vladimir Megre's book "Anastasia," which urges people to grow their own food in barren Siberia. It offers no tips for sunflowers.
Camille Harman, 41, explained that the book advises sucking on the seeds for nine minutes before planting them and occasionally dribbling water on your feet as you irrigate the soil so the vegetable will get an imprint of your DNA and grow lush, gorgeous and specially formulated just for you.
"You'll grow a perfect plant to nourish you," she said.
The proof is in their bush beans. Harman and her husband, Jeff Harman, 48, had no problem keeping seeds in their mouths for nine minutes, but they cheated by letting son Aidan spit in a cup to prime the seeds. There is no guarantee a 6-year-old can keep anything in his mouth for nine minutes without swallowing, choking or using it as chewing gum.
Well, everyone cheated after a while, she admitted. She highly recommends folks buy a big box of paper cups if they are going to plant a garden with this method.
Since Jeff Harman is also an astrologer, who even used his astrological skills to help solve a Kansas murder, the Harmans planted certain seeds according to the star positions, planetary cycles and whatever else astrologers look at. Their cantaloupe are Taurus. The seed areas are all marked with family members' names so they know where to stand and wet their toes and what vegetables are theirs to eat.
"When it comes time to cooking the vegetables," Camille Harman said, "that will be a whole other problem." Maybe they'll just eat them raw.
Of course, their mystic gardening method has been greatly helped with the $1,000 raised, irrigated, javelina-proof, enclosed fortress filled with fertile soil they've built for growing things. The homeowners association would freak if I built a lawn area fortress, but perhaps I can try the mystic methods on the grass seed. Since I won't be eating the grass, but my dogs do, Camille Harman suggested I have my dogs drool in a cup in which to swish the grass seed. Then I can water their paws along with the lawn. It might also help if I got those same dogs to stop digging holes the size of Siberia throughout the lawn area and chased off the birds that seem to be feeding on the seeds. If it's still too boring staring at dirt, I'll simply paint something to watch it dry.
Ryn Gargulinski is a Tucson Citizen reporter, artist and poet who has a stretch of dirt in her yard where a lawn should be. Contact her at rynski@tucsoncitizen.com
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Family hearts joined from long ago
With threads of memory in a rainbow flow
Impart snippets of knowledge for our discovery
Piecing together what once we knew
Sweeping thoughts from time unfold
Joining families for lessons to be told
The link between each mind has a story
With each chapter we nurture the knowledge glory
The stresses of our planet are cold and hard
It's time to open the windows of our souls
Let in the light yellow and gold
With memories of gardens pure and sweet
To sit in stillness and allow the silver threaded memory
of times gone by
Return to nourish our family tie.
By Karen Lang New Zealand

* * *
Inspired old german woman
shares her inspiration
about the strange book 'Anastasia'
which led me to question
My life as it is
materialistic and forlorn
wanting to break free
from the crowds and the thorns
Within months I change direction
an entrepreneur loosing all cause for discresion
a fresh and young seedling
ready for anything
O wind o sun o nature
take charge of my course
and it led me to Bellingen
a paradise and a source
Of a solid foundation
to build a new found place
of connection and love
for this earth and its grace
So here I am left
with none of the usual security
left like a leave
to blow in natures beauty
And meet in abundance
such beautiful people
willing also to share
in anastasia's graceful regal
Such surprise to meet
so many like minded
who want to build a new world
filled with love and kindness
By kdana19_123 at RingingCedarsForums.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
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Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
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Forum Talk
Posted by Serena in a topic Doing More to go "GREEN". Join the discussion of this topic here:
Hello Everyone,
In our waiting period, or incubating period....lol....I would like to send ideas encouraging positive thoughts and actions to go more GREEN and what we can do in our lives today.
I am trying to do more things green every day in every way. In the spirit of sharing and offering information on how easy and simple it all is, I will post some of these things shortly.
One thing I will post quickly right here: to assist in the shortage of pure water, and the ridiculous practice of releasing our, as I call it, 'human by product' otherwise called human 'waste'...which is not waste at all, as god did not create such a thing.....but when properly processed by way of composting, creates the richest humus known on earth.....read more about it here where the book can be downloaded for free:
If every human alive were to properly compost their by-product, there would be no deserts on earth, no depleted soils, or dependency on anyone for personal individual sustenance.
But to continue.....by releasing this 'human by product' uncomposted into our drinking water supply....by way of 'flushing toilets'....is poisoning our drinking water supplies. In light of the global clean water shortage it is good to cut down on the amount of flushing water by doing this: insert into the tank a half gallon glass jug filled to the top with sand to stay down, as this space fills up the tank and therefore less water is needed to refill after each flush. This cuts down on refill water and still works normally.
But here I would especially like to post one about our cars and the gas situation. I personally do not want to pay for gas anymore, I never did, but especially at over $4.00 per gallon !! Nor do I want to support those gas moguls, the owners of gas companies, those who drill for gas and make billions from it......and I really want to change my car to something else. It is said necessity is the Mother of invention....well...
Here is a woman who has done it and has created a website to describe it. They use straight vegetable oil....not bio-diesel but straight vegetable oil. Did those 'experts' not realize this could be done????? I think they did, but did not want the masses of people to know, for who would be putting money in their deep pockets?
I encourage, beg, ask, implore all people to abandon things that continue to make wealthy those who pollute and exploit the earth and the people and life on it.
I hope you all click on this http://www.dld123.com/veggiecar123/ link, and learn what you can do about your own car/gas situation, then do it. It would be great if you all sent this link to all on your lists to send far and wide into the world so that many others who desire to can do something so simple, to eliminate toxic gas use and stop supporting those exploiters who run those gas and oil industries. So many are truly wanting to do something but do not know what.....they need a point of reference and for the gas situation, this woman did it in such a simplistic way.
Please feel free to report back any benefits or anything.
Walk in Liberty.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
The Problems With Education
By Alex Papadakis
From the early years of childhood, children are growing up in environments where they are subjected to the beliefs and ideologies of whatever surrounding they happen to live in. As we are experiencing a series of wars and conflicts one after the other, it is obvious that there is a profound problem in the way we are bringing up children. The conditioning of children takes place in two significant mode of control, which is in the home and the school or religious institutes. It is through these modes, that children are moulded into persons' who they are truly not, contributing to the perpetuation of the present world crisis into the future. The present world crisis affects us all and can be seen in the wars, conflicts and divisions of our time, which have all been the result of the lack of individual awareness and integrated thinking.
Self-awareness and integrated thinking can only come about, when there is a fundamental understanding of the self as well as life as a whole, which comes into being through self-knowledge. Therefore education in its true sense is a way for individuals to understand themselves, for it is from within, that the whole of existence is gathered. Present day education however, has placed emphasize on technique through the accumulation of information from books, which is done so in the pursuit of a future profession, in order to acquire social and economic security within society. This kind of education also imposes a form of escapism as it teaches individuals to become occupied with facts, and placing importance upon technique which inevitably brings dullness and passiveness of the mind; however, like all escapes, this inevitably brings about confusion and misery. In the present day systems of education, the teacher and authority figures ingrain into child's mentality, the importance of practicing technique whether it is in the school where they are taught to acquire facts and information, or the religious institutes where people habitually follow principles and beliefs. However, the acquiring of various skills, rules and facts can only engulf us in chaos and suffering. Learning to read and write are necessary, as well as learning a profession, but can technique give us the ability to understand life and its problems? Surely it is secondary, and when we are taught to strive for technique we are obviously denying a far greater and significant part of life.
The school institutes condition children with information so that they can grow up into professionals, in whatever field. Therefore the individual becomes occupied with a particular area of knowledge and therefore a portion of life, as he or she becomes a specialist; the problem with this though, is how this is achieved and the intentions involved. The over emphasis of technique has given capacity, but without an understanding of life, these skills can only make a person ruthless. Technique has also provided us with a form of emotional and physical security, giving us a sense of vitality and aggressive independence. The teachers and institutes therefore strive to mould individuals into these kinds of people to fit into their perceptions and desires of what 'should be' instead of realizing the reality of 'what is'; therefore, the end result becomes more important than the means. However, what people fail to realize is that, the means determines the final outcome. So, now we begin to see how the past projects itself into the future and how children are becoming the continuation of the past and present. Thus, the present world crisis continues to exist because of this.
The teachers and authority figures are maintaining these systems of control through the means of discipline that ensures a result, which is more important to them than the means. However, the fundamental problem with discipline is that it is becoming a substitute for love, and is utilized continuously as a consequence of fear and personal projections. It is commonly used in the name of a just purpose, yet it is a hindrance to freedom, and freedom in the sense of the state of mind, can never be achieved through discipline, through resistance. Also, discipline is enforced by authority figures through 'reward and punishment', which instills further fear. The teachers subtly condition children with this concept, encouraging them through this fear to fight for the sake of the country, harvesting nationalism and patriotism which divides people, to fight in the name of God or to fight in the name of their family. The school, parents and religious institutes do this in many ways, encouraging children to get good grades and be 'the best', which breeds envy and competitiveness, to be patriotic, which breeds animosity and divisions, and to be a moral person, which breeds superficiality and greed - all in the desire of a reward. Now, the fears of the consequential punishments of not following these ideals are harsh enough for individuals to not even question why they follow them in the first place, but then again, the person would not know any better, due to the extent of their own conditioning and their ultimate submission to these beliefs as 'reality'.
Could it be possible for parents and teachers to demonstrate to the child how to be considerate of others without the use of a reward or love as a bribe? For it is in this self-centred seeking that superficiality is also born , and there can be no respect for one another when there is a reward for it, because the fear of punishment and bribe then become more important that respect itself. How can a parent or teacher have respect or even love a child when they bribe the individual with a reward, and threaten them with a punishment? Surely, this is only encouraging fear and covetousness. Again, these teachers and authority figures therefore do not know any better themselves because they too have been brought up this in this way to act for the sake of a result; and until we truly realize that there can be action free of the desire to gain, the continuation of our fears, greed and envy, which form the ego, will persist to remain a part of our reality.
All this begins to contribute to the desire of escape from 'what is' or the 'present', whether it be through the superficial modes of media, eating, religion, drugs or sex, which all provide a form of temporary self-gratification for the ego. In religion, individuals claim to love their God and may follow the beliefs and principles in order to be a 'good' person, however, the motives of this process are all self-centred and self-seeking for personal gratification. When the individual preys to God in a time of strife, what they are doing is projecting their fears and hopes in their ego where they can satisfy their sorrow. God or Truth, is far beyond thought and emotional demands, it is a space where the mind is still and self-aware, and a still mind is not a disciplined mind, but a mind that understands the workings of the self.
Therefore, it has been established how children are being conditioned by systems of authority and how this breeds a lack of self-awareness, the ego and desires for escapism, so now, one may ask 'what is the right kind of education?'. The right kind of education would help children understand life as a whole and not through the tunnel-vision perspective of 'profession'; it would help individuals become integrated beings with an understanding of the full scope of the problems and miseries of the world in an unbiased and intelligent approach. The young would have the spirit of inquiry, seeking out truth from the bigger picture - political, religious, personal and environmental, which would bring a greater significance upon the young, thus bringing forth the hope for a better world. For this to ever take place, the parents and teachers themselves, must first tear down the beliefs and ideologies they hold and cultivate an integrated understanding of themselves and life; therefore the right kind of education is not only concerned with the young, but with the older generation as well, who must not be too absorbed in their own ways. The fundamental point is that if the individual truly loves the child, for love is essential to the process of integration; they would see to it that they have the right kind of educators, who could provide the child with an integrated understanding of the world we live in, for it is only until individuals possessing this awareness, that the possibility of manifesting a better world can come into being.
Image source - http://www.wordpress.com/

