

This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Children's Upbringing and Education:
Meaning of Food in Our Lives
Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

Ecological Farming, Permaculture
Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies

Exclusive interview with Vladimir Megre
From the 2008 Ringing Cedars Conference in Turkey
Mr. Megre talks about pressing subjects and Kin's Domains issues.
(Interview by Regina Jensen)
Watch the upcoming issues.
Food for Hope: A Global Vision for an attainable, sustainable future.
This October, only a short distance apart, like-minded individuals and groups devoted to finding sustainable solutions to the global food crisis were meeting at two related venues in Europe. Italy hosted another of its annual Terra Madre gatherings this month, which was inaugurated with written addresses from the Prince of Wales and the Secretary of the United Nations, General Ban Ki-moon. Slow Food and the Terra Madre Foundation were the organizers of this third world meeting of food communities (terramadre.org; slowfood.com). Turkey was the site of another gathering of people thoughtful about the future of the planet, about nature and intelligent food-production as opposed to the destructive practices motivated by "greed and ignorance," as one participant called it. The latter was promoted under the name Ringing Cedars Readers'Conference.
While the Terra Madre gathering was inspired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (with his message that "finding long-term solutions to the world food-crisis was one of the priorities of the United Nations", and that he welcomed "initiatives which contribute to such solutions"), the Ringing Cedars Conference, at another coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey, called themselves the "Uniting Nations", in appreciation of the numerous countries represented at the meeting, and their mutual, global concerns for the Earth and its inhabitants.
The Ringing Cedars Readers Conference with author Vladimir Megre attracted individuals and groups from Russia, the Ukraine, the USA, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Iraq, Kuwait, the UK, Hungary, Cypress, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Croatia and Australia. Vladimir Megre is the author of the best-selling book series and he and his writings are a tangible inspiration to millions of readers. A recurring theme throughout all of the books is the personal, social and spiritual power which ensues when an individual or family create what Megre calls their "Kin's Domain," or "Space of Love." The definition of this term is a hectare (2.5 acres) of family-land which is developed into a self-sustaining type of mini food-farm by way of a land-purchase, lease, or trust arrangement. These developments are commonly undertaken as part of an eco-village and celebrate life and freedom from the unnatural pressures and stresses of modern life, while enjoying the comforts and benefits of helpful technologies. Eco-villages are oftentimes found close to large cities, so people who still like to travel to their work can live in loving and nurturing environments while continuing their "city-commitments", which might even include a small indoor food-garden in a city-apartment.
Over 300 Kin's Domain eco-villages have been developed or are in various stages of development, all inspired by Megre's own inspiration - namely a young, beautiful recluse woman who has lived her entire life by herself in the harsh environment of the Siberian Taiga - Anastasia.
Anastasia is the title of the first book in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series and the name under which over eleven million readers discuss her theories affectionately. In twenty-two languages world-wide, the readers of the series learn that Anastasia had initially met up with Megre at the river Ob in Siberia in 1994. She shared her deep wisdom with him for three days, and permanently changed his life. Megre was a successful and affluent business-man at the time. However, after his time with Anastasia, he began clumsily and miraculously to turn himself into an author, one best-selling volume at a time.
In an amazing synchronicity, Prince Charles' inspirational statement for the Italian gathering emphasized that the solution to the current global food shortages, and its ensuing problems, rested largely with what he called "truly sustainable" farming. He also emphasized how crucial it was for the voices of the participants to be heard in the global debates concerning these issues. As quoted from the transcript of his message, he was "enormously encouraged that so many people are today recognizing the benefits of working with nature and harnessing positive forces through healthy soil, healthy crops and healthy animals in order to provide healthy food." And in addressing the sustainable farming community, he expressed "nothing but my greatest admiration for all you stand for." He called sustainable farmers "guarantors of our long-term food security, based upon your dedicated care of the natural environment."
Dr. Regina Jensen, a Santa Barbara psychotherapist, attended the Turkey conference. She is an independent writer and editor of the new Space of Love Magazine, with publisher and co-editor Yuri Smirnov. The magazine, in print and online, is one of many international publications supporting the Ringing Cedars movement. Dr. Jensen attended the gathering to conduct interviews with Anastasia author, Vladimir Megre. The center of her interest with this interview, she said, was the ideas offered by this "inspiring movement," namely Anastasia's and Megre's ability to not only inspire, but inspire-to-action so many thousands of people world-wide.
"Most of us know what we should do, or not do, to help save this planet from the thoughtless destruction we have wrought upon it", said Jensen. "But until the Ringing Cedars of Russia information came along - translated into English only a few years ago - we have been unable to find true inspiration, a global vision which would not only inspire, but would also truly transform our endangered planet in a relatively short time. There is something about this wonderful information which has the potential to awaken humanity, which 'Wows' the Soul, as Mark Victor Hansen (co-author with Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul) put it for me when sharing his own experience of the Ringing Cedar books".
Dr. Jensen does not make such claims lightly. For some time now, the focal point of her concerns continue to lead her in the direction of sustainability. In that quest, she recently visited Sepp Holzer's International Permaculture center in Austria, Krameterhof, where she found confirmation of the Ringing Cedars information. The Permaculture Center has gained world-renown for its ability to thrive in a very inhospitable climate, with luscious and unusual crops grown on heretofore barren soil. Sepp Holzer, (the owner and nature-genius who has proven that anyone can build a self-sustaining paradise and feed his family, regardless of where they live) besides running the center, now teaches and consults globally.
Anastasia and Megre firmly believe that such a Space of Love, a Kin's Domain, will not only offer food, shelter and true freedom, but also a "connection with the Universe" which bestows spiritual strengths and powers by way of a re-connection with universal energies. Notably, Megre often discusses the energies of the plant-kingdom, which, he feels, have been tragically ignored, abused and underestimated. In his books, Anastasia apparently also describes a method with which the plant-kingdom can be engaged to produce food which develops specifically to help an individual to correct health challenges.
The global vision of finding ways, either through re-developing inexpensive waste-lands, through government programs of leasing or land-trusts, or by simple land purchases is "as brilliant as it is simple," as one follower has described the concept. Historically, the Russian Dacha Gardens, the German Schrebergaerten, and the American Victory Gardens are examples of families having provided wholesome food - and life - for themselves even during times of economic hardship by way of food-gardening. In some regions, the government is helping people without the financial means to obtain such dreams. Jensen adds that her own family has enjoyed such a family-plot for 56 years, which is still feeding the family with fruits and vegetables.
The Austrian Krameterhof (though outstanding in its beauty and fabled climate, and created by way of intelligent harvesting of water, use of large rocks for warmth and novel application of grading and use of plantings) is not the only Permaculture center which is inspiring people who fear that the land they have available is too dry or barren. Geoff Lawton of the Australian Permaculture center, in a celebrated effort in Jordan, showed that "you can make a paradise anywhere" when he "greened" the desert in an area where the parched, salinity-stressed ground was so hard, dry and dead that even the locals were laughing at the idea (greeningthedesert.com). Lawton's demonstration of the intelligent use of water-harvesting and what he calls "swales" is yet another seemingly miraculous transformation, which is deeply encouraging.
Megre's books, says Dr. Jensen, describe a vision of plan which can resolve many problems our modern civilization faces today. The food, health, cultural, resource energy and financial crisis may all be restrained and solved without a huge investment and new technologies, but only with the help of wise laws, which will free the land for the people.
"The whole world can be a paradise," of growing and blooming parcels of land, tendered by loving families, one hectare at a time. Whether people live in Italy or Turkey, Russia or Germany, America or Australia, or any of the other wonderful countries which were represented at the Turkey conference, we really need very little, "...but it needs to be the right thing. Wholesome food, uninjured nature, good loving friends, family and neighbors, and a safe and clean environment is what most of us truly want. We now have blueprints to create just that - in a very short time - as enough people have demonstrated."
More information can be obtained by visiting www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org.
Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D.
(c) 2008 Regina B. Jensen
(c) 2008 RingingCedarsofRussia.org
* Dr. Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for over 35 years. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment "to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet." fullyalivewellnesscenter.com

