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 This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains. 1. Children's Upbringing and Education: 2. Meaning of Food in Our Lives 3. Health, Natural Methods of Health Improvement
4. Ecological Farming, Permaculture
5. Green Construction, Eco-friendly Technologies

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Sculptures of animals from shavings of Siberian cedar
Everyone who turns up in Sergey Bobkov's studio gets the feeling that he or she is in a forest! And this is all due to the fact that this talented Russian sculptor creates diverse kinds of very realistic works using shavings of Siberian cedar and his golden hands. "It's not interesting to do what everyone else can do. It is far more interesting to create something from nothing," says Sergey.
To begin, Sergey planes off a fine shaving from the cedar. Each piece is equal to approximately 5–8 cm. Then he soaks the wood in water.
Further, the master carves out these pieces by hand so that in texture and shape they resemble the figures of animals, which he chooses earlier.
In order to make an accurate representation of any animal, Sergey studies its anatomy, habits, and movements, and only then begins a new project.
The result of his painstaking work are these amazing and very realistic animals.
Sergey spends 10 to 12 hours a day on an individual sculpture.
And the completion of each animal may take several months.
In total, Sergey has already made 15 life-size wooden sculptures of animals.
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Our First Experience and Life in our Kin's Domain
We arrived on our hectare in Russia on 26 June 2010, in our Toyota Estima (a minivan), packed to the brim, from Almaty in Kazakhstan. We, that is, Slava and I (Yulya) and our children: five of them from three-and-a-half to fifteen years old. We drove through all of Kazakhstan, then Chelyabinsk, and so on, past Krasnodar directly to our hectare in the settlement of Rodniki.
Our trip took place over the course of six days—it was in fact difficult and perhaps to a greater degree morally rather than physically. The reason was that, in fact, we arrived to find ourselves in "field conditions" with our children, from a comfortable home, having driven approximately six thousand kilometres.
We arrived at dinner-time at the field, where the grass grew to shoulder height, where there were swarms of mosquitoes and a fairly decent rain was falling (though it was warm and pleasant), moreover it turned out that it had been raining here for more than one day, and everything was simply so soaked that we literally "slipped and slid" in our overloaded car on the road and grass. But we were so exhausted that we wanted simply to stop, to sleep on an even area, and recover from the endless road. But, it was not to be! We wanted to eat even more than sleep. We had to make a fire when everything all around was completely soaked through. Slava indeed made a fire! We cooked supper. The children were obviously stressed, they could not at all believe that we were going to live here. Slava and I basically had to set up our entire tent camp ourselves, while the children sat in the car and watched us.
We finished supper and clambered into the tents to sleep, but the night was not very peaceful either: a choir of nocturnal denizens, in the form of crying birds and all sorts of "invisible creatures," the patter of rain on the tent, the wind, etc. In general, a complete collection of the sounds of nature, sounds that you do not even suspect exist when you sleep in a house.
We prepared kasha and soups over the fire. Food cooked over the fire had a special taste and was extremely filling.
We began to construct an adobe house. We mixed the adobe with our feet, and placed it on the walls in rows. The children carried the adobe and passed it on, my husband and I lay down the walls. The foundation was stone, the thickness at the base of the outer wall was 60 cm.
After several days, we realized that milk was obviously lacking in our diet, because where we came from we always got fresh cow milk from our neighbors. We began to discuss this subject between ourselves, and the thought occurred to us that we needed a goat so that each day we would at least have some milk. And "suddenly," in about a week, our neighbors in the settlement were offering us, absolutely free of charge, an adult milch goat. We, of course, accepted this gift with much gratitude.
I had to learn in a hurry how to milk intuitively. Slava and I approached the goat together. We decided that Slava would attempt to milk her, since he grew up in the countryside, while I had just seen a goat's udder for the first time in my life.
While I was naive, the goat did not even let Slava touch its udder. It fell to me to "torment" the goat under my husband's verbal directions. After three to five days, I began to sense with my hands how and where I had to squeeze the teats, with what frequency, etc.
Once in the summer, Slava and I let it slip between ourselves that it would be "good to eat at least an egg with tea and kasha for breakfast." We discussed this and realized that our strict vegetarianism had begun to put a real strain on us, given the heavy physical work in constructing the adobe house, and we decided to get some hens.
Literally after a couple of days, while travelling for vegetables to the nearest village, along the road we noticed a sign about the sale of birds, knocked at the gate, and met the owner. And we bought "adult chickens" from her. The owner assured us that they would begin to lay eggs in September at the latest, but should start earlier.
Although we did not eat our own eggs either in the summer or even in the autumn, we stuffed ourselves in the summer with the tastiest pond fish.
Our tent camp was very visible all summer from the country road running along the forest, along which, at least someone, at least once a day, drove past. And so after our decision about ending our "strict vegetarianism," the next day a silver jeep suddenly stopped in front of us, the driver emerged, called Slava, opened the trunk, and just like that made a gift to us of two large fish, each of which weighed 10 kg if not more!
We gratefully accepted this gift! And we ate this fish fried and boiled for several days, and stuffed ourselves "to the gills."
The children probably had a "life realization crisis" that summer. We had to discuss so many diverse vital topics with them, but we think that this summer school taught them a great many lessons and dispelled many of the false but beautiful images of civilization. In the summer, they considered themselves the unhappiest children in the world, while in the autumn they eagerly told us with pride and laughter that their classmates at school were envious of them because they had lived all summer in tents, made fires several times a day in any weather, and prepared food themselves over the fire, and built a house with their parents, and grew melons themselves in their own gardens, etc.
At the end of September, the weather abruptly turned cold, dark clouds began to gather in the morning, a strong north wind was blowing, and Slava, on his return from school, said that the children should be taken to the house. That's what we did - we took them - we helped them a little to begin setting up their living conditions, daily schedule, duties, etc. - their independent life in the field helped the children very much. And the children lived on their own for almost two months. We stayed in the field and, as much as possible, finished building, finished planting, did everything that was still able to be done in the cold, piercing wind, when our legs and hands froze if we stood still.
For the new year, we decided that it was necessary to buy pedigree goats - Saanens - one such goat gives five litres of milk a day. We found the only old thoroughbred farm that bred certified Saanens goats. We bought Manka, a sweetheart of a goat, and then immediately the purebred goat Byashka.
So, in the spring we moved into our adobe house, and continued to engage in farming and setting up the domain. In addition, to increase the fertility of the land we began single-mindedly to engage in biohumus and purchased source eggs for red Californian worms. In the summer, we built several water troughs and raised bees.
The money we brought with us ran out a year ago. In the spring, we sold eggs and chicks. In the summer and autumn we obtained supplies from the harvests of local farmers and made home-made pickles and jams from them; we bake our own bread.
We earn by selling seedlings, sprigs and heirloom seeds of farden plants, chickens, goatlings, infant rabbits, biohumus and source eggs for red Californian worms. Note, we do not sell animals to be used as food.
We plant in our garden sweet peppers, semi-spicy peppers, heirloom tomatoes, zucchinis, cabbages, napas, ginger, garlic, heirloom sinapises, heirloom yellow corn, red corn, herloom cucumbers, potatos, daikons, squash, cantaloops and waremelons.
The greens are: sorrel, lettuce, green onion, dill and parsley.
The fruit trees bushes are: apple tree, pear tree, peach, black currant, dogberry tree and grapes.
We are still half-way on the road to the construction of a fully-fledged, self-sufficient domain, but the land is already sharing its abundance with us.
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Kin's Settlement "Ruzhichevo"
In the Ukraine there is a little village called Ruzhichevo. It is located on the shores of two lakes surrounded by woods on three sides, by a steppe on the fourth, on the border of Cherkassy and Kirovograd Oblasts.
There are many diverse animals and birds in the forest and lakes, while the orchards and gardens yield rich harvests of fruits and berries, vegetables and spices.
In the neighboring forests and in the meadows there are many mushrooms and berries, wild medicinal herbs and flowers.
We have been living in Ruzhichevo since 2006 and setting up our kin's domains - our beloved Homeland, the place for all the generations of our Family to follow.
There are old fruit trees growing on our parcels: apricots, walnut-trees, mulberries, pear trees, plum trees, apple trees, damson trees and wild cherries.
The new planted bushes of grapes, hawthornberries, shadberries, chokeberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries already have been bearing fruits.
All this food gives us and all who eat it the invaluable health benefits.
We make preserves for ourselves with our supplies, since we always grow to have a harvest with a surplus.
If anyone is interested, we can lay in stock for approximately another three families.
In the winter, we devote our time to creative endeavors.
We like to engage in Petrykivka painting, write songs and poems, plait with willow branches, embroider, knit, make toys and articles from wood, draw, and make besoms; we are interested in mastering new crafts; we read and learn.
Everything that we have today is the result of our daily work.
And the harvest that is grown and prepared with love, and all the work that is done with creative inspiration, we do from the heart and try to achieve a high quality.
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Ringing Cedars Of Russia's Facebook Community
Ringing Cedars of Russia has created Official Facebook community, which allows Ringing Cedars' friends to share knowledge and ideas, instantly interact with other members, and receive occasional news and updates.
Please fill free to engage in social discussion or leave feedback on our "Wall". The "Wall" section will be periodically updated to include the latest news on variety of health related topics.
For those who have already joined, we appreciate your show of support and interest in our work. Help us spread the word and expand our community further; by recommending our Facebook page to your family and friends.
Poetry, art, music, photography and anything else that flows from the heart.

