RingingCedarsofRussia.org is the official web-site of the RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA.
"Everything - but everything - on Earth, every blade of grass,
every insect, has been created for Man"
- Anastasia. | |
Die Geschichte begann 1994 am Ufer des Flusses Ob, in den endlosen Weiten der Sibirischen Taiga. Der bekannte sibirische Unternehmer Wladimir Megre traf dort auf zwei ältere Herren, die ihm von den erstaunlichen Eigenschaften der sibirischen Zedern berichteten (im Westen auch als die Sibirische Kiefer bekannt).
Zunächst maß er ihren Ausführungen keine große Bedeutung bei. Nach einigem Nachdenken jedoch begann sich Wladimir in die historische und wissenschaftliche Literatur zu vertiefen und stieß dort nach und nach auf Belege für das, was er gehört hatte.
Schließlich entschied er sich, eine Expedition mit einer Dampfschiffflotte zu unternehmen. O ffiziell diente die Expedition kommerziellen Zwecken, in Wirklichkeit aber stand Wladimirs eigentlicher Wunsch dahinter, die beiden alten Männer wiederzufinden und mehr über die Geheimnisse der Zedern zu erfahren.
Eine Begegnung, die alles veranderte
Wladimir hatte den Kapitän seiner Flotte angewiesen, Kurs zu halten, um sich an derselben Stelle absetzen zu lassen, wo er die zwei Alten im Vorjahr getroffen hatte. Doch an ihrer statt traf er am Flussufer auf eine Frau, die ihn zu erwarten schien und sich als Enkeltochter der beiden alten Männer ausgab.
Sie sagte, sie heiße Anastasia . Wladimir ahnte noch nicht, dass diese Frau mit ihrem tiefgründigen Wissen, ihrer aufrichtige Liebe und ihrer Weltanschauung einen immensen Einfluss auf sein gesamtes Leben haben sollte. Zunächst betrachtete er sie nur als eine junge, attraktive Frau, die jedoch über das moderne Großstadtleben erstaunlich gut informiert zu sein schien. Ihre Bestrebungen, von ihrem Heimatplätzchen in der Natur der sibirischen Steppe, fernab jeder Zivilisation, einen Wandel der modernen Gesellschaft herbeizuführen, empfand er als äußerst naiv.
Später jedoch konfrontierte ihn Anastasia mit bestimmten übernatürlichen Fähigkeiten, die er sich nicht erklären konnte, obwohl er sie mit seinen Sinnen ganz real wahrnahm. Auf unerklärliche Art und Weise offenbarten sie sich ihm als ein verzweifelter Kampf zwischen Tugend und Laster, der sich vor seinen eigenen Augen abspielte. Er sah Szenen aus seiner eigenen jüngeren Vergangenheit - jedoch aus einem völlig neuen Blickwinkel - und war erschüttert. Wladimir wurde in die Lage versetzt, sowohl seine eigenen Verhaltensweisen als auch die anderer Menschen von einem objektiveren Standpunkt zu betrachten. Er begann Anastasias Hoffnungen und Ziele in einem neuen, wertschätzenderen Licht zu sehen und war eher bereit, sie zu unterstützen. So versprach er ihr, ihr den Wunsch zu erfüllen, seine Erfahrungen in einem Buch zusammenzufassen. |
Ein neuer Anfang
Nach der Rückkehr in seine Heimatstadt Novosibirsk unternahm Wladimir eine Serie erfolgloser Versuche, seine Freunde für seine neu gewonnene Weltanschauung zu gewinnen. Anschließend ging er nach Moskau und versuchte dort die "Liga für Unternehmer mit besten Absichten" ins Leben zu rufen - wieder ohne Erfolg. Am Rande eines psychischen Zusammenbruchs erinnerte er sich letztendlich an das Versprechen, das er Anastasia gegeben hatte: ein Buch zu schreiben. Schließlich hatte Anastasia gesagt, das Buch werde vielen Leuten helfen, die Welt in einem neuen Licht zu sehen und ihm die Kraft geben, voran zu schreiten.
Dann geschah etwas Unglaubliches. Ohne besondere Vorkenntnisse begann Wladimir Megre eine Reihe von Büchern zu schreiben, die in sehr kurzer Zeit außerordentlich populär wurden. Sie wurden in über zwanzig Sprachen übersetzt und millionenfach verkauft. Jeden Tag vergrößerte sich die weltweite Leserschar dieser bemerkenswerten Schriften.
