Exclusive interview with Vladimir Megre
From the 2008 Ringing Cedars Conference in Turkey
Mr. Megre talks about pressing subjects and Kin's Domains issues.
(Interview by Regina Jensen)
Watch the upcoming issues.
Exclusive interview with Vladimir Megre
for THE EARTH Newspaper - Part II.
by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich, thank you for making yourself available once more. If I may, I will start with questions right away:
You have talked about the Science of Imagery and it sounds so very wonderful for us to learn more consciously how to create our lives through images. But when it comes to understanding world-affairs, which are of so much concern right now, don't you fear that people might think this is all much too simplistic when it comes to understanding politics by way of this idea of images as creative or destructive?
Vladimir Megre: Well, world forums have come to the unambiguous conclusion that a catastrophe is possible in the coming years. And it is here that an interesting question arises: is it possible to take some measures to prevent it? Representatives of the international scientific community have been unable to answer this question. The governments of various countries, although attempting to influence the situation in some way, developed the so-called Kyoto Protocol, according to which it was proposed that all countries reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. To date the Protocol has not been ratified. This can serve as an excellent examccple for the problem as I see it, namely that the leaders of these countries do not seem to comprehend the true issue. The exhaust gases from millions of cars and the smokestacks of large and small companies, and other sources that expel harmful pollutants are only a consequence, and not the cause that gave rise to them.
R.J.: Can you say more?
V.M.: Yes, of course. Modern science has been unable to identify the real cause. Anastasia explains that the true cause may be determined by applying methods from the forgotten Science of Imagery. But the modern scientific community does not know anything about this scientific approach, at once ancient and very advanced, and this is highly unfortunate for our culture. It is a little known fact that precisely by using the powers gained from this very science, a few single individuals can and have governed entire countries as well as humanity as a whole.
R.J.: Can you give us an example?
V.M.: For instance even in the past, historians report that, after the capture of ancient Egypt, the priests at the time knew how to instill into the people's unconscious the image of a liberator and with the power of that image freed the country. Or, as another example, to this day, Byzantinists are unable to arrive at a unified opinion or to identify the true reason for the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. But the reason can be found in the same realm, namely in the realm of Images. In this case, it was the loss of the image of the future of the empire and instead the instilling of a foreign, destructive image into that culture. It is precisely for this reason that all the empires of our known historical period have perished and others will follow unless changes are made.
R.J.: What a profound loss and a very real, modern-day danger to be repeated! And those forces which you and Anastasia call the Priests have really had no opposition at all until Anastasia came along. You are so right, few people other than our Western mass-media, political strategists and the marketing gurus know about even the rudiments of this science, and this ignorance and lack has brought humanity to the brink of destruction.
V.M.: Yes. But Anastasia is certain that the catastrophe may not only be averted, but that it is possible to build a happy future for millions of individual families and the country as a whole. It would appear that she has a perfect knowledge of the Science of Imagery, and this is what she says about it:
"A person himself is nothing other than a materialized image, and being a materialized image, a person himself may create and materialize images. This comprises his Universal power that can be surpassed by no-one and nothing.
"If a person is not conscious of the abilities bestowed upon him by the Creator, then this person is himself blocking his most majestic power, and this person falls under the influence of other images, and materializes their ideas up to the point of the destruction of himself, his family, his lineage, his country, and the entire planet."
"The artificial technocratic world has also been created by Man using the energy of images which, however, infuse confront? A person with the very opposite of what they intended."
R.J.: How confusing for people, and deceptive! Can you say more?
V.M.: The artificial world is perishable and mortal. Even the most perfect machine, building, or any other thing of the artificial world is disintegrating with each passing second, and in only a few years will turn into dust or, even worse, into waste that is harmful for humans.
Man himself, who lives in an artificial world, also becomes perishable. It is too difficult for a person who, minute by minute, looks at the multitude of disintegrating objects surrounding him - objects that do not have the capacity to self-produce - to imagine eternal life, to create the image of his or her own eternity and materialize it.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich, what a profound awareness to bring to the world! You and Anastasia bring to the fore a profound question: "How can we create our divine heritage, namely that of eternal life, if all we see is death, disintegration and decay by way of man-made, robotic, dead matter all around us. No wonder we think of ourselves as mere perishable matter as well, did I understand that right, by way of the perverse, confused and "fallen" abuse of images-turned-into-things??
V.M.: Yes! The natural, visible world has existed not for billions of years, but significantly longer, because it already existed in a non-materialized image. Scientists who have determined the age of the earth have determined not the date of its birth, but only the date of its materialization as one of the stages of life, namely when it became visible, or perceptible, to the human senses or to limited man-made technologies.
The natural world possesses the ability to self-produce, and this ability makes it eternal. The Creator, having created eternity, is thus himself - Eternity. He is the alpha and omega and alpha again.
Many people may say or think: what was there before the birth of the Creator, the enormous quantity of his unusual energy? Once nothing existed. Nothing! But remember what the Creator said about "nothing" to his son:
"From nothingness will arise the new wonderful birth of you, which reflects through you yourself - your aspirations, soul, and dreams. My son, you are infinite, you are eternal, your dreams are creating themselves in you.
"But if something arises from "nothing," this means that Nothing is sensed in a birth. Having given birth, including "from nothing," the Creator has closed the circle and offered the image of eternity to man.
"The knowledge, understanding, and sensation of the energy of the Image in oneself enables a person not to die, but to fall into a delightful sleep. On awaking, the person will be incarnated in the place, time, and Image needed by him and created before sleep.
"Lack of knowledge and understanding of the Science of Imagery inevitably leads to the clumsy handling of the perfect, natural world, and the creation of a world that is artificial, primitive, and unnatural. Lack of knowledge of the Science of Imagery turns entire countries and people into playthings, pawns in the hands of those who are familiar with this great ability. Knowledge of the Science of Imagery leads to an understanding of the entire universe made by the Creator and the creation of new, wonderful worlds."