Art by Various Artists
"Kin's Domain" by unknown

To Anastasia with Light, Love and Gratitude from Theresa Rose: |
Nature glows within my garden,
where I pour my soul and heart in,
Anastasia, your wisdom teaches me
that Nature is God Energy.
The rich happy soil caresses my toes,
sun rays reach down and tickle my nose,
The birds sing sweet songs, bees dance on sprite flowers,
I lose track of time, of the minutes and hours....
The blue skies and breezes enchant my dear garden,
where I sow my intentions, my soul and my heart in.
~by Theresa Rose~ |

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please send us your poetry and art inspired by Anastasia ideas. The best will be published in our monthly online Newsletter and Facebook. We accept your artworks at
This section is devoted to the information that will be useful in the creation of a Kin's Domains.
Scientists: Brain Wave Patterns Show Unborn Children Recognize Words in the Womb
by Steven Ertelt
Babies learn to recognize words and sounds in the womb, scientists say. And the baby does so well at recognizing the words that he or she has memories of them after birth, research shows.
It may seem implausible that fetuses can listen to speech within the womb, but the sound-processing parts of their brain become active in the last trimester of pregnancy, and sound carries fairly well through the mother's abdomen. "If you put your hand over your mouth and speak, that's very similar to the situation the fetus is in," says cognitive neuroscientist Eino Partanen of the University of Helsinki. "You can hear the rhythm of speech, rhythm of music, and so on."
A 1988 study suggested that newborns recognize the theme song from their mother's favorite soap opera. More recent studies have expanded on the idea of fetal learning, indicating that newborns already familiarized themselves with sounds of their parent's native language; one showed that American newborns seem to perceive Swedish vowel sounds as unfamiliar, sucking on a high-tech pacifier to hear more of the new sounds. Swedish infants showed the same response to English vowels.
But those studies were based on babies' behaviors, which can be tricky to test. Partanen and his team decided instead to outfit babies with EEG sensors to look for neural traces of memories from the womb. "Once we learn a sound, if it's repeated to us often enough, we form a memory of it, which is activated when we hear the sound again," he explains. This memory speeds up recognition of sounds in the learner's native language and can be detected as a pattern of brain waves, even in a sleeping baby.
The team gave expectant women a recording to play several times a week during their last few months of pregnancy, which included a made-up word, "tatata," repeated many times and interspersed with music. Sometimes the middle syllable was varied, with a different pitch or vowel sound. By the time the babies were born, they had heard the made-up word, on average, more than 25,000 times. And when they were tested after birth, these infants' brains recognized the word and its variations, while infants in a control group did not, Partanen's group reports online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Babies who had heard the recordings showed the neural signal for recognizing vowel and pitch changes in the pseudoword, and the signal was strongest for the infants whose mothers played the recording most often. They were also better than the control babies at detecting other differences in the syllables, such as vowel length. "This leads us to believe that the fetus can learn much more detailed information than we previously thought," Partanen says, and that the memory traces are detectable after birth.
Research shows babies can distinguish between their native language and foreign languages when they're just a few hours old. A study earlier this year found that and suggests they start absorbing language before birth.
The report shows sensory and brain mechanisms for hearing develop by 30 weeks of the gestational age. The study's authors said the unborn child starts listening to the mother's voice during the last 10 weeks of pregnancy.
"The mother has first dibs on influencing the child's brain," said the University of Washington's Patricia Kuhl, co-author of the study. "The vowel sounds in her speech are the loudest units and the fetus locks onto them."
"This is the first study that shows fetuses learn prenatally about the particular speech sounds of a mother's language," said Christine Moon, lead author. "This study moves the measurable result of experience with speech sounds from six months of age to before birth."
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Parents' Singing to Fetus and Newborn Enhances Their Well-being, Parent-Infant Attachment, and Soothability
by Penny Simkin
People have sung to their babies forever. Every culture has lullabies and children's songs that are passed down through the generations. New ones are written and shared and the custom goes on –a rich part of the fabric of human civilization. These songs are designed to relax babies, calm their fears, or entertain and amuse them throughout childhood. As we have learned more about the life and capabilities of the fetus, we have realized that the fetus can hear clearly for months before birth, and also can discriminate sounds and develop preferences for some sounds over others. Furthermore, at birth, newborns respond to familiar sounds by becoming calm and orienting toward the source of the sound, and even indicate their preferences for familiar voices and words over the unfamiliar.
Newborn babies prefer their parents' and other familiar voices over those of strangers (1), and they prefer hearing a story that their mother had read frequently in utero rather than an unfamiliar story or the familiar one read by someone other than their mother (2). Fetuses hear, remember, have preferences, respond to, and discriminate among differences — in sounds, music, voices.
These exciting findings have inspired educators to advocate prenatal learning through recordings played through a mother's abdomen (of languages, music, and other things). They have inspired birth activists and baby advocates to provide a safe enriching environment for the fetus. Advocates of prenatal bonding emphasize communication between parent and unborn child as a powerful way to strengthen the bond.
I'd like to offer my take on this phenomenon and urge everyone who works with expectant parents to tell them about some unique and heart-warming benefits of singing or reciting rhymes to their unborn babies.
I think my interest in parents singing to their babies prenatally began in the 1980s when I first read Michel Odent's book, "Birth Reborn"(3). Odent is a French physician who has always been ahead of his time. He had a unique and original maternity care program at his hospital in Pithiviers, France. His book had a great influence on my understanding of normal birth, and the book is still worth reading today, along with all his subsequent ones. One lovely aspect of his program is particularly relevant to the topic of this blog post. The program included a weekly singing group at the hospital, attended by pregnant women, their partners, families with young babies, the midwives, and Odent himself. The group was led by an opera singer who believed singing to be important for fetuses, babies and those who care for them. Odent's account inspired me to invite Jamie Shilling, a folk singer who had recently taken my birth class, to bring her guitar and her baby to my classes a half hour early each week and sing with the expectant parents. That went on very successfully for several class series, then the groups decided to combine and carry on in a monthly sing- along for expectant parents and new families, in a private home –Although the groups eventually disbanded, they provided many parents with opportunities to sing together and connect with their babies and each other in relaxing and peaceful surroundings. A high point during that time was when Michel Odent came to Seattle to give a conference and he agreed to come to one of our sing-alongs. See the photo of Jamie leading the group of expectant and new parents, with Michel Odent and myself participating. He taught us the song, "Little Black Cat" in French.
I couldn't help but think during those times, how the unborn and new babies must love hearing their parents singing. Seeing the parents caressing the mother's belly as they sang was heartwarming. That happened in the mid- 1980s, when much research on the capabilities of the unborn and newborn baby was beginning to be published. Recalling those special gatherings, I have always suggested to my students in childbirth class that they sing to their unborn babies, or play their favorite recorded music, with the thought that the baby will remember it and be soothed by it after birth.
But it was one couple, whom I served as a birth doula, who took my suggestion to another level, and showed me much more about the value of singing to the unborn baby. They were having their second child, hoping for a VBAC. When they discovered that they were having a boy, they decided to give their baby the song, "Here Comes the Sun" and sang it to him often during pregnancy. The VBAC was not possible, and as the cesarean was underway, and the baby boy, crying lustily, was raised for the parents to see, the father began belting out the baby's song. Though the mother didn't have a strong voice under the circumstances, she also sang. The baby turned his head, turned his face right toward his father and calmed down while his father sang. Time stopped. As I looked around the operating room, I saw tears appear on the surgical masks.
It's a moment I'll never forget, and it was that event that taught me the value, not only of singing prenatally, but also, singing the same song every day. Not only does the baby hear his or her parents' voices, not only does he or she hear music, but the baby also gets to know one song very well. Familiarity adds another feature to this concept, because we know that fetuses have memory and prefer the familiar. Think for a moment about what this might have meant to our cesarean-born baby –suddenly being removed from the warmth, wetness, and dimness of the womb with its mother's reassuring heartbeat, into the cold bright noisy operating room. The baby's transition to extrauterine life is hectic and full of new sensations. He cries reflexively, but perhaps also out of shock and discomfort. Then he hears something familiar – voices and music and the sounds of words that he has heard many times before – something he likes. He calms down, and seeks the source of this familiar song. Everyone present is moved by this gift to the baby from his parents.
I've become passionate about this idea as a way to enhance bonding between parents and babies, but also as a unique and very practical measure for soothing a fussing baby or a sick baby who can't be held or breastfed.
What is the research evidence for postnatal benefits to parents or babies of singing to the baby before birth?
- Fetuses can sense audio vibrations and rhythms early in pregnancy. Later in pregnancy they hear and distinguish various sounds.
- They recognize their parents' voices after birth
- Newborns prefer their parents' voices over the voices of strangers
- Repetitive prenatal reading of one story by one parent every day for weeks results in the newborn's recognition of and preference for that story.
- Fetuses respond to music by calming, becoming active, changes in FHR (depending on the music)
- Premature babies are calmed by calming music.
- Newborns and young babies are calmed by familiar music, as demonstrated by the universal use of lullabies.
Combining these findings, a proposal
In light of all that has been learned about babies, I think we can combine it all into a simple approach to enhance bonding, soothe the baby, empower parents with their own unique tool that no one else, even the experts, can do as well as they. (8) I propose that we who provide care and education for expectant parents urge them to do the following at around 30-32 weeks' gestation (or earlier or later):
Simple steps to singing to the baby in utero and after birth
- Choose a song that you like and is easy for you to sing. It might be a lullaby or a children's song, but it does not have to be. It can be one of your favorite songs or a popular song of the day.
- Sing it every day. Both parents can sing it together, but each of you should also sing it alone much of the time. It can be played with a musical instrument some of the time, but it also should be played without an instrument much of the time.
- When your baby is born, after the initial lung-clearing cry, sing the song to your baby. The baby can be in your arms or with a nurse in the warmer. If your baby is crying, try to sing close to his/her ear or loud enough that he/she can hear it at least during the pauses to take a breath.
- Continue singing it every day, especially during times when your baby is crying (and has been fed; don't use it as a substitute for feeding!)
- Sing it when bathing or diapering your baby, when soothing or helping your baby go to sleep.
- Sing it when your baby is upset and you can't pick her up, such as when driving in the car and you can't stop or take the baby out of the car seat; or at a checkup if the doctor is doing something painful.
If parents feel they can't sing or are too embarrassed to do it, I suggest choosing a poem that has a nice rhythmic meter, and recite that to the baby. I recommend Mother Goose Rhymes or poems in books by AA Milne, such as "When We Were Very Young" and "Now We Are Six;" or Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and others.
In conclusion, when parents sing one (or possibly a few) songs repeatedly to their child, before and after birth, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a unique, meaningful and fun connection with their baby. The child already knows and loves the song as sung by his/her parents more than any other song, sung by anyone else. Parents always have their voice with them and can use it to comfort, soothe, and play with their child for years to come. Parents have the opportunity prenatally to give their baby a gift that becomes a gift for them as well.
Singing to the baby before and after birth is a lovely and very special thing to do. Would you consider introducing this ritual to your students, clients and patients? Have you already done so? How has it been received? Do you have any stories about parents who have practiced this connection? Please share in the comments section, I would love to hear about it. If we all get the word out to expectant families, it could have a very positive impact.
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Singing to The Baby
Chinese Poultry Processors Will Be Allowed To Export Meat To The U.S., USDA Rules
by Rachel Tepper
Where do chicken nuggets come from? The answer may not be straightforward following the Department of Agriculture's announcement on Friday that it has approved four Chinese poultry processors to begin shipping meat to the U.S.
According to The New York Times, the poultry that processors are allowed to ship will initially be restricted to cooked meat from birds raised in the U.S. But critics worry that the rules will change in the future, opening the door for poultry raised and slaughtered in China -- a country notorious for its food safety problems -- to be shipped to the U.S.
Among those critics is Tony Corbo, a senior lobbyist for the advocacy group Food and Water Watch. "This is the first step towards allowing China to export its own domestic chickens to the U.S.," he told the Times.
Corbo has reason to be concerned; in the last months alone, Chinese police discovered an illegal food smuggling plot to sell 46-year-old chicken feet treated with bleach, a criminal ring accused of selling rat and fox meat as lamb and abnormally high levels of cadmium, a metal that can cause cancer and other illnesses, in rice sold in Guangzhou restaurants.
Also troubling, an explosion at a Chinese poultry factory in June killed at least 119 people, and concerns over avian flu remain rampant. Earlier this year, 20,000 birds were euthanized after the human death toll in China rose to six.
Unlike other meat imported to the U.S., the poultry shipped by Chinese processors will not require point-of-origin labeling. Under USDA rules, the labeling does not apply to foods that have been cooked.
"Consumers will have no way to tell if those chicken nuggets in the supermarket freezer were processed in the U.S. or in China," writes Bloomberg correspondent Adam Minter. Moreover, the USDA will not require its own regulators to supervise the processors on premises.
Point-of-origin labeling is relatively new in the U.S. (new rules went into effect and May), but has proved unpopular with meat producers. In July, industry groups filed a suit against the USDA, which charges that requiring more information about a product's origin on its label is too expensive and provides no benefit to public safety or health.
Read the USDA's full audit of the Chinese processors here.
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Why Vegan Diets Fail
Most people assume that vegan diets fail and cause people to become scrawny, emaciated, asexual, anemic, thin-haired, bloated, and frigid because it lacks animal products. Or protein. I'm not so sure. While we do seem to have a biological need for animal-sourced nutrients like vitamin B-12, and a big deficiency there will certainly cause some issues, my suspicions on why vegan diets (and all diets) so often yield a host of problems and symptoms lie elsewhere...
I have recently had the pleasure of working with a young guy in the vegan vlogging vurld. Yeah I know, that only narrows it down to several thousand vegans who like to celebrate their awesomeness in video format. He's a really good kid, smart, honest, and has had great success with weight loss (obviously, it's very difficult NOT to lose weight on a vegan diet).
But, as almost always happens, lots of low metabolism symptoms started to set in. Low metabolism symptoms are virtually the same as starvation symptoms, because starvation = reduced metabolic rate. Some of the more common symptoms (he experienced many of these but not all) are...
- Reduced sex drive and function (impotence, vaginal dryness)
- Hypogonadism (ball-shrinkage)
- Reduced body temperature
- Reduced rate of hair growth, and fingernail growth
- Dry skin (especially hands and lower legs)
- Delayed wound healing
- Hair loss
- Cold hands and feet
- Polyuria and nocturia (frequent urination in general, or at night)
- Dry mouth
- Gas and bloating
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Low blood pressure
- Constipation
- Brain fog
- Dizziness
- Light periods or absent periods (amennhorea)
- Insomnia
- Loss of strength
- Loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia)
- Anemia
