

This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Children's Upbringing and Education:
Meaning of Food in Our Lives
Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

Ecological Farming, Permaculture
Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies


Edinaya Rossiya, Russia's leading party, headed by Vladimir Putin, supports the idea of the KIN'S DOMAINS
Edinaya Rossiya Party Altai Regional Division http://www.edinros22.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=274
Official site for Altai Krai http://altairegion22.ru/rus/region_news/?news_id=47535
What is a Kin's Domain?
- What is a Kin's Domain?
- A Kin's Domain is a parcel of land for the permanent residence of a family, one hectare (100 m x 100 m) in size, on which a family can build its house, plant an ancestral tree, its own forest, orchard and garden, and construct a pond. The perimeter of a Kin's Domain is enclosed by a hedge of forest plants - cedar, coniferous and deciduous trees, and shrubs.
The Kin's Domain represents the solution to many problems involving the family. It is a comfortable residence, as well as a worthy space for living, which is suitable for everyone, where there is enough space for man, animals, and plants alike. It is an organization of living space according to the principle of "everything at hand." Thus, for the owners of Kin's Domains, there is no longer the need to go to the cellar according to a schedule, to go "to the ends of the earth" to get to a country house, to grow potatoes in a separate spot, go out of town to breathe the forest air or find a water hole to bathe in.
A kin's settlement is a group of closely situated kin's domains, whose owners have become united in a general partnership for the joint construction of a kin's settlement, for the creation of the appropriate infrastructure for administrative, educational, medical, cultural, sporting, and other social establishments and institutions.
- How do ecological kin's settlements differ from existing built-up areas?
- Financially the most expensive part of modern cottage settlements are centralized life-support systems - kilometres of trenches, pipes, wires, hundreds of poles for electrical power lines, etc. The main feature of ecovillages consisting of Kin's Domains is their autonomy. Autonomy in obtaining electricity may be provided by solar batteries, mini-wind generators and mini-hydraulic turbine generators, "star batteries," and other newer developments in the area of power supply.
Houses may be heated by stoves providing economical catalytic heating, a Russian stove, gas installations. In order to keep the air of ecovillages clean, it is necessary to exclude the use of coal.
In addition, there exist energy conserving technologies for the construction of residences and alternative construction materials.
The fitting out of an autonomous water supply system is planned on the parcel, consisting of mutually replenishing and exchanging sources of water from wells, bore-holes, ponds, springs.
- Why is a hedge needed around the perimeter of the parcel?
- A question of no small importance that is not resolved in city conditions and even in the modern cottage settlement is the proximity of neighbors and the frequently common fence with them. In the conditions of a Kin's Domain, it is necessary to plan for the presence of roads and paths around each of the four sides of a parcel. Moreover, the size of the paths is not less than three to four metres, the size of the road is two or three times greater. Where there is no common fence with a neighbor, there are no boundary disputes.
A hedge, where trees and shrubs preserve their natural appearance, does not require special care in the future. Its width may be from three to ten metres, its height from 15 to 20 metres. Only in such circumstances are neighbors "not seen and not heard." A hedge is able to provide protection not only from the wind, dust, and extraneous odors, but also from noise. And tall forest trees and flowering shrubs do not provoke irritation from the surrounding neighbors, as would, for example, a high stone fence.
A small forest planted with one's own hands will over time provide mushrooms, berries, nuts, it will serve as a home for birds and animals, who have their own role to play in the ecosystem of the domain. If a forest is growing nearby, then the harvest of potatoes will increase by 25 to 30%, the harvest of fruits, from 45 to 50%, and grasses, by 100%.
The Kin's Domain is, in fact, a forest glade built by the members of a family, a type of "garden in the forest," where everything exists that is necessary for the life and nutrition of a family.
- Why is it precisely the creation of kin's settlements that is capable of fundamentally improving the ecological situation in Altai Krai?
- We are destroying ourselves by consuming, on a daily basis, dead, chlorinated water, food filled with preservatives and colorants, and by breathing the gas-filled air of the cities.
Over the course of many decades, ecologists have not been able to halt the processes of the destruction of nature in a significant and visible manner, that is evident to everyone. The water and air have only become dirtier, forests are being cut down, subsoil waters are disappearing from the surface deep into the earth, the rivers are becoming shallow, the fertile layer of earth is becoming depleted.
A small handful of specialists, in principle, are not able to solve the problem of the regeneration of nature in Altai. What is required is the participation of thousands and millions of citizens, who are consciously bringing their piece of Russia's Nature back to life.
As practical experience has demonstrated, people who have received land for Kin's Domains first of all begin to plant wild trees, on the average up to 200 plants on each parcel; shrubs, hedges, berry bushes, up to 2000 plants; fruit-bearing plants, up to 50.
The planting of forest trees, as well as the construction of a pond on the parcel, will provide for a special, mild, humid microclimate, and raise subsoil waters to the surface, which will significantly improve the conditions for growing plants.
Kin's Domains are a global ecological project that the government is interested in.
- Can a family with a low income level construct a residence in a Kin's Settlement?
- The construction of a home in an ecovillage is much less expensive than the construction of the same living space in any city of Russia.
Even now the construction of a house with a surface area of 130 square metres in a suburb in Leningrad Oblast, according to D. Medvedev in April 2007, costs two to three times less than acquiring an apartment in St. Petersburg.
A Kin's Domain represents an opportunity for each person to build in the size and time periods that are necessary and reasonable according to their resources. Even families with a low income level will be able to build a comfortable, ecologically clean and energy independent dwelling in Kin's Settlements.
- How does the idea of the creation of Kin's Domains agree with the implementation of the "Accessible Housing" national project?
- In the opinion of Dmitriy Medvedev, "the idea of Kin's Domains. . .is absolutely positive. It is related to our ideas of a low-rise or one-storied Russia, which we are currently actively involved in as part of the housing project....It is obvious that in such a huge country as ours, with such huge territories, it does not make sense to concentrate only on small plots of land, even in the metropolises. It's much more useful both for health and the state to spread ourselves out on the territory of our large country. "
In Russia, only 1.5% (!) of the land surface is occupied by settlements - cities, villages, towns. Kin's Domains may be created on the basis of horticultural associations, there, where for many years abandoned country homes have had no owners. It could be the lands of dying villages. And, finally, agricultural purpose lands in the suburbs of Barnaul and other countries of our krai.
This position is also supported by B. V. Gryzlov: "We cannot achieve a quality improvement in providing people with housing without changing the model of settlement. The general scheme of settlement of this model is "from the cities to the suburbs. "
- How can one make a Kin's Domain one's own?
- Each person will resolve this for himself or herself. The Kin's Domain may be a place for a family to relax, a place for work - growing agricultural products - or a place for a family's permanent residence. If a Kin's Settlement is located in a suburb of Barnaul (30 to 50 km), it will also be possible to commute to work in the city.
- Will not the assignment of a one-hectare parcel to each person who wants it lead to the usual speculation in land?
- The Kin's Domain is the strengthening of a family and preservation of family traditions, the regeneration of the Clan, family memory. For that reason, the main feature of the Kin's Domain will be its special legal status: it will not be possible to sell a domain, mortgage it, exchange it for something else, it can only be passed on by inheritance. Land for the creation of a Kin's Domain can only be taken once and registered for life-long inheritable ownership. It will not be possible to have more than one kin's domain for a family, but it will be possible to have other parcels of land that have been granted to carry out agricultural or other activities.
- Are Kin's Domains "a return to the plow" ?
- Kin's Domains are a return to common sense.
In Japan only millionaires can own three ares of land, while in Europe only very, very few people can own a hectare, since there is little land and it is too expensive. In Russia each person can have the possibility of creating a Kin's Domain. The status of any Russian who has his or her own Kin's Domain will increase immeasurably high both in the eyes of his Western as well as his Eastern neighbor.
- What is the chief feature of the kin's settlements that are being created?
- The creation of a kin's settlement is, first of all, the creation of a collective of like-minded persons, finding people close in spirit. And when people are united by a wonderful goal, their relations are filled with the meaning of mutual creation - co-creation.
- Do kin's settlements exist now in Russia?
- The idea of the creation of Kin's Domains first appeared in 1999. Seven years have already passed. Today more than 1000 (!) ecovillages are already being created in Russia, all consisting of Kin's Domains.
They are all in various stages of development. The Rodnoe settlement in Vladimir Oblast and Kovcheg settlement in Kirov Oblast are more than five years old. People are living there on a permanent basis. The process is proceeding most actively in the European part of Russia.
Ecological kin's settlements are being created in Siberia as well. In Kemerovo Oblast alone there are already more than ten. The best known of them are Novy Put, Sibirskiy Kedar, and Krasny Kaltanchik. Sotvorenie [Co-creation] Altai Krai Volunteer Organization
Contact telephone numbers for information: 60-34-29, e-mail: raniko@yandex.ru; e-mail: sotvory@rol.ru
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

One Step Closer to Kin's Domain Law in Belarus
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is proposing to revive a style of life that was the most prevalent in the countryside at the beginning of the past century.
December 23, Minsk (Tatiana Lobas - BELTA). The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is studying the question of creating farmsteads in rural areas, the BELTA correspondent was informed by Nadezhda Kotkovets, the first Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food.
It remains to conduct a study of the public opinion of Belarusians, their attitude toward the creation of farmsteads. At one time, this was a fairly well-developed trend in the structure of the countryside, the people's way of life. Over time, taking all circumstances into account, including collectivization and military operations during the Great Fatherland War, this trend underwent significant changes. And today in Belarus, according to statistics, there is not a single built-up area that could be called a farmstead.
"We want to study the mood of the people, to what extent they have the desire to be involved in farming independently, to carry on a trade, or to be involved in ecotourism, so, that in order to do this, it would be possible somehow to design one's living in a farmstead and legally register one's built-up area, which consists of one farm, as a farmstead. We would like to revisit the question of the creation of farmsteads also because we are counting on the people, on their wisdom and good sense. They will always find ways to resolve any difficult problem, and they will in this situation as well," said Nadezhda Kotkovets.
It goes without saying that the modern farmstead will significantly differ from the farmstead of old. No matter how far away the property of the farmstead resident is located from the agricultural cooperative, a road and electric power line will be built to it. Undoubtedly, future farmstead residents will be able to rely on the support of the government in this regard, that they, like other residents of the countryside, will be granted preferential credits for the construction of a dwelling. And if, in addition, this same farmstead resident is an employee of an agricultural production cooperative, he will receive other benefits as well.
In the opinion of the First Deputy Minister, "it is preferable to build a farmstead for a family that wants to have its own small parcel of land and work it as a family." In order that a pond on the farmstead not be a heavy financial burden, a good number of mini-technologies for farms are being produced in the republic, which future farmstead residents, such as a farmer or farmstead proprietor, will be able to acquire on certain, perhaps favourable conditions.
In present circumstances, a person by his very nature cannot live apart from others, for that reason farmstead residents should and will use all the blessings of civilization, said Nadezhda Kotkovets. Undoubtedly, they should be sure that their children will attend school, and that a mobile repair van will drop in at their farmstead in any weather. Naturally, no computer or satellite antenna can replace human relations or listening to live music or theatre. Farmstead residents, as a new social category, are fully capable of replenishing the ranks of rural intelligentsia, because, traditionally, it is primarily people who are educated and bold, and are able to take chances, who are up to this type of new venture.
"We want to nurture a proprietor on the land, and the revival of agriculture carried out on a farmstead is one of the means of achieving this goal," believes Nadezhda Kotkovets. Those who want to found their own farmstead can count on government support. In the first place, on assistance in the construction of dwellings. Through preferential credits, issued for 40 years, dwellings are today being constructed in agricultural organizations. A farmstead resident, as a member of an agricultural production cooperative, will also take advantage of these benefits. Of course, the farmstead land, which will be allotted to the farmstead resident, will also belong to the agricultural organization, which is able to get credit and build dwellings for the farmstead residents. If people are found among city dwellers who want to live on a farmstead, there are no particular problems here either. In district departments of agriculture and food, there will always be specialist-consultants who will help to organize this. The main thing is that the desire is there. Proprietors of farmsteads, just as other residents of the countryside, will have the opportunity to give milk to farms and receive the resources to purchase low cost mixed fodder and hay for the maintenance of their own milking cows.
The First Deputy Minister noted that, in rural areas, there is still a good number of free parcels of land where a farmstead can be created, a house can be built, a business can be organized, trades can be revived, the land can be fitted out, formerly unproductive lands can be brought back to life. The specialization of the farmstead dwellers can also be varied: from the cultivation of potatoes and fruits to the growing of a commercial garden, the highest quality of grains. Each farmstead may differ from others by its trade: one could be famous for the fact that tasty bread is baked there on oak and maple leaves, others, for the weaving and plaiting of souvenirs from straw, still others, for blacksmith work and pottery. In a word, the style of life in farmsteads, although rural, will be modern and effective.
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

For "Paradise" in the Country all you need is 500 Hryvnya
Almost everyone knows Sasha and Zhenya Zotov in Zabuzhe and Vygnanka of Nemirov Districts. Even a half a year ago, when they arrived to buy a house in Vygnanka, they had to live in a tent for a few weeks: the owners did not have the keys. All that time, the locals brought the "city folk" something to eat - someone brought potatoes, someone else brought some stewed fruit. They listened to the songs of Sasha Zotov, the Sun Minstrel, and all were amazed at these new neighbors and their stories of the new life that would come to the village of Vygnanka in particular, and to the countryside as such.
"We're not used to the way they live!" exclaims Granny Marusya. "We're used to working on this land, and working, and working, but he," the woman nods her head toward Sasha, "says that there's no need to work! He asks, 'Why are you working so hard?' But Gramps is already going on 79, and I am 72...."
In this new life there will be no cows, or pigs, or hectares of potatoes, or exhausting farm labour from morning to night. There will be only joy, love, and intoxication with the beauty of nature.
In order to get to the ecovillagers' nearest neighbors - Gramps Vasily and Granny Marusya - you have to descend a steep ravine, jump over a stream, and go up again. In general, the path is not a simple one. The old people cannot come to visit their young neighbors. Even though they were very happy at their appearance. Only 14 locals (among whom Sasha and Zhenya do not yet number themselves) live in the village.
"It's good for me that they came," says Granny Marusya. "They are good kids, they help out. Our son and daughter wanted to take us to Vinnitsa, because we have no neighbors. But I come out, call, and someone answers. You look in that direction - there's a light burning in their windows!"
Sasha and Zhenya are already almost like kin to the old folks, but their ideas have still not yet gotten through to them.
"We're not used to the way they live!" exclaims Granny Marusya. "We're used to working on this land, and working, and working, but he," the woman nods her head toward Sasha, "says that there's no need to work! He asks, 'Why are you working so hard?' But Gramps is already going on 79, and I am 72...."
In the summer, Sasha and Zhenya invited Granny Marusya and Gramps Vasily to the seaside.
"Gramps Vasily, perhaps, has been around, but Granny Marusya - she's only been in Khmelnik. She's never even been in Vinnitsa!" exclaims Zhenya.
"It's not expensive, you know - the commuter train runs from Vinnitsa to Odessa - only thirty hryvnya," Sasha recalls the arguments he made. "And we could have spent the night with friends. I told them, 'Live a little, take a walk down to the water, see the world, have a swim!' But they said, 'Who will we leave the cow with? And who will look after the chickens?' Fifty years in one place! That's a catastrophe! I believe that a person should devote at least a part of his or her life to travelling. Zhenya and I are planning for a trip around the world. You don't need a lot of money," Sasha says with assurance. "You can hitchhike. You simply have to have the inner fortitude, and not be afraid of life around you."
By education, Zhenya Zotova is a philologist, but she plans to earn her living by making hand-made goods.
Intelligentsia - to the countryside!
"I needed eight years to come to the countryside," says 28-year-old Sasha Zotov, a native of Donetsk.
He was in "the stubborn clutches of the city" until his army service - he spent all his AWOL time in Sofievsky Park - he served in Uman. He trained to be a gas welder, but did not want to get a higher education.
"At the moment it doesn't give me the qualifications I need, and would be only for the prestige. "
"Nature, after all, can be so beautiful!" exclaims Sasha. "But you should see how the people in the country work - from morning to night! They get up at five in the morning and go to bed at eleven at night. If we lived the same way in the country that the locals are living, we would have left after three days. A new standard is needed in the countryside. We need the intelligentsia to go to the countryside and transform it in a fundamental way. A completely different world. We need places like Sofievsky Park to expand.
"We are striving to revive the clan, the ancestral line, so children will not be torn away from their grandparents. We want each family to have a hectare or two of land. But without any greed - people should have as much land as they can improve. Forest - 70%; orchard - 20%; garden - 10%. A small house, a bathhouse. A settlement would be made up of one to two hundred families. Then it is easier to create an infrastructure: a school, kindergarten. An alternative to current education, in order to instill a love for knowledge in a child. A sanatorium could be built. Workshops. This is easy and simple. Dostoevsky and Tolstoy wrote about it. Even with this, the city still has a right to exist. It is a place where a market could be held. Perhaps some people like working in a factory. "
"But, after all, there are some attributes of the city way of life that are inaccessible in the countryside. The theatre. "
"Theatre? It was popular earlier. Someone's game. We have our own theatre here. It's much more interesting. "
His wife, 24-year-old Zhenya, a native of Russia "from beyond the Urals," rises to the defence of the theatre. She is a philologist by education. She met the Sun Minstrel during a concert - she was the acquiescent one. They were married a year ago.
"But the theatre interests me," says Zhenya. "I have this idea, in the future, when there will be more families here, to work with children, to put on some plays. "
"Well, perhaps, if someone finds it interesting. . . ," Sasha concedes. But his arguments are not exhausted. "A lot of people in the city are on pins and needles about their so-called pension. If we can just make it to our pension. If they do make it - all that money goes for medications. But this life - simple, unusual, but at the same time mysterious and romantic - is something they do not see. "
The current economic crisis is agitating the new residents of the village of Vygnanka, they are following it and as Sasha said, "We like it. "
"The financial crisis has been organized by the people for whom it is profitable. We, of course, are not revolutionaries. We don't want the system of cities to collapse abruptly - in general we do not regard the city in a bad way. The city is wonderful. It simply has its own way of life. There everything is put into someone else's hands. I simply decided that I would live and that everything I did, I would do with my own hands. I will not take on hired workers. In the city it's impossible to live without hired labour. Some-one has to clean the sewers. Someone has to humiliate someone else. There the entire system of communications is built on this. "
The ecovillagers have a notebook computer and the Internet at home, but they insist that these things do not hold much interest for them.
According to Sasha's arithmetic, in order to live in the country, five hundred hryvnya a month is sufficient (for two). And without really working he can earn two and a half thousand hryvnya a month. True, the employers are fairly unusual: parents and friends.
"To live in the country we spend two to three hundred hryvnya a month (7 hryvnya = $1 USD). We spend money on electricity, produce, mobile connection. All other purchases, we believe, are for the long term: here I bought myself a jacket, and it will last me for five-ten years," Sasha answers for both of them. "There are two ways to make money: either at a steady job working somewhere, or on shift work. I have a lot of friends, like any person, and at any time I can send something by the Internet. A lot of people want me to do something for them. Now, for example, my parents are putting in a kitchen, an expensive one, plus renovations. They know that I know how to do it. But I simply don't have the time. They would pay, our family has very good relations. If I work the bare minimum, without exerting myself, then I can earn two and a have thousand a month. Now we stretch out 500 hryvnya for the month. We can figure it out: I work for five months, I rest for five months. "
"Our parents have not visited us yet. Now I'm not ready to have our parents here. I want them to come to a fairy tale, a small one, but a fairy tale none the less. We're going to build a house - it will be a small castle. Pretty, cozy. The most important thing in a person's life is love. And how can love be lost when we are doing this all together?" asked Sasha. "What is this entire settlement for? What was Sofievsky Park created for? For the sake of simple human love. Not the banal kind, according to Freud, but the genuine kind. "
They themselves resemble characters from a fairy tale: the Sun Minstrel and his Goldilocks Zhenya. At our parting, they sing a song of eternal love. And one wants to believe in it, just as in the village of their dreams. . . .
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Trip to Ecovillage - Dolina Dzherel
Our representatives have made a trip to Dolina Dzherel Ecovillage recently bringing back a gallery of photos for your enjoyment. Dolina Dzherel Ecovillage consists of 60 plots situated on 88 hectares of land. The Ecovillage is located 40km from City Kyiv, Ukraine.