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich! In the most poetic way, you just answered several lengthy questions I have had about the Science of Imagery. But still, now I am even more excited than I was when I first read the books. Just because this is so very important for our very survival as a species, could you say more, maybe about the whole idea why empires do perish, especially since it looks like there is another "empire" which has been setting itself up for just that - and I am talking about what many thoughtful thinkers fear about our own country, the United States, which has been without a wholesome image for a glorious future.
V.M.: Certainly! It is possible to provide a multitude of historical examples that are associated with the effects of images that influence human society and provoke even planetary catastrophes. But for a modern person, especially one living in Russia, as a more obvious example, one can mention the situation associated with the collapse of Tsarist Russia, and then the breakup of the USSR. "A spark will ignite a flame," said Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the leader of the world proletariat, referring to the Bolshevik newspaper The Spark, which castigated the Tsarist regime. A negative image of Tsarist power was systematically promoted, and a new, beautiful image of Soviet power was created. Tsarism was overthrown. A new empire, the USSR, arose and began to develop, an empire with an enormous army equipped with nuclear weapons. But after only seventy years, the great empire of the USSR disintegrated into several separate countries, moreover not always amicably disposed toward each other. Political scientists identified the culprits as those politicians who signed the agreement respecting the dissolution, as well as the economic and political situation.
R.J.: Oh, how painfully familiar this sounds! Just exactly what's been happening in the United States and other countries, looking for the problems in all the wrong places.
V.M.: Yes, exactly. On closer examination, even all this is only a consequence of the effects of images. Let us remember Solzhenitsyn's profound and courageous books about the GULAG, as well as other works of literary masters which castigated the USSR. Concurrently, other writers during that same time created the image of the flourishing countries of the West, where, unlike those in the USSR, store shelves were groaning under an abundance of all types of goods, while happy and free people drove around in luxurious cars. Meanwhile, when speaking of the advantages of Western civilization, they remained silent about the many problems which existed over there.
The future of Russia, as well, is being determined by images instilled in the minds and souls of the people living in the country. Unfortunately, there is a veritable plethora of images leading to the destruction of our country. The cult of force, the cult of money and other such negative constructs are forming thousands of images of destruction in movies and television films. Many of our politicians are advocating "emulation of the West." No economic or military achievements, or calls to be patriots of one's homeland are able to oppose this ongoing, all-pervasive imagery.
R.J.: That is very scarey, isn't it? - since they are not exactly very visible, these destructive images, although modern science might call them holograms, and as you've explained, Anastasia knows how to make them visible. I hesitate to impose upon your patience, Vladimir Nikolaevich, but it is so very important. Could you help us with some additional clarification about this dreadful dilemma in which humanity finds itself - especially, again, at this very moment in history?
V.M.: An image may only be challenged by another image, particularly by an image of creation, capable of inspiring millions of people. Anastasia did indeed create such an image as a counterbalance to the armadas of the destroyers. Hundreds of thousands of people have internalized the image of a real future Anastasia has offered, the future of a beautiful country and in turn a beautiful planet Earth. And they have added their own ideas to it, and have begun to turn it into reality, to build what she has called their Kin's Estates, their Family Domains or Spaces of Love. (Ed. note: For readers unfamiliar with this term, these are single hectares (2.5 acres) of land, some of them part of numerous eco-villages which are under development all over the world, where people live and co-create small paradises for themselves and each other in accordance with natural law and the powerful support and gifts the plant-kingdom can offer.)
R.J.: Anastasia's abilities to remote-view, as we might explain a very small part of what she does throughout time and space, has enabled her to not only foresee a beautiful and very possible future for us, but also observe those other, destructive dynamics. Tragically, we as modern Man have thought of this Science of Imagery as irrelevant to us because it is invisible, therefore dishonoring it as "child's play" just because we are blind to it.
V.M.: Yes, it is here that events have started to occur, events whose careful examination and subsequent study could show who really stands behind the historical and social cataclysms in our country and in the world, and the principles used to provoke these cataclysms.
R.J.: Yes, Vladimir , this is what we need to understand much more specifically, because it sounds so novel to our modern ears - or maybe a little bit like these star-war movies of dark and light forces.
Forgive me, Vladimir Nikolaevich, should we take a moment to recapitulate here for our readers what Anastasia says about the Priests, which is, of course, a term which is quite distinct from what we would call pastors or even our catholic priests or rabbis. But if I understand it right, such a Priest in her sense of the word is a person in body or in other domains which can exert enormous power over individuals, groups of people or whole countries by the sheer power of their trained will, notably their ability to create and insert disempowering, enslaving images into the racial unconscious, as you have explained so eloquently.
It is definitely very different yet from the insidious practice of how our mass-media abuse the power of images to hypnotize us. Can you explain this interesting phenomenon and unusual concept again, especially to our new readers?
V.M.: Priests exert an influence over the powers "in control", not by using the traditional methods of bribery or blackmail, but with a more global method, namely through the insertion of Images. But even more so, once these images are in place, everything else starts to develop automatically around this destructive blueprint.
Look for instance at our Russian State Parliament, which sits in downtown Moscow. Nationally elected deputies are called upon to devise laws for the people, laws - we would hope - according to which people could live in happiness. Many Muscovites as well as visitors to the capital have become accustomed to the image of the building of the State Parliament in downtown Moscow, but let us see whether its location is not paradoxical or even counterproductive.
The building is located at the intersection of streets with extremely heavy traffic; the air in this location exceeds the safe and acceptable pollution level several times over; the people's deputies are obliged to drink only bottled, therefore not natural water, because the tap-water is not fit to drink either; the food-products in the snack bar are unnatural as well - they certainly have not just been picked from a garden or caught in a river; their apartments are also located in downtown Moscow, in ecologically unfavorable areas and last but not least, on the way to work, even if in an official car, they only hear the road-noises and other sounds of a "stony" city.
All this cannot help but have an influence on their state of mind, cannot help but form in their minds the image that this indeed is real life. In actual fact, their work is organized in such a way that making wholesome decisions is physically impossible to do.
R.J.: Can we please take another minute here, Vladimir? Isn't this one of those examples of how a cultural image can work by default - by NOT being there as you have said, but with the entire environment expressing such a dark construct? Can I repeat what I think you said? Our politicians' work and environment is "organized in such a way that for them to make wholesome decisions is physically impossible."