Waldorf Schools
Educating the Whole Child
by Claudia M. Lenart
"I like to use the analogy of a Waldorf School as a garden and the teacher as the gardener. Our job is not to turn a cabbage into a rose or a rose into a cabbage, but to weed and mulch so the cabbage is the healthiest and best you've ever seen and the rose is the most beautiful and the best you've ever seen," says Susan Stevenson, a teacher at Chicago Waldorf School.
"One of the chief tasks of Waldorf education is to bring life to knowledge," said Waldorf education founder Rudolf Steiner, in "Deeper Insights into Education." He believed teaching could never be boring if it was related directly to life. Thus, Waldorf students learn the same main subjects as those of traditional schools - language arts, math, science, geography, and history - but they stray from traditional schools in how and when they are taught. The subjects are taught in a hands-on experiential style, without textbooks. Waldorf classrooms use the arts, storytelling, rhythmic work, and music so that students use all their senses to achieve a deeper and more meaningful learning experience.
In addition, the Waldorf curriculum is based on children's developmental stages. Steiner believed students go through three major developmental stages. The first, early childhood, lasts until about seven, when children start to get their permanent teeth. During this stage, Steiner posits that children learn best through physical activity and play. The second stage is said to go from seven to fourteen, when children learn through feeling and imagination and the arts speak deeply to them. The final stage is the thinking stage, when students are expected to begin developing their intellectual abilities.
Steiner accused traditional education of focusing too much on the intellectual and dry textbook-style of learning, and noted that children who only learn on one level become bored.
"From the Waldorf point of view, the absence of fantasy in the early years leads directly to the problems of stress, burnout, and inability to think that now plague so many American students," writes Waldorf teacher Joan Almon, in "Educating for Creative Thinking: The Waldorf Approach."
The Roots of Waldorf Education
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was an Austrian scientist and philosopher and the founder of anthroposophy, a philosophy with a spiritually-based world view. Steiner started the first Waldorf School in 1919, for the children of factory workers at the Waldorf Astoria cigarette factory in Stuttgart, Germany. While Waldorf education is based on anthroposophical beliefs, the schools are non-denominational and do not teach anthroposophy. The first school in the United States was founded in New York city in 1928; there are now about 140 private schools in the U.S. and a growing number of Waldorf-inspired public schools. There are about 800 schools worldwide.
Though Waldorf education is some eighty years old, it seems to be coming of age now, in this time of increasing dissatisfaction with traditional schooling. Parents are attracted by the fact that Waldorf Schools have a core curriculum, but the teachers are responsible for presenting the subject matter creatively, in order to stir the feelings and imagination of the children and become part of them.
Many also like that fact that children stay with the same main lesson teacher from grades one through eight. Because class teachers remain with the class year after year, they provide continuity. Stevenson says, when she started with her one through eight class, all the children came from homes with both parents. By eighth grade, seven of ten couples had divorced. She was told by some parents that the continuity at school was very helpful.
Long-term teachers also can plan for long-term learning. In fact, Waldorf proponents believe that the path to knowledge itself is through a loving and respectful relationship with the main teacher. Indeed, Waldorf teachers become specialists on each individual child over time. A challenge for Waldorf teachers is relating to the children at different ages, recognizing that their personalities can change dramatically over a single summer.
"You have to become a completely different human being," asserts Stevenson. "The right way of being with first-graders won't work with eighth-graders. You're reinventing yourself as a person - but parents need to do that too." She adds, "if a child is having a problem [with a student], you have to deal with it. You look at yourself as a teacher and you reach out to the parents to find a better way of working together," says Stevenson.
"When you're a Waldorf teacher, you have to be creative the whole time. You have to enter each class as a kind of art work," says Magda Lissau, coordinator of Arcturus, a teacher training institute in Chicago.
The Structure
In addition to the conception of teaching as an art, the Waldorf curriculum stresses the arts. In the early grades, each day begins with lively rhythmic exercises, such as circle games and rhythmic clapping. Children may sing, play the recorder, and recite poetry or tongue twisters. "Speaking, singing, and playing the recorder, all use the human breath in different ways and actively encourage deeper breathing," says Stevenson. "By doing all these things, the children are woken up and ready to concentrate, so when you introduce the content, nothing is in the way of them taking it in."
After the rhythmic work, students review the previous day's work. Then the teacher introduces a long lesson through a variety of activities that stimulate all the senses. The classrooms don't use textbooks; children create their own books, which include drawings and creative expressions revealing what they've learned. After the main lesson and a short break, the children study foreign language.
The afternoon is devoted to shorter lessons that involve the whole child, such as handwork (skills such as sewing or woodworking), gardening, music, visual arts, or eurythmy - a form of performance that visibly expresses the sound of speech and music. These lessons are taught by specialized teachers. Computers, considered stifling, are not introduced until later grades.

Watch Short Video
No Childhood Left Behind: Waldorf Schools Today
Divine Food for Divine Beauty
Excerpted from the book Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You by Tonya Zavasta.
The natural world is filled with beauty. It delights us with its magnificent colors and extraordinary designs. God's artistic taste and superior craftsmanship are manifested in spectacular sunsets and diminutive snowflakes. We look on nature and exclaim in adoration: "How great Thou art!" But what about our own image -the one we view in the mirror? Most of us are not pleased with what we see. Why do plants and animals often display greater visual beauty than God's favorite creation - human being? Ordinarily all flowers are beautiful and only a wilted flower looks abnormal. And yet humankind calls less than one percent of the adult population officially beautiful. Double chins, protruding stomachs, and sallow complexions are seen everywhere, even in young people.
Our body was created in the image of God, the Supreme Beauty. In Genesis 1:29 we read: "And God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.'" God's original diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is the most suitable one for the human body. It is salubrious to the body's health and salutary to its beauty. The raw food diet is awesome, it should be called the very name it inspired: the Rawsome diet.
When our actions are in opposition with nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities and ugliness. Eating cooked food leaves residues that the body cannot utilize and they become deposited in places where our Creator never intended. Everything that is not fully digested and then is not properly eliminated the body treats as an abnormal substance. The body becomes ingeniously resourceful faced with substances it cannot metabolize or eliminate. It breaks them down into minute particles and distributes them to remote areas of the body, way from vital organs to minimize harm. The body takes the poisons out-of-the-way but necessarily out of sight. The toxic wastes are pushed towards the peripheral organs, which happen to be the skin and every other organ that we can see on the outside.
Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you.
Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. But the consumption of the raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference in the texture of skin and hair, the health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one of the most important and, luckily, the one over which we have fully control.
The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makes the most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies. Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside but cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restores the integrity of every cell and facilitates the optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened by the improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out to the places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate all the toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance.
The Bible says in Esther 2:9, that Esther was provided with some beauty treatments and special food before facing King Xerxes. The Bible does not specify what kind of food was used, but I believe it had to be God's original diet that is mentioned in Genesis 1:29 where "God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.'" Special food together with oil treatment and cosmetics were part of Esther's beauty rituals for twelve months. Like Esther, it will take about a year for your face and body to reach its full beauty potential.
The landscape of the body will change. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill in the places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks.
The artistic ability of your body will amaze you. It will look as if a sculptor is chiseling your face and body. It's amazing how the fat deposits will disappear at the right spots. All excesses will be eliminated. Everything that is bumpy or lumpy will be smoothed or straightened. Everything that is dull will be illuminated. The features will be carved until a lovely face surfaces, and the skin will be polished until it glows. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face.
Regular features are not essential for the whole effect to be seen as beautiful. You will marvel at how the Master Artist will make the most of your individual features and bring balance to the entire face. Texture, hues, and shape will be harmoniously arranged into a genteel whole. Perfection and imperfection will be tied together into a unique original version of beauty.
Only the body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. People who have been on the raw food lifestyle for several years begin to have a glow, the kind not often seen in middle-aged people. Optimal health is recognized by an emerging radiance. Glow is hard to fake because it is internal. It comes from an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face. Only superior blood circulation can bring this transfiguring glow. Several years on the raw food diet will make you look as though you just stepped out of a painting by Renoir--the impressionist best known for his preoccupation with light.
From age 15 until recently, I wore my hair permed, only to discover at 45 that straight hair in my natural color was the best possible frame for my face. Did my preference change? Not at all. My face did. So let me give you a hint, if you need a camouflaging hairdo, you are not looking your best. The changes in your face brought about by raw foods will bring the freedom to arrange your hair in any way you want. When your peer group is thinking: "I am losing my looks", you will be finding yours. At 45, I enjoy looking in the mirror while before I detested my reflection.
When a person starts to attend the gym regularly he or she becomes aware of trained bodies. The same phenomenon occurs with the raw food diet. You begin to see how much people's appearance differs from their optimal one. Each time I see a woman, I study her appearance, and I see not only the way she looks but also the way she could look. What I see is how far her image digresses from her potential beauty. I perceive her beauty as it will stand out after the body has cleansed itself from toxins and excesses.
I have come to believe if you embrace the 100 percent raw food diet, you will meet The Most Beautiful You. The best proof that the Rawsome diet is optimal for the body is it makes you beautiful. Slim face, slender waist, and clear skin with smooth coloration-these subtle changes will convince you the raw plant diet is the best for good health and graceful beauty.
2003 -- Tonya Zavasta

Watch Video: Superfoods are for real
Shazzie: Superfoods are for real Part 1
Shazzie: Superfoods are for real Part 2
Shazzie: Superfoods are for real Part 3
Shazzie: Superfoods are for real Part 4

