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M.F. Soloshchenko, E. N. Tulubaeva, 2009
A. V. Dyadigurov, Yuriy Vasilevich Ten, P. L. Meshalkina, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

D. Fedorov
Ph. D., Novosibirsk Russia, 2009

N. Filimonova Ph. D., Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 2009

V. Rezin Ph. D., Institute of Climatic and Ecological Systems Monitoring, Novosibirsk, Russia

M. M. Ignatenko, 1981

Associate Professor T. G. Petrova, Instructor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry T. V. Zvereva.

Taiga Magasine, 2006.

- Z. M. L., NSCA-CPT

- by Regina Jensen.

- Regina Jensen.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

- by Regina Jensen, Ph. D.

Interview for the newspaper Vecherki.

Siberian Cedar Essential Oils

Interesting historical facts and legends on Cedar

V.P. Zhuravlev

R. Bobrov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

General information on nutritional fact of Siberian cedar nuts

Links Across Space and Time.

Vasily Jirov:
What is today's sport elite thinking about?

Cedar the Healer
Siberian Cedar, Cedar wood, and their spiritual properties

Cosmetological properties:
Cosmetological properties of Cedar Oil produced by the original cold-pressing technology on wooden presses

Natural medicine:
The use of cedar nut oil in the treatment of gastritis....

Pranic healing:
Experimentation for determining the effect of cedar nut oil....

Natural medicine:
Therapeutic application of cedar nut oil in a group involved in the clean-up....

Feed back:
On the Siberian cedar products under trade mark "The Ringing Cedars of Russia"

The kin's settlement "Bogatyrskoe": what's new?

How much time does a kin's settlement need to develop infrastructure, establish an economic sphere, create good neighborly relations and start inviting guests, as well as to create their own projects? In "Bogatyrskoe" people know exactly the answer to this question! For several years we have been periodically writing about how this place is developing and we are surprised how a kin's settlement of 15 families "grew" into a large association of like-minded people before our eyes!

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?

-"Bogatyrskoe" is rich in creative people - composers, artists, and even painters live in the kin's settlement. They create joint projects, events, holidays, decorating the daily life of the kin's settlement. For example, the recent celebration of Kolyada, or the staging of a New Year's performance by Irina Krainer, a composer and performer who lives in the kin's settlement.

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?

Besides creativity, the settlers do not forget about sports. So, traditionally every winter and summer in "Bogatyrskoe" there is a sports family holiday. Residents of the kin's settlement love it not only for its health benefits, but also for the opportunity to strengthen traditional family values.

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?

The settlers consider the festival of native traditions “Zhiva” created by them to be a great achievement of recent years. This year the festival will be held for the fourth time. The program will include a lot of traditional activities and practices that are filled with health, restore strength and emotional balance, help to feel the support and roots.

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?

These are health-improving Slavic practices, needlework, crafts, decorative arts, amulets sewing, folk singing, ancestral practices, men's and women's circles, study of herbs, round dances and, of course, beautiful live music! In addition to the adult program there are creative and sports activities for children. The kin's settlement 'Bogatyrskoe' continues to develop, and the festival "Zhiva" is a vivid confirmation of this.

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?

The 'Bogatyrskoe' settlement has become an example of how collective labor and faith in a common cause can transform life in a small settlement of family estates, creating a comfortable atmosphere for everyone!

The kin's settlement Bogatyrskoe: what's new?


The kin's settlement "Russko-Vedovo"

The kin's settlement "Dobryanka"

Published by
Ringing Cedars of Russia
4300 Portsmouth Blvd 174
Chesapeake, VA, 23321, United States

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.
For Educational purposes only.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Used by permission.
© Copyright RingingCedarsofrussia.org

RingingCedarsofrussia.org assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

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