V.M.: Yes indeed. Now let us imagine that this same State Parliament building is located not at the intersection of streets, but on the bank of a beautiful lake, let's say in the village of Konyaevo, 145 kilometres from Moscow: the building is surrounded by a forest; around it are official cottages with small parcels of land and fruit orchards; the deputies drink wonderful spring water and eat ecologically pure and always fresh foods; on the way to work they hear the sounds of the natural world and, in addition, each day they have the opportunity to take walks and reflect.
What true need is there, really, for the Parliament to sit in downtown Moscow? In fact, it is counter-productive. Now, people may think that moving the deputies seat to a different location is not all that important. But I will say this: All the fundamental, vitally important principles and teachings that have taken root in people for thousands of years were made by wise men who withdrew to a forest or desert. Just think of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses and many others who were looking for, and received, inspiration from Nature.
R.J.: And this is probably what Anastasia meant by saying how good it was for President Bush to withdraw into Nature at the beginning of his first term. If only he had stayed there! But regarding this issue of Nature and sane thinking. Isn't that the most amazing thought that no-one ever considered? When Anastasia would say "Vladimir, be logical," she meant for you, and for all of us, to think in this way, didn't she, for us to confront our automated, non-rational thinking and behavior?
V.M.: Yes. And to add to it, on the way to work, the deputies'cars contribute to the creation of the traffic jams so disliked by Muscovites. Consequently, the deputies assimilate streams of negative energy from the large number of people contributing to the heavy traffic. This is another example of "invisible influence" which modern science does not consider. What wise decisions can we expect from people who find themselves in such unacceptable working conditions?
R.J.: Yes, yes! As a therapist, I can't help looking at the eyes of our politicians and see all too often what - in trauma therapy - we call a "reptilian stare". It's the dissociated, inhuman stare of an over-wrought, stressed, over-stimulated system functioning from the brainstem, our most archaic, rigid and automated reptilian survival-system. It worries me to no end, Vladimir, that these are not only the politicians we elect, but that most people cannot even tell the difference any more from a healthy human being to a bio-robot because they themselves are being kept in those same dismal conditions you described so well.
V.N.: Yes, and let me add another such disconcerting disparity, namely that of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and other large educational institutions located in the centers of large metropolises. Only they are in even more unfavorable conditions than the people's elected deputies. Your child, who is studying at a university located in such a city, is also obliged to pay money to reside in these conditions, in addition to his or her tuition. Certainly few parents can provide their children with natural food products, which in large metropolises are several times more expensive than outside the larger cities.
But back to the politicians. Modern means of communication make it possible for the peoples' elected representatives and deputies to communicate with any sources of information necessary for them. There is no advantage to the fact that they are located in large metropolises. Quite the contrary, it is absurd and does great harm to their psychological and physical health, and therefore to us as who are at the mercy of their decisions. But why does this absurdity occur? Images! Both they and we have become accustomed to the fact that this is the way it is supposed to be, namely that our beautiful young people, the future specialists of our country, as well as the experienced, elderly deputies necessarily must be in the center of a metropolis. It appears to be prestigious, it is "respectable". And few people realize that it is devastatingly dysfunctional and absurd.
R.J.: Vladimir Nikolaevich! We don't want to overstay our welcome with you. So, on that painful last note I will let you get back to your work. But you have given us much to think about. This has been most enriching.
Thanks to you and Anastasia, instead of thinking of Imagery as child's play or dreaming, we now know it to represent the most essential divine power given to Man. It would also seem to be the most important one for our human survival because of those possibly catastrophic events we may be facing as an entire civilization unless we learn to use these powerful, creative forces correctly.
Please let us have some more time with you soon. I thank you so much - in the behalf of all your readers.
Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D.
(c) 2008 Regina B. Jensen
(c) 2008 Vladimir Megre
(c) 2008
* Dr. Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for over 35 years. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment "to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet."

Kin's domains and a new life in Russia on Channel 1
aired on the 1st Channel of Russian Television
More and more Russians are preferring an existence out in the middle of nowhere to city life.
The city is the undoing of people. The advocates of a new movement, and more accurately-a movement from the metropolis to the countryside-are convinced of this. As a rule, these people choose deserted land and begin to build a new life there from literally nothing.
And, what is the most interesting, the majority of these settlers were in the past successful businessmen, actors, and white-collar employees.
A report by Ekaterina Kachur:
If you ask anyone whose home is the most beautiful here, without batting an eyelid they will answer: Oleg Malakhov's. This very same Malakhov who is applauded by opera goers when, as Lensky, he falls on the stage, slain by Eugene Onegin's bullet. By the way, it is difficult to recognize the timid Lensky in this young peasant who built his log house with his own hands. And not so long ago even the actor himself would not have been able to imagine that he would exchange city life for the backwoods, and his cozy apartment in Moscow for a hectare of land demarcated by a line of pegs.
Oleg Malakhov, the settler: "When we arrived here, we still had nothing: only a small tent. That is how our construction began."
Six years ago Oleg came to this land with his wife as one of the first settlers. Today already 80 families have settled in this open field of Kaluga Province.
It would seem that it is only 140 kilometres from Moscow. But after a strong rain not a single car is able to drive in here. You can get here only by foot and find yourself in an absolutely different life, where people do not swear, do not smoke, and do not lock their doors when they leave the house.
So, after collecting the harvest and not locking her door, Oleg's wife Lena- in the past also an actress-heads off for the communal building, the first dwelling that appeared on this land. The settlers built it together with the same enthusiasm as though they were building the Baikal-Amur railway (the great Soviet construction project) or opening the virgin lands.
In the settlement there are also former businessmen, high-ranking officials, musicians, and models. The inspired tenor Aleksey holds the title of Master of Sport in wrestling. In the settlement he is also responsible for the physical training of the young boys. The onus for the musical education of the girls rests on the shoulders of the teacher Natalya. After their common classes, all forty children scatter to different homes. In each home the educational programme continues. Fedor and Elena Lazutin give a class in "mathematical gymnastics." In the past, Elena was an economist, Fedor was an entrepreneur. They are the ones that everyone considers to be the pioneers. They are the ones who gave a course on the new society-people who love the land and each other.