But, without eating any animal products at all, Vegan Vloggie-Vlog (V3?) has seen body temperature surge over 98.6, facial hair growth accelerate, sex drive and function return (Tiger Wood?), strength and muscle mass increase considerably, urine frequency decrease, sleep improve, etc. – and just generally feeling warm all over and in the hands and feet as well, even in the dead of winter. In fact, V3 mentioned cruising around in my co-hometown (A little place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano) in January in light clothing and feeling toasty warm. And it's well-known that hands can get extremely cold in this locale in winter.
Anywho, I think starvation symptoms often arise on a vegan diet because vegan diets are naturally conducive to a spontaneous reduction in calorie intake, and, also significant, a reduced food to fluid ratio (more water content in proportion to calories). And, because of the lunacy that is promoted for good nutrition and health these days, all this combined together is a pretty deadly combination for the poor human metabolism.
A typical vegan will not only avoid all meat and dairy products, which makes the diet less enjoyable and spontaneously reduces calorie consumption, but in addition will often develop religiosity over "nutrients" as well. Nothing against vitamins and minerals, but by far the most important nutrient we obtain from food is calories – particularly as the metabolic rate and the systems that are influenced by it (all systems are influenced by it, if not flat-out controlled by it) are concerned.
With this obsession with nutrients comes the consumption of lots of fruits (tentatively – sugar is bad!), vegetables, juices, smoothies, green drinks, magic herbal teas, salads, sprouts, raw foods in general, and other things that are high in water and low in calories. Water is "good" and "essential" so another couple of liters (or in some cases gallons) get thrown in with that already excessive water intake from watery foods. This is extremely significant, as calories have to be concentrated enough to keep the metabolism functioning properly. Eat as much watermelon as you want, but it will progressively lower metabolic rate further and further the more you eat, due to the diluting effect of excess water (this concept is discussed in Eat for Heat).
And "salt" is taboo amongst the health-conscious, vegans and non-vegans alike, which is very significant in the context of excess fluid consumption.
The net result is usually a low-calorie diet with excess fluid consumption. Many of the calories that are consumed are in their less-concentrated and less-digestible raw form. Total Metabolism Suicide (TMS).
When health problems arise that are clearly attributable to a low metabolism/starvation, the typical course of action is to do a cleanse, fast, or detox protocol that usually depends on an even more extreme decrease of calories and increase in fluids. TMS Hypercharged!
If vegans do eat concentrated calories, it usually comes in the form of nuts and seeds rich in metabolism-suppressive linoleic acid. TMS Bonus.
While I'm not an advocate of a vegan diet, I could still accept someone eating that way if they managed to get in the appropriate amount of calories and were thriving in the basic areas of physiological competency – metabolic, digestive, sexual/reproductive, sleep, immune, and so forth.
If you are a vegan and this is all sounding about right to you, and those symptoms made you feel like I had somehow wiretapped your brain, try some dates, maple syrup, some well-salted yams and potatoes, lots of white rice and soy sauce, concentrated foods like chips, cookies, breads, pancakes, chocolate, and muffins (you probably already fight the urge to binge on these daily), calorie-rich fruits like bananas and mangoes, and enough coconut milk and coconut oil to make your food heavenly. And ditch the tea, water, and low-calorie green drinks. Have some fruit juice or even some soft drinks instead – but never more than you are thirsty for.
As your metabolic rate increases dramatically with these very simple changes, you should see the majority of those symptoms improve or disappear altogether. No cleanses, or heavy metal detoxes, or colonics, or supplements, or superfoods required. And you can remain vegan.
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Kristen Suzanne Ex Vegan
What Is Neural Plasticity?
Neural plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity and by a variety of other names, is the changing of the structure, function and organization of neurons, or nerve cells, in response to new experiences. It specifically refers to strengthening or weakening nerve connections or adding new nerve cells based on outside stimuli. These processes are responsible for learning, the formation of appropriate responses to external events and, in some cases, recovery from brain injury. Neural plasticity is among the most important aspects of the field of modern neuroscience and its study is leading to a better understanding of brain development, learning and the rehabilitation of brain-injured patients, among other things.
Neurons consist of a cell body, with one or more branched structures known as dendrites and a long, fiber-like extension, known as an axon. Dendrites mainly receive signals from sensory organs and other neurons. The axon sends signals to the dendrites of neighboring nerve cells via tiny gaps called synapses. Communication across these gaps is enabled by chemicals called neurotransmitters. There are three broad mechanisms by which neural plasticity can occur.
Anatomical changes involve physical alterations to neurons, such as axonal sprouting, where axons produce new nerve endings that connect to other pathways in the nervous system. This can strengthen existing connections or help repair parts of the nervous system by restoring damaged neural pathways to full functionality. Neurochemical changes can involve, for example, increasing or decreasing the production of neurotransmitters. Metabolic changes might involve fluctuations in the rates at which nutrients are consumed by parts of the brain.
Plasticity can also involve the removal of connections. Old neural pathways that have not been used for some time can die off. This process is known as synaptic pruning and enables neural connections that no longer serve any purpose to be removed, while more useful ones are strengthened.
Memory, Development and Learning
Neural plasticity is crucial to the development of the brain, the formation of memories and the ability to learn from experience. The brain needs the capacity to change and reorganize itself in order to store information and to arrive at the best responses to outside events. Particularly in the very early years, this involves the formation of many new connections and pathways. In a newborn baby, there are around 2,500 synapses for each neuron in the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer of the brain. During the first two to three years of life, this increases dramatically to about 15,000, but by adulthood, the number has decreased to about half that amount due to synaptic pruning, as unused pathways are removed.
Throughout life, the connections between the axons that send signals and the dendrites that receive them are being strengthened and weakened. If a particular connection is being used a lot, it will be strengthened. Possibly the surface area of the dendrite will be increased or more neurotransmitters will be produced. Conversely, if a connection is not used much, it may be weakened. In this way, the most important pathways are boosted.
It was once believed that neural plasticity only existed in very young individuals and that once neural pathways were formed, they were set and could not be altered. Modern brain study, however, has revealed that nerves continually rearrange themselves throughout the course of life. This is what makes humans able to adapt to a broad range of circumstances; the very physiology of the brain changes in response to experiences. New connections can form at any stage in life, in parallel with the pruning away of old, unused ones, enabling people to gain knowledge and pick up new skills even at an advanced age.
Recovery from Damage and Medical Applications
Because of the ability of nerve cells to restructure and reorganize themselves, damage to the brain or other aspects of the nervous system is not always permanent. Areas of healthy neurons can sometimes take over the functions of damaged parts. In this way, victims of brain injury or stroke have, in some cases, been able to recover at least part of the lost functionality.
As of 2013, a great deal of research is focusing on using neural plasticity for medical purposes. There are many different diseases of the brain and nerves that greatly impair the cognition, memory, mobility or other faculties of those who suffer from them. The partial natural recoveries experienced by some stroke and brain injury victims could possibly be extended and improved by medical intervention to guide the reorganization of neurons. Cerebral palsy and Alzheimer's disease are examples of brain disorders that could potentially be treated through guided neural plasticity. One possible area of future development is the use of neural stem cells to generate new nerve cells and pathways, a technique that might lead to successful treatments for a variety of brain disorders and injuries.
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Brain Exercise Provides Benefits at Any Age
by Dr. Mercola
There's good news for bookworms... or really anyone who enjoys reading, writing and other 'intellectual pursuits,' especially if you've been doing such activities since you were a kid.
Researchers revealed that engaging in cognitively stimulating activities both early and late in life is associated with slower late-life cognitive decline.
Stimulating Your Brain Throughout Life Provides Protection Later On
The research suggests that the sooner you start challenging your mind, the better, as those with more frequent cognitive activity over their lifespan fared the best, cognitively, in their later years. Researchers wrote:
"More frequent cognitive activity across the life span has an association with slower late-life cognitive decline that is independent of common neuropathologic conditions, consistent with the cognitive reserve hypothesis."
The cognitive reserve hypothesis suggests that people with greater cognitive abilities (education, knowledge, etc.) have better cognitive function later in life, and may even be able to delay some symptoms of dementia despite physical changes in the brain that would typically be related to such symptoms in others.
The latest study supports this hypothesis, as have many before it. One such study showed, for example, that mice with the rodent equivalent of Alzheimer's disease given high levels of cognitive activity throughout their lives were protected against memory impairment.2 The researchers noted:
" ... our data suggest that humans who emphasize a high lifelong level of cognitive activity (over and above social and physical activities) will attain the maximal environmental protection against AD [Alzheimer's disease]."
Your Brain: Use It or Lose It
Research into brain plasticity has proven that your brain continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity, which means that cognitive function can be improved, regardless of your age, and cognitive decline can be reversed.
However, if you don't sufficiently challenge your brain with new, surprising information, it eventually begins to deteriorate. In my interview with Dr. Michael Merzenich, professor emeritus at the University of California, who has pioneered research in brain plasticity (also called neuroplasticity) for more than 30 years, he explained:
"Generally, by the third or fourth decade in life, you're in decline. One of the things that happens across this period is that you go from a period of the acquisition of abilities to largely using those abilities that have been acquired earlier in life. By that I mean to say, the fundamental skills that you apply in your profession or in your everyday life are things you master, and you're doing them without thought.
To a large extent, you're operating most of your day without really being consciously engaged in the things you're doing... I've gone without really thinking very much about the physical acts of driving. I'm substantially disengaged.
This has been contributed to substantially by modern culture. Modern culture is all about taking out surprises... to basically reduce the stimulation in a sense on one level, so that we could engage ourselves in sort of an abstract level of operations. We're no longer interested in the details of things. We're no longer interested in resolving the details of what we see or hear or feel, and our brains slowly deteriorate."
What research into brain plasticity shows us, however, is that by providing your brain with appropriate stimulus, you can counteract this degeneration. A key factor or ingredient necessary for improving brain function or reversing functional decline is the seriousness of purpose with which you engage in a task. In other words, the task must be important to you, or somehow meaningful or interesting — it must hold your attention. Rote memorization of nonsensical or unimportant items will not stimulate your brain to create new neurons, for instance, but learning how to play a musical instrument that you've always dreamed of playing will.
Even Drinking Water May Boost Your Cognitive Performance
Your brain function is extremely vulnerable to your lifestyle choices (just try to complete a mentally challenging task after a lousy night's sleep...). What you eat, for example, has an immense impact on your brain, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan will best support your mental and physical health. But what you drink is also important, especially if you don't drink enough.
Mild dehydration has been linked to declines in brain function, and new research showed that people who were allowed to drink water before a reaction time test responded up to 14 percent faster than those who were not.3 People who said they felt thirsty were particularly likely to react faster after drinking water, so if you're thirsty and you need a quick mental boost, try drinking a glass of water.
'Brain Games' to Boost Your Brain Function
If you're wondering what you can do to effectively challenge your brain, it doesn't have to be as extensive as learning a new language or other skill. Simply reading and writing were found to be beneficial in the first study mentioned above, for instance, as has playing word games like crossword puzzles.
Another option that is becoming increasingly popular today is 'brain games' which you can play online via Web sites like Dr. Merzenich has also developed a computer-based brain-training program that can help you sharpen a range of skills, from reading and comprehension to improved memorization and more. The program is called Brain HQ, and the website has many different exercises designed to improve brain function and it also allows you to track and monitor your progress over time. While there are many similar sites on the Web, Brain HQ is one of the oldest and most widely used.
If you decide to try brain games, ideally it would be wise to invest at least 20 minutes a day, but no more than five to seven minutes is to be spent on a specific task. When you spend longer amounts of time on a task, the benefits weaken. According to Dr. Merzenich, the primary benefits occur in the first five or six minutes of the task.
5 More Tips to Strengthen Your Cognitive Function
There are multiple strategies you can use on a daily basis, as part of your day-to-day lifestyle, to help maintain optimal brain fitness:
- Get 15-30 minutes of physical exercise each day, and while exercising, think about using your brain to control your actions. Exercising while listening to music has also been shown to prompt beneficial brain changes.
- Spend about five minutes every day working on the refinement of a specific, small domain of your physical body. Dr. Merzenich explains:
"That is to say, move in a very variable and controlled way – variable in speed, variable to reach a target, for example, with your big toe or your little finger. Do that every day. I do that in a systematic way, because I'm trying to maintain the fidelity of the neurological control movement. I know that I'm very much thinking about the feeling in my movements as I do that."
- Find ways to engage yourself in new learning as a continuous aspect of your life, such as taking on new hobbies and purposefully learning new skills.
- Stay socially engaged.
- Practice "mindfulness," in which you're attentively focusing on the world around you again, as if you're seeing it for the first time.
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Watch video: Dr. Mercola and Dr. Merzenich Discuss Brain Plasticity;
Heirloom Vegetables: 6 Advantages Compared to Hybrids
by Amanda Kimble-Evans
Once you've had the juice of a perfectly ripe, just-picked, sun-warmed heirloom tomato running down your chin, we'll bet a million bucks you'll never enjoy a bland, mealy, grocery store "tomato" ever again!
When you shop for vegetable seeds for your garden, there are two main types to choose from: modern hybrids or heirloom vegetable varieties. Hybrid seeds are created by crossing two selected varieties, sometimes resulting in vigorous plants that yield more than heirlooms. Heirloom vegetables are old-time varieties, open-pollinated instead of hybrid, and saved and handed down through multiple generations of families. Usually, they cost less than hybrid seeds. But there are more reasons than just seed prices to choose heirlooms.
Why Choose Heirloom Seeds?
1. Exceptional taste is the No. 1 reason many gardeners cite for choosing heirloom varieties.
Crinkly-crisp cone-head cabbages from Sicily, nutty Native American squash, your grandma's voluptuous deep red canning tomatoes — they all immediately invoke flavorful images for those who knew them in childhood and others who have discovered them.
"A lot of the breeding programs for modern hybrids have sacrificed taste and nutrition," says George DeVault, executive director of Seed Savers Exchange, the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to saving and sharing heirloom and other rare seeds. "The standard Florida tomato is a good example. Instead of old-time juicy tangy tomatoes, it tastes like cardboard. It was bred to be picked green and gas-ripened because that's what was needed for commercial growing and shipping."
Many heirloom vegetables have been saved for decades and even centuries because they are the best performers in home and market gardens. Ship-ability wasn't a concern so flavor could take a front seat, and it did. What direct-to-market farmer would survive if his cucumbers didn't taste as good as his neighbor's? Backyard gardeners rarely cart their produce cross-town much less cross-country. Even today, small market farmers don't usually transport their harvest in huge tractor trailers. There's no need to plant veggies bred to be tough when you can plant heirloom vegetables that are tender, sweet, juicy and just plain delicious.
2. Heirloom vegetables are likely to be more nutritious than newer varieties.
In addition to ship-ability, breeders and commercial growers have been steadily pushing for higher and higher yields. "But for home gardeners, a little difference in yield isn't a big deal," DeVault says. And even though hybrids may often outyield heirlooms, it turns out we're now paying a hidden cost for this emphasis on higher yields. Recent research has revealed that in many cases, newer vegetables and grains are significantly less nutritious than heirlooms.)
