

This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Children's Upbringing and Education:
Meaning of Food in Our Lives
Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

Ecological Farming, Permaculture
Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies

Exclusive interview with Vladimir Megre for THE EARTH Newspaper PART II.
Mr. Megre talks about his new book and answers important questions.
(Interview by Regina Jensen)
In the next issue.

The Winds of Change - Naturally
Science, Consciousness and the Indigenous Way
by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.
This year marked the tenth time in which people in the forefront of exploring the limits - or lack of limits - of human consciousness have gathered for The International Conference on Science and Consciousness in sunny New Mexico, under the auspices of The Message Company, for a common, noble purpose: welcoming scientists, mystics and indigenous folk alike to present and compare their research and experiences under the same roof.
Thoughtful about the fact that these strange cousins, Science, Consciousness and Nature, were convening to address our collective yearning for individual and planetary healing, I was inspired to see Vladimir Megre's books represented there, because I had been deeply impressed by the amazing material the author discusses in his writings. Vladimir Megre is one of the founders of an amazing and unusual spiritual eco-movement in Russia and the author of a substantial series of books which seems to have taken his homeland by storm. Some have claimed that its heroine Anastasia, a mystic/seer/visionary, has been changing the very soul of Russia with her enchanting, life-changing philosophy and what appear to be super-human capacities.
Many of Vladimir Megre's readers would describe Anastasia rather as a phenomenon than a mere woman, having lived basically by herself, out in nature in the harsh environment of the Siberian Taiga all her life. Her philosophy delivers refreshingly new, intelligent ideas to us well-educated, demanding folks, such as the concept of nature, specifically the plant-kingdom, as a living consciousness ready to relate with us in a way that seems almost magical. She also relates with wild animals in ways which are unheard of in any tradition and has methods of producing information and even physical movement which only the most advanced representatives of a few ancient cultures have been able to demonstrate. Although science is beginning to confirm that such capacities are possible.
Known under the name of Ringing Cedars of Russia, the book-series representing her philosophy seems to have literally swept over our ailing planet Earth with people sharing these volumes and its unlikely story, mostly by word of mouth, around the world. Eleven million books have been sold world-wide to date, in twenty languages and without traditional marketing, attesting to the deep hunger for its messages. What might the reader find in those nine, soon to be ten, books? Some would say: inspiration for a tender reconnection with nature, notably the plant-kingdom, via the philosophy of this unlikely young visionary, a woman of unusual beauty, courage and other-worldly powers which are not easily described nor explained. Unusual are also her visions for humanity which include delightful and realistic blueprints for human happiness on a harmonized planet.
For instance, Vladimir Megre shares one of Anastasia's unlikely suggestions: namely a list of things to do to prepare a seed by exposing it to our own DNA and certain other elements so that the developing plant will know what to extract for us from the ground and from the environment in accordance with our personal health needs. Too novel to consider? A part of the Anastasia material communicates the same empowering message we have been given by our indigenous folk, namely nature as a loving force standing ready to relate with us humans in more conscious, supportive and personable ways, but it clearly adds even more novel ideas for a reclaiming of our organismic sanity and reconnection with nature. According to Steven Foster, author of A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs, "Anastasia will impact a new generation of readers, like the works of Carlos Castaneda did for a previous generation - only this time through awakening the latent spiritual connection each of us has with nature. These books catapult us to an entirely new way of being on planet Earth."
Anastasia and "Vladimir," the simple first-name which has made the author and this recluse of the Taiga household words in millions of homes, reawaken in the reader a hauntingly beautiful, long-forgotten way of autonomous tribal living, still familiar to some of our traditional people. Anastasia attributes much of the profound wisdom shared in these books to the values of her ancient culture, to which she is privy by way of unbroken ancestral transmissions, along with her "ray," a visionary capacity to look at basically anything she wants to learn about, no matter the distance or time-frame. And more importantly, she seems to deeply know and respect our modern needs and predicaments.
In keeping with our indigenous philosophies, but much more specifically so, Anastasia explains that Mother Earth literally benefits from and enjoys even the single, loving touch of someone working the land by hand. In addition, she has devised a plan to help people free themselves from the fear and threat of hunger by learning to live off the land and reclaim their individual and communal health by way of a form of grazing from carefully designed plantings on what she calls Kin's Domains. (In Russia, the government has actually begun to support some of these noble efforts by extending specific land-grants.) Her suggestions feel so simple and inspiring that tens of thousands of people all over the world are scheming for ways of doing just that.
More and more people, of all colors and traditions, are experiencing increasing alienation, survival fears and ill health and are looking longingly to reconnect with nature, themselves and each other again. "All the wisdom of the Universe is included forever in each soul right from the moment it is created," says Anastasia. "...it is just that wise men slyly intellectualize for their own interests, and thereby lead people away from the most important thing." (from interview with Mr. Megre, VladimirMegre.com) The most important thing, to her, is that even today everyone can build a safe and comfortable home and live in their own paradise, connected to and guided by Divine Intelligence and Love.
Anastasia is convinced that such wholesome activities, simple as they sound, would act as multi-faceted catalysts for profound change for each individual, our communities, our society and our Mother Earth as a whole and offers stimulating ideas and guiding road-maps. Thousands of people in Russia and other parts of the world have already translated their inspiration into simple steps to a more wholesome, natural life. She even has ideas for city-dwellers. Bill Mollison, who coined the term Permaculture along with colleague David Holmgren, wrote in 1990 in that same spirit that "...the only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children," hoping that more and more individuals would learn to design their own environments and develop self-sufficiency through eco-villages which would "...reduce society's reliance on industrial systems of production and distribution that Mollison identified as fundamentally and systematically destroying the earth's ecosystems." (see: Permaculture One and Two)
"In the early days we were close to nature," said native American chief Crazy Horse, one of our beloved American Indian chiefs, "we lived by God's hand through nature and evaluated the changing winds to tell us or warn us of what was ahead. Today we are again evaluating the changing winds. May we be strong in spirit and equal to our Fathers of another day in reading the signs accurately and interpreting them wisely..." (Excerpt from: nativeamericans.com)
In one of my interviews with Mr. Megre he offered powerful words of wisdom which deeply resonated with my soul: "The whole Earth could be a Motherland for each one of its inhabitants, and Man could be caressed by everything in the Universe, but for that to happen, he would need to join together all planes of being into a single point, call it his Motherland, and create with his own self a Space of Love therein. Then all the best things of the Universe would come into contact with it firsthand - come into contact with the Space of your Motherland. You in yourself will feel the whole vast Universe through this point, and possess power unsurpassed. They will know about this on other worlds. Everything will serve you, as God, our Creator, wanted it."
All the best things of the universe, and power unsurpassed - may we be ready to inherit and willing to co-create the wonderful birthright Anastasia promises us.
by Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D.
(c) 2008 fullyalivewellnesscenter.com
Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for ovr 35 years. She works as a consultant to the Media, as a metabolic counselor and is a co-author of a forthcoming book with Wayne Dyer and others, which is part of a best-selling series. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet.
Used by permission

Language Selection:
English | Russian | Deutsch | Turkce
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Anastasia Foundation for Culture and Creative Support of the City of Vladimir along with "Ringing Cedars Ltd." announces that, from 10th of October to 17th of October 2008, it will hold an international readers' conference with the participation of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre, author of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books.
The conference is planned to be held for 7 days.
Day 1: 10 October 2008. Arrival, assigning accommodations, registration of arrivals, familiarization with the detailed schedule of events, familiarization with additional information and the grounds of the hotel. Viewing of a television programme on closed-circuit television entitled "Allow me to introduce myself," which talks about the participants in the conference and about villages under construction and in operation.
Day 2: 11 October 2008. Arrival, assigning accommodations, registration of arrivals, familiarization with the detailed schedule of events, collection of additional information, announcements, beginning of the operation of the internal mail service, operation of the close-circuit television system, programme "Allow me to introduce myself." Get-acquainted party.
Day 3: 12 October 2008. Meeting of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre, the author of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" books, with readers.
From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - beginning of the international conference and answers to questions from readers.
Day 4: 13 October 2008.
Presentations by scientists, economists, on the idea of creation of Kin's Domains.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Day 5: 14 October 2008.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Day 6: 15 October 2008.
Exhibit and sale of folk art products. Demonstration of individual models of clothing. Exchange of experience in the construction of kin's domains.
Also: "The readers who came to the conferences had a noble goal, identical for women and men. Their advantage consists in the fact that the men and women created their own image of their life and future family in their dreams. When they came together, they had a topic of conversation interesting for both." Rites of Love, Book 8, Part 2.
Day 7: 16 October 2008. Free interaction day. Amateur talent concert by the conference participants.
Day 8: 17 October 2008. Free interaction day, farewell party.
For those who wish to participate in the "Allow me to introduce myself" programme and talk about their eco-village and its residents to the participants of the conference and to clubs in various countries, we ask that, prior to 1st of September 2008, to fill out the form by the address: https://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/conference/allow-me-to-introduce-myself.php, or send us a short video on a DVD about your settlement, with a duration of no longer than 15 minutes (if a group presentation), to one of the addresses listed below. It is advisable to show a general view of the area and individual details of the landscape design and, of course, the people. Each member of the settlement may also be presented on in the film; the duration of each individual presentation should be no more than 3 or 4 minutes. Conference participants who do not live on a kin's domain may also send their presentation. Recommendations: film using a tripod, pay special attention to the sound, choose a house or a festival as the background for an individual shot. If problems arise in hiring a qualified video operator, you can produce a photo report, but be sure to put it on a disk with accompanying text.
The organizing committee of the conference will invite professional interpreters to Turkish, English, German and Russian for a synchronized translation of Vladimir Megre's presentation. However, we cannot guarantee that we can provide interpreters for individual personal interactions, so we suggest that groups consisting of individual settlements should select an interpreter from among their participants.
During the entire period, a mail service and information-inquiry service will be operating, through which you will be able to contact any conference participant of interest.
In the event you wish to submit your hand-made articles for exhibit, you must inform us prior to 15September 2008 by e-mail which is listed below.
The schedule of events has been considered put together by us based on financial resources. If you have any suggestions or comments that are within our means, we are prepared to listen to and discuss them.
1. You must have a passport for foreign travel whose validity should not end two months prior to your departure for Turkey (if you do not have one, you have time to obtain one at the passport office of the district where you reside). You must purchase the tour by filling out the following form: https://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/conference/apply-to-ringing-cedars-conference.php
2. The cost of the tour for 3 nights is $270 USD and for 7 nights is $595 USD per person. The cost includes transportation (airport-hotel-airport), insurance, and residence two person suite in a five star hotel. Three meals per day, all inclusive. Single suites and luxury suites are available for additional cost. Travel by air from the closest international airport from your location is not included. In 24 hours a qualified specialist will contact you providing full information regarding booking of tickets. You can get an idea regarding the price of air tickets by the address http://www.kayak.com of the lead tour operator.
3. Organizational fee - $120. For the payment of the organizational fee please use one of the contact addresses listed below.
If you have any questions or suggestions please visit the websites listed below to receive all of the needed information, or contact us in a manner you are most comfortable with.
USA, South Africa, South America:
130 Church Street Suit 366
New York, NY
Customer service and orders
Tel: 646-429-1985
Tel: 1-877-TO-CEDAR (862-3327)
(Toll free within US)
Fax: 1-877-549-6902
(Toll free within US)
Outside USA:
Tel: +1-646-429-1985
Canada, Australia, New Zealand:
1057 Steeles Ave. W.
P.O. Box 81768
Toronto, ON
Customer service and orders
Tel: 416-628-8976
Tel: 1-888-994-6495
(Toll free within Canada)
Fax: 1-888-994-9495
(Toll free within Canada)
Outside Canada:
Tel: +1-416-628-8976
P.O. Box 10 14 18
Customer service and orders
Tel: +49-2361-499639 (German)
Tel: +44-(0)870-068-9694 (English)
sales-eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org (German, English)
customerservice-eu@ringingcedarsofrussia.org (German, English)
Customer service in ENGLAND
Free Phone: 0800-027-0874
Tel: 0870-068-9694
Fax: 0870-068-9693
Outside UK:
Tel: +44-(0)870-068-9694
FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE VISIT http://www.ringingcedarsconference.com/