Fedor raises bees and teaches the new settlers how to build simple but solid houses. Only the Internet links him to the city, just as it does for the family of physicians Maksim and Olga Sidorov, whose third child was even born in this house.
All of them have passed through the tumultuous life of the city, and they insist that the metropolis robs a person of his freedom. And only here-on the land-can one leisurely and with pleasure watch the fruit ripen and the children grow. For that reason they believe that the number of people fleeing the countryside will become much smaller than those who are returning to their roots.

A Brief Description of "The Ark" [Rus: Kovcheg]
The idea behind the creation of "The Ark" was born of present day civilization. We live in a society that is stupidly wasting our natural resources through the senseless destruction of the environment. For future generations it is necessary to change the direction of our growth and progress to something that is ecologically sound. Our settlement is based on family owned land where each family owns one hectare of land to be kept in the family for generations. One hectare with woods, fruit trees, garden and a small pond can provide the family with all of life's necessities. By using long ignored methods of cultivating the earth and harvesting in the context of preserving the earth for future generations, this hectare of land will produce enough for the family's use with surplus. Besides agriculture, every community can develop crafts that can provide for the people's needs for manufactured goods. The majority of people spend about 10 hours daily earning the money to buy two kilograms of food and for housing. This accounts for practically all of their useful time for life. With the use of "adobe" methods and/or timber, a person can build for himself inexpensive and practical housing of much better quality than that built by modern methods. Food grown in the garden is healthier and tastier than that purchased at the store. A person can much more efficiently satisfy his needs and spend the tremendous resource of extra time exploring the arts, pursuing invention and on self improvement. The general implementation of these ideas can lead to significant improvements in health, reduction in crime, strengthening of family relations and harmonious self development. This would decrease technology related catastrophes and create a drastic reduction in the exhaustion of natural resources for industrial production, and even the reduction of travel expenses and refocus the expenditure of energy from manufacturing, to rebuilding the environment.
1. Community Government
All important issues are discussed at town meetings and proposals implemented if they receive a 2/3 majority vote. Decisions for less significant issues are decided by a simple majority. The settlement is led by a chairman. Community projects related to infrastructure are undertaken by community members on a gratuitous basis, specialists being employed as necessary.
2. Flora and Fauna
The relationship with the environment is one of harmonious coexistence. No ecologically harmful manufacturing processes are permitted on settlement land. It is not possible to raise animas within the settlement for slaughter for food or other uses. Conservation practices are observed in agriculture. On ones property, one must preserve at least one quarter of their hectare under the natural cover of trees and bushes.
3. Energy, Water and Refuse
Currently, the settlement uses ordinary electricity. This is necessary to perform infrastructure tasks and civil works. At the same time, we are searching for safe, ecologically harmless, alternative sources of energy. Water for drinking and for food preparation is brought from springs and rivers. We have future plans for drilling wells. The majority of settlers plan to have a small pond on their land for water for planting and technical needs. Recycling is conducted by each family on their own land through the use of compost pits and other means. Every effort is made not to use materials that cannot be recycled naturally.
4. Architecture
In the construction of housing, local, inexpensive materials, generally lumber, is used. Presently, we are learning to build houses using wooden frames and walls made from a mud/straw material mix. The resulting house is warm, easy to erect with minimal skills, well insulated, durable and very simple and economical. Heating costs are considerably less than for typical houses. Such houses completely conform to our ecological ideals as they are created from recoverable, natural materials, require minimum energy expenditures and are completely recyclable after their useful life. In our settlement, over the last two years, 22 houses have been built for temporary and permanent habitation. In the summer, about 40 families live in the settlement. Of those, 9 families reside there year round.
5. Economy
Presently, the economy of our settlement is weak. The saw mill is working, providing construction materials for the local builders and construction brigades which are working on housing for the settlers. There are two tractors and a truck which are not being fully utilized in this work. The majority of the settlers work away from the settlement and come to the settlement on their free days to tackle the business of building temporary and permanent housing. The economic basis of the settlement will consist of timber resources, construction, farming, beekeeping and handicrafts. The creation of jobs in the settlement will be stimulated by people moving into the settlement permanently.
6. Cultural Life
Leisure activity presupposes the presence of free time and as we are generally involved with intensive construction activities, there is not much leisure time. Typically, evening brings the building of a large bonfire in the community and friendly song is heard until midnight. Otherwise, 2 or 3 times per year, larger celebrations are arranged which will, little by little, become tradition. These involve large banquets to which all members of the community are invited. These celebrations are very happy with games, jokes, singing and dances, etc. One has the sensation at these celebrations of one large, happy family.
7. Accomplishments and Objectives
The principal achievement to date in the settlement is the enthusiasm and determination of the people to adopt this ecologically sound way of life. This has facilitated the construction of the community lodge, sawmill and wood shop, the installation of electricity, repair of the highway and the intensive construction of houses. The number of objectives, as yet unrealized, can be attributed to the lack of funding. It is due to this that the development of the settlement has not proceeded as rapidly as desired.
Contact information
Some facts
Eco-community "Kovcheg" was started in 2001 (with land allocation - on big field with forest 3 sides around).
First common house (10x12m) and first private houses was build during summer 2002.
Common house used as guest-house and as place of meetings, singing, children study, lectures and etc...
Totally we have 100 hectares and 80 family parts. Now we have 73 family (about 200 people). We have strict rules for new members and 75% of existent members must want to see new family as there neighbors (so we have very good community).
During last summer about 100 people was on land, during winter 2006-2007 31 families (~80 people - many children) live permanently.
From last 4 years we build about 10-14 houses per year (from foundation to roof), so now we have about 45 houses with roof (but sometimes not fully ready to Russian winter :).
We have our own power-saw bench and wood workshop (and also two wheeled tractors) that helps us to organize houses construction.
We use pretty different technologies in houses creation - from our own "warm light adobe" technology and up to aerated (foamed) concrete. Different forms, different construction and etc. Most of them (even dwelling houses) are in the middle of construction.