In den Büchern werden - klar und deutlich formuliert - fundierte Konzepte zu Themen wie Kindererziehung und Bedeutung der Kommunikation mit der lebendigen Natur dargelegt. Die enthaltenen Überlegungen reichen von Ernährung und Gesundheit bis hin zu Spiritualität und sexuellen Beziehungen. Durch die beschriebenen praktischen Lebensweisheiten wurden die Bücher zur Grundlage für mehrere soziologische Studien und akademische Abhandlungen.
Mit Freude empfehlen wir diese Buchreihe weiter.
Herzliche Grüße,
Offizieller Repräsentant der "Klingenden Zedern Russlands".
Readers' reviews
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My name is Semisi and I am a Pacific Islander raised in the Islands of Hawaii. I now reside in the Mountains of Utah in the U.S.A. I am married with four beautiful children, and I have been a Massage Therapist for thirteen years. I am the fifth oldest of fourteen children raised in the Mormon religion. One of my brothers is also a Massage Therapist, and we throughout our careers have experienced a great deal of "spiritual" phenomena working with our clients.
My brother told me about your books he ordered, and highly suggested I begin with book one. I did, and my life was and is changed FOREVER!!! :) I proceeded all the way to book six, and anxiously await when the next books in Russian will be translated into English. How do I put into words my feelings of gratitude for you, Anastasia and your son without writing a book??? Ha-ha! I even would offer a word of American Political Blasphemy and say that: I would go so far as to willingly give up my American Citizenship to become a Russian, to actively participate with you and the creation of Anastasia's Dream!
Well, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your books! Have a blessed day wherever you are, and I hope to come and visit your beautiful Domains in Russia someday. I now have my most ultimate Goal to create a family Domain here in Utah, and in my home islands in Hawaii as well! Please, please, please, let me know when the next books are translated into English.
Have a wonderful day, Sincerely with all my Heart,
Semisi, Hawaii
I want a list of the books in the Ringing Cedars series after Anastasia. I read it and I am impressed. I want to get the other books in the series and continue. Thanks.
Martha Lee
Thank you for the work you do, I would like to help spread the message that Anastasia has given us in the Ringing Cedars of Russia books... Love and light
Kate Taylor
I would like to say that there could not have been a better writer for the Ringing Cedars books then Vladimir for that he shows in his actions what this world needs, starting from zero to showing what needs to be done in its own way. Thanks for that great masterpiece that he creates and so many people want to follow.
Thanks, Willem Ottenheijm
Very inspired and enjoying the books that resound with my heart.
Jennlie, England
Helen Marquez Executive Director of Eco Dream highly recommends the Ringing Cedars books. Excellent reading and a very good possibility to implement such great ideas for home, family, and general well being of our planet. When was the last time we looked at a flower with love as it asks nothing of us but to please us... WOW
Helen Marquez, Executive Director. www.ecodream.org
The message of the Ringing Cedars books is so important for humanity. My husband and I touch the lives of thousands of people in our large low cost Qigong events… I want to explore incorporating Anastasia's message and ideas with what we do.
I send you rays of Love, Anne Jinnett
Thanks so very much for sending the 3 first Ringing Cedars books. We are right now finishing the last one, and are finding them very valuable. I am just changing my website and mailing list carrier, so I will soon be getting out a message to others about the books. We would love to have the other 5 books and will encourage people to buy all 8!
Brooke Medicine Eagle, USA
I love the Ringing Cedars of Russia books, I read them and draw a lot from them. I feel that by reading these books, people strengthen in their faith in God, not just generally in belief. A believer is a whole, meaning - there is something. Here is a pole standing, here is the sky, the Earth, but faith in God requires feeding every day. But for this, not only the eyes must be open; the heart must be open and that's most important. But the heart can not believe for no particular reason. This is why the heart is given - to love, and Megre's books greatly help people love God. He brings this truth to people through Anastasia's words. There maybe some points at issue for theologians; someone may call it a hypothesis, but faith in God and, moreover, love to God is something that takes time to gain. But once you have it, it has no limits. And man becomes happy already in this world. And the books of Vladimir Megre help us with this.
Supreme Mufti of Russia Talgat Safa Tad-zhuddin
I know about Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars books for more than 8 years and I resonate with everything she says. I love her and her work. I will recommend your website to many people and if it is possible connect it to my soon to be created web site.