Eco Settlement Mayskoe
We are a group of friendly neighbors who are building the settlement of Mayskoe, which is located in Melenki District of Vladimir Oblast.
For the time being, Mayskoe is simply a large meadow 180 ha in size, surrounded by the forests of the Murom District, and, at present, a group of 30 persons (families), who have decided to become the first residents of the settlement.
At one time there was a farmstead in this spot. But in due time, as everywhere in the Soviet Union, villages began to amalgamate at the expense of small villages and farmsteads. The farmstead and small state farm that were in this meadow lost their electrical power. And in the 1960s, the last residents dispersed among the nearest promising collective farms and state farms.
But the meadow still loved people and continued to wait for them. It would attract them with its abundance of berries and mushrooms. For a long time it still had lush pastures and hayfields. But with time even they ceased to interest people. Cows and goats are no longer kept in the closest villages.... Now they are a rarity in the yards.... The meadow began to become seriously overgrown....
But something happened that seemingly made the meadow wake up and be transformed! Each time we show up there, it is as if it revives, perks up, tries to show us new places yet unseen by us.... Just recently we discovered an unusually beautiful lake next to the settlement!
It is as if the meadow senses that documents are everywhere being prepared in order for this land again to become inhabited by people.
The meadow is located in the possession of the district administration. We are acquiring it as property as a peasant farm. The process of registering the land in the appropriate levels of government has started and is now ongoing.... Any day now the agreement of purchase and sale will be drawn up.
At the same time we are developing the architectural plan for the settlement, which plan will be approved at a general meeting. Following this, parcels 1.4 ha in size, roads, areas for common fields, workshops, for hayfields and pastures will be actually assigned, and the future residents will be able to orient themselves as to the location and quantity of parcels for their domains in the settlement as a whole.
View the Full Gallery
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Ecovillage Lyubavushka
The Lyubavushka Ecovillage is located approximately 40 km from Almaty, in the Turara District. Presently five families are quietly setting up their domains, the members of the village live in the city and on their days off manage to get out onto the land. The overall area of the village is 27 ha. There are still unoccupied parcels! The land has already been purchased as private property, however at the present time the documents are still being registered.
There are no open bodies of water on the territory of the ecovillage, although this fact is not hindering planting or setting up the area of the domains, in the future, of course, an artesian well is planned. Everything is planted in accordance with the principles of permaculture, correspondingly, with a careful approach, the plantings do not require watering. For the time being we are planting trees and shrubs that have adapted to the dry conditions of the harshly continental climate of Almaty, such as elms, oaks, ash trees, lilac, cherry, bird cherry, dog rose, and others.
In my opinion, the most important virtue of the Lyubavushka Ecovillage is the established backbone of families that are kindred in spirit and philosophy of life, and the presence of common interests and common goals.
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Village of Konskie Razdory, Pologi District
We are located on the southern edge of the village of Konskie Razdory, Pologi District, Zaporizhzhya Oblast (117 km to Zaporizhzhya, 80 km to Berdyansk, 17 km to Pologi), along the Mokraya Konka River, on the Priazovskaya Upland. Our terrain is steppe-like, there are many gullies and springs, closer to the river is a sharp slope, there are forest stands. The edge of the village where we are located is gradually becoming deserted, there are many houses for sale from 1000 up to 5000 hryvnya. With no papers, it is true. The local village authorities are not opposed to the arrival of new residents. Two families have already registered their land. Whoever is called by the land will resolve all these questions.
On the village's flag is a steed.
Press about us:
Aleksey - 8 066 086-31-68 or 8 098 085-41-37; Viktor - 8 099 4383169; Dima - 8 066 423-83-54; Natasha - 8 099 271-63-91; Oleg - 8 096 613-41-04; Tanya - 8 096 613-41-07; Sergey - 8 097 634-69-10
Press about us:
In creating his civilization for thousands of years, man has attempted to drive himself to all possible limits.
In striving to make his life better, he has created this enormous machine of society, in which he himself is only a cog.
People who have been able to break loose from this eternal hustle and bustle always elicit admiration, amazement, and...bewilderment.
But they are always interesting. After all, they have managed to do what for the majority is beyond their strength.
Having heard of the unusual villages which were based on kin's estates in Pologi District, correspondents of MIG set out to look, learn, and, most important, to understand.
In Konskie Razdory we met Aleksey, who recently moved from Zaporizhzhya to the steppes of Pologi. He had come here by bicycle on business from the small settlement, which brought together several kin's estates not far from the village. It took him a long time to give directions to his settlement. All the turns and zigzags took up a half a page in my notebook. But all the same, it didn't help: skidding in the mud of the country road our company car overshot the turn we needed. After several minutes of telephone consultations, though, we found our way to the settlement and, following a short delay in a pothole, we reached our destination.
We were met by Olga, a fascinating woman. She has been living here for more than a year already. Olga showed us an old house, the parcel of land registered to her husband, and talked about her everyday life.
"Nikolay Fedorovsky, my present husband, came here first. He is a very educated person, has travelled a great deal throughout Ukraine, and has been in Russia and the Baltic States. The path to his present life was a long one, in the end he returned to his native land, he himself is from Konskie Razdory, you know. I was working as a medical assistant in Genichesk. Last year I came to stay a while with friends in Zaporizhzhya. That's where I met Nikolay. He brought me here. On April 2 of that year we were married according to an Old Russian ceremony....
"We often have guests here," my companion said. "My children and Nikolay's come frequently. Although they came with misgivings, they really liked it here! They even made us small benches with inscriptions that they love and understand us. There was a large village here earlier. And the Konka River was wide, but when they built the dam, it became narrow. And here is our vegetable garden," she indicated, as we went down to the river. "We don't till it. We are growing everything according to the technology of Nikolay Kurdyumov, the author of the books The Smart Vegetable Garden in Detail and The Smart Orchard in Detail. We work the land using the Fokin cultivator, which replaces all our tools."
Then our hostess showed us her future house. For the time being, there is only the foundation (not concrete, by the way, but made of stone) in the form of an oval. In Olga's words, we were not the only ones amazed by such an unusual notion, but also many guests before us.
"It's a pity that its construction is going slowly," she frets. "Nikolay had to get a job, that's why you didn't find him at home. He works a week out of every two according to his schedule. He still has small children. He has to pay support. Ideally, of course, we would like to escape from the system entirely. We want to get rid of the electrical transmission lines, it's better to use our own electrical generator. We don't need televisions, or computers, or cell phones. People used to communicate using ideas. And we shall learn as well, after all, we do live forever!"
Catching my puzzled glance, Olga added, "We believe in reincarnation. Sometimes it happens that you see a person and can't get rid of the feeling that you've known him for a long time. You probably met in previous lives."
Olga also showed us a small bridge across the Konka, a bridge made by her husband, and a small bathing area. According to her, ten families already live in the settlement. People have come here from various areas. A month ago, one couple, who had come from Zaporizhzhya, had a daughter. She was born at home. The process was "supervised" by the father himself (Aleksey, who had given us directions to the settlement).
"Of course, I examined the baby afterwards," said Olga. "I am, all the same, a former medical worker. By the way, I am now developing recommendations for young mothers for deliveries at home. I believe that it is better to give birth in the conditions of one's home. True, it is necessary that the woman herself wants to do it and has complete faith in her husband, who will deliver the baby. If she doesn't have this confidence, then it is better to go to a maternity hospital."
People can manage without medical assistance, but they have to eat every day. What do the settlers eat? Olga proudly admitted that this summer she learned how to dry squash, eggplant, scallions, to say nothing about the preparation of dried fruits. The family buys only sugar, salt, and groats. Some of the settlers have switched to eating cheese. The local residents even want to sew their own clothing. And what's more, in the words of my companion, all the residents here have a solicitous attitude toward nature. They want to preserve everything in its primordial state and do not under any circumstances want to leave scars on the earth in the form of plowed up land.
But just what unites the people who have gathered here - farther from cities, from civilization, from life on a grand scale? Religion? Faith? A sect? Olga listened calmly to this inevitable question.
"We are Orthodox Christians. Everybody at one time read Vladimir Megre's books about Anastasia (an original philosophy that provides for the creation of kin's estates. Ed.) We are simply an association of people. Here everyone helps each other. Each is building his or her own kin's estate, a so-called space of love. After all, everything in the world comes from it alone. You may not believe it, but after one year of life here, I have become completely different: I don't feel tired, in a day I can do more than I ever could have managed previously. Even my son, when he came to visit, didn't recognize me. He asked for permission to call me by my first name, Olga...."
Toward the end of this original tour of Olga and Nikolay's space of love, MIG's photographer, who had carefully preserved images of the charming little goats, and the stove, and the vegetable garden, and the future house, mistrustfully asked our hostess, "So, then, you don't regret coming here?"
"Not in the least," Olga answered sincerely.
On that, we said our farewells.
Aleksey Vinichenko
By the way, not far from this settlement lives another amazing person, Viktor Vasilev (MIG wrote about him in the November 29 issue), but we were unable to drop in on him. He said that he had been attempting to read through the Bible, the book of books. And only after ten years did he begin to understand it. It turns our that the true meaning of life cannot be understood immediately. It can be found only after assiduously searching in oneself and the surrounding world. And not everyone is successful. These people, possibly, have already found the meaning of life for themselves.
Translation copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

When Love Visits
Oh. Good day! How nice of you to visit.
Come in, come in, we were expecting you,
Just not so early, yet you are well-comed.
Please sit. Are you tired?
Your heat emanates a most extensive journey.
Yet you burn most pleasantly, most divinely.
I remember when you last visited with me,
And now you bless my child with your presence.
Old friend, how delightful to feel you anew!
Yes, they were indeed happy times,
And now my child will create some of her own,
All I ask is that your intensity match her maturity.
Of course, I am prepared to help.
I recognize you now, I know you again.
Go! Go hurriedly with wings widespread.
Do not hesitate, soar to the stars,
A most splendid Living awaits,
Oh joy! Oh joy...there is only Life!
By ~Carina~ at RingingCedarsForums.com

Deeper and Deeper
I love to take a walk
by the ocean after a storm
pieces of driftwood washed on the beach
walking barefoot in the sand
seagulls circling high over my head
and the ocean waves break
upon the land
I want to take you there
I love to take a walk
in the forest after it rains
glimmering droplets upon the leaves
and the air smells so fresh and sweet
stand among towering evergreen trees
and the earth is so soft
beneath my feet
I want to take you there
Ferns and roots and moss covered logs
the sun filters through
where the branches meet
i want to lay my head upon your breast
and listen to your heart -
Beat like the drum of the forest
that calls me to come
deeper and deeper
By by Sudhananda at RingingCedarsForums.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
Let's get to know each other - A section in which you can create your personal profile for people to see as well as your personal page if you have something to share.
Health - Share your experiences.
Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
Visit the Forum.
Forum Talk
Posted by Noor in a topic Doing More to go "GREEN". Join the discussion of this topic here:
I think it's a great idea to help eachother think of 'green' things to do!
Do remember that if you want to recycle you 'byproduct' you have to make sure you have eaten 'clean' food, no pesticides etc., not to much sugars and no other poisonous stuff. And if you are going to compost it, you should realise the reason we don't is because of hygene: we are afraid that if you put human manure on your plants it might spread diseases. So if you are ill, perhaps you should keep your 'manure' off the compost heap, and always make sure it gets really hot during composting (it should do that by it self, if you set up your compostheap properly I think) because that kills the bacteria and other causes of disease.
As for the vegateble oil, we run our car on it already. But there is a very serious issue here: If we use our farmland for fuel production (and we need loads and loads of land to procuce what we now get from petrol and diesel) we loose that land for food production. And at the moment a lot of rainforest is being chopped down to produce palmoil, wich is used for biodiesel.
It should be clear that we have to stop using our cars so much. Produce local food, work locally, walk or cycle whenever you can, and if you do have to travel, share your car, and use vegetable oil, I would say.
So my 'green' tips are as mentioned above and:
*Try and eat food produced without chemicals, and were possible locally produced (organic or, even better, homegrown).
*Always swich your lights off if you go out.
*Compost your vegetable waste, and use it on your garden. (Do be careful of rats, don't put meat on the compostheap)
and ofcourse there are loads more things to do, think of some more yourself.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
by David B. Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Printed in part.
Newborn babies have been trying for centuries to convince us they are, like the rest of us, sensing, feeling, thinking human beings. Struggling against thousands of years of ignorant supposition that newborns are partly human, sub-human, or not-yet human, the vast majority of babies arrive in hospitals today, greeted by medical specialists who are still skeptical as to whether they can actually see, feel pain, learn, and remember what happens to them. Physicians, immersed in protocol, employ painful procedures, confident no permanent impression, certainly no lasting damage, will result from the manner in which babies are received into this world.
The way "standard medicine" sees infants--by no means universally shared by women or by the midwives who used to assist them at birth--has taken on increasing importance in a country where more than 95% are hospital born and a quarter of these surgically delivered. While this radical change was occurring, the psychological aspects of birth were little considered. In fact, for most of the century, medical beliefs about the infant nervous system prevailed in psychology as well. However, in the last three decades, research psychology has invested heavily in infant studies and uncovered many previously hidden talents of both the fetus and the newborn baby. The findings are surprising: babies are more sensitive, more emotional, and more cognitive than we used to believe. They are not what we thought. Babies are so different that we must create new paradigms to accurately describe who they are and what they can do.
Not long ago, experts in pediatrics and psychology were teaching that babies were virtually blind, had no sense of color, couldn't recognize their mothers, and heard in "echoes. They believed babies cared little about sharp changes in temperature at birth and had only a crude sense of smell and taste. Their pain was "not like our pain," their cries not meaningful, their smiles were "gas," and their emotions undeveloped. Worst of all, most professionals believed babies were not equipped with enough brain matter to permit them to remember, learn, or find meaning in their experiences.
These false and unflattering views are still widely spread among both professionals and the general public. No wonder people find it hard to believe that a traumatic birth, whether cesarean or vaginal, has significant, on-going effects.
Unfortunately, today these unfounded prejudices still have the weight of "science" behind them, but the harmful results to babies are hardly better than the rank superstitions of the past. The restistance of "experts" who continue to see infants in terms of their traditional incapacities may be the last great obstacle for babies to leap over before being embraced for who they really are. Old ideas are bound to die under the sheer weight of new evidence, but not before millions of babies suffer unnecessarily because their parents and their doctors do not know they are fully human.
As the light of research reaches into the dark corners of prejudice, we may thank those in the emerging field of prenatal/perinatal psychology. Since this field is often an inter- professional collaboration and does not fit conveniently to accepted academic departments, the field is not yet recognized in the academic world by endowed chairs or even by formal courses. At present only a few courses exist throughout the world. Yet research teams have achieved a succession of breakthroughs which challenge standard "scientific" ideas of human development.
Scholars in this field respect the full range of evidence of infant capabilities, whether from personal reports contributed by parents, revelations arising from therapeutic work, or from formal experiments. Putting together all the bits and pieces of information gathered from around the globe yields a fundamentally different picture of a baby.
Evidence that babies are sensitive, cognitive, and are affected by their birth experiences may come from various sources. The oldest evidence is anecdotal and intuitive. Mothers are the principal contributors to the idea of baby as a person, one you can talk to, and one who can talk back as well. This process, potentially available to any mother, is better explained in psychic terms than in word-based language. This exchange of thoughts is probably telepathic rather than linguistic.
Mothers who communicate with their infants know that the baby is a person, mind and soul, with understanding, wisdom, and purpose. This phenomenon is cross-cultural, probably universal, although all mothers do not necessarily engage in this dialog. In an age of "science," a mother's intuitive knowledge is too often dismissed. What mothers know has not been considered as valid data. What mothers say about their infants must be venal, self-serving, or imaginary, and can never be equal to what is known by "experts" or "scientists."
This prejudice extends into a second category of information about babies, the evidence derived from clinical work. Although the work of psychotherapy is usually done by formally educated, scientifically trained, licensed persons who are considered expert in their field, the information they listen to is anecdotal and their methods are a blend of science and art.
Newborn babies quickly learn to distinguish their mother's face from other female faces,their mother's breast pads from other breast pads, their mother's distinctive underarm odor, and their mother's perfume if she has worn the same perfume consistently.
The Prenatal Classroom is a popular program of prenatal stimulation for parents who want to establish strong bonds of communication with a baby in the womb. One of the many exercises is the "Kick Game," which you play by responding to the child's kick by touching the spot your baby just kicked, and saying "Kick, baby, kick!" Babies quickly learn to respond to this kind of attention: they do kick again and they learn to kick anywhere their parents touch. One father taught his baby to kick in a complete circle.
Babies also remember consciously the big event of birth itself, at least during the first years of their lives. Proof of this comes from little children just learning to talk. Usually around two or three years of age, when children are first able to speak about their experiences, some spontaneously recall what their birth was like. They tell what happened in plain language, sometimes accompanied by pantomime, pointing and sound effects. They describe water, black and red colors, the coming light, or dazzling light, and the squeezing sensations. Cesarean babies tell about a door or window suddenly opening, or a zipper that zipped open and let them out. Some babies remember fear and danger. They also remember and can reveal secrets.
One of my favorite stories of a secret birth memory came from Cathy, a midwife's assistant. With the birth completed, she found herself alone with a hungry, restless baby after her mother had gone to bathe and the chief midwife was busy in another room. Instinctively, Cathy offered the baby her own breast for a short time: then she wondered if this were appropriate and stopped feeding the infant without telling anyone what had happened. Years later, when the little girl was almost four, Cathy was babysitting her. In a quiet moment, she asked the child if she remembered her birth. The child did, and volunteered various accurate details. Then, moving closer to whisper a secret, she said "You held me and gave me titty when I cried, and Mommy wasn't there." Cathy said to herself, "Nobody can tell me babies don't remember their births!"
Is a baby a conscious and real person? To me it is no longer appropriate to speculate. It is too late to speculate when so much is known. The range of evidence now available in the form of knowledge of the fetal sensory system, observations of fetal behavior in the womb, and experimental proof of learning and memory--all of this evidence--amply verifies what some mothers and fathers have sensed from time immemorial, that a baby is a real person. The baby is real in having a sense of self which can be seen in creative efforts to adjust to or influence its environment. Babies show self-regulation (as in restricting swallowing and breathing), self-defense (as in retreating from invasive needles and strong light), self-assertion, combat with a needle, or striking out at a bothersome twin!
Babies are like us in having clearly manifested feelings in their reactions to assaults, injuries, irritations, or medically inflicted pain. They smile, cry, and kick in protest, manifest fear, anger, grief, pleasure, or displeasure in ways which seem entirely appropriate in relation to their circumstances. Babies are cognitive beings, thinking their own thoughts, dreaming their own dreams, learning from their own experiences, and remembering their own experiences.
Because of all these capabilities, we know babies remember at a very deep level of consciousness their primal journey, the way they entered this world.
About the Author
David Chamberlain, Ph.D., is a pioneer in birth psychology, and one of the founders of APPPAH (Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health). For his other papers and books, send email inquiries to him at dbchamb@pacbell.net. One of his books "Babies Remember Birth" was re-issued on its 10th anniversary as "The Mind of your Newborn Baby".
Image sources - http://www.ttfuture.org/; http://inphotos.org/; http://baby.more4kids.info/; http://www.socalfertility.com/