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!
Second Issue is out!
Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.
At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.
We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.
We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.
Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.
* * * * *
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.
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Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Life's Face
My inner garden is ready for your seed,
Let us create her in His image and likeness. Your kiss puts into motion Love's deed,
My beloved feel within my soul's caress. The stars surround the magic taking place,
The dark of night an artist's blank canvas. Oneness occurs, a shape, a form, and then Life's face,
The lovers embracing within heaven's bliss. She sees him and is of him and he of her,
Dawn greets the sprout, God cries. Purity reigns, the act just a blur,
Awakened by a rainbow painted across the skies.
By ~Carina~ at RingingCedarsForums.com

* * *
Love and co-creation. The way life should go. My search has shown me,
for my dreams to grow,
that a space of love,
to be the place to go.
Start with some land, O,
air and water too. A seed with co-operation,
the sun, with loves reflection,
spring summer and autumn too,
to start a life a-new.
A future paradise to grow,
so let all nations know,
that souls in co-creation,
can bring peace and co-operation,
worlds radiant in joy-es contemplation,
yes, Man all complete in perfection.
By Simon at RingingCedarsForums.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
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Forum Talk
Posted by surrender in a topic Doing More to go "GREEN" . Join the discussion of this topic here:
Hi Rainbows, Valvas and All,
I was at work one day on the harvest trail where the pay is per kilo you pick. We were not making much money and the boss said 'Ho ho, you'll be right when you find your rhythm'. My rhythm he was talking about did come, after many more hours of sore muscles and working through repetitive strain injuries. building up to a non stop fierce pace in competition with fellow workers. 'Ah, this is my rhythm he was talking about!' And I decided that 'giving ones rhythm' is another way of saying 'giving ones pound of flesh'!
Here is the rhythm of the scythe: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=dVv597m848s
I am looking forward to the day when I can find my rhythm in conjoint creation of beauty and perfection!
I had a scythe once and tried to use it, but it must have not been set right or something as I couldn't get it going? But this is something I would like to master too. I do have my dads sickle and used to use it for cutting road side grasses for my horse.
What about geese? I have heard that they are great for keeping the grass down at lawn height in ones orchard. These are what I am thinking about getting later on.
I love that his bees communicated to him like that. It may be that he is becoming in tune with his space of love. I look forward to these type of communications too.
I designed a 5 (phive) winged house, Each family has their own dwelling here with their own bathroom and this house sits central to every one's one hectare kin's domains. There is a 40 meter walk from each dwelling to their kin's domain. On the way, just out from each wing are each families composting toilets, which sit in the middle of gardens.
This house for 5 families is under 1 roof, so also solves some local council challenges for getting us onto the land.
These are the things I do in my incubation period. . . .Well I think a lot!. . . .about our transition.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Dangers of Hospital Birth
Why Birthing in a Hospital Causes More Problems
Than It Solves for Normal Birth
by Ronnie Falcão, LM MS
There's a saying that birth is as safe as life gets. Sometimes birth can become dangerous for the baby or, very rarely, for the mother. This is when hospital-based maternity care really shines, and we're able to save mothers and babies who might have died a hundred years ago. Thank goodness that there are skilled surgeons who can come to the rescue when truly necessary.
There's also a saying that when you've got a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail. So it is that for hospital-based birth attendants, it is easy to become accustomed to treating every birth as a disaster waiting to happen. Many obstetricians have lost touch with the possibility of normal birth, so much so that even a pitocin induction with an epidural, fetal scalp electrode and vacuum extraction is called a "natural birth" . Some hospital staff seem offended by the idea of minimizing interventions, as if preferring not to have a needle the size of a house nail inserted near your spine is the same as declining to have a second piece of Aunt Sally's Fruit Cake. Sadly, some of today's younger doctors may never even have seen a truly physiological labor and birth-a birth completely without medical intervention.
This is how the saving grace of the hospital can become the scourging disgrace of maternity care. In their rush to prevent problems that aren't happening, hospital personnel may aggressively push procedures and drugs that can actually cause problems. Pitocin can cause uterine contractions that are so strong that they stress the baby and cause fetal distress. IV narcotic drugs affect the baby so strongly that the baby may not breathe at birth; there is even a specific drug that is used to counteract the narcotics to help these drugged babies to breathe. There is considerable debate as to how epidurals affect the progress of labor, but they certainly affect a woman's ability to get into a squat, which opens the pelvic plane by 20-30%; anyone can understand that this could affect the possibility of the baby's fitting through the pelvis. Epidurals can lower the mother's blood pressure so that the baby isn't getting enough oxygen through the placenta; this can cause fetal distress and the need for an emergency c-section to rescue the baby.
In addition to the specific dangers of individual obstetric interventions, hospital births suffer the effects of any form of institutionalized care. Perhaps the best-known risk of hospital birth is hospital-acquired infections. Those most susceptible to hospital-acquired infections are those with compromised immune systems, such as newborns. In particular, babies are born with sterile skin and gut that are supposed to be colonized by direct contact with the mother's skin flora. If antibiotic-resistant hospital germs colonize the baby's skin and gut instead, the baby is at high risk of becoming very sick from infections that are very difficult to treat. The overall infection rate for babies born in the hospital is four times that of babies born at home, and these infections are more likely to be antibiotic-resistant.
More people die every year from hospital-acquired infections (90,000) than from all accidental deaths (70,000), including motor vehicle crashes, fires, burns, falls, drownings, and poisonings. An additional 98,000 people die each year from general medical error.
Another obvious risk of institutionalized care arises from the piecemeal nature of the care. Because there are so many different kinds of personnel performing so many different procedures, there is a lot of potential for miscommunication about critical matters. In an astoundingly progressive admission of institutional shortcomings, Beth Israel Hospital published a paper about a tragic miscommunication that resulted in a baby's death. To their great credit, instead of covering up this horrible mistake, they used it as a wake-up call to revise their protocols, in an attempt to reduce miscommunication and increase safety. Unfortunately, other hospitals are slow to adopt the reforms of Beth Israel Hospital.
One of the most dangerous aspects of hospital care is that those providing most of the direct care (i.e. the nurses) are hierarchically subservient to those managing the care from a distance (i.e. the doctors). This kind of a power structure can prevent knowledgeable nurses from mitigating the potentially dangerous actions of the doctors.
Many people feel that the hospital must be the safest place to birth because of all the equipment they have. Well, the equipment is only as good as the people using it. In many hospitals, there are not enough Registered Nurses to cover all the patients, so they use Medical Technicians, who are trained to perform procedures but not necessarily trained to interpret fetal heart tracings. Most labors start at night, and women birthing second or subsequent babies often birth during the night. This is the time when the senior staff are home sleeping in their beds, because their seniority allows them to opt for the more desirable daytime shifts. A recent study confirmed that outcomes at births are worse during the night, because even the most sophisticated equipment is useless in the wrong hands.
(For the record, many homebirth midwives now carry equipment that is as sophisticated as that in most hospital birth rooms. This includes continuous electronic fetal monitors and equipment for performing neonatal resuscitation if necessary. )
Institutionalized care also suffers from the economic pressures of running an efficient organization, regardless of how this might interfere with the normal process of labor and birth.
Sometimes doctors recommend pitocin without true medical necessity, simply to hasten the birth. This may be due to a need to free up a birth room to make room for other patients, or because the doctor has other responsibilities elsewhere. Stimulating labor artificially overrides the baby's ability to space out the contractions if the labor is too stressful. This increases the risk of fetal distress.
Hospital staff have a strong bias towards confining the laboring woman to the bed and requiring her to push in a reclining position. This often puts the baby's weight on the placenta or umbilical cord, possibly restricting the baby's supply of oxygenated blood from the placenta. In contrast, upright positions put the baby's weight downward, towards the open cervix and away from the placenta and umbilical cord, reducing or eliminating fetal distress caused by cord compression.
A rush to clamp and cut the umbilical cord within seconds after birth is one of the most dangerous hospital practices. This premature severance of the umbilical cord cuts the flow of oxygenated blood to the baby before the baby has established the lungs as the source of oxygen. Premature cord clamping also deprives the baby of the blood that would naturally fill the pulmonary vasculature as it expands in the minutes immediately after the birth. This practice is documented to increase the risks of neonatal hypoxia, hypovolemia, and anemia, thus increasing the need for blood transfusions.
There is some very new research showing that placental tissue itself may be a rich source of pluripotent stem cells, in addition to the blood stem cells in blood drawn from the umbilical cord. We do not yet know whether premature cutting of the umbilical cord halts the migration of pluripotent stem cells from the placental tissue into the baby's body to repair damage from even minor birth trauma.
Perhaps the most egregious and unnecessary interference with the normal birth sequence is the separation of mother and baby immediately after birth. Even a ten-minute separation is too long during this critical first hour after birth - it prevents the natural nipple stimulation that increases the mother's oxytocin to contract the uterus and prevent a postpartum hemorrhage. Instead of baby-provided nipple stimulation, hospitals are now routinely using synthetic oxytocin by IV or injection after the birth to control bleeding.
Similarly, early cuddling of mother and baby stimulates oxytocin production in the newborn, thus raising the baby's body temperature to help with the adaptation to the extrauterine environment. The mother's body is the best warmer for the newborn.
Because different personnel are involved in providing piecemeal care for mothers and babies, providers do not always see how their actions in one area may cause problems in another area. For example, because obstetricians are not involved in breastfeeding issues, they may not realize that cutting an episiotomy hampers a woman's ability to sit comfortably in order to nurse her baby. Likewise, the pediatricians also are not involved in breastfeeding, so they may not realize that separating the mother and baby right after the birth in order to do a routine newborn exam also interferes with breastfeeding. Nursery nurses often do not seem to appreciate the importance of minimizing the separation of mother and baby and thus also unwittingly interfere with breastfeeding. They tend to ignore the World Health Organization's recommendations to delay initial bathing of the baby until at least six hours after the birth, even though bathing causes the baby's temperature to drop so dangerously low that they do not return the baby to the mother for an hour or more.
I emphasize the hazards to the breastfeeding relationship because breastfeeding is so vital to a newborn's well-being, reducing infant mortality by 20%. This is a huge health benefit, and hospitals should be taking the lead in tailoring their routines to support breastfeeding. But because the functions of caring for mother and baby are separated into the roles of maternity nurses (who care for the mothers) and nursery nurses (who care for the babies), sometimes the mother and baby are also physically separated. Most of the time, there are no lactation consultants in the hospital - they are often only available during weekday business hours. But babies need to be fed around the clock, and if a Lactation Consultant isn't available to help a struggling mother/baby pair, it might become necessary to feed the baby artificial breastmilk with a bottle, which further interferes with successful breastfeeding.
Because the entire model of hospital birth is based on the birth as a medical procedure, hospital staff seem to miss the fact that they are interfering in a delicate time in a new baby's life. Perinatal psychologists describe the first hour after birth as the "critical period" , during which the baby will learn how to learn and whether or not it is safe to relax and to trust the outer world. This has tremendous implications for mental health and stress-related disorders.
There was a time when cesareans were acknowledged to be a risky surgery reserved to save the life of the mother or baby. Now even cesarean surgery has become almost routine. Some obstetricians and hospital administrators are advocating for a 100% cesarean rate as a solution to liability and scheduling problems that are inherent in providing maternity care. Unfortunately, cesarean surgeries increase risks for the mother and for this baby. They also increase the risk for subsequent pregnancies, with higher rates of placenta previa and placenta accreta, and small but non-zero risk that a pre-labor uterine rupture could result in the baby's or even the mother's death.
When someone needs to be in the hospital and needs to be receiving medical treatment for a life-threatening condition, the risk-benefit tradeoff comes in heavily on the side of benefit.
But for women who are hoping to have a drug-free birth, it makes no sense to expose themselves to the infection risks associated with simply being in the hospital. Most people know that it is unwise to take a newborn baby out and about in public because of the risk of exposing the baby even to ordinary germs. It is even a worse idea to expose the baby to the antibiotic-resistant strains of germs commonly found in hospitals.
When a woman planning a homebirth needs medical care and care is transferred to a hospital-based provider, the phrase "failed homebirth" is often written in her chart, even if she goes on to have an outcome that is better than if she had started out in the hospital. I would like to propose the concept of a "failed hospital birth" as any birth where hospital procedures specifically cause more problems than they solve. When you consider hospital infection rates, surgical complications, and the damage to the breastfeeding relationship caused by routine separation of mother and baby, we might find that close to 95% of planned hospital births are failed hospital births. They failed to support the mother in an empowering birth experience to better prepare her for motherhood, and they failed to satisfy the baby's overwhelming need and desire to enter and adapt to the outside world as nature intended.
Our society has an obligation to improve maternity care services as much as possible. Consider that the countries with the safest maternity care rely on midwives as the guardians of normal birth, reserving risky medical procedures for cases of true need. "In The five European countries with the lowest infant mortality rates, midwives preside at more than 70 percent of all births. More than half of all Dutch babies are born at home with midwives in attendance, and Holland's maternal and infant mortality rates are far lower than in the United States. . ." The United States needs to return to a model of midwives as the default maternity care providers, reserving the surgical specialists for the highest-risk patients. We need to educate pregnant women so that they understand that the choices they make about drugs during labor affect their baby, just like the choices they make about drugs during pregnancy. We need to offer women realistic pain relief alternatives to dangerous pharmaceuticals; warm water immersion during labor provides risk-free pain relief that many women find as satisfactory as an epidural. (Mothers who are uncomfortable with the idea of waterbirth can easily leave the tub to give birth "on land" , while still deriving tremendous comfort and safety benefits of laboring in water. ) Hospitals need to develop new routines that protect mother-baby bonding and the breastfeeding relationship as if they are a matter of life and death, because they are.
Obstetricians would do well to practice according to the wisdom contained in the phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." This means supporting healthy women with normal pregnancies in birthing at home if they choose and encouraging women planning hospital births to work with them to minimize interventions that turn normal births into risky medical procedures.
by Ronnie Falcão, LM MS
Image Sources - http://www.allina.com/; http://www.theluhrings.com/