Pavlina Gogueva, USA
I want to do all I can to bring Anastasia's vision described in the Ringing Cedars series to fruition. There is nothing else that really measures up and I have been looking since 1974 in various ways and paths. My son is 4 now so I am anxious not to enroll him in the way of life that is only now falling away
J. G.
Of the books I have read so far in the Ringing Cedars series this is the most powerful. We see here that we can take back our power which we have given away thru various arms of our society. Anastasia gives us powerful prayers to reaffirm our divinity. I found this book very uplifting and enabling to be able to claim our own link with the divine in no uncertain terms.
It is interesting that the Chinese story of the Tao - Way of Nature that has been pioneered by millions of nature lovers for the past 8,000 years and I just want to add this to the Anastasia wave of loving and beautiful energy that I have discovered within the Ringing Cedars of Russia books..
Being more than half a century old myself, and a Chinese born in Malaysia and lived half of my life in Malaysia and half in other parts of the world including China, India, Europe and America, I found myself embracing both my Taoist Chinese cultural roots of love and respect for Nature as well as many diverse cultures and spiritual paths in the West. I have also been fortunate enough to live in many wonderful eco friendly and spiritual communities in India, China, Scotland and U.S.A. and truly there is a new wave of heart body mind spirit people coming together all over the globe.
Having practised the Tao all my life and being a teacher of teachers in this ancient art of Tai Chi and Chi Kung for the past 35 years, I am eternally always grateful every time I hear and read of stories of unique courageous and amazing wise beings like Anastasia coming forth to share the urgency of loving and respecting the creator and connecting that role to one's own co-creative position. My deepest respect also goes to Vladimir Megre too, your brave and intuitive sense of trust and devotion to your soul mate Anastasia is impeccable and admirable. Well done to you, you are a Warrior of Peace, Harmony and Love for humanity.
I do understand some of Vladimir's trials as an author. I do empathize with you when readers write to appreciate you as well as criticise you. I am also an author myself and recently shared in my two books '15 Ways to a Happier You - Tai Chi Chi Kung' and '37 Steps to Happiness - with an introduction to Aqua Tai Chi' - the urgency to return to Nature's wisdom and become a co-creator of beauty, health, joy and peace. I am grateful that it has already reached more than 150,000 readers and I am myself Director of my own School of Tai Chi Chi Kung here in Devon, where we have 5 acres of magnificent land. We have for the past 10 years been planting trees, and feeding the plants with beautiful energy of gratitude, love and peace. We also feed our students with the vegetables and healing herbs which we grow and so many people are healed of illness and stress every day. So, truly Vladimir, the most important fact are the positive and life enhancing results of the Ringing Cedars books and your work and to the people who are simply jealous, spiteful and suspicious, they really need to go and look in the mirror themselves to see how they can grow and change for the better. Life is short, there is so much to learn and so much to succeed in service to humanity, why waste one's energy attacking verbally or masquerading as Anastasia? There is only one Vladimir, there is only one Anastasia, there is only one unique ‘YOU', just as every single leaf, every golden ray of sunrise is fresh and new, let us celebrate all the special gifts and talents each person has been blessed with.
Truly, we are co-creators together. The ancient Chinese have its own Natural Wisdom that imparts the urgency for humanity to link the heavenly, human and earth energies together in a dance of oneness. I send you our Tai Chi Chi Kung greeting of energy, as Tai Chi means, the River of Energy which flows limitlessly, touching everyone and flowing with everyone.
I send you Vladimir, Anastasia and all the readers our love and gratitude, keep growing and keep glowing from your true Being.
Peter Chin Kean Choy,
Email: Peterchin2@btinternet.com
Website: www.rainbow-taichi.org.uk
I am reading the Ringing Cedars of Russia books and they really speak to my heart. They contain a message that brings you close to nature and at the same time help you understand what a magnificent creation Man is.
Regards, George Kelaiditis. Greece.
I have now read Book 8 Part I in german. Vladimir Megre describes his experience in the Taiga with Anastasiya, Grandfather, Wolodja, Animals and Nature so beautifully that for me, it was almost like "coming home " reading the book. My thank's to everyone who is contributing to bring Anastasiya's dream into the world and help us remember who we really are. I feel so blessed to be part of this great adventure - Thank you - Thank you- Thank you !!!
Petra, Yelm, WA, USA