Ecovillages have appeared in Samara Oblast
Residents of Samara Oblast are leaving to live in dugouts and wigwams
Recently people in the oblast have begun to speak of unusual villages. They are written with the prefix "eco-", are not indicated on any maps, and are unknown to the majority of the population. These people, who live in the open air, speak with plants, refuse meat and engage in round dances, are considered by many to be crazy or members of a sect. The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to find out who these people are and whether ecovillages should be regarded seriously.
"Children should be raised further from the city"
It is an hour and a half by car to Lipovaya Roshcha, which is in Kinel-Cherkasy District. On the way we speak with Svetlana Yakhontova, one of the future landowners.
"My elder daughter Irina is 11 years old," she says. "Almost an adult, but what has she seen in life? In Samara there is dirt everywhere, it is difficult to breathe, the streets are dangerous. I'm even afraid to let her go to the store, if she's delayed even a little, all sorts of things come into my head. At home, it's the television: constant stupefaction, lies and propaganda for doubtful moral values. Stress all around, people are exhausted and neurotic. You simply can't find happiness in anyone's face or eyes."
When their youngest, Yaroslav, was born, Svetlana and her husband decided that something had to change for the sake of the children.
Svetlana, a city woman through and through, learned of ecovillages from books. First she avidly read the Anastasia books, then those of her follower, Megre (Ringing Cedars of Russia). The authors maintain that love and nature give a person energy, and the metropolis only takes it away. Our ancestors lived without stress, because they loved their land. To summarize: for children to be happy, they must be raised as far as possible from the city.
"We'll build a little bath hut first," Svetlana dreams, "then a small house. We're going to lay out a garden, dig out a lake. We'll rent out our apartment in Samara, and live on our own domain."
A hectare and a half of earthly paradise is selling for 9000 rubles.
We have finally arrived! The view that opened before us at the bend of the dirt road running downwards is bewitching: bright hills alternating with birch groves, along the stream a strip of dense bushes. And the air...fresh and gentle - if only you could drink it!
On the way I discover that the land is assigned to the settlers in one-and-a-half to two hectare parcels. That's doing it in a big way!
How can one family work that much land?
"But we're not planning to plant potatoes or beets!" says the future landowner, disconcertedly.
"So what are you planning?" I ask.
"An orchard!" answers Svetlana. "And several vegetable beds, to feed the family."
"But what about the rest of the land?" Nothing comes to mind.
"We'll simply love and protect the rest of the land!" she smiles. "Remember how earlier in Russia people loved their ancestral estates? They didn't weed potatoes there either.
They strolled along the alleyways, admired the pond, the grove.... The land was their Homeland, do you understand? But where is the native land for city dwellers?"
A loaded question. The version of the "apartment, building, and courtyard" answer made my companion laugh.
"Can any kind of mutual liking possibly arise between an apartment and a person? But plants are alive. They respond to love with love."
With regard to an apartment and courtyard, it's a moot point. But what about the saying, "home is where the heart is"? I didn't argue. But I did ask whether any resident of Samara Oblast could receive land.
"We don't accept everyone into our community. The land itself is cheap - from three to six thousand rubles for a hectare. It should be owned by a special person," explained Irina, the ideological leader of the settlers. "Let's put it this way: this is any person who thinks positively, honours the customs of old, does not chase after luxuries, lives as modestly as possible, eats ecologically pure produce, tries not to eat meat, does not drink vodka...."
At this point we arrived at the first, future "ancestral nest," quite a fashionable cottage: two stories, a roof in the heavens, euro-windows....
"Not too bad at all, 'live as modestly as possible'!" I couldn't help exclaiming.
"Everyone builds according to their means," Irina defended the owner of the building. "So, for our Maksim, this is not a luxury."
"I'm going to spend the winter in a wigwam"
Wood for the stove - fallen and diseased trees in the woods.
I photographed the "modest cottage" for our readers' consideration. But the workers noticed, and immediately called the owner. He ordered me to destroy the pictures. Sure, of course! Let's go see settlers who are open to everyone.
Sergey Borisov has been living in the village for two years, from April through October. Previously, he would go to the city for the winter. This year he is planning to spend the winter in Lipovaya Roshcha. In the past, Sergey was a driver. He is divorced from his wife, he has adult children. Nowadays he is the owner of a tremendously kind smile, an old, cherry-coloured devyatka car, a well-fed black cat, Kysha, and...a genuine wigwam. From afar, this estate could be confused with a settlement of American Apaches. The wigwam, four metres in height, could be filmed for a movie. True, the Russian flag flies from the staff. But this is not mockery.
Sergey is proud of his "hacienda." Beside the wigwam is a small canvas tent. This is the bath. Not far away - something like a summer kitchen. About twenty metres away - a picturesque toilet, surrounded by reed "blinds."
Inside the wigwam is a twin bed, a night-table with a jug, a generator. A radio receiver hangs on the wall in a case. Light enters through the cloth, which covers the supports of the structure from top to bottom.
"It's not very pretty," Sergey agrees, looking at the cardboard upholstery of the interior. "But it's warm. There's plenty of space, the wind doesn't get in. And in the evening, after a day at work, I can listen to the news on the radio."
Sergey is positive about one thing: a free man does not need a lot of money to live on.
"In the summer, 300 rubles a month is enough," he says. "I eat everything that grows on my land. The forest helps me out with mushrooms, I cook kasha on the stove without oil. It's very tasty, by the way. I almost don't eat meat. For the time being my clothes are fine, my shoes will last for a long time yet. I only buy groceries, buckwheat, and bread, which I have not yet learned how to bake."
By the way, the stove, made of clay, put together by Sergey's skilled hands in two days, helped him find true love.
An ecovillage differs from a dacha
The remaining five estates, which were kindly shown to us by the settlers, also had some amazing things. Here was an anchored down toilet in a shape of a tent with a rooster weather-vane, over there small, fluffy cedars impetuously waved their crowns out of chicory bushes, in the centre of an estate an enormous pit had been dug - the site of a future lake.
"This is all wonderful, of course," I made up my mind to ask a biting question. "But can't you just restore your health and mental energy at a summer house, during outings into the countryside on your days off?"
"It's not the same thing," they answer. "That's like a gust of fresh air through the vent of a stifling crypt. It restores your forces slightly, but that's all. A constant feed of energy and its frequent reinforcement is given only by life outside of the stifling city. This is what we are aiming for."
Nothing fazes these free settlers: during the entire trip to Samara I tried to discover from them how to combine ecological settlements one hundred kilometres from civilization with the education of their children, what the settlers could count on in the event of an acute appendicitis attack (they pooh-poohed the comment), and how they propose to manage without money, with almost natural farming, and what would they say if all their children left for the city?
"For the time being we don't know how our social movement will develop," says Evgeniya Rubanova. In the coming year or two, her family is planning to move to Lipovaya Roshcha permanently. "Some confusion arose with the documents. The land had officially been purchased from collective farmers who didn't need these sections. Our social organization registered documents for the entire parcel, it's about 53 ha. One half of the land on lease, the second half as property. But the owners of the parcels do not have documents for property with the right to inherit. And the designation of the land (peasant farmsteads) does not permit large buildings to be constructed on it."
It turns out that, from a legal point of view, no estates are domains and moreover they are not kin's domains. True, the state does not need these lands now either. It is more convenient for representatives of the administration to unload it to the day-dreaming settlers. Gone is the headache of wondering what to sow and collecting the harvest. The land is apparently being used, but at the same time is not on the balance sheet of the budget. If the necessity arises, for example, to build a federal highway, there would be nothing simpler than to chuck out the settlers.
But the settlers believe that the correct philosophical ideas will percolate through to the authorities.
"Everyone who does not want to live according to the law of the jungle of the metropolises should have the opportunity to choose," they say.
The people who I managed to see that day did not seem to be crazy. Rather, they seemed naive and defenceless. The big question is whether several hundred persons will be able to slip out of the grasp of the metropolis. And most certainly the system will not be concerned whether these eccentrics will achieve something sensible or not.
From the files of Komsomolskaya Pravda
There are eight ecovillages in Samara Oblast: in the districts of Kinel-Cherkasy, Kinel, Shentala, Syzran, Stavropol, and Shigony. A total of 510 parcels have been allocated for domains. Of these, more than one-half have been developed or are almost developed.
Elena Genin
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Ecovillage Kedr
Information about the creation of a new settlement in Minsk Oblast, the Kedr (cedar) settlement of kin's domains.
It is 95 km from the Moscow Ring Road, in the direction of Logoysk. There is a bus connection. It is 8 km from the main road. The road is good.
Three houses have been purchased in a deserted village. They are now being cleaned up. In the initial phase, these houses will serve as a stopping place/lodging for the night.
The use of these houses for the purposes of agritourism is also being studied.
Size of the settlement: 20 ha. Parcels (25 ares + 14 ares + 25 ares) have been registered.
For September 2008, three families (eight persons) are seriously demonstrating interest and action.
The houses were acquired through an agreement of purchase and sale. A parcel of 25 ares belongs to the first house, a parcel of 14 ares to the second (as ownership inheritable for life), and a parcel of 25 ares to the third.
The houses were acquired for an amount in the area of 1000 to 1500 American dollars.
We have not yet calculated how much it would cost to acquire a hectare. Over the winter we are planning to acquire two vacant parcels (25 + 25 ares) at auction for the construction of houses.
Contact information:
Home telephone: 276-61-10
Velcom: 8-029-683-61-10
MTS: 8-029-703-61-10
Mail letters to: PO Box 58, Minsk 220125, Republic of Belarus
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Release of RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA in Turkish!
We are happy to announce the release of RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA, Book 2 of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" Series in Turkish Language!
Right now be the first to order the Turkish translation of Book 2 - RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA and recieve a 20% Discount! Click here to go to our online store
Publisher: Kuraldisi Yayincilik Ltd. Sti.
Official Distributor in USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

In Ukraine the process of adopting a law respecting Kin's Domains is progressing slowly but steadily.
A short prehistory of the matter.
As far back as 2002 a land code was adopted that permitted each citizen of Ukraine to become the owner of up to two hectares of land free of charge for the purpose of running a private peasant farmstead.
Further, in 2003, the Private Peasant Farmstead Act was adopted, which permitted the construction of houses and farm buildings on the parcel, the planting of forest stands, becoming involved in tourism without creating a small business, etc. Many settlers received land pursuant to this Act.
But despite many positive aspects, the present legislative basis (the Private Peasant Farmstead Act) also has its shortcomings:
- land may be acquired only with the status of 1) agricultural purpose land, and 2) reserve land. There is a fairly small quantity of freely accessible agricultural purpose land remaining, and parcels of reserve land are small in size and insufficient for the creation of a settlement for 50 or more kin's domains;
- the complicated process for registering the document, as a result of which local authorities have many different ways of turning a person down.
In fact, this form of granting parcels as property has demonstrated its ineffectiveness (many people who have become the owners of parcels have done nothing on them for several years, and are waiting for the time when they will be able to resell the parcel at a higher price).
Also in Ukraine there is a great deal of land that is not being used for one reason or another, but it cannot be registered pursuant to the Private Peasant Farmstead Act.
Now the process is taking another twist.
Work is being done to adopt a law respecting the assignment for use of a one-hectare parcel to each interested family to operate a kin's estate.
On November 16, there was a round table discussion at the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine with respect to the problem of the dying out of villages and possible scenarios for resolving this matter through granting to each family free of charge one hectare of land for life-long use with the right to transfer it as a bequest.
On October 22, at a meeting of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, a discussion took place about the matter of granting to each family free of charge one hectare of land. The parcel will be given free of charge, a simple system of document registration is being proposed for granting a parcel. The law will require that a person plant no less than one-third of the area with non-fruit trees, as well as a number of other requirements. The elaboration of the programme and its submission for government scrutiny is scheduled to be completed by the spring of 2009.
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!
Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.
At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.
We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.
We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.
Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.
* * * * *
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.
Click here to go to our online store
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