A Declaration of the Rights of Childbearing Women
by Leilah McCracken
© 1999 Midwifery Today, Inc. All rights reserved.
This article first appeared in Midwifery Today Issue 50, Summer 1999.
Birth is easy. Obfuscating medical factoids make it hard. Modern obstetrical knowledge is based on false hospital outcomes; more is known about how bedridden patients give birth than how real, panting, sensual women give birth.
The wild animal inside each of us is anesthetized in a sterile environment-we cannot hope to explore our primal side in any hospital, nor even at home if our birth attendants are accustomed to working within sterile fields. Birth is not dangerous; birth need not be frightening; birth does not require people well versed in the abnormalities of childbirth to observe and record its every fluctuation. Birth needs to be trusted and believed in. Birth is safe.
Qualities inherent in safe, loving childbearing experiences must be recognized as the global rights of all women. Dangerous, dehumanizing medical procedures are violations against women's most basic human rights, and are also violations of children's rights to be born without undue pain and exploitation.
Birth's integrity diminishes as obstetric interventions multiply. The rights of women and babies must be recognized.
1. All women have the right to sacred, fantastic, profound and loving birth experiences. Childbirth must never be viewed by birth attendants as routine, cumbersome or insignificant.
2. Childbirth must happen in physical and emotional privacy. Women have the right to vocalize, move about, assume any birthing positions they like, and allow their births to unfold uniquely, without feeling the need to gain the acceptance and approval of their birth attendants. Women have the right to refuse birth attendants altogether. All hospital staff, midwives, family members, and friends of birthing women must have full consent before viewing the childbirth process. Women's bodies are never to be regarded as learning aids. No institution has the right to impose spectators on any woman's birth.
3. Women have the right and power of "No" : if they understand interventions and procedures and refuse to allow them to be implemented, their refusals must be respected by all medical personnel. Childbearing women will not be barraged with attempts at mind changing or browbeating.
4. All women must be physically safe at birth. Instruments of routine interventions seriously harm the bodies of women: scissors, knives, harmful drugs, forceps, catheters, hooks, needles, fingers, tubes, and razors can be classified as tools of assault. Extreme caution must be used whenever obstruction of the natural birth process is considered.
5. All babies, either in the process of being born or after their births, deserve not to be harmed: forceps, scalp hooks, violent extraction, careless handling, suctioning catheters, ventilating equipment, intravenous devices, and an oxygen-deprived birth environment-caused by either pain-relieving or induction drugs-all cause a great deal of distress to new babies and can upset their future well-being.
6. All women have the right to complete and immediate access to information regarding all procedures done-either to them or their babies-in pregnancy, birth and the postpartum. Women must be informed of any potential harm of all procedures, regardless of the length of time the explaining takes (except in the most extreme cases). Women or their birth attendants cannot take "informed consent" lightly. Women have the right to be made aware of nonintrusive alternatives to common hospital procedures-such as the superior safety of giving birth at home, waterbirth as a safe method of pain relief, and the advantages of natural, private methods of induction of labor.
7. It must be recognized as a criminal act to mutilate women's bodies in childbirth.
8. All women must have easy, free access to information that illuminates the natural childbirth process for them-information that helps them prepare for their births and assists them in preparation for care of their newborns. This information must be given in a way that does not view birth as a dangerous, biological anomaly, but as a natural, joyous one.
9. All women have the right to give birth wherever and with whomever they choose, and to know the safety statistics of any individuals and/or institutions they choose to give birth with/in.
10. All women have the right of complete access to all their own recorded medical information, as well as access to knowledgeable people for whom the information poses no personal liability.
11. The newborn must be viewed as a natural appendage of its mother. Mother and child must remain together, in quiet dignity, for as long as the mother desires. Handling of the baby by anyone other than its mother for the first hours of life is to be strongly discouraged.
12. Ongoing breastfeeding information and support must be available to all women.
13. The rights of women are inalienable, and will not be undermined by any government, male partner, professional birth attendant, nor any individual or group of individuals whose interests do not reflect the wishes of parturient women, regarding their own or their babies' safety and well-being.
Right now, no government can possibly mandate these rights; too many individuals and organizations are exploiting for their own gain women's basic needs to trust and to feel safe.
Yet birth cannot be safe when a woman's wishes are secondary to those of her birth attendants. Every woman must demand these rights; no one will give them freely to her. These rights are for women to learn and cherish. All enlightened women must inform other women of their inherent rights as women of the earth.
Freelance writer Leilah McCracken, mother of six, is the author of the soon-to-be-released book Resexualizing Childbirth. She writes the new "Birth Love" column for the weekly online newsletter the OBCNEWS www.moonlily.com/obc/obcnews.html, and her articles have appeared in various mothering publications.
Image Sources - http://images-cdn01.associatedcontent.com/; http://www.birthgoddess.com/

A Father's Point Of View
by Anthony Wilson
© 1999 Midwifery Today, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The day my wife gave birth to our firstborn was the end and the beginning of something beautiful. The culmination of nine months of physical, emotional and spiritual preparation for the birth of our baby, it was also the beginning of our life with children. The birth itself was a transition from one stage of our life together to another. I saw my wife in a whole new way that day.
There was never any doubt that I would attend our births, we just did not know the details of how. Lois and I have always done everything together. After attending childbirth classes I felt more prepared, but I was still scared at the thought of holding a new baby. Then came "the day. "
I look back and see my wife as an incredibly focused and powerful woman.The power of a woman giving birth amazed me. Labor, such an intense time of hard work, impressed on me that there is no greater work than that of bringing a new life into the world. Any man who has not seen his wife give birth has an incomplete view of what it means to be a mother. He underappreciates mother-hood.
My fears of holding my baby melted into joy at the touch of new skin, skin that had never before been "outside." We experienced the joy together, Lois and I, and it has only strengthened the bond of our marriage. It has been my privilege to attend and support my wife, the mother of my children, through each of our births in turn. Each one was different, as each of our five children is different.
Every birth is unique, and each is a life experience, one that should be shared by husband and wife, mother and father, as they grow not only a baby, but also a family. After almost twenty years of marriage, some of my best memories are the births of our children, and seeing my wife give in to this powerful maternal act called childbirth.
Tony Wilson is the father of five children and the husband of Lois Wilson, CPM. Together they live in Philadelphia, where he works for the Philadelphia school district as a teacher.
Image Source - http://aycu25.webshots.com/

Anabel's Birth Story
Anabel is three days old and I am just now getting a chance to share some thoughts on her birth. The morning of New Year's Day I knew it would be the day. I just had a feeling, and by noon I was having very slight cramps. Super light contractions started around 2 pm, I laid down to rest and they were about five minutes apart and not noticeable enough to catch my attention. Later in the afternoon contractions had not changed, I knew it was the start of labor, but was unsure how long it would be before real labor started. This was different from my last two labors in that the onset of the two previous labors was the breaking of water.
By 6 pm the contractions were about 3 minutes apart and still not too noticeable, I went about the house doing the usual and getting dinner etc. The contractions felt like a tightening with some mild cramping, not dissimilar to the beginning of a period. I went to the bathroom and felt the cervix, I was around 3cm dilated. I remember thinking that things were going a little slow for me.
From 6-8pm, I stayed on my feet, hoping that walking around would move things along. This seemed to help strengthen the contractions and I found some light breathing was all that was needed to relax. From 8-10pm contractions strengthened, and I figured they were only about 1 1/2 minutes apart, contractions were still not too strong, from what I remembered during my previous labors. I figured I was a long way from delivery by the way I was feeling, I was not at all tired and the contractions were so easy to breath through I thought I was many hours from delivery. Around 8:30pm Andy let me know he would like the baby to be born before midnight, so it would be born on the First of the year. I remember saying something like "Is that so?" , I found it annoying and amusing at the same time, that he would comment on when he wanted the baby to be born. I said it was up to the baby.
By 10pm, the contractions were taking more of my attention and I asked Andy to get the tub up to temperature. I got into the tub shortly thereafter and labor started progressing very quickly from that point, although I still had the feeling I was not very close.
My previous labors were stronger than with this baby. With the first two births I found much more of my focus was needed to breath through and concentrate on getting through the contractions and I needed to work harder to stay relaxed. I think I was waiting for that feeling to hit me this time, but it never came.
I went straight through to transition without that full focus feeling, and contractions remained fairly easy to manage. So I was very surprised when I found the urge to push around 11:10pm, only about an hour after getting into the tub. That first natural urge to push happened and I knew then it was very close. I felt inside and found the water sac slightly bulging at the opening of the cervix, I would guess that I was not fully dilated at that time, maybe 7 or 8cm. The babies head was right behind the bulging sac. I was anxious for the water to break, I knew it would relieve some pressure and help the head descend more rapidly.
Within a couple of pushes the water broke. I looked down to see the color of the amniotic fluid was stained with meconium. I felt a tinge of uneasiness creep in, I know that can be a sign of stress for the baby, I was anxious to deliver quickly. Another couple of pushes and the head crowned.
There was a burning sensation when the head crowned, perhaps I would have gone slower than I did if the fluid had been clear, but I was less concerned with tearing now and more concerned with getting the baby delivered). I did my best to focus on not letting the head pop out in one huge push though, I let out lots of tiny pushes to allow the head to pass slower. Still, my thoughts were all about delivering as quick as possible, and once the head was out more stained amniotic fluid emerged. I felt the head and around the neck, no cord issues. So I concentrated on pushing the rest of the body out, I waited a second for the feeling of a contraction to help me push but it didn't come. I went ahead and pushed without one to get the body out. The body is so easy to deliver compared to the head, there is no discomfort, only relief.
I am a great baby haver, but not a good baby catcher. I have watched so many videos, with amazement, as the mother reaches down and catches her own baby. I was glad to have Andy catch the baby, he did a great job, just the right amount of encouragement and communication. He quickly put the baby on my chest. Unassisted childbirth has a very different feel at this time in the birth process. I was never concerned with my previous babies upon delivery, I knew someone else had it covered. This time it was up to Andy and I. That ecstatic, amazing feeling would have to wait a moment this time, until I heard some noise from this baby.
I rubbed the babies back and head a bit, the baby was not as responsive and I would have liked to see or expect. Color was a light purple, which is okay, and muscle tone was there as was some slight movement of hands. But I felt very impatient to hear a little cry and the face was very still.
I looked down and moved the umbilical cord to the side to check the sex, and was so surprised to see it was a girl. At this moment, seconds seemed to really drag out. Looking back, I am sure she was fine and I know that getting a baby started up is not unusual or dangerous, and is pretty easy to do, and her color was not alarming in any way. I looked to Andy for some guidance here, I was ready to see her let out some noise. He told me to cover her nose and mouth with mine and give a little suction pull. I did what he said and right away she let out a little cough. Another suck and she coughed a little more.
I then gave her some small puffs and she was all set and let out some good cries. I think this had the same effect a bulb syringe would have when suctioning out the mouth after delivery. Just a little stimulation to get things going and clear the airway. She pinked up real nice and we all breathed easy and started to truly enjoy the moment. That's when I let the boys know it was girl, she was really with us now.
This being my third baby, it was really pretty easy for me. My first was much more of a challenge mentally and physically. Owen, although larger that Anabel, was the easiest of the three during the actual delivery stage, I don't recall the burning I felt with Anabel, but I was also not in any hurry to deliver him, I took my time, delivered him without any tearing or damage. I felt a little urgency with Anabel, and I follow my instincts, so getting her out was my priority. I did get a tiny cut this time, but it is already mostly healed, and no stitches were necessary.
We are all so thrilled to have a little girl join our family. She is just so beautiful, and so easy going and calm. She is already very alert, looking all around and lifting her head right off my shoulder to get a better look at things. She is shining so bright right now, we are all feeling her new glow.
The whole family present for the birth was special for us. The boys watching was a little bit of a distraction for me, as I knew it might be, but it was worth it. They were able to take part in the experience and witness the babies arrival and very first moments. This would not have been possible in the hospital. I realize unassisted childbirth is certainly not a choice to be made lightly and not a choice that fits for most women, but it was right for us.

Watch Video:
Anabel's Birth Story
The Advantages of Organic Food
You Are What You Eat
Do you really know what goes into your food? Discover the advantages of organic food on this site and see exactly what producers have been adding to your fruit and vegetables to make it less healthy than a few years ago.
In the rush to produce more and more crops to satisfy growing demand producers have had to resort to using a lethal cocktail of pesticides to control disease and insect attack.
Good news for their bank balances perhaps but not good news for your health, this is why you need to be informed of the advantages of organic food.
Did you know that if you consumed an average apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it?
The quality of food has definitely gone down since the second world war. For instance, the levels of vitamin C in today's fruit bear no resemblance to the levels found in wartime fruit.
Organic food is known to contain 50% more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than produce that has been intensively farmed. Read more about this here.
You will have to eat more fruit nowadays to make up the deficiency, but unfortunately that means eating more chemicals, more detrimental affects on your health eating something that should be good for you!
Also don't forget about the cocktail of anti-biotics and hormones that cattle and poultry are force fed.
What happens to those chemicals when the animal dies?
Digested and stored in human bodies is the answer, have you seen pictures of animals in severly cramped conditions in battery farms?
It just does not make sense to state that any animal kept in these conditions is healthy and produces high quality food.
If you are as worried as I am about the health of your family then you need to read the articles on this and seriously consider converting your family to the organic lifestyle with the organic food information you are going to learn on this site.
Trust me, once you try some organic produce and taste an apple the way it should be, and perhaps how you recall it tasting in your youth, you will never go back to mass produced fruit again.
Sure there are issues with availability and cost but with a bit of research you should be able to find local stores who stock organic produce.
Also, don't forget about your local farmer, I'm sure you will be able to find one that has seen the light and opened up a farm shop to supply local residents.
You should be able to get some very keen prices from these shops, why not take a look around and see who is offering produce in your area?
Some more startling facts now. Pesticides in food have been linked to many diseases including:
- Cancer
- Obesity
- Altzheimer's
- Some birth defects
Not a nice list is it? There are probably others but if you think about it, how can it be okay for you to eat chemicals and not expect some form of reaction in your body. Our bodies are delicately balanced wonderful machines. Any form of foreign chemical is bound to cause irritation at the least.
Please take advantage of the organic food articles and information on this site and do consider taking a closer look at what you are eating. It's for your health after all!
Virginia Louise
Image Sources: http://www.flourish.org/

