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Books - English translations

Publisher: Ringing Cedars Press, Columbia, Missouri.
Titles & ISBNs: 1 - Anastasia (ISBN: 0-9763333-0-9); 2 - The Ringing Cedars of Russia (ISBN: 0-9763333-1-7), 3 - The Space of Love (ISBN: 0-9763333-2-5); 4 - Co-creation (ISBN: 0-9763333-3-3); 5 - Who are we? (ISBN: 0-9763333-4-1); 6 - The Book of Kin (ISBN: 0-9763333-6-8); 7 - The Energy of Life (ISBN: 0-9763333-7-6); 8 - The New Civilisation (ISBN: 0-9763333-8-4)

Anastasia. English translation. Book 1 of The Ringing Cedars Series The Ringing Cedars of Russia. English translation. Book 2 of The Ringing Cedars Series The Space of Love. English translation. Book 3 of The Ringing Cedars Series
Anastasia The Ringing Cedars of Russia The Space of Love
Co-creation. English translation. Book 4 of The Ringing Cedars Series Who Are We? English translation. Book 5 of The Ringing Cedars Series The Book of Kin. English translation. Book 6 of The Ringing Cedars Series
Co-creation Who are we? The Book of Kin
The Energy of Life. English translation. Book 7 of The Ringing Cedars Series The New Civilisation. English translation. Book 8 of The Ringing Cedars Series
The Energy of Life The New Civilisation

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