And unfortunately we have no time to update this photos and English pages, we did not agitate new people now, so reduce site activity and increase life and building activity.
Post restante:Â Russie 119019 Moscow, Ivchenko Sergey.
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My Ringing Cedars Conference
by John Kovacs
I have just returned from The Ringing Cedars Conference held in Belek, Turkey and thought I could share my experiences for those who may be interested.
I was going as a participant but also to document proceedings by way of video, which I organised earlier with event staff. Television/documentary camerawork and editing is my usual occupation in Australia.
John Haberfield, my good friend/colleague and I flew in with two camera kits for the shoot.
In my experience, the camera crew usually has access to otherwise out of bounds areas, so I felt quite privileged and in a position, as it turned out to view proceedings from afar as well as up close with the author.
On the 10th of Oct we arrived in Belek at the Belconti Resort and we met the organizational committee of Ringing Cedars. Many people were registered from countries around the globe. Most were of Russian origin but Ukraine, USA, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Iraq, UK, Hungary, Cypress, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Croatia, and of course Australia were also represented.
A conference with such diverse cultures is bound to have some initial challenges however navigation, accommodation, and communication issues were soon resolved.
My hope, like most was to meet with the author himself and this happened on just the second day. We shot an interview with Vladimir Megre with questions prepared and asked by Regina Jensen, Ph. D., editor of the magazine "Space of Love". Mr. Megre was extremely accommodating however time didn't allow for all her questions.
On the 12th and third day I went swimming at the beach, which is always so refreshing for me. I had a thought that I would see the Author there and as coincidences corresponding with the books occur, we greeted one another, in true Aussie style with somewhat more subdued surf in the background.
The conference proper began that same day at 10 am and Mr Megre confidently walked in and began to speak. Anton Kadantsev and Peteris Spels form Latvia translated for the English speakers.
I had given my questions to the organising committee previously and after his brief introductory speech Mr. Megre began answering all these, one after the other. I felt quite honoured and fortunately have the camera tapes to look back on.
Many other questions were also asked or written down and translated and the author seemed to be filled with energy and conviction answering most of the questions in a four-hour stint without a break. I leave it to your own thought as to where his energy and enthusiasm originates.
I was also very fortunate to have the opportunity to interview participants about themselves, their experiences, Kins Domains, and eco villages. Most were at some stage of building their dreams and I believe the sharing of these ideas will prove incredibly valuable on an international scale.
One of the agendas at conference was to prepare a document for the governments of the world proposing the concepts Anastasia sets out throughout the series.
I got the feeling on the fourth day that Vladimir Megre in his address was leaving this responsibility to the group, as if to hand over the reigns to us. Mr. Megre called this conference "the first meeting of the United Nations" which felt very appropriate.
There are ways to regain energy very quickly and the resort offered a beneficial area to us, the ocean. On this particular occasion Mr. Megre suggested we all go swimming and specifically asked for the video cameras to be taken. I believe this was so rejuvenating and cleansing for all, in such playful surrounds.
The 15th of October was again a special day indeed. I had prepared questions earlier but these were misplaced so I frantically thought up new ones, which perhaps Anastasia had a hand in. The author asked for these especially so again I was in a privileged position.
Anastasia talks about negative energies and dark forces on numerous occasions. I believe the participants and I witnessed a manifestation of this at one particular group session. It was as if these forces entered certain participants who were so lovely just prior to the moment. I don't believe there is a need to dwell on the negative actions just to say we need to realize when this occurs and learn how to counteract it. In our situation we joined hands, stood in a circle and filled the space with love until calm returned.
Our 3rd and final filming of an interview with Mr. Megre was perhaps the most comfortable and the questions weren't from me directly however upon conclusion he asked me for a question out of the blue. I was taken aback and for a moment went blank. I finally thought of the patriotic question "Has Anastasia been to Australia and does Mr. Megre have any plans to visit?" After all the intelligent questions I'd heard from participants throughout the previous days, I thought what sort of a question is that, but for some reason Mr. Megre spent a long time answering. I haven't had the answer translated yet but I can tell all the readers, expect the author in the near future and to the question regarding Anastasia; I can confidently say Australians have been blessed, as do all the readers who feel her presence.
I recall entering the conference for the first time feel a little alone and in a foreign environment, but then I remembered something a wise man once said when he experienced the same sensation. He thought, "Here are a bunch of friends I haven't met yet". I would like to thank all my friends of The United Nations who were so kind and sincere. I also pay my respects to the Latvian team, in particular the Camera crew of Andris and Tatjana who were a sheer delight to shoot along side and were so inspiring.
The DVD is currently being prepared in various languages and should be completed within 2 months. It will be available through the Ringing Cedars web site.
I plan to write another article in the coming weeks, containing the questions and answers given in Turkey. Mr Megre had some amazing insights and explanations for us all.
Blessings to all,
John Kovacs
Candlelight Pictures
Canberra Australia
To Be Continued...

Russian Worries
About Our Loss of Freedom
"The Bible and the Bolsheviks"
by Alexandre Obnovlennyi
I come from Russia and I want to tell you what happens to people when they lose their freedom and their land. If you read the Old Testament, Genesis chapter 40 - 47, it speaks about Joseph's interpretation of the Pharoahs dream which came true. There were 7 good years of crops followed by 7 years of famine and the people, desperate to survive, gave everything they owned in exchange for food. "And they brought their cattle unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds."
After the so-called " Russian Revolution" in 1917 the early communists took the monopoly on all food, especially bread and they organized the famine in order to take control over the whole country. Hungry people exchanged their money, their livestock, their clothes, their furniture and everything they had for the bread. Communists did not buy it as Joseph in the Bible did. They simply gave to the people very small amounts of bread while the population was dieing because the famine was severe. At that time Russians and Ukrainians lost around 20 million people. Hungry people do not have the ability to fight back.
In the Old Testament chapter 47:19 we read, "Why should we perish before your eyes - we and our land as well?
Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we with our land will be in bondage to Pharaoh."?