FAO report reveals GM crops not needed to feed the world
By 2030 the world's population is expected to top eight billion. Can the world produce enough food to meet global demands? The answer is yes, according to a new report from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation's (FAO) Global Perspective Studies Unit completed in April and released at the end of July.
This conclusion is reached by FAO experts whose quantitative analysis specifically does NOT allow for any production improvements from genetically modified (GM) crops. These are not factored in by FAO due to the ongoing uncertainties regarding the technical performance, safety and consumer acceptance of GM crops. (p.2)
Accordingly the FAO projections are restricted to being based on 'present-day' technical knowledge only (p.1, 2, 95, 117). Ignoring the impact of any future developments in genetic engineering, and using a baseline year of 1995/7, the FAO report reveals that:
* the latest assessment of world population trends by the UN (UN,1999) indicates that there is a 'drastic deceleration' in world demographic growth in prospect. (p.3)
* the growth rate of the world population, which had peaked in the second half of the 1960s at 2.1 percent p.a. and had fallen to 1.3 percent p.a. by the late 1990s, is projected to fall further to 1.0 percent by 2015, to 0.7 percent by 2030 and to 0.3 percent by 2050. (p.4, 25)
* although the annual rate of growth in global crop production is expected to reduce, the projected overall increment in world crop production to 2030 of 57% (p.95, 96) will exceed population growth. (p.25)
* global per capita food consumption will grow significantly. The world average will approach 3000 kcal/person/day in 2015 and exceed 3000 by 2030. Average consumption in developing countries will rise from 2626 in the 1990's to 3020 in 2030. (p.4, 23, 29)
* the number of well-fed people (i.e. not classed as undernourished) in developing countries will increase by 75% by 2030, to produce a level equivalent to 94% of their population. (p.5) (The outstanding balance will reflect the failure of countries to transit to rapid economic development and poverty reduction.(p.40))
* in parallel the number of countries having high incidence of undernourishment will reduce by 84% by 2030. (p.5)
* by 2030, crop production in the developing countries is projected to be 70 percent higher than in the 1990s. (p.11)
* projected faster growth in crop production in developing countries, as compared to the world average, means that by 2030 this group of countries will account for almost three-quarters (72 percent) of world crop production, up from two-thirds (66 percent) in 1995/97 and just over half (53 percent) in 1961/63. (p.95). [Given this prognosis it is not surprising that biotechnology companies are currently keen to gain a foothold for GM crops in developing countries.]
The FAO report emphasises that:
"Concerning the future, a number of projection studies have addressed and largely answered in the positive the issue whether the resource base of world agriculture, including its land component, can continue to evolve in a flexible and adaptable manner as it did in the past, and also whether it can continue to exert downward pressure on the real price of food (see for example Pinstrup-Andersen et al., 1999). The largely positive answers mean essentially that for the world as a whole there is enough, or more than enough, food production potential to meet the growth of effective demand, i.e. the demand for food of those who can afford to pay farmers to produce it." (p.109)
[i.e. any residual hunger problems will be largely poverty, rather than production related (p.40) - e.g: as is the case in India at present where millions of people go hungry despite the country holding massive grain surpluses in store: for more on this shameful situation see - http://biotech-info.net/Biotechnology_not_answer.html . Notwithstanding this overriding poverty factor absolute numbers of those undernourished are expected to halve globally by 2030 despite the projected increase in total population. (p.40)].
The Food and Agriculture Organisation is the largest autonomous agency within the United Nations. Its report "Agriculture: Towards 2015/30", can be obtained at http://www.fao.org/es/ESD/at2015/toc-e.htm .
Whilst the FAO's quantitative projections avoid the GM factor altogether, it is worth noting that such crops frequently perform worse for farmers than conventional crops - for more on this see, http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/gmagric.htm .
So the obvious remaining question is - why are we taking unnecessary risks with global food security and the environment by introducing GM crops incorporating recombinant DNA?
For more information on the nature of those risks see 'The Promise of Plant Biotechnology - The Threat of Genetically Modified Organisms', an excellent review by Patrick Brown, Professor of Pomology and Director of International Programs, College of Agriculture & Environmental Science, University of California, Davis: http://www.lifesciencenz.com/repository/external_news_material/promise_opponent.htm (New Zealand Life Sciences Network web site).
"RDNA techniques are profoundly different from traditional breeding methods and are well known to cause unexpected metabolic perturbations. The principle of substantial equivalence is not scientifically justifiable; hence we can make no a priori assumption of the safety of any rDNA manipulation." Patrick Brown, July 2000.
Image source - http://www.iisd.ca/
Why Kids Need a Big Dose of Nature
By Adam Voiland - U.S.News
In the oft-quoted "Birches," Robert Frost muses about a boy who lives too far from town to learn baseball so instead spends time in the woods swinging in the trees. "He always kept his poise / to the top branches, climbing carefully / with the same pains you use to fill a cup / up to the brim, and even above the brim," Frost writes. "Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish, / kicking his way down through the air to the ground." This sort of unstructured, imaginative play is increasingly lacking in an indoor, scheduled world - to children's great detriment, argues Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, a book that explores research linking the absence of nature in children's lives to rising rates of obesity, attention disorders, and depression. New evidence of the lack: a recent study that shows visits to national parks are down by as much as 25 percent since 1987. U.S. News spoke with Louv about the study and the emergence of "nature deficit disorder." Excerpts:
The new study points to about a 1 to 1.3 percent yearly decline in national park visits in America. Why do you think this is happening?
I looked at the decline in national park usage in my book, and the most important reason for it is the growing break between the young and nature. Our constant use of television, video games, the Internet, iPods is part of what's driving this. For example, a recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids between the ages of 8 and 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours a day with electronic media. But time and fear are also big factors. Many parents feel that if they don't have their kids in every organized activity, they will fall behind in the race for Harvard. And we are scared to death as parents now of "stranger danger" and letting kids roam free.
Also, there have been some egregious and upsetting crimes in national parks, and the media go back to them again and again. People remember these stories, but they don't remember the millions of park visits when nothing like that happened. In fact, despite the sensationalistic media coverage, the crime rate in national parks has been falling.
You argue that exposure to nature is therapeutic and offers enough protection from certain health problems that its absence ought to be considered a disorder. Is that an exaggeration?
I should be clear that I am in no way intending to make a medical diagnosis. Nature deficit disorder describes the human costs of alienation from nature, including diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical and emotional sickness. Nature deficit can even change human behavior in cities. Long-standing studies show that the absence or inaccessibility of parks and open space is associated with high crime rates, depression, and other urban maladies.
"Nature" means different things to different people. How do you define it?
When I talk about nature, I am not just talking about wilderness. The people who study this actually use the term "nearby nature." Nearby nature can be the clump of trees at the end of the cul-de-sac or the ravine behind the house. Through a biologist's eyes, those places can seem insignificant, but through a child's eyes that ravine can be a whole universe.
For which diseases are the links between nature exposure and good health the strongest?
It's important to acknowledge that some of the studies need more clarification on causality and correlation. However, at the very least, this research is powerfully suggestive that there is a relationship between nature exposure and reduced symptoms of ADD, that lack of exposure plays a role in childhood obesity, and that time in nature can help quell symptoms of depression.
One study, for example, showed that joggers who exercised outdoors in natural settings felt more restored and less anxious or angry than people who burned the same amount of calories indoors. Studies in hospital settings have showed that patients with windows looking out into trees or other natural scenes had shorter hospitalizations. Certainly, we need more research. But Howard Frumkin, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Environmental Health unit, says that we know enough already to act.
In addition to preventing disease, is there evidence that exposure to nature can actually boost abilities?
Yes, much of the evidence points to benefits. We see increased self-confidence, better body image, and cognitive benefits. Kids who spend more time outdoors tend to do better on testing; they do better on science; they tend to play more cooperatively.
Your parents allowed you to run loose in the woods while you were growing up in Missouri. Should today's parents try to somehow overcome their fears and let their children do the same?
No, I won't say that. This isn't an exercise in nostalgia. I felt that fear as a parent, and my kids didn't run as freely as I did. I do think, though, that we have to be very intentional now about getting our kids outdoors. It's going to be different than when we were kids, and we'll have to do much of it together with them.
We also have to do a much better job of comparing risks. Yes, there are some dangers outdoors, but there is also great danger of raising a future generation of children under virtual house arrest. Yes, Lyme disease can be a problem, but it's also worth pointing out that one of the most dangerous spiders in North American - the brown recluse - likes to live inside in closets.
What would you say to people who say that they live in the city and getting to nature is essentially impossible?
I would tell them that the Sierra Club sponsors an interesting volunteer program in which they put backpacks on the kids and go on a 5-mile hike in their city, in their own neighborhood, and find nature. Anybody can do that with their children. Anywhere you are you can find birds nesting in windowsills or bugs crawling in alleys. Urban birding, windowsill gardening, planting flowers that attract butterflies - there are options for people who live in cities.
Does the increasing interest in global warming and the environment help at all?
If we emphasize environmental destruction at too early an age in the absence of a joyful experience, we are setting up kids to associate nature with the end of things and fear and disaster. That's important, but we also need to emphasize the positive that nature plays simply by being there.

Banya, The Russian Bath
"Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease"- Hippocrates
"Sweating and health are virtually synonymous in Russia, where in the early 20th Century, more than 30 medical essays were published on the healing powers of the banya or Russian Bath. It's a tradition that has been part of Russian culture since medieval times. Almost every village had - and still has - its own banya. Even until today, the perception of the banya as a healing panacea is still common in remote villages where traditional folk medicine prevails.
"Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease", said Hippocrates, the Greek founder of modern medicine, over 2,000 years ago. Since then, many cultures have used heat and steam to implement this principle and induce "artificial fever" and sweating.
The essence of the Russian banya is steam. Producing the right steam is crucial as Russians make a distinction between the light and dry steam or the thick and wet one. This is essentially what differentiates the sauna from the banya: The latter has wet, moist steam, while the former is based on hot, dry steam. The banya is not as hot as the Finnish sauna, but compensates in excessive moisture what it lacks in temperature.
Unless it's a mixed family banya, men and women attend the bath at separate times. Generally, and especially in the small towns or villages, people go to the same banya for years. This makes it an ideal place to meet and socialise. Bathers exchange extensive social greetings upon arrival, then proceed to the "parilka", or steam room.
The bathers feel their pores open instantly, as they begin to sweat profusely, eliminating in the process the week's accumulated toxins. Novice bathers are sometimes unable to take it and some have to leave at this stage. It's a powerful moment. Russians believe this process not only removes toxins but also cleanses the mind, relieving stress.
The longer you can stay in the banya, the better. Usually, once you've built up a good sweat, you head to the cold pool for a dip - the hot and cold contrast being a crucial element of a real banya-, then it is back again into the steam room. Bathers repeat this process five to six times on each visit. Half way through the bath, the "flogging" starts. Using dried branches of "beryoza" (white birch) or oak tree, previously soaked in hot water, the bathers lash their bodies repeatedly all over, until the skin turns a rosy glow. This process is repeated three times or more, using different branches. The objective of the lashing is to promote good circulation.
In a small town or village the tradition is to go swimming in the nearby lake or river after the banya, or even to go out and roll in the snow in the winter! Certainly, most of us will be satisfied with a mere dip in a cold pool or a cold shower.
To fully experience the banya you must be able to spare around two hours. After which, you'll emerge scrubbed, polished, purged and totally relaxed.
Russians view their visits to a banya as both preventive and healing. For them it's key to continued good health, especially with regards to circulatory and respiratory illnesses. Many Russians believe that the banya is particularly important for preventive maintenance of good health and balance in the body.
Certain herbs used in the water of the banya are believed to intensify the experience. These consist of a combination of leaves including Eucalyptus, Coltsfoots and Pine Buds.
Benefits Of The Banya
William Tooke, a British member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, observed: "In general, the common Russian uses but few medicines; supplying their place in all cases by the SWEATING BATH, a practice so universal among them, and which has so decided an influence on the whole physical state of the people..."
Banya benefits:
- Opens up pores, stimulating toxin elimination with up to thirty percent of waste and toxins excreted through perspiration.
- Improves blood circulation and heart and vascular systems, increasing the number of red blood cells and haemoglobin quantity.
- Intensifies capillary activities
- Boosts metabolism
- Increases overall cell oxygenation level.
- Alleviates tiredness, stress and mood swings, promoting a state of relaxation.
- Increases mental clarity and emotional stability and provides an overall sense of well being.
Steam bathing is a pleasant and efficient way to fend off neurotoxicity caused by physical stress and environmental toxins altering our psychological and physiological well being. It detoxifies the body by opening up pores and promoting healthy sweating.
Call it sauna, Banya, onsen or hamam - the health benefits of steam bathing are tremendous. Around the world, steam baths are increasingly gaining popularity amongst health seekers.
Remember to consult your doctor if you suffer from any serious health condition before you take up sauna or steam bathing. This is especially important if you have any type of heart condition, as a sharp temperature increase can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure or diabetes should also avoid saunas and steam baths before seeking medical advice."

No Pain, No Swearing, No Sweat,
No-Dig Garden beds!
No dig gardens are easy. There is a good video by Robin Francis called the Mandala Garden. I have had most success with beds that start on a stable edge and can be extended rather than beds in the center of a grasses area. No-dig gardening was pioneer and founded by Esther Deans, she wrote fabulous books about No-dig gardening and has been to visit our site and although we do it slightly differently because we don't use hard edges, she encouragingly approved!
No-Dig garden beds on flat land
No dig gardens are easy and there is a good video by Robin Francis called the mandala garden. Start your garden from a stable edge forming a garden that can be extended rather than siting your garden beds in the center of a grassy area.
No-dig beds on flat areas:
1. Collect a lot of newspapers and cardboard, I like to leave them in packs outside to get wet in the rain.
2. Flaten the area and dig out the strong weeds such as grasses from a stable edge (a brick wall, a shaded or weed-free area) place paper then cardboard securely into this edge, overlap all the cardboard about 10 inches. you can establish a stable edge to fight grasses with larger plants directly in the soil like arrowroot, or lemongrass and shrubs.
3. Plan a neat edge (you can lay the hose or some string for temporary guide, then step back to the center of your planned garden start laying cardboard in the center and work around this center overlapping in a fan shape until you have the bed filled with cardboard, circular beds are far more weed resistant than square.
4. Once you have the edge defined neatly in cardboard, no pieces sticking out too far, place rocks or pots onto this edge.
5. With a sharp spade cut next to the edge into the lawn so that runners are severed (we found this vital for kikuyu)
6. Cover the entire area with mulch; keep covering it as mulch becomes available.
7. Let the mulch mature. If you have abundant water this can be sped up a bit with watering.
8. Check for weed growth in the beds BEFORE planting any plants.
9. If there is grass coming through, scrape back the mulch and plaster this area with paper and cardboard. Increase the thickness of mulch too. Wait again!
10. Finally when you have checked that the old lawn beneath the new garden is dead you are ready to plant you seedlings and trees. In our garden we have to wait 18months. If you don't have this amount of time to wait, plant only annuals and repeat the process (steps 1-9) after harvesting your fruits (eg. Melons) and vegetables. Planting into your garden is truly the fun part - insert your little seedlings with just a handful of compost or soil, mulch up the plant. You can add a rock to increase condensation harvest to the seedling. Keep the area watered in early period as these plants do not have rising moisture from the soil.

