

This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
1. Children's Upbringing and Education:
2. Meaning of Food in Our Lives
3. Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement

4. Ecological Farming, Permaculture
5. Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies

Q.: Vladimir Nikolayevich, will you tell our readers a little bit about the children. What are they doing and what are their plans for the future?
Vladimir Megre: I think they are developing splendidly. What tasks and challenges they will face, I cannot answer with certainty. Life itself must show that. I myself don't even know about my own future. Of course I want only the best for them.
Q.: What do the children do in their daily lives?
Vladimir Megre: It is not easy to describe their life with a few words. Let me say it in this way: They learn to think. The major task for human beings consists of learning how to think. We have forgotten how to think, which is a problem with all of humankind. We use the majority of our life energy to provide for food and shelter. However, one really does not need to think about this much. We forget that the earth has provided for all our needs since primeval times. What is more important is to recognize the true nature of the earth and which forces are at work on our home planet. Instead of spending so much effort to ensure our survival, we should dream more and be creative. We should create similar worlds such as ours on other planets. I believe mankind will concern itself with these questions as soon as it recognizes its own purpose.
Q.: Many of us still want to know how little Vladimir experienced the birth of his baby sister?
Vladimir Megre: He dreamed about it for a long time, and looked forward to her arrival very much. By now, naturally, it also happens occasionally that he is irritable with her, but that is completely normal because of their age difference. Their thoughtful, curious eyes are expressions of their desire to understand the world and its people. They have a very attentive relationship vis-a-vis adults.
Q.: Does Volodya tell you about his newest discoveries?
Vladimir Megre: He is constantly busy expanding his discoveries about the world surrounding him and of the entire cosmos. "Discoveries" is actually not the right expression, rather, he is sharpening his understanding of the world and its true laws. When he was younger he would imagine that he was located in the control center of a spaceship - a spaceship, which did not consist of metal or other artificial materials, but of living matter, and in which everything was created for humans and at their disposal. Childhood is given to us so we can recognize and learn all this. And that's exactly what he is doing. This process is alien to many of our children because of the influence of the technocratic world. Modern people spend their entire life with the study of the technocratic world. Telephones, computers and cars, however, are nothing more than prostheses. All our lives, we learn to use these prostheses and use the power of our thoughts to create better and better prostheses. That is very unfortunate.
Q.: How do Anastasia and the children spend the winter?
Vladimir Megre: In the winter the children sleep much more, and because they were born and live in that environment, they are well adapted to the icy winters. There are even people which were not born in such a rough climate but who are nevertheless not bothered by these low temperatures. I know a few people in Saint Petersburg who wear nothing but a short-sleeved shirt over their skin in the winter. Anastasia runs around barefoot without problems, and sometimes she wears a type of footwear like the Bedouins. In the film "Family Domains" the family Molchanowych is shown, and one sees how their small child runs barefoot through the snow. They even say that clothes are unpleasant to him and that he can bathe in ice water. This is, to be sure, about a child which is just learning to toughen up. The same is naturally all the more true for Anastasia and her children. They do not need to wrap themselves up, because they are living in their natural environment. I assume, that it has also to do with their genes.
Here in Egypt I observe the cats with great interest. They have a very similar coat to the Siberian cats, only here they can tolerate plus 40 degrees (Ed.: Celsius, 104 F), as opposed to minus 40 degrees in Siberia - a difference of 80 degrees (in Celsius). What absolutely perfect adaptation! Human beings have been equipped with such powers since primordial times, but in our technological environment we lose those abilities, since they remain unused. Since humans have become too complacent to adapt, they create prostheses for themselves: air conditioning systems, heating elements and new types of clothing materials. The hunters in the Taiga carry only a padded jacket and a turtleneck sweater; they do not need a fur, since they constantly move. Also, their inner feeling-world is much more intense than ours. Someone who comes out of a Russian bath into the cold snow, actually enjoys the icy cold for quite awhile. While we are talking here about an artificial increase of temperature, the same can be effected in natural ways. Humans have their own protective mechanisms which can increase body temperature. This is expressed, for example, in the form of a fever. For now, however, lets agree with the statement that by this mechanism the temperature is held at 36.6 degrees (Ed.: Celsius; 97.9 F). Anastasia moves around even more in ice-cold weather, not physically, but rather internally, in order to utilize her body's own thermal capacity.
Q.: And what do they do during the long winter evenings?
Vladimir Megre: In order to understand how they occupy themselves, one need only to observe humans around their own farm. There is always something to do: they observe nature and the animals. I find such a life very pleasing.
Q.: There are many letters, in which readers ask Anastasia to heal relatives or children. Can you speak to those requests?
Vladimir Megre: I have responded to these requests repeatedly and have also written about these issues. Anastasia does not treat acute diseases. She could heal me as well, but does not do that either. Illness is a conversation between man and God. It is a false concept that a doctor or some medication can heal an illness. In reality humans can heal every one of their diseases themselves, exactly the same way they did cause them themselves. But for this it is necessary to understand the underlying causes of an illness. We must learn to develop our own consciousness. Even serious diseases such as cancer are there for us to learn from. At least that is Anastasia's opinion, and I cannot argue with that. I have asked her off and on to treat certain conditions, but she refuses, since she regards such healing as an interference. Perhaps it is God whom a sick person really needs. And maybe we become ill because we do not live in divine nature, but in a stony prison.
Q.: Do you still experience communication difficulties between you and your children, or have you found a better way to connect with them?
Vladimir Megre: Indeed, I still have not found a more satisfying way to communicate with them and have also found no educational method to bring to them. But I am very pleased with their behavior - so much so that I hope to learn from their example too. Momentarily, I make no contribution to their education. Perhaps it is also simply true that I am committed to use my time to write books.
* * * * *
Q.: Vladimir Nikolayevich, can you comment on the Eco-Village movement: What is your opinion about the main problem with its development? Why doesn't everything proceed more quickly, the way one might want to see it happen?
Vladimir Megre: First of all I do not have the impression that this movement is developing slowly. Secondly modern humans are obviously not ready, without preparation upon the land, so as to assure an ideal settlement. In Russia there are already some people, those, who have developed a plan, and designed a settlement on the land. I do not know how many there are, but expect many more in the future. It is important for their successors to be able to learn from their errors. If you did everything at once, the possibility for errors would surely be much larger. Everyone knows for example that the ground must be first enriched and that one should not cultivate anything in the first two, three years except certain plants, which fertilize the ground. Others do not consider where groundwater is to be found, or they make errors with the construction of houses. Presently, such errors are still pervasive. I trust that we are altogether on the correct path, and one can see a tendency toward an intensification of the eco-village movement. And that is the main thing.
Q.: We often receive questions about karmic relationships. How do certain relationships come about, and how do they persist between parents and children or more generally, between relatives?
Vladimir Megre: If we accept the basis of the theory which Anastasia teaches - in which cases an actual reincarnation takes place, in which cases humans are restored as an integral spiritual unit and in which cases their energy becomes scattered on low dimensional levels, then one can say that our encounters are again and again new and represent important teachings and examinations for us. On the other hand these encounters are very multilayered and confounded, so that it is nearly impossible to make factual statements regarding individual cases.
The question is also frequently posed regarding the relationship of Anastasia's grandfather to the caste of the priests. If the question is answered in the affirmative, then this would mean that Anastasia's ancestors were involved since primordial times in misleading humans away from the truth. I could of course also have kept this information undisclosed, but I did not see any purpose in hiding the truth from people. Modern humans really do not understand which purposes the sacrificial priests pursued and whether they were ultimately negative or not. We also do not exactly know to what extent religions affected the evolution of mankind, although there is no doubt about the great role they played in the history of mankind.
We do know, first of all, that religions were devised by the priests. Secondly we know that the priests did not agree in all points. To a large extent they drew their own conclusions, each one for himself, even though they also agreed in many points and pursued common goals. For example, with regard to the lineage of Moses, its role is likewise ambiguous. On the one hand Anastasia was raised by him, on the other hand she does not agree with him on everything, and she herself does a completely different thing. Her actions prove quite clearly, however, that she is perfectly correct.
One could look at the priests as great scientists and philosophers. Our problem is that mankind is being "led" in the first place. Individuals hardly think for themselves any more; others think for us. That which affects us most at present are television and politics. The early priests were at the same time also very powerful politicians. But even if Anastasia came from ancestors who were some of those priests, I can see nothing bad in that. The Germans for example had their Hitler. Should we therefore compare their entire nation to him? That would certainly be a great mistake.
Q.: Anastasia's grandfather said to you that you should create a political party. Why have you not pursued anything in that regard?
Vladimir Megre: First of all I do not hold myself out to be able to lead people in that kind of way. Secondly I could not write my books at the same time and also develop a film script for the world. And thirdly: If I would organize a party, then people would simply watch and listen, without really becoming active with anything . It's much better if there is a group of people which does not even need to be registered, which does go out, however, from the heart of humans. If it should be nevertheless registered, then I will join it as a simple member. My resolution has been certain for a long time, namely that I never want to be a political party leader.
Q.: At a certain time, our calendars were changed. Does that have any meaning?
Vladimir Megre: I think such an interference has great importance, particularly if dates are changed. According to our calendar one might assume that mankind has only existed for a few thousand years, but in reality we have existed for much longer. By way of this arbitrary calendar change one becomes isolated from the times which existed before, and in that way, we are also separated from the knowledge of that time. Whoever separates from his parents, for him they no longer exist in reality. It was probably not coincidental that this change was introduced, and it has been detrimental.
Q.: But back then there also existed a Vedic calendar. Can't one re-establish that?
Vladimir Megre: I did not inquire about that yet, but I think it should be possible. The Chinese calendar for example is six thousand years old. Therefore they have lived for six thousand years, whereas we supposedly have only lived for a few thousand years. But one can safely assume that mankind has been around for millions or even billions of years, which is practically half of an eternity. Therefore the Chinese calendar, so much older, is much more authentic than ours. Also the traditional healing sciences are so much further developed than they are here with us - it might be one of the best in the world.
Q.: Vladimir Nikolayevich, people often ask why you decided to publish the current volumes in three parts?
Vladimir Megre: Because the topic required it. I found it necessary to write about the subject matter in more detail, namely the concept of a new human civilization - and about human civilization in general. In that way, I could organize it better. Because it is such an important subject matter, I decided to expand this topic in several different ways. Sometimes it even seems as if I deviate from the topic. For example, many readers might ask themselves: Why all these rituals? Rituals are, however, very important. In the past, humans learned to evolve by way of rituals; to improve their well-being, or to pass on information from one generation to the next. But these rituals were suddenly abolished. Otherwise we might already be very close to the ultimate human perfection. But what do we have now in their place? Nothing at all other than platitudes and naive tales, such as, for example, the journey to the "eternal fire". What information can one get from that? And if one considers the rituals more carefully, then one finds out that in each action, in each motion, powerful information is contained which has a positive effect on the psyche of the whole person - and of a whole people. Therefore I had to deal with the issue of rituals at length, in order to make a selection possible of the best rituals of different epochs, with whose assistance the new civilization can be created.
Q.: Our last request, dear Vladimir Nikolayevich: Do you have any other special message to our Space of Love Magazine and THE EARTH newspaper readers, especially regarding the online Petition to the United Nations?
Vladimir Megre: My Canadian friends have informed me that a petition has been published and signatures are being collected at the site http://www.petitiononline.com/SoLMag/petition.html, and have sent me a number of comments.
I am delighted with the rapidity of the actions and the depth of understanding of the situation by our readers; people in Russia are also collecting signatures for a similar declaration, a good, positive situation is resulting that just takes one's breath away, families world-wide understand where the way out of the crisis lies. The real economic crisis is not the cause of the incipient world-wide general depression, it is the consequence. The cause lies in the life-style philosophy, and if not only the recognized financial experts, economists, and members of government, but also the most important force - the people - would take the matter in hand in one fell swoop, then a bright future would be assured.
I am preparing a letter to President Barack Obama of the United States with a proposal to examine the idea of Kin's Domains, the life-style philosophy set out by Anastasia, the heroine of my books, to accept it as a basic way out of the crisis, but I now think that my letter will not be important, what will be important will be the actions of each of you.
Thank you, each and every one of you, for understanding the idea!
Economists are forecasting a way out of the world-wide crisis in two to three years, some speak of five years, while others claim that, in general, there is no way out of this crisis, since it will be followed by a more enormous and global crisis related to the lack of quality food products, global climate change, and a number of other natural cataclysms. I maintain that, if the philosophy of the Kin's Domain is accepted by a majority of people and supported on the level of governments, there will be no crises threatening the planet, because instead of negative information raining down upon the people of all countries from various mass media, there will be a flood of positive information.
A way out of the world-wide crisis may occur not in three to five years, but much more quickly. This will happen when the philosophy of life in a Kin's Estate is widely and sincerely promoted and understood and supported by you. I think it is precisely this philosophy that must be brought to the forefront.
To whom? I do not want to be a radical, but I think that governments that do not understand the essence of the problem will simply sink into oblivion, they will be replaced by people with a new mentality. To this day I am pondering the question: does the person choose the idea, or does the idea choose the person? What do you think?
I thank you yet again for your understanding, and hope for your active participation in the realization of a wonderful future.
I would like to express special gratitude to Regina Jensen, the editor of Space of Love Magazine (www.spaceoflovemagazine.com) and the team at the newspaper The Earth (www.ringincedarsofrussia.org/theearth).
With respect and delight at your actions,
Vladimir Megre
(c) Vladimir Megre
(c) http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.com/
(c) Vladimir Jan/Taiga Magazine
(c) Translation Regina B. Jensen/Space of Love Magazine

