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- Poster - full-color 24 x 18 in (60 x 40 cm), full color, 100 lb. gloss paper. Order from Canadian Store
- Catalog. Visit online catalog for the full list of products, prices and promotions HERE
Results of Analisys and available Certificates on Cedar Nut Oil (Pine Nut Oil).
Articles about the Ringing Cedars Series or on subjects related to the books.
- N. A. Agadzhanyan, PhD, Professor, Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Scientific Research Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, 2011: Gastrointestinal Tract Program.
- Marina Fedorovna Soloshchenko, Interventional Radiologist, Head of the Department of Radiological Diagnosis, Municipal Hospital No. 5, 75 Zmeinogorsky Highway, City Barnaul, Russia; Dr. E. N. Tulubaeva, Pygmalion Centre for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation, Treatment and Diagnostic Centre of the Department of Neurology,
Altai State University of Medicine, 2009: Personal Use of Cedar Nut Oil
- A. V. Dyadigurov Pediatric Intensive Care Physician Physician of the Highest Category; Yuriy Vasilevich Ten Krai Chief Pediatric Surgeon Doctor of Medical Sciences Head of Surgery at the Altai Krai Clinical Children's Hospital; P. L. Meshalkina Obstetrician and Gynecologist, 2009: Siberian Gift - Cedar Nut Oil
Books in the Ringing Cedars Series have been translated into 20 languages and new translations appear every day. Below are the covers of some of the translations.
Bulgarian /
Croatian /
Czech /
Dutch /
English /
Estonian /
French /
Georgian /
German /
Hebrew /
Hungarian /
Italian /
Korean /
Latvian /
Lithuanian /
Macedonian /
Polish /
Romanian /
Russian /
Serbian /
Slovenian /
Books in the Ringing Cedars Series have been translated into 20 languages and new translations appear every day. Below are the covers of some of the translations.