Homebirth Benefits
Why Homebirth Is Most Appropriate for Normal Birth
by Ronnie Falcao, LM MS
Homebirth is about creating a safe birthing environment in your home while protecting the woman's privacy and maintaining an intimate family atmosphere.
When it comes to safety issues, you can think of homebirth as bringing the safety of a birth center to your home. Homebirth midwives carry the same kinds of equipment and medications that you would find in a birth center. This includes hand-held Dopplers and state-of-the-art machines for continuous monitoring of the baby's heart rate, if necessary. We carry suctioning equipment and oxygen for resuscitating the baby as needed. We carry anti-hemorrhagic medications to stop a postpartum hemorrhage. We also carry suturing equipment, although it's not often necessary. In fact, midwives practicing in homes or out-of-hospital birth centers can do everything that a midwife in a hospital could do.
Professional midwives practicing in all settings work to recognize minor problems and correct them before they become major problems. In the hours leading up to a birth, if a serious problem develops and a cesarean becomes necessary, there is a safety margin of 30-75 minutes in which to assemble a surgical team. For this reason, many midwives recommend that women labor and birth within 30 minutes of a hospital, to be on the safe side in case a serious emergency does arise; this provides the same safety margin for women birthing at home as in the hospital.
Midwives are trained to handle the life-threatening emergencies that can occur suddenly within a few minutes of the birth, such as shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, and placental problems. And, in fact, every one of these emergencies occurs at a time when cesarean section is no longer an option.
A landmark study on homebirth safety was published in the British Medical Journal in June, 2005. This study showed that homebirths and hospital births had similar overall safety rates, but that there were fewer interventions and fewer complications for the homebirths. This was a prospective study with a rigorous research design and the most comprehensive North American study about place of birth. A suite of homebirth safety studies from the UK in 1996 also showed home to be as safe as or safer than a hospital for low and moderate-risk women. Homebirth opponents sometimes cite studies that show homebirth to be less safe than hospital birth, but these studies use statistics from births with no midwife in attendance or high-risk births far from hospitals. In a 1999 review of all the literature on the relative safety of different places, of birth, Zander and Chamberlain wrote, "No evidence exists to support the claim that a hospital is the safest place for women to have normal births."
There are several reasons why midwife-attended birth at home is safer than in the hospital for most situations. The first is that birth is a natural bodily process that works best when there's no interference. Having a midwife attending you in your own home is the lowest level of interference with birth, just short of having no birth attendant at all. When you're at home, there's no risk of receiving dangerous interventions, such as pitocin and epidurals, which introduce additional risks. Most problems that arise at home can be corrected through giving the mother more fluids or food or through position changes. One exception is the issue of thick meconium, and many midwives would transport to the hospital for thick meconium.
The second reason that homebirth is safer is that the infection rate at homebirths is less than half of that at hospital births. There are several reasons for this: the baby is born with antibodies that were passed from the mother to the placenta. This includes immunity to the family's household germs. Your new baby is protected from hospital-acquired infections at home. In addition, because mothers and babies are kept together all the time, the baby's immature immune system functions optimally. Also, this constant mother-baby interaction fosters successful breastfeeding, which is your baby's best protection against infection. Since midwives provide continuity of care and comprehensive mother/baby care, we can provide a level of care that is not possible with the assembly-line care provided in hospitals.
Many women wonder whether they'll be able to give birth at home without drugs; it's been my experience that most women do just fine. In fact, women who've had babies both at home and in the hospital have told me that it felt much less painful at home, in familiar surroundings, with birth attendants who could cater to their needs.
In childbirth education classes, you learn about the fear-tension-pain cycle, where fear increases the tension, which increases the pain, which increases the fear, etc. until a woman is in terrible pain. The opposite cycle could be called the confidence-relaxation-comfort cycle where the more confident you are, the better able you are to relax and the more comfortable you'll be, which increases your confidence, etc. This allows your body to take advantage of endorphins, which are the natural pain relief that your body provides in natural childbirth. As a laboring woman's body produces more oxytocin to increase the contractions, she also produces more endorphins for pain relief. I've seen women become more and more relaxed as their labor progresses and their endorphin levels climb to provide wonderful pain relief. Being in your own home increases your confidence and allows you to relax into your labor very nicely. And, of course, if you have one of the beautiful birthing tubs set up, that provides marvelous pain relief.
When we talk about waterbirth, we're really talking about having a birthing tub available for use by the mother during labor, and then some women choose to stay in the tub for the birth. When the baby is born in the tub, the baby is brought right up to the surface, before the first breath. There are lots of advantages to being in the tub for labor - the increased buoyancy seems to help the baby get into the best possible position, and the moms often like the sense of the tub as their private place, where they may feel safer. The warmth of the water also increases the blood flow to the uterus, which reduces the pain. The increased blood flow to the uterus also increases the blood flow to the placenta, so more oxygen is getting to the baby. Babies born in the water are usually in excellent condition, and they love being in the warmth of the tub for those first few minutes. As a midwife, I also like waterbirth because the cleanup is so easy. I had a client who said that her favorite reason for birthing in the tub was that she wasn't afraid that someone would drop the baby. And waterbirth seems "cleaner", which dads like.
The experience of birth for the baby at home is usually very gentle. We know that babies recognize voices during late pregnancy, so the baby would recognize the midwife's voice as someone familiar. We don't use any devices at home that go inside the uterus or might be uncomfortable for the baby, such as the fetal scalp electrodes that go into the baby's scalp. Women tend to birth in positions that minimize stress on the baby during the birth, such as upright positions or hands and knees or birthing in the tub.
Many homebirth couples choose to catch their own baby, and the assessment of baby's well-being right at birth can easily be done with the baby still in the mom's arms. So I may not even hold the baby until several hours after the birth, when we weigh the baby. Most parts of the newborn exam can be done with the baby still in the arms of the mom or dad. And, of course, there's no rush to cut the cord; some of my clients want it cut around 20 minutes after the birth, and sometimes they ask me to wait for several hours after the birth.
Families who already have a little one at home appreciate how much easier it is for the older sibling to adjust to a new baby when their mom doesn't disappear for a few days. It's wise to have a special family friend or a professional child doula there to care for the older child during the birth, but many siblings sleep right through the excitement.
Different couples do different things about arranging backup care in case something occurs that is outside the midwifery scope of practice. Some couples arrange their own backup care by receiving concurrent care from a hospital-based practice. Some couples are happy to know that they can always get care from the on-call physician at one of the friendlier hospitals in the area, even without making plans in advance. The rate for transfer of care for younger first-time moms or for women who've had a baby before is quite low - less than 5%. The rate for transfer of care for older first-time moms is higher, around 25%. Based on my years of work as a doula, it's been my experience that the outcomes for transports for complications are usually better than if the woman had been planning a hospital birth.
People often have a lot of questions about the logistics of homebirth. I have my clients pick up the birthing tub several weeks before the due date, so they can set it up whenever they feel it's the right time. The family also gets a birth kit of disposable supplies for the birth, including a lot of paper products to contain the fluids that accompany birth.
Here in California, most insurance companies cover my services as they would cover any out-of-network provider. Since there is no hospital fee associated with homebirth, it costs much less than a hospital birth, so some insurance companies will negotiate an in-network rate. Even some HMO's will agree to cover homebirth. But insurance coverage for homebirth varies tremendously from state to state and from one health insurance carrier to the next. At one extreme, Aetna has nationwide homebirth exclusion, based on the flawed Pang study in Washington State, the irrelevant Australian Outback study and statements from biased medical associations. "Aetna considers planned deliveries at home and associated services not medically appropriate. At the other extreme, Florida mandates that all insurance carriers covering maternity services must cover licensed midwifery services at home or in a birth center. This state mandate trumps Aetna's homebirth exclusion, so lucky Florida residents with Aetna insurance are covered for homebirth.
Obviously, medical associations of obstetricians and pediatricians have a significant conflict of interest when it comes to evaluating home as an appropriate place of birth because they attend births in hospitals, not in homes. A more objective association, the American Public Health Association, passed a resolution in 2001 to increase access to out-of-hospital birth attended by credentialed direct-entry midwives.
From a patriotic point of view, homebirth is good for the country. The savings associated with homebirth as the norm are estimated to be around $15 billion annually. This would go a long way towards easing the strain on our nation's healthcare dollars, or could be used to generate a hefty tax cut!
On an individual level, if you're paying out of pocket for a birth, you may end up spending $2000-$5000 for a homebirth, depending on where you live and exactly what services you get. This contrasts with bills for hospital births that range from $8000 to over $30,000 for vaginal births, and as high as $50,000 for cesarean births, which involve additional days in the hospital for mother and baby.
Another important detail: babies born at home get a birth certificate and social security number without any problems.
Homebirth provides an opportunity for a birth experience that is beyond a family's greatest hopes, and it satisfies the deepest desires of the most important person at the birth - the baby.
Image sources - http://ninemsn.birth.com.au/; http://crunchydomesticgoddess.wordpress.com/; http://www.heartfeltmidwifery.com/

Watch Short Video
Slideshow - HOMEBIRTH

Homebirth Safety - What Really Keeps the Baby Safe?
by Claudia M. Lenart
It's a relaxed birthing woman who really keeps the baby safe, not the machines.
Birth is generally a slow process; there is usually ample time to transport even in case of true emergency.
In terms of birthing emergencies that really happen suddenly, normal homebirth is inherently safer than hospital birth:
With shoulder dystocia, homebirth offers much better positioning options, since a woman is usually giving birth on or near a bed that she can get on/off and roll over on. The hospital bed is woefully inadequate for supporting position changes, and the hospital's trump card, cesarean, is of course useless with a shoulder dystocia.
With babies that are slow to start, homebirth typically preserves the baby's oxygen supply through the umbilical cord, even while beginning resuscitative efforts. Hospital protocol typically dictates cutting the cord as soon as possible so the baby can be moved to the radiant warmer. I'm told this also facilitates a clearer liability distinction between the OB and the neonatal resuscitation team.
Regarding postpartum bleeding, a homebirth is more likely to facilitate prompt breastfeeding and/or upright positions for delivering the placenta, both of which will reduce the incidence of postpartum bleeding. If there's a troublesome amount of bleeding, you have all the same remedies available as in the hospital, except for hysterectomy and transfusion, which are generally considered treatments of last resort. Compression of the uterus and IV administration can control bleeding and shock during transport to the hospital for medical care if needed.
Those are the "biggies" that I hear about when people worry about "an emergency" at a homebirth.
Also, I think people imagine that emergency procedures are always available at the hospital. Most people don't understand the reality that their doctor will not always be at the hospital once they've checked in; in some cases, there may be no doctor in the house or only a resident; it often takes as long to set up for an "emergency cesarean" as it does to transport a woman from her home to the hospital.
And, of course, it's very difficult to comprehend that hospital policies and procedures, as well as the anxiety of simply being in the hospital, may cause problems rather than solve them.
I guess it all boils down to the question of whether you think giving birth is really a normal physiological process or a medical emergency. I'm reminded of the great spoof about "home conception" and its many inherent dangers.
There are some really big issues about taking personal responsibility for your choices. If something goes wrong at a hospital birth, nobody goes "Tsk, tsk, if you hadn't followed your fool notions about wanting to have a nice, hospital birth, everything would have been fine". Unfortunately, one does hear of stupid things that are said to homebirth parents who have had a less-than-ideal outcome, even when it's obvious that the location had nothing to do with it, e.g. chromosomal oddities. Birthing is such a vulnerable time for many families, and it's hard to expose yourself to yet another vulnerability if you don't have good family and community support.
The gentlebirth.org website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS, a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA http://www.gentlebirth.org/
Image sources - http://timesonline.typepad.com/

The Social Benefits of Home Schooling
Unfortunately, many people who are not familiar with home schooling, often have the misconception that home schooled children would not be as well socialized, as children who are in institutional schools. This misconception could not be further from the truth.
Home school children are better at getting along with other children (with both home schooled and institutionally schooled children), they are better at getting along with children of other ages, and they actually interact regularly and get along with adults. It's amazing how easily home schooled children jump into a conversation between adults. Even home schooled teens talk with adults, and with their parents.
If you think about it, it makes sense. Institutionally schooled children, normally, are forced to sit in their desks most of the day, to not talk to each other, and to do book work even when it is boring. There is very little social interaction in most classrooms.
Then they go out on the playground for "recess." There is no one out there to teach them how to get along with each other, even in the best situations (the one or two playground supervisors don't "teach" social skills - it's more like they prevent physical fights).
More often, the children are likely to ignore all the children who are not in their own grade, and to emotionally abuse each other (called insulting or teasing), because they are so emotionally bored from the lack of social interaction in their classes, and because they have stored up lots of physical energy being still and quiet in the classroom.
Compare This To Home Schooling
Home schooled children get a lot of one-on-one communication time with at least one adult, with the parent that is teaching them (it has been pointed out by John Holt, that most children in schools don't even get 15 minutes of direct one-on-one teaching time per week).
Parents instinctively know that if a child is bored, they are not learning. And children will tell their parents if they are bored (in institutional schools, they are taught to put up with it, and be quiet). If home schooled children have questions, they get answers, and fairly quickly.
The lack of boredom prevents a lot of problems from starting. If there is an altercation between two children, a parent is usually there to "teach" them how to get along, even when they are out in the home school groups. In other words, the parents teach them social skills, along with everything else. And home schooling gives you enough time and interaction to really teach social skills well.
Most home schooling parents also make sure their children are involved in groups with other children, to make sure they learn to socialize well. In home school groups and other types of activity groups for children (sports, boy scouts, girl guides, clubs, etc.), they normally interact with other children of different ages. This, along with removing the negative de-socializing experience of school, also teaches them how to get along well with others.
Personal Experience
Our own personal experience with many home schooled children has confirmed they are better at getting along with others.
Even teens talk to parents. Sure they have hormones and growing pains, and emotional growing pains, but they are not isolated and ignoring those of other ages, especially their parents, who can help them through this more difficult time of life.
Home schooled children are not perfect, but in general they are better at relating to others, they are more mature, they have broader interests, and are developing skills that will help them in the real world of adult society and work.
It's Up to Us Parents
It is possible that a home schooled child will "not" get the social benefits of home schooling. It's up to us parents to make sure that they do. We get involved in home school groups. We get out to home school activities, where we can meet other familes and the children can meet and make friends. If they need help getting along, we are there to help them and actually "teach" them how to get along (as opposed to just letting them try to figure out everything on their own).
Learning how to make friends and get along with others is not easy. We don't leave this to chance anymore than we leave math to chance. We teach them how to socialize, so they can become much better and much quicker, than learning it on their own through trial and error.
Sometimes, we have to work hard to find groups where our children can socialize. But at least we can work at it, and help our children.
The beauty of home schooling here is that we have a choice. We can make it work. And as I mentioned above, research and our own experience with many home schooling families, shows that home schooled children are better socialized. I think this is because we parents make sure of it.
Image sources - http://www.heritagehomeschool.com/; http://www.actionmathematics.com/