Milenki Kin's Settlement
We are creating a settlement in Kaluga Oblast
We began to create our settlement in the spring of 2006. We are now more than 20 families - many with children of various ages - who are creating their own Kin's Domains. For us, it is very important that the settlement becomes truly settled and developed so that everyone in it would be comfortable and happy. Several families are already living on their Kin's Domains on a permanent basis, and this fall a second child was born in the settlement.
We invite you to join us, and there will be even more happy families!
Now the parcels in the first field are almost all taken, ten houses have been built in the settlement, as well as a guest house and a children's playground. Also being planned are a children's creativity centre/school, craft workshops, guest cottages for tourism, a small store, and an equestrian club.
Location of the settlement
Kaluga Oblast, Dzerzhinsky District, 40 km northwest of the city of Kaluga. The settlement is located in an ecologically clean area, and borders on the territory of the Ugra National Park, the Ugra River itself is two kilometres away. Several fields are divided by copses and small birch groves. The land has not been worked for a long time - there is a mixed-grass meadow on the fields, pines and birch trees are growing, and there are a lot of mushrooms and wild strawberries growing right on the parcels. The soil is light loam, beneath are layers of clay. Around are large forest tracts, and many wild animals and birds may be found. In the field you come across foxes, hares, and wild boars, in the woods roe deer and elk have been seen.
Legal aspect
The non-commercial partnership Svetlodar (an acronym derived from the Russian phrase "Light of Love that unites and brings joy") was registered in the city of Kaluga in 2006. The Administration of Dzerzhinsky District with the assistance of the Governor of Kaluga Oblast allotted 150 ha of land to the partnership for lease for the creation of an ecological settlement. We have prepared the land management plan and concluded a lease agreement with the special purpose of horticulture and market-gardening.
At the present, the issue of purchasing the lands in the first field as property for the partnership is being resolved. A general plan for the settlement has been drawn up, as has a package of documents for the conversion of the partnership land from agricultural purpose lands to lands for settlements. After the conversion of the lands to the other category, a long-term lease agreement with the new conditions will be concluded with the district administration.
oshadrin@mail.ru, Oleg
marylada@mail.ru, Maria
8-919-030-7675, Tatyana
8-915-896-5840, Maria
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Escape to the Country
Watch Video: Back to Basics
The vast empty plains of the Russian steppe may seem inhospitable to many, but for some it offers the chance to return to a simple life and escape from today's pressures and problems.
Sergey Borisov and his wife Olga have abandoned urban life for what they call a more natural existence - living on, and off, the land.
"I was born in the city and I know it very well. People are always drawn to nature. They regain their energy from the trees. Being with nature is more natural for people than city life," said Sergey.
Sergey built this wigwam, which became his and Olga's main living space, himself. To do so he needed to learn some new skills, like thatching.
The family grows their own vegetables and working towards self sufficiency.
So while Olga is in charge of preparing a meatless borsch, Sergey collects and chops the necessary firewood.
They say their new lifestyle is all about respecting the environment and that requires a return to a more traditional way of living.
Sergey and Olga plan to stay here for the winter. But in spring they will be joined by more environmentalists and a small group of tents and outhouses will grow into a much larger ecological settlement.
One of those joining them will be the founder of 'ISTOK' Ecological Organisation, Irina Andrienko, and her family. She says Russian environmentalists are just part of a much bigger and more international movement.
"This process is global; it's happening all over the world. Russia will blossom. The whole planet will become a beautiful blossoming garden. And we won't hear any more about those problems that we learn from television,- like news about water and air pollution, chemicals being used to grow fruit and vegetables," Irina Andrienko said.

Mikhaylovskoe Ecovillage
Wishing you a good time all the time!
We invite all interested persons to Mikhaylovskoe (the name is provisional), the settlement we are creating!!!
A settlement named Mikhaylovskoe is being created near the village of Mikhaylovka, Arkhangelsky District, Republic of Bashkortostan, Privolzhsky Federal District. Our settlement sent out its first shoots in the spring of 2008. It is located a long ways from cities and developed infrastructures (medicine, education). There is electricity, but no gas.
The village consists of dilapidated houses, primarily inhabited only by elderly people; there are almost no young people. Earlier in the village there were 90 homesteads, now there are approximately 20. The local inhabitants are good and responsive people. They gladly accepted us among themselves, and will accept even more people. There is a school attended by 26 local children (from the three villages of Mikhaylovka, Frolovka, and Verkhnie Lemezy).
At the present time, there are 26 ha of vacant agricultural purpose land. When we acquire it, we will be able to expand, there is an enormous field beyond the village.
The administration is supporting us.
The area is mountainous. The village is located on a south-east slope. The soil is varied, in places it is loam, in other places it is black earth. Our settlement is sprouting on the basis of the existing village of Mikhaylovka. The village is surrounded by small mountain rivers - the Uzhayaz from the north-west, and the Kaymashka from the east; the Kaymashka is fed by the Teply Klyuch spring. The mountain river Lemeza flows three kilometres from the village. Higher upstream there are no cities or industrial sites. There are springs bubbling up from the direction of the Kaymashka (apparently a network of springs).
There were many villages in the district, now these areas are overgrown with apple trees, blackthorn, and many raspberry plants.
If you leave from Ufa by car, the directions are these: from Ufa on the Beloretskaya Highway to the village of Arkhangelskoe, continue in Arkhangelskoe, past the small bridge turn right to the village of Kazanka, in Kazanka turn right to the village of Valentinovka, in Valentinovka turn right to the village of Mikhaylovka. It is 120 km to the village of Valentinovka (we counted from the south bus terminal at Ufa) on an asphalt road, while after the turn there is a good gravel road that may be travelled even after a heavy rain (it does not wash away). The road is plowed in the winter, so you will be able to get to your land all year round, regardless of the weather.
We shall be happy to see everyone who comes to our friendly group with good intentions.
Contact information:
horgi_irbis@mail.ru, telephone: 89050066734 Artur;
denisandra@mail.ru, telephone: 89174061407 Aleksandra;
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Vesnyanka, a Kin's Settlement
Our settlement is located in a beautiful area: hilly slopes, there is a small woods, a pond, many strawberry glades. It was founded on the basis of a village in May 2000. New neighbors have been joining us since 2004, buying parcels of land with abandoned houses. Now there are already five of us families living here permanently, and one family comes for the summer. But there are thoughts and plans to acquire neighboring fields. We are always happy to see new people!
Form of ownership: on the basis of the village, right of ownership individually for each parcel
Is it possible legally to construct a house: yes
Is admission to the kin's settlement continuing: yes
Conditions for joining the kin's settlement: agreement to observe the rules
Nature - General information:
* Is there a flat area: yes
* Is there a forest: yes
* Are there many berries: yes
* Are there many mushrooms: yes
* Are there large wild animals (elks, deer): no
* Are there large domestic animals (cows): yes
* Is there a river: no
* Is there a pond: yes
Translation Copyright http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/

Welcome to
SPACE of LOVE Magazine!
Second Issue is out!
Many of us agree that our planet and world are in profound transition - facing a turning point in human history. Some say that we as a people have had this same chance many times before in our near and far history. Each time, so history shows, humanity sank back once more, en mass, into the same spiritual sleep. But once more, we are also closer than ever to be able to turn this planet into the paradise it was meant to be.
At this time on Earth, more people than ever are committed to awaken and to stay awake even as a large percentage of the world's beautiful people are being hypnotized and mass-manipulated out of their divine powers by only a few dark minds. We seem to have forgotten our most inviolable power, to love each other and co-create this beautiful Earth as a Space of Love, the metaphorical and literal paradise-like garden it was meant to be.
We were inspired to create this magazine by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous author, Vladimir Megre. He has recorded her amazing, encouraging story and wisdom for us in a series of ten books, and eleven million best-selling copies, translated into over twenty of the world's languages.
We create and write through this meeting place, this Space of Love, for those of us who are ready to help transform and see this planet as the luscious paradise it was meant to be. Anastasia envisions and holds for us a foreseeable future where every man, woman, child and animal can eat and live in peace and harmony.
Our mandate is to share writings and ideas which help us transfer this inspiring vision into joyful lives all over the world.
* * * * *
SOL magazine is published through the efforts of a few devoted people. As a publication unsupported by commercial interest, we will not offer advertising from corporate-controlled media. Therefore we hope and rely upon your help in promoting SOL Magazine. Word of mouth is our main means of promoting and our readers are our best advertisers. So if you find this Space of Love Magazine insightful, Informative and interesting, please tell a friend. Better still, purchase a copy and give it to a friend or loved one, who just may discover a completely new world - the world of consciously living in their own Space of Love.

Now Space of Love Magazine is available to purchase in USA, Canada, and Europe, in our store at www.RingingCedarsofRussia.org! Good Source for promotion of the ideas of the Ringing Cedars Movement.
Click here to go to our online store
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Radomir speaking to Liubomila
Look into my eye's what is it you see?
Can you see the mountains?
Could it be blue seas?
Come into my arms, feel my love around
Put your hand in mine, don't make a sound
Feel my warmth surround you
Feel my strong embrace
Look into my eye's my Love
We're finally in our Space.
I know the roads been long and hard
Trials everyday, but now my Love we've
Finished the course and entered into our place.
The Love here is intoxicating the joy is so Devine
What else can we Co-Create all we have is time.
The Father is all around us, we're wholly in His Grace.
Let's enter His presence and sit with Him
What's He have to say...
By HeartofRadomir at RingingCedarsForums.com
Please visit the forum at Source of Life Association and share your opinions on the books of Vladimir Megre. Discuss Anastasia's ideas about harmonic life, and how you use them for yourself. Share your impressions.
You can now discuss your ideas on the following topics:
Opinions - Anastasia's ideas in books by V. N. Megre. Share your thoughts.
Let's get to know each other - A section in which you can create your personal profile for people to see as well as your personal page if you have something to share.
Health - Share your experiences.
Let's build a strong community together. Support each other with positive thoughts and create a real plan for making our dreams come true.
Visit the Forum.
Forum Talk
Posted by Rolando in a topic MEAT any one? Join the discussion of this topic here:
Dear friends:
There is no "flaw" to any one's thinking other than we are all approaching it from our current level of consciousness, of knowledge, and in the midst of many conflictive viewpoints. The fact is all animals have a right relationship to our Mother Earth. We just don't know what they all are other than the current level of knowledge which as we are all discovering is very primitive. In this time of transition into the higher awareness and consciousness, it is important to be accepting of all that is, compassionate of all we are, and allowing spaciousness in our thoughts and feelings in order to gain clarity in connecting to ALL our relations, the plants, the trees, the animals, the devas, nature spirits, elementals, to many others, and especially with each other. They have been waiting for us for a long time now. All of us present today are preparing the fertile soil for the emerging Consciousness of our children and descendants. Therefore, may Glad Tidings come to all of us in our new discoveries of the deep and broad truth.
Much joy to all,

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on this forum are personal opinions of individuals creating the posts. We are not liable for any information posted on the forum.
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Home Birth : DIY Labor and Delivery
Watch Video: DIY Labor and Delivery
We first met Katherine and Todd through LocalHarvest.org as our closest Community Supported Agriculture provider. We quickly became interested in their story as small farmers trying to make a living growing food and selling it locally. Needless to say we started documenting work on their farm the week after we signed up for their CSA share. A month into taping, Katherine said "I hope this doesn't affect the story, but I'm three months pregnant". As you can see, it didn't just affect the story, it helped us go deeper into it, focusing on the fact that they were planning a home birth.
Simply put, their labor and birth would be an assisted, at home process attended by Certified Professional Midwife Peggy Franklin and two assistants Aimee and Desiree, with no unnecessary interventions including pitocin, epidural, C-section, etc. CPMs and their assistants are highly trained to watch for danger signs before, during and after birth so they can swiftly assess if the mother and baby need to go to the hospital for any reason. Luckily, a large majority of healthy, low risk women giving birth naturally at home, with the assistance of midwives, have no reason to be transported to a hospital.
If you live in the United States, your choices for how, where and who can attend your birth, depending on your state of residence, may be very limited. Some states are still struggling to get certain Midwifery certifications to be legally recognized. See this state by state guide of legal status and resources on Citizens for Midwifery. Here is another chart on Midwives Alliance of North America. However, the American Medical Association claims that "...the safest setting for labor, delivery, and the immediate post-partum period is in the hospital, or a birthing center within a hospital complex". As you might imagine, not everyone agrees with that statement. Especially since the World Health Organization says a healthy Caesarean rate should be between 5-10% and no more than 15%. The average rate in The United States has, since the 1960's, creeped from below 5% to currently 30%.
While birthing centers within hospital complexes are often champions for uninterrupted labor and vaginal birth, in many places, including our rural part of Virginia, there are no birthing centers available. So the choices are limited to hospital or home. The Direct Entry Midwife credentials (midwives allowed to attend births outside a hospital like CPMs) are legally recognized in Virginia so home is openly an option, but for several states in the US, they are not.
With the recent premiere of Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein's documentary The Business of Being Born, home birth and the practice of midwifery have been gaining more attention and popularity. We highly recommend this film as well as Ina May Gaskin's books Spiritual Midwifery and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth as good starting resources for learning about home birth. Also check out Child Birth Connection, International Cesarean Awareness Network and Pushed Birth Blog.
Big thanks to Katherine and Todd for letting us document and share their most intimate life moments. Also to Bekah Havens, Aimee Fairman and Kate Dimbleby and Rupert Howe for sharing their stories.

