The role of holidays in society is often underestimated. We know how holidays are in the ordinary world, but it is important to realize that in ancient times, holidays provided an opportunity to quicken thought, to learn quickly, to gain joy for the coming workdays, to meet young people and exchange news. The time of vacations, public vacations and vacations can be used to strengthen the family and the energy of love in it.
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How can the free time of holidays be used for joint creativity and learning of children and adults? After all, when adults through a game, quizzes, master classes or common labor and creativity teach children, they simultaneously learn themselves. The family becomes more friendly, and people learn to empathize with each other and speed up their thinking.
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To make quality education available to all children of our like-minded friends and family, we need to make it interesting and accessible. Of course, nature hikes, excursions and master classes are important. But even on the bus you can play "Cities" or according to the rules of this game in birds, animals and plants to develop the child's brain and accustom him to enjoy learning. Many board games can be used to develop children. There is no contradiction with Anastasia's ideas here. Because not every day a city family can take the children to the village or to the forest. But play "MEMO" and talk about different animals and birds, quizzes can be played even while waiting in a movie theater or club. And at night you can play lullabies to your children and sometimes sing them yourself.
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Back in 2006 in the kin’s settlement Dobrosvet already existed “Memo for nursing mothers”: Their purpose is to develop interest in geography, history, and the ability to think quickly. To try to weave the child's education into the natural rhythm. Because one of the main problems of the city is that man is cut off from nature, and therefore he feels defenseless, lonely and weak.
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So, of course, excursions to nature or dacha are a way to combine learning with useful labor. After all, it is possible to sing songs and tell stories during the harvest, and quizzes, and on the way through the forest to study herbs. And you can have a conversation during the village labor - asked a question to the child and let him think and think and then compare answers. And you can also work - remove weeds and think about an interesting book or discuss a movie. "Reality is to be defined by oneself!" - but for this a person needs to learn to think independently and calmly. It is easier to teach this from childhood.
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Chess and checkers and other chess games help develop math ability. But actually develop those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech, and what is related to writing, and exact sciences. So even playing chess games occasionally is useful to make it easier for children to learn with the exact sciences in the future. In addition, almost everyone who plays chess well will be able to work as programmers and robotics engineers in the future, because there you need the ability to think logically and keep information in memory for a long time, and be able to intuitively sometimes find the right solutions. We know all the ways to accelerate thought from the books of Anastasia by Vladimir Megre.
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And it is also necessary to revive clubs in the cities, so that people in them really communicate and help to teach and bring up children, look for a job, share knowledge on how to keep love in the family. People need clubs to unite people for good deeds. Perhaps, then public life will be interested in the ideas from Vladimir Megre's books. Through clubs our children will get to know each other and maybe even find their soul mates.