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
by Isabel Shaw
The Pros
1) Educational Freedom. Most homeschooled students have the choice to study and learn what they want, when they want, for as long as they want. This is not to say that all the basics (and more!) aren't covered. But those basics may be covered at age six for one child, and at age ten for another, depending on ability, maturity, and interest levels. (Unfortunately, a few states do have unnecessarily restrictive legal requirements; in those states, educational freedom may be limited.)
2) Physical Freedom. After the initial shock of leaving the school system has passed, parents who homeschool say they experience a real sense of freedom. With their lives no longer revolving around school hours, homework, and the school calendar, these families plan off-season vacations, visit parks and museums during the week, and live their lives according to what works for them.
3) Emotional Freedom. Sadly, peer pressure, competition, boredom, and bullies - are all part of a typical school day. This can be a particular problem for girls. According to studies, self-esteem plummets in middle-school girls. However, similar studies of homeschooled girls have shown that self-esteem remains intact and that these girls continue to thrive. (Read A Sense of Self: Listening to Homeschooled Adolescent Girls by Susannah Sheffer.) Homeschooled kids can dress and act and think the way they want, without fear of ridicule or a need to "fit in." They live in the real world, where lives aren't dictated by adolescent trends and dangerous experimentation.
4) Religious Freedom. Many families feel their religious and spiritual beliefs are an important part of who they are. Homeschooling provides the opportunity for parents to incorporate their beliefs into their daily lives.
5) Closer Family Relationships. Just about every family stressed the important role that homeschooling played in helping them find time to foster loving ties between all family members. Teens seem to benefit enormously from this interaction, and rebellious, destructive behavior often begins to diminish soon after homeschooling begins.
6) Stability During Difficult Times. Whether there's a new baby, an illness, a death in the family, or another obstacle or transition, homeschooling helps families cope during challenging periods. Dauri, who homeschools her three boys, described how homeschooling helped her family adjust to a move from Europe back to the US, followed by another move across the country: "It was a great comfort that we homeschooled throughout the moves. It was a stabilizing factor in our otherwise mixed-up lives."
7) Well-Rested Kids. As more and more studies are illustrating, sleep is vital to the emotional and physical well-being of kids, especially teens and preteens. The effects of early morning classes can be devastating to many children, especially those who are not morning people. After realizing that lack of sleep and hours of busywork often left her boy in a zombie-like stupor, Haya has decided to try homeschooling: "My oldest (age 13), is up at 6:30 in order to catch the bus at 7:15 and start school at 7:30. He comes home at 3:00 and does homework - sometimes until midnight. He's often exhausted. I'm hoping that when we homeschool next year, the dark circles under his eyes will disappear and his real personality will emerge again."
8) No Busywork. Homeschooled children can accomplish in a few hours what takes a typical classroom a week or more to cover. In a recent interview, John Taylor Gatto, New York City Teacher of the Year and a 26-year teaching veteran, said that in many classrooms less than one hour out of each school day is spent on "on task" learning. No wonder these kids have so much homework. And that brings us to a major "pro" of homeschooling: No more homework!
The Cons
1) Time Restraints. There's no way around it: learning outside of a school environment can consume a lot of mom or dad's time. Most folks visualize that time being spent at the kitchen table with textbooks and worksheets, but for most families, that's not the case. My family has never gone that route, choosing hands-on experiences and interesting activities as learning tools, instead. However, planning, driving to, and participating in those activities (or waiting for them to be over) constitute the bulk of my day. And that can be very draining.
As a single homeschooling mom, Mickey wrote to say that single parents who homeschool their kids face even greater time restraints: "We have to be very creative in our timing because I work and homeschool. Luckily, I work close to home and have a lot of time off, but it's still a challenge."
Financial Restraints. For married parents, one partner often foregoes full-time employment out of the home in order to homeschool. This can be a big sacrifice for families who are struggling to balance their budget. Surprisingly, most homeschooling families believe that the brief loss of income is well worth the satisfaction of watching their kids grow and learn in freedom.
2) Limited Team Sports. While community sports activities fill the void for younger kids, teens often find limited opportunities to join sports teams, especially competitive ones. Depending on where you live, homeschoolers may or may not be welcome to participate on teams with their public-schooled peers. Several parents did mention that a few families overcame this problem by creating their own teams.
3) Living Outside the Norm. Like any activity that challenges mainstream thinking, homeschooling may be seen as an oddity at best, or even as a threat to those who are unable to accept ordinary parents succeeding where trained professionals often fail. My family has developed a bit of a tough exterior over the years, but negative comments and criticisms still filter in occasionally. If you are unable to live "outside of the box," then homeschooling is not for you.
One Last Pro
Although this list is by no means comprehensive, it does provide an accurate overview of the pros and cons of the homeschooling lifestyle. But I did save one of the best "pros" (from Bev) for last: "When you need a hug, there's always one to be found!"
Printed in Part - http://school.familyeducation.com/
Image sources - http://myhomeschool.us/; http://www.actionmathematics.com/
Vegetarian Weight Loss
Quick and Easy Tips to Guarantee Success
By Gail M. Davis
Weight loss tips for vegetarians are surprisingly similar to tips for any other kind of weight loss journey. There are three main types of vegetarians. "Vegans" eat no animal products at all. Vegan diets consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts. "Lacto-vegetarians" add dairy products to their diets and "lacto-ovo vegetarians" include both dairy products and eggs.
Consider these facts about a vegetarian diet:
- A typical vegetarian consumes 500 less calories a day than their meat-eating peers, while consuming more food.
- Vegetarians tend to be slimmer with less medical problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
- Evidence indicates that a vegetarian diet causes calories to burn long after meals, which means that foods from plants are being used as fuel instead of being stored as fat.
- 6% of the vegetarian population is considered "obese" compared to 45% of the meat-eating population.
Before you decide you want to become a vegetarian and throw out all the meat in your house, understand that becoming a vegetarian doesn't automatically mean that you will lose weight! You can just imagine the calories packed into cheese, nuts, peanut butter, oils, creamy salad dressings, and sweets that can create havoc when you jump on the scale. Some vegetarian meals can be way too high in both fat and sugar. It's all about making healthy choices.
As in all diets, you must be diligent about reading nutrition fact labels and knowing exactly what you are putting into your mouth.
Easy tips to help you lose weight on a vegetarian diet:
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Choose lower-fat dairy products that are fortified with calcium and vitamins.
- Eat nutrient-dense foods that will provide the vitamins and minerals that you need daily.
- Broil, steam, roast, or saute your foods. Avoid fried foods.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eliminate or reduce "recreational eating." Don't fill up on empty calories. Eat with intention! Making careless choices can cause your metabolism to slow down.
- Beware of vegetarian "convenience food." Plan your meals and snacks carefully.
- Reduce your consumption of high-fat products such as mayonnaise, butter, and creamy salad dressings.
- Keep a food journal to help you stay motivated on your weight loss journey.
- Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes each day. More is better!
If you follow these easy steps, you will reduce your weight and improve your overall health. As always, see your physician before beginning a new diet and exercise routine.
Gail M. Davis is the author of the weight loss advice site http://www.easy-weightloss-tips.com. For more tips on weight loss visit our site today!
About the Author
Gail M. Davis earned degrees in Physical Education, Special Education, and Administration & Supervision, and recently retired after 31 years of teaching. A life-long dieter and avid reader of all things health and weight-related, Gail has recently discovered a passion for writing and creating her website about weight-related topics.

Watch Short Videos:
1) Benefits of a VEGETARIAN DIET
2) A Diabetic Diet Option

Keeping Vegetarian Kids Healthy
by Alison Ross
Whether it's due to nutritional, ethical or environmental concerns, vegetarianism is a growing trend. While many might associate the vegetarian lifestyle with adults, the practice, which focuses on a diet based on foods of plant origin, is not exclusive to people over the age of 18. But is vegetarianism a healthy lifestyle for children? Such a debate is one that features valid viewpoints on both sides of the fence.
Perhaps the greatest concern with respect to vegetarianism and children is malnutrition. While adults are no longer growing and therefore won't have negative developmental side effects when choosing a vegetarian lifestyle, children who subsist on a vegetarian diet could be doing themselves a great disservice. However, this does not have to be the case. According to kidshealth.org, numerous pediatric experts say a variation of the vegetarian diet is a healthy choice for children. This diet is that of the lacto-ovo-vegetarian, or one who eats dairy and egg products but no meat. (Note: Allergists suggest children avoid eggs until after they've turned one year of age.) Such a diet can instill healthy eating habits in children and, since foods eaten are typically high in fiber and low in fat, can also reduce cholesterol.
But these diets can also lead to problems as well, meaning parents must be more watchful of their children and pay strict attention to foods they consume. A 2000 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that teenagers who ate no meat during infancy and early childhood exhibited signs of impaired thinking while also showing vitamin B-12 deficiencies, which can lead to anemia. Such symptoms are why a strictly vegan diet, which is made up of only food from plant sources and no dairy products whatsoever, is not recommended for children.
Fortunately, since B-12 deficiency is a common and widely known side effect of vegetarianism, nearly everyone who adopts the lifestyle is aware they must seek to actively include B-12 in their diets. This makes it all the more important that parents explain to their children the need for such an inclusion. Foods such as eggs, cereals, breads, and even soy and rice drinks all offer significant and healthy amounts of B-12.
The healthiness of vegetarianism for children also depends on the age of a child, whether he is an infant, toddler, grade school-aged child or teenager. Infants, for instance, get their protein and nutrients largely from breast milk or formula. But the American Dietetic Association says that once solids are introduced to an infant's diet, viable sources of protein can be found in foods such as pureed tofu, cottage cheese, chickpeas and lentils, all of which can allow your child to stay healthy while maintaining a vegetarian diet.
For toddlers, proper development is a genuine concern for those who want to continue their children on a vegetarian diet. Since most toddlers are picky about what they eat, this can be a difficult and trying stage. Getting toddlers to consume enough calories can be done, but it takes close attention. Since the amount of calories in vegetables is not very high, this can often mean children must eat a lot of vegetables to meet their recommended caloric intake. But this can be uncomfortable for toddlers whose stomachs are not very large. Supplementing your toddler's diet with vitamins is a good road to travel.
For older children and teenagers, the vegetarian diet could be the best way to go, as fruits and vegetables provide children in this age group with vitamins and nutrients they may not otherwise get. Again, though, supplementing a preteen or teenager's diet with vitamins is probably the healthiest way to go, as deficiencies in iron, calcium and zinc, among other things, are common effects of strict vegetarian diets. If your child is adopting vegetarianism at this stage in life, it's important to take heed of why this is so. Eating disorders are prevalent among teenagers, so before your child decides to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle, discussing why and the pros and cons could be essential to your child's physical as well as mental health.
While the debate of vegetarianism and children likely won't end anytime soon, it is important to keep in mind that the key to any successful diet is ensuring your child takes in the right amount of vitamins and nutrients and monitoring such things on a daily basis.
Healthy Lifestyle Triggers Genetic Changes: Study
By Will Dunham
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Comprehensive lifestyle changes including a better diet and more exercise can lead not only to a better physique, but also to swift and dramatic changes at the genetic level, U.S. researchers said.
In a small study, the researchers tracked 30 men with low-risk prostate cancer who decided against conventional medical treatment such as surgery and radiation or hormone therapy.
The men underwent three months of major lifestyle changes, including eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products, moderate exercise such as walking for half an hour a day, and an hour of daily stress management methods such as meditation.
As expected, they lost weight, lowered their blood pressure and saw other health improvements. But the researchers found more profound changes when they compared prostate biopsies taken before and after the lifestyle changes.
After the three months, the men had changes in activity in about 500 genes -- including 48 that were turned on and 453 genes that were turned off.
The activity of disease-preventing genes increased while a number of disease-promoting genes, including those involved in prostate cancer and breast cancer, shut down, according to the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The research was led by Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, and a well-known author advocating lifestyle changes to improve health.
"It's an exciting finding because so often people say, 'Oh, it's all in my genes, what can I do?' Well, it turns out you may be able to do a lot," Ornish, who is also affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco, said in a telephone interview.
"'In just three months, I can change hundreds of my genes simply by changing what I eat and how I live?' That's pretty exciting," Ornish said. "The implications of our study are not limited to men with prostate cancer."
Ornish said the men avoided conventional medical treatment for prostate cancer for reasons separate from the study. But in making that decision, they allowed the researchers to look at biopsies in people with cancer before and after lifestyle changes.
"It gave us the opportunity to have an ethical reason for doing repeat biopsies in just a three-month period because they needed that anyway to look at their clinical changes (in their prostate cancer)," Ornish said.
(Editing by Julie Steenhuysen and Xavier Briand)
source: REUTERS
Image sources - http://www.buyruidoso.com/

A Half a Century Experiment
How to live without diseases? Generation after generation dreamt about. But we must recognize with deep concern that even now, despite the tremendous achievements of medicine, mankind does not suffer from diseases less than formerly. We shall not talk about serious illnesses, let us take a common cold. According to statistics, more than half of all cases falls into this category.
There are many various methods that help man to stay healthy, and the tempering stands first among them.
Unfortunately, the influence of cold upon man has not been studied enough. But the healing qualities of icy water were known millenniums ago, and now the wisdom of folk medicine is successfully adopted by doctors. For instance, in Kaluga City No. 1 Hospital the cold is used in treatment of neuroses and bronchial asthma or, in the Kirov Sanatorium in Yalta, hypertension and neurasthenia are treated with the help of winter swimming.
The healthy influence of cold upon the organism was explained by I. P. Pavlov as a result of the "shock of the nerve cells" from the sudden effect on the nervous system. But there are many questions about the influence of cold upon man that still remain open.
This is why, in our opinion, the experiment of Porphyry Korneyevich Ivanov is so valuable. This citizen of the Voroshilovgrad region has been testing himself for almost fifty years. He has so inured himself to cold that he can spend many hours outdoors only with shorts on and barefoot in the winter!
He will be eighty-five years old, and during half a century of his friendship with the frost he never caught cold nor was sick with respiratory disease or flu. But before he began to temper himself he was often sick like anyone else...
I found out about Porphyry Korneyevich from the writer V. G. Cherkasov, a zealous follower of the simple system of superior health, developed by this man. And he is not alone: only in Moscow I know more than several dozen engineers, doctors, scientists who became the followers of Porphyry Ivanov. Following the example of the Teacher (as everyone calls him), they run barefoot upon the snow; and though in the past they were fairly often sick, now they forgot about diseases, and thank their fate that she brought them to Porphyry Korneyevich.
Before visiting him in Verkhny Kondryuchy village, where he lives now, I read about him in the book "The Reserves of Our Organism" written by two doctors, N. Agadjanyan and A. Katkov:
"In any frost he walks barefoot upon the snow ... and without feeling any cold."
It sounded strange - does not he really feel cold? That was the first question I asked Porphyry Korneyevich.
"I don't feel cold?!" He exclaimed. "I feel it, even more than ye. Only ye are afraid of it, I am not. I made a friend of the eternal human enemy."
"And ye indeed have never been sick?"
"Why on earth? I am sick all the time. I am sick from the thought that I am capable, but prohibited to transmit my ability to people."
"Some say that ye believe in God."
"They tell a lie. I believed until I realized that God remains not in the Sky, but on the Earth - in the people who were able to gain a victory over themselves."
This uncommon man has an interesting fate. He was born in a poor family, and like to his father, became a coal miner. He descended into the mine for the first time at the age of fifteen, and did there a variety of jobs. In 1917 he was conscripted into the army.
"I wasn't in time for the war," Porphyry Korneyevich narrates, "the Czar was thrown off from the way."
However, he had to war as a partisan. He derailed the interventionists' trains, once burned an English airplane, and was rewarded for that by the command. After the war he restored mines in Donbass, participated in the collective farm movement, led a forest crew.
Now, when Porphyry Korneyevich is in his eighties, he amazes people with the boldness of his reasoning. He was ever such a man - daring, courageous, thoughtful. One day (it was in the Caucasus, he stood over the sea, upon a high rock) a thought came to him, "Why has it been arranged so that man spends in well-being only half of his life - while he is young; but when he reaches maturity, and it seems that he should live and live for the others' good, it doesn't happen - diseases fall upon him, making him unfit, forcing to think not about the business for which he came to the Earth, but about himself? Diseases make a man an egoist. Don't many of human troubles happen because of man doesn't know how to conquer his powerlessness? No matter how much thou wilt bundle up, it won't save thee from diseases. Why not to do the opposite - not hide from Nature, but walk toward her, become close to her and merge with her?"
And Porphyry Korneyevich decided to prove - at first to himself - that it is possible to tame the "unkind forces of Nature" (his expression), and turn them to man's own advantage. He began to walk without clothes in the frost, at first for a few seconds, then up to half a minute. Increasing the time more and more, he became able to go outdoors in the snowstorm, dressed only in shorts, and spend hours in a field, in the strong wind and hard frost. He used to return all covered with snow and ice, in the wreaths of steam, and the villagers were perplexed whether he would be in bed with cold (or maybe with something more serious) tomorrow.
But that is in the past. Now, having retired, Porphyry Ivanov is set upon transmitting his unique (unique undoubtedly!) experience of tempering to the people, scientists. And what about the scientists? They are not in a hurry yet. Maybe they do not know about Porphyry Ivanov?..
"I address to people," Porphyry Korneyevich says, "My dears, all your diseases stem from your mollycoddlement: from the warmth, tasty food and rest. Be not ye afraid of cold, it mobilizes, as it is in to speak now, the body defense forces. The cold throws into the body a hormone of health. Let everyone think what is more important for him - a business or small enjoyments. For everything there must be a victory. Man must live in victory; if thou dostn't get it, thou wiltn't be worth a doit... What for get treatment if it is possible and necessary not to let disease into the body?!"
Marx has said that a civilized man must be able to withstand Nature as the ancients did it. Porphyry Ivanov is able to withstand Nature. The basis for that is his system. He had been developing it for almost half a century, and has strictly followed it. The system is strikingly simple at a glance, consists of mere seven rules, and some of them seem to be irrelevant to health. Judge it yourselves.
The first rule. Live with the constant wish to do good to people, and if thou hast done that, newer recollect of, and hurry to do more.
The second rule. Try to do everything with pleasure and joy. And until thou hast learned to get joyfulness of doing a job, consider that thou dost not know how to do it.
It would seem that the hoary old man talks not about health, but in essence he talks about the most important health - the health of soul. Verily, is it possible to cure for body without it? Here are his other rules:
Drink neither wine nor vodka.
One day a week go without food and water. At other times try to eat less meat, and eat less in general. ("Now people simply suffer from gluttony, they eat twice more than their nature requires. Excess food prevents clear thinking.")
Walk barefoot all the year round upon the grass or snow, at least for a few minutes a day.
Every morning and evening bathe in cold water.
The photo correspondent Edward Ettinger and I experimented with this. At first we declined it point-black. I was afraid to think about it, moreover, I was suffering from a sore throat and cold. Only when we have seen how disappointed Porphyry Korneyevich became ("So ye also don't believe me?"), we decided to risk it - for the sake of mankind healing. But when he poured upon each of us a bucket of icy-cold water (it was about ten degrees outdoors), we realized what the unearthly feelings are. By the way, after half an hour my sickness was completely gone. We took the cold-water procedures every day, but only at the end of the fifth day of our visitation in the house of Porphyry Korneyevich we did begin to get taste to it. Of course, by no means we appeal to anyone to follow our example right now. We are only telling the facts.
And the last rule. Frequently be outdoors with naked body, as in summer as in winter. ("Let the body breathe and learn to take warmth from the cold.")
Someone may think that it is nonsense. But let us hear from one of the followers of Porphyry Ivanov, I. Khvoshchevsky, Ph.D., a specialist in the area of thermodynamics:
"By his unprecedented experience P. K. Ivanov was able to show that under the cold conditions the human organism begins to constantly produce internal energy. It may be that this experience echoes with the genial, perhaps, but not well founded hypothesis of K. E. Tsiolkovsky about the gradual and gratuitous absorption of energy from the surrounding cold bodies. Indeed, we know very little about man and his potential. It is possible that in unusual, extreme situations the organism shows unknown capabilities; at present we can only guess about them. This is why the experiment that Porphyry Korneyevich Ivanov has been realizing upon himself for over half a century is so important. It is difficult to find the similar example of such a perseverance..."
In the village Porphyry Ivanov has many followers, and first among them is his wife Valentina Leontievna. Some time ago she was very ill, now, in her seventy years old, she considers herself perfectly healthy.
"I am afraid," she says, "to miss even one day in winter of going to the frost undressed and pouring icy water upon myself. What if diseases come again, as it was twenty-five years ago."
Just as Porphyry Korneyevich, Valentina Leontievna eats very little. Working the whole day (as any other peasant woman), now she tires much less than it was before she became a friend of the cold and began fasting. It is very likely that these two factors are related, and one helps to bear the other.
Verily, the mysteries of the human organism are endless!
On our way to the airport we stopped in the district center Sverdlovsk, to talk about Porphyry Ivanov in the District Party Committee. The secretary of the District Committee Nadezhda Konstantinovna Kovalyova has said,
"Unfortunately, we're not able to estimate this unique man at his true worth. Here are no specialists for that. And honestly speaking, we have no time to occupy ourselves with him. The district is big and complicated, for we mine the earth for coal. But if you would help to attract to Porphyry Ivanov attention of the community, scientists..."
This is what we are trying to do here.
Sergei Vlasov