About Parents
Excerpted from GETTING REAL... about growing up!
By Amrita Hobbs
We all have parents. Without them we would not be here! We are born helpless into this world. We depend on parents or carers to provide for our basic needs. To feed, bathe, change our nappies, hold, comfort and shelter us. Later on we need someone to wipe our noses, send us to school, make our packed lunches and teach us how to cross the road.
Parents usually do the cooking, cleaning, shopping and washing. They also nurture, care for and love us. There is plenty for parents to do even before thinking about what our emotional, mental and spiritual needs may be.
Parents show and teach us ways to live. It is their responsibility to provide children with experiences that are educational and fun. They can offer authority and wisdom. This makes us feel safe. It's helpful to bring other supportive adults and children into the life of the family to expand our sense of the world and our place in it.
Not everybody is cared for by biological parents - grandparents, adoptive or foster parents, brothers or sisters may be major caregivers. Change the word parents into carers if that is appropriate for you. Parents provide us with an environment in which to grow, for better or worse.
My understanding of the way in which a child grows is that you create the garden, you don't grow the flower. You can merely fertilise the earth and keep it soft and moist and then the flower grows the best it can. Ram Dass
Loving parents
Good parenting is one of the greatest contributions people can make to the world. It provides a good quality of life for children. If parents offer stability, we have a solid foundation on which to base our lives.
The ideal family situation is one in which children are fully nurtured and lovingly cared for. Mature parents provide positive role models and know how to take care of themselves. They do their best to communicate openly and honestly with their children. They are generally balanced and contented people who know how to deal with the challenges of life in a mature way.
With loving parents, children experience and learn:
- a gentle authority
- moral values
- mutual respect and compassion
- feeling loved and understood
- positive attitudes towards themselves and life
- how to be contributing members of a working unit
- that they have something to offer their community and the world
With such parents, children are likely to grow into mature adults who know how to communicate, love and live peaceful and fulfilling lives. If your parents are loving people, be grateful. They gave you life and helped you to grow into the person you are.
Some people do not understand what their parental role and responsibilities are. They may not have been well parented themselves and so did not have appropriate role models to learn from. Some are neglectful and others may be cold, cruel, hard, unavailable, disrespectful, abusive, violent, uncaring, distant, aggressive, hurtful, arrogant, hateful, unloving, demanding, unreasonable and unhelpful. Some parents may not have the means or ability right now to show that they love you in loving and nurturing ways. More often than not, they do love you. But, sometimes parents do not love their children!
Adolescence is a time of breaking boundaries and rules, of finding out what is possible, finding yourself. It is the end of childhood, the end of your most impressionable time. It is perhaps the most difficult time for parents. I know it was for mine. We gave them hell. I remember the constant push for my freedom but, unlike my friends, we were given almost complete freedom. 'Oh I wish I had your parents. They let you do anything. They're soooo cool.' But the funny thing was that I relished the very rare moments when mum would put her foot down. I wanted guidelines, rules and regulations, if not for anything else, but to disagree and break them. Mia (18)
Your Mother's Gift
One of the greatest gifts your mother can give is the example of how to mother and nurture yourself. If she succeeds in teaching you this as you grow older, she no longer nurtures you as mother. She can then become your friend and guide during adolescence and beyond. This is only possible if you have been taught how to look after yourself. A mother can only pass these skills on to you if she is able to mother and nurture herself.
If your mother did not love and nurture you as a child, you may yearn for the mother love she didn't give you as you grew up. This may stop you flying free. Your challenge now is to re-establish trust in your own innate wisdom. What was not learned instinctively from your mother, you can learn for yourself.
If your mother:
- recognised your timing and rhythms, above her own at times
- let you safely express your emotions and your interests
- supported your ability to trust yourself and your own instincts
- fed you when you were hungry, not when she thought you should be fed
- listened to what you had to say and helped you make your own choices
- respected you as an individual
- allowed you to play freely and be spontaneous
then she gave you a sense of wellbeing and confidence in yourself. This can provide you with a solid foundation for the rest of your life.
If your mother did not do these things then she may be taking responsibility for you well past her use-by-date. This can stifle you if you are seeking freedom and independence. Smothering love when you are ready to become independent is damaging to you. Even if your mother's intentions are good, don't let her smother you or keep you in a child's role. This can be crippling and stop you from becoming responsible for yourself. Being responsible may mean you do your own washing, prepare meals for the family and help with household chores - even when you don't feel like it.
In a notebook
Write down all the good qualities you like about your parents.
When you have done this, check out: What would you like to keep as part of yourself? Is there anything to change? Write down these changes and focus on how it can be.
What do you choose for yourself? Write a poem, a story or just a sentence or draw a picture about the person you intend to be as an adult.
The different aspects of your life's experience, if tackled while you are moving through adolescence, can be like fast-forwarding tapes. You can erase what no longer helps you and re-record yourself and your story. Play some great music, dance along with the tune and enjoy the ride.
The importance of fathers
In the womb you have a physical/emotional/spiritual connection with your mother. Your father is outside of you. A different kind of bonding and relationship is developed.
A good father:
- offers protection, guidance and support
- listens, is open, is willing to share and gives you his attention
- assures you that your changing body and emotions are okay
- teaches you how to relate to others and the world
- encourages you to compete and perform
- gives you genuine praise for your achievements
- shows you how to be in your heart with yourself and others
- teaches you about and assists you around issues to do with money
Your relationship with your father determines whether you can be yourself and express your heart or whether you strive to achieve, perform, charm, seduce, compete, please, demand, negate or destroy, to feel recognised.
Gabrielle Roth in Maps to Ecstasy, suggests that your relationship with your father determines your relationship to the rest of the world. Whatever you do to get daddy's attention and approval you may do in your relationships with others. If you are curious to see how true this is, look closely at your relationship with your father and see if that affects how you relate to others. You may be amazed at how powerful his influence has been.
It's never too late to change your relationship to your father. Adolescence gives you an opportunity to do that.
The gift of life
Whatever your present circumstances, the one thing you have in common with everyone else is that your parents gave you the gift of your life. The question is, What can you make of it?
Without adequate parenting you may feel isolated and be left wounded. You may relate to the world by manipulating, fighting, pleasing, competing, complaining or feeling like a victim. You may have difficulty embracing the whole of yourself. The pain of childhood wounds, if unattended, leaves you unable to live life fully. If you are wounded, it is essential to take responsibility for your healing as soon as you can.
If you are willing to consider that you chose your parents on some level, you may no longer feel like a victim of circumstances that seem beyond your control. If your parents are cruel, hurtful and uncaring people, it is possible for you to move beyond external influences and find another way to live for yourself.
If you behave like a victim it is very unlikely that you can reach your own potential. You can take responsibility, learn your lessons and be on your way to a successful life. It may be challenging and also take time, but it is worth it.
Inherited beliefs
You learn about life from your parents. They influence not only the way you feel about yourself, but also your beliefs about yourself and the world and how you live in it. Many of their belief systems may no longer work for you. However, you may keep them going because you remain unconscious of them. For many of you it seems easier to go along with or not question your background. This maintains life as it has been because it is familiar and comfortable.
You can explore these beliefs and behaviours and change them around for yourself by taking the time to become aware of the things you do and say. You can then choose whether to continue living out inherited behaviours and beliefs or not.
By encouraging your parents to talk about their childhood experiences and beliefs you gain some insight. Getting this information may require patience.
Something you can do
Doing this process with the whole family can make real change possible. You can also do this exercise alone or with a friend.
Turn to a double page in a notebook.
- Think about the behaviours of your parents. You can also think about your grandparents or others who brought you up, if they are a big influence in your life. Imagine that you can see them in front of you now. See them in different situations. Take a few minutes to do this.
- Write down on the left page of your book all the behaviour that you think is not helpful to inherit. If they eat or drink too much, smoke, worry and talk too much or are very angry. If they nag, complain all the time or are violent. Write it all down.
- Go about being a detective and keep observing them until you've got a long list.
- Ask yourself: Is this how I choose to behave? Yes or No!
- Write your answer against each point that you have made.
- Next, write down your preferred behaviour or attitude on the right-hand page of your book. Can you improve your own behaviour when you see more clearly what you are inheriting?
You can do the same exercise with verbal messages. Do this now! It is easier at your age rather than later on.
Your parents may have qualities that you are pleased to inherit. These are worth acknowledging and developing in yourself. They may be generous and giving people. They may laugh a lot and have fun. It could be any number of things.
Everyone is learning
People don't have to be qualified to become parents. There is a lot of learning by trial and error going on. Parents are human - they make mistakes!
Whatever the relationship you have with your parents, the time comes for a gradual separation. Adolescence is a pulling-away time. You have been little and your parents big. Now it's changing. Over the next few years you are becoming bigger and making your own decisions, going your own way.
There is adjusting to do on both sides as the role and responsibility of your parents changes. As you become more of an individual this process accelerates, you then negotiate new ground rules. This usually ends in your complete independence from parents in your late teens or early twenties.
Sometimes parents don't feel ready to give you this independence. Letting you go brings major change into their lives. This can create difficulties for them. Some people think that it's the teenager who is the problem when teenage/parent relationships break down during adolescence. This is not always the case. It may become impossible for you to communicate with your parents and/or they with you. Many of you sail through this time and develop even stronger bonds. For others, the push for independence becomes a battle you must win.
It helps to be constructive when there is change in your life. Do your best to understand your parents. Be as honest with them as you can and give them the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. No one is perfect. They are not, neither are you. Can you accept that?
This article is extracted from GETTING REAL... about growing up! a resource book for young people, parents, teachers and youth workers.
Published in byronchild/Kindred, issue 8
Image Source - http://kokochi.com/;