The rest of the surviving Russians did not even say anything or object. They were so weak that they were only able to watch as communists took their land and their freedom in exchange for a very small amount of food. They became in bondage to the communists. And the early communists, reduced the people to servitude, from one end of the Soviet Union, to the other.
What happened next? In Egypt we learn from the Bible: Genesis-47:27. "Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number."
The situation in the Soviet Union is widely known to all Canadians.
Because I am experienced in living in the USSR, it surprises me to watch the development of the very same situation in Canada.
First of all, Canadians are losing their land. They have lost a number of property rights (ie. the limitation or prohibitation of providing some kind of businesses on private properties - Green Belt, Wet Lands, Conservation Areas, Flooding areas and so on). This is just the beginning.
I have no idea who, in the future, will come to Canada, "to settle, to acquire property, be fruitful and to increase greatly in number". I am not against the coming to Canada of people from the whole world, but I am against it if the price that is being paid, is the death of the small Canadian family farm and the demolishing of the rural population and its culture.
Next, I am watching in Canada an attempt to create a monopoly on the food. Good farmland has been built over and forever destroyed and small family farms have been eliminated. Small family farms are not only the producers of food but this is a part of the Canadian Culture. This is a style of life for many Canadians. Destroying this way of life is a huge discrimination to the Canadian rural population.
Everything is going exactly as in the Soviet Union. But at the same time there is a difference. In Canada the natural food and natural heritage seeds, little by little have been reduced to genetically modified ones. There wasn't a lot of information given to people openly and widely. Everything was done quietly. When you can't save and reuse your seeds, you become dependent on the seed companies.
There is worse to come. While the whole world now is facing a potential food crisis, more and more arable farmlands have been annihilated. For me, it is hard to understand how we can cry about a shortage of food and at the same time, destroy good farmland. Who is driving this and why?
The Bible says in Genesis.."and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land be not desolate."Only a few big corporations are establishing a monopoly on seeds. If these corporations do not like you for some reason, they have a power not to sell the seeds to you. As we know genetically modified plants do not produce seeds that can be used, so all farmers are forced to buy the seeds every year from these monopolized corporations. It will be very easy in the future to turn off the tap that supplies the seeds. Could the Ontario Landowners be prevented from buying seeds because they are fighting the Government? It's hard to imagine but I saw in Russia, that the government controlled the people with hunger so I know it can happen.
During The Second World War and the years after, the Russians were deserted by their Government and they had to survive by themselves. Many Russians survived because they planted potatoes every Spring and they collected the seeds every Fall. Russians went to the forest and picked up many kinds of wild berries, mushrooms and fruits. Mother Nature gives people many sources of food for survival. Genetically modified plants are poisoning wild plants by pollinating neighbouring fields and wild plants are losing their ability to produce the seeds. Wild natural plants will be destroyed.
I do not feel comfortable with letting the government control everything about our lives, especially our food production. The monopolization of food is a dangerous direction to go in. Could a dictator decide what to do with our land and reduce the people to servants. Living in Canada, it is hard to imagine this happening but I have lived in a country where people lined up and waited for hours just to get a loaf of bread.
We have allowed our government to dictate to us, what we can and cannot do on our land. We have allowed our government to freeze our land so that our children can not take over the family business. We can not stop this fight. We must continue to say, This Land is our Land - Back Off Government.
Alexandre Obnovlennyi
The President of Toronto Landowners Association
Used by permition - Landowner Magazine - August/September 2008

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Impressions from the visit to Sepp Holzer
Greetings to all, dear friends!
My trip to Austria and the farm of Sepp Holzer is over.
You cannot write about everything in a dispatch because there was a lot of information (17 hours of video), so I shall try to set out the main points.
Our group consisted of 25 persons-basically the leaders of regional Organic Farming Clubs from Ukraine, at Holzer's we were joined by two families from Germany, one from Poland, and one from Hungary.
We travelled by bus from Uzhgorod through Slovakia, we were amazed not to see garbage anywhere in either Slovakia or Austria, one felt that the people realize their responsibility to their descendants. For me it was a discovery that Slovakia is a mountainous country, all around were beautiful landscapes, well-kept yards with evergreen hedges, beautiful rock gardens, houses covered with flowered plates, many clean mountain rivers and streams. Both in Slovakia and Austria there was a castle on practically each inaccessible mountain, and in the valley were fields, like in the fairytale Puss in Boots: "Whose fields are these?" "Karabas-Barabas." In Slovakia many fields are sown with rape, and in Austria, surprisingly, with poppies (red and purple). There is no border between Slovakia and Austria-this is the Schengen zone.
On entering Austria we noticed entire "plantations" of wind turbines-they are conserving their resources. The quality of the water was a pleasant surprise. Frightened by one of the tour members that the water in Europe is bad, we brought with us seven five-litre bottles of water and...brought them back almost untouched. On the way back we brought with us all our containers in which we had collected the most delicious fresh water from melted snow from the mountain stream near our hotel in the Alps. Along the roads for the entire route from Slovakia to our destination stretched small settlements of 100 to 500 farmsteads with one- and two-story houses, but we saw no people along the entire road, almost no cars either. But on the other hand, we saw deer and pheasants freely roaming around, rabbits would sometimes run by, white swans, ducks, and geese were swimming on the lakes and rivers.
We drove into Vienna for two hours. To tell the truth, the large city did not make an impression on us. The same prisons as in any other city, hustle and bustle, and crowds of people, of which we had really become tired.
We stopped in a private boarding house four kilometres from Holzer's farmstead at an elevation of 1800 metres above sea level. To our surprise, there was still snow in spots, the vegetation had just started to bloom. In spite of this, every morning the hardened Ukrainian "polar bears" bathed in the icy mountain lake, which provoked a storm of admiration from the owners of the hotel. Three microbus taxis took us to and from Holzer's.
An now, finally, here we were before the gates of the long-awaited paradise. The meeting with the owner of the domain was warm and joyful. At Holzer's, at an elevation of 1100 to 1500 metres above seal level, already the rhododendrons, a multitude of other flowers, and fruit bushes and trees were in full bloom, and all this with an average annual temperature of +4C.