Food and Permaculture
by David Blume
I wrote this in response to post to the bioregional listserve from a woman at ATTRA who said something like "Of course you couldn't feed the world with such a hippy-dippy, hunter-gatherer, landscape system like permaculture." Well that got me a little steamed so this is what I wrote.
Dear Folks,
I would like to inject some real world experience into this otherwise abstract discussion of food and permaculture.
In addition to being an ecological biologist, a permaculture production food farmer for 9 years, and an expert on biomass fuels, I have also been teaching permaculture since 1997 and have worked in many countries on food/energy production design issues. I have certified more than 400 people in permaculture design since 1997. For more info on this see my site at www.permaculture.com
So in light of my experience I have a couple of things to say. Let us dispense, for the moment only, with the talk of hunter-gatherer models since, to return to that state or to imitate it with design would meet limited acceptance. This is not the core design goal of permaculture although some of our small scale subsistence agriculture designs vaguely look like a hunter-gatherer paradise (i.e. it never existed like this in nature.) The issue of private property as we now define it also complicates that model. We are living in an agricultural age and permaculture offers huge benefits to both production and subsistence agriculture.
As far as I know I was one of the only farmers fully utilizing permaculture to produce surplus food for sale in the US as a full time occupation. On approximately two acres - half of which was on a terraced 35 degree slope - I produced enough food to feed more than 300 people (with a peak of 450 people at one point), 49 weeks a year in my fully organic CSA on the edge of Silicon Valley . If I could do it there you can do it anywhere.
I did this for almost nine years until I lost the lease to my rented land. My yields were often 8 times what the USDA claims are possible per square foot. My soil fertility increased dramatically each year so I was not achieving my yields by mining my soil. On the contrary I built my soil from cement-hard adobe clay to its impressive state from scratch. By the end I was at over 22% organic matter with a cation exchange capacity (CEC) of over 25. CEC is an indirect measure of soil humus or the ability of the soil to hold nutrients available to crops. The higher the number the more nutrients are stored and available. For reference, most Class I commercial agricultural soil is lucky to hit 2% organic matter - the dividing line between a living and dead soil - with a CEC around 5.
At most times I had no more than half of my land under production with the rest in various stages of cover cropping. And I was only producing at a fraction of what would have been possible if I had owned the land and could have justified the investment into an overstory of integrated tree, berry, flower and nut crops along with the various vegetable and fruit crops. The farm produced so much income that I was routinely in the top 15% of organic farms in California (which has over 2000 organic farms) in most years on a fraction of the land that my colleagues were using. I grew over 45 different kinds of crops so my financial success cannot be attributed to growing a few high value crops like Yuppie Chow (salad mix).
Unlike other organic farmers, I almost never used even organic pesticides on my farm. The permaculture ecosystem I designed was so self-managing and self-maintaining with natural controls such as carnivorous insects, toads, lizards, snakes, owls, bats, and other allies, that it was rare that I needed to intervene (I can count the times on one hand that I intervened over 9 years). On the few occasions I did, I used coffee solution made from waste cafe coffee. You didn't think plants made caffeine to get you high did you? Caffeine is an extremely effective natural insecticide, which degrades in the sunlight or air in about 24 hours after use.
On the subsistence agriculture level, we permies regularly have designed productions systems around the world, which feed everyone living in a given house within a 50-foot radius of the house. This rule of thumb holds pretty well because the more folks who live there, the bigger the house, the larger the surface area, so no more than 50 feet is really necessary.
The math is easy. With a polyculture, yields of 3-10 pounds of food per square foot are easy to come up with in most climates. For comparison, commercial agriculture in California, which is way inefficient, routinely runs about 1.5-2.5 pounds per square foot per year across a wide variety of crops. People need to eat about two pounds of mixed food a day if active, or around 750 pounds a year. In a good but somewhat sloppy design, you need about 500 square feet per person MAXIMUM. In a very good design, 200 square feet will do the job. If your diet is heavy on grain you'll need more space but not an astronomical amount. Utilize a greenhouse to extend seasons and exchange air rich in carbon dioxide from chicken houses or human houses, which otherwise would go to waste, and yields ratchet up even more. Take a little more space and include ducks and aquaculture into the mix and the yields become quite diverse and substantial. This sort of system is typical in Vietnam now and there is no longer any measurable hunger there. Wouldn't it be nice if the US could do that with its "superior" first world agricultural system?
Can't do this on a commercial scale? Tell that to Archer Daniels Midland who operates many acres of greenhouses in Decatur using partially integrated production of fish, lettuce and other vegetables using waste carbon dioxide, grain by-products and other by-products from its 100-million gallon per year alcohol fuel production facility, while delivering these profitable agricultural products in trucks running on biodiesel (made from the corn and soybeans they process). This qualifies as commercial scale, very rudimentary permaculture that is wildly profitable and productive.
As a reality check, I'd like to remind everyone that in the 1850's, prior to refrigerated transport, New York City supplied all its food for a population of over a million from within 7 miles of the borders of the city. (It wasn't worth the cost of horse feed and time to go further than 7 miles to export food into the city). No one would discount a system of community food security for one million people as non-commercial.
There are two main reasons known for the dramatically increased productivity of a polyculture? The benefit of mycorhyzzal symbiosis (which is destroyed in chemical agriculture) and less solar saturation. Solar saturation is the point at which a plants' photosynthetic machinery is overwhelmed by excess sunlight and shut down. In practice, this means that most of our crop plants stop growing at about 10am and don't start again until about 4 in the afternoon. Various members of a polyculture shade each other, preventing solar saturation, so plants metabolize all day. Polyculture as we pursue in permaculture uses close to 100% of the sunlight falling on its mixed crops. Monoculture rarely can use more than 30% of the total sunlight received before saturation. How long could you run any business without external support at 30% efficiency? When you look at a simple Mexican permaculture example, growth of the three sisters of corn, beans and squash (not even counting the 200 vegetables of various sorts growing in the shade of the sisters) you get close to 90% solar efficiency. When you total up the pounds of food from a Mexican acre you get FAR MORE FOOD than the highest yielding nitrogen soaked Iowa cornfield. This is the myth of the green revolution; that the highest total food yields occur in chemical monoculture.
Enough of this. The argument that we don't have enough food to go around is specious anyway. We currently produce more than twice the amount of food we need to feed everyone, even with the extremely inefficient model of monoculture. What starving people lack is money to buy food which is not considered a right but a commodity. Even being able to buy the food isn't a guarantee of access. Midwesterners find it cheaper to burn 5 cent a pound corn in stoves for heat even though Mexican families are willing to pay up to $1 a pound for corn to feed their family.
So you say, "Well if you're such a wise guy and you obviously would make so much more money from the greater yields of a simple three crop permaculture system, why don't corporations in the Midwest do it to make more money?" This gets to the core of the problem - which is not population/resources and/or biological models of overpopulation which typically apply to wild animals.
Capitalism is concerned with more than just making money. The reason why monocultures are favored by corporations EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE THE LEAST EFFICIENT WAY OF PRODUCING FOOD in pounds of food per acre is that it can be done with the least amount of labor. To harvest the three sisters you would need a digital harvester - i.e. two hands - not a combine. Even though the increased labor would be totally justified by the increased profit, corporations are totally allergic to dealing with labor. Labor is messy. It organizes, it wants a fair share of the profit, cities want tax money to pay for worker habitat infrastructure and other pesky things that corporations will avoid at all costs. Our current form of agribusiness is a textbook case of design maximizing the advantage of capital to the disadvantage of labor facilitated by the artificially low cost of energy.
The other reason is control of the market. It is now estimated that 80 percent of the world's arable (read European-style plowed) agricultural land is now in the hands of multi-nationals. It has served their needs to keep productivity low to make it possible to get a hold of as much of the means of production as possible. Farmers who are barely making a living sell their land for a fraction of those making a good profit. Midwest corn farmers generally net only about $50-75 per acre on corn on a gross income of $300 per acre.
My discussion above is not to be taken as a suggestion that population growth is not a problem, it is. So let me make a quick comment on population, from a designer's point of view, which is totally related to the structural issues above. I dare anyone to find an example in which population is stable yet there is no system for security in old age. It has been shown in countless studies that the ONLY consistent reason why population stabilizes is that people know they will have security in their old age. At that point they stop having excess children. Why? It has absolutely nothing to do with the biological resource-population relationships. We are not wild animals and have markedly different behavior. In a developing country, or any country for that matter, without a secure social security system for the aged, you need at least two kids to support each elderly adult. In virtually every case studied where stabilization of social systems occurred, women immediately find systems to end unwanted pregnancy. Herbal indigenous methods for ending fertility are known all over the world. In my own Italian heritage - hardly a herb-oriented aboriginal tribe, even into the 1900's, utilized ergot obtained from the local apothecary to end unwanted pregnancy.
So structural adjustment - the neoliberal formula the World Bank and IMF impose on the developing world - ensures population growth. By intentionally eliminating a secure social safety net as a condition of borrowing money, population growth - and therefore market growth for various consumer goods - continues to grow. Therein lies the rub. If population doesn't continue to grow, capitalists rapidly run out of customers. Can't let that happen now can we?
Permaculture design offers an alternative security for old age when the family has even a little land. In the Deccan desert of India , where there is huge success with permaculture turning hundreds of square miles of man-made desert back into productive designed rain forest, there is a saying: "Trees are better than sons." Sons might take care of you in your old age but income or trade from your productive trees (food, timber and fuel) definitely will. This approach offers families security to limit population growth and takes the supply of old age security back into the people's hands.
Restorative agriculture?\which goes far beyond sustainable agriculture - depends on solar energy replacing fossil fuel use. Buckminster Fuller and I discussed this back in 1983 when he wrote the foreword for my book Alcohol Can Be A Gas!, that accompanied my ten part PBS television series at that time. (Alcohol is a virtually pollution free engine fuel which is superior in almost every way to gasoline.) World photosynthesis in its fully undesigned state, produces biomass in wasteful agriculture and in the wild which far exceeds human need. Our analysis shows that world biomass photosynthesis produces between 6 and 15 times what we used to power every human need every year, including food, electricity, transportation, and heat.
In a designed system, especially a permaculturally-designed system, we could increase the biomass produced by an order of magnitude and in so doing supply all our needs in a much smaller footprint. For instance, you only get about 200 gallons per acre of alcohol fuel from corn, but 1000 gallons from sugar beets, 1200 from Jerusalem Artichokes, 1500 gallons from annual sugar cane in southern states and a variety of other crops which, when properly designed for climate, might yield 2500 gallons per year from two crop cycles. This would be done while increasing soil fertility and providing all the animal food we need as a by-product (replacing the corn which largely goes for animal feed now) at a fraction of the energy cost of corn-soybean agribusiness. This is all possible right now without any new technology.
The Department of Energy-sponsored program to reduce the cost of cellulose-dissolving enzymes. Soon, yields based on that carbohydrate (cellulose) rather than the relatively scarce starch or sugar carbohydrate scenarios described above will ratchet up cost-effective yield another order of magnitude. (We could do it right now with current technology but the fuel would be about $1.65/gallon wholesale). Once again this is just scratching the surface.
I could go on for two weeks non-stop about this?\my colleagues and I do so in my permaculture design courses. The point is that although humans are great at creating deserts and poverty, we also have the incredible capacity to design ecological systems that work for everyone - even some corporations. The argument that we can't produce enough ecologically is, at its source, promoted by corporations who benefit from a view of scarcity and limited resources which they control. Their constant cry is TINA "There Is No Alternative". Right, and the wizard says, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
Around the world people are demonstrating that, not only are there alternatives, there are alternatives that allow us all to take care of each other and the rest of the species we live with, and to direct surpluses from our designs back to this care. These are the three main tenets of Permaculture design. We aren't waiting for governments, corporations, or bureaucracies to solve the world's problems. We will do it with or without their help. We are already doing it and no one can stop us because we can't be forced to buy what we don't need anymore. Since few of us in permaculture education are hired by anyone in business or government, we can't be fired or threatened.
I like to say, if you want to end transnational capitalism, (the very opposite of bioregionalism), then stop giving them your capital. To do that you need to start producing what you need - plus some surplus for others - bioregionally and I would respectfully suggest that permaculture design is a good tool to begin that process.

Watch movie: 300 Year Old Food Forest in Vietnam
http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/theearth/ringing-cedars-vladimir-megre-video-300-year-old-forest.html |

Plant Portrait: Persicaria polymorpha
This is a regular feature that we'll be doing weekly - Plant of the Week. I will select worthy plants that you too can have success with. I'll let you know how to grow them; where they like to grow; how big they'll be and give them a star ranking out of a possible 5.
My first plant of the week has the almost impossible name of Persicaria polymorpha - remember if you can say and remember Manolo Blahnik - you can handle Persicaria polymorpha!
It grows almost 250 cm high (8 feet) and almost as wide. The most important feature of this great plant is that it begins blooming in June and continues until early August! And, if that wasn't enough.....it smells like buckwheat honey.
As you see, it is a large plant, so give it room to grow. It likes full sun to partial shade - is drought tolerant. This is a good perennial to combine with grasses.
You would find Persicaria polymorpha at good nurseries or on-line mail order companies in the spring or early summer. Although it looks fabulous in the garden, it doesn't look nearly as nice in its early stages in the nursery. It is sold in 1 gallon pots usually and will often just look like a couple of sticks and a green leaf in a pot, but don't be put off because it will be fabulous in your garden!