Homeschool Success Stories
Bill Cosby once said, "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
Homeschoolers understand this well, and don't try to please everyone with their non-traditional choices. They aim to fill the needs of their children, and with that goal, it is very difficult to fail! In fact, success flourishes in the homeschool community, in many shapes and forms.
Success can be measured in numerous ways and is based on individual achievements; but success takes hard work, dedication, and focus -- something that homeschoolers also embrace on their own path to success.
For this reason, many successful actors, athletes and musicians get their education through homeschooling because it offers them the flexibility to pursue their dreams and reach for goals while continuing to get their education.
In past articles, we've talked about famous homeschoolers: actors such as Lindsay Lohan, Raven Symone, and Elijah Wood as well as skater Tanith Belbin and tennis player Alexa Glatch, who have all attended Laurel Springs while pursuing their careers.
However, success does not require fame and achievements aren't limited to the field or the stage or the studio. Homeschooled students who have gone through Laurel Springs have found success in many different areas of leadership, academics, and community service as well.
In the academic world, Chelsea Bets Christenson won the UN High School Essay Contest in both 2003 and 2005, and has just finished her first year of college in New York City.
Yang Liu, a homeschooled graduating senior, was selected as a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Morgan Bate finished a year at St. John's in Santa Fe, a college that focuses on the works of great thinkers and discussion with peers to cultivate a love of learning and the skills for a lifetime of reflective thought.
Yakov Vorobyev successfully graduated from George Washington University (2005), with a BA in Computer Science, and works at the IT department of one of the biggest law firms in Washington, D.C. He also continues a parallel career as a DJ.
Matthew Lifson got into 9 of the 10 colleges he applied to. He was admitted to USC and Pepperdine, UC Davis, the UC Irvine honors program, and UC Berkeley. In addition he received financial awards at the University of Dallas, Santa Clara University, Loyola, and the University of Arizona. He will be going to UC Berkeley.
Laurel Springs' student Britni Gleitsman received a letter of acceptance from the International University of Monaco and will enroll in their Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program. The University only accepts 150 Freshman from all over the country and Britni was number 78!
Rachael Lambin had a 3-page article featured in "Teen Vogue" about her project HOPE (Helping Obese People through Education). She was also the winner of the Do Something BRICK Award, which is called the Academy Award of Community Services. Only 9 winners are selected each year out of thousands of applicants.
Brooke Conway, a junior at Laurel Springs Private School in Ojai, Calif., attended the National Honors Convocation on Medicine at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles and is a current member of Who's Who in America and the National Society of High School Scholars.
Kate Siegel beat out over 80,000 other students from the United States and Europe to become the national winner of the Veterans of Foreign Wars "Voice of Democracy" Speech Competition in Washington, D.C.
This year Elena Hoshizaki has been participating in the YMCA Youth & Government program. At the leadership conference in Paso Robles, Elena was elected Forum Lieutenant Governor for the state of California. As Forum Lieutenant Governor she presides over the Forum Senate when it convenes in Sacramento for the annual Model Legislature and Court.
The National Society of High School Scholars selected 12-year-old Lars Christian Benthien of Simi Valley for membership. The society recognizes top scholars in the nation and invites only those students who have achieved superior academic excellence.
Each of these students' successes and accomplishments is individual and unique but at the same time there are some commonalities.
These students are able to succeed because of a supportive family and a home education program that is as flexible as they are. By using a program that meets their individual learning styles, in addition to their scheduling needs, these kids can dream bigger, reach farther, and attain more in shorter periods of time.
Their focus and priorities become clearer and they are able to accomplish their goals by structuring their lives to create an environment that is conducive to a bigger picture.
The end goal of any educational institution is to develop critically-thinking, productive citizens that can succeed in life. There is no reason that this has to only take place after high school or college.
Laurel Springs School specializes in customized curriculum, which means every student can learn at their own pace, in a way that works best for them. The school is a WASC and NCAA approved distance learning program, which utilizes live teachers and a learning styles inventory to complement and support its curriculum.
In addition to the flexibility of the curriculum, the program itself allows students to enroll at any time of the year and begin online classes immediately, although all courses are divided into thirty-six lessons over a one-year period. Students can sign on for an entire program or take just one semester, or one class.
Laurel Springs encourages interaction between its students and offers a pen pal program that pairs students with each other from around the globe as well as a student-created newsletter that allows students to express themselves, their talents, and their accomplishments.
Students who are home schooled are successful for many different reasons but perhaps one of the biggest is that they are driven and focused and know what they want to achieve both in the future and the present. Homeschooling, especially in a flexible program like Laurel Springs, allows them to get it all by giving them the time to take charge of their dreams.
As Arnold H. Glasow said, "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."
Image source http://www.worldmag.com/

Watch Videos:
Home School Curriculum: Teaching Method for Home Schooling
Mystery Meat Macrophotography

A NaturalNews PhotoTour by Mike Adams
DISCLAIMER: These photos are provided as "Fair Use" content under the protection of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. NewsTarget and RingingCedarsofRussia.org are not affiliated with the companies whose products appear here. All trademarks and brand names appearing here are the property of their respective owners. Nothing in these photos is intended to imply that these products do not meet USDA requirements for food safety.
Welcome to the "Meet Your Mystery Meat" photo tour on NewsTarget.com. Hold on to your lunch for this one! We're about to take you on a journey into some sick macrophotography of processed meat products.
As I'm a nature macrophotography buff, I took all these pictures myself, in my own kitchen, using the same high-end photography equipment I use to take pictures of flowers and insects. As you'll see from these pictures, the detail is astonishing. You may never look at your sandwich meat the same way again.
All these photos are completely un-touched (they were not Photoshopped in any way except to alter brightness and contrast) and were taken of popular processed meat products purchased at Wal-Mart just yesterday.
We're starting our journey with Oscar Mayer's Cotto Salami product.
This is a 1x magnification shot of a stack of salami slices. Here, you can clearly see some of the texture, the fat blobs and some dark spices that appear to be spices. This gives you a fairly close-up picture that you might be able to see with the naked eye.
As you view these photos, remember that Oscar Mayer's Cotto Salami is made with beef hearts (ground up heart organs from cows).
Oscar Mayer Cotto Salami ingredients
Mechanically separated chicken,
Beef hearts (you gotta love 'em!),
Corn syrup,
Contains less than 2% of:
Sodium lactate,
Sodium phosphates,
Sodium diacetate,
Sodium erythorbate (made from sugar),
Sodium nitrite,
Soy lecithin,
Potassium phosphate,
Potassium chloride,
This picture shows a 3x magnification of some huge black chunk of something that looks quite unsightly to me. What is it? Note that the ingredients list of this product lists no pepper! In fact, I can't find anything in the ingredients list that would account for these black specs that appear throughout the meat (although, again, I'm sure they're put into the product intentionally).
I'm sure it's probably FDA-approved and no more gross than, say, beef heart, but the visual appearance of it looks rather gross to me. Seeing it does NOT make me want to eat it.
Here's a shot of the terrain of the salami surface, taken at 4x magnification. Note the discoloration blob just right of center in this photo, along with the fat sculpture to the left. Knowing what kind of animals often make it into processed meats, I can't help but wonder what the discoloration blob really is. Some kind of spice? A small chunk of animal tissue? I really don't know.
By the way, taking these pictures almost made me sick. The smell of processed meats filled my kitchen, and the visual study of these meats made me feel like I wanted to vomit. This was a far more difficult project than I had anticipated.
Here's a 2x magnification photo of the Jimmy Dean sausage showing more detail of the fat blobs and the slightly stringy texture of the sausage in general. (You can actually see some stringy elements in this photo if you look closely.)
As with all the photos here, these are completely un-touched photos except for brightness and contrast adjustments. Nothing here has been altered by Photoshop.
Here's a 4x magnification showing some of the beef collagen casing (that's the stuff that looks like rice paper). That's made from interesting beef parts. This photo also shows more of the stringy texture and fat configuration.
Yummm! I can't wait to have a breakfast made of Jimmy Dean sausages!

Organic Quality, Are Organic Foods Really 100% Organic
In the US organic food production is regulated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) via the National Organic Program (NOP).
The NOP regulations prohibit the use of genetic engineering, ionizing radiation, and sewage sludge in
organic production and handling.
Production and handling standards address organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic livestock management, and processing and handling of organic agricultural products.
In addition, it is not permitted for any land to have any prohibited substance applied to it at least 3 years before organic crops are harvested from it.
Organic crops are to be raised without using most conventional pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers, or sewage sludge-based fertilizers. Animals raised on an organic operation must be fed organic feed and given access to the outdoors. They are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.
Labeling standards are based on the percentage of organic ingredients in a product. Therefore, you need to check labels carefully to ensure you know what you are buying.
Products "labeled 100% organic" must contain only organically produced ingredients - no exceptions.
However, there are two other categories which is where confusion can lie. Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95% organically produced ingredients.
In addition, there is a third category in which products made with at least 70% organic ingredients can be labeled "made with organic ingredients".
It is understandable if people make mistakes when they are in a hurry shopping! It would seem that the answer to the question organic quality, are foods really 100% organic, is some are, but check the product labels!
You can check out the labels used by the USDA/NOP here.
A civil penalty of up to $10,000 can be levied on any person who knowingly sells or labels as organic any product that does not meet the NOP standards.
Compliance measures taken include unannounced inspections by the USDA and residue tests on organically produced products when it is suspected that the ingredients may have been contaminated with non organic substances.
There are exceptions to the NOP standards and farms that sell less than $5,000 a year in organic agricultural products are exempt from organic certification. Grocery stores and restaurants do not have to be certified.
All this is fine but it seems that the best way to ensure you are eating truly organic food is to grow it yourself. Why not try growing some vegetables in a part of your garden?
In fact, you don't even need a garden any plants can be grown in containers so why not try to raise some crops in tubs or pots? You can more readily control the contents of the soil and maintenance of crops in this way.
Are organic foods healthier than conventional foods
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." - World Health Organization
Natural food in my opinion is a healthier choice.
I will share with you why I feel eating natural food will provide better long term health benefits. When I say natural food, I mean food that is not man made.
Natural food does not have chemicals, additives or growth hormones. Natural food is simply food grown organically the way nature intended.
Why are we experiencing so much sickness today, particularly in the western world? I strongly believe it is because of the lack of knowledge when it comes to proper nutrition and not incorporating natural and organic foods into our diet.
It seems as if the system is treating us like cattle, fattening us, then leading us to the slaughter. We are a society bred for disease solely to sustain the food and pharmaceutical conglomerates.
If drug companies invented a cure for disease, they would be out of business. Realize that your body is a remarkable piece of machinery. It has the capability to heal itself. But upon the first sign of pain, we reach for a prescription or non-prescription drug.
This may provide temporary relief, but does not change the cause of the problem. This is why I choose to eat natural food and live an organic lifestyle. Let me give you another example. Food manufacturers are pressed against time and have a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders.
They need to mass-produce large quantities of their fruits and vegetables. How do they do this? They grow their fruits and vegetables faster and in huge quantities with the aid of chemicals.
So the fruits and vegetables you buy at your local supermarket are laced with toxic chemicals. Over time these toxins can make you sick.
For this reason, it is better to eat natural food that is organically grown. Are organic foods healthier than conventional ones? I think you may say yes.
In the meat industry they also need to mass produce, so they feed their livestock chemicals and growth hormones, this way the animals grow bigger and faster. Could this be the reason our children are becoming obese at an earlier age? It is quite possible. The meat industry also uses sneaky tactics to trick consumers into thinking the meat is still fresh.
You may have read recently about carbon monoxide being put into meat to keep that fresh rosy look. You can experiment by placing meat on your kitchen counter, leave it exposed for a few days and notice it will still have that "fresh" meat look. They add the carbon monoxide in small quantities through a procedure called "modified atmosphere packaging" and it's approved by the FDA. This is not natural food and the practice is deceptive. Again are organic foods healthier than conventional ones? It would seem so.
It is important to get educated when it comes to health. Today with the internet and the information age, there is no excuse. When it comes to our health, ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance can be hazardous to one's health. Have more control of your health and your diet. Learn about natural food products and how you can include them into your dietary regimen.
Image Sources: http://www.foxnews.com/; http://seedtoplate.com/

Watch Video:
Growing Real Organic Food in Urban Neighbourhoods
Tips to Bring More Health to Your Life
We all want to live long, healthy and happy lives. There are natural things we can do to improve our chances, none of which cost a lot of money or are particularly difficult to accomplish. It takes practice, repetition and consistency to make your daily plan for healthy living a success.
Be physically active. A daily routine that includes regular exercise is good for your sense of well-being and overall general health. It will help you sleep better, too. A regular exercise program will keep you flexible and strong. As we age, our bones and joints tend to become stiff and inflamed. Regular exercise keeps these aches and pains at bay. Exercise doesn't have to be painful to be good for you. Several periods of light exercise a week will serve you well. Consistency is the real key.
Eat a healthy diet. Be sure to include a variety of healthful fruits and vegetables in what you eat each day. Raw foods are especially good for you. They contain more fiber and nutrients because these things are lost by cooking. Eat complex carbohydrates and fresh, not dried or frozen proteins. Lower your fat intake if it is more than 30% of your daily intake. Three to five servings of carbohydrate in the form of starches and fruits should be included in each meal.
Drink alcohol only in moderation as alcohol can be very hard on the body in large quantities. Just one drink can cause cellular death in several organs such as the brain. Drink mixed drinks that contain fruit or vegetable juice as healthy diluents for the alcohol. Sip your drinks, don't gulp. Enjoy nonalcoholic drinks. Many restaurants that serve elaborate alcoholic cocktails will prepare them without the alcohol.
Learn how to manage stress. Failure to manage stressors in your life can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and a variety of emotional problems. Take time to relax and practice some form of stress reduction each day. Tai chi, a massage, deep breathing, listening to calming music or other sounds and meditation are all effective stress reducers. At the end of the day, some people swear by calming music, soft lighting and a warm aromatherapy bath.
Get the right amount of sleep for you. Any number of studies will tell you that many people don't sleep enough. While it is possible to sleep too much, most of us don't have that problem. Don't use your sleeping room for eating or working. It's important to maintain an atmosphere that lends itself to sleep. If you regularly eat and work in your sleeping room, your brain will recognize the environment as a waking one. Go to bed at about the same time every night. Your brain will get used to slowing down if you do that at the same time. Always end your day on a calming note. You will sleep better and wake the next day feeling refreshed.
Image source - http://www.icis.com/