Watch Video:
For 10 years, Minnesota lady cooks, cleans, and eats organic

Organic Vegetables Safety
How Safe is the Organic Food You Eat?
5 Common myths surrounding organic vegetables safety
1. No nutritional difference between organic and conventional produce.
According to the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics the demand for organic foods are increasing due to consumers believing they are safer and healthier than conventional foods.
Even though there are still gaps and limits in scientific knowledge, what we do know is that fewer chemicals are used in small organic farming than conventionally grown alternatives.
It is well documented that residues remain on our conventional foods and consumed by us over decades, aids heavily to accumulating fatty tissue.
Organic food regulations prohibit hydrogenated fat, phosphoric acid, preservatives, colourings, hormones, antibiotics, GMOs and 7000 other artificial flavourings that are permitted in conventional food.
There is also the environmental issue to which the organic farming method lends its benefits. The use of drugs is restricted in organic farming which not only keeps animals healthy but results in cryptosporidium, listeria and almonella being a rare occurrence in organic foods.
There is a direct relationship between intensive cattle-rearing and E.coli which is virtually non-existent in organic beef, but kills over 200 Americans and Britons each year.
2.Consumers are paying too much for organic food?
This debate has grown since the days of comparing the price of an organic apple for a conventional apple. It seems that the 'value' of organic produce goes beyond its price tag.
Nutritionally and in relation to organic vegetables safety: In terms of dry weight and nutrients, organic food tends to have more in it Why?
Produce grown organically through modern methods of small organic farming must be done in enriched soil. The growth of a plant can be sped up by agrochemicals changing its structure to have more water in it. As a result, non-organic produce can sometimes shrink more on cooking as the water content dissipates.
Price: Average price difference is 20 per cent between organic and non-organic. However given that it can contain up to 26 per cent more dry matter (less water) could it actually be cheaper to buy organic?
Conclusion: It may still look like an apple you are actually buying less food if you don't buy organic.
3. Organic food and weight loss.
Organic butter can still make you put on weight and clog up your arteries. Organic sweets and sugar will still rot your teeth. However, certain kinds of organic food based nutrients found in vegetable broth can act as appetite suppressants as it does not contain excitotoxins. What are excitotoxin? These ingredients can cause neurological disorders by overexciting nerve cells and so causing hunger and concerns over organic vegetables safety if taken too literally.
Ingredients such as vegetable proteins, autolyzed yeast extract, MSG, yeast extract and others. This is perhaps more important in babies who can eat five times the amount of food per kg as an adult. Therefore, making sure they eat correctly and to not overeat is nowadays a growing concern. Babies in particular eat far more fruit and vegetables than most adults and are the very foods most likely to be covered in agrichemical residues.
4. The public is happy with regular, non-organic produce.
Some say that the public is happy with what's on the supermarket shelves, however various consumer surveys in Europe show many people are worried about pesticides, NPK fertilizers in small organic farming and processed food in general. In the United Kingdom a survey found 44% of all consumers were concerned about pesticides and 43% about the use of food additives (Food Standards Agency, 2003). This suggests that organic food based nutrients is something which people are taking more notice of.
5. Organic farming increases the risk of food poisoning.
The Department of Nutrition in Greece said:
"It is difficult. . .to weigh the risks, but what should be made clear to consumers is that 'organic' does not equal 'safe'.
Much of this was based on the theory that if we don't use 'modern' day chemical pesticides that bacteria such as E Coli could not effectively be treated on crops. However studies made by S.K. Sagoo, C.L. Little & R.T. Mitchell on the microbiological quality of organic vegetables in UK small organic farming & demand showed that: "The majority (3185 of 3200; 99*5%) of samples were found to be of satisfactory/acceptable quality whilst only 15 (0*5%) were of unsatisfactory quality. Unsatisfactory results were due to Escherichia coli and Listeria spp.....The absence of pathogens and the low incidence of E. coli indicate that overall agricultural, hygiene; harvesting and production practices were good" this seems to enhance the organic vegetables safety record.
They suggested that the growth in the organic market has reflected an increase in the associated microbiological safety and similarly, organic vegetables safety.
Image Sources: http://www.keetsa.com/;
Scientists Admit -- Sun Exposure Benefits Outweigh Risks
by Jenny Regeling
Moderate sun exposure offers more health benefits than risks, particularly for people who are deficient in vitamin D or who live in colder, northern latitudes, according to U.S. and Norwegian researchers.
The study found that vitamin D levels, which were calculated based on sun exposure, were linked to survival rates for cancer patients. Those who lived in sunnier, southern latitudes, and had higher vitamin D levels, were less likely to die from cancer than people in northern latitudes.
The researchers analyzed the amount of vitamin D generated by sun exposure at different latitudes, and cross-referenced it with data of cancer incidence and survival rates for people living in varying locations.
They found that people in northern latitudes produce significantly less vitamin D than people nearer to the equator. Specifically, they found Australians produce 3.4 times more vitamin D than people in the United States, and almost five times more vitamin D than Scandinavians.
Meanwhile, rates of major cancers such as colon, lung, breast and prostate increased from north to south, while survival rates decreased from north to south.
The researchers said the findings provide further support for sun-induced vitamin D on cancer prognosis.
Previous studies suggest that vitamin D may protect against cancer by discouraging out-of-control cell reproduction and hindering the formation of new blood vessels for tumors.
Yahoo News January 7, 2008
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences January 7, 2008

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Unfortunately public health officials and most physicians in the US are seriously confused about sun exposure, which they have long heralded as taboo. Their misguided advice may very well be responsible for over 600,000 cases of cancer that could have been prevented.
As this excellent study suggests, by getting more appropriate sun exposure, which triggers your body to produce the extremely healthy "sunshine vitamin" -- vitamin D.
Receptors that respond to vitamin D have been found in almost every cell in your body, from your brain to your bones. And optimizing your vitamin D levels -- the best way to do this is through safe sun exposure -- could help you to prevent as many as 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers.
Vitamin D does not just impact your cancer risk slightly. It can cut your risk by as much as 60 percent!
If this alone doesn't convince you of the importance of getting sunlight on your skin, consider that studies show that increasing levels of vitamin D3 could prevent diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives throughout the world each year!
Further, optimal vitamin D levels are also known to positively influence the following conditions:
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis
How Much Vitamin D do You Need?
To be certain your vitamin D levels are where they should be, have your doctor test your blood and supplement (or, preferably, get moderate sun exposure) as needed in order to maintain that level.
The correct test your doctor needs to order is 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
The OPTIMAL value that you're looking for is 45-52 ng/ml (115-128 nmol/l).
Bear in mind that even though 25-hydroxyvitamin D lab values of 20-56 ng/ml (50-140 nmol/l) are considered "normal," your vitamin D level should NEVER be below 32 ng/ml, and any levels below 20 ng/ml are considered serious deficiency states and will increase your risk of breast and prostate cancers and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Now, how should you get your vitamin D levels into that optimum range? Ideally, from sun exposure. This is always the preferable method.
If you live in an area without year-round sunshine, as I do, you can supplement your diet with vitamin D. But know this:
It IS possible to overdose on oral vitamin D supplements (there's very little risk of overdosing on vitamin D from the sun, however), so you need to have your blood levels of vitamin D measured regularly.
Only vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), the type of vitamin D found naturally in foods like eggs, organ meats, animal fat, cod liver oil, and fish, is appropriate for supplementation. Do NOT use the highly inferior vitamin D2. You can also use a healthy tanning bed in the winter to achieve optimal levels of vitamin D when it just isn't possible to get sufficient sun exposure.
To find out more about the crucial importance of sunlight and vitamin D for your health, keep an eye out for my forthcoming book Dark Deception. It will explore this topic in detail, and expose why the conventional wisdom on the subject, which encourages you to stay out of the sun, is dead wrong.
In the meantime, you can also find out the vital details about vitamin D and your health in my 20-page Sunshine Special Report. I decided to make this report available to you now so you don't have to be at the mercy of my publisher and wait until my book is published. I am confident the information in this report can have a profound impact on your health and that of your family.
Image source - http://a.abcnews.com/

Reduce Your Risk of Cancer With Sunlight Exposure
By William B. Grant, Ph.D.
With all of the publicity that UV radiation (UVR) is an important cause of skin cancer, premature skin aging and cataract formation, one might think that avoidance of UVR would be the best policy. Not so fast. If protection against UVR were the most important thing, all humans would have very dark skin, since the melanin in dark skin protects against skin cancer and premature skin aging.
Skin pigmentation becomes paler the closer one's ancestors lived to the polar-regions, evidently to balance cutaneous production of vitamin D with protection against free radicals and DNA damage from UVR [Jablonski and Chaplin, 2000]. In addition, even a cursory look at the geographic variation in cancer mortality rates in the United States [Devesa et al. , 1999] indicates that some environmental factor has to explain why mortality rates for a number of internal cancers are approximately twice as high in northeastern, highly-urbanized states than in southwestern, more rural states.
Diet and smoking are, of course, important risk factors for many types of cancer [Doll and Peto, 1981]. But in order for diet to explain the geographic variation in cancer rates, Americans would need to be eating drastically different diets by region. However, anyone who has travelled throughout the United States knows that the food choices do not vary much anywhere in the contiguous 48 states.
The Risk of Cancer Lessens With More Sun Exposure
The key to understanding this geographic pattern was provided by Cedric and Frank Garland in 1980 [Garland and Garland, 1980]. They reasoned that sunlight, through the production of vitamin D, reduced the risk of colon cancer in the sunny areas compared to that in the darker areas. They performed an ecologic study of annual solar irradiance versus colon cancer mortality rates and found a strong inverse correlation, i.e. the more sunlight, the less cancer. (An ecologic study treats entire populations defined geographically as entities, with values for disease outcome and environmental or dietary factors averaged for each entity. )
Their paper received little notice at first, perhaps because UVR was commonly associated with skin cancer, perhaps because the ecologic approach was falling out of favor [Doll and Peto, 1981]. Undaunted, they extended their work through the use of stored serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)--the common form of circulating vitamin D--values for another purpose along with a determination of colorectal cancer incidence among the serum donors, finding a significant inverse correlation between 25(OH)D and colorectal cancer rates [Garland et al. , 1985]. The list of cancers for which ultraviolet B (UVB) (290-315 nm) and vitamin D is protective was extended through a variety of observational epidemiologic studies by the end of the 1990s to include breast, ovarian and prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma [Grant, 2002b].
How Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Cancer
The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer are fairly well understood. They include enhancing calcium absorption (in the case of colorectal cancer) [Lamprecht and Lipkin, 2003], inducing cell differentiation, increasing cancer cell apoptosis or death, reducing metastasis and proliferation, and reducing angiogenesis [van den Bemd and Chang, 2002]. In addition, 25(OH)D downregulates parathyroid hormone (PTH) [Chapuy et al. , 1987]. Since IGF-I stimulates tumor growth and high quantities are a consequence of the standard American diet [Grant, 2002a; 2004], vitamin D can be considered one partial antidote to the American diet.
When I decided to investigate the role of UVB and vitamin D in reducing the risk of cancer, after I convinced myself that dietary factors could not explain the geographic variation of cancer mortality rates in the United States, I posed two questions to address:
1. For how many cancers is UVB/vitamin D protective?
2. How many Americans die prematurely each year due to inadequate levels of vitamin D?
I started with the maps of cancer mortality rates in the Atlas of Cancer Mortality [Devesa et al. , 1999] and found the UVB irradiance/dose map for the United States for July 1992 made using data obtained by NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) to use as a proxy for vitamin D production. In this study, I determined that UVB was inversely correlated with mortality rates for 12 types of cancer, including five types of cancer already identified plus an additional seven, and estimated that 17, 000 to 23,000 Americans died prematurely each year due to insufficient vitamin D [Grant, 2002b].
While the study was generally accepted, critics pointed out that I had ignored a number of factors that affect the risk of cancer and which could, perhaps, explain much of the variation in mortality rates. To respond to these critics, I extended the analysis by including a number of cancer risk factors for which I could find state-averaged values.
These factors included lung cancer mortality rates (an index for the adverse health effects of smoking), fraction of the population considered of Hispanic heritage (Hispanics are counted as white Americans in the Atlas), alcohol consumption rates, degree of urbanization, and fraction of the population living below the poverty level.
Sun Exposure (UVB) Protects Against 16 Types of Cancer
The new study links UVB as protective to a total of 16 types of cancer, primarily epithelial (pertaining to the surface) cancers of the digestive and reproductive systems [Grant, submitted]. Six types of cancer (breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) were inversely correlated to solar UVB radiation and rural residence in combination. This result strongly suggests that living in an urban environment is associated with reduced UVB exposure compared to living in a rural environment.
Another 10 types of cancer including bladder, gallbladder, gastric, pancreatic, prostate, rectal and renal were inversely correlated with UVB but not urban residence. Ten types of cancer were significantly correlated with smoking, six types with alcohol, and seven types with Hispanic heritage. Poverty status was inversely correlated with seven types of cancer. Since the results for alcohol, Hispanic heritage, and smoking for white Americans agree well with the literature [Trapido et al. , 1995; Thun et al. , 2002], they provide a high level of confidence in the approach and its results for UVB radiation.
Over 40,000 Americans Die Annually From Cancer Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency
From this analysis, it was estimated that 45,000 Americans die from cancer annually related to inadequate levels of vitamin D: half from UVB doses based on location, and half based on living in an urban environment with reduced solar radiation exposure.
Papers continue to appear supporting the UVB/vitamin D-cancer connection. The latest is from Norway, showing that the detection of breast, colon, and prostate cancer has a seasonal cycle correlated with vitamin D production by sunlight [Robsahm et al. , 2004]. This paper is important since it shows that vitamin D effectively fights cancer even in the later stages.
How Much Vitamin D is Required to Prevent Cancer?
The amount of ingested vitamin D and/or UVB exposure required for optimal protection against cancer is still being determined. Each person responds differently to UVB exposure and oral intake of vitamin D depending on such factors as skin pigmentation, body mass index (vitamin D is fat soluble), age, condition of digestive tract, other dietary factors, etc.
Dietary vitamin D is insufficient alone to significantly reduce the risk of most cancers since the ingested amounts, up to 200 to 400 I.U. per day, are too low [Grant and Garland, in press]. Evidently, 600 to 1000 I.U per day are required to reduce the risk of vitamin-D-sensitive cancers, except possibly prostate cancer, for which population-average values of serum 25(OH)D are associated with the minimum risk [Tuohimaa et al. , 2004; Grant, in press].
The current understanding is that serum 25(OH)D levels should be in the 30 to 40 ng/ml (75-100 nmol/L) range for cancer prevention and optimal health. The only way to determine one's 25(OH)D levels is through blood tests, which can be ordered through a physician or nutritionist. It should be noted that the UVB dose required to generate these levels is much less than would ordinarily be considered a risk factor for skin cancer, etc.
The time required in the sun is probably 15 to 30 minutes per day with at least hands and face exposed in the mid-latitudes during summer [Reid et al. , 1986], but depends on a number of personal factors. The optimal time for solar UVB production of vitamin D may be around the middle of the day when the ratio of UVB to UVA (315-400 nm) is highest and the required exposure times are shortest.
However, this works only when the sun is elevated high enough--for the four to five darkest months of the year it is impossible to produce any vitamin D from sunlight in Boston [Webb et al. , 1988]. When solar UVB is not available, one has to rely on stored vitamin D (weeks to months), artificial UVB, dietary supplements, many types of fish, or fortified foods, which now include milk and orange juice.
How Can You Protect Yourself From Inadequate Vitamin D Levels?
While the scientific results to date increasingly support the hypothesis that UVB and vitamin D reduce the risk of many types of cancer as well as many other types of disease including musculoskeletal diseases, autoimmune diseases and hypertension, it will likely be some time before the health system embraces this hypothesis and acts to recommend higher values of 25(OH)D, which would require increased UVB exposure (natural and artificial) and dietary supplements.
However, the informed individual who carefully studies the literature can very likely reduce his or her risk of cancer and a number of other diseases by careful exposure to UVB, being particularly careful to avoid any sunburning, and adequate intake of vitamin D.
More information on the protective role of UVB against breast and colorectal cancer, other cancers, and other diseases can be found at my Web site, www.sunarc.org.
William B. Grant has a Ph.D. in physics from U.C. Berkeley and has worked at the level of senior research scientist in the fields of optical and laser remote sensing of the atmosphere and atmospheric sciences at SRI International, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the NASA Langley Research Center. He is the author or coauthor of over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, has edited two books of reprints, and contributed half a dozen chapters to other books.
He published the first paper linking diet to Alzheimer's disease and identifying the major dietary components that are risk and risk reduction factors. He has also studied the links between dietary sugars and heart disease and obesity, diet and breast, colon and prostate cancer, and UVB/vitamin D and cancer and autoimmune diseases. He recently retired from NASA and founded Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center (SUNARC), where he will continue and extend his health research and educational efforts.
Image Sources: http://healthinfoispower.files.wordpress.com/;