Watch movie: Permaculture Water Harvesting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPrfNVzDNME |

Green Manure Crops
Ten Good Reasons to Grow a Green Manure Crop!
1. They're cheap and easy to grow.
2. A packet of green manure seeds is easy to carry home - unlike a large sack of animal manure!
3. They can increase soil fertility.
4. They improve soil structure and help prevent soil erosion.
5. They encourage efficient use of land. So why not grow a green manure crop on your unused land this winter?
6. Most green manure crops are very attractive to wildlife.
7. Bare soil encourages weed growth, so green manure bare ground to keep weeds in check.
8. By taking up nutrients from the soil, green manure crops prevent them from being washed away when it rains.
9. Some green manure plants (legumes) are nitrogen fixers.
10. Green manuring increases the humus content of the soil.
How does Green Manuring Work?
Traditionally, green manure crops are sown and allowed to grow, either until the land is needed again or until the plants have reached a certain growth stage. At this point, they are cut down, dug in to the soil and are left to decompose, releasing vital plant nutrients back into the soil which are then used by the next crop. Obviously, if you are using strict no-dig, veganic gardening methods, then digging the crop into the soil is not really an option. But if you don't want to dig, then green manure crops can also be composted or used as a mulching material instead. (More information on this later.)
Which Green Manure Plant Should I Use?
There are many varieties of plants which are suitable for use as a green manure crop and some of these are listed in the table below. (Comfrey and sunflowers can also be used for this purpose too.) However, if you do not have enough land left, to devote entirely to growing a green manure crop, it is also possible to sow some green manure crops (e.g white clover) on paths between beds. And crops, such as field beans, can even be sown in between rows of vegetables in your raised bed system if you are short of space. Mixtures of green manure plants can also be used. For example: fieldbeans/mustard; or vetch/clover/rye. If you would like more information on sowing a mixture of green manure crops and some idea of the proportions of seeds to use, then you should consult Vohan News. Issue 1. Pages 10-12. Copies of this publication can be obtained from:
David Graham, Anandavan, 58 High Lane, Chorlton, Manchester M21 9DZ. (Phone: 0161 860 4869)
When selecting the crops that you are going to grow, you should bear in mind the following points:
- Choose either a quick or a slow-growing crop - to fit in with the time that the land will be left vacant.
- The season of the year. (Not all varieties will survive the winter.)
- Whether you want your crop to fix nitrogen or not.
- Your soil type and how much drainage it offers.
Note: Plants marked * are all nitrogen fixers.
Alfalfa |
Medicago sativa |
Yes |
Apr-July |
Bee |
1-2 mths or a few yrs |
*Winter Field Beans |
Vicia faba |
Yes |
Sept-Nov |
Bee plant |
overwinter |
Buckwheat |
Fagopyrum esculentum |
No |
March-Aug |
Hoverfly nectar |
up to 2-3 mths |
*Clover, Alsike |
Trifolium hybridum |
Yes |
Apr-Aug |
Bee plant |
1-2 mths or a few yrs |
*Clover, crimson |
Trifolium incarnatum |
Possibly |
March-Aug |
Bee plant |
2-3 mths |
*Clover, Essex red |
Trifolium pratense |
Yes |
Apr-Aug |
Bee plant |
1-2 mths or a few yrs |
Fenugreek |
Trigonella foenum graecum |
Possibly |
March-Aug |
Butterfly nectar |
2-3 mths |
*Lupin, bitter |
Lupinus angustifolius |
Possibly |
March-June |
Bee plant |
2-3 mths |
Mustard |
Sinapis alba |
Possibly |
March-Sept |
None |
2-8 wks |
Phacelia |
Phacelia tanacetifolia |
Yes |
March-Sept |
Bee plant |
2 mths(summer), 5-6 mths (winter) |
Rye, grazing |
Secale cereale |
Yes |
Aug-Nov |
Bee/caterpillar food |
autumn-spring |
*Trefoil |
Medicago lupulina |
Yes |
March-Aug |
Bee/butterfly nectar |
up to a few yrs |
*Tares, winter |
Vicia sativa |
Yes |
March-Sept |
Bee/butterfly nectarr |
2-3 mths or overwinter |
Note: Both, winter field beans (Vicia faba) and grazing rye (Secale cereale) can still be planted this month, according to the table above. So, there may still be time to green manure some land this winter! However, I would recommend that you try sowing a few seeds first, in order to find out if they will germinate. I sowed field beans outside in October and so far they have not germinated. However, my plot receives no sun at this time of year and you may find that you are able to germinate field beans successfully in November, if you have a sunny spot in your garden. It is of course perfectly possible to germinate the seeds indoors and plant them outside later, if you are having any difficulty. I did this and despite a battering by recent gales, I now have field beans growing in my tomato patch. And, if all else fails, then field beans can also be sown early in the year - so delay sowing your seeds until the spring!
When is the Crop Ready for Use?
On the whole it is better not to leave your green manure crop in the ground for too long, as land occupied in this way can not be used for growing other crops. Also, if green manure plants get too old, then they can become tough and will take longer to decompose and be incorporated into the soil by soil organisms. For most green manure crops, it is usually recommended that they are cut and used before they flower.
How to Use Green Manure Crops
Usually, green manure crops are cut down and dug into the top 15-20 cm of soil with a spade. But, veganic gardeners, or anyone else who wishes to avoid digging the soil, can simply hoe off young plants (or chop down older ones) and leave them on the soil surface as a mulch. If plants are chopped down, then to prevent any regrowth of the stubble, cover the ground with a light-excluding mulch (e.g. black polythene/newspaper) until you are sure that the green manure crop is dead. If you are in a hurry to start replanting the ground, then you can of course simply plant through the mulch. In any case, you will need to allow several weeks before planting the next crop in the mulched area, in order to give the mulch some time to decompose and release its nutrients back into the soil. Alternatively, if you do not wish to use your crop as a mulch, then you can compost it instead. Composting is in fact a very good way of using up any crops which have been allowed to get too old and tough!

And this is what Vladimir Megre told on the reader's conference in Munich, Germany:
But most of all I was interested in, as Anastasia would say, that the land does not need to be furtilized and I really wanted to prove to myself this. But she says that you simply need to set up the soil. So two years ago I densly planted mustard, about half an acre. Well, she told me to do this. And then she says: you can cut it but you do not have to... so I cut it. This year my soil became twice as good as the neighbour's. He is also planting mustard here and there.
She also said to never use a rake to clean up in the orchard. I do have an old orchard... Don't clean the leaves in the orchard, so I didn't. The leaves are also a fertilizer. Caterpillars and some other bugs started gathering there. I went to the store and bought this spray, against plant pests. She says: why did you do this? Everything can be much easier. Take a small tub and fill it with rocks. Place it in the orchard and fill it with water, that's it.
So I did as she said, and then I looked at the tub... I was watching from afar, and the thing is, a whole bunch of birds gather at this drinking spot. When there is rain, birds can dring from puddles. But when there is no rain, where do they drink from? Of course they come to this place. Why would they fly to a river if the water is close? So they take care of these pests after. Now there is less birds though. The neighbours started placing tubs.
Copyright - V. N. Megre
Translation, Photo Copyrights - http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

What is Biodynamic Gardening ?
Historical origin
The biodynamic farming and gardening movement began in 1924. It was inspired by a series of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925) the Austrian philosopher, scientist and social reformer whose spiritual research has also influenced education, medicine and the arts.
Today biodynamic husbandry is practised in more than 40 countries and in all climate zones. It is widely acknowledged as one of the most sustainable organic approaches in existence.
Garden as an organism
Fundamental to biodynamic gardening is the recognition that all life is interconnected. Each plant, each insect, the rocks below, the moving clouds and the stars above, all form part of the living organism of our planet. Every piece of land, including the smallest garden, can be considered a microcosm of this greater whole. The biodynamic gardener works as an artist within this context.
Feed the soil with life
Instead of simply supplying the plant with nutrients, the biodynamic gardener aims to bring such life and vitality to the soil that the plants themselves are eager to grow and find what they need.
Compost - the heart of the garden
The farmer enlists the help of domestic animals to intensify soil vitality. The gardener achieves this through intensive composting work. The heart of the biodynamic garden is its compost heap. All accumulating organic waste materials can be skilfully transformed (with only a small amount of broughtin animal manure) into humus-rich compost with the help of what are known as biodynamic compost preparations.
Compost preparations
The compost preparations are made from six well-known medicinal plants - yarrow, chamomile, stinging nettle, oak bark, dandelion and valerian. Their specific properties are enhanced and made effective for soil life during the course of a unique process of fermentation. Some of the herbs require a sheath made of certain animal organ materials. These serve as catalysts for bringing about the required process.
When they are ready these humus-like substances are added to the composting material in minute amounts and radiate their effects throughout the heap. These preparations help to guide and regulate the decomposing and humus forming processes in the soil and make plant nutrient substances (sulphur, potash, nitrogen, calcium, silica, phosphorous) available in precisely the form needed by the plant for healthy growth.
Ecological balance
Further tools available to the biodynamic gardener include more widely recognised ecological interventions such as companion planting. Every plant species has a different requirement and by carefully choosing the right growing companion or position in the rotation, optimum conditions can be created. Animal life too has its place and by paying attention to such relationships, pest and disease problems can be much reduced.
Influencing growth
Two further biodynamic preparations are used to stimulate and harmonise plant growth. Known respectively as 'Horn Manure' and 'Horn Silica', these two spray preparations act in a polar way to one another. Horn Manure is specially prepared cow manure and Horn Silica finely ground and prepared quartz meal. Both undergo a fermentation process in a cow horn. Before being applied they are dissolved in water and stirred rigorously for one whole hour. Horn Manure is sprayed towards evening directly on the soil prior to sowing and planting. It encourages healthy root growth and helps the plant to access what it requires from the soil. Horn Silica is sprayed early in the morning as a fine mist onto the growing plant. It helps to stabilise plant metabolism and enhance the qualitative development of the crop.
Planting calendar
Awareness of the influences coming from the moon and planets provides a further opportunity for the biodynamic gardener to fine tune the gardening operation. Every month the moon passes through each constellation of the zodiac in turn. As it does so the influence of each is emphasised more strongly. Since ancient times, the different constellations have been related to the four elements and these in turn to the different parts of the plant (earth-root, water-leaf, air-flower, fire-fruit). The Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar, produced each year, indicates the most auspicious days for planting, cultivating or harvesting specific crops.
Nutrition for the senses
Beauty and artistic harmony is another less tangible quality that is of enormous benefit to a biodynamic garden. Tidiness but also awareness for position is important. A well placed sculpture, perhaps a water feature or plant combinations chosen for their scent and colour provide nourishment for the senses.
Cob Construction
Cob home
in harsh climates
Cob is a very old method of building with earth and straw or other fibers. It is quite similar to adobe in that the basic mix of clay and sand is the same, but it usually has a higher percentage of long straw fibers mixed in. Instead of creating uniform blocks to build with, cob is normally applied by hand in large gobs (or cobs) which can be tossed from one person to another during the building process. The traditional way of mixing the clay/sand/straw is with the bare feet; for this reason, it is fairly labor intensive. Some of the process can be mechanized by using a backhoe to do the mixing, but that diminishes the organic nature of it. Because of all the straw, cob can be slightly more insulating than adobe, but it still would not make a very comfortable house in a climate of extreme temperatures. The wonderful thing about cob construction is that it can be a wildly freeform, sculptural affair. I've seen some very charming homes made this way. Cob was a common building material in England in the nineteenth century, and many of those buildings are still standing.
A variant of cob is what is commonly called "light straw/clay". This is made with the same long fibers of straw which is tossed like spagetti with a sauce of clay slip. The idea is to coat the straw fibers with enough of the clay to get them to stick together, but not so much that it makes a gummy clump. This material is then tamped into a form and left to set up enough to remove the form. Light straw walls could be useful for interior partitions and even exterior walls if it is thick enough. Such walls would be quite a bit more insulating than cob, but they require a timber frame of some sort because the straw itself would not be load bearing.