Help Depression Through Exercise
For a person with depression and anxiety, exercise may seem like something that is hard to include in an already difficult life. Depression often results in a lack of energy and increased feelings of tiredness, so the thought of getting ready, out the door, and exercising might seem overwhelming. However, exercise has been proven to be beneficial to mood and to help ease the symptoms of depression.
Research done at Michigan State University compared a group of non-exercising depressed women against a group of depressed women that exercised for thirty minutes two times per week. Inventories taken at three weeks and at the end of the nine week program showed that the women who exercised had a significant reduction in depression symptoms. The women who did not exercise had no change in their depression symptoms.
Research shows that regular exercise helps decrease feelings of depression and anxiety, improves sleep, and reduces stress. During exercise the body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are a "feel good" chemical. They act as an analgesic to reduce the perception of pain and also elicit a calming effect on the body. In addition to these emotional benefits you also receive the physical benefits of exercise such as strengthening your cardiovascular system, weight loss, decreased risk of diabetes, and many others.
Starting out with even small amounts of activity, a 10 minute walk for example, can improve mood. Increasing activity to 30 minutes three to five days a week has been shown to greatly reduce depression symptoms. A structured exercise program isn't necessary - any activity that elevates heart rate is beneficial. Walking, gardening, golfing, dancing, and even vigorous housework are all examples of moderate exercise that can help. Forming an exercise support system is helpful both to stick to an exercise program and build relationships that are important in helping depression. Some people find that joining a group exercise class or walking with a friend helps greatly.
When starting an exercise program consider factors that will increase your chances of being consistent. Choose an activity you love; if you don't enjoy the exercise you are doing it is much more likely that you will not stick with it. Schedule exercise into your day and make it just as important as any other appointment. Make sure that you schedule your exercise session during a time when you feel most energetic; if you are not a morning person don't schedule yourself for an early morning walk.
Image Copyright - http://all-foods-natural.com/

Does Sun Exposure Really Cause Melanoma?
Watch Video: Does Sun Exposure Really Cause Melanoma
Dr. Robert Heaney explains why sunshine has been wrongly accused of being the main culprit in causing deadly skin cancer.
I'm sure you received many valuable health tips from this small segment of the expert interview. To hear the full version of this and other interviews I do with world-renowned health experts, it's easy... Simply sign up for the affordable Mercola Inner Circle and receive them monthly, with zero effort on your part. Take this small step -- and take control of your health -- 2,490 other Mercola Inner Circle members can't be wrong!

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
It was an absolute honor and great privilege to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Heaney. Most of you know how passionate I am about vitamin D, but are probably not aware that Dr. Heaney is considered by many to be one of the leading experts in the world on this topic. He is reverently respected by nearly every other vitamin D expert I have had the chance to talk to.
Dr. Heaney has the advantage of being an MD and also a researcher. Additionally, he's on the editorial review panel for many of the most important nutritional journals in the world.
When you listen to the video you will hear Dr. Heaney point out there are many misconceptions about melanoma - the most dangerous type of skin cancer that accounts for more than 75 percent of skin cancer deaths.
Despite all the bad press linking sun exposure to skin cancer, there's almost no evidence at all to support that stance. There is, however, plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Appropriate Sun Exposure More Likely to Prevent Than Cause Melanoma
Over the years, several studies have already confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer. In fact, melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens.
One such study discovered that melanoma patients that had higher levels of sun exposure were less likely to die than other melanoma patients, and patients who already had melanoma and got a lot of sun exposure were prone to a less aggressive tumor type.
Another more recent Italian study, published in the European Journal of Cancer in June 2008, also confirms and supports earlier studies showing improved survival rates in melanoma patients who were previously exposed to more sunlight.
Not only that, but melanoma is actually more common in indoor workers than in outdoor workers to begin with. It is also more common on regions of your body that are not exposed to the sun at all. Additionally, UVB radiation has been found to delay the appearance of melanoma if you are genetically predisposed or prone to skin cancer.
How can this be? Melanoma occurrence is rising, and experts are still warning you to avoid sun exposure to cut your risk. Are they really that wrong?
In a word, yes!
What is the Real Cause Behind Rising Melanoma Rates?
Well, what they're not telling you is that melanoma rates are rising as sun exposure and vitamin D status is decreasing dramatically. Statistics alone will tell you there is a serious flaw in the current recommendations to stay out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.
More recent research into vitamin D and skin damage shows that although the sun does increase genetic damage in your skin, and can cause skin cancer, your body has a cleverly designed system to avert this risk.
When you stay out of the sun entirely, you effectively avoid the system nature created to help prevent skin cancer naturally, because the key to unlock this mechanism is vitamin D.
As you probably know by now, vitamin D is formed in your skin from exposure to sunlight. The vitamin D then goes directly to the genes in your skin where it helps prevent the types of abnormalities that ultraviolet light causes.
Hence, when you avoid the sun entirely, or slather on sun block whenever you go out, your skin is not making any vitamin D, and you're left without this built-in cancer protection. This is one of the primary reasons for the rise in melanoma. This in spite of the fact that most folks are following the widely publicized recommendations to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen.
Vitamin D - the Master Key to Optimal Health
But it does more than just that. Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that it influences your entire body -- receptors that respond to the vitamin have been found in almost every type of human cell, from your brain to your bones. This is why researchers are finding health benefits from vitamin D in virtually every area they look.
For example, optimizing your vitamin D levels can help you to prevent as many as 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers. And vitamin D does not have just a slight impact on your cancer risk. It can cut your risk by as much as 60 percent!
However, it's not like turning a light switch. It's not a matter of having vitamin D or not - it's all a question of dose.
In order to reap the benefits you need to make sure your levels are within therapeutic range.
According to Dr. Heaney, your body requires 4,000 IU's daily just to maintain its current vitamin D level. In order to actually raise your levels, you'd have to increase either your exposure to sunshine, or supplement with oral vitamin D3 (which I do not recommend without getting your vitamin D levels tested regularly to make sure you're not reaching toxic levels).
For all the latest information on therapeutic vitamin D levels, and vital updates on testing, please review my article: Test Values and Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency.
Image source - http://www.icis.com/

Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is a chemical-free and earth-friendly method of gardening. Organic gardening and conventional gardening differ on how they control pests and nourish the soil. Conventional gardening uses chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers while organic gardens use organic means of enriching the soil and organic weed killers and fertilizers.
Organic gardens follow natural practices that include:
Organic Soil: Quality soil is the main component of creating a successful garden. By providing nourishing natural substances to the soil, you will be well on your way to growing healthy plants and vegetables. For an organic garden, it is essential to add natural additives such as organic compost, manure, chopped leaves, and mulches. Before adding natural compounds, you should do a soil test to determine whether the soil has any mineral deficiencies. To improve the quality of the soil, you can add a number of natural products that are rich in nutrients. Natural additives can include organic compost, fish emulsion, and blood meal. If you do not have the time to make your own natural soil feed, there are many natural products available for purchase. Such products that are rich in nutrients include seaweed meal, straw mulch, and worm casts. Making worm compost is a great way to compost organic waste
Organic Pest Control: Every garden will attract pests that will eat some of the plants and vegetables. Conventional gardens use pesticides to control pests. These pesticides contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment, humans, and animals. Attracting or buying bugs that will eat pests such as aphids will help reduce their numbers. Bugs that kill aphids include damsel bugs, lady bugs, and lacewings, and more. There are also organic pest control products on the market. Homemade tomato leaf and garlic sprays will also repel aphids.
Diversifying your garden will help reduce pests. Planting strong smelling herbs will repel plant eating bugs. Birds and insects that feed on aphids will also be attracted to a diverse garden and will reduce pests that harm your plants. To control weeds, there are number of organic weed control products on the market. Removing weeds daily is the best way to control weed infestation.
Crop Rotation: To maintain rich and healthy soil, it is recommended that you rotate your crops. Crop Rotation involves planting crops so that plants and vegetables are not grown in the same spot each year. This will ensure that the soil does not lose its nutrients. It will also reduce the risk of disease. The nutrients left behind from one set of plants can be used by another type of plant the next year. The best way to rotate your crops is to draw a map of the garden that outlines where each plant is located. You can then refer to it the following year to make sure you do not plant the same type of plant in the same location. Crop rotation and growing diverse plants will help deter pests.
The benefit of organically enriching your soil, using organic pest control, and rotating your crops ensures a healthy garden. This method will also attract bees which will result in pollination of the plants.
The biggest difference between organic gardening and conventional gardening is that organic gardens do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Successful organic gardening can be achieved by understanding how to create organically productive soil that is rich and fertile, the type of crops to plant that includes the appropriate plants for the particular climate and season, and implementing organic maintenance practices.
Because of the illnesses and diseases such as cancer that are now being linked to chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides, more people are turning to organic gardening. Developing an organic garden may seem like a bit of hard work, but the reward of creating a healthy garden will be very gratifying.
Image Sources: http://www.treehugger.com/

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Permaculture Design

Garden of Eden: Permaculture Revolution
"Permaculture" is a word originally coined by Australian university professor Bill Mollison and environmental design student David Holmgren in the1970's, and was first taught as "Applied Systems Design " in 1981. Over the last 30 years, pemaculture has grown to become a living methodology of whole systems thinking and being that has grown to become a global grassroots movement of eco-social regeneration. The word "permaculture" itself came from the notion of establishing "permanent agriculture" or "permanent culture"; in other words, permaculture is the art and science of creating community eco-systems in which plants, animals, human beings, and all forms of ecological diversity interact to produce a prolific, ecologically-sound, and regenerative system that can support itself indefinitely. The focus of permaculture is to design and establish societal systems that provide for humanity's material and non-material needs such as food, water, shelter, energy, and health in a way that is symbiotic and synergistic with the Earth's natural ecosystems. More recently permaculture is incorporating an ever-growing landscape of diverse fields and skill sets and is being applied towards areas such as business, government, economics, group process, social systems, inner work, and spiritual practice.
Much emphasis in permaculture is placed on the observation of nature and the intelligent patterns, principles, and relationships found in living systems. It is with this Taoist approach of listening and responding rather than enforcing that makes permaculture a living, adaptable, and evolving approach applicable to any landscape, climate or culture it engages. Rather than adhering to a rigid system, whether on a landscape, an organization, or a culture, the permaculture approach is one of working with rather than against the existing forms and principles that govern those systems, of using "protracted and thoughtful observation" rather than protracted and thoughtless labor. By observing and utilizing the inherent qualities and mutually beneficial relationships between elements in the system, such as plants, animals, soils, microbes, fungi and all forms of ecological diversity present in nature, the permaculture designer gradually discerns optimal methods for harmoniously integrating the human element into its natural surroundings as stable, productive communities.
Permaculture seeks to establish agriculturally and culturally productive ecosystems that have the stability, diversity, and resilience of natural ecosystems. A classic permaculture approach to agriculture is called "food forest gardening", which mimics the way a forest thrives and regenerates, continuously nourishing all elements in the system and producing a vast diversity of outputs, but requiring little or no inputs to sustain itself. By recognizing the self-supporting, mutually beneficial relationships of the elements in a forest - from tall trees, smaller trees, shrubs, herbs, ground covers, vines, nitrogen fixers, insectaries, fungi, animals, and more, the food forest garden designs a similar system but replaces the components that are in a common forest with species that are preferred edibles and more useful for humans. The forest then becomes a Garden of Eden, in which edible or useful plants are found from head to toe, where something in season is always ready to eat, and the system requires little or no maintenance to sustain and regenerate. Other farming techniques commonly associated with permaculture include agroforestry, edible landscaping, keyhole gardening, companion planting, solar greenhouses, spiral herb gardens, hedgerows and windbreaks, rotational grazing, and aquaculture. The focus is not entirely on these elements themselves, but rather on the relationships created between them by how they interact and are placed in the landscape, with the synergy further enhanced by mimicking patterns found in nature.
Permaculture combines the wisdom of indigenous cultures and traditional farming systems from around the world with the latest in modern technology, providing a bridge between ancient, modern, and emerging cultures. Many of the appropriate technologies advocated by permaculturists are well known, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and micro-hydro power, passive solar design, energy efficient housing, natural building, and other emerging technologies. Water management systems like keyline agriculture, rain water catchments, constructed wetlands, and aquaculture play an important role in permaculture designs, as do natural soil building techniques such as sheet mulching, vermiculture, and mushrooms. Permaculture seeks to transform waste into resource using technologies such as composting toilets, grey water systems, living machines to treat wastewater, and myco-remediation (using mushrooms to breakdown harmful toxins and bacteria). Permaculture also looks at integrating regenerative patterns into the realms of invisible structures such as community planning and development that support the evolution and establishment of more permanent communities, such as co-housing projects, intentional communities, and eco-villages as well as economic and social structures such alternative currencies, green business, and governance.
Permaculture continues to evolve and expand "permeating" through various communities, systems, and fields much like a mycelia web of cultural myco-remediation. Permaculture is a synthesis of ecology and geography, of observation and design; it adopts concepts that are both earth-based and people centered, as the sustainable use of land cannot be separated from life-styles and philosophical issues. As said by Masuoba Fukuoka, one of the early inspirations in the evolution of permaculture, "The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." More recently, permaculture has turned the lense of observation inwards, seeking to identify the imbalances within the systems of our own bodies and minds to restore the balance on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
The standard international methodology for the educational transference of the ecological knowledge base and holistic design philosophy coined as "permaculture" is through a standard 72-hour permaculture design certification course based upon the original Mollison & Holmgren ideas published in The Permaculture Designer's Manuel. Different lineages of teachers in the permaculture movement activated from some of Bill Mollison's first courses have taken root and sprouted up in different places around the planet, each evolving slightly different flavors of the ideas originally put forward by Mollison and Holmgren. Thus, no two permaculture courses are alike, and the courses continue to broaden as well as refine the scope of their offerings, pending on the lineage, bioregion, and specialization of the instructors.
Some noteworthy developments in the evolution of permaculture education are the Regenerative Design Institute in N. California, which merged together the permaculture design curriculum with a lineage of educational programs in nature awareness, indigenous wisdom, and cultural mentoring started by naturalist, tracker, and cultural architect Jon Young, creating a fully integrated 1-3 year program in Regenerative Design and Nature Awareness. Renowned author Starhawk offers "Earth Activist Trainings", which incorporate pagan wisdom, ritual, and activism into the standard permaculture curriculum.
The structures and relationships between the organizations and people within the permaculture movement itself are evolving new templates based on natural patterns of symbiotic relationships and interconnectivity, such as in emerging organizations like Living Mandala and Gaia University. Living Mandala is a collective of educators from various organizations offering permaculture courses that include rites of passage, peacemaking, body-mind health, holistic nutrition, unified field theory, and more, further pushing the edges of the permaculture curriculum and structures that offer it. Gaia University offers accredited BS and MS degrees in eco-social regeneration for aspiring action-learners doing projects based on the permaculture ethics, and is forming symbiotic relationships with already established and emerging permaculture education centers around the world by giving degree accreditation to qualifying programs. The diversity of permaculture educational centers and courses around the world continue to expand and evolve, and a wealth of information can be found by searching on-line.
Permaculture is an evolving, global grassroots movement of embodied eco-social regeneration, laying foundations in educational courses, communities, and villages all over the world as models for the emergence of a truly self-reliant and harmonious culture. In these times of unprecedented social and ecological transformation, may we look seven generations backwards and forwards into the future, working together to remember and create a society of human beings living in harmony with each other and all our relations.
Image Source: http://www.corcreggan.com/