This dream...it is alive!
This dream is with me, it walks with me,
It takes me to and from.
It talks to me and sings to me.
Like a sprout in the sun I watch it grow.
Oh sweet Anastasia, my gratitude runs deep,
Your breath is now part of mine.
Yes! This dream, it breathes, all around me is its essence,
Kind hands now lovingly plant pine after pine.
So this dream is alive, it feels!
Its birth witnessed on Russian Motherland.
So many more births are still at hand.
This grand co-creation, it breathes with me.
It is the I Am that I Am.
By ~Carina~ at RingingCedarsForums.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
Let's get to know each other - A section in which you can create your personal profile for people to see as well as your personal page if you have something to share.
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Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
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Forum Talk
Posted by surrender in a topic Web Video Interview with Leonid Sharashkin. Join the discussion of this topic here:
This video actually served as my introduction to the series.
Hopefully many who are unfamiliar with the books will be moved by the video, as I was.
Even those who've read the books will find this video worth their time, I think.
There are many other good interviews on that site, as well, for those who are interested.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Indigo Children, the Next Step in Human Evolution
Written by Jan Yordy, M Ed., MSW, Certified Play Therapist
There is a new type of child with distinct characteristics which therapist, teachers and other professionals working with children are increasingly recognizing. These children are more highly evolved with an expanded consciousness, sensory awareness and are intuitive, creative thinkers. Because they are right hemisphere dominant they tend to think in a nonlinear, holistic way grasping the meaning and significance of information quickly. This style of thinking creates a child who can think outside of the box and who may not easily conform to rules and regulations he/she sees as non-productive.
Approximately four years ago I read my first book on Indigo children and was surprised to notice that many of the typical characteristics of an Indigo child resonated with how I had experienced my daughter. The more I read and understood about these children, the more I recognized the many Indigo children I was currently working with in therapy. Since that time I have had many amazing teachers but my most significant teachers have been my own son and daughter who are both beautiful Indigos in their early 20's.
Learning that my gentle, artistic son was also an Indigo was an important lesson in helping me recognize the many flavours and varieties of Indigos. While there is incredible variation in Indigos themselves, there also are some similarities which help to pick out these special children. Here is a brief summary of some of the frequent characteristics that I have seen and experienced:
- May be strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents
- Have a wisdom and level of awareness and caring beyond their youthful experience
- Traditional parenting and discipline strategies don't appear effective with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome
- Energetically Indigos are vibrating at a higher frequency so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)
- Emotionally they can be very reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced
- Are creative right brained thinkers but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brained school system
- Often Indigos are diagnosed as having ADD/ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused
- Indigos are very intuitive (often psychic) and may see, hear or know things that seem unexplainable
- Indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners so remember best what they can picture in their brain and create with their hands
- Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities since their system is more finely tuned
- When their needs are not met, these children appear self centered and demanding although this is not their true nature
- These children have incredible gifts and potential but may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted
In therapy I often have Indigo children referred because they are having trouble managing their emotions. Some come because of anxiety problems and may have developed obsessive compulsive behaviors or suffer from panic attacks. Others appear to be significantly depressed and may be self harming or talk about not wanting to live any more. Some Indigo children are brought because they have anger and rage problems which have no reasonable explanation and can be very frightening to parents. Another group of children come to therapy because they are very bright children but are struggling to learn in traditional ways. Frequently these children have very low self esteems and will give up on trying to complete their school work.
For many people it may appear confusing that all of these different emotional or learning problems are connected to a new type of child. The way I have begun to make sense of their extreme difficulties is to look at what is happening to these children at the energetic level. As mentioned previously Indigo children are vibrating at a higher energy frequency pattern. For people who see energy, this vibrational pattern is often seen as an Indigo colour in their aura and also within their physical body. This higher vibration creates differences in the way their body and brain function.
All of the Indigo children I have met are right brained thinkers. When stressed these children develop a brain organizational pattern which shuts down the logical, rational thought processes and increases the emotional reactiveness. Depending on the child, this could be acted out as anger, sadness or fears and anxieties. How the parents/teachers respond energetically will either help the Indigo to regain their balance and control or to escalate out of control. Once emotionally triggered, it can take a significant time for this sensitive child to regain composure. Some children eventually become stuck in a perpetual negative energetic state know as psychological reversal.
Functioning in this stress mode where the child is literally thinking with half of his brain's capacity also contributes to learning blocks since the child is not able to adequately access the left, language/communication hemisphere of the brain. The left side of the brain is also the executive control center of the brain so is vital in helping children control impulses and maintain focus. It is interesting to note that many Indigo children are being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and placed on Ritalin or some other form of medication. Perhaps we need to work more at re-patterning the brain (Brain Gym) to facilitate shifting out of an inefficient, stressed brain organizational pattern instead of medicating them to cover up their symptoms.
Not every child with emotional, learning problems or ADHD is an Indigo child but it may be helpful when working with children in therapy to consider whether they contain a lot of these Indigo characteristics. Understanding some energy basics and being able to detect when a child is energetically unbalanced may be especially helpful in therapeutic work with these new Indigo children. It is important to teach the Indigo child and their parents energy balancing techniques and how to get the body out of the stress mode. Grounding the child's energy as well as teaching them protection techniques so they don't take on negative energy is also extremely helpful for these sensitive energy beings.
In therapy I often encounter parents who are struggling to understand and parent this new type of child. Some parents are frightened by behaviors they don't understand or find themselves locked in power struggles with their strong willed child.
Indigo children are here to help change outdated systems and relationship patterns and require us to interact with them in new and creative ways. Parents of these powerful, spirited beings need support and insights to let go of traditional ways of parenting to develop more respectful, cooperative relationships. Taking time to explain things to Indigos plus really listening to why something is important to them enhances our awareness of their thinking process and deeper purpose. Flexibility, openness and honesty are other qualities which enhance the development of relationships which nurtures the soul of the Indigo child.
Image Source - http://www.indigokidsindia.com/

Watch Feature Film:
The Indigo Revolution

Indigo children's immune system is several thousand times stronger
than that of an average human being
A pretty little girl who lives deep in the heart of Latgaglia (Latvia) enjoys talking. She talks nonchalantly about her nightly travels across the Universe in an astral body. Her father is quick to make a request: "Please pay no attention to what she is talking about, she just loves making things up."
The father is not surprised to find out that his daughter has been aware of the notion of astral since she was five. He appreciates his child very much, though. He always uses a tip from the girl while repairing his old tractor. "I do not know how she does it but she is always in the know what is wrong with the machine," says he. Well, the story looks familiar. There is another case of an indigo child, a phenomenon that has become pretty ordinary lately.
The year 2012 has special significance for the indigo children. According to predictions of the Maya, the so-called "Great Transition" will be taking place in 2012 after the Sun and Earth form a straight line pointing to the center of the Galaxy. The above position will trigger the demise of the 3-D model of the world. The earth dwellers will be given the opportunity to live in a 4-D world. But the offer applies only to those whose mind has expanded to an essentially new level - the indigo children.
Take a closer look at your offspring. Researchers claim that 95% of children born after 1994 are the indigo children. The fascinating adjective derives from the color of an aura around their bodies. The internal organs of these children have different functions, their immune systems is several times stronger than that of an average person. The children also have a different kind of DNA, a mutation kind. In other words, as regards the changes in DNA, millions of residents of planet Earth are not humans. A race of new beings is slowly but surely climbing the stage.
You might as well be an indigo boy or girl because the indigo phenomenon started at the beginning of the 1990s. But you can not conjure up a miracle or two or see through the walls. It is okay since miracles do not feed the indigo powers. The people endowed with the gift for indigo are smart in a special practical way. They may recall how they handpicked their parents long before the latter conceived them. They may start teaching their parents some simple biblical truths like why you should worry about money for you are always going to have as much money as you need if you stop thinking about it. The children of the new race aim at reaching out to spiritual heights.
The indigo children may go wild like reckless thugs or behave like quiet angel-like creatures. One thing is clear. Their psychological characteristics and behavioral patters are new and unusual. Therefore, new methods of education should be developed and applied. You can not just ignore the needs of the new generation otherwise precious little creatures will suffer from mental instability and disturbed thinking. You should bear in mind that they are the pioneers who kicked off a new era and therefore they need our support.
A well-known mystic Drunwalo Melhisedek maintains that a DNA mutation in the modern children has been caused by a specific reaction generated by our emotional and mental bodies. It is the reaction of a wavelike variety irradiated by our body. The new life-saving information lies in the subconscious of our planet. In other words, it is available to everybody. The spreading of the indigo is an amazing phenomenon occurring right before our eyes. Anybody who is aware of the impact of mental power can follow the road signs made by the indigo children. The ancient prophesy about children leading humankind to salvation is coming true.
Full immunity against the diseases will be one of the "side effects" caused by miraculous changes. All in all, the day when every child will be a child prodigy is near.
Image Source - http://aycu25.webshots.com/