Appropriate Uses for Cob
Michael G. Smith has a background in environmental engineering, ecology, and sustainable resource management. In 1993, along with Ianto Evans and Linda Smiley, he started the Cob Cottage Company, a research and teaching group focused on reviving and improving traditional forms of earthen construction. He is the author of The Cobber's Companion: How to Build Your Own Earthen Home (Cob Cottage Co., 1998) and co-author of The Art of Natural Building: Design, Construction, Resources (New Society, 2002) and The Hand-Sculpted House: A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage (Chelsea Green, 2002). He teaches practical workshops and provides consultation to owner-builders on a wide variety of natural building techniques, site selection, and design. He lives in an intentional community in Northern California.
Q: What are the weaknesses of cob?
A: Do you mean the structural weaknesses, or the general weaknesses of the system? If you mean structurally, then cob (like all masonry materials) is much stronger in compression than in tension. That means that although they can withstand a great deal of pressure from gravity, cob walls can fail when subjected to large shear forces, such as earthquakes.
If you mean generalized weaknesses, here are a few. Cob, like other earthen building systems (as well as straw and wood) can be damaged by excessive moisture over time. It is important to keep the walls of the building from becoming saturated with water. In cool or moist conditions, cob dries slowly, which can make construction of a cob building very slow under those conditions.
In my opinion, the specifics of the building project (including for example climate, seismic conditions, building size and usage, the
local availability of different materials, ease of access to site, social and political factors, to name a few) and the desires and skills of the builders and/or clients determine which building system or systems are most appropriate. There are many specific circumstances under which I would not recommend using cob because another material or system would be more appropriate.
Q: I'm new to this cobbing and I am not sure about how to see through an idea I have for my school garden. My garden consists of 8 raised-beds and we would now like to include a seating area in the center of the garden for reading and observations. Is there a way to make it using straw bales for the form and then covering it with clay? What do you mix with the clay? Will it withstand the cold winters of Wisconsin? Is it expensive? Can I use clay from a farmers field? Do you know of any awesome resources?
A: There are many ways to make a bench using natural materials such as clay and straw. One way would be to make a mixture of clay, sand, and straw, called "cob", and sculpt it into a bench of whatever size and shape you like. Another would be to use straw bales and plaster over them with wither, a clay-based or a lime-based mixture. If the bench is not covered with a roof, a cob bench will probably last quite a bit longer than a straw bale one, as the bales will rot out if they get too wet. For either cob or bales, moisture is a much bigger concern than cold. If you want the bench to last more than a few years, you should put a roof over it and/or cover it with a weather-resisting finish such as a lime-sand plaster. A good book to read for further details about mix ratios, building techniques, etc. would be The Hand-Sculpted House by Evans, Smith, and Smiley (available above).
Q: I am wondering if the panhandle area of Florida is adequate for cob construction? I currently live in Ohio but was planning to move to the panhandle area of Florida in a couple of months. I looked at some soil maps and found that there may be clay soils where Florida borders Alabama and Georgia. Obviously it is sandy along the panhandle's coastline. My concern is that Florida may be too humid and have too much precip. to accommodate cob construction.
A: I don't know much about the geology or climate of that part of the world. And I don't know of any cob houses in that vicinity, although I do know an experienced cobber who is currently living in Tallahassee. If there is clay, there is no reason why you can't build with cob there. Cob has been built successfully in very wet places like British Columbia and Wales. If you get very frequent rain you may want to put up a big tarp over the site during construction, or build the roof first. As long as it is carefully designed and built (good high foundation, adequate roof overhangs, protective plaster if necessary) it should last a very long time. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that cob is the most suitable building material for that area. High mass materials like cob can be great at passive cooling, but only if there is some way to cool them down. In a dry climate like the high desert, even when daytime temperatures are very hot it still gets cold at night and the heat absorbed by the cob during the day can be discharged. In a hot moist climate where nights are warm, high mass materials lose their passive cooling abilities. You may need to augment with mechanical cooling. And a lower mass building system (like straw bale or wattle-and-daub for example) might be more efficient. But I don't know the climate of the panhandle well enough to say for sure.
Q: How is the dew point condensate managed within a cob wall? In cold climates this would surely be an issue... but long lived cob in such places is a testament to its irrelevance when done correctly. Can you explain this? How is it possible to avoid the vapor barrier...?
A: No doubt a dew point does occur within cob walls, especially in cold climates, as you suggest. Yet as you also note, cob walls have held up fine for many centuries, even in Northern Europe. I believe this attests to the large capacity of earthen materials to absorb, distribute, and release moisture over time without ill effects. Experience suggests that cob can absorb a great deal of moisture, both from weather and atmosphere and from isolated accidents such as plumbing failures. As long as the cob is allowed to dry out again, there is rarely a problem. When the saturation point is reached, there can be a sudden and spectacular collapse, but that seems to happen only when either the cob is actually sitting in water for some period of time or coated with a non-breathable covering such as cement stucco. So preventative measures are fairly straight-forward: good drainage to prevent flooding, and a breathable surface coating.
As well as, of course, an adequate roof. In places where you have a lot of wind-driven rain, you may want to protect the exterior with a
weather-resistant but breathable plaster, such as lime. But that is really more to avoid cosmetic damage and slow erosion than because of
moisture concerns.
Your question points to one of the big differences between cob and straw bale. Straw, as a biological material, is very susceptible to
decomposition by microorganisms, given the right conditions, which include moisture. Once the moisture level gets to a certain point, the straw will begin to rot. Cob is made mainly of geological materials - sand and clay - which are not subject to digestion by
microorganisms. The clay tends to preserve the straw in cob because it is more hydrophilic, and thus draws the moisture away. I have seen samples of cob 200 years old, in rainy New Zealand, where the straw inside was still yellow.
Q: I am pretty darn poor (about 12,000 a year) and I have two daughters. I have been able to acquire a 1/4 acre of land and as you can image I need to build cheaply. I am earth conscious and wanted to build with cob. My kids would probably love to mix the cob "for awhile". Could you suggest a starter room style for me to start out with and be able to add to later as I am able? I was thinking round and we can all kinda sleep in the same room like a dorm and I was thinking kinda cubby type areas stacked like bunks for the beds. The biggest problem I am coming up with is combining the kit/bath area it seems to take a lot of space! Also we live in Oklahoma so we have high winds and the temp gets over 100 and down to zero. Any suggestions?
A: Under your circumstances, starting with a very small building and adding on as you have time and energy makes a lot of sense. You will want to plan for that addition from the beginning, making sure that things like the exterior site grade, foundation, roofline, interior floor levels, windows and doors will all accommodate the addition gracefully. Generally a round or curved shape is the most difficult to add on to. You could still have part of the building curved if you want, but include a straight wall to make the addition easier.
Another suggestion I have for your starter cabin is to consider making it two stories. Building up often saves money as the foundation and roof tend to be the most expensive (and technically difficult) parts of the buildings. You could put living/cooking/washing areas below and sleeping above. This makes heating the space easier, as you can heat the lower level and control the passage of heat up into the 2nd story (or loft) as you need it. A higher initial roofline also simplifies later additions, as the add-on roofs can be tucked under the original one. The only real disadvantage of a 2-story is that it requires more wood and more carpentry than a single-story cob building.
A final suggestion would be that you consider making some or all of the exterior walls out of straw bales rather than cob. Bales go up quicker than cob and provide much better insulation, which could be important in your extreme climate.
Q: I am wondering if cob, perhaps with stones pushed into it, could be used to wall up a cave dwelling dug on a hillside?
Inside a cob home (source: http://homepage.psy.utexas.edu/)
A: Under most conditions, it's best to avoid building an earthen wall like cob in direct contact with the ground. If the ground is ever wet, the cob will absorb that moisture and get soft. If it gets completely saturated, it can collapse. So only in the very driest conditions (desert) would I recommend what you are suggesting. You're much better off using stone with mortar for that purpose.
Q: Is it possible to build a cob home that resembles a typical home of America (i.e. drivit or stucco)?
A: You certainly could make a cob home that looked like a "regular" stucco house. I don't know exactly what the point would be, other than to blend in to a conservative neighborhood. Most people choose cob because of its unparalleled sculptural potential. Building a cob house is like sculpting your dreams out of clay. Why would you go to all that trouble and end up with a flat, straight, wall? Maybe you could camouflage it on the outside to look like regular suburbia and indulge your imagination on the interior.
Q: I am wondering if it is possible to cob over interior concrete block walls. This is an existing house with unfinished concrete block walls we would like to use natural plastering and cob to create the natural earthen made look. Is there anything special that we need to apply to the concrete first.
A: Yes, I'm sure that what you're proposing is possible. The trick will be finding a good way to attach the cob to the concrete. If you are doing only a fairly thin earthen plaster, you can first apply an "adhesion coat" made of flour paste or white glue and coarse sand. When it dries, that will give the wall enough "tooth" or texture to hold onto the plaster.
If you want to apply cob more than an inch or so thick (which might be nice to mask the harsh square lines of the concrete block and introduce some sculptural elements) you will need to create some sort of an armature to support it. I would use some sort of concrete bolt or screw (many types are available at your local building supply store). Drive them in until firmly anchored but leave them sticking out a few inches. Then you can wrap galvanized fencing wire around the heads to make a sort of skeleton for your cob elements. The length and spacing of the bolts depends on how much weight of cob you will be attaching, and on whether the cob is supported on the floor below or whether it is free-floating attached only to the concrete. But in general I would recommend something like a six inch spacing both vertically and horizontally.