Plant Portrait: Rose Hip
The rose hip and rose haw, is the pomaceous fruit of the rose plant, that typically is red-to-orange, but might be dark purple-to-black in some species. Contrary to the fairly common myth, rosehips are not poisonous.
Rose hips of some species, especially Rosa canina (Dog Rose) and R. majalis, have been used as a source of Vitamin C. Rose hips are commonly used as an herbal tea, often blended with hibiscus and as an oil. They can also be used to make jam, jelly, marmalade and wine. Rose hip soup, "nyponsoppa," is especially popular in Sweden. Rhodomel, a type of mead, is made with rose hips.
Some species of rose are sometimes referred to as rose hip, including Rosa canina (dog rose), R. rubiginosa, and R. moschata (Musk-rose).
Health benefits
- Particularly high in Vitamin C, with about 1700-2000 mg per 100 g in the dried product, one of the richest plant sources.
- RP-HPLC assays of fresh rose hips and several commercially available products revealed a wide range of L-ascorbic acid content, ranging from 0.03 to 1.3%.
- Rose hips contain vitamins C, D and E, essential fatty acids and antioxidant flavonoids.
- Rose hip powder is a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.
- Rose hips from the dog rose have antioxidant values that far exceed other berries such as blueberries
- As an herbal remedy, rose hips are attributed with the ability to prevent urinary bladder infections, and assist in treating dizziness and headaches. Rose hips are also commonly used externally in oil form to restore firmness to skin by nourishing and astringing tissue.
- Brewed into a decoction, can also be used to treat constipation.
- Rose hips contain a lot of iron, so some women brew rose hip tea during menstruation to make up for the iron that they lose with menses.
Rose hips are used for herbal tea, jam, jelly, syrup, beverages, pies, bread, and marmalade.
A few rose species are sometimes grown for the ornamental value of their hips, such as Rosa moyesii, which has prominent large red bottle-shaped fruits.
Rose hips have recently become popular as a healthy treat for pet chinchillas. Chinchillas are unable to manufacture their own Vitamin C, but lack the proper internal organs to process many vitamin-C rich foods. Rose Hips provide a sugarless, safe way to increase the Vitamin C intake of chinchillas and guinea pigs.
Rose hips are also fed to horses. The dried and powdered form can be fed at a maximum of 1 tablespoon per day to improve coat condition and new hoof growth.
The fine hairs found inside rose hips are used as itching powder.
Roses are propagated from hips by removing the seeds from the aril (the outer coating) and sowing just beneath the surface of the soil. Placed in a cold frame or a greenhouse, the seeds take at least three months to germinate.
In World War II, the people of England gathered wild-grown rose hips and made a Vitamin C syrup for children. This was because German submarines were sinking many commercial ships: citrus fruits from the tropics were very difficult to import.
By indigenous people:
Rose hips were used in many food preparations by the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Rose hips are used for colds and influenza. The Latin binomial for this herb is Rosa laevigata.
http://en.wikipedia.org/ |
Why Build With Straw Bales?
by Andrew Morrison
Straw bale construction lends itself well to an owner builder project. Some of the applications well suited for straw bale include: a cottage, office, garage, studio, and an art barn. You don't have to limit yourself to these smaller projects. Thousands of people have successfully built their own straw bale house. As a world leader in straw bale education we want to help you every step of the way.
I've created a great introductory video on why to build with straw bales. You can watch that by clicking the play button below. Please read on for more reasons to build with straw bales!
WATCH VIDEO: Introduction to Straw Bale Building
Here are 7 great reasons why you should consider building your next house with Straw Bales:
Reason #1 Energy Efficiency.
A well built straw bale home can save you up to 75% on heating and cooling costs. In fact, in most climates, we do not even install air conditioning units into our homes as the natural cooling cycles of the planet are enough to keep the house cool all summer long.
Reason #2 Sound Proofing.
Straw bale walls provide excellent sound insulation and are superior wall systems for home owners looking to block out the sounds of traffic or airplanes in urban environments.
Reason # 3 Fire resistance.
Straw bale homes have roughly three times the fire resistance of conventional homes. Dense bales mean limited oxygen which in turn means no flames.
Reason # 4 Environmental responsibility.
Building with straw helps the planet in many ways. For example, straw is a waste product that is either burned or composted in standing water. By using the straw instead of eliminating it, we reduce either air pollution or water consumption, both of which impact the environment in general.
Reason #5 Natural Materials
The use of straw as insulation means that the standard insulation materials are removed from the home. Standard fiberglass insulation has formaldehyde in it, a known carcinogen. Bale walls also eliminate the use of plywood in the walls. Plywood contains unhealthy glues that can off-gas into the house over time.
Reason #6 Aesthetics
There is nothing as calming and beautiful as a straw bale wall in a home. Time and time again I walk people through homes and they are immediately struck by the beauty and the "feeling" of the walls. I really can't explain this one, you'll just have to walk through your own to see what I mean.
Reason #7 Minimize wood consumption.
If built as a load bearing assembly, the wood in the walls can be completely eliminated, except for around the windows. The harvesting of forests is a global concern and any reduction in the use of wood material is a good thing for the long term health of the planet.
Even infill bale homes can reduce the use of wood by using engineered lumber for the posts and beams. The engineered material uses smaller, faster growing trees in place of larger, slower growing species.

Load Bearing Straw Bale Construction
There is nothing quite like building your own space, whether it be a shed, studio, home, or commercial building. The satisfaction and joy of looking at the progress you have made at the end of each day is literally priceless! With load bearing construction, the step from beginner to successful builder is smaller than in framed structures where a lot of carpentry skills are required. That one small step may be all it takes to bring out your inner builder that loves to create!
There are two general styles of straw bale construction: Post and Beam (or In-Fill) and Load Bearing. Post and beam construction is where a structural frame is built and the bales are then placed into that frame as insulation. The bales have no structural value for the loads of the building which are all carried by the structural frame. In general, the frame is either wood or steel. Load bearing construction is where the bales are used as the structure for the building and they bear the load of the roof assembly. Under certain circumstances, they are the most cost effective and simplest way to build.
The Reasons to Choose Load Bearing
The most obvious reason to choose a load bearing structure is the simplicity of the construction. If you have ever built with Legos(tm), you have the understanding to build a load bearing structure. The principles are the same: stack the bales properly so that they cannot separate easily and make sure to interlock the corners from one direction to another. This helps stabilize the entire structure. Again, imagine what a Lego(tm) house would be like if you built four separate walls without interlocking them. Keep things straight and plumb. This is true in any type of construction, and proves very important in load bearing structures as the bales themselves are the load supporting structure. With some basic common sense and construction skills, a group of people can work together and build a load bearing straw bale house. The amount of fun that takes place is totally up to you, but in general, much of it is to be found on a bale raising site!
Another common reason to build a load bearing structure is to reduce the amount of wood or steel in a home. A load bearing home uses the bales to support the roof assembly and so very little wood is required. Wood is still needed to add windows and doors to the building and to frame the roof and the actual box it attaches to on top of the bales; however, significant amounts of wood can be eliminated from the construction of a building with load bearing techniques.
Simple Designs
In general, load bearing structures have simple designs. This is in part a necessity for code requirements but it often reflects the mindset of the occupants, "Simple is better". With this in mind, a simple design can translate into saving money, saving time, saving headaches, and increasing fun on the jobsite. Simple designs can be built quickly and with friends and family instead of hired help
Start on a Small Project First
I always suggest that people make an attempt to build a small structure before they take on a project like a home, winery, or other commercial space. Building a large structure is difficult and labor intensive. Practicing on something small is a great idea, especially if you intend to build your own place. Even if you plan to hire out the work, I suggest taking a hands-on challenge and building a small structure yourself so you are familiar with the building process.
There are some disadvantages to load bearing construction, mostly related to design restrictions such as building height and amount of window openings to comply with code restrictions. However, I have seen large single-level/ranch style residences that have been built with load bearing techniques.
If you have been feeling reluctant to actually roll up your sleeves and begin building with straw bales with a post and beam building because of "performance anxiety", I strongly encourage you to begin with a small load bearing structure.
Happy Baling!

How to Lose Money as an Owner Builder
Now that I have your attention, I want to talk about a common mistake that a lot of straw bale homeowners make early on in the process. Often the most fatal mistake of any job is underestimating how much it will cost to build that beautiful home you worked so hard to design. Common examples of this are: not including enough money for framing materials or electrical fixtures. Not so common is the mistake that comes before the numbers are even run: who will build the house. I have heard many people say they will build their own house so they can save money only to find that they end up spending far more in the end than they would have if they hired a professional.
This is something most would be owner-builders don't want to hear. The fact of the matter is that building a house is time consuming and hard work (both labor wise and mental organization wise). Since most would be owner builders have a job, it means either time off work (lost wages) or working on the weekends or off days (lost sanity). The longer a job takes, the more expensive it will be for a number of reasons:
First, if a loan is involved, the bank will often only allow up to 1 year for the home to complete. After that the penalties start piling up. In addition, the interest on a construction loan continues to pile up until the job is done.
Another "hidden cost" is that material and labor costs continue to rise over time. If you priced out electrical fixtures at $2000 and they end up costing $2500 by the time you buy them, that is money you did not plan on spending.
What does this mean for a would-be straw bale owner builder?
Be an informed owner
My suggestion to those who are looking to save money is to be one of two things. The first is an "informed owner." As an informed owner, the client is aware of the details of building a bale home and can walk the jobsite and identify wasted money and effort. By working with a contractor who is willing to support you in this role, you can save money on the job together.
Be an "Owner Baler"
Another option is to be an "owner baler." Distinct from an owner builder, this type of client recognizes that the work of building an entire home is beyond their scope; however, running or hosting a bale-raising workshop is not. By installing all of the bales with free labor, or even laborers who paid to be there, the client can cut costs and still get a professionally built home. All the contractor has to do is give you the frame on time so that the bales can be installed on the posted dates. Your job is to do the same: deliver the home back to the contractor on time so he or she can continue to move forward in line with their critical path.
This is a new concept for owners and contractors alike, so it takes the right relationship and contract to allow these ideas to flow smoothly. It is
possible and it is a better way to save money on a construction site.