1. Look at your little tomato plants. Those dots at the lower part of the stem are just waiting to reach the soil to create a new bunch of roots.
2. Clear the leaves off this part of the stem.
3. Water the soil. Lay down your plant on the soil; place it so the root is facing south. Cover your plant with soil not only the root (the smaller circle on the picture), but also part of the stem.
4. Planting this way will help your plant create a big root system, all of the new roots will be in the upper layer of the soil. The upper layer of the soil is the richest part of soil in nutrition and water at the watering times.
This is how it looks when you are finished.
5. Next morning:
6. This is your plant after 3-5 days, this is when you should put straw around your plant.
http://www.ringingcedarsforum.com/ http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/
Tree Bog
A Treebog is a form of compost toilet which has willows, nettles and other nutrient-hungry plants planted around it. The faeces are held in a chamber open to the air which allows it to decompose rapidly, feeding the trees around it. Unlike a conventional compost toilet, a tree bog should never need emptying. Effectively, it is a system for converting human faeces to biomass.
The Treebog was invented by Jay Abrahams of Biologic Design in the UK after he observed that the trees around the place where faeces was deposited were particularly vigorous. Treebogs can be considered as an example of Permaculture design.
The Treebog is a simple method of composting wastes, and since its introduction by Biologic Design in 1995 over 500 Treebogs have been built in Britain. They have been on sites ranging from fruit farms and pick-your-own enterprises, campsites and an angling lake to annual festival sites, remote/low impact dwellings and holiday cottages. A Treebog can be created if one is on the mains but wish to lower the environmental impact of sending wastewater to the sewage works. The Treebog has attracted the attention of NGOs and aid workers who hope to develop its potential for shanty towns or refugee camps - anywhere that water is scarce and the population pressure on resources is high. Most regions have vigorous and useful plants which, if willow is not available, can be used (e.g. Gliricidia sepium or 'Quickstick' in the subtropics).
A Treebog is simply a controlled compost heap whose function has been enhanced by conscious management and the judicious use of moisture/nutrient-hungry trees. Treebogs use no water, purify waste as they create willow as a biomass resource, and also contain the organic waste, thus preventing the spread of disease - all whilst creating soil. A seating platform/cubicle is mounted at least one meter over an aerobic compost heap. The area beneath the seating platform should be enclosed by a double-layer of chicken wire - this acts as an effective rodent/small animal and child proof barrier, but allows air to circulate through the compost heap.
The space between the wire should be stuffed not too densely with straw which acts as a wick to help sop up excess urine preventing the likelihood of odour problems due to incomplete biological absorption of the nitrogen from the urine. The straw filled wire also enables the pile to be well-aerated whilst acting as a visual screen for the first year's use. The structure is then surrounded by two closely planted rows of osier or biomass willow cuttings; this living wall of willow can then be woven into a hurdle-like structure and its annual growth can be harvested.
Treebogs can also be sited on the edge of existing stands of trees, woodlands or hedges: the mature tree roots will soon find the additional source of nutrients, so that the willow may be unnecessary, - or indeed, in the middle of a mature woodland, pretty well impossible due to shading.
The Treebog combines resource production and waste purification. The Treebog functions by transforming faeces and urine into growing trees and organic soil. The roots of the trees are host to soil micro-organisms which decompose and mineralise the materials in the compost heap, making the nutrients available to the tree roots. Thus the willow are able to grow more vigorously as these added nutrients become available.
Inputs, costs and maintenance
There are few costs apart from initial construction and planting. Under heavy usage it is advisable, once a week, to add a fine layer of non-chemically treated wood sawdust/wood chips, shredded newspaper or straw. Half a cup of dried soil and/or wood ash helps prevent odour if added every other day. It is also advisable to occasionally level the heap with a pole.
Benefits include:
Purification of waste without using water.
Soil is both generated & regenerated.
Earthworms proliferate within and around the compost contained within the Treebog.
Leaf mould from willow leaves.
Comfrey bed on leach field for nitrate/phosphate absorption.
Leaf matter and twigs for stock fodder.
No odour or fly problems.
Willow wands for baskets, fuel or structural use.
The Treebog is a simple and effective means of taking responsibility for wastes produced in your own day to day existence. It involves no secondary handling (shovelling or bucketing) of waste matter. Management is minimal, being an annual winter cutting and weaving of the willow. The wands can be used as polewood, for basket or hurdle making, or chipped for use for animal bedding or cut and bundled as fagots to use as fuelwood.
Guidelines based on the most frequently asked questions for building a Treebog
A seating platform/cubicle is mounted at least 1m over an aerobic compost heap - the rest is up to the builder. There is no one method; the chosen structure is often dependent on the materials and budget available; each builder is free to interpret the basic Treebog principles in their own way. For example, a summer camp Treebog will differ from an all year round domestic version.
Treebogs are sited where the surrounding willow and other planted species will have plenty of sunlight, otherwise photosynthesis will be limited and the plants will not thrive. To keep the Environment Agency happy Treebogs are required to be situated more than 10m from any water courses or springs. Treebogs are unsuitable where the site is liable to flooding, and if placed close to a badger sett the Treebog should be badger proof or the contents will be snaffled away by these inquisitive creatures! Fencing may also be required to prevent livestock from eating the willows and other planted species.
Willow planting
Although not required for an effective Treebog, planting the willow wands at least one growing season prior to the Treebog being used has advantages. This way the willow roots are mature and the wands have grown up to a reasonable height before the platform is constructed - as the platform shadow can hinder the growth of the planted willow sets on the shade side.
The best time to plant out the willow for a Treebog (in the northern hemisphere) is from October to March, as then the willow has a chance to get established before the onset of summer. However it is possible to construct and use a Treebog at any time and then plant it out at the appropriate time of year. The straw acts as the visual screen for the compost pile until the willow is in place and growing.
Vigorous varieties of unrooted willow sets/cuttings work best, and if they are planted out after the middle of April they should be well mulched and watered every day for the first month or they will not take (i.e. the roots will not develop and they will wither away). If possible use named osier or biomass types since these will grow vigorously and can tolerate the annual coppicing as well as being suited for use in basketry and hurdle making. If you are gathering local wild osier or other willow to plant your Treebog, use willow that has been coppiced or pollarded recently, because young wood makes the best cuttings.
Willow management
The willow can be coppiced annually or left to grow for more than one year, though you will find it grows quite large. Cut the willow between November and early March and don't be afraid to cut it right down to the ground or to the top of your living woven willow hurdle - as long as it is not smothered with weeds and has sufficient sunlight it will regrow vigorously, using the nutrients and moisture within the Treebog.
Sawdust is useful to aid the correct carbon-nitrogen ratio, but beware - some scatophobic campers have been known to fill an entire Treebog with sawdust, or straw, in just a few days - bucketing the stuff in to cover every trace of the poo! Use untreated sawdust only,in small quantities, or add a daily or weekly layer to the compost pile. Wood ash is helpful in keeping the compost pile sweet, but make sure all the embers have gone out and the ash is cold or you may end up with a Treebog bonfire! In normal use the urine drains away from the compost pile by gravity and soaks into the soil where it is rapidly broken down, but if large quantities of urine are entering your Treebog (perhaps because it is next to the beer tent!) you should consider separating the inputs - composting liquids and solids separately - e.g. a separate Treebog or simple straw urinal, for liquids only.
The 'gravity powered' separation of solids and liquids prevents the smells caused by the compost pile going anaerobic. The through-flow of air below the platform is also important as a boxed-in pile with no ventilation may well go anaerobic and start to pong.
Some Treeboggers have installed in their Treebog the urine separating system from a conventional compost toilet this enables pipework to take the urine directly to the planted willow and surrounding straw mulch and so the liquids and solids do not mix to any great degree - it is not clear if this is advantageous/necessary in that Treebogs, if well aerated, do not smell.
It is worth noting that any design used should prevent splashes of misdirected urine from soaking into wooden seating or seat support structures as this will decompose and cause a smell, a metal splash plate or plastic sheet pinned into place can prevent this from occurring.

Watch videos on Compost Toilets:
1) City Farmer's Compost Toilet
2) Compost Toilet System
3) How to make a compost toilet

Energy Effiency & Green Building
Energy Efficiency
The average home in the United States annually pays $1,172 in energy bills. By utilizing energy efficiency technolgy, expertise, and common sense, residents can dramatically cut their home energy costs and the pollution associated with energy use and production.
The first place to begin is with large appliances. If you need to purchase a new refrigerator, washer, dryer, water heater, room air conditioner, or other large power consuming item, then do your research to find a highly efficient option. One of the best resources in this area is the government's website http://www.energystar.gov/.
You can also save energy and money by using efficient lighting. Compact flourescent light bulbs are a good investment for places where lights are on for a few hours a day. They can reduce energy usage by as much as 80 percent and go for years without replacement.
In most climates, heating and/or air conditioning costs are the largest energy expenditures in a household. If you have old inefficient equipment, you may want to replace them. The annual energy savings could pay for the new equipment in a few years. If you are not willing to or don't want to invest in new equipment, you can still save energy by taking the following steps.
1. Use a programable thermostat to maximize your energy usage.
2. Insulate and seal old windows, attics, doors, walls.
3. Change or clean your furnace and air conditioner filters regularly.
4. Insulate your water heater.
5. Use low flow showerheads and faucet aerators.
For more tips, go to: http://www.aceee.org/consumerguide/chklst.htm
Green Building Practices
Home building and rehabbing projects now can be healthy and environmentally sound using readily available products. Here are some of the things that can be done:
Use Non-Toxic Paints and Finishes.
Many paint and finishing manufacturers now sell paints, stains, and finishes that are non-toxic.
Use Sustainably Harvested Wood.
You can now purchase furniture and building materials using wood which is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council to be from forests that are sustainably managed.
Choose Green Flooring and Carpeting.
Beautiful flooring made of sustainably harvested bamboo and wood is now readily available. http://www.ecotimber.com You can also purchase natural linoleum sheets or tiles made from flax. http://www.forbo-linoleum.com Many companies are selling carpeting from natural wool fibers, recycled materials, and natural fabrics. http://www.interfaceflor.com or http://www.safebuildingsolutions.com
Use Clean Plywood.
Much of the plywood currently sold for building contains formaldahyde, a toxic chemical that contributes to pollution. Green builders and consumers are increasingly choosing plywood that is not manufactured with formaldahyde. http://www.certifiedwood.org
Choose Energy Efficient Equipment and Appliances.
Buying energy efficient appliances, heating and air conditioning equipment, and other products saves money and cuts pollution. http://www.energystar.gov
Use Solar for Hot Water and Electricity.
It is becoming cost effective in some locations to generate electricity and hot water from roof mounted solar panels. http://www.eere.energy.gov/RE/solar.html
Use the Sun for Lighting.
Smart architects and builders now design space in a manner that maximizes natural daylighting. In addition, it is possible to use sky lights or sun pipes to bring daylight into living and working spaces.

Micro Hydro-Electric Evolution
Paul Cunningham
Since the 1970s, there have been many examples of very small hydro machines to enter the marketplace. I am referring to those machines which are usually used in a battery based system, with an output of typically a few hundred watts and usually less than 1 kW. To put this in perspective, meeting the electrical demands of a typical home usually requires 3-400 W continuous. This is sufficient power to operate lights, refrigerator freezer, washing machine and entertainment.
Most of these generators have used impulse turbine runners as the hydraulic component, including Pelton, turgo, and some cross-flow designs. Materials for these runners include bronze, aluminium, steel and plastic. With efficiencies of the runners alone exceeding 80%, it is unlikely that much improvement will be possible here.
Automotive alternators are usually used to convert the shaft power of the runner into electricity. While this technology can provide a cost effective means to generate power, it is far from ideal. On the plus side, they are readily available, cheap, simple, and the field current can be easily varied in order to match the output of the turbine runner with the generator. On the down side, they usually employ carbon brushes to carry the field current (creating a maintenance issue), the efficiency is low (around 60%), and performance at low shaft speeds is problematic, since most machines use direct drive (often the speed is simply too low to achieve desirable outputs without using belt drives, etc).
It has proven advantageous to rewind these automotive alternators, as the stators are usually not more than half filled with wire. By using more wire, the efficiency can be raised and we can now use the wire size that best matches output to the load. However, the basic limitations are still there, in that these alternators were designed and evolved for automobiles, not hydropower. Note that by combining an 80% turbine efficiency with a 60% alternator efficiency, the best one could hope for would be an 48% water to wire efficiency.
It is only natural that a machine designed for the task of residential power generation would eventually be developed. Ideally, it should be brushless; use permanent magnets to avoid field losses and excitation problems; be water cooled since all that water is only a few centimetres away; be highly efficient; and be easily adjustable so load matching can be facilitated by the average user.
This has now been done with the alternator used on the Stream Engine made by Energy Systems and Design. Neodymium magnets are used in the rotor to maximise field strength, the alternator and rectifier are both thermally bonded to tile turbine housing to ensure cooling, and efficiency is typically in the 80% range at full load. The output is adjustable by raising or lowering the rotor which affects its proximity to the stator in tills axial alternator design. In this manner, turbine power can be matched to generator output. Reconnectable windings are used so that outputs of 12, 2.4 and 48V can be produced front the same machines, and in some situations, stators .arc custom wound to transmit at 120V over long distances, thereby minimising wire losses.
An example of a typical installation follows:
Renewable energy dealer Harold Lunner of British Columbia, Canada, has recently completed an installation of a Stream Engine. The head vertical drop at this site is approximately eight meters. The system, with two 22 mm nozzles, uses about 10 l/s and is fed by a 150 mm pipe, 200 m long. Output from the machine is 8.5 amps. in a nominal 48V system, which actually operates at 54V at this current level. This gives an output, in watts, of 459. A water to wire efficiency of 65% is achieved.
Micro-hydro systems have come a long way. They can produce power more cost effectively than any other kind of renewable energy system. It will be interesting to see what the future brings.

