My Experience with Dolmens
At the time of visiting the dolmens, I had not read the books of Vladimir Megre "Ringing Cedars of Russia". I was fascinated by meditation and other energy-related practices, and at that time had achieved good results.
My family and I travelled to Gelendzhik because we had heard so much about the dolmens as a place of power and, of course, I wanted to meditate precisely in a place of power.
We stayed in a tent city near the village of Pshada. There we met Vanya, a guy who had already came to the dolmens many times and had extensive experience communicating with them.
We easily reached the first dolmens, as people call them: Sun and Moon. Vyanya invited us to the Solar Dolmen, but something attracted me to the Moon Dolmen. I went to it.
Deliberately, I stopped before the Dolmen, relaxation occurred immediately, my mind cleared, and I felt an unusual lightness and deep peace. I greeted the Dolmen and requested permission to enter, and I was pulled forward.
After entering the Dolmen, I sat on a stone. It was empty, my mind started to wander, but some force helped me focus. Changes began to occur before my inner eye, something was moving, becoming dense, changing the vibrations. I saw an image: an eye and, as if continuing a picture, a face. A tear would appear, unusually smooth, then an instant, and it would fall...
At that moment, my head was compressed by a band, I felt a sharp pain and heaviness. The pressure increased, I became afraid, opened my eyes to run away, but I could not budge from the spot. And an energy began to move downwards in jolts with a grating sound. In the area of my cervical vertebra, everything began to burn, and the warmth flowed through my shoulders. I was no longer meditating, but found myself in that vibrating stream. An unusually pleasant warmth slowly flowed down through the channels of my body.
The warm energy continued to move along my body's channels. I had never before experienced this type of delight. The process halted when it reached my coccyx. I felt a jolt and grasped the distinct thought: "Go and rest."
I left the dolmen. It felt so good that I wanted to open the wings and fly. The warmth flowed through my body, and taking off the sweater that was no longer needed, (although a cold wind was blowing on the top of the mountain) I raised my hands and joyfully screamed with delight. This was my first experience with Dolmens.
“Tsigankov” aul.
The morning was sunny and warm. We climbed the winding path, that was leading to the top of the mountain. There were a lot of dolmens here; everything breathed with energy.
Here is the first Dolmen, I greeted it, approached even closer, strange, but fear began to gnaw at me, I sensed a colossal power. My inner stress and fear did not leave me, but I nevertheless climbed in.
I closed my eyes, there was something all around me, and a lot of it. I tried to concentrate on my inner peace, my body began to vibrate inside, as if thousands of small winds were somehow chaotically blowing from various directions. I nevertheless calmed down, and saw a bottomless well before me. I opened my eyes. I sensed a powerful force, colours began to break up into small beams, my body or, more accurately, my bodies were vibrating. I shifted my gaze to my hands - there were ten of them. The thought flashed through my mind: "I am disintegrating." Terrified, I scrambled outside. I felt very feverish. Once I calmed down, I realized that I needed to communicate with other Dolmens first.
I came to a small, well-preserved Dolmen, next to which stood a little larger, half-destroyed dolmen. I relaxed, mentally greeted the small dolmen and asked for permission to enter. Some kind of warm feeling pulled me forward, a pleasant smell appeared, and I climbed inside to receive knowledge.
Yes, the word was spinning around - KNOWLEDGE. I closed my eyes, the coolness around me became warm. Something was changing, but gently, I felt good, a sensation of trust appeared, my fear vanished. Before my inner gaze and, rather, around me, arose another picture, like a mosaic: the canvas of an entire life, consisting of distinct cells (my life path). I brought one of these cells closer at random and clearly saw the entire experience of my life, exact in all details: with my thoughts, mistakes, etc., as well as other cells...
I realized that there is no past, present, or future. There is no time, no duality! It's awesome, simple and deep! But I considered it unnecessary to open the curtain of my future in this cycle of my life path. Delight and love overwhelmed me, I seemed to have grown stronger.