Watch Video:
How Increased Sun Exposure Could Save Millions of Lives

Design For Living
an Interview with Bill Mollison, by Alan AtKisson
Bill Mollison is a living legend. He's known as the genius of permaculture, "the David Brower of Australia," or a crusty old curmudgeon, depending on the source. But whether it's glowing admiration or sneering dismissal, reaction to Mollison is invariably strong. He is clearly one of the most interesting specimens of the human species - which he has spent years studying from a naturalist's behavioral perspective.
He passed through Seattle recently with a film crew shooting a documentary about the far-flung successes of permaculture, a radically new (or, some have said, radically old) way of gardening, designing, and living sustainably by cooperating with nature. Ironically, we met in a downtown hotel room - filled with traffic noise - as we stalked a definition of permaculture and considered the eeriness of modern life. For a more detailed exploration, see Mollison's book Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, available for $34.95 (plus $3 shipping) from Permaculture Drylands, PO Box 27371, Tucson, AZ 85726, 602/824-3465.
Alan: Permaculture is a slippery idea to me. But from what I read, it seems that not even those who actually do permaculture really know what it is.
Bill: I'm certain I don't know what permaculture is. That's what I like about it - it's not dogmatic. But you've got to say it's about the only organized system of design that ever was. And that makes it extremely eerie.
Alan: Why "eerie" ?
Bill: There's no other book about design for living. Don't you think that's eerie? I mean, how can we possibly expect to survive if we don't design what we're doing to be bearable?
Another thing I find extremely eerie is that when people build a house, they almost exactly get it wrong. They don't just get it partly wrong, they get it dead wrong. For example, if you let people loose in a landscape and tell them to choose a house site, half of them will go sit on the ridges where they'll die in the next fire, or where you can't get water to them. Or they'll sit in all the dam sites. Or they'll sit in all the places that will perish in the next big wind.
But then, at least half of every city is wrong. From latitude 30 degrees to latitude 60, say, you've got to have the long axis of the house facing the sun. If the land is cut up into squares, that makes half of all houses wrong if they face the road. Even houses way in the country, and way off the road, face the bloody road. And from there, you just go wronger all the way.
One of the great rules of design is do something basic right. Then everything gets much more right of itself. But if you do something basic wrong - if you make what I call a Type 1 Error - you can get nothing else right.
Alan: When you say "we," do you mean humans in general, or Western humans especially?
Bill: Human beings in general. There are a few societies that show signs of having been very rational about the physics of construction and the physics of real life. Some of the old middle-Eastern societies had downdraft systems over whole cities, and passive, rapid-evaporation ice-making systems. They were rational people using good physical principles to make themselves comfortable without additional sources of energy.
But most modern homes are simply uninhabitable without electricity - you couldn't flush the toilet without it. It's a huge dependency situation. A house should look after itself - as the weather heats up the house cools down, as the weather cools down the house heats up. It's simple stuff, you know? We've known how to do it for a long time.
Alan: And it's eerie that we don't do it.
Bill: And that we don't design the garden to assist the house is much more eerie. That we don't design agriculture to be sustainable is totally eerie. We design it to be a disaster, and of course, we get a disaster.
Alan: There's an old Chinese expression: "If we don't change our direction, we'll wind up where we are headed. "
Bill: Exactly so. I think we probably have a racial death wish. We don't understand anything about where we live, and we don't want to. We're happy to power on to the end - like Mr. Bush. He could have saved more oil than he needed from Iraq, but he preferred to go and "kick ass" - kill people - and use more oil in the process.
America is an eerie society. It seems to want to live on a dust bowl. But as one of your own Indians said, "If you shit in bed, you'll surely smother in it. "
Alan: Let's get back to permaculture. What's your current best definition of it?
Bill: You could say it's a rational man's approach to not shitting in his bed.
But if you're an optimist, you could say it's an attempt to actually create a Garden of Eden. Or, if you're a scientist, you could liken it to a miraculous wardrobe in which you can hang garments of any science or any art and find they're always harmonious with, and in relation to, that which is already hanging there. It's a framework that never ceases to move, but that will accept information from anywhere.
It's hard to get your mind around it - I can't. I guess I would know more about permaculture than most people, and I can't define it. It's multi-dimensional - chaos theory was inevitably involved in it from the beginning.
You see, if you're dealing with an assembly of biological systems, you can bring the things together, but you can't connect them. We don't have any power of creation - we have only the power of assembly. So you just stand there and watch things connect to each other, in some amazement actually. You start by doing something right, and you watch it get more right than you thought possible.
Alan: This reminds me of John Todd and his work with artificial ecosystem assembly [IC #25].
Bill: There are lots of words for it these days. But the day I brought out my first book, Permaculture One, there was no word for it, though that's what it means: artificial ecosystem assembly. I would agree with anyone who said that if Permaculture had to be written, I wasn't the person to write it. I'm sure the John Todds and Hunter Lovinses of this world would have done a far better job than I. But it had to be written by somebody sooner or later, and historically it was just bad luck that it was me.
Alan: How did you come up with the idea of permaculture? What led up to it?
Bill Mollison inspects a white oak |
Bill: I'd come into town from the bush - after 28 years of field work in natural systems - and become an academic. So I turned my attention to humans, much as I had to possums in the forests. Humans were my study animal now - I set up night watches on them, and I made phonograms of the noises they make. I studied their cries, and their contact calls, and their alarm signals. I never listened to what they were saying - I watched what they were doing, which is really the exact opposite of the Freuds and Jungs and Adlers.
I soon got to know my animal fairly well - and I found out that it didn't matter what they were saying. What they were doing was very interesting, but it had no relation whatsoever to either what they were saying, or what questions they could answer about what they were doing. No relationship. Anyone who ever studied mankind by listening to them was self-deluded. The first thing they should have done was to answer the question, "Can they report to you correctly on their behavior?" And the answer is, "No, the poor bastards cannot. "
Then I sort of pulled out for a while in 1972 - I cut a hole in the bush, built a barn and a house and planted a garden - gave up on humanity. I was disgusted with the stupidity of the University, the research institutions, the whole thing.
When the idea of permaculture came to me, it was like a shift in the brain, and suddenly I couldn't write it down fast enough. Once you've said to yourself, "But I'm not using my physics in my house," or "I'm not using my ecology in my garden, I've never applied it to what I do," it's like something physical moves inside your brain. Suddenly you say, "If I did apply what I know to how I live, that would be miraculous!" Then the whole thing unrolls like one great carpet. Undo one knot, and the whole thing just rolls downhill.
Alan: At this point, permaculture is not just a way of designing things - it's a movement. What have you started?
Bill: Well, anything that's any good is self-perpetuating. I've started something I can no longer understand - it's out of control from the word go. People do things which I find quite amazing - things I would never have done and can't understand very well.
For example, one of the people I had trained in 1983, Janet McKinsey, disappeared with a friend into the bush - two women with children. They decided they could cut down their needs a lot, and they made a very scientific study of how to do that in their own houses. They've now started something called "Home Options for Preservation of the Environment" - HOPE.
They point out, for example, that there are only four things in all cleaners - whether it's shampoo, laundry detergent, whatever.You buy them in bulk and you mix them up properly, and they all work. It doesn't matter if they call the stuff ecologically friendly or have dolphins diving around on the label - it still has these damn four things in it. Anything else is just unnecessary additions to make it smell good or color it blue when it goes down the toilet.
Alan: So would you call what they're doing permaculture as well?
Bill: Oh, I don't know what you call it. But they got there after a permaculture course. When they first came to town - Benala, in Australia - and lectured, all the women of the town said, "Oh this is marvelous, we'll all do it!" The women started to order these bulk canisters - so then the shops in the town had to change, because they couldn't sell them that other crap anymore. Then the Council had to change, to institute recycling.
So the women - and women spend the money of society on its goods - examined every item they bought in relation to its energy use and its necessity, and just eliminated those that were energy expensive and unnecessary. Simply by women learning exactly what to buy and how to buy, the whole thing can be brought back to sanity. That's spreading like mad - like every good idea does.
So my students are constantly amazing me. Here's another story: I gave one permaculture course in Botswana, and now my students are out in the bloody desert in Namibia teaching Bushmen - whose language nobody can speak - to be very good permaculture people.
Alan: What can they teach the Bushmen that the Bushmen wouldn't already know?
Bill: Gardening. Because the Bushmen can no longer go with the game, and the game have been killed by the fences put up by the European Commission to grow beef. Just like the Australian Aborigine, 63% of what they used to live off is extinct, and the rest is rare now. You can't live like a Bushman or an Aborigine anymore, so they've got to rethink the whole basis of how they're going to live. Permaculture helps you do that easily.
Alan: So permaculture seems to be as much a change in perception as anything else - a change in where one begins to look at things from.
Bill: I think that's right. For me, having suffered through a Western education, it was a shift from passive learning - you know, "this is how books say things are" - to something active. It's saying (and this is a horrifying thought for university people) that instead of physicists teaching physics, physicists should go home and see what physics applies to their home.
Now, they may teach sophisticated physics at the university. But they go home to a domestic environment which can only be described as demented in its use of energy. They can't see that, and that blindness is appalling.
Why is it that we don't build human settlements that will feed themselves, and fuel themselves, and catch their own water, when any human settlement could do that easily? When it's a trivial thing to do?
Alan: Perhaps because we're so wealthy that we believe we don't have to.
Bill: Well, I don't call that wealth. You want a definition of wealth from Eskimos, the Inuit? Wealth is a deep understanding of the natural world. I think Americans are so poor it's pitiful, because you don't understand the natural world at all.
Alan: If you want to do permaculture, and there isn't a teacher around, where do you start?
Bill: Just start right where you are.
Alan: I read somewhere that you've said, "You start with your nose, then your hands . . . "
Bill: " . . . your back door, your doorstep" - you get all that right, then everything is right. If all that's wrong, nothing can ever be right. Say you're working for a big overseas aid organization. You can't leave home in a Mercedes Benz, travel 80 kilometers to work in a great concrete structure where there are diesel engines thundering in the basement just to keep it cool enough for you to work in, and plan mud huts for Africa! You can't get the mud huts right if you haven't got things right where you are. You've got to get things right, working for you, and then go and say what that is.
Alan: Doing permaculture seems to be the opposite of abstraction.
Bill: Oh, I put it another way. I can easily teach people to be gardeners, and from them, once they know how to garden, you'll get a philosopher. But I could never teach people to be philosophers - and if I did, you could never make a gardener out of them.
When you get deep ecologists who are philosophers, and they drive cars and take newspapers and don't grow their own vegetables, in fact they're not deep ecologists - they're my enemies.
But if you get someone who looks after himself and those around him - like Scott Nearing, or Masanobu Fukuoka - that's a deep ecologist. He can talk philosophy that I understand. People like that don't poison things, they don't ruin things, they don't lose soils, they don't build things they can't sustain.
Alan: Everything you've done suggests that turning around and going another direction is really not that hard.
Bill: I think mine is a very rich life. I probably lead a very spoiled life, because I travel from people interested in permaculture to people interested in permaculture. Some of them are tribal, and some of them are urban, and so on. I believe humanity is a pretty interesting lot, and they're all really busy doing and thinking interesting things.
Alan: Permaculture involves tampering with nature, but how far do you think we should go? Should we be doing genetic engineering, creating hybrids, etc. ?
Bill: The important thing is not to do any agriculture whatsoever, and particularly to make the modern agricultural sciences a forbidden area - they're worse than witchcraft, really. The agriculture taught at colleges between 1930 and 1980 has caused more damage on the face of the Earth than any other factor. "Should we tamper with nature?" is no longer a question - we've tampered with nature on the whole face of the Earth.
If you let the world roll on the way it's rolling, you're voting for death. I'm not voting for death. The extinction rate is so huge now, we're to the stage where we've got to set up recombinant ecologies. There are no longer enough species left, anywhere, to hold the system together. We have to let nature put what's left together, and see what it can come up with to save our ass.
At the same time, anything that's left that's remotely like wilderness should be left strictly alone. We have no business there any more. It's not going to save you to go in and cut the last old-stand forests. You should never have gotten to the stage where you could see the last ancient forests! Just get out of there right now, because the lessons you need to learn are there. That's the last place you'll find those lessons readable.
Alan: How has permaculture been received? What do reviewers say about your books, for example?
Bill: The first time I saw a review of one of my permaculture books was three years after I first started writing on it. The review started with, "Permaculture Two is a seditious book." And I said, "At last someone understands what permaculture's about." We have to rethink how we're going to live on this earth - stop talking about the fact that we've got to have agriculture, we've got to have exports, because all that is the death of us. Permaculture challenges what we're doing and thinking - and to that extent it's sedition.
People question me coming through the American frontier these days. They ask, "What's your occupation?" I say, "I'm just a simple gardener." And that is deeply seditious. If you're a simple person today, and want to live simply, that is awfully seditious. And to advise people to live simply is more seditious still.
You see, the worst thing about permaculture is that it's extremely successful, but it has no center, and no hierarchy.
Alan: So that's worst from whose perspective?
Bill: Anybody that wants to extinguish it. It's something with a million heads. It's a way of thinking which is already loose, and you can't put a way of thinking back in the box.
Alan: Is it an anarchist movement?
Bill: No, anarchy would suggest you're not cooperating. Permaculture is urging complete cooperation between each other and every other thing, animate and inanimate. You can't cooperate by knocking something about or bossing it or forcing it to do things. You won't get cooperation out of a hierarchical system. You get enforced directions from the top, and nothing I know of can run like that. I think the world would function extremely well with millions of little cooperative groups, all in relation to each other.
Alan: Given all the study you've done of our behavior and your work in spreading permaculture, do you have reason to hope we'll make it as a species?
Bill: I think it's pointless asking questions like "Will humanity survive?" It's purely up to people - if they want to, they can, if they don't want to, they won't.
I would say, use all the skills you have in relation to others - and that way we can do anything. But if you lend your skills to other systems that you don't really believe in, then you might as well never have lived. You haven't expressed yourself.
If people want some guidance, I say, just look at what people really do. Don't listen to them that much. And choose your friends from people who you like what they do - even though you mightn't like what they say.
It's us chickens that are doing it. There's no need for anyone else - we are sufficient to do everything possible to heal this Earth. We don't have to suppose we need oil, or governments, or anything. We can do it.
Image Sources: http://www.lemonbalmpermaculture.com/; http://www.permacultura.org/