Small Water Power Siting
Paul Cunningham
There are small streams running over much of the countryside. Perhaps you are wondering if a brook in your area is suitable for developing into a power source. The following is intended to show the procedure I used in my case to arrive at solutions to various problems. Discussing the thinking involved will provide some interesting insights.
How Much is Enough
A small scale water power system requires a more specific site than either a wind or photovoltaic one. You do need to have some flowing water. On the other hand, it isn't necessary to have very much, or much pressure, and it doesn't have to be very close to the point of use. My situation will illustrate this.
Here in the Canadian Maritimes it is difficult to go very far without finding some type of stream. I live in an area of rugged topography which enhances the water power potential. My house is located near a brook that most times of the year has a fairly low flow rate. There is normally little water in the stream above the house while water from springs which come to the surface steadily increase the flow as the water runs downhill.
One logical place for the intake and beginning of the pipeline is near my house. Although flow increases further downstream, the slope decreases. Near the house the brook drops around 8 feet for every 100 horizontal feet. So running a pipeline downstream 1,000 feet produces a combined drop or "head" of 75 feet. This looked like a reasonable place to start although the site permits running a pipeline 3,000 feet before the brook meets another one running almost level.
1000 ft. of 1.5 in. polyethylene pipe was purchased (in 1978) and simply laid on the ground. A small screened box served as the intake and was set in the brook with a "dam" of earth and rocks sufficient to raise the water level about one foot. At this site, the maximum power will be produced at a flow rate of about 20 gallons per minute (GPM). This is the point where the dynamic (running or net) head is equal to two thirds of the static head. So there will be 50 feet of net head at the end of the pipe when the water is running with a suitable nozzle at the end.
Losses within the Pipe
Any increase in flow will result in a decrease in power available due to increased pipe friction losses. Right away one third of the precious power potential is lost. At lower flow rates the pipe loss decreases which results in an increase in efficiency as flow decreases.
So why don't I use a larger pipe? Well, it costs more and sometimes 20 GPM is all there is in the brook. Also a larger pipe would aggravate the problem of freezing at low temperatures with no insulating snow cover. This is because the residence time would increase with larger pipe. In my case, the water entering the pipe is (slightly) above freezing and cools as it travels along (when temperatures are very low).
So why don't I bury it? Yes that would be nice and hopefully I will when I can afford that and larger pipe too. It is a case of the shoemaker being inadequately shod as I content myself with the present system. Besides, it has spurred me on to other possibilities that we will look at later in future articles.
Moving Water as Energy!
How much potential power is this? A U.S. gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs. and the flow is 19 GPM; then 8.34 lbs. per gallon X 19 gallons per minute = 158 lbs. per minute. Now, 158 pounds of water per minute falling 50 feet has 7,900 foot-pounds/minute of energy (simply multiply the factors). Conversion to horsepower is accomplished by division by 33,000, thus 7900/33,000 = .24 horsepower. Since 746 Watts of energy is equivalent to one horsepower, .24 hp. X 746 Watts per hp. = 179 Watts of potential squirting out the nozzle. This means that the potential power was .36 horsepower or 269 Watts before going through the pipe. Since nozzles tend to be very efficient not much loss is expected. But keep in mind that every time the energy goes through a change, power is lost. All right, how about a 9 Watt loss to make an even 170 Watts.
This may appear a little sloppy. But you must realize that these systems do not have to be very precise -- they are quite forgiving. Also many of the measurements are difficult to determine with high accuracy. So close approximations are sufficient.
Thus far things are reasonably straightforward - a pipeline with a nozzle at the end. Now what Conventional practice would suggest some sort of impulse turbine such as a Pelton or Turgo. It would also be possible to use a reaction machine. It would have to resemble one of those spinning lawn sprinklers rather than say, a propeller type. This is because of the very small nozzle area. The impulse type looked easier to build.
Low Voltage DC Hydro
At this site it is necessary to send the power back upstream 1,000 feet to the house. I wanted to use 12 VDC and wanted some way to transmit the power other than the very large wire that would be required at this voltage.
In the spring, when the flow in the brook was very high, various 12 VDC generators were operated with the pipeline ending near the house. But this could only be temporary, as ways of solving the transmission problem had to be discovered. Of course using wires wasn't the only possibility. I could always charge batteries downstream at the generator and then carry them up to the house. Or perhaps a reciprocating rod kept in tension could be used to transmit the power. But all things considered, producing electricity at a voltage higher than 12
VDC looked the easiest.
Let's Raise the Voltage
I thought generating AC electricity at 60 Hz. like regular commercial power would permit using standard transformers and make it easy to change the voltage. For this I bought a "Virden Permabilt" 120 VAC generator. This produces 1,200 Watts rated output and 60 Hz. at 3600 RPM. These machines are reworked DC auto generators with rewound field, rotor with a slip ring and brush to carry the output.
An impulse turbine should have a surface speed of about half the jet velocity. So at 56 feet per second, a turbine wheel slightly less than 2 inches in pitch (hydraulic) diameter is required. This is a little on the small side but I did make a Turgo wheel of this size so the rotational speed would be right for direct drive. Yes it's possible to use speed increasers with a larger turbine but I didn't think there was anything to gain and only power to be lost. It turned out that the alternator would not generate t 20 VAC at a low power level. The field required 10% of the rated 1200 Watts output to put out 120 VAC regardless of the load. Therefore a lower output voltage was necessary to properly balance the system. It was determined that under the site conditions an output of 50 Watts at 24 to 25 Volts was required to be in the correct ratio: 120 VAC/10 Amperes = 24 VAC/2 Amperes or 48 Watts.
Now you are probably wondering how come only 48 Watts was being produced. Well that is what that combination of turbine and generator put out. And this isn't the end either. Next the juice went through a 25-110 volt transformer, through 1000 feet of 18 gauge wire (two strands), another transformer down to 12 volts and then through rectifiers to give DC. In the end only 25 Watts or about 2 Amperes actually found its way to the battery.
This setup didn't last long enough to make many improvements. It was hard just keeping it alive. The alternator used only one slip ring. The other conductor was the bronze tail bearing! Both items had limited life under 24 hour service. Besides the efficiency was low anyway.
A Functioning Higher Voltage System
I still needed a reasonable system. At least one with a longer life. In the next attempt a 4 inch pitch Pelton Turbine was cast in epoxy using a silicone rubber mold. This directly drove a car alternator with a rheostat in series with the field to adjust the output. Transformers (3) were connected to the three phase output to raise the voltage for transmission with the (now) 3-18 gauge lines. Then a similar set of three transformers were used at the house to lower the voltage and a rectifier to make the DC conversion. About 50 Watts was still generated (4 Amperes at 12 volts) but more made it into the battery --- about 3 Amperes. The reason for this is the automotive alternators have more poles (12 Ford, 14 Delco) and generate at a higher frequency. This improves the efficiency of small transformers even though they are "designed" to work at 60 Hz. Now the system has an efficiency of around 21% (36 Watts/170 Watts) using the power available at the nozzle as the starting point.
What Can Be Done With 25 Watts
Three Amperes in a 12 VDC system doesn't sound like much. But this is sufficient to run the lights, a small fridge (Koolatron) and a tape player-radio. My house is small and so are my needs. There was sometimes even extra power and I could run Christmas lights or leave on things just to use the extra power.
At some point it occurred to me that I might generate more than electricity if I could produce turbines for others in a similar situation. Peltons were made first for sale. Originally these were made of epoxy and later of a high-strength and abrasion resistant Polyurethane. This endeavor busied me some but it soon became apparent that to survive doing this sort of thing would mean producing complete generating units.

Watch video: Micro Hydro Project

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#article
Professor B. M. Doronin, PhD
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Department of Neurology
The phytotherapy of neurotic disorders is traditionally appealing because of its gentle action, high degree of safety, and, as a result, the possibility of long-term use while maintaining a fairly high degree of effectiveness.
Neurotic disturbances are accompanied by various somatic illnesses encountered in the practice of the attending physician. This is related to the unfavourable influence on the human organism of various factors, such as smoking, the use of alcohol, obesity, an unfavourable ecological environment, and negative industrial factors. The influence of these factors sharply lowers the resistance of the organism to the effect of physical and mental loads, and in the final analysis reduces one's ability to work. In the case of a lengthy, chronic influence, disturbances of the cardio-vascular and nervous systems develop, immunological reactivity is lowered. A disruption of the nervous system leads to the development of such pathological conditions as anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and other neurotic reactions, right up to panic attacks. The preventive treatment of neurotic disturbances is an essential therapeutic action for persons from a similar risk group.
The Siberian cedar is a symbol of strength, longevity, and stability. Even by simply entering a cedar forest we feel that it has become easier to breathe, gloomy thoughts disappear, and we feel inwardly at peace. The main virtue of the Siberian cedar is its seeds (nuts). For a long time, the collecting of cedar nuts has been considered one of the more important industries of the residents of Siberia and the Urals. The cedar nut oil extracted from the nut has from the earliest times been considered a delicacy.
The oil of the Siberian cedar nut is a natural product made in Russia. Siberian cedar nut oil bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is obtained by the method of the cold pressing of choice nuts according to a technology that has been preserved, which retains all the medicinal properties of the oil endowed by nature.
Siberian cedar nut oil is a thick transparent fluid, its colour is light yellow or golden amber, it has a wonderful nutty aroma. Siberian cedar nut oil can replace any vegetable oil - sea buckthorn, burdock, coconut, olive, almond, and others. But it is impossible to replace cedar nut oil in all its value.
The biological value of Siberian cedar nut oil is determined by the high content of the following in its composition:
- polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic), no less than 60%;
- vitamins of the groups A (carotinoids), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin);
- irreplaceable amino acids;
- vitally important trace elements (iodine, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, and others).
Siberian cedar nut oil is a natural concentrated source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the human body and must enter the body only with food.
The high medical value of Siberian cedar nut oil bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is corroborated by its chemical compositions. It exceeds all known oils in quantity of phosphatidic phosphorus. This is a valuable nutritional product that has a positive effect on the human body owing to the content of magnesium, which is irreplaceable in the treatment of disorders of a neurological nature.
Magnesium possesses the ability to dilate the blood vessels and reduce the heightened excitability of nerve cells.
Vitamins of the E group have a high oxidant activity. The positive influence of vitamin E on the functioning of the sexual and other endocrine glands is widely known.
Vitamin A has an influence on the growth and development of the body, and increases the immunological resistance of the body in many infections.
It is well known that a chronic deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E can be the cause of the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, skin disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and the premature aging of the body. Supplements of these components, which are contained to a sufficient degree in cedar nut oil, enable the conditions in questions to be prevented and treated.
Siberian cedar nut oil bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is used in the treatment of many disorders, it is an effective natural antioxidant. It is widely used in neurology. In the first place, it is indispensable for those people who lead an active lifestyle and are in a state of psychological and emotional stress on a daily basis.
Taking Siberian cedar nut oil assists in eliminating chronic fatigue syndrome, increases the adaptive capacities of the body, it has a general fortifying effect, improves the composition of the blood, promotes an increase in the level of hemoglobin, and regulates lipid metabolism, owing to the normalization of the lipid profile.
Siberian cedar nut oil is recommended for the normalization of the activity of the nervous system: to slow down the aging processes, and maintain a high capacity for work and state of well-being into extreme old age.
Recommendations for use: one teaspoon two to three times a day, with meals, which ensures an adequate level of the requirement of polyunsaturated fatty acids at 22% (12.5 g), vitamin E at 20% (2.0 mg).
The course of treatment is one month. A noticeable therapeutic effect occurs even after two weeks of use.
For the treatment of neurological disorders, Siberian cedar nut oil is also used in the form of external applications. For example, in the comprehensive treatment of neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve, the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh, the glossopharyngeal nerve, intercostal neuralgia, and other disorders accompanied by the pain syndrome.
At the sign of the first symptoms of neuralgia, a small quantity of oil should be rubbed in the area of the severe painful sensations. The greatest effect may be obtained if a bath is taken first, or the painful area is heated, in addition it may be combined with the oils of cloves or rosemary in equal proportions.
Professor B. M. Doronin, PhD
Novosibirsk State Medical University
Department of Neurology
Used by permission
Copyright http://www.CedarInfo.info/

Seed Reproduction
Cedar Nut Kernels - seeds of the Siberian Cedar
The cedar pine reproduces by seeds. The germinating capacity of seeds is preserved for up to four years. After sowing, the seeds are loosely covered with soil. The seeds germinate in the year they are sown or in the following year, more rarely in the third year, after germination the young shoots must be kept in the shade and watered, in the second year the seedlings develop only the top shoot, in the third year they form the first whorl of lateral shoots. The young plant acquires a crown usually by the time it is 5 to 7 years old, and by 15 to 25 years of age is covered with branches almost to the ground. At 20 to 30 years of age, the lower branches begin to die off, and the crown acquires an oval shape.
The seeds of the cedar pines are prepared from the middle of August-beginning of September until the middle of November. In the case of a delay in the ripening of the cones, they are collected in the spring. In order to grow the seedlings, it is recommended to sow seeds that have been stratified in the spring. In the case of further transportation of the seeds, it is important not to allow them to dry out (moisture content of less than 8-10%) or heat spontaneously, which occurs when the moisture content is greater than 20% and they are stored at a raised temperature. Seeds with an underdeveloped germ must not be extracted from the cones for two or three months before they ripen. The seeds of the Siberian and European cedar are stratified at a temperature from-4 to +3˚C over three to five months. The stratification of the seeds can take place in an ice box, a deep trench, cold basement, in boxes under the snow, and in cold rooms. The seeds are mixed with two to three times their volume of sterile substratum (sand, sawdust, peat, moss). When placing them for stratification, the seeds should have a moisture content of 20 to 40%, while the substratum should have the least (field) moisture capacity. In all methods of stratification, it is necessary to provide good drainage and protection from rodents.
To create a supply of viable cedar pine seeds, methods of long-term storage (up to 2.5 years) in deep trenches (2.5 metres) may be used. In the latter, a constantly lowered temperature and moisture content is provided. In order to hasten the appearance of shoots and reduce losses from rodents, in the spring planting it is expedient to use seeds that have begun to sprout slightly. For one linear metre 120 to 140 seeds are placed at a depth of three to four centimetres. Protection of the shoots from birds is ensured by covering the surface of the soil with a layer of sawdust (3-4 cm). The technology of growing the cedar seedlings is no different from that used for other conifers (shade, watering, protection from flattening, cultivating the soil, weeding).
Planting Evergreen Progeny
Stands of cedar pines are created by planting on partially worked soil (furrows, beds, terraces) in the spring, autumn, and in the second half of the summer (in areas with increased humidity in July and August). When growing forest stands of cedar, attention should be directed to the creation of solid, pure stands of cedar in conditions of fresh and moist coniferous forests growing in relatively rich soils, or more rarely in mixed pine forests growing in sandy soils.
Even though they are very tolerant of shade in their first years, cedar pines nevertheless give the best growth performance in conditions of sufficient illumination. The competition of grass has a great influence on the intensity of the growth and the preservation of cedar stands. The experience of producing a cedar in various forest-growing conditions of Central Siberia has convincingly shown that the intensification of its growth and high preservation may be achieved only by caring for it over the course of seven to nine years. In optimal growth conditions and with intensive agricultural technology, already at 15 years of age Siberian cedar plants reach a height of 3.5 to 5 m. The beauty and severity of the majority of coniferous trees cannot leave anyone indifferent - they very much coincide in mood with the image of our northern landscape! In order to grow coniferous trees successfully in a cultivated plot (or outside its fence), several obligatory rules must be remembered.
Thus, the planting of coniferous species in the same group with deciduous trees, or their combination in a single hedge cannot be permitted. Coniferous trees do not tolerate contact with the branches and leaves of their deciduous fellows, which, as is said, "whip" them (that is, remove the needles). After this type of "interaction," the tops and a part of the crown of coniferous trees dry out and are rarely able to recover their previous form and beauty. In addition, hedges and groups made up of only conifers are more decorative. The planting and transplanting of coniferous species is permissible only when the ball of earth around the roots is preserved. Only very young saplings (2 to 4 years old) taken from a nursery may be planted in the early spring without this ball, as long as the roots are not permitted to dry out. If you are growing conifer seedlings in your beds (this is entirely possible), then it is expeditious to do it in soils that cling well to the roots of saplings that are dug up. But it is also possible to grow coniferous seedlings in special baskets, boxes, or jars buried in the soil. These seedlings are ready for transplanting to their permanent place of residence at any time of the year.
When transplanting evergreen seedlings from a forest, it is necessary to remember yet another rule: do not take saplings that are growing in a shaded part of the forest - they will die from the sun's burning heat and the dryness of the air, and in the best case, having lost their decorative shape, will be recovering from this malaise for many long years. It is best to direct one's choice to saplings that are growing in open, sunny clearings or at the edge of a forest.
Saplings must be transported to their parcel of land with the ball of earth on their roots wrapped in sacking. And remember: in the first year after planting and transplanting, all coniferous trees and bushes require abundant and frequent watering! A cedar should be transplanted in early spring or preferably in the fall, it is desirable to plant a cedar with a "nanny," which shields the cedar sapling from light (it can be a birch or spruce, but in 15 years it will be necessary to cut down the nanny). For transplanting, it is necessary to dig a 50x50 hole, fill it with a mixture of humus, peat, and fallen needles. If the ground is clayey, then add 1/3 sand to the hole. When transplanting it is necessary to ensure that the root system is kept intact. In the hole, the roots are spread out, soil is poured in, packed down, the root neck should be level with the soil. After planting, the plant is watered, and in the first two to three months, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In conclusion, I would like to quote an extract from Vladimir Megre's book The Space of Love:
"Let each inhabitant of a large city take a tiny nut from a resinous cedar cone, hold it in his mouth, bathe it in his saliva, plant it at home in earth in a small pot, and water the earth each day. Before watering, let him dip his fingers into the water, his mood should be good, and let him wish himself, and, most importantly, his descendants, his children, good and the consciousness of God. And do this every day. When the shoot emerges, he can mentally converse with it about what is secret. On a summer, frostless day, at night, the pot with the small shoot should be placed outside among other plants. Let it begin to communicate with the stars, moon, and sun, let it know the rain, the breeze, and the spirit of the grass growing nearby, and it will come back inside again to its friends, its parents. This should be done on many occasions, when you have the desire and the time. This shoot is growing for the ages, after all, a cedar will live for more than five hundred years, it will give descendants, and tell new cedars about the spirits of those who grew them. When it has grown to thirty centimetres inside, in the early spring the shoot may be planted in the earth. Let the municipal authorities allot at least one square metre to all those who do not own land. And the shoots will be planted from the edge of the city to the riverbank and along the roads, among the houses and in the centre of crowded squares, let the people each look after their shoot, and let them help each other. From all corners of the earth people will come to this city for centuries to look, to touch these sacred objects, to exchange even a word with its happy people."
Seed Output of Cedar Pines
The germs of the micro- and macrostrobila in the Siberian cedar are laid down in July and August, flowering and pollination take place in June or July of the following year, and continue for 3 to 7 days, fertilization of the seed-buds occurs a year after their pollination, then over a period of 50 to 60 days the formation of the seeds is completed. The selection of the optimal period for the procurement of cedar seeds has great significance for ensuring a high productivity of work and the reduction of the damage to the trees when using existing methods of collecting the cones. Characteristic of cedar pines is an unevenness in the harvests of their cones and seeds over the years, especially in extreme growth conditions. The size of the seed harvest depends on the weather conditions in the pollination and fertilization period, and is also related to solar activity. Highly productive trees in cedar orchards yield from 40 to 100 kg in a year, while in natural stands the yield is only from 8 to 20 kg. The thinning out and pruning of cedar saplings has made it possible to advance the stage of lengthy seed-bearing in cedar forests by 50 to 120 years in relation to natural plantations.
The Air in Cedar Stands
In cedar stands the air is pure and wholesome. The antimicrobial properties of cedar forests are high. The health-improving properties of cedar stands has been pointed out by I. Ya. Slovtsev, an expert on Siberian forests. He wrote that "cedar forests always have an aromatic freshness." V. Gomilevskiy cites some interesting data in his work. When characterizing the Siberian cedar as a valuable tree, the author notes that this type of plant acts in a way to frighten off harmful insects. In particular, he writes, "Gadflies, horse-flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and insects called by the common name of "midges" avoid the Siberian cedar, in all probability, driven away by the resinous odor, which is especially strong during intense heat and after dusk." Cedar stands, thanks to the emission of bactericides, fungicides, and protozoacides, make the air more healthy and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and impart wholesome properties to the air. They possess antimicrobial effects with respect to diphtheria bacteria. The quantity of microbes in the air decreases with an increase in the proportion of Siberian cedar in the composition of the stands. In addition, if a pine forest has an unfavourable effect on certain cardiac patients, in cedar stands "even with a very large saturation of the vapours of cedar essential oil, no negative deviations or indications of the ionization of the air are observed" (Sverchkov, 1964, p. 18). All this confirms the sanitary-hygienic and even preventive medical importance of cedar stands.
Taking all this into account, it is necessary to plant more Siberian cedars in our suburban forests, in resort areas, in urban squares, gardens, and parks, especially because the Siberian cedar is more tolerant (in comparison to other conifers) of smoke and gases in urban conditions. On a hot day it provides good protection for a person from the intense summer heat. The most important biological feature, which also has great practical significance, is the great hardiness of the Siberian cedar in winter. This is one of the representatives of the nut-bearing plants that is not afraid of harsh winters and extends far to the north. Among the coniferous species, the Siberian cedar is the most smoke resistant tree, and can propagate in large industrial cities.
The Cedar and Our Ancestors
The cedar (Greek: kedros; Latin: cednis), owing to its harmonious proportions, similar to a cypress, was considered a valuable coniferous tree of the Mediterranean area, and already at the dawn of Egyptian history was brought from Lebanon to the country on the Nile, a country barren of trees. The wood of the cedar was also valued because of its fragrant resin, and was used in Egypt for the construction of ships, and the manufacture of furniture, coffins for mummies, and utensils. King Solomon used it in the construction of the temple in Jerusalem. In a Psalm (92:12) it is written: "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon." Origen (185-254), a father of the Church, characterized the moral and symbolic side of the concept of longevity in the following manner: "The cedar does not decay. The foundations of our homes, foundations made from cedar wood, preserve our souls from decay." Bishop Kirill Aleksandriyskiy (412-444) compared cedar wood with the body of Christ, which remains imperishable. Only the wrath of God is stronger than the cedar: "The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon." (Psalms 29:5). V. Kh. von Khokhberg (1675) moreover emphasized the characteristics of the longevity of the cedar: "Solomon's temple was built of cedars. For the reason that this wood stands for many years without being destroyed or eaten by worms. When the Lord comes to bless His possessions, He will not be met with misfortune or loss." The cedar is the heraldic symbol of Lebanon, although, unfortunately, it has now been almost completely exterminated there.
In Christianity, the cedar, especially the cedar of Lebanon, is a symbol of Christ: "...his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars" (Song of Solomon 5:15). The majestic appearance of the cedar began to be identified with the concept of beauty and grandeur. The Prophet Ezekiel used the cedar as a symbol of the Messiah and His Kingdom: "...I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:" (Ezekiel 17:22).
Clay tablets of the Sumerians, found during archeological excavations of the ancient Sumerian kingdom, confirm that, 5000 years before the modern era, extracts and broths of needles were used in the form of compresses and poultices. But cedar resin was also no less valued in prehistoric times. A cup of cedar resin was a part of the ritual of the consecration of King Khorassan. The flame of Zoroaster was born from burning resin in a cup. Among the druids a cup of cedar resin was called "the cup of life."
Used by permission
Copyright http://www.CedarInfo.info/