Watch video: Making Cob

Cutaway sketch of wood stove with catalytic combuster. (source: http://www.daviddarling.info)
Heat exchange chamber
Catalytic combustor - the circular, honeycombed disk mounted in the baffle plate. Hot gases and smoke from the fire are forced through the catalytic combustor, at which time the combustible gases are ignited by the combustor
Bypass damper
Flame guard
Safety bypass opening
It is true that in most EPA testing, catalytic stoves are about 10% more efficient than the non cat stoves, but this does not necessarily give an entirely accurate picture. The EPA emissions tests and efficiency listings are based on the average of several different test burns at low, medium, and high. Also, a special crib of wood is used: 2"x4" wood for small stoves; mixed "2X4" and 4"x4" for larger stoves; and all 4"x4" for the largest stoves. This is done for consistency in burning between the different stoves. If you always burn the stove on a very high burn the difference in efficiency between catalytic and non catalytic stoves will be less than 10%. If you usually burn the stove on medium or low the difference will be more than 10%.
At high burns the catalytic stoves and non cat stoves are relatively close in efficiency, but as they are burnt at lower and lower rates the catalytic stoves performance improves. At a very low burn the catalytic stoves are much more than 10% more efficient, and at high burns they are close to the same efficiency. The overall efficiency difference is based on the average of the test burns, and is usually about 10%. On the very high burns most of the volatile material is burnt in the primary combustion chamber so there is not much for the catalyst to burn. Also because we have higher flow rates through the catalyst at the high burn it is less effective.
At the other extreme, during the low burn we do not have sufficient temperature to burn the gasses in the primary and secondary combustion chambers in the non cat stoves -- a lot of the potential heat of the wood goes up the chimney as unburned hydrocarbons in non cat stoves. In the pre EPA stoves it was possible for half of the heat of the wood to go up the chimney as unburned hydrocarbons. This means if you did not let any of the heat go up the chimney, by venting the stove directly into the house ( of course you would damage the house and kill any body who chose to stay in the house ) the stove would still only be 50% efficient. In this case, 50% of the heat value of the wood is never released as heat, but is discharged as unburned hydrocarbons -- this is creosote if condensed in the chimney, or pollution if condensed in the air after leaving the chimney.
The Myth about burning a Catalytic stove Hot!
For years many people have criticized catalytic stoves saying such thing as: They must be burnt hot to keep the catalyst active. This is entirely false. It is true that a catalyst does not become active (lit off) until it reached 400f to 450f. However, in a properly designed stove it is almost impossible to build a fire without this condition occurring. After the catalyst is lit off (reaches a temperature of around 450f) it can burn room temperature smoke if there is a sufficient amount of smoke and 02. The catalyst temperature remains over 450, even if the fire box temperature drops very low because it is creating its own heat by burning the unburned gasses in the catalyst. It will continue to operate as long as the smoldering wood continues to smoke and there is sufficient 02 to burn all the hydrocarbons.
So what stove should I buy?
In summery, if your primary use for a stove is aesthetic, and you do not plan to keep the fire going over night, you will probably want a smaller not catalytic stove. If you want the stove as primary or supplemental heat, and plan to keep the fire burning for days or weeks on end, you will probably be happier with a large catalytic stove.
What about maintenance of the catalytic stove?
It is true that a catalyst must be replaced about every six years depending on how many hours the stove is burnt each year. Replacement catalyst are between $50.00 and $200.00 Also all catalytic manufacturer offer a 6 year pro rated warranty. So in the worst case it may cost you about $35.00 per year more to operate a catalytic stove. The increased efficiency will more than offset this cost if the stove is used for heating. Maintenance involves taking the catalyst out in the spring of the year, vacuuming the cells with a vacuum cleaner, (NEVER AN AIR HOSE) and storing it in a dry place until the next year. In the Sierra stoves, the catalyst can be easily removed by removing two or 4 nuts. It is about a 5 minute operation. The catalyst I am now using was purchased in March of 1987 and it is still fully operational. The catalyst will work equally on any wood, green, aged, or rotten. The only caution is never burn painted or treated wood in a stove with a catalyst. The chemicals in treated wood (Arsenic) or the chemicals in paint will damage the catalyst. Also if the stove you are using can burn coal, the catalyst should be removed before burning coal -- the sulfur in coal will coat the catalyst and shorten its life.

Masonry Heaters
Why Masonry Heaters?
... In the era of high technologies and computer science, wood-burning masonry stoves remain one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly heating systems. Applications for masonry stoves are virtually unlimited, advantages are countless. Can you compare pleasant warmth of radiant heat with dusty blows of a central air system? Can you compare taste of bread or pizza, freshly baked in a wood-burning oven, with a mass product made in ordinary electric stove? Different names were given to masonry stoves in different regions of the world, but the names always reflected importance of stoves in people's life. In Finland, masonry stoves are called "heart of the home"; in Russia - "soul of the home".
Stoves' design differs, but the main operating principle is the same: rapid combustion of a fuel load followed by retention of the produced heat in the stove's masonry mass. The stored heat then radiates slowly and evenly into the room for the next 12 to 24 hours. Even today, regardless of advancements of high technologies and science, more and more people choose masonry heaters as the main or a back-up heating source for their houses. This wise choice is made considering the following remarkable features and advantages masonry stoves offer:
Highest efficiency that can be achieved burning wood. Efficiency of masonry heaters of the best design falls within the range of 65 to 85%. This is considerably higher than efficiency of standard metal stoves and fireplaces.
- Almost no wood smoke emissions.
- High safety. Properly constructed masonry stoves don't produce creosote. Possibility of poisoning by CO is almost eliminated by stoves' design and by elimination of necessity to burn wood constantly.
- Minimal supervision required.
- Wood, being the most used fuel for masonry heaters (although not the only source), is a renewable source of energy that doesn't contribute to the greenhouse effect and is a sustainable choice.
- Minimal fuel consumption. One or two fuel loads a day are sufficient to keep the heated area at comfortable temperatures throughout the day. It is possible to heat the whole house with only 3 bush cords of firewood a season.
- Low heating costs. Considering current prices for natural gas, propane and electricity, wood is by far the cheapest fuel available in Canada. Heating your home with wood gives you peace of mind and independence from predicted future energy crisis.
- Independence from "black-outs". With a masonry heater, no electricity is needed to keep the house warm.
- Healthy air in the house. (No dust and dry air from air forced heating systems. No ionic misbalance common for homes heated with iron stoves.)
- Excellent suitability for houses with solar passive design.
- Possibility for the stove to be faced with different materials to suit any house's concept and personal preferences.
- Possibility to have a multifunctional stove that together with its main heating function can bake, cook, can have heated benches etc.
If you think about heating your house a sustainable way using renewable energy source, about healthier environment inside the house, consider masonry heater.
Design System
Any masonry stove designer faces two main challenges:
- How to burn fuel the cleanest way?
- How to store more of the produced heat?
In most existing advanced stove design systems, the first goal is achieved by constructing fireboxes that create combustion environment as close to ideal as possible: high combustion temperatures, necessary amount of primary and secondary combustion air, turbulence in the gas flow as it leaves the firebox. Our system is not very different from others in its approach to this question. However, there is a significant difference in how we resolve the second challenge.
In most existing stove designs, gases from firebox are directed into a system of channels where they transfer their heat to surrounding masonry walls. Depending on the design, gases in such channels may go "up and down", and/or "side to side" before exiting into a chimney. Let's take a closer look at what is happening in such designs, especially at flow and behavior of the gases.
When the stove is fired, air flows into the firebox, and air's components participate in reaction of combustion. A mixture of various gases and small particles is produced as the result of the reaction. This mixture, called "gas flow" is moved inside the stove channels by chimney draft. In these designs, draft is the only force that makes the gases to move inside the stove. If there were no draft, there would be no movement at all.
If we also take a closer look at what happens with air, entering the firebox, we can see that not all air equally participates in the combustion. The excess portion of air, so-called "ballast air" is mixed together with the hot gases and products of combustion, and is sucked up into the channels by draft of the chimney. As we can see in this case, air that didn't participate in the combustion will obviously have much lower temperature than hot gases produced in the reaction. Besides that, temperature of the produced gases is not even either: there are "hotter" and "cooler" gases. Regardless of that, relatively cold component of the gas flow would still be forced by the draft into the channels. It is mixed with hotter gases there, thus lowering the temperature of the entire gas flow. This component of the gas flow will also start to work against the draft force in the vertical channels, further limiting length of the channels.
It is well known that each change of direction in the gas flow weakens the draft. The more "turns" - the weaker is the draft. Therefore, there is always a limit of how long the channels can be in these designs, and how much heat can be stored. Here, it is always a question of achieving the perfect balance: maximum length of channels without having the stove smoking and compromising the cleanness of burn. No wonder that such balance is difficult to achieve as many factors affect the gas flow. This is why, such systems are usually designed with "draft reserve" that means that "it is better to loose some heat than have the stove smoking". Obviously, this "reserve" lowers the overall possible heat retention.
It has been said above, it is hard to achieve the perfect balance between the heat retention and sufficient draft in these design systems. This is the reason why stoves, belonging to these systems, usually have a standard unchanged sizing of the firebox and the channels that has been refined in numerous installations over the centuries. Finnish contraflow stoves, Swedish contraflow stoves, grundofens and kachelofens: they all belong to such systems. Wee call these "forced gas movement systems".
In contrast, solution in our System came from the question "what if we try not to force gases but rather cooperate with natural forces to facilitate movement in the stove?" It was found that force of gravity alone could do the job of moving the gases inside the stove if one just lets gases to separate naturally. This principle led to creation of the entire System of stove design that was called "the System of Free Gas Movement". In stoves designed according to the System, movement of gases inside is natural, by gravity. No additional force is needed. Gases start to separate right in the firebox, and only the cooler portion of the gases is exhausted, leaving most heat inside. In this case, draft force is needed only to remove products of combustion. Another distinction of our stoves is that they have chambers instead of channels. This is why these stoves sometimes are called "bell" or "chamber" stoves. Stoves built by this principle showed exceptional results and revealed many advantages over forced movement systems.

Watch video: Russian Stoves

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#article
What is cedar nut oil for?
If you are involved with cedar products, have read much literature about cedar nut oil, and are using cedar nut oil almost daily, occasionally you may be surprised by the question that sometimes arises: "Cedar nut oil, but what is it for?" Nevertheless, this question arises fairly often.
Life is astonishingly multifaceted and diverse. To the extent that different people will quite often find confirmation of completely different claims in one and the same phenomenon.
There exists a fairly large number of natural remedies, whose use gives good restorative and medicinal results. And it is probably not that important whether a person will choose this or that remedy, the main thing is that the person wanted to make his or her life better, wanted to obtain positive results, and in the end used the chosen remedy.
Some people use pharmaceutical multivitamin complexes and consider that they use them successfully, while some people do not trust pharmaceutics all that very much, and look for something natural, such as, for example, Red Sea products, aloe juice, or cedar nut oil. And it is impossible to say that this one is better, and that one is worse. The entire point is the person's choice and his or her intentions. The selection is considerable, and diverse information about natural health remedies may be found not only on the Internet, but in various magazines, newspapers, and on television.
Returning to the question, just what is cedar nut oil for, we can begin with the fact that, first and foremost, we have in mind a product for use in food, or a biologically active supplement - the oil of cedar nuts.
This is a virgin oil, obtained by cold pressing of kernels of cedar nuts from which the shells have been removed. Many people look precisely for virgin olive oil on supermarket shelves. This type of pressing makes it possible to preserve all the vitamins, biologically active substances, and trace elements in the oil. In this instance, cedar nut oil presents all the healthy properties of cedar nuts in a concentrated form, which indeed makes it such a valuable product.
Thus, cedar nut oil is a source of a valuable complex of vitamins, trace elements, and mineral substances. This contributes to its wide use as a natural multivitamin.
Cedar nut oil contains:
vitamin A, which promotes the growth of the body;
B group vitamins and vitamin D, which normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve the composition of the blood, and have a favourable effect on the skin;
vitamin E (55 mg in 100 g, tocopherol, in Greek, "I bear offspring");
cedar nut oil is a true concentrate of vitamin F - there is more of it in this oil than in Vitamin F preparations based on fish fat. Vitamin F assists in the reduction of the level of cholesterol and prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of vessels;
the proteins of the oil include 19 amino acids, 70% of which are essential;
cedar nut oil contains a large proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic, oleic, arachidonic, palmitic, and stearic;
trace elements - phosphorus, copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iodine;
magnesium - there is no other food product that can compare with cedar nut oil in the quantity of magnesium. Magnesium dilates the blood vessels and reduces the heightened excitability of the nervous system.
Thanks to the fact that so many vitamins and healthy substances are combined in cedar nut oil, it is also used in folk medicine as a stimulant for the immune system in cases of various symptoms of indisposition or vitamin insufficiency. Cedar nut oil is also used for preventive purposes as a general fortifying remedy to fight chronic fatigue syndrome, to increase physical and mental work capacity, and for the preventive treatment of age-related illnesses, such as atherosclerosis, disorders of the digestive organs and heart.
Several alternative methods exist for the use of the oil. For preventive purposes, the most effective is the following: 1 teaspoon taken 30 to 60 minutes before meals, 2 to 3 times a day, for a period of 40 to 60 days; however, a noticeable effect is also obtained from a single, daily dose of one tablespoon of cedar nut oil on an empty stomach. To assimilate it best, it is preferable to absorb the oil in the mouth.
Virgin cedar nut oil has an attractive light-amber colour and a pleasant nutty fragrance. Its flavour qualities surpass the best grades of olive oil and almond oil, and the strength of its medicinal effect exceeds sea buckthorn, burdock, coconut, and high grade olive oil.
Cedar nut oil has also been used for a long time as a valuable vegetable oil for the preparation of food and various sweets. Of course, it could be afforded only by residents of the taiga and neighboring provinces, as well as well-off people who knew about the amazing properties of cedar nut oil.
Residents of Siberia prepared a "vegetable milk" and "vegetable cream" from cedar nuts. The kernels were extracted from the dried nuts, they were dried more, the skin was cleaned off by hand rubbing. The dry kernels were crushed in wooden mortars, hot water was added a little at a time. The gruel-like substance obtained was poured into a cast iron or clay pot, and was brought to a boil in a Russian stove - and the cream was ready. Before use, boiling water was added to the cream, and vegetable, or cedar nut milk was obtained. In its fat content, cedar nut cream is twice as rich as dairy cream, and two and a half times as rich as meat. The calorie content of cedar cream is higher than all the products named. Nut cream and milk, as a medicinal remedy, have been used by folk medicine since days of old. In 1786 the Academician P. S. Pallas wrote that the vegetable cream "is used in chemist's shops, a milk is made from it, a milk that is prescribed for chest illnesses, the cream is used effectively by people with consumption."
There exist a large number of excellent culinary recipes both using cedar nut oil as well as using cedar nuts, and cedar flour. Interesting recipes and also much useful information about the use of cedar nut oil and other cedar products may be found in books.
Cedar nut oil is an ecologically pure product without any contraindications, and is most completely assimilated by the human body.
Cedar nut oil is not an inexpensive product, and cannot be inexpensive by virtue of the special features of its production. But the price of cedar nut oil is completely comparable to the price of pharmaceutical multivitamins, which often provoke allergic reactions and have a fairly questionable effectiveness. Abroad, cedar nut oil is very highly valued, it is no accident that Western companies try to buy up and export cedar nuts by fair means or foul.
Yet another area where cedar nut oil is used is cosmetics and personal care products. The presence of biologically active substances, and especially the large quantity of vitamin F, makes cedar nut oil a wonderful base.
In conclusion, when speaking about the truly marvellous properties of cedar nut oil, we would like to note that, of course, cedar nut oil, just as other natural products, is not a panacea or a medication for all diseases and ailments. Rather, a panacea may be considered to be the daily, practical efforts made for the good of one's health. A broad, systematic, and rational approach is always required - both for prevention as well as for treatment. It is in this type of rational and multifaceted approach that cedar nut oil may become one of the basic constituents for effective treatment.
If we speak of the daily use of cedar nut oil as vegetable oil, then here, as in everything, it is good to have limits. On the Internet you can find the enthusiastic opinions of a woman who writes that she even fries potatoes in cedar nut oil. Perhaps this is a good thing, but most probably not all together rational. After all, cedar nut oil is fairly expensive, and it is well known that prolonged heating breaks down the vitamins and biologically active substances. And besides, the excessive use of even the most beneficial substance may do harm.
So, I wish to conclude this essay with wishes that you take care of your health in a well-rounded way and, mainly, that you do it daily, and use cedar nut oil in your food in moderation, preferably in the "raw" state.
Yes, and remember that it is best to store cedar nut oil in the refrigerator.
With wishes for health and joy,
Egor Efremov, MD, Naturapath, Omsk, Russia
Used by permission
© Copyright CedarInfo.info