Top 10 Tips for Teaching Indigos
by Wendy H. Chapman
1. Treat them with respect
If you do not show it for them, they won't give it to you despite your position of authority.
2. Listen to their opinions
They need to know you care and recognize them as people of value.
3. Empower them
Give them choices such as what type of product to create to demonstrate learning, what order they do the work in, perhaps between two activities (as a class decision). Having a voice that makes a difference will do wonders for their self-esteem, will usually encourage them to participate in the choice they have made, and consequently will improve their attitude towards you and towards education.
4. Solicit cooperation and avoid giving orders
Indigos do not respond (at all or not positively) to those who attempt to control them. They will respond to those who treat them fairly and kindly.
5. Help them do things that make a difference
If they are frustrated with the way something is - from homework in the school to homelessness in the world, encourage them to do something positive to change it.. Like writing letters to the school board or the paper, creating poetry about it, making posters, t-shirts, organizing a school or community group to focus on the issue and work to change it.
6. Help them discover and develop their talents and strengths.
Encourage their creativity and unique personal expression.
7. Be tolerant of their extreme emotions
Help them balance by using aromatherapy, allow them to drink water in the classroom, quiet moments or visualization practice
8. Encourage students to be peacemakers for each other
Indigos are here to be peacemakers for the world. Let them practice now. This helps develop communication and compassion. Be a guide in this process.
9. Explain WHY about everything
Why certain rules exist, why they need homework (Do they really if they already understand the concept?), why the world has to be the way it is. If you don't have an answer, acknowledge their frustration and show empathy.
10. Discourage medicating for ADD
Often it is not ADD, but Indigo nature creating selective attention. If they can focus on a topic of their own choosing for long periods of time, it's probably Indigo, not ADD. Even if there is a problem with attention and distractability, there are alternative methods of therapy that, unlike Ritalin, do not suppress the natural creativity and leadership of Indigos. Encourage organizational aids.
I can already hear some of you saying, "Aren't these good ideas for teachers to use with all children?" and my answer is an unqualified, "Yes! Absolutely!" The point is that an Indigo Child will suffer tremendously and often tragically if they are not treated with respect and fairness, as unique individuals with great things to offer the world. They will rebel. They will start to hate school. They will drop out emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and sometimes physically as well. They may turn to drugs or develop existential depression and become suicidal or violent. Did you know that all the perpetrators of school shootings have been Indigos? This is according to Nancy Ann Tappe, who first observed and documented the Indigo phenomenon. Wouldn't you like to help prevent school violence?
When the children come to your classroom, they may already be so angry with the way they have been treated by the educational system thus far that they may be difficult to work with. They may come with the "don't mess with me" attitude because - guess what? They HAVE been messed with and they don't like it. You need to show them you are different and you are ready for them and willing to work WITH them. When they see this and know it to be true, they will respond.
If these ideas sound like common sense and you are already doing them, Congratulate yourself, You're a VERY good teacher! You're no longer stuck in the Old Energy of traditional educational teacher/student dynamics which just doesn't work any more! If you are not doing these things, but are considering them as a potential change - Congratulations! You are open minded and willing to change with the times and with the children.
Can a raw-foods diet be balanced? - Healthy by Choice
by Jack Rosenberger
When the tall woman dressed in form-fitting entered the Chicago Vegetarian Society's Thanksgiving pinner, the room was instantly abuzz. With her glowing skin and lithe figure, she radiated good health and vitality. Who was she? What was her secret? "That's Karyn Calabrese," munmuured one Vegetarian Times editor to another, who pegged her age at around 35. "She's that raw-foods woman with the new restaurant. Can you believe she's 49?"
Like Calabrese, a growing number of people have embraced a raw-foods diet in recent years. But how much do we really know about such a regimen? Pick up an enthusiasts' book on the subject and you will read that the diet can cure a host of ills, from obesity to aging to cancer. But read an article in a publication like the journal of the American Medical Association, you'll be told that any benefits of a raw-foods diet are pure fantasy. Where does the truth lie?
The cornerstone of the "rawist" philosophy is simple: Nature is perfect. Proponents say that raw foods are nutritionally complete, and that cooking food is not only unnatural, but detrimental to its nutritional content. They shun baking, boiling, sauteing, steaming, microwaving, frying and pasteurization--in short, any method of food preparation or processing that requires heat. "If you can't eat a food in its fresh, natural state, you shouldn't be eating it at all" is a popular rawist mantra. "Man is the only animal who cooks his food" is another.
The problem with cooking, say raw foodists, is that heat destroys a food's vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Rawists attribute seemingly miraculous powers to these enzymes, which are present in all foods and are "a premium fuel that supplies the body with energy," according to Brian Clement, director of Hippocrates Life Change Center, an alternative-health clinic and raw-foods pioneer in West Palm Beach, Fla. Rawists say that plant enzymes help humans digest food and are responsible for transporting minerals, proteins and other nutrients into human cells.
The mainstays of the raw-foods diet are fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Sprouted seeds and beans are commonly consumed by rawists, because their high chlorophyll content is believed to purify the blood and organs; wheatgrass juice, extracted from sprouted wheatgrass seeds, also is very popular.
What does a rawist eat on a typical day? Donna Perrone, a New York-based illustrator and a seven-year rawist, recounts her meals on a recent day: grapefruit and cashews for breakfast; a salad of bananas, mango, pear, grapes and pineapple for lunch; a snack of oranges and persimmon; and a dinner salad of lettuce, tomatoes, string beans, red pepper, avocado, cucumber and tahini-lime juice dressing. While some might view such fare as pretty spartan and low in pleasure, Perrone says, "my taste buds have changed a lot; they've sharpened. They're not clouded by salt and sugar, and I enjoy food much more."
To be considered a rawist, the generally accepted guideline is that at least 75 percent, by weight, of one's daily fare must be uncooked. Assuming someone is following the rawist philosophy of eating a variety of foods and not just, say, all almonds dr grapefruit, a person who requires 1,800 calories a day would need to eat approximately six pounds of raw food-more than three times what the average omnivorous American consumes, according to Laurie Meyer, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Raw-food diets enjoyed popularity during the 1970s, as interest in natural foods and vegetarianism surged. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond further boosted the appeal of raw foodism with their best-seller Fit for Life (Warner Books, 1985), which championed a largely fruit-based diet. Today, some 140,000 Americans are raw foodists, says Clement. Some people turn to raw foods to improve their overall health, saying that the diet leaves them feeling lighter, more energetic and more spiritual. Others use the diet to treat specific illnesses. Clement says that over the past decade, an estimated 20,000 Hippocrates clients have successfully used a regimen of raw food, exercise, stress management and other therapies to cure cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Given the absence of clinical studies, claims such as these have contributed to the perception of raw foodism as a fringe diet. Its image also has suffered from the unorthodox beliefs of some of its most outspoken proponents. In the late 1980s, Ann Wigmore, the founder of Hippocrates and perhaps the foremost proponent of raw foods, ran afoul of health authorities in Massachusetts when she sold wheatgrass as a cure for AIDS and was charged with practicing medicine without a license. And in his self-published book The Great AIDS Hoax, T.C. Fry, a health promotion director at The Wellness Network, a natural-health educational organization in Wellsboro, Pa., claims that a raw-foods diet can cure AIDS in just 21 to 3 S days.
While enzymes produced by the human body are essential to digestion, claims that plant enzymes play a vital role in breaking down food provoke derision from food scientists. Such claims are nonsense, says John W. Erdman, Jr., Ph.D, director of the division of nutritional sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Open any textbook on nutrition, says Erdman, and you'll learn that soon after being consumed, plant jenzymes are destroyed by acids in the stomach, The enzymes are broken down into amino acids which are later absorbed by the body's small intestine.
Image Sources: http://www.rawfoodmyth.com/; http://www.athensexchange.com/

Woman goes raw, loses more than half herself
By Jackie Adams
But she steadily started gaining weight as a teenager because of an under-active thyroid gland. By the time she graduated from college her weight had ballooned and she wore a U.K. dress size 26-28.
"I was 300 pounds, very unwell, very miserable," recalls Stokes. "I ate junk food all the time. I was very closed down emotionally. I had no interest in dieting; I just wanted to eat all the time ... that was like my comfort in life."
At the time, she says she was so "emotionally shut down" she refused to talk to anyone about what was happening. The weight was also taking a physical toll on her health and she frequently battled infections and illness.
Stokes says living her everyday life became a challenge.
"My mobility was quite restricted ... I was unwilling to participate in things from cutting my toenails to going on a walk with my friends," remembered Stokes. "I tried to give this impression that I felt fine about everything, but inside I was in a lot of pain a lot of the time."
Two summers after she reached her heaviest weight, Stokes was working at a greenhouse in Iceland, when a friend lent her a copy of a book about the health benefits of eating raw foods. Stokes, who had never been interested in diets, says she was completely "absorbed" by the approach.
She started eating raw the very next day.
"Everything in my life completely shifted. It was like a light bulb moment to be like ... 'this is what I was waiting for to reclaim my health,' " said Stokes.
She went cold turkey or "cold cucumber," as Stokes often jokes. She stopped eating meat, animal products and processed foods and instead switched to a diet that consisted of uncooked and unprocessed vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
"To me, the thing with raw food is that it just makes sense. It's simple and natural, eating food straight from the earth. There's no rocket science, no mystery," said Stokes. "Once you understand the simple principle that no other animal in the wild eats cooked or processed foods. That's it."
The raw food diet completely transformed her life, she says. Within the first month of going raw, she had her first boyfriend in more than five years. In just two years, she had lost 160 pounds and has experienced dramatic improvements emotionally, physically and socially and is "happier than I've ever been."
Andrea Giancoli, a registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, says everyone could stand to eat more fruits and vegetables.
"We all need to be moving towards a more plant-based diet," Giancoli said. "There are more pitfalls to a typical American diet with all of the processed foods and focus on meat than there are to a plant-based diet."
Is it healthier to eat uncooked vegetables? Not necessarily.
"The raw diet, specifically, the philosophy behind it is scientifically incorrect," Giancoli said. "Raw foodists believe
that cooking food destroys enzymes that are essential for the body. While that's true, so does the gastric acid or juice in your stomach.
"So those enzymes are broken down anyway in your gastro-intestinal tract."
Giancoli believes there's a nutritional downside to a vegetarian diet. People who eat no animal foods run the risk of nutritional deficiencies such as a lack of vitamin B-12, iron and zinc and the powerful Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, she said.
Giancoli recommends people meet with a dietitian to develop a balanced eating plan before they embark on a raw food diet.
Stokes, who now weighs 138 pounds, has kept the weight off for four years and authored several books on "raw foodism" lifestyle.
What tips does she have for people considering a raw vegan lifestyle? First, start slowly.
"I recommend people start out being at least 50 percent raw and go from there," advises Stokes. "Maybe it ends up at some point you are completely raw, maybe not. As long as the majority of the stuff or at least 50 percent is fresh raw food ... then you're tipping the balance in your favor."
Stokes also advises people to start eating things they like such as peaches, plums or spinach and then slowly incorporate more fresh raw foods. She admits the lifestyle can be socially challenging and she encourages people to connect with other "raw foodists."
"It's great to get support. If you look on the Internet and around you, you may find pot lucks," said Stokes. "Read books to inspire you to keep going on this journey."

Watch Video:
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta report on Angela Stokes' raw diet
Healthy Lifestyle
by Jenny Regeling
Living a natural and healthy lifestyle begins with routine-habits. These habits help create a strong immune system therefore avoiding a lot of discomfort and disease. A lack of discomfort and disease makes a happier and more contented life. A natural, chemical free lifestyle is uncomplicated; works well in harmony with your body assuring you of a strong immune system, and therefore developing a life filled with much strength , energy and relaxation. Sound good? I know which I would prefer.
In our western society we are known for depending on prescribed chemical medicinal cures rather than turning our ways to the original natural earth related cures we were supposed to use in the first place. Chemical and synthetic drugs do in many cases cure the problem but the side effects that follow or involve them can be worse than the disease itself. I know I have experienced that very thing. I am now more inclined to suggest to prevent illness or disease by a strong and armored body, built up by the right diet.
By living the natural way things are simplified, clear and self explained. It makes sense. They build up the bodily functions and in most cases don't have or have little side effects. If these side effects occur they are normally mild and easily treated by changing to another natural option that better suits the situation.
For example, my granddaughter who is 5 years old, like all children can get excited around sleep time. Instead of choosing a medicine to calm her down her mother simply puts a few dabs of lavender on her tissue to inhale while putting her down to sleep. This is very effective and very natural, not causing any side effects or chemical complications.
If you have never encountered or tried to go natural you are probably asking ...
What is a Natural Lifestyle?
To put it simply, you are not only treating an ailment but at the same time introducing natural healthy nutrition which at the same time is building your immune system to fight whatever you have wrong with you. So you are safeguarding and curing at the same time. The safeguarding naturally is also helping to prevent any more oncoming illnesses which otherwise may have occurred.
I have and will always stress that your mind, body and soul control the functions of your wellbeing. Therefore not only should you have a strong body, but also a positive mind (attitude in life) and a positive Godly soul. If your attitude is positive through a trauma in life it is going to promote a quicker and stronger healing process than not.
When I experienced Breast Cancer 10 years ago I chose to-Beat It! - With a strong, positive attitude. I could have chosen to be miserable and continually feel sorry for myself. That I assure you would only have made the task a whole lot harder and unhappier.
To compliment all the above, a daily exercise is essential-walking is great; whatever you choose to do is a great benefit. You only need a minimum of 30 minutes a day, longer is up to you. Also the habit of relaxation is very helpful to settle or deal with any anxieties, as these can prevent your system from working as it should. Stress is not a bad thing. We all have it and some more than others.
Image source - http://a.abcnews.com/

