We are at the turn of the new Age of Aquarius, where the restart of all fundamental processes begins, the world changes beyond recognition, and a new race of people is born - "Indigo".
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Modern dolmens will serve as an instrument of these changes, through which adults with full comprehension and consciousness will begin to be reborn into Indigo people, to become "Masters of their destinies".
Dolmens are mysterious constructions that appeared on our land more than ten thousand years ago. Scientists still can not unravel the mystery of these structures, which can not be analyzed from the point of view of modern science. They capture a magical anomalous power: in the boundary space of parallel worlds and time, the past, present and future are simultaneously connected.
We modern humans still have a down-to-earth consciousness.
In the last hundred years, science has made tremendous breakthroughs in the study of the human mind and yet, we are far from many aspects of how the brain works. There have been 175 perceptual errors in the perception of consciousness assessment and this is a scientific fact. Our brain is coded on a software basis and works at only ten percent, receiving electrical and biochemical signals, fitting us into the modern world around us.
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The dolmen will serve as a resonator of the whole brain. In the dolmen a closed field of radiation of very low sounding amplitude of oscillations is created, interaction of the alpha rhythm frequency with the brain. The human ear is not able to catch this sound. Shamans work on this frequency, putting themselves into a trance. In the dolmen the epiphysis will gradually begin to awaken and the brain will perceive the environment differently.
Our thoughts are reflected in the energy-information field of the earth, it is a certain unrecognized structure, which is in the invisibility of time and space. It contains all the information that is related to our planet. The information field records all the events that have already happened, will happen and are happening now.
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The dolmen is such an information field - energy is accumulated in it, which in time will be compacted to such a state that it starts to react with the energy of static electricity. Also in the dolmen there is an unexplained phenomenon in which creates an anomalous zone with altered gravity, with violated thermodynamics, curvature of space and time.
Time does not stand still, modern dolmens are built according to the proportions of cosmic and planetary balance and from the circumstances on Earth.
A dolmen works with the vibration of the soil on which it is installed. A dolmen is installed at the intersection of geological active zones (near the highway, on the seashore and in other places where there are micro-shocks and soil vibrations). The dolmen is also activated in bad weather, during wind and thunderstorms. The chamber of the dolmen works as a chamberpot, resonating low-frequency vibrations, amplifying and converting them into energy.
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A microclimate is created in the dolmen from the constituent components of the Ecololite material. The chemical formula, filled with microelements, inside the room will favorably affect health. Immunity is increased, internal organs and the work of the musculoskeletal system are restored. The psychological state will improve due to the health-promoting properties of the material, the clarity of consciousness will also increase. Chakra channels begin to work actively, energy flow will improve, biofield aura will be cleared of magical dirt, the etheric and astral bodies will be restored.
The best effect of recovery of the organism is reading prayers in a relaxed psychological state.
Before working with the dolmen it is necessary to pass a rehabilitation course and prepare yourself psychologically and physically. You need to work on yourself, correcting the mental body - the source of your thoughts. We come to this world to improve ourselves and correct mistakes from our past lives.
Ancestors were able to achieve such results, through pyramids and dolmens. The secrets of the past are the key to our future.
Modern man is not able to receive such knowledge directly, as our distant ancestors were able to do and see it - we see the world from disparate fragments, which we try to logically connect together.
Our ancestors left these architectural stone giants for the development of budhic synthesis plan, - analytical mind and thinking of our race, unified perception and entering the new world, in harmony with the planet and cosmos.
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Our weakness is that we have not learned to think like Atlanteans and we do not have enough knowledge to master the pyramids, but we will try to learn as much as possible about ancient dolmens.
Solving the mystery of the dolmen will allow mankind to make an unprecedented scientific and cultural breakthrough, where our time will seem like the Stone Age.
To date, dolmens have become a place of real pilgrimage. People there are elders and monks who tell the divine truth. After visiting the dolmens, the sick recover, unlucky people have good luck, and infertile women give birth to children. One does not have to wait long for good results.
Concentrated thought in a dolmen is the main weapon and power. Regardless of physical condition, age, religion, sex and race, it will not affect, and reflect on the purposeful mental concentration - you will achieve results. You are the teacher and the student, you will tune in to the energetic purity of the reality you want to create for yourself, and you will get exactly the version that your thoughts have been tuned to.
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Our ancestors have long wanted to reach our minds, and for this purpose they left clues all over the Earth - mysterious silent structures that have stood for thousands of years.
Perhaps, for the majority of people dolmens will remain only monuments of outstanding skill of ancient architects, but this majority will not be able to timely and analytically predict the course of events. In time, when they will see and understand the purpose of these constructions, it will be too late, the purpose and knowledge with the achievement of their perfection will remain their unattainable dream.
The only thing that worries me is that compared to the population of the earth, there will only be an enterprising small group of determined, purposeful discoverers who will have a huge advantage over the rest. Having gained strength, knowledge and power, it is unlikely that they will want to share power and further develop this direction, creating competition for themselves. What then our world will turn into, only God knows. Still, we want to hope and believe in the best.