The types of pine include the European cedar pine (Pinus cembra L.), the Siberian cedar pine (Pinus sibirica (Rupr.) Mayr.), the Korean pine, or Manchurian cedar pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.), and the dwarf cedar tree (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Rgl.). The Siberian pine has entered popular speech under the name "Siberian cedar." Following this, other pines also received similar names: European cedar and Korean cedar.
A general characteristic of all cedar pines is their heightened attraction for moisture. With significant moisture, the woody cedar pines form a plantation mixed with fir or spruce, while in conditions of a surplus supply of moisture, they yield in competition to fir. In areas with irregular moisture conditions, the Siberian cedar grows in a mixture with the common pine on mechanically lighter soils or even under its canopy, and also with the Siberian larch (in especially cold soils), and the Korean cedar - as part of wide-leafed forests. With the increase in dryness of the air and the continental nature of the climate, the Siberian cedar yields its position to the larch and spruce, while the Korean cedar yields to the Sayan spruce and larch.
Over the larger part of its natural habitat, the dwarf cedar tree forms neat thickets. As a rule, it grows in the tree line. In the cold regions near the Okhotsk Sea and Eastern Baikal Region, it emerges onto the coast. In better growing conditions, it forms a lower layer in larch and boreal forests.
Cedar pines have essential differences among themselves with respect to cold resistance and also with respect to the optimal temperatures required for vegetation. This is related to the different regime of heat conditions in the boundaries of the natural habitat of each variety, conditions to which they have adapted in the process of a lengthy evolution. The European cedar grows in conditions of a comparatively mild continental climate with a slightly negative air temperature in the winter period (-8.8 C).
The Korean cedar grows in continental climate conditions with a low air temperature in the winter and a high air temperature in the summer. For the Siberian cedar a higher resistance to cold is characteristic. However, the Siberian cedar does not tolerate cold soils, its northern and eastern borders correspond to the south-western boundary of the distribution of the permafrost.
In the area of the especially sharply continental climate of north-eastern Asia, which corresponds to the permafrost zone, of the cedar pines, only the dwarf cedar tree grows. The average annual temperature of the air here reaches -14 C, while the average temperature in January reaches -40 C. The growth of the dwarf cedar tree in such severe climatic conditions is made possible by the ability of its branches to bend down to the ground and pass the winter beneath a thick layer of snow.
The Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica) is a tree with a height of up to 40 metres, the diameter of its trunk reaches 1.5 to 2 metres. In young trees the crown is sharply tapered, in adult trees it is widely spreading, often polyconic. The arrangement of branches is whorled. The upper branches are chandelier-like, raised upward. The bark on young trunks and branches is ash-silver, with grayish brown transverse lenticels, later it is fissured and grey-brown. The needles are 5 to 12 cm in length, soft, trihedral in cross section, dark green with a dove-coloured coating; they are retained on the tree for 3 to 7 years. The male pollen-covered spikelets are located usually in the middle part of the crown; the female cones are found at the ends of the upper shoots of the tree, with two or three along the apical bud. Only the upper part of the crown with a length of 1 to 1.5 m (rarely up to 2m) bears fruit. The ripe cones are oval, with a length of 6 to 13 cm, and a width of 5 to 8 cm, light grayish brown, they have tightly closed scales with reinforced scutella; they contain 80 to 140 brown seeds with a length of 10 to 14 mm, and a width of 6 to 10 mm. The root system is of the tap type with extended lateral roots.
The dependence of ecological properties on the conditions of the environment is manifested in the cedar better than in other coniferous trees of Siberia. This is explained by the large surface area of the needles, the polymorphic nature of the root system, and several anatomical features, which increase its suitability for the wide range of conditions in which it grows.
This suitability most distinctly reveals itself with regard to the dampness and temperature of the soil. On the northern boundary of its distribution in a damp and cold climate, the Siberian cedar is sensitive to the frozen condition of the ground and occupies warmed slopes with dryer soils. On the contrary, in conditions of sufficient heat supply in the southern part of its natural habitat, the cedar selects colder and therefore better moistened places to live. In places with sufficient heat supply and optimal moisture (for example, in the Khamar-Daban mountain range), the cedar grows on all parts of the topography.
When growing in late thawing soils, the cedar forms a surface root system, but is not uprooted by wind because of this. In these conditions, its roots are very long and create a large area of support. A significant lengthening of roots in general is characteristic for woody and grassy plants that grow in cold soils. In addition, in these conditions the root systems of adjacent cedars grow together, which substantially increases their resistance to the wind.
In water-logged soils with a well developed mossy covering, the cedar quite often forms supplementary roots. It is surpassed in this suitability for water-logged soils only by the Gmelina larch.
The cedar's weak spot is its requirement for a high relative humidity of the air, especially in the winter period. In this respect it is similar to the Siberian fir, from which it substantially differs in other ecological properties. This requirement is caused by a very large surface area of the needles in the cedar and the fir. For this reason, the cedar cannot grow in places with a dry climate, which limits its spread to the forest-steppe.
It grows slowly, lives from 300 to 550 years, some trees live up to 800 years. In closed forest stands, it "blossoms" (in June) from 40 to 50 years, in thinned out stands, it "blossoms" from 13 to 15 years. The development of the generative organs and microspore genesis lasts for two years. The seeds ripen in the second year following the "blossoming," in August. When the germ is fully formed, the outer shell of the seed becomes dark, the cones dry out, their resin content becomes less, and in August and September a massive fall of cones is observed. In a harvest year, one large tree yields up to 1000 - 1500 cones. In nature, the Siberian cedar pine reproduces by seeds spread by the nutcracker, chipmunk, squirrel, sable, and other animals that feed on cedar nuts; in the cultivated state, it reproduces primarily by seedlings and saplings, economically valuable forms are reproduced using grafts. The Siberian cedar pine is a harshly continental climate species. In its maturity, it requires light. It grows in the most diverse soils, but prefers drained, deep sandy loam and loamy slightly podsolized soils. It has a poor tolerance for air polluted by smoke and being transplanted in the adult state. The wood is light, soft, pink-yellow, with an attractive texture, and aromatic. It is common in the mountains and flatlands of the north-eastern European portion of Russia, from the upper reaches of the Vychegda River throughout almost all western and eastern Siberia as an addition to spruce and other types of forests, or as pure forest stands. In the mountains, it goes up to the upper boundary of the forest. In peat bogs and mountainous forests we find the low-growing and partially creeping forms of the Siberian cedar pine (P. sibirica f. turfosa, P. sibirica f. coronans, P. sibirica f. humistrata), which differ from the valley type, and are regarded by some botanists as separate species.
In order to introduce the cedar more widely into cultivation, it is necessary to overcome the current impression of it as a slow growing species, to expand the area it is sown in nurseries, to cultivate this species more aggressively on fairly rich, drained, fresh loamy and sandy loam soils. The introduction of the cedar into plantations increases their productivity over their lifetime as well as their longevity.
As a cultivated plant in the European provinces of Russia, the cedar can be recommended both as an ornamental orchard species as well as a forest species. Cedar orchards close to villages may be used to obtain cedar nuts, as well as a wonderful place for relaxation. The introduction of the Siberian cedar into the plantations of green belts and group I forests will increase their recreational opportunities and water-protection properties. Since it bears nuts, the Siberian cedar promotes the increase in number and diversity of forest fauna.
The Siberian cedar belongs to the shade-tolerating species of trees. On a comparative scale, it tolerates shade less than the common spruce, but significantly exceeds the common pine. However, tolerance of shade does not at all mean that this is a requirement of the Siberian pine for shade. Its relationship to light is not the same at various ages. Shoots tolerate strong shade. But the greater the age and the older the plant, the more the requirement for light increases. Observations show that, at a young age, it is capable of tolerating negligible illumination, and in its natural state the young seedling may be found together with spruce and fir beneath the canopy of the upper layers of tree stands.
The Siberian cedar prefers loamy and sandy loam soils that are sufficiently moistened, but well drained and fertile. However, within the limits of its natural habitat, it is found in the most diverse types of soils and topographies of an area. M. E. Tkachenko cites data where the Siberian cedar has grown in dry sands and on rocky cliffs. The Academician P. S. Pallas wrote that this species of tree was growing in swamps and reached high into the mountains. Professor B. V. Grozdov noted the growth of the Siberian cedar in permafrost soils, where it forms supplementary roots.
The first cultivated Siberian cedars in the European part of Russia about which there is documentary information dates back to the second half of the XVI century, when the Tolgskaya cedar grove was laid out near Yaroslavl, 8 km from the city. This grove was located on the left bank of the Volga, 300 m from the shore, on the territory of the former Tolgskaya Monastery, which was constructed in 1314. Cedars began to be cultivated in the area around Moscow long ago. This species of tree drew attention to itself as far back as the XVII century in Moscow and its surroundings. These trees were planted in many princely estates. The Nikolo-Uryupino estate (Krasnogorskoe District), which still in the XVII century belonged to the princes of the Odoevsky family, deserves special attention. Siberian cedars in the Abramtsevo Park (Sergievo-Posadsky District) are of great interest. There are cedars in the Tarusovo Estate (Taldom District) in the Morozovka Estate (Solnechnogorsk District), in Leninsky District (in the Valtsevo Estate, in the village of Gorki), in Mytishchi District (Vinogradovo, Marfino Sanatorium), in Ruza District (Nikolskoe-Gagarino), in Khimki District (Vasilevskoe-Skurygino), in Podolsk District (Vorontsovo Estate, Ostafevo), in Serpukhov District (Pushchino-Vyazemskoe, Turov), and other places.
Cedar groves and individual trees are also found in St. Petersburg and its surroundings, in Vologda Oblast (village of Chargino, Gryazovets District), in Karelia (city of Sortavala), on the island of Valaam, in Arkhangelsk Oblast (village of Koryazhma, Kotlas District), on the Solovetsky Islands, in the Murmansk Arctic Region (Murmansk Oblast Polar Forestry Farm, city of Apatity), in Novgorod Oblast (Vybiti Estate, Solovetsky District, city of Valday, in Chudsky, Staray Russa, Lyubytino, Pestovo, Khvoynaya, Okulovka, Kresttsy Districts and others), in Pskov Oblast, in Kalinin, Smolensk, Kaluga. Vladimir, and Ivanovo Oblasts, in Belarus, in Vitebsk, in Mogilev, Gorkiy, and Kirov Oblasts, and in many other villages, cities, oblasts, and regions of Russia.
Sergei Dlinnorukiy, Department of Forestry, Russia
Used by permission
© Copyright CedarInfo.info