The Diabetes Conundrum:
What Physicians are Teaching You may be Killing You
by Dr. Mercola
Fact: Very little relationship exists between what a patient knows about diabetes and his or her control of its related cardiovascular risk factors and whether or not he or she ultimately succeeds or fails, indicated a study by Duke Clinical Research Institute.
Research found that improved disease knowledge alone does not lead to improved blood sugar control, cholesterol levels, weight management and mortality rates.
And, while education may be part of the puzzle, researchers noted there are likely other pressing health care delivery issues that must be addressed if a diabetic patient hopes to reduce their risks of dying from heart disease -- the main culprit of death among diabetic patients.
The Minute Role of Knowledge
Diabetic patients are twice as likely to suffer from acute coronary syndrome (ACS) than the general population; ACS can eventually lead to chest pain and possibly heart attack.
Considering the facts, researchers measured the progress of 200 diabetic patients who were treated for ACS. At enrollment, each patient took a 14-question standardized test that measured his or her knowledge on diabetes. Patients were then divided into two groups: high- or low-scoring.
Six months later, researchers linked how each of the groups scored with clinical measurements such as glycemic control, cholesterol levels, body mass index (BMI) and death. Data showed:
The only parallel between the two groups was that diabetes-related knowledge scores rose as the years of education increased.
In terms of mortality, the high-scoring group had a six-month mortality rate of 6.2 percent, compared to 9.7 percent for patients in the low-scoring group.
Moreover, 15.5 percent of the high-scoring group suffered from at least one heart attack, compared to 19.4 percent in the low-scoring group.
In light of the findings, researchers recognized the need to determine how to best assign scarce health care resources to reduce cardiovascular risk factors faced by diabetics.
Guest Comment by Dr. Ron Rosedale:
Note from Dr. Mercola: One of the more popular articles on my Web site is a transcript of a lecture about the importance of insulin by Dr. Ron Rosedale, who is an expert on leptin physiology, a very powerful and influential hormone that has totally changed the way science looks at fat, nutrition and metabolism. I interviewed him in 2004 for the book he wrote, The Rosedale Diet, and I invited him to give a guest editorial comment on this article.
In the prior study, it is assumed that the knowledge patients are being taught is not being used, complied with, and translated into improved cardiovascular outcome. I will quote this extremely important and powerful study,
"Poor patient understanding of diabetes is believed to impede appropriate self-management, thus accelerating cardiovascular complications."
Since greater patient "knowledge" -- what they have been taught -- did not translate into better outcomes, it was concluded that patients were not utilizing that knowledge. However, there is another possibility, and I believe that that possibility is very likely correct: It could be that patients are listening and complying, at least partially, but they're being taught, perhaps unknowingly, the wrong information by the medical profession.
What they're being told to do by their doctor is not helping them, and in fact may be prolonging and likely exacerbating their disease. If you're given the wrong directions, you will not get to where you want to go.
It is not "poor patient understanding of diabetes" that first needs to be addressed; it is poor doctor understanding of diabetes. As the saying goes, "There is no such thing as a bad student, only bad teachers." That is especially unfortunate since the word "doctor" is derived from the Latin word meaning "to teach." Presumably, we are supposed to be doing that well.
Unfortunately, doctors are poor teachers because they themselves are being taught wrong. They are being taught by very large and wealthy corporations, including pharmaceutical companies, whose motives are not to improve people's health, but to maximize profit. The truth is being, well, "doctored."
The medical profession still treats diabetes as a disease of blood sugar, since that is a symptom that can be modified with drugs. As I have stated several times in this newsletter previously, diabetes is not a disease of blood sugar, it is a disease of insulin, and perhaps even more appropriately, leptin signaling.

Watch Video:
Dr. Mercola: The Diabetes Conundrum

Animals in Permaculture
There can be no permaculture system without animals. To improve the habitat for animal life we try to diversify the habitat and create edges to develop many niches. Nature will fill as many niche spaces as there are available. Animals perform valuable work, contribute to the structure of a full ecosystem and create products useful to other animals or humans.
Animals in permaculture may include:
Unseen Critters
Starting small, these include the microbes in the soil and water and the millions of little insects, worms and grubs in the ground or scurrying around on the surface of soil and plants. Our attention to building of soil, maintenance of moisture and freedom from pesticides and herbicides will greatly improve the habitat for these creatures. Unseen animal life is always present and we want to encourage it through our design and management practices.
Organic Gardening magazine, May/June 1996, had a special section entitled Beneficial Bonanza! that examines the special role of insects in the garden. For many plants bees, flies, butterflies, wasps and hummingbirds are essential for pollination. While there are insect pests of many types there are equally many insect predators to control them. The importance of avoiding pesticides, providing nesting sites, water and a diversity of plants for beneficial insects was stressed.
Feral Animals
These are people's pets gone wild -- usually cats and dogs. Both of these can put pressure on wild animals. Cats are particularly harmful to the stock of wild birds.
Wild Animals
Most designs will have some wild animals in it, if only the birds that pass through on migration or are temporary residents. In many areas the larger wild animals -- rabbits, woodchucks, deer -- are seen as, and may well be, pests. Lack of predators has often allowed these animals to increase their populations to a point where they put pressure on natural food supplies and people's gardens must seem like supermarkets to them. Bats are probably one of the most important wild animals and are often overlooked in design.
Semi-domestic Animals
The line between domestic and semi-domestic animals is sometimes narrow. Deer are wild animals but because of numbers and ease of association with human habitats they may become 'dependents' on man-made or controlled settings. The same condition may arise for other wild species. Some of the most noticeable ones are bees, reindeer, bison, antelope, elk, llama, hatchery trout, turtles, ducks and geese, raccoons, armadillo, rats and coyote. These animals, while not kept in pens, have a strong presence in areas inhabited by people.
Domestic Animals
Our first thought of animals in permaculture is probably of domestic animals, primarily fowl, rabbits and livestock. These are the animals that directly create products and/or perform other functions, at a minimum, a supply of manure. Domestic animals take care and management. The introduction of cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits and bees must be considered carefully and approached with a plan.
As Michael Howden comments, "... we need animals for their non-human presence: their goofiness, their colors,their sounds, their excretement ..... however, we don't need animals inappropriate to the land and the stage of permaculture development in which we are working."
Image source - http://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/; http://api.ning.com/

History of the Amazing Sunflower
The story of sunflower (Helianthus Annulus ) is indeed amazing. The wild sunflower is native to North America but commercialization of the plant took place in Russia. It was only recently that the sunflower plant returned to North America to become a cultivated crop. But it was the American Indian who first domesticated the plant into a single headed plant with a variety of seed colors including black, white, red, and black/white striped.
American Indian Uses
Sunflower was a common crop among American Indian tribes throughout North America. Evidence suggests that the plant was cultivated by Indians in present-day Arizona and New Mexico about 3000 BC. Some archaeologists suggest that sunflower may have been domesticated before corn.
Sunflower was used in many ways throughout the various Indian tribes. Seed was ground or pounded into flour for cakes, mush or bread. Some tribes mixed the meal with other vegetables such as beans, squash, and corn. The seed was also cracked and eaten for a snack. There are references of squeezing the oil from the seed and using the oil in making bread.
Non-food uses include purple dye for textiles, body painting and other decorations. Parts of the plant were used medicinally ranging from snakebite to other body ointments. The oil of the seed was used on the skin and hair. The dried stalk was used as a building material. The plant and the seeds were widely used in ceremonies.
European Developments
This exotic North American plant was taken to Europe by Spanish explorers some time around 1500. The plant became widespread throughout present-day Western Europe mainly as an ornamental, but some medicinal uses were developed. By 1716, an English patent was granted for squeezing oil from sunflower seed.
Sunflower became very popular as a cultivated plant in the 18th century. Most of the credit is given to Peter the Great. The plant was initially used as an ornamental, but by 1769 literature mentions sunflower cultivated by oil production. By 1830, the manufacture of sunflower oil was done on a commercial scale. The Russian Orthodox Church increased its popularity by forbidding most oil foods from being consumed during Lent. However, sunflower was not on the prohibited list and therefore gained in immediate popularity as a food.
By the early 19th century, Russian farmers were growing over 2 million acres of sunflower. During that time, two specific types had been identified: oil-type for oil production and a large variety for direct human consumption. Government research programs were implemented. V. S. Pustovoit developed a very successful breeding program at Krasnodar. Oil contents and yields were increased significantly. Today, the world's most prestigious sunflower scientific award is known as The Pustovoit Award.
Sunflower Back to North America
By the late 19th century, Russian sunflower seed found its way into the US. By 1880, seed companies were advertising the 'Mammoth Russian' sunflower seed in catalogues. This particular seed name was still being offered in the US in 1970, nearly 100 years later. A likely source of this seed movement to North America may have been Russian immigrants. The first commercial use of the sunflower crop in the US was silage feed for poultry. In 1926, the Missouri Sunflower Growers' Association participated in what is likely the first processing of sunflower seed into oil.
Canada started the first official government sunflower breeding program in 1930. The basic plant breeding material utilized came from Mennonite (immigrants from Russia) gardens. Acreage spread because of oil demand. By 1946, Canadian farmers built a small crushing plant. Acreage spread into Minnesota and North Dakota. In 1964, the Government of Canada licensed the Russian cultivar called Peredovik. This seed produced high yields and high oil content. Acreage increased in the US with commercial interest in the production of sunflower oil. Sunflower was hybridized in the middle seventies providing additional yield and oil enhancement as well as disease resistance.
Back to Europe
U.S. acreage escalated in the late 70's to over 5 million because of strong European demand for sunflower oil. This European demand had been stimulated by Russian exports of sunflower oil in the previous decades. During this time, animal fats such as beef tallow for cooking were negatively impacted by cholesterol concerns. However, the Russians could no longer supply the growing demand, and European companies looked to the fledging U.S. industry. Europeans imported sunflower seed that was then crushed in European mills. Western Europe continues to be a large consumer of sunflower oil today, but depends on its own production. U.S. exports to Europe of sunflower oil or seed for crushing is quite small.
The native North American sunflower plant has finally come back home after a very circuitous route. It is the Native Americans and the Russians who completed the early plant genetics and the North Americans who put the finishing touches on it in the form of hybridization. Those early ancestors would quickly recognize their contributions to today's commercial sunflower if they were here.
Sunflowers are some of the most enjoyable and easiest flowers to grow. Children love them. Adults love them. If you have ever grown a tomato plant, then growing a sunflower plant will be a snap.
Good Luck
http://www.sunflowernsa.com/ |

