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In 2011, Grigory and Daria Mayurov decided to leave behind a completely arranged life: highly paid jobs in the field of medicine, their own business, and a large city dwelling. Together with their two sons, they followed their dream and moved 80 km from the city of Irkutsk to a small village in order to create their own kin’s domain, or, as they sometimes call it, a family farm.
What made the family leave all the benefits of civilization and go to live in the forest? «In the first place, you can put the desire to have your own personal space, your own house, and garden,» says Grigory. The next reason is children. The Mayurovs are sure: for harmonious development, children should run a lot, play, and make noise. Time on the computer or tablet should be kept to a minimum, and the rest of the time should be dedicated to outdoor games, creativity, and learning. This is possible only if the family lives in the kin’s domain.
The move was almost spontaneous. Realizing that life in the city did not suit them at all, the family left for the village of Bathay, where Daria's parents had their own house. At first, the Mayurovs lived with older relatives, helping them take care of the apiary and sell honey via the Internet. But already in the same year they began to build their domain. This was largely facilitated by acquaintance with the ideas of Anastasia. At the time of the move, Grigory and Daria had not yet read the books of the Ringing Cedars. However, in July 2011 they came to visit the kin’s settlement «Ladoga». The Mayurovs immediately fell in love with the way of life in the settlement: friendly neighbors, holidays, joint work, happy children... Having read the books about the Ringing Cedars, the family immediately understood that they would build their own kin's domain.
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Gregory happily mastered new crafts for himself: he studied carpentry, because he realized that this skill would be needed when building a house. Daria helped her husband clear the area for the future house from bushes, located on a picturesque forest edge. During construction, the couple lived in a large camping tent with two rooms. They were not afraid of everyday difficulties, because they knew that they were moving towards their dream. Later they built a small temporary house. Simultaneously with the construction of the foundation of the main, large house, the Mayurovs plant seedlings of the future garden, because trees need up to 5 years to grow. They also planted shrubs: currants, honeysuckle, shadberry, and gooseberries. So that there was no need for fertilizers, the seedlings were mulched with grass.
In 2015, the family finally completed the construction of their own house. Then Gregory decided to create his own apiary. However, he made several mistakes, due to which 2 out of 4 bee families bought at the very beginning died - they did not have enough food in the winter. The first collection of honey was very small: the family ate almost all of it on their own, and some was given to friends and relatives. Gradually, however, Gregory learned how to properly care for the bees, and today his large apiary is one of the main sources of family income.
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The couple's third son was born in the new large house. At the same year, it was time for the eldest son to attend school. At first he went to school in a neighboring village, but his parents quickly noticed that teachers could not instill in him an interest in knowledge. Then Daria decided to transfer him to home education. Over time, Gregory joined her as another teacher. Today, the Mayurovs teach not only their children, but also the children of the neighbors. In their home school, studies are combined with sports: the day starts with jogging, and in between lessons the children do gymnastics.
Now the Mayurov kin’s domain is: 0.5 hectares of flowering gardens with fruit trees, a large apiary for 30 bee colonies, a spacious house, and a family school. By their example, the family shows that the path to a dream can be very long, but diligence and mutual assistance help to cope with any difficulties.
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