All this is thanks to a microclimate, which he created using a system of lakes, rocks, and high ridges, which consist of the trunks and branches of trees, covered with earth taken out of a trench (with a width of the bucket of an excavator, a depth of 0.5 to 1 metre, and arbitrary length). These are the so-called heat traps.
So the first and most important thing I took from Holzer's remarks was that, when restoring a natural landscape, you must provide the area with an open source of water. He said that there is water everywhere, one only must learn to find it. At first he invited specialist water-dowsers, but with time he mastered this skill himself.
The second thing is to shield the parcel from the blowing wind by creating a hedge and high ridges.
Third, create a variety of plant and animal life (including poisonous plants). From the entire neighborhood he dragged sacks of wood ants to his parcel, since he considers them to be the healers of the forest. Holzer is creating, as he expresses it, "edible" forests, where fruit trees and bushes grow in symbiosis with coniferous, deciduous, and decorative plants. He believes that the future of the planet depends on these types of forests, since apart from producing air and renewing the soil, they will be able to eliminate the problem of hunger.
Fourth, the greater in size the parcel of land, the less work there is. Holzer no longer has to do anything, and the income from the domain will grow spontaneously, because nature is generous. The value of each plant planted ten years ago has grown a hundred-fold (and sometimes a thousand-fold), once, moreover, it has reproduced itself many times without the help of man, augmenting his passive income yearly in increasing progression.
Fifth, his motto: "minimum work, maximum effect." Today his domain is a self-sufficient, self-developing system. I cannot parade the amount of his annual income without his consent, but, believe me, it is impressive, as is the general value of his entire domain. He lives off the sale of saplings, plant seeds, fish, crawfish, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, berries, and vegetables, and now seminars as well. What's more he does not trouble himself with gathering the harvest. On the other hand, there are enough people willing to gather wholesome, ecologically pure crops, and in doing so to pay 18 to 20 times more for the products than in the usual commercial network.
Sixth, try to the maximum extent to plant all plants using seeds, creating beforehand conditions close to natural conditions: stratification in a freezer or snow. He planted very many trees this way, showed us the most wonderful 15-year-old fir grown from a seed. A cedar forest is growing on his land (Siberian cedars and some other type of cedar, which has much larger nuts). By the way, I gave him a cedar seed cone, which made him sincerely happy. He recommended planting seedlings in poor soil, under no circumstances in humus, since plants grown in more favourable conditions find it more difficult to adapt to a natural environment and fall sick.
Seventh, do not trim fruit trees. He believes that this is unnecessary work, and he does not like to do unnecessary work. In addition, they get accustomed to this procedure and become dependent on the intervention of man, become weak and less vigorous. He only trims in the case of a tree disease.
Eighth, do not water the trees when transplanting, plant them in the poorest soil with no fertilizers. Holzer uses an interesting method for transplanting adult deciduous trees and bushes: he wraps the roots of the dug-up plant in sacking, moistens the roots so they will not dry out, leaves them in the shade, and places the crown in the sun, when the tree loses its foliage, it is ready for planting. They take root one hundred percent of the time.
Ninth, make maximum use of the abilities of animals to help in the farming. Thus, he uses the ability of pigs to dig up the earth in order to prepare beds for planting, scattering their favourite peas and corn on the area he needs.
Tenth, do not copy anyone blindly, including him. Use your own head to think and observe nature. His words: "My university is nature." All his experience is taken from nature. He very often repeats, "Man cannot perfect that which is already perfect, we must simply learn to manage nature wisely." For that reason, when a problem arises with the plants, animals, or soil, he enters into the state of this being, imagines being it, and listens to his feelings, whether he is comfortable in this spot, what is bothering him, what is lacking, what he would like. And the answer comes, and what is very important-it is always right. And if the diagnosis is made correctly, then the treatment will be effective.
Holzer is also convinced that each person has the right to a parcel of land, a vital space, and that only by living in harmony with nature can the world be changed for the better and all social problems of our sick society be solved.
Now he has been recognized both in his own country and others. He is invited to lecture at many universities. The academic elite of Austria has united around Holzer's ideas and, in his name and on the basis of his interviews, has drawn up a document-an appeal to the governments of the countries of the world and the inhabitants of our planet with proposals how to surmount the ecological and economic crisis.
Holzer is invited to countries to renew environments that are being degraded "thanks to" the unwise activities of man. At this time, he is participating in twenty such projects. These are all social products, often he also finances them himself and carries out the restoration of the degraded areas using his own saplings and seeds.
He talked about an interesting social project that he implemented in the city of Graz in his homeland. He created a small permaculture garden at a boarding house for disabled persons who get around on wheelchairs. He helped make high plant beds so the disabled could care for them directly from their wheelchairs, sow the seeds and gather the crops. The effect of this project was staggering. There was a fundamental change in the psychological states of the persons, who experienced an interest in life and had a sense of their own significance by independently providing themselves with food products and communicating with the living creations of God.
He spoke a great deal more about his projects, but you can read about them in his book, The Rebel Farmer: Sepp Holzer.
Let us return to our seminar. The first day the seminar was conducted completely by Sepp himself. The next day Josef, his 27-year old son and successor, became involved. A bright and kind young man, Josef made a very good impression on us. I think he also liked us, since we displayed a lively interest in their family experience and got to the bottom of the smallest trifles, and he discussed it in all its details with great willingness. And truly, in the planning and creation of any feature of their domain, these people thought through everything so competently that there was nothing to cavil at. The main thing is that the materials at hand were used everywhere, with minimal financial and labour expenditures.
I must also speak about Veronika, Holzer's wife. We almost never saw her. But we savoured the fruits of her invisible activity. For dinner she served us masterpieces of the culinary art: fruit-cakes of coarse flour of their own making, produced from "Russian grass," as they call it. Just what this was, I do not know to this day. Sepp explained that this is an original grass, either one-kernel or two-kernel. Its seeds, at least, are in a small package with a seed mixture that he distributed to all the participants in the seminar. This grass may be perennial, if it is mowed and not allowed to form ears, the blades are in no way distinguishable from ordinary grass. I shall sow it, grow it on my parcel, then I shall share it with others.