Watch Feature Documentary:
Permaculture gardening inspired by Fukuoka
Adobe Construction
Welcome! You're here because of your interest in building and owning an earth-wall home. Your questions probably center around, "will it work in my climate? ", "can I do it? ", "how do I begin? " or "how much will it cost? " This site exists to answer these questions and to get you started. Here are the main considerations...
THE CODES...Adobe is defined in the current International Building Codes, used across the United States. Individual states, such as New Mexico, Arizona and California, modify this code to fit their building practices. Pressed Block and Rammed Earth are generally included in these codes, which can also be modified by individual counties and cities. Adobe was often a 'sleeper' in previous codes, but with the new interest in green building, bureaucrats and legislators are eager to bring it forward and work is underway to write it into ASTM standards.
So yes, you can do it, legally speaking. In areas without codes, you have more freedom, but you should still build to a recognized standard. If your building department has little experience with earth walls, they may require that your plans be stamped by a licensed engineer or
architect. In many areas of the Southwest, prescribed codes allow you to build to a standard, without a professional stamp. This is the case in Arizona and New Mexico, and portions of Utah, and Colorado. At present, Texas has few restrictive codes, and California, the most restrictions.
CLIMATE Most of us visualize adobe in dry, desert-like climates. In the U.S., most earth-building does take place in the Southwest, where a combination of Native American and Hispanic influences have fortified these ancient, yet contemporary building arts. However, there is an earth wall precedent in the eastern U.S., dating back to pre-Revolutionary times. Rammed Earth has been practiced in wetter climates like England, France, and Germany since the Roman occupation. European immigrants to the American colonies built with earth, using the skills of their homelands, especially before the advent of sawmills. Such historic structures still serve in New York, Pennsylvania and South Carolina.
In the Americas, we often see adobe in wet tropical climates, such as Mexico, or Honduras, which can receive over 100 inches of rain a year. Today, stabilization techniques keep moisture from affecting the earth walls. Those who build in wetter climates often choose either rammed earth or pressed block, which require little curing time.
Adobe construction, in combination with good passive solar design, makes for an effective energy-saving solution in cold winter areas. The use of high-mass walls, insulation and a large south solar aperture, can cut energy use in January by 60% or more. High-mass earth walls also cut cooling costs in hot desert locales. Earth walls allow you to buy smaller heating and cooling units and run them for shorter periods of time- a big defense against today's escalating energy costs. The old adobe saying "cooler in summer and warmer in winter" has some basis in truth.
THE LEARNING CURVE: The knowledge and skills don't happen overnight. You'll need to view, read, visit, practice, talk and draw. The more construction experience you have, the sooner you'll be ready. At Southwest Solaradobe School, we advise newcomers to start learning at least two years before they intend to break ground. What do you need to know? Here's a few topic areas to think about...
- site logistics
- identifying and preparing the soil, stabilization
- foundations and underfloor needs
- choice of wall system
- door & window bucks, attachments
- electrical systems - bond beams & roofing systems
You'll need to make decisions about:
-floors (Saltillo tile, brick on sand, flagstone, stamped and dyed concrete, carpet on slab, etc.)
-wall finishes (exposed sealed adobe, plastered adobe, and the type of plaster finish)
-ceiling choices (exposed vigas and latillas, coved ceiling, vaulted bovedas, ordinary sheet rock, etc).
-plus, many, many other decisions...
All of these decisions lead to a set of working drawings. Will you draft them yourself, farm them out to an experienced draftsperson, or hire a contractor or architect?
Once you begin, how long will it take? An adobe contractor in Albuquerque or Tucson, can complete the average turn-key, custom adobe in four months- building one house in the spring, another in the fall, or two a year. The average owner-builder, working with fewer tools, a smaller crew, and less experience, will be lucky to finish in a year. All of these questions lead to the last question, "what will it cost?"
YOUR COST PARAMETERS..adobe and rammed earth are do-it-yourself materials, very forgiving to the novice, and very green for the environment. We have codes, so we must build to a standard. And we have lifestyle expectations.
Most who want a nice adobe or rammed earth home have higher artistic expectations. That is, we love that ornate wrought iron light fixture from Guadalajara, the beautiful red-brown Saltillo tile floor, or the handsome round vigas, with herringbone latillas above. Not to mention the high-tech, energy-saving window units, the Mexican hand-carved entry door, or the adobe hand-shaped nichos or bancos. If your expectations are high, expect to pay more. If you can be happy with a smaller, economy adobe without all the bells and whistles, your cost can be lower- much lower. Owner builders typically cut costs by 50%.
Costs for owner-built projects start at a low of $55 per square foot, using salvaged and saved materials, a simple design and a few custom touches. As one adds features, a more realistic figure might be $85 per square foot. Contractors start around $85 a square foot. As one adds desired peripherals, prices climb from $90 to $150 a square foot. Costs can be higher in areas like Santa Barbara, Scottsdale or Santa Fe. You must decide where within this range, your abilities, tools, friends and financing will place you.

What Is a Solar Electric or Photovoltaic (PV) System?
What Is PV?
The term "photovoltaic," commonly referred to as PV, is derived from a combination of "photo," the Greek word for light, and "Volta," the name of the Italian physicist, Alessandro Volta, who invented the chemical battery in 1800. The PV effect is the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity. This process does not generate heat like solar domestic hot water or solar pool heating systems do. It also differs from the process used in solar thermal power plants, where concentrated solar energy is used to produce steam that activates a turbine
connected to an electric generator.
PV power systems do not have any moving parts. They are reliable, require little maintenance and generate no noise or pollutants. PV systems are modular - the building blocks (modules) come in a wide range of power capabilities, from a fraction of a watt (e.g. solar watches and pocket calculators) to more that 300 W. Modules can be connected to achieve the power that your application requires. Some demonstration PV power plants have several megawatts of power, although most installed PV systems are much smaller.
How Does It Work?
PV cells are normally fabricated using special semiconductor materials that allow electrons, which are energized when the material is exposed to sunlight, to be freed from their atoms.
Once freed, they can move through the material and carry an electric current. The current flows in one direction (like a battery),
and thus the electricity generated
is termed direct current (DC).
The energy generated by PV
modules can be used immediately
or stored in batteries for later
use. Normally, the excess energy
generated in autonomous PV
systems during sunny periods is
stored in batteries. The batteries
then provide electricity at night
or when there is not enough solar
radiation. For these applications,
the number of watts in the array
and the capacity of the batteries
are carefully sized to give optimum
Some autonomous applications,
such as water pumping, often
have no need for batteries. Water
is pumped when the sun shines
and is stored directly in a reservoir
or a tank that is installed
at a higher level for later use
by gravity feed.
Other PV systems convert the
electricity into alternating current
(AC), feed excess electricity into
the grid and draw out electricity
at night or when the solar radiation
is low. These systems are
referred to as grid-connected,
grid-tied or net-metered.
The Three Types
of PV Power
The three typical configurations of
PV power systems are autonomous,
hybrid and grid-connected.
Autonomous and hybrid power
systems are used in stand-alone
applications. They are not connected
to the main utility grid
and are often used in remote areas.
1. Autonomous
Autonomous systems rely exclusively on solar energy to meet a
need for electricity. As mentioned
in the preceding, they may
incorporate batteries - which
store energy from the PV modules
during the day - for use at night
or in periods of low solar radiation.
Alternatively, they may
power the application entirely,
with no need for batteries
(e.g. water pumping). In general,
autonomous PV systems are the
most cost-effective source of
electrical power. You may,
however, decide to choose a
hybrid PV system because of
the environment in which it
will operate or because you
need a system that operates
independently and reliably.
2. Hybrid
Hybrid systems, also used in
stand-alone systems, consist of PV
modules and a wind and/or fuelfired
generator. A hybrid system is
a good option for larger systems
that need a steady power supply,
when there is not enough sun at
certain times of the year, or if you
want to lower your capital investment
in PV modules and storage
3. Grid-Connected
Grid-connected PV power systems
are part of the movement toward
a decentralized electrical network.
Power is generated closer to
where it is needed - not solely by
central power stations and major
hydro stations. Over time, such
systems will reduce the need to
increase the capacity of transportation
and distribution lines. A "grid-connected" system generates
its own electricity and feeds
its excess power into the utility
grid for later use. This does away
with buying and maintaining a
battery bank. You can still use
battery banks to provide backup
power when the grid goes down,
but they are not required.
Smaller systems have a box -
a small grid synchronous inverter
- mounted on the back of each
panel. Larger systems have one
large inverter, which can handle
many panels (as in a stand-alone
system). Both types convert DC
power output into AC power. Then
they synchronize this output with
the grid to slow down the electrical
meter. They can even turn the
meter backward. If the PV output
is less than the load consumption, the meter slows down.
If PV output exceeds the load
consumption, the meter turns
backward, and a credit is accumulated.
This credit can be drawn
out of the utility when the sun is
not shining. In essence, the grid
acts like a limitless battery bank.
In most parts of Canada, permission
from the local utility is
required in order to back feed
power into the grid.
A large portion of the cost of
a grid-connected PV system is
manufacturing the PV modules
themselves. Significant decreases
in manufacturing costs have
occurred in recent years, with
further decreases expected in the
future. This kind of PV system is
thus becoming more affordable.
In some urban areas in warm climates,
the cost per kilowatt-hour
of electricity from grid-connected
PV systems is competitive with
that of other electricity-generating
systems. In areas with less solar
radiation, the cost-effectiveness
of this type of PV system is still
marginal. But there is a potential
for peak power savings in areas
where air conditioning causes a
power peak in the summer. There
are also system savings where
the PV modules can replace the
traditional roofing materials for
buildings or the cladding material
that is normally used in building
facades. These material savings
are making the costs per kilowatthour
from grid-connected PV
systems increasingly competitive.
Decentralized small home systems
also hold some potential for
grid-connected PV systems, but
the costs will have to be reduced
further in order to compete with
the low electricity rates now available
in most parts of Canada.
Note, however, that PV electricity
is "green" energy and, as such, is
worth a premium. Even though
this value is subjective, it should
be expressed in numbers by the PV system's designer. For example,
how much is the avoided
pollution of conventional sources worth and how much is the
avoided distribution cost worth?
To install a PV system, you must
pay the capital cost of the system
and amortize this cost over time.
In contrast, where there is a utility
grid, you pay for the electricity
used and not a lump sum for the
generating facility. The costs of
the PV system may appear to be
a burden because the electricity
that the system generates may cost
more per kilowatt-hour than what
a utility charges. But using a PV
system may also be considered a
lifestyle choice, similar to choosing
between a fuel-efficient car or
a gas-guzzling sport utility vehicle.
What Photovoltaics Can Do for You
Perhaps you need reliable power in a location that is
not connected to an electrical
grid. In this case, photovoltaics
may be the best and most
cost-effective solution. Many
locations in Canada that have a
dry continental climate have the
same number of daylight hours
as some Mediterranean countries.
A photovoltaic (PV) system used
during the summer in Canada
can take advantage of substantial
daily amounts of solar energy.
Contrary to what many people
think, PV systems convert
sunlight into electricity more
efficiently at lower temperatures.
However, the winter months in
Canada provide half the hours
of sunlight as in summer. Much
of Canada experiences high
winds in the winter, which can
make a wind generator a logical
addition to the system. Fuelfired
generators are then used
only for backup.
Among other things, you can use PV energy to:
- supply power for lights,
radios, televisions, pumps and
other appliances in cottages
and residences;
- power electric fences, water
pumps and other devices in
agricultural operations;
- run water-pumping and circulation
systems in game fishing
and aquaculture facilities;
- provide reliable electric power
for wilderness lodges and
hunting and fishing camps;
- recharge or maintain charge
of batteries for recreational
applications such as recreational
vehicles and sailboats;
- power portable devices
such as laptop computers;
- power exterior lighting;
- provide reliable power
for many commercial
applications; and
- lower your monthly
utility bills.
The Advantages of PV Power Systems
Users of PV power systems
appreciate their quiet, lowmaintenance,
pollution-free, safe
and reliable operation, as well as
the degree of independence they
provide. Why else should you
consider buying a PV system?
If you are some distance from an
electrical grid, it may be cheaper
to generate your own power
rather than pay to extend
transmission lines from the
grid. Diesel, gasoline or propane
generators are the conventional
alternatives, but many people
find them noisy, polluting and
costly to run and maintain. It
also makes little sense to turn on
a 5-kW generator to power a few
100-W light bulbs. PV systems
reduce the negative aspects of generators by using them only
as a backup.
When capital cost is an issue, or
when photovoltaics alone are
not enough to replace an existing
generator, you can use a wind
generator as part of a hybrid PV
system, thus reducing the use of
the generator. Such an intermittent
charge system is more efficient
than a generator running continuously
at low load. In addition to
saving fuel and lowering maintenance
costs, you will increase the
generator's life span. Also, since
the PV panels and battery banks
are modular, you can expand the
PV system gradually as your
budget or needs increase.
The Limitations
of PV Power
It is important to realize that PV
power systems are capital intensive
from the buyer's perspective
and are expensive when compared
with the low price of utility
power in Canada. You should
therefore reserve the electric
power produced by PV modules,
an inverter and a storage system
for your most energy-efficient
appliances, tools, lights, etc.
Although it is technically possible,
heating with photovoltaics is
generally not recommended. You
can easily and more efficiently
collect heat with a solar thermal
system. A solar water heater generates
more hot water with less
initial cost than any PV-powered
heater. Also, for cooking, it is
generally more cost-effective and
convenient to use a stove that
operates on propane or natural
gas rather than solar electricity.
Autonomous PV-powered homes
and cottages often rely on wood
cookstoves for cooking and space
heating. Refrigerators are becoming
more energy efficient, so the
cost of operating them with PV
power is now feasible. Extremely
energy-efficient refrigerators and
freezers are, unfortunately, still
expensive, however, they can be
had through PV dealers.
From an economic point of view,
first consider investing in energyefficient
electric appliances, and
then size your PV system based
on actual consumption. For
example, using compact fluorescent
lights will reduce your
electrical consumption for
lighting by 80 percent.
Solar Electric or Photovoltaic (PV) System Resources Canada
Image sources: www.rics.org; http://www.treehugger.com/; http://www.newagesolar.com/