This energizing mana bread can be enjoyed on its own, with green tea, salad or a thick vegetable soup.
Ingredients: 1 cup rye berries, 2 tbsp pine nut oil, rye flour as needed.
Easy instructions: soak rye berries for 24 hrs, rinse, spread in a 1/2 inch layer on a plate and leave at room temperature to sprout. Rye usually sprouts within 12 to 24 hours. Put it in blender, add water to cover the rye and blend at high speed until it becomes a homogenous thick liquid (add water as necessary). If the resulting dough is too liquid, add rye flour. The ideal dough is similar in its thickness to sour cream. Put some dough on a medium-hot pan and spread with a spoon to form a small pan-cake 1/4 inch thick. Cook till the surface is dry, then turn over to bake the other side. Put on a plate and make more flat breads like this. Oil one side with pine nut oil (using a brush). Alternatively, pour the oil in a small bowl, roll the bread into a roll and dip into the oil while eating. Serves 3. Preparation time - 45 min.
Tips from chef Kedroff: To soak the rye, I use a large glass jar, allowing for plenty of room for rye to expand as it absorbs water. When the soaked rye is set on a plate to sprout, covering it with a wet cheese cloth helps to slow down rye's drying and speeds up sprouting. When the rye has tiny (1 mm = 1/24 in) white sprouts, it is ready to cook. If not cooked immediately after sprouting, it should be rinsed and refrigerated to slow down it further sprouting. I usually soak the rye in the evening, put it on a plate in the evening next day, and the morning or by noon after that it is ready to make bread. I usually use 3 or 4 pans to speed up cooking, making oblong breads about 5" long and 3" wide, or larger round breads 6-8" in diameter.

Ingredients: a large handful of pine nuts (2.5-3 oz); 6 or so sundried tomatoes, soaked for 2.5 hours; two or three large spanish green olives; six slices of zucchini; half a clove of garlic; a thin slice of red onion; a handful of parsley; a handful of cinnamon basil; cilantro; cayenne pepper; sea salt; nama shoyu; olive (or pine nut) oil; a little bit of maple syrup.
Directions: blend blend, push down, blend more, push down, blend and repeat until smooth keep tasting throughout to add more of the specific things you like, eat with bell pepper or some yummy raw crackers! or just with your fork!

Coleslaw with macadamia dressing
Ingredients: 1/2 Red/purple cabbage, chopped; 1/2 Green cabbage, chopped;
3 carrots, grated; 3/4 cup cedar nuts;
3 tablespoons lemon juice;
1 teaspoon garlic, crushed;
1/4 cup olive (or cedar nut) oil;
1 cup green leafies (i.e. rocket or spinach leaves);
1 teaspoon vegetable stock
Directions: Combine cabbages, carrots and green leafies. Put in a blender cedar nuts, vegetable stock, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil. Add a splash of water. Blend till smooth. Test seasoning.
Serve nut mayonnaise over leafies.
Wa-la! Delicious coleslaw!

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.cedarinfo.info/
The latest in Siberian Health:
Now available for purchase from USA - CEDAR NUT SHELLS 1kg (2.2 lb) for only $9.99
Recommendations of use: Crush 200 g of cedar nut shell in a mortar, transfer to a half-litre bottle (so it fills half the bottle or a little less), add two tablespoons of sugar to this mixture and fill with medical alcohol. Store in a dark container in a cool place. Let the nuts stand for a month, then strain them through gauze and put in a cool place. An excellent ointment is obtained. Drink one teaspoon for a glass of water twice a day during the daytime. Drink this, beginning with 5 and going up to 15 drops. This tincture increases physical strength, cures impotence, is a preventive measure against atherosclerosis, and eliminates stress.
Click here to go to our online store.

Make use of these great promotions this summer:
Full Course of Cedar Nut Oil - 30% off!
Get your monthly course of Cedar Nut Oil - 5 bottles at a 30% discount! At the usual . Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Siberian Cedar Resin and Siberian Larch Resin Chewing Gum - 40% off!
For a limited time get 40% off when you buy a family pack of Siberian Cedar Resin and Siberian Larch Resin Chewing Gum at 40% discount!
Among the people, the resin of the Siberian cedar has acquired the name zhivitsa, related to the Russian word for life (zhizn). With an unbelievable ability to heal wounds and regenerate cells, cedar resin has, since ancient times, been considered to be a very valuable product, and was used by the peoples of Siberia and the Urals in the treatment of various diseases.
Siberian cedar resin contains 30-35% of volatile substances: turpentine and its derivatives, oxygen compounds and succinic acid. The remaining part (65-70%) is represented by resin acids and their derivatives, resinols and resinotannols, rubber (inert substances), plant matter, vitamins C and D.
Siberian cedar resin has a maximum medicinal effect if the tree is not tapped during its collection. It is thought that if harm is done to the tree, then it will not provide the life-giving force that it is capable of providing. For that reason, Siberian cedar resin is collected only from those cedars that exude their resin themselves.
Siberian cedar resin for preparing chewable tablets bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark is collected exclusively from the surface of cedar trunks without the use of tapping. Flour made from the cedar nut is added to the resin.
Click here to go to our online store

Siberian Cedar Essential Oils
ENJOY OUR LIMITED TIME PROMOTION - get all three fragarances of Siberian Cedar Essential Oils (25g) at a discount of 25%! Click here to go to our online store.
"The ethers of the cedar represent the spirit of the Universe. They can cure the body - the ethers of the cedar can protect Man from harmful influences." - Anastasia, Co-creation.
Siberian Cedar Essential oils have a warm, balsamic aroma. Relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Can be used as a perfume.
Siberian health in every drop. Each of the three oils have their own distict fragrance. Availabe fragrances: Siberian Cedar Wood Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Needle Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Cone Essential Oil.
Siberian Cedar essense for you!
Click here to go to our online store
Lloydminster, SK, Canada
Healing Arts and Wellness Centre Inc.
#5 4517 50th Avenue, Lloydminster, SK, S9V0Z9, Canada. Tel: 306-825-3944. E-mail: noel@safe-mail.com

For a full list of our distributors please click here.

"Anastasia Wows the Soul!"
Says Mark Victor Hansen, best-selling author of the chicken Soup for the Soul Series and outspoken advocate of organic food-production.
* * *
Would like to become a distributor for these products. I see nothing more important than to circluate Anastasia's splendid image to all people of the Earth asap. The faster the image spreads, the faster we will have a splendid paradise to live in!
Tor Fjelldal, Norway
* * *
I want a list of the books after Anastasia. I read it and I am impressed. I want to get the other books in the series and continue. Thanks.
Martha Lee
* * *
Glad te see your website, I am just reading the book of Anastasia. Beautiful!!!
Nelia Aarnoutse
Ever since I have use the cedar oil for my crack lips I have been commented on how lively and more younger I look and feel within myself I am able to share care and give all the energy this all has given to me to others.
Denise Rosse
* * *
Hi Folks, At the age of 57 I am bound to have had some health problems, however taking 1 wooden desert spoon and the same amount of cedar nuts I feel fitter, with more energy now than when I was 30 years of age. The oil and nuts are amazing.
* * *
The cedar is deliciously fragrent and I feel I sleep more deeply and breathe more easily when I use the cedar pillow.
Alice Michaud
* * *
definitely want to share this with my friends and find out the possibilities of being a distributor.
Marge Plasmier
* * *
Just writing to say thank you for your prompt service ! I have received my package and all is in good order. I love the Cedar Wood essential oil and I'm wearing my beautiful pendant as I write this. Thank you again,
kind regards
Annette |

RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official
literary agent of Vladimir Megre.

This is the official message to publishers and editors.
We are inviting every one who is interested in signing publishing agreements for the books of Vladimir Megre to the International Readers Conference from October 10 to October 17, 2008. All the details are located at http://www.RingingCedarsConference.com/
Dear Publisher:
We are inviting you to participate in the interesting project of publishing the books of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre.
Vladimir Megre's books embody the human striving for harmony with oneself, the nature that surrounds us, and society. His books have been translated into more than 20 of the world's languages, more than 11 million copies have been printed, the books are international bestsellers.
All Vladimir Megre's works were originally written in Russian.
If you are interested in translating the books into one of the available languages and publishing it in the appropriate country, we are prepared to consider your proposal and give you an answer within a period of three days.
Our requirements:
1) |
The translator from Russian to the selected language must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. |
2) |
The fundamental meaning of the works or any part of that meaning may not be changed or abbreviated in the translation. |
3) |
Professional design work. |
4) |
The presence of a distribution network or a professional business plan. |
Some of the existing translations of the Ringing Cedars book series can be found on the Ringing Cedars Information page
Sincerely yours,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Spanish Translator.
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Spanish for the creation of a Spanish translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near & far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland.
Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

Meetings in Ontario, Canada
To all motivated by Anastasia's words, there is a growing group meeting regularly between Toronto and Guelph. All those interested are welcome to join a gathering. Our next meeting will be Sunday afternoon on July 6th. Exact time and location to be determined. If you wish to attend, please call or email Robert 519-829-2281 email: rorland@sentex.ca

Kin's Domain Eco-Village Initiative
Message submitted from: Tor Fjelldal
Email: creatingabeautifulworld@gmail.com
Title: Kin's Domain Eco-Village Initiative
Interested in making difference? Investors needed to start up a kin's domain eco-village concept based on the Anastasia books. Visit http://creatingabeautifulworld.org - all kinds of input and help is highly appreciated and welcomed! our aim is to purchase land and retunr it to people free of charge to create abundance and diversity and a good place to raise our children. the plan is to start it off in Golden Bay New Zealand and eventually make it a world wide project inspiring others to fulfull our beautiful destiny!
Tor Fjelldal

Green Garden Earth
Message submitted from: Green Garden Earth
Green Garden Earth Almanac (GGEA) is an online periodical discussing the creation of Green Garden Earth with sections such as Green Technologies, Gardening, Hand-made, Traditions, and more: http://www.greengardenearth.com/almanac/
Signup to our mailing list to get notified about the next issue of GGEA: http://www.greengardenearth.com/mailinglist.html
We are looking for any like-minded authors to send us your own articles: editor@greengardenearth.com

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Please send your works of art, poems, songs, and paintings, inspired by the books of Vladimir Megre to the following address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Art". Best ones will be published in "The Earth" Newspaper. Also, you can open a thread in the ART OF SOUL section of the forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://sourceoflife.ca/forum_ca/ and publish your works.
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The Earth online newspaper.

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