Watch Videos:
Bill Mollison - Global Gardener

Plant Portrait: Sea-buckthorn
The sea-buckthorns (Hippophae L. ) are deciduous shrubs in the genus Hippophae, family Elaeagnaceae. The name sea-buckthorn is hyphenated here to avoid confusion with the buckthorns (Rhamnus, family Rhamnaceae). It is also referred to as "sea buckthorn" , seabuckthorn, sandthorn or seaberry.
Description and distribution
There are 6 species and 12 subspecies native over a wide area of Europe and Asia, including China, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Great Britain, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. More than 90 percent or about 1.5 million hectares of the world's sea buckthorn resources can be found in China where the plant is exploited for soil and water conservation purposes. The shrubs reach 0.5-6 m tall, rarely up to 10 m in central Asia, and typically occur in dry, sandy areas. They are tolerant of salt in the air and soil, but demand full sunlight for good growth and do not tolerate shady conditions near larger trees.
The common sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is by far the most widespread, with a range extending from the Atlantic coasts of Europe right across to northwestern China. In western Europe, it is largely confined to sea coasts where salt spray off the sea prevents other larger plants from out-competing it, but in central Asia it is more widespread in dry semi-desert sites where other plants cannot survive the dry conditions; in central Europe and Asia it also occurs as a subalpine shrub above tree line in mountains, and other sunny areas such as river banks.
Common sea-buckthorn has branches that are dense and stiff, and very thorny. The leaves are a distinct pale silvery-green, lanceolate, 3-8 cm long and less than 7 mm broad. It is dioecious, with separate male and female plants. The male produces brownish flowers which produce wind-distributed pollen.
Berries and leaves
The female plants produce orange berries 6-9 mm in diameter, soft, juicy and rich in oils. The berries are an important winter food resource for some birds, notably fieldfares.
Leaves are eaten by the larva of the coastal race of the ash pug moth and by larvae of other Lepidoptera including brown-tail, dun-bar, emperor moth, mottled umber and Coleophora elaeagnisella.
Hippophae salicifolia (willow-leaved sea-buckthorn) is restricted to the Himalaya, to the south of the common sea-buckthorn, growing at high altitudes in dry valleys; it differs from H. rhamnoides in broader (to 10 mm broad), greener (less silvery) leaves, and yellow berries. A wild variant occurs in the same area, but at even higher altitudes in the alpine zone. It is a low shrub not growing taller than 1 m with small leaves 1-3 cm long.
Harvesting and landscaping
Harvesting is difficult due to the dense thorn arrangement among the berries on each branch. A common harvesting technique is to remove an entire branch, though this is destructive to the shrub and reduces future harvests. A branch removed in this way is next frozen, allowing the berries to be easily shaken off. The branches are cut, deep frozen to -32C, then shaken or abraded for removal of the berries.
The worker then crushes the berries to remove up to 95% of the leaves and other debris. This causes the berries to melt slightly from the surface as the work takes place at ambient temperature (about 20C). Berries or the crushed pulp are later frozen for storage.
The most effective way to harvest berries and not damage branches is by using a berry-shaker. Mechanical harvesting leaves up to 50% in the field and the berries can be harvested only once in two years. They only get about 25% of the yield that could be harvested with this relatively new machinery.
During the Cold War, Russian and East German horticulturists developed new varieties with greater nutritional value, larger berries, different ripening months and a branch that is easier to harvest. Over the past 20 years, experimental crops have been grown in the United States, one in Nevada and one in Arizona, and in several provinces of Canada.
Sea-buckthorn is also a popular garden and landscaping shrub, particularly making a good vandal-proof barrier hedge with an aggressive basal shoot system exploited in some parts of the world as wind breaks and to stabilize riverbanks and steep slopes. They have value in northern climates for their landscape qualities, as the colorful berry clusters are retained through winter. Branches may be used by florists for designing ornaments. The plant is the regional flora of the Finnish region of Satakunta.
Nutrients and potential health effects
Sea-buckthorn berries are multipurposed, edible and nutritious, though very acidic and astringent, unpleasant to eat raw, unless 'bletted' (frosted to reduce the astringency) and/or mixed as a juice with sweeter substances such as apple or grape juice.
When the berries are pressed, the resulting sea-buckthorn juice separates into three layers: on top is a thick, orange cream; in the middle, a layer containing sea-buckthorn's characteristic high content of saturated and polyunsaturated fats; and the bottom layer is sediment and juice. Containing fat sources applicable for cosmetic purposes, the upper two layers can be processed for skin creams and liniments, whereas the bottom layer can be used for edible products like syrup.
Nutrient and phytochemical constituents of sea-buckthorn berries have potential value as antioxidants that may affect inflammatory disorders, cancer or other diseases, although no specific health benefits have yet been proved by clinical research in humans.
The fruit of the plant has a high vitamin C content-in a range of 114 to 1550 mg per 100 grams with an average content (695 mg per 100 grams) about 12 times greater than the 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams found in orange- placing sea-buckthorn fruit among the most enriched plant sources of vitamin C. The fruit also contains dense contents of carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, sitosterol and polyphenolic acids.
Apart from being nourishing, the juice has a freezing point of -22 degrees Celsius allowing it to remain a liquid even in sub-zero temperatures.
Traditional medicine
Different parts of sea-buckthorn have been used as traditional therapies for diseases. As no applications discussed in this section have been verified by Western science and sufficient clinical trial evidence, such knowledge remains mostly unreferenced outside of Asia and is communicated mainly from person to person.
Grown widely throughout its native China and other mainland regions of Asia, sea-buckthorn is an herbal medicine used over centuries to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. In Mongolia, extracts of sea-buckthorn branches and leaves are used to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.
Bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea, gastrointestinal, dermatologic disorders and topical compressions for rheumatoid arthritis. Flowers may be used as a skin softener.
For its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, berry fruits are added to medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders in Indian, Chinese and Tibetan medicines. Sea-buckthorn berry components have potential anticarcinogenic activity.
Fresh juice, syrup and berry or seed oils are used for colds, fever, exhaustion, as an analgesic or treatment for stomach ulcers, cancer, and metabolic disorders.
Called 'Chharma' in some native languages, oil from fruits and seeds is used for liver diseases, inflammation, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, including peptic ulcers and gastritis, eczema, canker sores and other ulcerative disorders of mucosal tissues, wounds, inflammation, burns, frostbite, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus erythematosus, and chronic dermatoses. In ophthalmology, berry extracts have been used for keratosis, trachoma, eyelid injuries and conjunctivitis. The sea-buckthorn is also known to kill tiny parasitic mites called Demodex.
Text and images copyright 2003, Larry Korn. |
The advantages of Log House
Log houses are known as prestigious, eco - friendly and healthy houses.
They are solid and sustainable constructions.
Resin marks that remain in the log's structure have a benefic impact on the respiratory system of those who enhabit these types of houses. The warm and natural colour of the wood positively influences the state of mind, calms the nervous system and creates a comfortable living environment.
Timber is the basic material used in the construction of these houses. Timber is a natural and ecological material, which does not cause damage to one's health. It is also one of the oldest building materials.
Logs help keep a balance of the moisture in the house, thus, if it raises, the walls begin to absorb it. If the environment becomes too dry, then the wood will "bring back" the humidity. This is why indoors you have the same humidity level as outdoors. Contrary to other types of houses, the air from wooden constructions never gets too dry.
Wood's ability to retain and restore humidity helps mentain a constant temperature indoors.
The logs from the house's structure "breathe" thus, there is no need for an air conditioning system, the house already having a natural ventilation system.
There is no dust in log houses. Wood's electrostatic proprieties don't allow the formation and accumulation of dust in the rooms.
This is another advantage of these houses, reccomanding them to people who suffer from allergies.
Wood is a sustainable building material. Put together in a correct manner, they can last for centuries. In Siberia and other Scandinavian countries there are wooden houses for 600 years, in perfect condition. Developed using modern technologies, their sustainability can raise considerably.
Wooden walls have isolative proprieties. In Siberia, where temperatures drop below 40 degrees in winter, not long ago, people lived in wood houses with walls 25-30cm thick. A wall this thick has a isolative capacity equal to that of a concrete wall. The walls keep the warmth and distribute in gradually around the house. Thus, the room's temperature is the same as the wall's. This creates comfort in this type of houses.
Dry wood is a good sound isolator. Its physical proprieties ensure good sound absorbtion and prevent its distribution. Wood is also known for its ability to absorb and minimise vibrations.
Image Sources: http://www.lat-lodge.com/

Opportunities for saving money when designing
and building your dream log home
The savings start with the design of your log home. - The best way to begin your design is to find a floor plan that is close to what you are looking for, mark it with your changes and send it to one or more log home companies of your choice. Most log home companies will gladly advise you on your custom log home design, where to save money, and then quote a kit price. Don't be reluctant to begin a design with your unique requirements. Rarely (and I do mean rarely) does a company ship the same log home kit twice. If you are having difficulty finding a plan that fits your life style, go to a search engine (e.g. , www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, etc. ) and search on "log home plans." You will find many log home companies listed; most of which have extensive libraries of standard floor plans. Another option would be to search on "house plans" where you will find a mind boggling number of companies that sell conventional house plans, including a few also offering log home plans. Remember, most log home companies will gladly convert a conventional house plan to a log home plan. Remember, the more corners in the foundation, the more complex the roof system, the more windows called for, the more exposed rafters called for (as opposed to locally manufactured roof trusses), the more the home will cost.
Build the log home yourself. - This is the opportunity for the greatest saving. Of course, most of us work full time at other jobs and do not have the time for such an undertaking. However, if your heart is set on researching this option, visit any of the online book sellers, search on "log homes" and order one or more books that focus on the construction of log homes. But perhaps the wisest choice would be to contact a nearby log builder and negotiate an hourly rate for consultation. It is best to spend time and money up front to get the job done right, rather than deal with problems later that never seem to go away.
Act as your own general contractor. - This is your option for the second greatest saving. Many log home buyers decide to be their own general contractor. However, be aware, this choice is not without its headaches. That is why you save all those bucks! Local building officials can be difficult to work with; subcontractors will be late or never show up; deliveries will be late or the wrong materials will be delivered; the weather is unpredictable; subcontractors and suppliers may take advantage of your inexperience. And the list goes on. Regardless of the pitfalls and stress, acting as your own general contractor will still save you about 15% - and that is big bucks. If you elect this option, again visit online book sellers, search on "log homes" and purchase one or more books that deal with log home construction. Contracting with an experienced builder to serve as an advisor is highly recommended.
Shop for financing the same as you shop for building materials, appliances, etc. - If there is no local lender experienced in the financing of log homes, go to the search engines and search on "log home loans" or "log home mortgages." Lenders will not charge you when you apply for a loan. File applications with two or more lenders and then select the best deal.
Select your building lot with caution. - How long will the driveway be? If you must install a septic system, a health permit is a prerequisite, and then, will it be necessary to pump to the drain field (add $2,000+ for the pump system)? Will it be necessary to cross a creek? How much grading will be involved? Is tree and stump removal going to be a problem? In other words, a "cheap" lot can quickly become an expensive lot. If you are having difficulty finding a lot, contact a local real estate agent. Give the realtor your lot selection criteria (price range, location, size, etc. ) and tell him/her to search the Multiple Listing Service data base. There is no charge for this service.
Select your log home builders with caution. - When talking to builders ask for references and visit log homes he/she has built and talk to the home owners.
Select carpet as your floor covering rather than hardwood floors. - Yes, hardwood floors are a "natural" in log homes. But we are looking for opportunities to save money. Perhaps you can compromise. Put hardwood in the great room and carpet elsewhere. Remember, at a later date (after you have received a job promotion or two) you can always replace carpet with hardwood.
Stick stone to plywood and studs in lieu of a full masonry chimney. - Don't tell your friends. It's impossible to see the low cost plywood and studs thru the stone. This decision can save you $8,000 - $12,000 over the cost of a full masonry chimney.
Consider an efficient wood stove over an inefficient and more expensive fireplace. - Select black flue pipe instead of a masonry chimney. The black flue pipe looks great in a log home.
Build your log home on a crawl space rather than a basement. - Again, we are looking for opportunities to save money. Sure, a basement is cheap floor space and many buyers opt for the extra storage, shop and/or recreation room space; never-the-less, eliminating the basement will save $10,000 - $15,000 in a typical home.
Have your custom fixed glass manufactured locally. - Yes, your window supplier will want to order your fixed glass from the factory. While he/she is getting a quote from the factory, visit a local glass shop. You may be pleasantly surprised. Locally manufactured fixed glass windows are available with double glass and/or tinted glass.
If you are using stone, compare the installed cost of man made stone vs. the real thing. - If the thought of using man made stone in your "natural" log home is a turn-off, visit a local supplier and inspect the product. Again, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Use manufactured roof trusses rather than exposed beams and rafters. - Yes, exposed beams and rafters are classic in a log home. But the roof trusses can save $10 per square foot and more. You can still have vaulted ceilings with roof trusses and you can have a tongue & groove paneled ceiling under the trusses. You can even add a few exposed rafters for "looks."
Select your windows and doors with care. - This is a major opportunity for savings. Compare the quality and cost of several manufacturers before making a decision. If you expect to have a large number of windows and exterior doors, ask the suppliers if you qualify for a truck load discount.
Select your plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures and kitchen cabinets with care. - These are also major opportunities for controlling your costs.
Start shopping early. - Whether you hire a builder to do a "turn key" job or act as the general contractor, you can save money on individual items in the house - for example, appliances, floor coverings, windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, kitchen cabinets, counter tops, etc. , etc. The earlier you start shopping the more likely you are to find items on sale. Just let your "turn key" builder know in advance that you plan to shop for sale items and BE AWARE, if you slow down or inconvenience the builder, you will quickly lose what you saved and probably much more.
Best wishes as you embark on an exciting journey.
Image Sources: http://www.homesteadtimbers.com/; http://i40.photobucket.com/;

Why should I consider solar pool heating?
There's nothing like a refreshing
dip to beat summer's heat. Canada has about 600 000 backyard
swimming pools. Many
owners use pool heaters to heat
their pools and in so doing end
up spending millions of dollars a
year on non-renewable fuels.
As the cost of gas, propane, oil
and electricity continue to rise,
the cost of heating swimming
pools will become more and
more expensive.
Fortunately, there is an economical
alternative that will cut your
energy costs while you enjoy
your swim - solar heating.
Solar heating is simple, reliable
and has been used by pool owners
for years. The initial cost of
solar equipment is reasonable,
and the operational savings
are high.
The payback period - the time it
takes for your fuel savings to equal
the cost of your solar heating system
- can be as short as two to
three swimming seasons. After
that, your energy savings continue
for the life of the system.
And, by replacing or reducing the
use of conventional pool heaters,
solar heaters help to eliminate
greenhouse gases, such as carbon
dioxide, that are having an
impact on our climate.
Solar energy is a practical and
economical way to heat your
pool, extend your swimming
season and increase your swimming
A solar heating system for your
pool is an economical alternative
to expensive conventional
heaters. Solar collectors capture
free energy from the sun and use
it to heat your pool.
They extend your swimming season
and reduce monthly fuel bills
without depleting non-renewable
fossil fuels.
In fact, solar pool heating for your
home is the most economical solar
application in Canada today. Solar
heaters already make up more
than 10 percent of all new pool
heating-equipment sales.
Five good reasons
for using solar
From Victoria, British Columbia,
to St. John's, Newfoundland,
Canadians are using solar energy
to heat their pools. Here are five
good reasons why.
No. 1: Solar saves on pool
heating costs.
Energy costs continue to rise. In
the last two years alone, the price
of natural gas has more than doubled. On the other hand, the sun's
energy is free, and more and more
pool owners are taking advantage
of this opportunity to save money
and avoid future price increases.
Over a 15-year period, you could
spend five times or more on heating
with gas what you would
spend on installing a solar heater
today. Once your solar heating
system is installed, there are no
more heating bills to pay.
Many pool owners switch to
solar because it meets all of their
heating needs. But, even if you
continue to use a gas or electric
heater as a backup, solar heating
is a smart investment that will
save you money, year after year.
No. 2: Solar extends your
swimming season
A properly sized solar heating system
will get you swimming earlier
in the spring and later into the
fall. Whether or not you have an
existing heater, you can keep your
pool warmer and open longer with
free energy from the sun. In most
areas of Canada, a solar heater
used in combination with a solar
pool cover can add two to four
weeks to the beginning and two
to four weeks to the end of the
swimming season.
No. 3: Solar equipment is
Solar equipment often lasts longer
than gas or electric heaters. With
proper yearly maintenance, you
can expect fuel heaters to last
seven to 10 years. Most gas heaters
come with a two-year warranty,
and well-made heat pumps carry a
two-year warranty with five years
on the compressors.
Solar panels have a minimum
10-year warranty and generally
last 15 to 20 years or longer.
No. 4: Solar requires less
Unlike gas and electric heaters,
which should be serviced by a
technician every year, a solar
heater requires very little servicing. Again, that means less cost and
less hassle for the pool owner.
No. 5: Solar energy is
good for the environment
These days we hear a lot about the
damaging effect that burning fossil
fuels is having on the environment. Burning fuels releases
nitrogen oxides that cause the
formation of smog in urban areas. Urban smog, which is worse on
warm and sunny days, affects
people with respiratory problems
such as asthma. Using solar energy
instead of burning fossil fuels can
help reduce this smog.
Burning fuels also produces carbon
dioxide, the main cause of climate
change. Replacing a natural gas or
propane heater with a solar heater
could stop three to 10 tonnes of
carbon dioxide from entering the
atmosphere each swimming season. That's about the same
amount produced by operating
your car for one year!
How does a solar
heater work?
A solar pool heater is simple to
operate and doesn't change the
way you operate standard pool
equipment. Solar collectors are usually
mounted on the roof of your
home or other structure such as
a shed or garage. This is the least
expensive option and doesn't take
up extra space on the property. When suitable roof space is not
available, collectors can be
ground-mounted on a rack.
The existing pool pump is used
to circulate water from the pool
through the solar collectors and
back to the pool. On sunny days,
an automatic controller diverts
the water to the roof by a motorized
valve. The automatic valve
uses special temperature sensors
to determine when the solar collectors
should be used.
For those on a budget, a manual
valve can be used. However, this
tends to be an impractical option
for most people because the valve
must be turned at least twice a
day at exactly the right time.
How do heat
pumps and gas
heaters compare
to solar?
Across Canada, some 60 percent
of in-ground pools are heated. Although several different types
of heaters are available, the most
commonly used are natural gas
heaters and electric air-source heat
pumps. Natural gas heaters are
popular in British Columbia and
Ontario. In Quebec, where the
availability of natural gas is less
widespread, heat pumps are more
popular. Roughly 10 percent of
heated pools already use solar
Since a heat pump puts out considerably
less power than a natural
gas heater, it is important to correctly
size the heat pump to ensure
adequate heating for your pool. Its low output also means that it
tends to run continuously, which
can be excessively noisy for some
pool owners. And, while it offers
the advantage of being cheaper to
operate than a gas heater, a heat
pump may be less reliable and
more prone to breaking.
A heat pump takes longer to raise
the temperature of your pool than
a natural gas heater, which can
raise a cold pool to the desired
temperature relatively quickly.
During sunny conditions, a solar
pool heater can add heat as well as
or better than many heat pumps. The temperature of a solar heated
pool will fluctuate as weather conditions
change. But, if a pool cover
is used, the heat collected by solar
panels on a sunny day can easily
get you through a cool, cloudy
period. And, water temperatures
will be back up again after another
day or two of sunshine.
Because of our climate, many
Canadian consumers are sceptical
that there is enough sunlight to
support a solar pool heater. In fact,
there is more than enough solar
energy for pool owners across
Canada to heat their pools without
a backup heater from May
through September.
A solar heater in Ontario
will have no difficulty keeping
a pool well above the desired
Solar pool heating can typically
extend the length of your outdoor
swimming season by two to four
weeks at either end. With a solar
system, it costs nothing in fuel
to try for an early start or a late
finish, whereas most people with
a fuel heater can't afford to open
their pool until good weather
is guaranteed.
Because a sufficient area of solar
panels must be used to obtain
maximum performance at minimum
cost, accurate sizing of the
collector area is critical.
How do costs
for heat pumps
and gas heaters
Installation costs
A solar heater is generally more
expensive to install than a gas
heater and less expensive than
a heat pump.
In 2000
the typical cost of installing
a solar pool heater for a 5-m by
10-m (16-ft. by 32-ft. ) pool, on a
suitably located roof, would be
between $3,100 and $5,000.
A professionally installed system
usually comes with a one-year
warranty on the installation
and a 10- to 12-year warranty
on the collector. Ask your installer
what the warranties come with
your system.
Operating costs
Once a solar heater is installed
and paid for, the energy to heat
your pool is free. Solar heating
systems are very easy for the
homeowner to maintain - the
only expense is your time. If you
want to hire a solar technician to
perform annual maintenance, it
would cost approximately $100
per year.
Using a natural gas heater, a typical
5-m by 10-m (16-ft. by 32-ft. )
outdoor pool would cost between
$300 and $600 to heat from May
to September, if you use a solar
If no cover is used, the typical
cost is between $600 and $1,100. These costs are based on a natural
gas price of $9.13 per gigajoule,
(GJ), so the fuel cost for your pool
will depend on your current cost
of natural gas. In addition, a recommended
annual cleaning of a
gas heater costs $50 to $100.
Depending on the price of
electricity, a typical heat pump
(with a summer coefficient of
performance of 4.25) costs about
one quarter to one half that of
natural gas to operate.
Pools lose heat
Since pools lose a large amount
of energy, it is important to
understand the different ways
these losses occur. Heat loss from
outdoor swimming pools occurs
mainly from the surface in the
form of evaporation, radiation
and convection. Indoor pools lose
heat primarily by evaporation. When in use, pool covers
virtually eliminate losses from
evaporation and also reduce losses
from radiation and convection.
Typically, evaporation accounts
for 30 to 50 percent of all heat
lost from a swimming pool. In midsummer, most averagesized
pools lose about 50 mm
(2 inches) of water per week
by evaporation, the equivalent
of 150 kilowatt-hours or
500 000 BTU. These losses are
higher in dry or windy weather. Evaporation also removes substantial
amounts of expensive
pool chemicals. Using a solar
cover frequently will significantly
decrease these evaporative losses.
Radiation transfers heat through
air from warmer objects to cooler
Radiation typically accounts for
25 to 35 percent of pool heat loss. Most radiative heat loss occurs on
clear nights.
Convection is the transfer of heat
from the pool to the air by fluid
flow. When the pump is not operating,
mixing warm and cool
water, the warm water rises to the
top of the pool. Then, through
convection, the heat of the warm
water escapes to the cooler air. If
the wind is blowing, convective
heat loss increases. Convection typically
accounts for about 15 to 25 percent
of total heat loss.
Conduction is heat transfer by
physical contact through materials. A swimming pool loses heat
by conduction through the pool's
walls and bottom. A high water
table or flowing ground water will
carry away an in-ground pool's
heat through conduction.
Pools gain heat
Pools gain heat from whichever
heating system you choose to
install. Any swimming pool in a
sunny location is also naturally
heated by solar energy. Sunlight
is absorbed by the water, adding
heat to the pool. This "passive" solar energy is a valuable commodity
to a pool owner to supplement
an electric or gas heater. An
unshaded swimming pool costs
significantly less to heat than one
that is shaded.
Solar pool covers permit some of
this passive solar heating while
also reducing heat losses. Many
outdoor pools require no auxiliary
heating during the peak of
the summer (in July and August)
when heat losses are low and
sunshine is abundant.
How can I reduce
my heating load?
To reduce your heating load,
you must use energy efficiently. Energy use can be affected by
pool temperature, wind exposure,
pool dimensions, pump operation
and pool covers.
Monitor pool
The energy consumption of an
outdoor pool depends on the
water temperature. For typical
pool activity, temperatures can
range from 26C to 30C. A pool
heated to 30C consumes almost
twice as much energy as a pool at
26C. Allowing the
pool temperature to drop when
not in use will save energy and
reduce operating costs.
Decrease wind exposure
The evaporative heat loss in a
swimming pool is greater as wind
velocity over the pool surface is
increased. Generally, exposure to
wind can be divided into three
- sheltered - the pool is located
within a high fence;
- moderate - the pool is located
close to a house or in a fenced
- open - the pool is not protected
from winds.
Pools with an open exposure
consume approximately 50 percent
more energy. Constructing
a solid fence around the pool
creates a sheltered exposure,
reducing energy consumption
by approximately 20 percent.
Optimize pool dimensions
If you are a prospective, rather
than existing, pool owner,
remember that the size of pool
you choose will significantly
affect its energy use. Since most
of a pool's heat loss occurs from
the surface, the energy use of
different-sized pools can be
estimated by comparing surface
Reduce pool pump costs
The cost of energy to heat your
pool represents only a portion of
your pool's operating costs. You
must also factor in the cost of
electricity to run your pool pump. Most pools are equipped with
a pump of at least 750 watts
(approximately 1 horsepower)
running 24 hours a day, circulating
water through a filter unit
and a pool heater.
Based on this pump size, the electrical
cost for operating 24 hours
a day is about $48 per month. You can use a timer on your pool
pump to reduce its hours of
operation. An operating cycle of
12 hours a day is recommended
and results in a saving of $24
a month.
Use a swimming pool
Using a pool cover will save you
energy and maintain your pool's
temperature when it is not in use. If used frequently, a cover can
reduce your pool's energy consumption
by up to 50 percent.
Using a floating plastic swimming
pool cover can significantly
decrease the amount of energy
required for pool heating as well
as significantly reduce the loss of
water due to evaporation.
Two cover types are available. The
first is a solar blanket,
which consists of a translucent cell
or bubble arrangement of 0.3 mm
(12 mil) polyethylene. It allows
solar radiation to warm the water. This cover primarily prevents
evaporative heat loss but also
reduces heat loss through convection
and conduction. With
careful handling to prevent
bubble breakage, it can last two
to three swimming seasons.
The second type, a thermal blanket, consists of a
3 mm (1/8 inch) layer of closedcell
polyethylene foam covered
by a protective layer of woven
It provides more insulation than
a solar blanket, but because it is
opaque it prevents solar radiation
from warming the water. Leaving
the pool uncovered on hot days
will help warm the water. If you
have a heated pool in a shaded
area, an opaque blanket is the
most cost-efficient cover you
can get. It can last from four to
five years.
For safety reasons, a cover must
be completely removed from the
pool before anyone goes swimming
to make sure no one can
be trapped beneath it.
The effectiveness of any cover
depends on the amount of time it
is on the pool. The more you use
your cover, the more energy you
will save. For example, a cover
used 14 hours a day can save
energy consumption by 50 percent
or more.
Residential Solar Pool Heating Systems Resources Canada
Image sources: http://www.sunpowerofaz.com/; http://www.kingsolar.com/