Watch Video:
PV Grid-Tie Systems Worldwide

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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Of a Clinical Trial of
Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
Bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia Trademark in the comprehensive therapy of digestive, stomach, and intestinal disorders
A lack of observance of food hygiene (a disruption of the schedule and quality of nutrition) exerts the most immediate and at the same time undesirable influence on the system of the digestive organs, and first and foremost on the functioning of digestion, the stomach, and the duodenum. Ranking first must be such a negative factor as overeating, which, even in the case where it is well tolerated over a long period of time, in the end always provokes stomach upset. In the beginning, these disruptions are primarily functional and curable in the early stages. However, the real threat to health arises when metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus, gout, and others) are added, and a metabolic syndrome develops.
Second, yet another of the reasons for the dysfunction of the organs of the digestive system is the deviation of the actual diet from the recommended balanced standards: insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, products of animal origin, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, poor knowledge in matters of the proper structure of the food allowance, carelessness in eating (eating on the run, while on public transport, primarily "fast food" products), following "trendy" and often "extreme" diets.
Third, together with this in modern conditions an increasingly greater significance is acquired by a group of objective reasons. Among them an essential role is played by the significant increase in the use of refined, high-calorie products (white bread, margarines, and others), which are practically devoid of vitamins and other irreplaceable food substances.
As a result of these tendencies, the food allowance of the modern person, sufficient (and even excessive) to cover expenditures of energy, turns out to be unable to provide for the recommended standards for the consumption of vitamins. This creates conditions for the occurrence of cases of polyhypoavitaminosis, that is, conditions where a deficit of several vitamins gradually occurs. Clinically this may manifest itself in the development of the syndrome of functional dyspepsia. In the structure of disorders of the digestive organs, functional upsets occupy one of the central areas, and are responsible for approximately 25 to 30% of the cases (Frolkis, 1991). They are characterized by a variety of clinical symptoms, lengthy duration, and quite often manifest themselves with diverse painful sensations (Ivashkin, Trukhmanov, 2000). These conditions usually lead to a worsening of patients' quality of life, and the therapeutic measures carried out prove to have little effect. In addition, against this background, the risk of the development of an organic pathology substantially increases (Frolkis, 2000). Modern medicine has in its arsenal various methods of treatment, and a central place among them is occupied by drug therapy. A huge spectrum of pharmaceutical preparations is a sufficient guarantee for effective treatment, however it should be admitted that, in real life, confirmation of this is far from always being found. The lengthy period of treatment with drugs quite often becomes the cause of the development of various complications. However, there exist other principles and methods, which, while a important component of modern medicine, have not been developed as they should be. These are non-medicinal methods of action for the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Together with this, non-medical methods of treatment are an effective means of increasing the protective and adaptive mechanisms, training the adaptational systems, restoring disruptions of the body's functions by acting on metabolic processes, the vegetative nervous and endocrine systems, and the external regulatory centres of the nervous system (Kuimov et al., 2007). With this in mind, wide use may be found for the biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, which possesses a high therapeutic activity in inflammations of various origins (Filchenko et al., 1993).
The biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is a natural product that is a naturally occurring concentrated source of vitamin E, and also contains a large quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, and others), which are not synthesized in the human body and may enter the body only with food. The composition of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil includes a significant quantity of B group vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (vitamin PP), which exhibit high physiological activity.
The biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark contains phosphatide phosphorus, which is very important for the body. Its biological value is also determined by its high content (more than 20) of vitally important trace elements: potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine, nickel, molybdenum, iron, and others. It also contains up to 5% nitrous substances, of which 90% are amino acids, primarily essential amino acids (up to 70%).
The purpose of this paper was the study of the effectiveness of using the biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark in the comprehensive treatment of patients with a pathology of the digestive organs and its influence on their quality of life.
The clinical trial was conducted in a random population group in outpatient conditions. In total, 22 persons from 20 to 52 years of age (the average age was 37.2 +/- 2.4 years) were included in the trial. The persons studied belonged to the category of students (5 persons) and employed persons (17 persons). All of the persons observed had a pathology of the digestive organs. Gastroesophageal reflux disease was observed in 8 persons; erosive gastroduodenitis, in 9 persons; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, in 4 persons; and postoperative stomach disease, in 1 person.
The study was conducted in accordance with the "Rules for clinical practice in the Russian Federation," which were approved by Order No. 266 of the Ministry of Health. Each patient observed signed an informed consent form. The patients were observed at the stage of an exacerbation of their disorder and received basic treatment for their primary illness (proton pump inhibitors, cholinolytics, antacids, prokinetics). Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark was included in the comprehensive treatment for all patients, one teaspoon to be taken 30 minutes before eating three times a day. The course of treatment was 20 days. The oil of Siberian cedar nuts bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark has a certificate of quality and safety, which is confirmed by Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU.AYa79.V05813, issued by the Novosibirsk Centre for Product Certification and Quality Monitoring (Test Report No. 1163 dated 19 March 2007). The oil of Siberian cedar nuts is a thick, transparent liquid, light yellow or golden amber in colour, with a nutty aroma.
For the evaluation of the criteria of the effectiveness of Cedar Nut Oil of Ringing Cedars of Russia Trademark, a standard questionnaire for the evaluation of the quality of life was used -the Nottingham Health Profile, which evaluates the most significant parameters that describe a person's quality of life: energy level, pain, emotional reactions, sleep, social isolation, and physical abilities. All patients were surveyed prior to beginning taking the preparations and after 20 days.
The results of the trials are presented in the table.
Following the appearance of disease, in persons 20 years of age in the group under study (5 persons), the lowering of the quality of life indicators was minimal. Following the course of treatment with Siberian Cedar Nut Oil bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark, a reliable improvement was noted (P<0.05-0.02), as was the full restoration of the evaluated quality of life parameters. There was practically a complete restoration of such parameters such as emotional reactions, energy level, and physical abilities.
Following the appearance of disease in persons in the older age groups (17 persons from 31 to 52 years of age), the lowering of the quality of life indicators was more significant. However, on the completion of the course of treatment with Siberian Cedar Nut Oil bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark, a significant and reliable improvement (P<0.001-0.05) was noted in the quality of life indicators.
As a whole, in the entire group of persons studied, the most noticeable improvement was observed in the improvement of emotional reactions and what was especially remarkable, a restoration of sleep was noted (see the Table). In addition, according to the results of the FGS conducted, a reduction of inflammatory elements in the stomach mucosa and the duodenum was noted, as was the healing of ulcers and erosions in the stomach.
Table. Results of the surveyed patients from 20 to 52 years of age
observed |
level |
Pain |
reactions |
Sleep |
isolation |
abilities |
Before treatment
(n = 22) |
30.6 +/- 7.6 |
9.1 +/- 2.6 |
12.0+/- 3.1 |
18.1 +/- 4.8 |
7.9 +/- 3.0 |
7.4 +/- 1.8 |
After treatment
(n = 22) |
15.6 +/- 6.6* |
3.7 +/- 1.3* |
2.5 +/- 1.5* |
5.7 +/- 2.2* |
1.6 +/- 1.1* |
3.9 +/- 1.4 |
Note: An asterisk indicates differences that are statistically reliable in comparison to the initial level (P<0.05)
Thus, the tests conducted by us demonstrated that the biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark used in a course of treatment has a positive effect in the complex therapy of illnesses of the digestive organs and promotes an increase in the level of the quality of life. Secondary reactions in the course of treatment were not observed. This leads one to recommend the use of the biologically active additive Siberian Cedar Nut Oil produced under the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark as an effective means for increasing health reserves and for the preventive treatment of disorders of the digestive organs, its use is especially effective in the treatment of erosive ulcerous lesions of the stomach.
Clinical tests conducted by:
A. B. Krivosheev
Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Filchenko, E.I., Nizkodubova, S. V., Karpitskiy, V. I., Petrenko A. G. "Maslo kedrogo orekha v lechenii gastritov, erozivno-yazvennykh porazheniy zheludka i dvenadtsatiperstnoy kishki" [Cedar nut oil in the treatment of cases of gastritis, and erosive ulcerous lesions of the stomach and duodenum]. Metodicheskie rekommendatsii [Methodological recommendations]. Tomsk, 1993.
Frolkis, A. V. Funktsionalnye zabolevaniya zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta [Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract]. Leningrad, 1991.
Frolkis, A. V. Sovremennaya farmakoterapiya v gastroenterologii [Modern pharmacotherapy in gastroenterology]. Leningrad, 2000.
Ivashkin, V. T., Trukhmanov, A. S. "Bolezni pishchevoda" [Diseases of the esophagus]. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya, klinika, diagnostika, lechenie [Pathological physiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment]. Moscow, 2000.
Kuimov, A. D., Polyakov, Ya. V., Krivosheev, A. B., et al. Ozdorovitelnoe and lechebnoe primenenie mineralnoy vody Karachinskaya [Health-related and medical application of Karachinskaya mineral water]. Novosibirsk, 2007.
Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info
Cedar Nut Oil - widely known as Pine Nut Oil in North America.