I got out of the dolmen happy and went back to the first dolmen, because I no longer felt any fear.
I came right up to the Dolmen and placed my palms on the slab, warmth came from the depths of the stone. An irresistible desire arose to fuse with this warmth, this enveloping feather-bed. I got down on my knees and placed my forehead against the wall: the warmth began to flow throughout my entire body.
Images appeared: something in the form of a jellyfish swimming past and a blossoming flower. Three different light sources vibrated around me, creating a dense cocoon. I seemed to fall into a powerful energy stream. Something came close to me or I was flying to meet it. I clearly saw our planet, the stars, the cosmos. An immense gate appeared, resembling the outline of an eye-socket, and out of it flew our planet.
The earth began to get bigger, coming closer and closer - how beautiful: the earth, peace, everything was fragrant. I saw a small waterfall, it sparkled with transparent water, then wide fields, people, forests...
Then the Earth moved back - some sort of spaceship hung above the planet. I felt a disturbance, and everything quickly began to change, the tempo increased. Out of the spaceship came rays of energy, they wrapped around Earth, straight lines began to change. At that instant, I felt the intense pain of the planet, and I became afraid.
I felt that something very frightening and incomprehensible was happening on the planet, the water on the planet seemed to stand vertically, like an enormous mushroom.
- "No!" I began to scream, pushing aside the picture I had seen, but I could not physically move away, run away, an invisible force held me, and my brain was pulsing: "Look." I saw the planet again - everything was black: the trees, grass, waterfall...and emptiness - a terrible emptiness, not a living soul...
I began to cry...
I cried and automatically drew something in my notebook.
My mind feverishly defended itself: "But I still don't believe it, there are no other civilizations, no extraterrestrials, these are all just fabrications of the weak-minded... But why are some opposing others, why are they resisting the experience of our planet, what is there to be afraid of?"
Then I saw images with other ships, resembling blooming flowers, and when they landed, they became like pistils or pyramids. From them emerged "good people," who radiated snow-white, pure energy, they were even shining - and BLEW LIFE INTO A SEED.
And I was still crying when suddenly huge yellow eyes were staring at me (the eye-sockets were normal, even attractive, but instead of a pupil and the white, there were rays of yellow energy). In surprise, I flew up out of my body, and there again was the gate and other ships.
- "That's enough! Leave!"
I abruptly jumped up, as if scalded, and banged my head on the slab.
- "I have to calm down." But my brain was feverishly whispering, "I've lost my mind."
Between my eyes, in my forehead, it was as if something was coming out and burning, like after a compress with a burning hot iron. I attempted to hold my forehead in my hand, but it did not become easier. It was in this sorry state that Ilya found me, followed by Vanya.
Ilia and Vania anxiously asked - "What happened?" In my brain sounded - "I lost my mind!" I held out a notebook with sketches.
Vanya said that this is familiar to him. I looked at him with sorrow and thought that it was not just me who should surrender in a psychiatric hospital.
- "It's all described by Anastasia! Haven't you read?" – Vania asked.
- "No, I haven't" – and I added – "I do not believe in aliens, and I knew nothing about the catastrophes of the Earth, I only read about the great flood."
Vanya began to tell me about what is written in the books of Vladimir Megre. I was surprised that everything coincided with what I saw. I recovered little by little.
We moved to the tent camp, and Vania kept telling me about the information he had read from the books, and soothed me. And I mentally thanked him that he was there at the right moment, supported and reassured me.
- "As soon as I fly home, I will read all the Ringing Cedars of Russia books!" - I decided.
P.S. Two years have passed, and I am again in these lands!
I climbed into that same Dolmen, sat down and quieted myself in a meditation in the hope of seeing something new. But everything, down to the smallest detail, was like the time before.
We set off for the Sun Dolmen. Now not expecting anything new, but with anxious joy and deep respect, having requested permission to enter, I climbed into the heart of the Dolmen.