Watch Video:
Adding free solar heat to a pool

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#article
Why do boxer Vasily Jirov, wild wolves and savvy health consumers
all cherish Siberian pine nut oil?
Pine Nut Oil: The Secret is out! Cedar products have apparently been cherished by ancient royalty such as King Solomon, Pharaoh Tutankhamen and even the Sumerian Gods for their health benefits, along with appreciation for the wood of these mysterious, ancient trees. And yes, wild animals are just as smart as royalty when it comes to the best in nutrition. Although the wonderful benefits of the Siberian Cedar tree have been no secret to THE EARTH readers, with the help of physicians and scientists conducting cutting-edge research, the legendary powers of Siberian cedar tree products are now becoming better known to the average consumer. Even the general media are "getting wind" of the taiga giants' secrets. Scientists are busy cataloguing the numerous healing benefits of Siberian cedar tree, considered sacred in most traditional medical lore, and more recently, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. B. Krivosheev of the Department of Internal Medicine conducted fascinating research with Ringing Cedars of Russia's pine nut oil at the City Clinical Hospital of Novosibirsk # 1, showing how many severe digestive disorders can improve with intake of this miracle healer (see: www.PineNutOil.org). As a consequence of this increasing interest, the Siberian Cedar tree, also known as Siberian Pine, is gaining prominence for its numerous benefits, and its healing qualities are praised as antidotes to almost every modern ailment, including those of an emotional nature.
Dr. Regina Jensen, a health-researcher licensed as a physical as well as psychotherapist, has been busy researching Siberian pine nut oil, which she calls a most unique super food. As the editor for Space of Love Magazine, she plans to feature the Siberian Cedar in their forthcoming issue "just like royalty" , she says, because of these legendary benefits as the ultimate healer. "It's uniqueness" , she says, "come from the fact that every part of the tree has some kind of health benefit for humans, animals and even the plants which grow around them." A growing number of savvy health food consumers consider it one of the best super foods, such as boxer Vasily Jirov who was Champion of Kazakstan more than once, Champion of the USSR as well as of Europe and Asia, World Champion, and Olympic Champion at the Atlanta Games in 1996. He holds the world title among professionals of both the International Boxing Federation (IBF) and the North American Boxing Organization (NABO).
For Jirov, the Siberian pine nuts can actually replace this athlete's need for meat with their unique and legendary amino acid profile. Jirov, whose athletic abilities have earned him the title of the "Tiger from Kazakhstan" , appreciates Siberian pine nut oil from The Ringing Cedars of Russia as "extremely nutritious, furnishing a good supply of energy for the day, and serves to quickly restore one's strength after a training work-out" . He finds that Siberian pine nuts and pine nut oil help him build muscles and that the pine nut flour's unique substances can replace any protein, even for his growing children. He has been called by interviewer Izyaslav Koza "a true warrior, and someone you just want to succeed, because he deserves it." Could the pine nut oil even have an effect upon our emotional constitution? (Read more about Vasily Jirov here: What is today's sport elite thinking about?)
Jensen, as a psychotherapist, is interested in just that unique quality of this apparent super food, namely of the tree "having a soul" , as biologists have put it, which goes right along with ancient legends. Why? It appears that the tree has biological rhythms very similar to those of humans, responding to changes in its environment much more flexibly and spontaneously than other trees. "In herbal lore of East and West, a plant's looks or behavior are very often related to the benefits it can bestow," says Jensen, "so it comes as no surprise that the gifts of this tree can help us come back into rhythm with our selves, each other and the life all around us." Boxer Jirov's "politeness, humbleness, and character really do exceed expectations," said interviewer Koza, and part of this surely is just that, Jirov's wonderful personality. But in a world such as competitive sports, especially fighting sports, it is wise indeed to take measures to protect such great human qualities with the right kind of nutritional support. The Pine nuts and pine nut oil are also said to eliminate psychological unease and restore "a sense of self-confidence and joyfulness. "
Dr. Jensen became interested in Siberian pine nut products for her health center, but also for personal use, because of their unique fatty acid profile. With a family history of high cholesterol because of fatty acid metabolizing difficulties, she praises the Siberian pine nuts' benefits as very unique. "For people who are committed to the best super foods they can find, this is such a unique treasure. "True health foods are rare any more," she says, "because there are so many inferior, lifeless supplements sold out there." The wild harvested, cold pressed Siberian pine nut oil  which she uses is first pressed only. "I only know one company so far which produces these products and especially the cold pressed oils with the exquisite integrity they need, namely Ringing Cedars of Russia. They even have an ingenious way of certifying the wild harvested, first pressed quality of its pine nuts and pine nut oil." Jensen, with her difficulties of metabolizing fatty acids such as the common fish or flax oils, uses the pine nut oil in a unique way indeed, namely by applying it all over her body - an ancient way of "feeding" the blood, she says. (Read More on CEDAR THE HEALER) When people were very ill and intravenous life-saving measures had not been invented yet, rubbing the body down with nutritious oils was one way of supplying nourishment and strength to the body. And, she says, its unique cosmetic qualities keep her skin young and beautiful all at the same time. "Best of all," she says, "about five minutes after I apply the oil, without fail, a surge of happiness rushes through me." And she wonders: "Is that my own soul, happy for the extra support, or is that the soul of the Siberian Cedar?" Maybe the answer to that question will remain a mystery of the wild, Siberian taiga?
Misc. Notes:
Pine nuts are rich in the most important macro- and micronutrients:
70% of these are essential and relatively essential, which indicates the high biological value of proteins. While arginine (up to 21g/100 g of protein) is considered replaceable in the diet of an adult person, it is considered essential in the case of children.
Pine nut protein is distinguished from the protein of other products by its elevated content of diamino-hexanoic acid (up to 12.4g/100g of protein), methionine (up to 5.6g/100g of protein) and triptophane (up to 3.4g/100g of protein) - these are the most frequently deficient amino acids, which usually limit the biological value of protein in product composition.
First among nitrogenous substances are the proteins, which in turn are characterised by an elevated content of amino acids, especially arginine. These amino acids are extremely important to development of the growing organism. Hence cedar nuts have been essential in the diet of children, teenagers and pregnant women. Nut protein is easy to digest.
Pine nuts contain valuable lipolytic vitamins E and P . E-group vitamins, or tocopherols, are very important and essential in ensuring complete genetic heredity. (The word tocopherol in Greek literally means "I bear offspring" . ) A deficiency of Vitamin E upsets the fatty balance in the system. Vitamin E is responsible for the production of milk in nursing mothers, and its deficiency can stop lactation. A person's predisposition to atherosclerosis can also be explained by a Vitamin-E deficiency.
Pine nuts contain a complex of B vitamins, which normalise the activity of the nervous system, have a favourable influence on the growth and development of the human organism, and improve blood composition. Young wolves delight in feasting on cedar nuts during exfoliation. Cedar nuts are used by both carnivores and herbivores, and are an effective antidote to vitamin deficiency, which causes serious disorders in the system.
Pine nut nuclei are rich in valuable mineral substances and micronutrients. The food value is confirmed by the chemical composition of the cedar nuts. They surpass all other nuts as well as oil seeds in terms of phosphatidic content. As the richest source of lecithin they are comparable only to soybean. Cedar nuts are also a rich source of iodine, which is very important to residents of northern latitudes.
(c) 2008 RingingCedarsofRussia.org
(c) 2008 Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D.
* Dr. Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for over 35 years. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment "to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet." fullyalivewellnesscenter.com
A. B. Krivosheev Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of the City Clinical Hospital of Novosibirsk # 1, "REPORT of a Clinical Trial of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil Bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia Trademark in the comprehensive therapy of digestive, stomach, and intestinal disorders" Novosibirsk, Russia  2008.
Vasily Jirov Champion of Kazakstan more than once, Champion of the USSR as well as of Europe and Asia, World Champion, and Olympic Champion at the Atlanta Games in 1996. Hold the world title among professionals of both the International Boxing Federation (IBF) and the North American Boxing Organization (NABO). "What is today's sport elite thinking about?" Toronto, Canada 2006
Presented by "Open Mind" organization "THE CEDAR NUTS A TREASURE-HOUSE OF USEFUL SUBSTANCES" Kiev, Ukraine 2005. http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/articles/Cedar_nuts_nutritional_information.php
B. M. Doronin PhD, Professor of Novosibirsk State Medical University Department of Neurology "EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SIBERIAN CEDAR OIL IN THE COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT OF NEUROTIC DISORDERS" Novosibirsk, Russia 2008. http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/articles/articles_cedar_oil_treatment_neurotic_disorders.php
Presented by Vozrozhdenie [Revival] Foundation "The Cedar: Grandeur in Each Crown" Prague, Czech Republic 2006
Pine Nut Oil - Siberian Pine, Pinus sibirica or ancient native name Siberian Cedar

Russian research shows that Digestive and Stomach Disorders respond to unique Super Food: Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
RingingCedarsofRussia.org released research this month which discovered why the cold pressed oil of Siberian Cedar nuts also known as Pinus Sibirica, has been considered an ancient super food. In a clinical trial conducted by Professor A. B. Krivosheev at the University of Novosibirsk with wild harvested, cold pressed Siberian pine nut oil, very favorable results were found. Certain pine nuts and pine oil were proven effective against the real threat of modern day health problems, notably stress-related illnesses and emotional instabilities.
The researchers found that with intake of Siberian pine nut oil which remained biologically active because it was cold pressed (bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark) "a significant and reliable improvement" was noted in the quality of life indicators used as test-measures. They also noted that the use of this apparent super food was "especially effective in the complex treatment of erosive ulcerous lesions of the stomach." But remarkably, besides reduced inflammation of stomach mucosa and the duodenum, it also improved emotional reactions and restoration of sleep. The unique qualities which moved the pine oil into the super food category were attributed to its very high levels of numerous essential nutrients unique to this wild harvested Siberian pine nut.
The results showed that intake of such a concentrated super food can produce a clearly "positive effect in the complex therapy of illnesses of the digestive organs" and increase the quality of life. Researchers added that there was an almost "complete restoration of such parameters as emotional reactions, energy levels, and physical abilities," with the use of this cold pressed oil. They did emphasize the importance of biologically active pine nut oil to obtain these unique results. The researchers used Siberian Cedar Nut Oil bearing the registered Ringing Cedars of Russia trademark for this study, with consistency being one of the hallmarks of reliability in research (see: Report of a Clinical Trial of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil Bearing the Ringing Cedars of Russia Trademark)
To read more articles on Siberian Cedar Nut Oil go here
Regina Jensen Ph.D.
Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info