3. Many gardeners prefer heirloom vegetables because they are open-pollinated, which means you can save your own seed to replant from year to year.
"Seeds saved from heirloom vegetables will produce plants that are true to type, unlike hybrid seeds. If you try to save seed from hybrids, you usually won't get good results," says Andrew Kaiser, manager at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
Also, with heirloom vegetables you can choose what works best in your garden. If you save seeds from heirloom vegetables over several years, you can gradually select seeds from the plants that perform best in your local soil and climate. This will give you a seed strain that is more resistant to local pests and diseases. Plants are much more adaptable than most of us realize.
"Take a nice, old variety that has a lot of redeeming qualities, and select what performs well in your garden," DeVault says. "Save those seeds, and you can create your own locally adapted variety."
Locally-adapted heirlooms also fly in the face of one of the major criticisms vintage veggies endure. Are they really less resistant to pests and diseases? Again, there is a discrepancy between what works commercially and what works on a home or small scale. One hundred and fifty acres of French heirloom melons growing in Texas might be devastated by an infestation or illness, but when you're talking about small, diverse gardens and heirloom seeds that have been selected to grow well in that region, heirlooms may actually be a better choice. "Varieties that are localized tend to survive attacks by pests and disease quite well," Kaiser says. When you select and save seeds from the most successful heirloom vegetables from your garden, the more reliable those vegetables will become year after year. Not only do you get a better, locally adapted strain of a variety when you save you own seed; you also save money because you don't have to purchase new seeds every year, as is the case with hybrids.
4. The fourth advantage of heirloom vegetables is that they are "less uniform" than hybrids, which means they often don't ripen all at once.
Commercial growers love the uniformity of hybrids because they can pick the crop in one fell swoop. But for home gardeners, a gradual supply of fresh produce is usually preferable to the glut of the all-at-once harvest that many hybrids provide.
5. In catalogs and on seed racks, heirloom open-pollinated vegetables are almost always less expensive than hybrids.
On top of that, if you save your own seeds, the price drops to zero for the heirlooms.
6. Many heirlooms have wonderful stories of how they came to America.
In many cases, these heirloom vegetables have been grown for many centuries all around the world. What a great feeling — to be connected through tiny, magical seeds to so many other gardeners from so long ago!
Try Heirloom Vegetables in Your Backyard
To learn more about the history of heirloom vegetables and how to grow and cook with them, we highly recommend Heirloom Vegetable Gardening: A Master Gardener's Guide to Planting, Seed Saving and Cultural History by MOTHER EARTH NEWS contributing editor William Woys Weaver, which is now available on CD. And for heirloom vegetable mail-order seed catalogs with huge selections and glorious photos, top choices include the free catalogs from Seed Savers Exchange and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
Creating an heirloom that is perfectly suited for your particular garden can take years of seed saving and planting out. If you want immediate gratification, you can do a little legwork before selecting the variety of heirlooms you want to use. Ask around. Are there farmers at the local market who always have heirloom tomatoes or other gorgeous and unusual products? Talk to them about the varieties and what their experiences have been over the last few growing seasons. Dig into your family or community tree to see if any of your elders can recall names of varieties that grew well in the region or were particularly memorable. You may stumble across a gardener still growing a family heirloom.
"A particular variety can stay in a family for many generations and have quite a history," Kaiser says. "They can be passed down just like other heirlooms — like a grandfather clock."
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How to Collect and Store Heirloom Vegetable Seeds
by Chris McLaughlin
Collecting and storing seeds is the most important aspect of raising your own heirloom vegetables. Whether it's cucumbers, peas, tomatoes, or carrots, this guide will teach you how to collect and store the seeds you'll use for next year's harvest—and the seeds that you can share with friends and family.
Before You Begin
There are a few things to keep in mind when gathering your future crops:
- Only mature seeds will end up viable, so don't try to collect seeds from young fruits.
- Don't keep the seeds from a plant that has a disease. Not only could the disease remain on the seed, but the mother plant may be particularly susceptible to it, and you could be planting the same genetics for next year. Saving and planting diseased seed can also weaken the future line of the heirloom variety.
- Save seeds from several plants of the same variety to keep the gene pool strong.
- Seeds don't keep indefinitely. Every few years (depending on the species), the seeds need to be planted, the crop grown out, and the seeds collected once again.
There are two methods used to collect seeds from vegetables: the wet process and the dry process.
Wet Process
This technique is for collecting seeds from fleshy, pulpy fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers. Here's how you do it:
- Squeeze or scoop the insides of the vegetable into a container and leave it to ferment. (The process may look unsavory, but fermenting actually encourages seed germination later and kills some diseases.) In three to five days, the mixture will have completely fermented and mold will have formed over the mix. This is just fine.
- Take a large spoon and scoop as much of the mold-fungus off of the top of the seeds as you can. Add a lot of water into the container and swish everything around.
- Let everything settle in the container for a moment; you'll see that some of the seeds float and some of the seeds sink. It's the "sinkers" that are the keepers; these are the viable seeds.
- Pour off the rest of the debris and most of the water, being careful to keep the sinkers. Put the sinkers in a small-holed strainer or a screen-type strainer for rinsing. (Make be sure that the holes are smaller than the seeds you're cleaning!) This eliminates most of the mold and bacteria.
- Once the seeds are thoroughly rinsed, it's time to dry. Place the seeds in a netted bag and hang them in an airy place to dry. You can also put them on a tray or in a container on the counter or a shady windowsill. Stir the seeds once in a while to give them a chance to dry evenly all over. Don't use your oven or direct sun to dry your heirloom seeds. The heat from both can damage them. If you'd like to speed up the drying process, try using a ceiling fan.
Note: Seeds collected from the center of vegetables have a lot of moisture in them and need more time for drying than those gathered from pods. Although these seeds should be dried as quickly as possible, be careful not to dry them so fast as within a week, because if you do, they'll shrink and crack.
Dry Process
This technique is used for those veggies whose seeds are held inside pods, husks, or any other dry casing like peas, beans, and carrots. Here's how you do it:
- Unless wet weather is in the forecast, these types of seeds can be dried right on the plants. As the seeds begin to look mature, secure paper bags over the seed heads and attach them to the stems of the plants. This will catch any seeds that ripen early. The stuff you're left with after collecting these seeds is actually a mixture of seeds and what's called "chaff"—pod or husk coverings and other debris that fall in with the seeds.
- Next, separate the seeds from the coverings and chaff (this is called "threshing"). Put the collected seeds into a bag, pillowcase, or small sack, secure the ends, and roll it around, lightly crushing the contents a bit. Don't get all macho—you don't want to damage the seeds. For the tinier ones, you can use a flat board to gently press on the seeds to loosen the chaff.
- Now you need to get the loosened chaff off your seeds (this is called "winnowing"). Place the seeds in a bowl and shake the bowl around a bit. Most of the chaff is lighter than the seeds and it'll rise to the top. Blow gently into the seeds to remove the lighter-weight chaff. Repeat this process until all (or most) of the chaff is gone. Another option is to use a screen or sifter where the holes are smaller than the chaff. You can simply sift them apart. The size of the sifter holes will depend on the size of the seeds and the chaff.
Tip: You may want to be sure you have a large sheet underneath your workspace so if any seeds are blown with the debris, you can retrieve them. Or work outdoors on a day that's not too windy. (If you do use a sheet, be sure all previous seeds are removed before you do any winnowing with other varieties.)
Storing Seed
Seeds need to be stored in an atmosphere free of moisture with as little temperature fluctuation as possible. You don't want the combination of the temperature and the humidity levels to exceed 100. For example, with a storage temperature of 60°F, the humidity should not exceed 40 percent.
The simplest way to store seeds is in individual envelopes, which should be placed as a group inside an airtight container for extra protection.
The best place to store your seed containers is somewhere cool, dark, and dry, such as the refrigerator. If the refrigerator isn't convenient for you, consider floor-level areas such as an unused room, cellar, or mudroom. Even if you're using the refrigerator as your seed storage facility, you'll want to have a backup plan (like a cool garage or cellar) in case of a power failure. If your power is out for an extended period of time, it could mean a total seed loss!
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How to Harvest and Store Seeds by Texas Ready Seed Bank
Garages — Why You Shouldn't Get Attached
Q&A With Byggmeister Sustainability Consultant Rachel White
Oh, the luxury of sliding into a warm, snow-free car as your neighbors go to work with their ice scrapers — who doesn't love an attached garage in the middle of a New England winter? Attached garages add comfort and convenience to our lives, but according to Byggmeister Sustainability Consultant Rachel White, new studies reveal they can also pose very real health risks inside our homes. Here Rachel shares important advice for minimizing those dangers if you have an attached garage and some critical things to consider if you are planning to build or renovate one.
First, what is a sustainability consultant?
I evaluate a project from an environmental- and health-impact perspective during construction and also after it's completed. I make recommendations and develop strategies to reduce any negative impacts.
We love attached garages. How can they be bad for us?
There is an indoor air quality concern when they are attached to the side or underneath the living areas. It has to do with air infiltration between the garage and the home, basically, the possibility that pollutants penetrate the walls including carbon monoxide from tailpipe emissions, benzene and other volatile organic compounds.
Why is this suddenly coming to light?
Over the last 10 years or so, there has been an increased understanding of how air moves — air infiltration, and more importantly, there is a greater understanding of how our exposure to pollutants in our homes and buildings may negatively impact our health.
What are the long-term risks?
People are very familiar with carbon monoxide. That's why we have detectors in our homes, because it's a poison. There are a whole host of other volatile organic compounds present in our homes or released into our homes, not only from tailpipe emissions, but building materials too. Some have been associated with asthma, cancer and other ailments. We want to keep carbon monoxide down for sure, but tailpipes emit all sorts of other nasty stuff we don't want in our kitchens, dens, and bedrooms.
Are tailpipe emissions the only concern?
It depends on what garages are used for. Some are workshops and the use of chemicals in those spaces can present indoor air quality problems, both for the people working with them, but also those in the attached spaces. Anyplace where the homeowner is using chemicals for hobby activities, ventilation absolutely needs to be addressed.
What steps can you take?
Some leaks are visible, so start by sealing off anything you can see with the naked eye, like light coming in around the door between the house and garage, or anywhere pipes or wires go through shared ceilings or walls. You can use weather stripping or spray-foam sealant. When Byggmeister does a project, we set up a blower door to test for air leakage and make sure any measures taken are actually working, as well as finding others that may not have been obvious. Then there are things like, never start your car without the garage door open and the pass-through door shut. And, don't leave your car running in the garage at all.
What about ventilation systems?
A local vent, similar to what you might have in your bathroom works well. You can turn it on when you need ventilation, but if the garage is occupied a lot as a workshop, you can get an exhaust vent that is going continuously. Also, if you have an attached garage you don't want to have your furnace or HVAC equipment in there. Those circulate air and you don't want garage air circulated into the home. It can be a big job to move it, but depending on the scale or scope of a renovation project, we would recommend moving it as part of the project.
Do you have an attached garage?
We do, and we've done as much as we can to seal the penetrations between the garage and the house, but there's only so much you can do. Last year, I started to smell gas in the mudroom above the garage and it turns out we had a leak in our lawnmower. We had it fixed, but we ended up moving it into a shed because what became clear is that we still had some air leaks. Ideally, if you have a shed in the back yard, it's a good idea to store your lawnmower or snow blower out there.
What do you say to someone who has dreams of building an attached garage?
If you have the space, build it away from the house with a covered walkway between to avoid walls or ceilings that are shared with any living spaces. If you don't have the space, then make sure you do a really, really good job air sealing. Just keep in mind that no matter how diligent you are, it's nearly impossible to completely seal off the airflow between the garage and the house.
Especially when you have teenagers...
Right after we conducted this interview, Rachel emailed: Wouldn't you know it, when I walked down to the garage I found that my son had left the door cracked open between the house and the garage! It had been that way for over two hours before I found it!
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How can we prevent car fumes from polluting our house through the attached garage?
By Jesse Terzi
A teacher once said to me, "Although I do not use the word never too often, I would never build a house with an attached garage for my family." I fully agree with him.
- For future reference, it is always preferable to build a freestanding garage away from the house. This eliminates the risk of polluting your home with carbon monoxide and other noxious fumes.
- Building a freestanding garage also reduces your energy consumption: air can leak into or out of the house through an attached garage, leading to undesirable heat gain (or loss).
Minimizing the harm
I understand that not everyone has enough space to build a freestanding garage.
- Where you're in the process of building your home, you might still be able to convert the attached garage to living space and park the car somewhere else.
- If that's not possible, consider placing the entrances to upstairs bedrooms outdoors, above the garage, with an exterior staircase leading up to them. This enables you to seal off the entire space between the garage and the bedrooms above, minimizing potential airflow paths between the garage and the living space.
- If you do build your home with an attached garage, never let your car idle or warm up in the garage.
- And most importantly, make sure to have your home completely, and I mean completely, air-sealed by a professional.
Air-sealing your garage
Air-sealing is when a technician or crew uses a variety of methods to seal off leaks in the building's shell.
In warm, humid climates like Houston's, it is best to seal the building's exterior surface instead of interior.
- There cannot be any airflow paths connecting the garage to the house.
- Blower door tests should be performed before, during, and after air-sealing to verify progress and effectiveness.
Work with an experienced professional
It is important that you have a certified professional do this type of work. I do not recommend that homeowners perform these types of improvements on their own; without the right knowledge and training you can create potentially dangerous situations (such as improper venting of combustion appliances).
- I recommend you have a Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified or accredited contractor do the work on your house. Being BPI-certified myself, I know that these professionals have to go through a rigorous program of tests and trainings and will likely be using the most effective air-sealing techniques.
- Also, if your energy auditor or contractor is part of the Home Performance with Energy Star program, you may be eligible for tax credits, rebates, or other forms of financial assistance.
Ask your contractor to use a water-based, low-VOC caulk for the air-sealing work. Standard, cheap caulk uses other solvents and can contain toluene, hexane, and formaldehyde, all volatile organic compounds. AFM Safecoat Caulking Compound is an environmentally friendly caulk that outperforms most traditional products.
Insulate the walls connecting your home and garage, too
Once you have made sure that the air-sealing has been done correctly and effectively, insulate the connecting walls and ceiling with water-blown, soy-based spray foam insulation.
Spray foam insulation will create an additional air barrier, seal any imperfections in the caulk air-sealing, and provide excellent and long-lasting insulation.
- We use BioBased 1701 spray foam insulation for our projects, but there is another soy-based product called Emega that we also highly recommend.
- If soy-based foam is too expensive or is not available in your area, try Icynene LD-R-50, which is not soy-based, but is water-blown and is one of the healthier insulation materials out there.
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Watch Video:
Blocking contaminated air from your garage