I relaxed immediately - the same denseness, the same vibrations, tunings, but what was this? Suddenly I was enveloped, as if in a whirlwind, by a blindingly white energy and, having collected in one spot, it began to become dense, and an image formed of a very young, handsome youth, but something was off... I realized that his hair and sparse beard were completely grey, and his eyes were tender and fathomless... it is difficult to put into words. I opened my eyes in delight and stared straight at the vision, which had become somewhat less vivid and distinct.
I called to Ilya to climb into the Dolmen with me, and the picture disappeared, but the sensation of being with the truly great remained.
I climbed out of the Dolmen, but did not want to leave. I felt like touching the slab with my entire body. My palms felt warmth, not of the stone, but of energy emanating from the depths, my forehead seemed cold in contrast to this sunny, tender warmth. Closing my eyes, I saw the silhouette of my body as from the outside. Not understanding why, but being moved by something, I took a step back, the silhouette remained in front of me. And I distinctly saw around it a luminescence resembling the rays of the brilliant sun.
I opened my eyes and glanced at my hands, the luminescence had not disappeared. "That's interesting," I thought. "Was it always there, or has it just now appeared?" And as soon as my mind began to work, trying to explain this phenomenon, the luminescence paled and became invisible. But I sensed with all my inner being that the Dolmen's gift stayed with me...
Later, at home, I have more than once been in contact with the Dolmen through the memory of that luminescence...
Ludmila from Kamchatka
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org

Kin's Settlement "Cherenga"
The Cherenga Settlement of Kin's Domains was organized in 2007 by the readers of Vladimir Megre books "Ringing Cedars of Russia" on the basis of an expansion of the village of Cherenga, which had almost vanished. Beside it is a pine forest, there are small birch groves. Five kilometres away is the large Vyatka River, a kilometre away is a small pond.
The settlement has been created for permanent habitation. We are waiting for mature neighbors who are inspired by the images created by Anastasia and who firmly intend to realize their Dream: to create their own Kin's Domain among the similar domains of their like-minded neighbors. We are interested in kind, sensible, sober-minded, and self-sufficient neighbors.
Some plots of land are still unoccupied. A common house has been built.
Our contacts:
Baria Mustaeva 8-917-263-1626
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org
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Kin's Settlement "Rodnaya Zemlya"
An ordinary manager, a resident of Pavlodar and a follower of Anastasia's ideas from Ringing Cedars of Russia series of books, planted a forest stand of 3500 trees in the bare steppe. Another seven thousand seedlings were planted by the residents of the settlement who had developed the lands on the edge of a little village: they built houses, surrounded them with a hedge. Forty-three year old Yuriy Gashek is a descendant of Czech settlers.
Ten years ago, after assessing his life, he realized that he had not accomplished a single worthwhile thing. His next step was to move outside of town.
"The system does not set us free, does not allow us to think independently. People are brainwashed to consume: buy, chew everything up and then, because of this, waste money on medicines."
He used the right of any citizen of Kazakhstan for a plot of land. He built a house in almost three years, having moved in it in 2006. Several people followed the example of the Gashek family. And as a result, the owners of hectare lands founded the whole community - settlement of family estates "Tugan Jer" ( Native Land).
"We are determining this for ourselves: a settlement of kin's domains. Each family creates an oasis," says Yuriy Gashek. Today seven families are living here, everyone is planting trees that surround their domains.
At one time, this area was an expanse devoid of life - withered grass and the wind. Today, Gashek estimates that there are more than 10 thousand trees here, of 20 species. In the first years, the settlers had to have a lot of patience, since not all the seedlings survived. Yuriy says that, in the course of four years, he has taken care literally of each tree. Yuriy and Olga's children themselves have already become parents, making them grandparents three times over.
The inhabitants of the settlement say that with the change of flora fauna also changed. About 20 species of birds appeared, which were not here before: rose and black starlings, swifts and wagtails, hoopes and swallows became the neighbors of the Gashek family. Yuri does not call for the destruction of the cities, but he believes that in parallel it is necessary to build a new, green world.
Translation Copyright: RingingCedarsofRussia.org
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