Medicinal properties of the needles
Cedar Needle Essential Oil |
The medicinal properties of cedar needles are also well known. They contain many biologically active materials that have a medicinal and stimulating action. The needles of the Siberian cedar are rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene. As far back as 1786, the academician P. S. Pallas wrote that the young shoots of the cedar "contain the most pleasant taste, very similar to a citrus rind, and are a very good medicine for scurvy, if they will be used moist, if boiled in beer or water." And further he adds, that from the tops of young cedar "it is possible to make a very medicinal, anti-scorbutic and refreshing beverage. "
The anti-scorbutic properties of cedar buds was noted by Doctor Espenberg as far back as 1812, he used them against scurvy during his journeys around the world aboard the ship Nadezhda under the command of I. F. Kruzenshtern. In his report, Espenberg wrote that the broth made from the buds of dwarf cedar trees cured scorbutic diseases and even made abscesses on the feet disappear. Many expeditions of those distant times were saved from scurvy by an infusion of the needles of the Siberian cedar and dwarf cedar trees. B. Tikhomirov and S. Pivnik note that the needles of our northern trees (pines, firs, Siberian cedar, and dwarf cedar tree) may be equated to lemons and oranges with respect to their anti-scorbutic properties.
According to the data of V. S. Fedorova, the needles of the Siberian cedar contain from 250 to 350 mg of vitamin C.
As reported by G. A. Sokolov, one ton of cedar needles can yield five thousand daily portions of vitamin C.
I. I. Grom considers the cedar needle to be a natural concentrate of vitamins. It is especially valuable in the winter period, when the consumption of fruits and berries is limited.
According to the report of A. Skarzhitskiy, from the young shoots of Siberian cedar is obtained an essential oil, "very highly valued in folk medicine; it is used internally for kidney and gall stones, and externally it is used for wounds, abscesses, and rheumatic pains." The essential oils contained in the needle are recognized as most important antimicrobial substances. The last ones are especially active in the summer months (in July and August), as a consequence of which at this time the bactericidal and fungicidal activity of this plant increases considerably.
Siberian folk healers recommend to sleep on a bed made of cedar wood, and to have a cushion made of fresh cedar boughs instead of the usual downy pillow. The same advice they also direct to those who have disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, in whom the respiratory organs are sick. Cedar needles yield an essential oil, chlorophyll, vitamin concentrates, produce vitamin flour, which is rich in bactericides, vitamins C, E, carotene, trace elements (copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, phosphorus). A kilogram of flour obtained from the needles of cedar shoots contains 70 mg of carotene, up to 35 mg of vitamin E, and also vitamins B, K, B. Needle flour is produced from needles that have already been processed, i.e. , needles from which the essential oil and vitamins have been extracted. First, half of the vitamin C contained in the needle is extracted, in this case its concentration reaches 500 mg for a litre of water. The needles continue to be heated by steam in order to separate the essential oils. From 500 kg of cedar boughs are obtained 2.5 kg of essential oil. The essential oil obtained from the needles is a constituent of some preparations used in diseases of the kidneys, liver, etc. In the form of broths and infusions, cedar needles are used in the same cases as pine needles. Apart from vitamins, the needles are rich in tannins, alkaloids, and terpenes. Needle infusions and broths are drunk as diuretics.
Russian folk medicine uses cedar needles in the form of broths and infusions in cases of bronchial asthma as an antiasthmatic agent. Cedar needle broths, infusions, and tinctures are drunk in diseases of the respiratory organs of both a catarrhal and infectious nature: bronchitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. Needle broths and infusions have an expectorant action, they aid in the elimination of phlegm and the purification of the respiratory tract. The broth of the cedar needle is a remarkable gargling agent in cases of angina, for rinsing the oral cavity in cases of stomatitis, and rinsing the nasal passages in cases of a head cold. Rinsing the mouth with an infusion made from needles strengthens the gums and teeth, and protects the teeth from decay. Cedar needle broths and infusions are recommended for inhalations, phyto-applications (compresses). In the form of a beverage with the addition of honey, needle broth has been given by them to children in cases of rickets. A needle beverage is also helpful in cases of scrofula. It is good to bathe children with scrofula and rickets in needle baths. Drinking needle broths and infusions is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The cedar needle contributes to the cleansing of the vessels, increases their elasticity, improves the composition of the blood, cleans it of harmful substances. Needle broth was once taken as a hemostatic agent in cases of excessive hemorrhage in women. A tincture of the cedar needle in alcohol or vodka is an effective wound-healing agent. For the preparation of the tincture, 200 ml of alcohol is poured over 100 g of the ground needle, it is infused in a dark place for seven days. The bast of young cedar trees was used for the extraction of arrows and splinters. A needle broth from the boughs is used to wash minor wounds and abscesses. In the form of lotions, it is used in cases of pustular lesions of the skin. An alcohol tincture of the cedar needle is rubbed on the joints in cases of rheumatism, gout, arthritis.
Beverages from the cedar needle are useful for convalescents who have undergone serious illnesses or operations. A cedar needle infusion or broth is drunk in cases of some poisonings, for example, smoke, alcohol, exhaust gases. In cases of headache or migraine, a towel soaked in a strong needle broth or infusion may help if applied to the forehead and temples; the infusion is also taken internally.
Siberian folk healers think that the constant use of a cedar needle infusion increases the protective powers of the body, and strengthens the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems. An improvement occurs in the well-being and health of the body as a whole.
Cedar needle broths and infusions, and the bast of young trees may be anexcellent anti-scorbutic agents and vitamin-containing substances. Baths from cedar needles are recommended - they are both generally strengthening and therapeutic. They act in a calming manner, eliminate fatigue and nervous tension. These baths are helpful for those suffering from rheumatism or gout. Needle baths are prepared for children ill with rickets or scrofula. The cedar needle is a constituent of different preparations. Since it is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, the essential oil contained in the needle releases ozone - triatomic oxygen - into the atmosphere. Ozone makes the human body as a whole more healthy. Cedar forests differ from other forests by their extraordinary cleanliness and the curative properties of their air. This air is recommended for patients suffering from tuberculosis, and chronic and other diseases of the lungs as the very best therapeutic agent. In cases of radiculitis, it is good to apply steamed, ground needles or steamed cedar tree sawdust to the painful area. A chlorophyll-carotene paste is produced from the needle. It is used in surgery, dentistry, in cases of ulcers, and also as an external agent in burns and different skin diseases. Cedar needles can also have a purely practical application. In the first half of the 19th century, S. I. Gulyaev found a method for the production of "forest wool." His invention was tested in Tomsk, where at that time a factory installation for processing needles was in operation. "Forest wool," i.e. , the fiber obtained from the needle, proved to be an excellent packing material for soft furniture and mattresses. Today, in industrial circumstances, from a ton of cedar needles are produced approximately 5000 daily doses of vitamin C, about 5 kg of essential oil, 10 kg of needle extract for therapeutic baths, more than 200 g of the finest cellulose threads, which are only slightly inferior in quality to the fibers of the cotton plant.
D. Ternenko, Biologist
Kiev Polytechnical Institute, Ukraine
Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info

"Milk" from cedar nuts
This milk (it is still called "vegetable milk" or "nut cream" ) is prepared according to the following recipe. In a wooden mortar, a wooden pestle is used to grind the cedar seeds from which the shells have been removed, water is gradually added, it is necessary to do all of this with heart. It is to be used as an effective potent general strengthening agent.

Makes: enough for 4
Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 10 min
Ingredients: 1-2 cups sprouted, mixed Beans and Lentils. 2 stalks Celery. finely chopped. 3/4 purple Onion, diced small. 1/2 yellow, orange, or purple. 100g "Ringing Cedars" Pine Nuts. 1 Pepper, finely chopped. 1/2 Red Pepper, finely chopped. 1 Green Onion, finely chopped. Directions: Dice all above ingredients (except Pine Nuts) and mix together in a bowl. Add marinade below and set in fridge overnight to blend the flavors. Best served with Pine Nuts.

Makes: enough for 4. Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 15min
Ingredients: 2 cups sprouted mixed Beans and Lentils 1/2 cup chopped Onion or Green Onion 1tbsp Lemon Juice 1 clove Garlic pressed 1tbsp Curry powder or Indian spice mix Sea Salt to taste 100g Pine Nuts
Directions: Toss 2 cups sprouted Beans and Lentils with Onion, combine Lemon Juice, Garlic, Curry power and salt together and pour over top mixture with Beans and Lentils. Sprinkle with Pine Nuts or mix them in. It can be served as a tasty lunch salad or you can stuff a Red, Yellow, Orange or Purple pepper with it. You can also stuff a Tomato and an Avocado half with it. Enjoy!

Makes: enough for 4
Prep. time: 3-5 days for sprouting. Cook time: 10 min
Ingredients: 1-2 cups sprouted, mixed Beans and Lentils 2 stalks Celery. finely chopped 3/4 purple Onion, diced small 1/2 yellow, orange, or purple 100g "Ringing Cedars" Pine Nuts 1 Pepper, finely chopped 1/2 Red Pepper, finely chopped 1 Green Onion, finely chopped
Directions: Dice all above ingredients (except Pine Nuts) and mix together in a bowl. Add marinade below and set in fridge overnight to blend the flavors. Best served with Pine Nuts.
Dressing (Marinade): 3/4 cup Flaxseed Oil (you can use 1-2tbsp Pine Nut Oil) 1/2 tbsp pure Maple Syrup 1tbsp Celtic Sea Salt 2tbsp pure Maple Syrup 1tbsp organic Basil 1tbsp organic Thyme 1tbsp organic Oregano 1/2 Cayenne Pepper 1/4 cup Lemon Juice
Whisk all dressing ingredients together in a jar with a lid. Pour 1/2 of the marinade over the bean salad and let marinade in fridge overnight. Save the rest of the dressing for the next time.

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles
The Strength of Siberian Health:
Great Promotions for the New Year!
What better way to increase your immune system then with Genuine Siberian Cedar Products! This New Year, give yourself a gift of Siberian Health. Take advantage of our generous promotions:
CEDAR NUT OIL - "Buy 3 get 1 free!"
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Currently we are offering you a great promotional discount "Buy 3 get 1 free!" of "Siberian Cedar Nut Oil" 100g. packaging. Please go to our store for more information. The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Siberian Cedar Essential Oils
ENJOY OUR LIMITED TIME PROMOTION - get all three fragarances of Siberian Cedar Essential Oils (25g) at a discount of 25%! Click here to go to our online store. "The ethers of the cedar represent the spirit of the Universe. They can cure the body - the ethers of the cedar can protect Man from harmful influences." - Anastasia, Co-creation.
Siberian Cedar Essential oils have a warm, balsamic aroma. Relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Can be used as a perfume.
Siberian health in every drop. Each of the three oils have their own distict fragrance. Availabe fragrances: Siberian Cedar Wood Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Needle Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Cone Essential Oil.
Siberian Cedar essense for you!
Click here to go to our online store

Space of Love Magazine!
Space of Love Magazine is now available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe.
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.
Click here to go to our online store

Rodnoe Ecovillage Films
Two films about Rodnoe Ecovillage in Russia where the residents gave 1 hectare to the writer Vladimir Megre. Films are in DVD format.
Recently in Russia there has been an increase in the number of people who, preferring life in nature to the hustle and bustle of the city, have moved to Eco-villages. . .and are creating Kin's domains. They have given up the use of fertilizers, heavy agricultural machines, and grow all their food themselves.
Eco-village Rodnoe has approximately 100 plots of land, each of which measures no less than a hectare. Families organize their plots in their own way, and say that their domain has the personality of its owner.
Who are they? People who leave their successful and relatively quiet life in modern cities and go to rural areas to set upon a hectare of land - their Kin's domains? What drive them? Are they happy about the change? How they deal with the land and growing plants? How does one build an adobe house? Watch the Day of all-Earth celebration. You will find the answers to all these and many more questions in these two films about Eco-village Rodnoe.
Click here to go to our online store
A Trip to the "Rodnoe" Kin's Settlement.
We offer for your attention a series of photos from the Kin's Settlement.
See the full gallery of the trip.
(c) Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/
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I've read the first 4 books and am very intrigued. I've been in metaphysics along with my family for 36 years, so nothing about Anastasia seems odd to me. I love her, and the series of books and hope they never end. But most I hope her dream comes true for this world.
Sharon Dionne
* * *
I've heard so much about you and have one of your books. Since I'm disabled, this is something I can do and believe in at the same time. I'll be looking forward to see what you have in the catalog and any info you can send. I want to share it with a friend of mine. . .
Celestial Blessings!
Ava StBlancard
* * *
Hello there!
I have only read books 1 and 2. I am currently on number 3.
While reading book number 2 The Ringing Cedars of Russia, I came to realize something so magnificent!
Much Thanks to Anastasia for brilliantly sending out her intentions to heal the Earth and to not only raise the consciousness of Humanity, but also, co-creating a way in which to carry this out. (See pages 166-170)
Much Love, Peace to ALL!
I can be reach via email at heaven-sentrocketmail.com
Janetta Broussard
* * *
I am so pleased that this information is being brought to our planet at this time. It is a marvelous awakening that is occurring and I am so happy to be here to witness and experience the shift. Thank you for taking the risk and doing the work. Alan Armstrong
Alan Armstrong
I started the nut oil Tsp. regiment every morning and also oil pulling!
It is fantastic product my teeth are already looking whiter!
This is the link for learning about oil pulling if interested
or pass it along to everyone in your company.
For oil pulling, I believe you don't need to do this with a tablespoon
in your mouth since your oil is so good I do mine with a sip of your oil
and I got results already!!!
Good luck
Hope you have the Best Day Ever!
Louise Caron
* * *
It's awesome stuff! Cedar nut Oil is great value for money and I definitely recommend it to everyone. You can use it on all sorts of different ailments from skin problems to gum issues.
New Zealand
* * *
Cedar Nut Oil is a Good Product. I used it and Really works.
We just wanted to let you know that we are very impressed with the high degree of service that you and your team have given us.
Ben Johnson
* * *
Your web site is very good, the information is terrific!
Best Regards,
AU |

RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official
literary agent of Vladimir Megre.

This is the official message to publishers and editors.
Dear Publisher:
We are inviting you to participate in the interesting project of publishing the books of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre.
Vladimir Megre's books embody the human striving for harmony with oneself, the nature that surrounds us, and society. His books have been translated into more than 20 of the world's languages, more than 11 million copies have been printed, the books are international bestsellers.
All Vladimir Megre's works were originally written in Russian.
If you are interested in translating the books into one of the available languages and publishing it in the appropriate country, we are prepared to consider your proposal and give you an answer within a period of three days.
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Some of the existing translations of the Ringing Cedars book series can be found on the Ringing Cedars Information page
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Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Hindi Translator (India).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Hindi for the creation of a Hindi translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Translator to Mandarin (China).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Mandarin for the creation of a Chinese translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 128 Main St, Montville, QLD, 4560, Australia Phone number: 61 7 5478 5889
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Kins Village forming in Australia User classifieds ad:
A dedicated and soul-connected group is now coming together. Land has called us and we have answered with our intent to conjointly create a Ringing Cedars Village in Australia. If you would like to know more or feel inspired to join us, please visit our 'kins ecovillage' Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29741621717 or email Radha or Chris at christocolegmail.com

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near & far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
This Classifieds column is created specifically for the announcements related to the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" Movement (please view example below). If you wish to submit your message please fill out the form below and click "Submit" .
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The Earth online newspaper.
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Earnest request to authors of articles and scientific works to please send your materials to us to the address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Articles" . Upon a separate agreement your works may be published in the internet newspaper "The Earth" , in separate collections, in the Resource Library of the Source of Life Association, and on the pages of the websites devoted to the "Ringing Cedars" movement.
Also you can open a tread on a forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://www.ringingcedarsforum.com/index.php and publish your works.
We value your work greatly and consider publication activity one of the highest priorities.
Please send your works of art, poems, songs, and paintings, inspired by the books of Vladimir Megre to the following address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Art" . Best ones will be published in "The Earth" Newspaper. Also, you can open a thread in the ART OF SOUL section of the forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://www.ringingcedarsforum.com/index.php and publish your works.
For a possible answer to your question we advise you to review with the content of the internet conferences held by Vladimir Megre for the readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series of books and our Frequently Asked Questions.
You can direct your questions to the Letter Department of theearth.ringingcedarsofrussia.org website. Your question will be answered within 7 business days.
Thank you for your attention,
The Earth online newspaper.

Editorial Staff
Publisher - EarthLife.info
Newsroom - Arthur Grom; Petr Kornev
Editor - Viktor Rod
Editorail Board - Igor Borodenko; Arthur Grom |
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