Straw Bale Construction and Water
The greatest enemy of straw bale construction is water. People often question whether moisture is a problem and seem to equate moisture with water. There is a difference. In the right climate, moisture can enter a wall and exit a wall in a short enough period of time so not to cause damage. For example, it is typical for a home to drive moisture through the walls to the exterior during the cold winter months when interior heating both creates and moves moisture towards the cold exterior. As long as this moisture is allowed to escape to the outside, there will not be a problem. If, by the use of vapor barriers, the moisture is held in the walls, the damage can be extensive.
The idea of eliminating vapor barriers, like Tyvek(r) and Typar(r), may seem strange to builders coming from the conventional building world. For years, we have been told to wrap the house up tight and eliminate the movement of moisture through the walls. Vapor barriers have become increasingly "intelligent" and can even adjust their transparence rates relative to the levels of humidity. That said, they are not used in straw bale construction other than to protect the bottom courses from rain splash. Other than this one use, they are eliminated entirely from the building process as they have been shown to cause more damage than they prevent.
Many builders have worked hard to master the art of flashing openings and will be set back by the loss of vapor barriers. The vapor barrier is an essential part of flashing openings in conventional construction as the head and legs of the flashings are tucked under the barrier to create a path for water to move away from the opening. In straw bale construction, openings present the biggest risk to water infiltration. Proper flashing is essential. More than ever, the builder has to think like the enemy: think like water. How does water flow down a surface? How does water wick into dry materials. Where would you go if you were water? The answer to these questions has helped design proper flashings around openings and has highlighted the need for protection both above and below the bales. If a roof leaks, where is the water going to go? Straight down into the house? Maybe, but it is more likely to sneak down the rafters to the plate and then drip down into the wall cavity. Protecting the bales from this type of slow leak is very important. Proper protection along the box beam will minimize the risks and impacts of water leaks by directing moisture towards the plaster where it will show up as wet marks long before damage to the bales has occurred.
Many builders can tell you horror stories about broken pipes and blown washing machine hoses. The damage created by these incidents can be huge, especially if the owners are out of town when they happen. Fixing rotten drywall and swollen sub floors is a pain, but it is not catastrophic. Imagine the repairs if the leak flooded into a wall made of straw bales. The bales could wick all of the water right off the floor and up into the walls. It is possible that the walls would not be able to sufficiently dry out and would therefore be ruined and need replacing. That is a catastrophic repair and it is exactly why we do not place water pipes in the bale walls and why the bales never sit directly on the ground. Plumbing is either relegated to interior walls or is protected by continuous sleeves or faux wall construction. For additional protection from water damage, we provide a, minimum, 3 1/2" "toe-up" for the bales to sit on. The toe-up provides a break in the sub straight so that no water can possibly wick into the bales. Therefore, the walls stay dry and the damage is only reflected in the flooring. Considering that most bale homes have integral color, polished concrete slab floors, the damage created with a major leak or broken hose is often insignificant.
If you think like water and plan for the worst, your bale home will last forever. It is well worth the added insurance to over flash an opening or over protect the top and bottom of bale walls. Keep in mind that moisture, and small amounts of water, will find its way into the wall no matter what type of construction you use. If you believe this is not true, you are fooling yourself. Over time, Mother Nature is always stronger than what we build. What makes a well built house last forever is its ability to shed the water and moisture that sneaks in. If you think like water and build with the intention of keeping water out of the home, you will be successful.
Image Sources: http://journeyamerica.files.wordpress.com/; http://hydroponics-fine.blogspot.com/; http://static.howstuffworks.com/

Watch Videos:
Straw Bale House made by Single Mom for $50,000

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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Clinical results of a study of the effectiveness of Kedra toothpastes
The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Novosibirsk State Medical University
Associate Professor T. G. Petrova, Head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry
T. V. Zvereva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Instructor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry
1. Purpose of the study: To determine the effectiveness of the therapeutic and prophylactic action of Kedra toothpastes.
2. Goals of the study:
- To evaluate the condition of patients' mouths prior to the use of the therapeutic and prophylactic Kedra toothpastes.
- To study the cleansing properties of Kedra toothpastes after two and six weeks of use.
- To study the anti-inflammatory properties of Kedra toothpastes after two and six weeks of use.
- To provide an evaluation of the organoleptic properties of Kedra toothpastes from the results of a survey.
3. Materials and methods of the study:
The study was carried out with the voluntary consent of patients of both sexes from 18 to 25 years of age. The test subjects did not have any medical contraindications, and undertook to use only the toothpaste issued to them. Prior to the beginning of the study, instructions were given to the test subjects regarding oral hygiene and the standard methods of brushing the teeth. It was recommended to all test subjects that they use brushes with soft and very soft bristles because of inflammation of the gums. No other forms of hygienic care for the mouth was permitted during the period of the study, as well as directed treatment of inflammatory diseases of the parodontium. Just before the study, all patients were given a professional cleaning of the oral cavity.
Twenty persons with chronic catarrhal gingivitis took part in the study.
Methods of brushing:
In the morning - Kedra with cedar nut flour and cedar nut shell,
Evening - Kedra with cedar nut oil and mint essential oil.
All patients underwent an interview process according to a specially developed questionnaire to evaluate the organoleptic properties of Kedra toothpastes.
In the study, indicators were recorded for the test subjects during their examination that classified the presence of dental tartar and plaque, and a clinical examination was made of the condition of the soft tissues of the mouth.
During the testing of the toothpastes, an evaluation of the level of oral hygiene was made according to the OHI-S index (Green, Vermillion, 1964), the tendency to bleed of the gums according to the GBI index (J. Silness, 1964, H. Loe, 1967), and the degree of gum inflammation according to the PMA index (C. Parma, 1960).
The cleansing effect was determined as a reduction of the OHI-S index according to the formula:
Effect (%) = 100 x [OHI-S(1) - OHI-S(2)]/OHI-S(1), where the indices OHI-S(1) and (2) refer to the first and subsequent examinations.
The hemostatic effect was determined as a reduction of the GBI index according to the formula:
Effect (%) = 100 x [GBI(1) - GBI(2)]/GBI(1), in which the indices GBI(1) and (2) refer to the first and subsequent examinations.
The anti-inflammatory effect was determined as a reduction of the PMA index according to the formula:
Effect (%) = 100 x [PMA(1) - PMA(2)]/PMA(1), in the formula the indices PMA(1) and (2) refer to the first and subsequent examinations.
4. Results of the study:
Only data received from the test subjects who had undergone the entire investigation in full were used. The average values of the indices being studied is presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Change in dental condition over the period of observation
Time of examination |
Initial examination |
1.11 |
2.13 |
31.45 |
After two weeks |
0.7 |
1.56 |
16.74 |
After six weeks |
0.62 |
1.15 |
14.93 |
Evaluation of effectiveness (%) |
45.5 |
46 |
52.52 |
The application of Kedra toothpastes over the course of six weeks demonstrated that, when used, an improvement of the hygienic condition of the mouth and the condition of the parodontium is observed.
Table 2
Change in the condition of the parodontium with the use of Kedra toothpastes according to the PMA index
Time of examination |
PMA indicator (%) |
Assessment of the anti-inflammatory effect (%) |
Initial examination |
31.45 |
- |
After two weeks |
16.74 |
46.77 |
After six weeks |
14.93 |
52.52 |
As it follows from Table 2, a marked anti-inflammatory effect was observed in patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis with the use of Kedra toothpastes, which was expressed in the reduction of the PMA indicator by 46.77% for the first two weeks, an even more intensive change in the indicator occurred over six weeks of use and came to 52.5%.
Table 3
Change in the numerical indicators of the Gingival Bleeding Index with the use of Kedra toothpastes over the period of the study
Time of examination |
Bleeding index indicator |
Assessment of the anti-inflammatory effect (%) |
Initial examination |
2.13 |
- |
After two weeks |
1.56 |
26.76 |
After six weeks |
1.15 |
46 |
On examining the history of the change in the degree of gingival bleeding with the use of Kedra toothpastes, a reduction in bleeding by 26.7% was found after two weeks, and by 46% after six weeks, which is evidence of a marked increase in the anti-inflammatory effect of Kedra toothpastes over the entire period of the observations.
Table 4
Changes in the level of oral hygiene with the use of Kedra toothpastes according to the OHI-S index
Time of examination |
OHI-S indicator |
Assessment of cleansing effectiveness (%) |
Initial examination |
1.11 |
- |
After two weeks |
0.7 |
36 |
After six weeks |
0.6 |
45.5 |
On examining the change in the level of oral hygiene when using Kedra toothpastes, an improvement in oral hygiene was found in patients with gingivitis. The increase in the indicator of cleansing effectiveness after two weeks of use by 37%, and after six weeks by 45.5% from the initial state indicates a good cleansing effect of the toothpastes being studied.
A study of the organoleptic properties of the Kedra toothpastes indicated that 68% of the patients evaluate the taste of the paste as pleasant, while 74% of patients mention the pleasant aroma of the toothpastes (Table 5). The toothpastes did not have any localized irritating or allergenic effects on the mucous membrane of the mouth, and did not stain the hard tissue of the tooth. Of the people studied, 75% noted a good level of frothiness of the toothpastes, and 88% of the patients mentioned a sensation of freshness in the mouth after brushing their teeth.
Thus, with the use of the Kedra toothpaste with cedar nut flour and cedar nut shell in the morning, and the Kedra toothpaste with cedar nut oil and mint essential oil in the evening, a marked cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect is noted for the toothpastes being investigated. Allergenic and localized irritating effects of the toothpastes on the mucous membrane of the mouth were not established in the course of the study. Taking into account the high anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effectiveness of the Kedra toothpastes, they should be recommended for use to patients with inflammatory diseases of the parodontium.
Table 5
Organoleptic properties of Kedra toothpastes
Indicator |
Positive evaluations |
Negative evaluations |
Taste |
Pleasant 68% |
Unpleasant 32% |
Aroma |
Pleasant 74% |
Absence of an unpleasant sensation, but not a completely pleasant aroma 26% |
Frothiness |
Good 75% |
Not very good 25% |
Sensation of freshness in the mouth |
Yes 88% |
No 12% |
Discoloration of the teeth |
No discoloration 100% |
Change in the sensitivity of the teeth |
No change 98% |
Change 2% |
Side effects |
No side effects 100% |
Used by permission
Copyright CedarInfo.info

Greek Salad
-1 Escarola lettuce
-1 Lolla rossa lettuce
-2 tomatoes
-16 black olives
- Siberian Cedar Nut Oil to taste
-One Cucumber
-200 g feta cheese
-1 red onion
-Juice of one lemon
-Fresh or dry oregano
-Salt and pepper
Peel and cut the tomatoes in quarters, clean the lettuce, peel the cucumber and cut in thin slices.
Cut the olives in half, peel and cut the onion in very thin slices, cut the cheese in cubes.
Mix and season everyting with Siberian Cedar Nut Oil, salt, black pepper, fresh lemon juice and finish with oregano.

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For more great articles go to http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/infoE.php#articles
Give your loved one a gift of Siberian Health
New stock has arrived in Europe! We have recieved a variety of new products which are now available for purchase, including 100% Natural Toothpaste, 100% Natural Cosmetic Line, New Resin Gum, and Siberian Cedar Nut Oils with several herbal extracts!
Visit our European Store now!
The order usually takes 2-4 business days to arrive.