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles. For Educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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Kidney Supporting Program with Cedar Nut Oil
N. A. Agadzhanyan, PhD, Professor
In the past decade, the problem of the pathogenic "environment-health" connection has been reflected in scientific papers in environmental medicine and human ecology. In this regard it is noted that, at the present time, there is an ever greater prevalence of diseases of those organs and systems that perform barrier functions and participate in the preservation of the cleanliness of the organism's internal environment - organs of the respiratory, digestive, excretory, lymphatic, and immune systems, as well as the liver and skin.
The basic task of prophylaxis of premorbid and morbid conditions is the synchronic regulation of the basic metabolic, detoxification, and protective functions of the liver, immune system, and excretory organs.
For this purpose, N. A. Agadzhanyan and his co-authors developed a complex program of correction and cleansing of the internal environment, including the following basic blocks:
- Preparations regulating the activity of the biotransformation mechanisms of the liver
- Preparations having antioxidant properties
- Preparations having an immunomodulating action
- Preparations stimulating the removal of toxic substances and the products of their metabolism (cholagogues, diuretics, and laxatives)
- Preparations having a high sorption activity with respect to toxic substances (enterosorbents, fruit pectins)
The biologically active components of functional nutrition Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products have an effect on all the above enumerated mechanisms, which play an important role in carrying out defense in conditions of environmental pollution, displaying the following effects that correspond to a comprehensive program of detoxification (e):
- anti-oxidant and membrane-stabilizing effects (amino acids, lipids and tocopherols of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil, polyphenol compounds, vitamins C and P of cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin
- anti-toxic sorption (amino acids, dietary fibre of all components of the product)
- immunomodulating(amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemical compounds of all components of the product)
- diuretics and laxative effect (phytochemical compounds of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil)
The comprehensive program of endoecological rehabilitation developed at the Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Scientific Research Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2002) includes Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil, Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin 5%, 10% and 20%. It has earned the worldwide recognition of medical specialists.
In conditions of environmental pollution, environmentally determined syndromes and diseases have achieved a wide distribution - exogenic intoxication syndrome, chemical hypersensitivity syndrome, environmental disadaptation syndrome, and chronic diseases of a polygenic nature with pathological manifestations in the form of a symptom complex of primary changes in specific organs and systems.
For the purpose of rehabilitation, it is possible to recommend methods using functional nutrition products for the maintenance of organs and systems that carry out barrier functions in the human organism.
It is advisable to match and combine Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar products intended for health improvement and prophylaxis in programs for the maintenance of organs and systems, having regard to individual peculiarities of functional stress and pathological disturbances in certain organs.
The filtering, excretory, and metabolic function of the kidneys plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the organism's internal environment. In conditions of environmental pollution, the load on the kidneys increases, which provokes a disturbance in its functional state and the development of an environmentally caused pathology of the kidneys.
The relationship of the frequency of different diseases of the kidneys and urinary tracts with an unfavorable environmental situation in different industrial regions has been confirmed by special studies. In these regions, the morbidity of dismetabolic nephropathy increases by three to eight times; anomalies in the development of the organs of the urinary system are encountered two to four times more frequently; and an increase is also observed in disturbances of the metabolism of oxalic acid, calcium, and purines. These data are confirmed by the results of a comparative evaluation of the pathology of the kidneys in children who live in areas with different levels of industrial pollution.
A number of studies have shown that the accumulation of cadmium and lead in the organism leads to the development of nephropathy and other illnesses of the kidneys and urinary tracts.
The health-improvement potentials of Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar products with respect to the maintenance of the function of the kidneys are associated, first and foremost, with an improvement in the metabolic processes under the influence of a balanced complex of nutrients.
The high content of bioflavonoids in the composition of natural Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil assists in the maintenance of water homeostasis, and a balanced collection of the natural forms of trace elements and macroelements has a favourable influence on the filtering and excretory function. A complex of antioxidants (vitamins A, E, C, the trace elements zinc, copper, manganese, selenium) reduces the level of the damaging effects associated with an increase of free-radical oxidation in the conditions of a toxic load.
The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulating, spasmolitic, and diuretic actions of Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin make it possible to recommend it to improve the functional state of the kidneys and prevent diseases of the urinary system.
The high content of arginine and phospholipids contributes to an improvement in microcirculation in the renal glomeruli system.
Program for the maintenance of the kidneys in conditions of environmental pollution
First month
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil, 1 table spoon 1 time a day
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Cedar resin - 10%, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day
Second month
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Cedar Resin - 10%, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Cedar Resin - 20%, 1 tea spoon 1 time a day
Third month
- Ringing Cedars of Russia Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with Cedar Resin - 10%, 1 tea spoon 2 - 3 times a day
The use of the program presented exerts a comprehensive general influence on all organs and systems that protect the organism from harmful environmental effects.
The complex of natural Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products of functional nutrition displays a wide spectrum of health-improvement effects, which improve the metabolic, protective, and detoxifying functions of the organs that fulfill barrier functions.
Modern studies of the food allowance have revealed substantial deviations in the structure of the diet of the population from the formula of a balanced diet: a deficiency has been noted in micronutrients - vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids, and an entire series of organic compounds of plant origin; with regard to macronutrients, the food allowance is deficient in proteins and dietary fibers, and has an excess of animal fats.
The existing deficient structure of the diet exerts an unfavorable effect, first of all on the defensive strength of the organism - there is an increase in the risk of the development of different environmentally caused diseases.
Modern science possesses persuasive data to attest that, with the use of functional nutrition, it is possible to support an optimum level of vital activity and avoid many illnesses.
Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement are manufactured according to modern conserving technologies, which make it possible to preserve all biologically active natural components in their primary form.
The series of health-improvement products based on Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar nut oil includes:
- Cedar nut oil;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin 5%;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin 10%;
- Cedar nut oil enriched with cedar resin 20%.
Thus, functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia cedar products - cedar nut oil, cedar oil with cedar resin 5%, 10% and 20% - are composed of a harmoniously balanced complex of biologically active substances, which exert a combined versatile action on organs and systems that are critical for the maintenance of the cleanliness of the internal environment of the human organism.
Functional nutrition of Ringing Cedars of Russia products - cedar nut oil, cedar nut oil with cedar resin 5%, 10% and 20% - consist of natural components, they do not contain preservatives or toxic substances; and therefore, there are no contraindications to their use, with the exception of any individual intolerance to separate components.
The high biological activity of the natural components of cedar products under Ringing Cedars of Russia brand name and the complex action of balanced nutrients are responsible for the health-improvement properties of these products in conditions of the influence of harmful environmental factors.
The use of Ringing Cedars cedar products intended for prophylaxis and health improvement is recommended for the inhabitants of large cities and environmentally unfavorable regions for prophylaxis and rehabilitation in the face of the influence of harmful environmental factors by maintaining the function of the liver and the immune system, as well as the organs of the excretory system.
(A) Gichev, Yu, P. Human health as a basic bioindicator in an environmental monitoring system. Novosibirsk, 1994.
(B) Gichev, Yu, P. Environmental pollution and human health. Moscow-Novosibirsk, 2002.
(C) The influence of environmental pollution on human health -Materials of the First All - Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation. Edited by Professor Yu. P. Gichev. Novosibirsk, 2002.
(D) Obukhova, L. A. Products intended for health improvement and prophylaxis. Novosibirsk, 2003.
Updated and revised version.
Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Scientific Research Institute
of the Siberian Branch of the RussianAcademy of Medical Sciences
Novosibirsk, 2011
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Copyright (c)
* * *
Customer Reviews:
I've been taking pine nut oil with 20% resin over the period of 2 months because of my stomach problems,gastritis and reflux as well as positive H. pylorus .I have noticed improvement of my symptoms along with good bowel movements.I am going to continue this for a while.
Thanks to this products.
YoungHee Yoon
* * *
Been taking it[Resin Extract 10%] for about a week and a half and i have to say i feel amazing. I have been in a really really good mood and my stomach already is so much better.
Thanks for your help.
Mark Hawes, UK
* * *
I am usually dragging around but the Siberian Pine Nut Oil has given me more energy and a general uplifting feeling. After one bottle I was hooked and am now on my 2nd. I also ordered the oil with 5% resin and the softening effect on my dry wrinkled hands has been amazing and in such a short time! Recently, I burned my hand on a kettle and the oil has diminished any signs of it where normally it would have left a scar. I adore these products!
Teresa, TX, USA
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The potentials of the Cedar Power protein-vitamin complex in the preventive treatment and correction of the pathology of the locomotor system.
by Dr. Maria Kazakova Ural State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg
"Sooner or later everyone sits
down to a banquet of consequences."
Robert Louis Stevenson
Medical statistics confirm that approximately 60% of the population suffers from chronic illnesses. If we take into account the fact that many of these people do not see doctors, then the real number may be even higher.
Now let us evaluate a list of products in any supermarket—even without examining the contents on the labels, we can find also that approximately 60% are unhealthy refined products (sugar, articles made from white flour, etc.). Is this just a coincidence?
Modern products contain significantly fewer vitally important nutrients than products made even 50 years ago, while a significant rise in the intensity of life over the last decades has been increasing the body's daily requirement for vitamins, trace elements, and other biologically active substances. For that reason, there has been an increase in the incidence of metabolic diseases, including vascular diseases, intervertebral osteochondrosis, and osteoporosis.
Today, there is a consensus of opinion that diseases can be prevented by proper nutrition and a suitable style of life. It is precisely for this reason that increasingly more significance is being attributed to complete healthy nutrition using natural products, as well as to the addition of biologically active supplements to the food allowance.
Ringing Cedars of Russia is developing and producing the Cedar Power, which has a health-promoting and preventive purpose.
The composition of the Cedar Power cedar nut flakes protein-vitamin complex includes the oil cake of the kernel of the cedar nut, which contains a complete complement of all essential nutritional elements for each cell of the body, balanced with regard to the reciprocal supplementation of the elements and corresponding to the body's requirements for irreplaceable nutritional items.
Cedar Power product is a concentrated source of complete plant protein, with an amino acid content of 39 g for 100 g of a product.
The assimilability of the protein is 95%.
The proteins of the cedar nut kernel contain all 20 amino acids.
The predominant amino acid is arginine (makes up 20%).
Arginine is a constituent of connective tissue, and supports the metabolism of muscle tissue.
Lysine is present in the amount of 225% of that found in the ideal protein, and is involved in the metabolism of bone tissue.
Methionine is contained in the amount of 160% of that found in the ideal protein, and improves the condition of bony tissue in osteoporosis.
Leucine facilitates the renewal of bony and muscle tissue.
Proline strengthens the ligaments and improves the condition of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints.
Ornithine is involved in the repair of damage to connective tissue.
Taurine is essential for the metabolism of the minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.
Cystine and cysteine accelerate the formation of muscle tissue.
Using Cedar Power cedar nut flakes—and saturating the organism with the full range of amino acids, with a high content of essential amino acids (especially those actively involved in the metabolism of the skeletomuscular system)—makes it possible to improve the condition of the locomotor system.
Cedar Power cedar nut flakes are a source of the majority of vitamins essential for the vital activity of the organism, and contain a balanced complex of natural fat-soluble (A, E, D, K, F) and water-soluble (C, P, PP, B group, folic acid) vitamins.
In the body, vitamin C is actively involved in the synthesis of collagen, the "chief" protein in connective tissue. The powerful antioxidant action of vitamins C and E, in combination with the detoxifying function of the product, may significantly strengthen the regenerating processes.
Cedar Power cedar nut flakes are noted for their high content of macroelements—phosphorus, magnesium, potassium—and trace elements—copper, manganese, zinc, and iodine.
The mineral composition of Cedar Power cedar nut flakes promotes the strengthening of bony and muscle structures, the ligamentous apparatus, and articular formations.
The anti-oxidant effects of Cedar Power cedar nut flakes can reduce the toxic effect that usually accompanies any inflammatory process.
Dietary fibre, a nutritional substrate for the normal microflora of the intestines, contributes to the prevention of dysbacteriosis and improves the state of the immune system.
There is good reason to use Cedar Power cedar nut flakes in programs for the preventive treatment and correction of inflammatory diseases of the locomotor system (arthritis, myositis, tenosynovitis).
A Cedar Power health-promoting and prophylactic product includes in its composition natural compounds that possess the ability to regulate the hormonal balance of a person's estrogens.
As a rule, a disruption of the hormonal balance is accompanied by an increase in excess body mass, and by a disturbance in the metabolism in bony tissues with a loss of calcium, as a consequence of which the bones lose their strength and become brittle. This suggests itself as a reason for the onset of diseases of the locomotor system.
Restoring the estrogen balance assists in preventing the development of obesity, inhibits the development of degenerative processes, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
For these reasons, Cedar Power cedar nut flakes may be used in programs for the preventive treatment and correction of degenerative diseases of the locomotor system (arthrosis, intervertebral osteochondrosis) and osteoporosis.
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Used by permission.
* * *
Customer Reviews:
I am on an elimination diet to regain better health, having a damaged immune system and digestion. Since I cannot have any grains, the Pine Power Pine Nut Flakes have been a godsend for breakfast (you can eat only so many greens in a day!). I make them with hot water, letting steep while I drink my tea, and love the nutty taste in the morning. Thanks! Looking forward to trying the recipes.
Debor Austin, TX, USA
* * *
When I did my first order I was simply delighted to receive and try out these products and they did not disappoint! I could feel the effects of the Pine Nut Oil immediately. The experience was of an accelerated thought process, mind you I am very sensitive and this may have played a role in my experience. I also got the Pine Nut Power, simply delicious. My only regret is I went through them to quickly, so this time I'm ordering a lager amount.
Enjoy and Be Well, LeeJames Coles, Australia
* * *
Excellent product [Pine Power], best of the best on the market. I have 12 boxses and want to eat them every day. Very nourishing, delicious and healthy product, balances body and mind.
Thank you, Elena
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Our Unique Production Technique:
Cedar Nut Sheller
This equipment and method of shelling Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedar Kernels and Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
Cedar Nut Oil Press
This equipment and method of pressing Siberian Cedar Nuts brings the difference in the quality of "RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" Siberian Cedare Nut Oil
The brand name "THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA" stands for business integrity, decency and the highest possible quality of product. All products marketed under this brand name convey the primordial power of Nature and the warmth of our hearts. We offer:
A variety of high-quality cedar products, including cedar nuts and cedar nut oil.
Huge plantations of cedar trees grow in the Siberian taiga, said to be the ecologically purest area of the world. The virgin forest of the taiga has never been treated with any chemicals or artificial fertilisation, nor abused by agricultural machines.
Cedar nuts (the seeds of the cedar tree) take two years to mature, during which time the tree accumulates a huge volume of positive cosmic energy. Crops of nuts are harvested manually by people lovingly devoted to this task, working in a pleasant environment without undue haste to create unique products full of positive energy reflecting the infinite powers of Nature. Specific preparations include:
We pick only cedar cones which fall naturally from the trees, thus ensuring that only ripe cones are selected. We always avoid hitting the trees to shake unripe cedar cones down (as happens with some other commercial operations) -- a practice which causes the nuts to lose their healing power.
Cones are then manually shelled with the help of wooden shell-removers. Nut centres are separated from their shells using wooden rollers.
Cedar nut oil and cedar nut flour marketed under our brand name are obtained by the cold-pressure method, using manual wooden oil-presses.
Cedar nut oil is then stored in special containers and packed in a small village near Novosibirsk by name "Kandayrovo" using unique technology to avoid any contact with metal. The whole process is strictly supervised to ensure it complies with all sanitary requirements.
Final products are placed in special packaging to prevent daylight penetration, and stored at a temperature of 0C to +5C to better preserve the product's natural components. The resulting product is a bright gold-coloured liquid with the pleasant smell of cedar nuts. It is a 100% natural product with strong healing powers.