Linguini with Pesto Sauce Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
4 ounces (120 gr) small basil leaves
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 ounce (30 gr) pine nuts
1/4 cup (60 cc) extra-virgin olive oil from Liguria
2 Tablespoons parmigiano reggiano cheese, freshly grated
1 pound (450 gr) small tender green beans
1 pound (450 gr) new potatoes, peeled and cut into large dices
1 pound (450 gr) linguine pasta
4 ounces (115 gr) parmigiano reggiano cheese, freshly grated for topping
Wash basil leaves and dry them with a towel. If the basil leaves are large, remove the center stems with a sharp knife. Place the garlic, basil, pine nuts, and one third of the extra-virgin olive oil in a food processor or blender. Run the blade, and stop occasionally to push the paste down. Add some more extra-virgin olive oil. Process the pesto until it is reduced to a fine paste and all the oil has been added. Stir in the grated parmigiano cheese (see note below for make-ahead instructions) and salt.
Transfer to a nonmetallic bowl or jar. Cover with a drizzle of olive oil and reserve.
In a stockpot, boil the beans and potatoes in salted water, until tender. Remove the vegetables from the pot; and in the same water, cook the linguini pasta, following manufacturer's instructions, testing for readiness from time to time.
Just before the pasta is al dente (firm but not too soft or overcooked) return the vegetables to the pot, and finish cooking. Drain the pasta and vegetables, transfer to a bowl, top with the pesto sauce and the grated parmigiano cheese. Toss, and serve immediately.
Notes: If you want to store pesto for a longer time, do not add the cheese; it will ferment and become rancid in a short time, dramatically changing the flavor of the pesto.
Store the pesto in a glass jar tightly sealed. Make sure the sauce is fully covered with olive oil to prevent darkening of the pesto. Use only nonmetallic containers and tools. Store the jar in the refrigerator for several weeks. Stir freshly grated parmigiano reggiano cheese and salt into the sauce just before serving. Pesto can be used in many preparations, including lasagne, soups, and gnocchi.
Yield: 4 servings
Recipe Source: The Timeless Art of Italian Cuisine by Anna Maria Volpi (Publisher Palatino, Inc)

Watermelon, arugula, and pine nut salad
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon table salt, or to taste
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 cups cubed (1/2 to 3/4 inch) seeded watermelon, drained (from a 2 1/2-lb piece, rind discarded)
6 cups baby arugula (6 oz)
1/4 cup pine nuts (1 oz)
1/3 cup crumbled feta or ricotta salata (1 1/2 oz)
Coarsely ground black pepper to taste
Fleur de sel to taste (optional)
Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, and salt in a large bowl, then add oil in a slow stream, whisking until emulsified.
Add watermelon, arugula, and pine nuts and toss to coat, then sprinkle with cheese, pepper, and fleur de sel (if using).

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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The Strength of Siberian Health:
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Parents, aunts, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, husband, wife and friends, all the people who play an important part in your life need to know how much you appreciate them. Make this Holiday Season a memorable one with one of our exclusive holiday gift sets which brings the strength of Siberian health to your family and friends.
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The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Holiday Gift Set #2 - 20% off!
Holiday Gift Set #2 - 3 bottles of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, Siberian Cedar Pendant, Package of Siberian Cedar Spoons. Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
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Holiday Gift Set #3 - 20% off!
Holiday Gift Set #1 - Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, Siberian Cedar Pendant, Essential Oil of Siberian Cedar Wood 50ml, Essential Oil of Siberian Cedar Needle 50ml, Essential Oil of Siberian Cedar Cone 50ml, Siberian Cedar Resin Chewing Gum, Siberian Cedar Larch Chewing Gum. Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
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Dear Vladimir Megre,
Recently we have been blessed to have found 6 of your books.Please send our love to Anastasia...we have lived for 9 years here,on a 2 hectare Small Holding,we have 3 milking cows,free range chickens,and geese.
OASIS Environmental Centre
Much love Rachel Jackson.
* * *
I am now on Book 7 and see how these puzzle pieces fit with my research and service
* * *
Hello, I am just beginning to read Anastasia, and I'm finding it truly fascinating!
Rebecca Voros
British Columbia
These cedar nuts have the creamiest taste and texture of any pignolia on the market. They're a dream come true in any recipe that uses pine nuts. They're simply the BEST ever!
* * *
I have been using Cedar Nut Oil for 6 months. I also gave away to my loved ones who are suffered MS, Myocard Enfarctus and old age. They said this is a miracle.
Beril Sonmez
* * *
Thank you so much for the wonderful product.
shirley cassin
Would like to become a distributor for these books and products. I see nothing more important than to circluate Anastasia's splendid image to all people of the Earth asap. The faster the image spreads, the faster we will have a splendid paradise to live in!
Tor Fjelldal
* * *
I am impressed with how quick my order got here! Thanks for the prompt delivery.
I look forward to telling all my friends about your companyas well as purchasing more products in the future from you.
Valorie Vogel |

RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official
literary agent of Vladimir Megre.

This is the official message to publishers and editors.
Dear Publisher:
We are inviting you to participate in the interesting project of publishing the books of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre.
Vladimir Megre's books embody the human striving for harmony with oneself, the nature that surrounds us, and society. His books have been translated into more than 20 of the world's languages, more than 11 million copies have been printed, the books are international bestsellers.
All Vladimir Megre's works were originally written in Russian.
If you are interested in translating the books into one of the available languages and publishing it in the appropriate country, we are prepared to consider your proposal and give you an answer within a period of three days.
Our requirements:
1) |
The translator from Russian to the selected language must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. |
2) |
The fundamental meaning of the works or any part of that meaning may not be changed or abbreviated in the translation. |
3) |
Professional design work. |
4) |
The presence of a distribution network or a professional business plan. |
Some of the existing translations of the Ringing Cedars book series can be found on the Ringing Cedars Information page
Sincerely yours,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Hindi Translator (India).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Hindi for the creation of a Hindi translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Translator to Mandarin (China).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Mandarin for the creation of a Chinese translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 128 Main St, Montville, QLD, 4560, Australia Phone number: 61 7 5478 5889
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Kins Village forming in Australia User classifieds ad:
A dedicated and soul-connected group is now coming together. Land has called us and we have answered with our intent to conjointly create a Ringing Cedars Village in Australia. If you would like to know more or feel inspired to join us, please visit our 'kins ecovillage' Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29741621717 or email Radha or Chris at christocolegmail.com

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near & far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland.
Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
This Classifieds column is created specifically for the announcements related to the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" Movement (please view example below). If you wish to submit your message please fill out the form below and click "Submit".
Thank you for your attention,
The Earth online newspaper.
(Note: The Administration of The Earth online newspaper reserves the right to review all of the announcements. There are no guarantees that your message will be posted.)
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Earnest request to authors of articles and scientific works to please send your materials to us to the address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Articles". Upon a separate agreement your works may be published in the internet newspaper "The Earth", in separate collections, in the Resource Library of the Source of Life Association, and on the pages of the websites devoted to the "Ringing Cedars" movement.
Also you can open a tread on a forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://sourceoflife.ca/forum_ca/ and publish your works.
We value your work greatly and consider publication activity one of the highest priorities.
Please send your works of art, poems, songs, and paintings, inspired by the books of Vladimir Megre to the following address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Art". Best ones will be published in "The Earth" Newspaper. Also, you can open a thread in the ART OF SOUL section of the forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://sourceoflife.ca/forum_ca/ and publish your works.
For a possible answer to your question we advise you to review with the content of the internet conferences held by Vladimir Megre for the readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series of books and our Frequently Asked Questions.
You can direct your questions to the Letter Department of theearth.ringingcedarsofrussia.org website. Your question will be answered within 7 business days.
Thank you for your attention,
The Earth online newspaper.

Editorial Staff
Publisher - EarthLife.info
Newsroom - Leonid Belov; Petr Kornev; Yulia Portna
Editor - Viktor Rod
Editorail Board - Igor Borodenko; Arthur Grom |
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Mailing Address
130 Church Street Suit 366
New York, NY
Contact by phone:
Tel: 646 - 429 - 1985 ext. 720
Tel: 1 - 877 - TO - CEDAR (862 - 3327)
E - mail: info@earthlife.info |
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