CEDAR NUT OIL - "Buy 3 get 1 free!"
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Currently we are offering you a great promotional discount "Buy 3 get 1 free!" of "Siberian Cedar Nut Oil" 100g. packaging. Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Siberian Cedar Essential Oils
ENJOY OUR LIMITED TIME PROMOTION - get all three fragarances of Siberian Cedar Essential Oils (25g) at a discount of 25%! Click here to go to our online store.
"The ethers of the cedar represent the spirit of the Universe. They can cure the body - the ethers of the cedar can protect Man from harmful influences." - Anastasia, Co-creation.
Siberian Cedar Essential oils have a warm, balsamic aroma. Relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Can be used as a perfume.
Siberian health in every drop. Each of the three oils have their own distict fragrance. Availabe fragrances: Siberian Cedar Wood Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Needle Essential Oil, Siberian Cedar Cone Essential Oil.
Siberian Cedar essense for you!
Click here to go to our online store

Europe Promotions:
SPECIAL PROMOTION for everybody! Purchace our OIL EXTRACT PROMOTION and receive 1 bottle of Cedar Nut Oil free!
The Gift Set includes: Siberian Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil Extract, Siberian Cedar Resin Oil Extract, Whole Rose Hip Oil Extract, and one Extra bottle of Cedar Nut Oil FREE! Please go to our store for more information.
The oil from cedar nuts is being extracted for a long time in the Ural Mountains and Siberia. Our ancestors ate cedar nut oil and used it for medical purposes since the ancient times. In XIX century cedar nut oil could be bought on any Siberian market. It has been home-made with the use of only the simplest machinery. It has a soft taste, gold-and-amber color, and a wonderful smell of nuts.
In old Russian folk medicine consider that Siberian cedar nut oil eliminates a chronic weakness syndrome, increases overall strength of an organism, physical and brain activities. Siberian cedar nut oil taken regularly improves immune system. Any vegetative oil can be substituted by Siberian cedar nut oil, but nothing can fully substitute cedar nut oil. It can also be used as a facial night cream for returning a natural beauty of the skin.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Siberian Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil Extract
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn Berry.
Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.
One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Sea Buckthorn. Wild harvested, 100% natural Sea Buckthorn berry is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.
Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian cedar nut oil. Wild harvested cedar nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut oil.
Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Sea Buckthorn berry oil extract under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Siberian Cedar Resin Oil Extract
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Cedar Resin.
Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.
One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Cedar Resin. Wild harvested, 100% natural Cedar Resin is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.
Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian cedar nut oil. Wild harvested cedar nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut oil.
Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Cedar Resin oil extract under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Whole Rose Hip Oil Extract
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil, 100% natural Rose Hip Berry.
Siberian Taiga is one of the ecologically purest areas of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines, all flora in the Taiga has been preserved in the original condition by nature.
One of the most wonderful and beneficial gifts of Siberian Taiga is Rose Hip. Wildly harvested, 100% natural Rose Hip berry is gathered carefully, by people lovingly devoted to this task.
Another great gift from the Siberian Taiga is Siberian cedar nut oil. Wild harvested cedar nuts, cold pressed, first press only, this is all original, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut oil.
Using multistage cold extraction method originally developed in Russia, we preserve all nutritional value and bring you free of artificial ingredients, unique, 100% natural Siberian Rose Hip berry oil extract under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Creme-Balm: Age Ideal
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin, natural Beeswax, 100% natural Propolis, 100% natural Fir Extract, 100% natural oils of: Cedar Wood, Sandal Wood, Grape.
COUNTER INDICATIONS: Individual intolerance of separate components of the cream.
Helps accelerate cell turnover, supports reactivation of the skin's natural renewal system. Provides natural support to skin and promotes skin elasticity.
APPLICATION: Apply a thin layer on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.
Store in cool, dark place.
Evening Procedure: Wash the face with warm water and Cleansing Facial Wash. Wipe the face with Facial Mist and Toner. Apply a thin layer of cream. After 10 minutes use a cleanex to remove the remaining cream from the skin of the face.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Creme-Balm: Daytime Facial
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin, natural Beeswax, 100% natural Propolis, 100% natural oils of: Apricot, Bergamot, Grapes, Geranium, Olive, Peach, Cedar Wood, Almond, Sprouted Wheat, Wormwood, Neroli.
COUNTER INDICATIONS: Individual intolerance of separate components of the cream.
Nourishes and moisturizes skin. Helps prevent negative effects of the surrounding environment on the skin.
APPLICATION: Apply a thin layer on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.
Store in cool, dark place.
Morning Procedure: Wash the face with warm water and Cleansing Facial Wash. Wipe the face with Facial Mist and Toner. Apply a thin layer of cream. After 10 minutes use a cleanex to remove the remaining cream from the skin of the face.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Creme-Balm: Nighttime Facial
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin, natural Beeswax, 100% natural Propolis, 100% natural oils of: Thyme, Lavender, Jojobas, Sea-buckthorn, Olive, Peach, Almond, Tea Tree, Rose, Grape, Cedar Wood, Sprouted Wheat.
COUNTER INDICATIONS: Individual intolerance of separate components of the cream.
Works during sleep and helps accelerate skin's own nightly renewal process. Helps keep skin strong and looking better.
APPLICATION: Apply a thin layer on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.
Store in cool, dark place.
Evening Procedure: Wash the face with warm water and Cleansing Facial Wash. Wipe the face with Facial Mist and Toner. Apply a thin layer of cream. After 10 minutes use a cleanex to remove the remaining cream from the skin of the face.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Creme-Balm: Fresh Feet
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin, natural Beeswax, 100% natural Propolis, 100% natural Mummy, 100% natural oils of: Sea-buckthorn, Basil, Tea Tree, Grapes, Sprouted Wheat.
COUNTER INDICATIONS: Individual intolerance of separate components of the cream.
Deodorises, moisturises and softens the skin. Helps improve condition of the feet.
APPLICATION: Apply a thin layer on thoroughly cleansed skin of the feet.
Store in cool, dark place.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Toothpaste with Cedar Nut Flour and Cedar Nut Shell
Kedra Toothpaste is a good choice. Produced with *Siberian cedar nut oil, Siberian cedar resin and Siberian cedar wood essential oil to keep your mouth feeling fresh and you feeling confident throughout the day.
*Siberian cedar or Siberian Pine - Pinus sibirica.
Suggested Use: Brush teeth thoroughly with Kedra toothpaste after meals or at least twice daily.
Ingredients: 100% natural Siberian cedar nut oil, 100% natural Siberian cedar wood essential oil, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut shell, 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian cedar resin, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut flour, 100% natural Siberian cedar glycerin, water, cellulose gum.
Contains no fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar, or synthetic chemicals or colors.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Toothpaste with Siberian Cedar Nut Oil and Mint Essential Oil
Kedra Toothpaste is a good choice. Produced with *Siberian cedar nut oil, Siberian mint essential oil and Siberian cedar wood essential oil to keep your mouth feeling fresh and you feeling confident throughout the day.
*Siberian cedar or Siberian Pine - Pinus sibirica.
Suggested Use: Brush teeth thoroughly with Kedra toothpaste after meals or at least twice daily.
Ingredients: 100% natural Siberian cedar nut oil, 100% natural Siberian cedar wood essential oil, 100% natural Siberian cedar nut shell, 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian cedar resin, 100% natural Siberian mint essential oil, 100% natural Siberian cedar glycerin, water, cellulose gum.
Contains no fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, sugar, or synthetic chemicals or colors.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Resin of Siberian Cedar with Sea Buckthorn Berry
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin. 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian sea-buckthorn berry flour.
No preservatives, 100% Natural Chewing Gum.
Keep Refrigerated.
Directions: Warm up the product in the mouth for 5-8 seconds. Chew for 15-20 minutes after meals or whenever you want to. Safe if used frequently.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Resin of Siberian Cedar with Cranberry
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin. 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cranberry flour.
No preservatives, 100% Natural Chewing Gum.
Keep Refrigerated.
Directions: Warm up the product in the mouth for 5-8 seconds. Chew for 15-20 minutes after meals or whenever you want to. Safe if used frequently.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Resin of Siberian Larch with Propolis
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Larch resin. 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Propolis.
No preservatives, 100% Natural Chewing Gum.
Keep Refrigerated.
Directions: Warm up the product in the mouth for 5-8 seconds. Chew for 15-20 minutes after meals or whenever you want to. Safe if used frequently.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here

Resin of Siberian Cedar with Bilberry
INGREDIENTS: 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Cedar resin. 100% natural, wild harvested Siberian Bilberry flour.
No preservatives, 100% Natural Chewing Gum.
Keep Refrigerated.
Directions: Warm up the product in the mouth for 5-8 seconds. Chew for 15-20 minutes after meals or whenever you want to. Safe if used frequently.
Click here to go to our online store
For more great articles go here
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I have and have read all seven books. My daughter and her husband have started reading them and I have lost Vol. #2. I am purchasing a replacement in this order. I loved the books... inspiring...
Thank you so much.
* * *
I've heard so much about you and have one of your books. Since I'm disabled, this is something I can do and believe in at the same time. I'll be looking forward to see what you have in the catalog and any info you can send. I want to share it with a friend of mine. . .
Celestial Blessings!
Ava StBlancard
* * *
I am reading the series, now on book 4 and I am taking/learning a lot from it...
Marion, Crawford, UK.
* * *
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to thank all of you for all the fine work you have done. Your books and website are bring a very need message to the planet.
I live in San Diego, California and try to talk to as many people about your work as possible.
Keep going!
In Joy & Light,
Annette Fritz
Hi Folks, At the age of 57 I am bound to have had some health problems, however taking 1 wooden desert spoon and the same amount of cedar nuts I feel fitter, with more energy now than when I was 30 years of age. The oil and nuts are amazing.
* * *
I received my pendant a few days ago now and from the first night wearing it i could feel lighter in my body, no stress, no heaviness. It was also easier to access loving energy whereas before i used to have to meditate to feel *whole*. With treating pain, i didn't feel like it took it completely away, though i felt a *fighting feeling* going on, like it was trying to diminish the pain, which in that took most of it away.
I feel naked without wearing the pendant now, i never take it off..
Thankyou so much for making these available to the world :)
* * *
Dear Friends,
I have received my package of Cedar Nut Oils, Spoons and Cedar Pendants, which I will share with my friend. Thank you.
I have already started using the oil externally and internally and have found several benefits. I will send you another email to explain this. I am very happy. I will say, however, that within 15 minutes of applying the oil to my face, chest and throat, my emotional feelings completely changed. I became happier and joyful as though a negative oppression was lifted from off me.
Maria Rainback
Melbourne, Australia
WOW! Just received the products.
What a fast service !!!
Thank you so much !
* * *
Your web site is very good, the information is terrific!
Best Regards,
* * *
We just wanted to let you know that we are very impressed with the high degree of service that you and your team have given us.
Ben Johnson
UK |

RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official
literary agent of Vladimir Megre.

This is the official message to publishers and editors.
Dear Publisher:
We are inviting you to participate in the interesting project of publishing the books of the writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre.
Vladimir Megre's books embody the human striving for harmony with oneself, the nature that surrounds us, and society. His books have been translated into more than 20 of the world's languages, more than 11 million copies have been printed, the books are international bestsellers.
All Vladimir Megre's works were originally written in Russian.
If you are interested in translating the books into one of the available languages and publishing it in the appropriate country, we are prepared to consider your proposal and give you an answer within a period of three days.
Our requirements:
1) |
The translator from Russian to the selected language must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. |
2) |
The fundamental meaning of the works or any part of that meaning may not be changed or abbreviated in the translation. |
3) |
Professional design work. |
4) |
The presence of a distribution network or a professional business plan. |
Some of the existing translations of the Ringing Cedars book series can be found on the Ringing Cedars Information page
Sincerely yours,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Hindi Translator (India).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Hindi for the creation of a Hindi translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Looking for a Translator to Mandarin (China).
Dear Friends!
The company "Ringing Cedars LTD." is searching for a translator from Russian to Mandarin for the creation of a Chinese translation of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series. The translator must be highly qualified, with wide experience in prose and poetry styles. If you would like to participate in this project please send us your profile to contact@secure.ringingcedarsofrussia.org. If you have contacts of such a translator referals are highly appreciated.
With all Respect,
Rights Department
Official representative of Vladimir Megre

Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 128 Main St, Montville, QLD, 4560, Australia Phone number: 61 7 5478 5889
Email: capricorndancer@live.com.au
Title: Kins Village forming in Australia User classifieds ad:
A dedicated and soul-connected group is now coming together. Land has called us and we have answered with our intent to conjointly create a Ringing Cedars Village in Australia. If you would like to know more or feel inspired to join us, please visit our 'kins ecovillage' Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=29741621717 or email Radha or Chris at christocolegmail.com

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near & far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
This Classifieds column is created specifically for the announcements related to the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" Movement (please view example below). If you wish to submit your message please fill out the form below and click "Submit" .
Thank you for your attention,
The Earth online newspaper.
(Note: The Administration of The Earth online newspaper reserves the right to review all of the announcements. There are no guarantees that your message will be posted. )
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Earnest request to authors of articles and scientific works to please send your materials to us to the address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Articles" . Upon a separate agreement your works may be published in the internet newspaper "The Earth" , in separate collections, in the Resource Library of the Source of Life Association, and on the pages of the websites devoted to the "Ringing Cedars" movement.
Also you can open a tread on a forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://www.ringingcedarsforum.com/index.php and publish your works.
We value your work greatly and consider publication activity one of the highest priorities.
Please send your works of art, poems, songs, and paintings, inspired by the books of Vladimir Megre to the following address info@earthlife.info with a subject "Art" . Best ones will be published in "The Earth" Newspaper. Also, you can open a thread in the ART OF SOUL section of the forum devoted to readers of Vladimir Megre, at http://www.ringingcedarsforum.com/index.php and publish your works.
For a possible answer to your question we advise you to review with the content of the internet conferences held by Vladimir Megre for the readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series of books and our Frequently Asked Questions.
You can direct your questions to the Letter Department of theearth.ringingcedarsofrussia.org website. Your question will be answered within 7 business days.
Thank you for your attention,
The Earth online newspaper.

Editorial Staff
Publisher - EarthLife.info
Newsroom - Arthur Grom; Petr Kornev
Editor - Viktor Rod
Editorail Board - Igor Borodenko; Arthur Grom |
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Mailing Address
130 Church Street Suit 366
New York, NY
Contact by phone:
Tel: 646 - 429 - 1985 ext. 720
Tel: 1 - 877 - TO - CEDAR (862 - 3327)
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