Siberian Cedar nuts (cedar nuts) contain about 60% oil. They are therefore pressed to obtain Cedar nut oil, which is available on the market as a very expensive gourmet cooking oil. Cold pressing in all-wooden presses is preferred to retain the nutritional properties of nuts and derive the oil of highest quality.
The Cedar nut oil bearing "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" brand comes exclusively from wild-harvested Siberian Cedar nuts - one of the most nutritious Cedar nuts in the world. In comparison, other Cedar nut oils are usually pressed from the Italian pignolia Cedar nuts, which are not nearly as potent and are often harvested from trees growing in plantations. Our Siberian Cedar nut oil is extra virgin (100% cold pressed from freshly shelled raw Siberian Cedar nuts), whereas most Cedar nut oils on the market are either not cold pressed or even pressed from roasted (!) Cedar nuts, which significantly decreases the oil value. Finally, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" Siberian Cedar nut oil is the only one which is available on the market anywhere in the world pressed with wooden presses in accordance with traditional techniques described in Vladimir Megre's life-changing book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". In contrast, all other Cedar nut oils are pressed using steel presses, which immediately degrades them (contact with steel oxidizes some of the Cedar nut oil's most important ingredients such as vitamins, and is known to remove the 'life force' from the oil).
Cedar nut oil has also traditionally been used in ancient Russian and European natural medicine to cure a wide array of ailments - ingested (decreasing blood pressure, boosting immune system resistance, etc.) or applied externally (a range of dermatological disorders). It is also used in expensive cosmetics.
Cedar nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and is marketed in the U.S. as a means stimulate cell proliferation, prevent hypertension, decrease blood lipid and blood sugar, and inhibit allergic reactions.