Makes: 4-7 cups.
Time 2 min., cook time 4 min.
Ingredients: 1cup pine nuts, 3-6 cups water.
Directions: combine the water and the Pine nuts in a blender you can create the desired thickness by using more or less water. Blend on high for 4-5 minutes. To sweeten add honey, bananas, dates, figs, raisins, maple syrup or your favorite fruit. Blend again until smooth. You can enjoy it thick or strain it through cheesecloth. Pine nut milk is perfect alone, with your breakfast cereal. It will keep for 2 days in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container. Enjoy!
PARENTS: This is a very easy way to get a good source of good fats and protein for your children's breakfast. Pine nut milk is enjoyed more than soy and rice milk. Made fresh pine nut milk saves energy from not having the aseptic packaging.

Makes: enough for 4. Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 15min
Ingredients: 2 cups sprouted mixed Beans and Lentils 1/2 cup chopped Onion or Green Onion 1tbsp Lemon Juice 1 clove Garlic pressed 1tbsp Curry powder or Indian spice mix Sea Salt to taste 100g Pine Nuts
Directions: Toss 2 cups sprouted Beans and Lentils with Onion, combine Lemon Juice, Garlic, Curry power and salt together and pour over top mixture with Beans and Lentils. Sprinkle with Pine Nuts or mix them in. It can be served as a tasty lunch salad or you can stuff a Red, Yellow, Orange or Purple pepper with it. You can also stuff a Tomato and an Avocado half with it. Enjoy!

Makes 6 dozen.
Time 12 min.
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift flour, salt and baking soda. Set aside. Beat butter, maple syrup, honey, eggs and vanilla until light and fluffy. Stir in flour mixture and oats until well combined. Add crushed or whole pine nuts and cranberries.
INGREDIENTS FOR COOKIES: 1/2cup pine nuts, 2cup whole wheat or spelt flour, 1tsp baking soda, 1tsp salt, 1cup butter, 3/4cup maple syrup, 3/4cup honey, 2 eggs, 1tsp vanilla extract, 2 cups uncooked oat flakes, 1cup dried cranberries(or raisins)

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.cedarinfo.info
The latest in Siberian Health:
Now available for purchase from USA - CEDAR NUT SHELLS 1kg (2.2 lb) for only $9.99
Recommendations of use: Crush 200 g of cedar nut shell in a mortar, transfer to a half-litre bottle (so it fills half the bottle or a little less), add two tablespoons of sugar to this mixture and fill with medical alcohol. Store in a dark container in a cool place. Let the nuts stand for a month, then strain them through gauze and put in a cool place. An excellent ointment is obtained. Drink one teaspoon for a glass of water twice a day during the daytime. Drink this, beginning with 5 and going up to 15 drops. This tincture increases physical strength, cures impotence, is a preventive measure against atherosclerosis, and eliminates stress.
Click here to go to our online store.

Make use of these great promotions this summer:
Cedar Nut Oil - buy 3 get 1 free!
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Purchase 3 bottles of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil and get 1 free! Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store

Siberian Cedar Resin and Siberian Larch Resin Chewing Gum
Buy 3 get 1 FREE!
For a limited time get four packages for the price of 3 of our Siberian Cedar Resin and Siberian Larch Resin Chewing Gum (25% discount!).
Among the people, the resin of the Siberian cedar has acquired the name zhivitsa, related to the Russian word for life (zhizn). With an unbelievable ability to heal wounds and regenerate cells, cedar resin has, since ancient times, been considered to be a very valuable product, and was used by the peoples of Siberia and the Urals in the treatment of various diseases.
Siberian cedar resin contains 30-35% of volatile substances: turpentine and its derivatives, oxygen compounds and succinic acid. The remaining part (65-70%) is represented by resin acids and their derivatives, resinols and resinotannols, rubber (inert substances), plant matter, vitamins C and D.
Siberian cedar resin has a maximum medicinal effect if the tree is not tapped during its collection. It is thought that if harm is done to the tree, then it will not provide the life-giving force that it is capable of providing. For that reason, Siberian cedar resin is collected only from those cedars that exude their resin themselves.
Siberian cedar resin for preparing chewable tablets bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is collected exclusively from the surface of cedar trunks without the use of tapping. Flour made from the cedar nut is added to the resin.
Click here to go to our online store

Essential Oils Pack! 25% off!
ENJOY OUR LIMITED TIME PROMOTION - get all three fragarances of Siberian Cedar Essential Oils (25g) at a discount of 25%! Click here to go to our online store.
"The ethers of the cedar represent the spirit of the Universe. They can cure the body - the ethers of the cedar can protect Man from harmful influences." - Anastasia, Co-creation.
Siberian Cedar Essential oils have a warm, balsamic aroma. Relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Can be used as a perfume.
Siberian health in every drop. Each of the three oils have their own distict fragrance. Availabe fragrances: Siberian Cedar Wood Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Needle Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Cone Essential Oil.
Siberian Cedar essense for you!
Click here to go to our online store

Cedar Nut Oil - 50% OFF a case (70 packings)!
Promotion not available in Europe!
SPECIAL PROMOTION for wholesalers! Purchase a box of Cedar Nut Oil (70 packings) and receive 50% discount! Please go to our wholesale page for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Please go to our wholesale page for more information.

I would like to spread the word, as I have been doing to a broader number of people. I am interesting in the Kin's Domains and to this end we are meeting shortly with a group of like-minded people in SE Queensland, Australia.
Marguerite Shelley-Smith
Queensland, Australia
* * *
Blessing to all of you, especially Anastasia and Vladimir...you are truly the Light Bearers of this planet.
Libby Lervik
* * *
Anastasia is the most powerful human being alive today. And this series of books go beyond the beauty of anything I have ever read in my life. People like her truly make me proud to be a human being. If you read one series of books in your life make it this one. You will be amazed at the shear wonder and utter astonishment that these books produce. Thank you so very much .this is truly a sacred gift. and a bessing from the heavens above.
Jason Honor
* * *
Hi, dear Anastasia and Vladimir,
I am Mehmet from Turkey, 16. Your first book published in the Turkey in this week. I just bought 3 books for me and other two friends.
Mehmet, Turkey
Ever since I have use the cedar oil for my crack lips I have been commented on how lively and more younger I look and feel within myself. I am able to share care and give all the energy this all has given to me to others.
Denise Rosse
* * *
Dear Friends,
I have received my package of Cedar Nut Oils, Spoons and Cedar Pendants, which I will share with my friend. Thank you.
I have already started using the oil externally and internally and have found several benefits. I will send you another email to explain this. I am very happy. I will say, however, that within 15 minutes of applying the oil to my face, chest and throat, my emotional feelings completely changed. I became happier and joyful as though a negative oppression was lifted from off me.
Maria Rainback
Melbourne, Australia
* * *
Hi Folks, At the age of 57 I am bound to have had some health problems, however taking 1 wooden desert spoon and the same amount of cedar nuts I feel fitter, with more energy now than when I was 30 years of age. The oil and nuts are amazing.
* * *
The cedar is deliciously fragrent and I feel I sleep more deeply and breathe more easily when I use the cedar pillow.
Jane D.
I am interested in becoming a distributor.
Julie J.
* * *
We look forward to learning more and spreading this information in order to prosper humanity. Thank you!
Jill E Berger
* * *
Interested in being a distributor.
Camille H.

RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official
literary agent of Vladimir Megre.

This is the official message to publishers and editors.
We are inviting every one who is interested in signing publishing agreements for the books of Vladimir Megre to the International Readers Conference from October 10 to October 17, 2008. All the details are located at http://www.RingingCedarsConference.com/
Dear Publisher:
We are inviting you to participate in the interesting project of publishing the books of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre.
Vladimir Megre's books embody the human striving for harmony with oneself, the nature that surrounds us, and society. His books have been translated into more than 20 of the world's languages, more than 11 million copies have been printed, the books are international bestsellers.
All Vladimir Megre's works were originally written in Russian.
If you are interested in translating the books into one of the available languages and publishing it in the appropriate country, we are prepared to consider your proposal and give you an answer within a period of three days.
Our requirements:
1) |
The translator from Russian to the selected language must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. |
2) |
The fundamental meaning of the works or any part of that meaning may not be changed or abbreviated in the translation. |
3) |
Professional design work. |
4) |
The presence of a distribution network or a professional business plan. |
Some of the existing translations of the Ringing Cedars book series can be found on the Ringing Cedars Information page
Sincerely yours,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Spanish Translator.
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Spanish for the creation of a Spanish translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near & far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland.
Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

Meetings in Ontario, Canada
To all motivated by Anastasia's words, there is a growing group meeting regularly between Toronto and Guelph. All those interested are welcome to join a gathering. Our next meeting will be Sunday afternoon on July 6th. Exact time and location to be determined. If you wish to attend, please call or email Robert 519-829-2281 email: rorland@sentex.ca

Kin's Domain Eco-Village Initiative
Message submitted from: Tor Fjelldal
Email: creatingabeautifulworld@gmail.com
Title: Kin's Domain Eco-Village Initiative
Interested in making difference? Investors needed to start up a kin's domain eco-village concept based on the Anastasia books. Visit http://creatingabeautifulworld.org - all kinds of input and help is highly appreciated and welcomed! our aim is to purchase land and retunr it to people free of charge to create abundance and diversity and a good place to raise our children. the plan is to start it off in Golden Bay New Zealand and eventually make it a world wide project inspiring others to fulfull our beautiful destiny!
Tor Fjelldal

Green Garden Earth
Message submitted from: Green Garden Earth
Green Garden Earth Almanac (GGEA) is an online periodical discussing the creation of Green Garden Earth with sections such as Green Technologies, Gardening, Hand-made, Traditions, and more: http://www.greengardenearth.com/almanac/
Signup to our mailing list to get notified about the next issue of GGEA: http://www.greengardenearth.com/mailinglist.html
We are looking for any like-minded authors to send us your own articles: editor@greengardenearth.com

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The Earth online newspaper.

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