Well, I have to confess, that in spite of the fact that I am now a cheese-eater, I did not deny myself the pleasure of tasting the culinary novelties prepared by Veronika.... And I confirm that everything was, well, verrry delicious! We were also treated to the most aromatic home-made tea from alpine grasses, a liqueur made from white elder, and the next day the completely staggering taste of apple kvass prepared without sugar. By the way, with tea we were served the choice of white or brown, unrefined sugar. At the hotel too, it should be noted. Well, I also decided to distinguish myself, and in gratitude for the efforts of our hostess, decided to make her work in cleaning up the premises after dinner easier-I got the people moving, washed all the dishes myself and cleaned the crumbs off the table, which elicited the considerable, but pleased amazement of Veronika.
Time is inexorable, and our stay in this alpine Eden was drawing to a close. That day was sunny, we warmed ourselves among the wholesome unruliness of alpine nature, intoxicated by the keen mountain air filled with the scent of flowers and pine needles, enchanted by the hospitality and kindness of our hosts. And we did not want to leave this place to go anywhere else, we wanted to prolong the joy of interacting with like-minded persons endlessly.
But the moment of parting came nevertheless. The young Holzer was given some Fokin cultivators, which had been smuggled across the border by Yura Goncharuk (Kiev) and Dima Pelykh (Kherson-the organizer of the trip). A master class in working with the cultivator was given. Then there were many photographs with Josef, autographs from the author of the books, exchanges of business card and addresses with other participants in the seminar. We probably would have sat up until the wee small hours if Sepp did not have to go the following day to his next lecture at some university. We inevitably had to say our goodbyes. In chorus we sang the Ukrainian song "Be healthy, live well, we are setting off for home, to our little hut." Mutually pleased, both hosts and guests, we parted.
That evening at the hotel a woman from the German group approached us. It turned out that she was a follower of Anastasia, in Berlin she works in the deployment of computer technologies. And again there was a flurry of delight and emotions, an exchange of addresses! It turned out that over the entire period of putting on seminars, 170 thousand Germans have already visited Holzer's.
I must also tell you about the family that are the publishers of Holzer's book and its translators into Russian. They are the Russian Germans Edward and Angelika Scheck, and four of their children. Edward had been the interpreter at our seminar as well. The family is very interesting. The children are supporters of the idea of the creation of kin's settlements. In Germany they bought a parcel of land for a kin's domain, 50 ares (an are is one-hundredth of a hectare) for the time being, but they plan to enlarge this to at least a hectare. They have been acquainted with Holzer for a long time, they were the ones who first brought the film Permaculture in the Alps to Russia and translated it into Russian. They use permaculture methods on their own land as well. Now they are digging a lake. Angelika shared with us some of her experience in rational farming.
So, for example, she plants potatoes in the following manner: since a lot of earth is being obtained in digging the lake, Angelika places the potatoes directly on the flattened grass and covers it with a bucket of earth. On this little mound in a circle she plants about five bushes of strawberries, in the middle it is possible to stick a couple of kernels of corn. When they are ripe, the potatoes come out, while the strawberries continue to grow.
In addition, having experienced much suffering in the birth of her first two children at a maternity home and having undergone eight operations, Angelika, with the support of her husband, gave birth to her next two children on her own at home. Now she teaches and prepares other families for home birth. She receives calls from all corners of Germany, and she travels throughout the country to help with the appearance of a new person in the world painlessly and in normal conditions.
Angelika dreams of visiting the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery, and I invited all of them to visit me, including a visit to Lubskoe, and told them of my dream to conduct seminars in Lubskoe according to the programme of the "Settler's school." Angelika answered that she would be able to organize tours for these seminars, it turns out that there are many people in Germany who would like to take this type of training.
This family is now working on the translation of Holzer's second book, which provides a more detailed description of permaculture methods.
Our last evening in Austria concluded with a session where we reflected back on our stay at the seminar. The group gathered in the Goncharuks' and Podolkhovs' hotel room, and each person who so desired shared their impressions. Much gratitude was expressed to Dima and Anya Pelykh from Kherson, who got us moving and, strictly speaking, organized the trip. After his return to Uzhgorod, Dima underwent a "pumping" procedure, which was documented on video and in photographs.
At the session, I was especially touched by the words of Petr Trofimenko, the founder of the Organic Farming Club movement. Petr said that the time had come to broaden the functions in the activities of the Organic Farming Clubs and, together with the creation of clubs, it was necessary to support the initiatives of people, active members of the movement, in their creation of practical educational centres on the basis of their farmsteads, where each interested person, together with theory, could obtain practical skills as well.
Petr put my own thoughts into words. And I shared my plans for the near future with everyone. Since the prerequisites for the founding of this type of practical educational centre had already long ago been created at my place in Lubskoe, I was planning in June of this year to go through with the formalization of this matter in earnest. Petr Trofimenko and Yura Goncharuk promised to support my initiative.
And the fruits of our talks are already evident: from the following week to the end of the summer I have been working on shifts (every second week), to spend more time in Lubskoe and to make the transition to self-sufficiency by creating a branch of the Kiev club at the place of my residence (three days a week in Kiev, four in Lubskoe).
Naturally, it is complicated to undertake such an affair on my own, and so I am seeking companions!!!
By the way, whoever has not yet become a member of an Organic Farming Club can now do so through me, as well as order the club's products.
This is the amazing way that my trip to visit an amazing person has ended!!!
In the near future I shall try to finish the processing of the photographs, and I shall ask Yakov to place them on our site.
I want to remind anyone who has not yet filled out the questionnaire that all this is still current, and I ask you to send them to me, even in draft form.
That's all for today.
Best wishes,
Oksana Inte
Natural Farming Practical Educational Centre, 6 June 2008
The material was sent by the newspaper Byt Dobru,
Subscription code for the newspaper Byt Dobru in the Catalogue of Ukrainian Publications: 96421; in the Russian catalogue Newspapers. Magazines: 21523; in the Belarusian catalogue Publications of the Russian Federation, Publications of Ukraine: 96421.
Translation copyright