1 tablespoon cedar nut oil
1/4 cup thinly sliced shallots
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 head of escarole (about 1 pound), washed, dried and coarsely chopped
1/2 cup vegetable broth
1/4 teaspoon chili flakes
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup cedar nuts, toasted in a dry skillet for 2 minutes until fragrant and golden brown
Heat the oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook, stirring, until shallots are soft, about 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute more. Add the escarole and cook, stirring, until it has wilted, about 5 minutes. Add the broth, and chili flakes. Bring simmer and cook over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, another 3 minutes. Add the vinegar and cook for 2 minutes more. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in cedar nuts just before serving.
1/3 pound fresh green beans, ends trimmed, blanched in boiling salted water
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon minced shallots
1 tablespoon cedar nuts
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Pinch salt
Pinch freshly ground black pepper
Drain green beans well and pat dry.
Heat the butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly to keep from burning. Add the cedar nuts and cook, stirring, for an additional minute. Add the green beans and toss to coat evenly. Cook just enough to warm through, about 1 minute. Add the lemon juice, salt, and pepper and toss to combine.
Remove from the heat and serve immediately.
Shred 1 pound cold asiago cheese. Place 6 tablespoon-size mounds of cheese about 1 inch apart on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle each mound with 1/4 teaspoon each chopped cedar nuts and sage. Bake at 425 degrees until the cheese is golden and the edges are slightly crisp, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove each crisp with a thin spatula and gently curl around a rolling pin, then cool on a rack. Repeat to make about 24 crisps.
For more recipes please click here

For Educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
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These Promotions are available worldwide from the following warehouses: USA, Canada, Europe.
Limited Time Offer: Buy 3 Cedar Nut Oil bottles with resin 10% and get one FREE!
Buy 3 bottles of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil enriched with Cedar resin 10% and receive additional one FREE!
TAKE ADVANTAGE of our promotional and quantity discounts, plus the FREE SHIPPING after $147.00 for USA and Canada and $200.00 for Europe
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Purchase for $200.00 and over and rceive 50% off your shipping!
Combine this offer with our promotional and quantity discounts for the best advantage.
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Canada, British Columbia
"Phoenix Naturals", 211 Blaine Dr., Burnaby, BC V5A 2L7, Canada
Tel: 604-312-8147

Wangaratta, Australia
"Plant and Food Medicine", 26 Faithful st, Wangaratta VIC,3677, Australia
Tel: 613 5721 9139

Sherman Oaks, CA
"Lotus Consulting Service Inc.", Lilia Kilimnik, 5205 Buffalo Ave, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91401, USA
Tel: 818-905-0740

Canada, British Columbia
Nutrilife Health Food, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6C7
Tel: 778-285-3588

Canada, British Columbia
770 Spruce Ave., Victoria
Tel: 250-370-1818

Buena Vista, CO
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, 411 E MAIN ST, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211, USA
Alternative Choices Wellness Center, providing holistic healthcare from different practitioners. Karen Lacy the owner offers QNRT (Quantum Neurological Reset Therapy), Allergy Reduction Conductive Laser Therapy, Bio-Energetic Bodyscanning, Anti-gravity Field Balancing, Ionic Footbaths. We carry the Ringing Cedars of Russia products.
Call us at 719-239-2007

For a full list of our distributors please click here.

I have read the Anastasia book #1 when it first came out in the English language and fell in love with Anastasia's wisdom, and way of life. There are many things she mentions in her book that I have felt for my self however had not known anyone else who felt the same way. I am very grateful for her wisdom and writings.
Whitefeather, Ca, USA
* * *
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Ringing Cedar of Russia Series. This is a series of books that I have read from beginning to end. The information shared by the authour really shifts your thinking about living in harmony with nature and with the world. Thank you for sharing this message with the world!
Eleanor Ng, Kirkland Lake, Ontario
* * *
The books are so beautifully written, and Anastasia exerts such power. I feel lucky to have met her in my path. Thank you introducing us to the wonders of this world which we have ignored before you Anastasia came into our lives.
Natalie Todd, BC, Canada
After using your product for about a month I am very pleased to inform you that my ulcers have completely disappeared.
At first I did not believe that it could be possible. I went to my GP and asked him to do a complete checkup. He was astonished. He informed me that there was no trace of an ulcer whatsoever.
I gave the rest of the medicine to a friend who, after using the medicine for only a week, reported no more pain in her abdomen. Thank you for this miracle cure.
By the way, if you do not already have agents in South Africa, I would really like to become one. Really.
Thabo M., Germiston, South Africa
* * *
I am using the Cedar Nut cereal and Cedar Nut oil with Resin...I drink some every morning and use it on my skin...I feel more energetic and my skin and nails were the first thing I noticed a difference in.
The cereal is wonderful. I use it both soaked in coconut mils to soften the nuts and just throw some in my mouth for a snack and love it both ways.
I am so grateful that this product is available for us here in the States. There are several other products that I am using too.
With much gratitude Whitefeather
Whitefeather, Ca, USA
* * *
Love these products, esp the pine nut flakes - they start my day!
Rosemary Breschuk-Chiu, ON, Canada
Your company is the very best company I have found for health products. They are very reasonable in their pricing, the shipping is fast and excellent. I shop here over and over again.
Pat Robinson, South Africa
* * *
Everything I've purchased from Ringing Cedars of Russia over several years has been top quality and their customer service is great. My shipments always arrive before I expect them.
Rick Thompson, CA, USA
* * *
We just wanted to let you know that we are very impressed with the high degree of service that you and your team have given us.
Ben Johnson, UK
For more reviews please click here.

Message submitted from: Radha Theresa,
Address: 83 Cassilis St Coonabarabran NSW Australia Phone number: 0268424778
Title: Vedruss Kins Oasis
User classifieds ad:
Calling Vedruss! A Kin's Village is called into being in Coonabarabran, Australia. If you feel called to participate, please email Radha or Chris for more details -

The Anastasia Eco-settlement project has found its home in North America on Sacred Motherland!
Many great thanks to all of you who contributed to this success and to many who have supported this dream and vision with your love from near and far.
Shambhala-Shasta community has taken back 466 acres of prestine motherland. Free and clear. No debt. No Encumbrances. No liens. Free and clear!!!
To freedom, independance and sovereignty!!!
The community will steadily grow out from here as we are bordered on the east and north by national forests.
More to come soon after our visit to our motherland in the next few days.
We have several settlers who have begun the intake process and purchased their domains. If you are ready and feel the beat in your heart, come and join!!!

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